Mounties ban Canadians from obtaining guns
>March 20 those who already had their PALs (Possession and Acquisition License) began stockpiling ammo:
>March 25 the Mounties publish a "recommedation" that the MANDATORY safety course needed to acquire a PAL stopped being offered to "prevent contamination
>March 31 the RCMP says they're suspended firearm license renewals
>as of now (unclear when they updated) FSESO (Firearms Safety Education Service of Ontario) is closed indefinitely at the instruction of the provincial government.
>1) even if you have a license, you can't renew it when it expires
>2) you can't apply for a license if you just passed the course
>3) you can't even take the course
I am raging at myself for having put this off and not having done this course and gotten a license and stockpiled a dozen rifles in a locker and trained my family to shoot, we're all fucked now.