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File: 389087b58962714⋯.jpg (29.9 KB, 142x182, 71:91, MOUNTY.jpg)

ea22ad  No.92490

Mounties ban Canadians from obtaining guns


>March 20 those who already had their PALs (Possession and Acquisition License) began stockpiling ammo:


>March 25 the Mounties publish a "recommedation" that the MANDATORY safety course needed to acquire a PAL stopped being offered to "prevent contamination


>March 31 the RCMP says they're suspended firearm license renewals


>as of now (unclear when they updated) FSESO (Firearms Safety Education Service of Ontario) is closed indefinitely at the instruction of the provincial government.


>1) even if you have a license, you can't renew it when it expires

>2) you can't apply for a license if you just passed the course

>3) you can't even take the course

I am raging at myself for having put this off and not having done this course and gotten a license and stockpiled a dozen rifles in a locker and trained my family to shoot, we're all fucked now.

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500ca5  No.92511

Most Canadians don't have guns, find your local warlord and make yourself appear like an attractive recruit. Even if your family shoots you won't beat the local warlord.

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81ffa7  No.92525


remember quantum immortality; at least to you, you're the main character. you got plot immunity. you can't experience death, so grab anything sharp or blunt and just kill niggers until you're feared. play for blood.

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ea22ad  No.92684


I need some advice on what skills I could develope in the meantime to make me useful to the local warlord.

I was also thinking of investing in crossbows since you don't (for now, though they're trying to change this…) need a license to buy/possess them as long as they fire under 500fps and are over 500 millimetres (50cm or 19 inches). Most I see in stores measure 100-200fps and are 30+ inches so well within regulation.


what if life isn't a single-player game and instead it's an MMO? Plus even single-player has limited lives and game-overs and the cartridge wears out.

>kill niggers

That should be my priority, eh rabbi?

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a3e769  No.92784


Anon, he's in Ontario. His local warlord is probably going to be the Chinese mafia or the arab with the most homemade bombs. That area is 100% FUBAR for the white race, and even if he tried to get in good with the future autocrats he would be exterminated as part of the üntermensch class.


Leaf if you want to live you either need to head south of the border and camp out in Idaho/North Dakota/Montana/etc. or you need to go really far north, until basically all that exists are you and bears and ice. If you can't into winter wilderness survival, then you should probably just come to burgerland, you can at least get some guns here and all the Leaf border states are nearly 100% white in the rural regions.

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81ffa7  No.92796


>what if life isn't a single-player game and instead it's an MMO?

it's a story. that's why major world-ending events never really occur, if a meteor hits the earth, everyone would die. but you can't experience the event where you'd die, so it won't happen.

>that should be my priority

>implying niggers and jews aren't basically the same

just dab on em all

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1593dd  No.92799


Check the corona survival thread for tips such as these: >>73540

Some good tips: bear spray, pepper spray guns, spiked bats or nail-driven 2x4s, homemade chemical weapons for water guns, chemical-based fire extinguishers can be used to blind and snuff combatants, you could take them by surprise bashing them across the head with a fire poker as someone suggested… many of the DIY weapons can easily maim and kill effectively but you unless you are very stealthy and kill first you won't match anyone with a gun.

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901a6d  No.92801


The rule of survival is this: if you can avoid a fight, do so, unless you absolutely need to fight for some reason. If you have to fight, think fast and don't hesitate to kill, typically it is the one who kills first without hesitation who survives. In other words don't underestimate your enemies, if you are threatened use whatever is available and make it count. At that point, you could collect anything that they have on them as survival aid. You might get lucy and find a gun in one of their pockets if you were to take them by surprise. Same goes for cops to (unfortunately), they often become prime targets by stealth attacks (marauders) who will strip them of their uniforms, badges and guns. Then they pose as officers and start looting others who are afraid of the law. This is what to expect when SHTF: trust no one, kill anyone.

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