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886b58  No.96567

Looking for explanations (with evidence), to explain why the Jews dispersed from Israel so many times, mainly the most recent one in history. Also, accounts and reasons as to why they were expelled from so many countries, primarily the more ancient ones. Thanks lads.

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da6bda  No.96573

They only had to go to Israel because Egypt kicked them out.

They were committing blood libel, spreading leprosy and ruined Egypt by flooding them with Hyksos.

Source: Apion

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55b50f  No.96576


The only things that have ‘changed’ in 6,000 years is our unwillingness to kill them for their crimes. It is interesting.

I have decided that humanity is not sentient.

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9d52ed  No.96637


And recently there's the gathering restriction with corona-chan, and jews didn't want to follow this and unsurprisingly, exchanged their corona stash.

As usual they complained and didn't want to follow rules.

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55abc3  No.96644


1. We have a fucking thread for this shit. Lurk for more than five seconds.

2. https://archive.org/details/TheCompleteListOfThe1030JewishExpulsionsInHumanHistory

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