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File: ea1cbbb65081cad⋯.jpg (410.74 KB, 1021x483, 1021:483, cvg_BANNER.jpg)

File: 201a4c4f05586b6⋯.jpg (67.02 KB, 746x960, 373:480, LiveLeak_dot_com_90467575_….jpg)

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ed6ea8  No.90624[Last 50 Posts]

A55PAIN #2 edition


Busy General so rules apply:

Off-topic, bait/spam/feeding bait, one liner, kiketube embeds subject to deletion at discretion.

<Thread is for virus related news, discussion and debate.

>Thread is not for: rehashing the same burger politics, nuke x, survival, decon or PPE and /k/ related questions every bread - please take that to /cvg/ survival bread linked below

</cvg/ survival bread


<Hollyjew blessing list


Please help keep this bread information-dense for highest quality.


Coronavirus update: 5xir Apr ‘20 (Sauce: BNODesk and other reports https://twitter.com/BNODesk)

(((Official))) current global bullshit numbers

- 1,266,723 blessings

- 69,210 dieded

- 37,347 srs cundushuns

- 262,140 (((silent recoveries)))

Coronalympics Medal Scoreboard As of April 5rd, 2020 (Sauce: BNO)

Bronze Gold Silver Jew Star

Burgers 331,044 9432 5727 12736

Asspain 130,759 12418 6861 38080

Pastaniggers 128,948 15887 3977 21815

Deutsches Reich 100,103 1559 2447 36270

Frogs 88,305 8078 6978 16183

Bug Hive 83,423 3329 295 77196

Eye-Ran 58,226 3603 4057 22011

Bongs 47,806 4934 N/A 135

Turkroaches 27,069 574 1381 1042

Switzerniggers 21,065 715 N/A 7298

Chocolateniggers 19,691 1447 1261 3751

Toothpaste/Negerlands 17,851 1766 1200 32

Leafs 15,358 277 84 2825

Asstria 11,963 204 244 2998

Poortugal 11,278 295 251 75

Brownzil 10,627 460 148 1

Worst Korea 10,237 183 N/A 6463

ISISrael 8,430 49 139 546

Sweden (yes) 6,830 401 429 N/A

Shitposters 5,687 35 76 757

Black Metal 5,687 71 89 N/A

Ivan 5,389 45 N/A 355

Potatoniggers 4,994 158 25 N/A

LegoLand 4,550 179 153 3

Checked Republic 4,543 67 87 0

Chile 4,471 34 142 0

/Pol/and 4,102 94 N/A 207

Gypsyniggers 3,864 151 119 374

Nips 3,858 93 60 514

Malaysia 3,662 61 99 1005

Ecuador 3,646 180 128 100

Pooperpower 2020 3,578 89 N/A 280

Flips 3,246 152 N/A 64

Richfagbourg 2,804 36 35 241

Pakishitters 2,880 45 18 170

Saudi Kikerabia 2,402 34 N/A 488

Llamaniggers 2,281 83 81 989

Indoniggers 2,273 198 N/A 150

Ladyboyland 2,169 23 12 674

Kebab Removalists 1,908 51 49 N/A

Mexishitters 1,890 79 17 35

Spurdoland 1,927 28 65 10

Panamaniggers 1,801 46 75 13

Sandnigger Emirates 1,799 10 N/A 144

Dominigger Republic 1,745 82 N/A 17

Oliveniggers 1,673 68 103 52

Boers 1,655 11 4 45

Queertar 1,604 4 N/A 123

Chori 1,451 44 N/A 266

Vikings 1,486 4 12 428

Cokelombia 1,485 35 N/A 88

Algeria 1,320 152 N/A 61

Singapoor 1,309 6 25 320

Ukrainiggers 1,308 37 N/A 28

Croatia 1,182 15 39 125

Estonedia 1,097 15 20 59

Pyramidniggers 1,070 71 N/A 241


• Floating Petri Dish: Blessings are not included in the Nip government’s official count. 380 of the 696 were asymptomatic. 14 are Burgers whose test results weren’t known until they left the petri-dish. The total does not include 3 employees of Nip’s Health Ministry and 1 staff member of Nip Diet Secretariat, all of whom were infected while working on the petri dish. It does also not include fucktards who tested positive upon returning home: 45 in burgerland, 10 in Shitpostingland (one of whom dieded), 4 in Bongistan, 5 in Hong Kong, 3 in ISISrael, and 2 in Animeland.

• Legoland: The total includes 181 cases in the Faroe Islands.

• Frogs includes 17,827 confirmed and suspected blessings among residents at pre-proto-oldfag homes. The breakdown for confirmed and suspected blessings has not been released.

• Frogs includes Guadeloupe, Saint Barthélemy, Saint Martin, French Guiana, Martinique, Mayotte, and Réunion. It does not include French Polynesia, which is listed separately.

• The United Bongistan includes Bongs, Wales, Northern Ireland, and Scotland. Jersey, Guernsey, the Isle of Man, and the Tax Haven Islands are listed separately.


Previous Threads


Previous Threads



Thread 045 Archive: http://archive.is/iETnY

Thread 046 Archive: http://archive.is/Wm3df

Thread 047 Archive: http://archive.is/xhKhI

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daad25  No.90625

File: a4942359e86942e⋯.png (1.26 MB, 720x900, 4:5, Corona_Chan_shrine_art.png)

The Coronian Cult welcomes you to /cvg/ 48

Coronian Thought for this thread:

>The only tears a cultist should shed are ones of joy.

Coronian Message for this thread

Remember to never underestimate the power of your love and faith for Corona-Chan.

You, my fellow cultist, have more influence than you might imagine.

Hone your psychic abilities and take control of the energy that flows within your body, mind and soul!

Worry not about the unbelievers, blasphemers, heretics, shills, nothingburgerfags and hoaxniggers, for they have already been taken care of.

In due time, they will all fall down, to never rise up again. Stay safe, good luck in the global collapse and enjoy the thread.

Corona-Chan and her cult loves all of you!

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e51308  No.90626


Apollo fucking cleanse you, degenerate cultists.

You hope too much, to think that the gods have ever been on our side. Why would anything get better, when it can just get worse?

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0a2778  No.90628

Who wants to /suicidepact/ with me?

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ed6ea8  No.90629


>normalfags, niggers and kikes dying isn't good

>ayo nuffin iz gud ynowutimsayin

Fuck off asses and elgoys go spam another thread

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29fd4d  No.90630

File: 44c8fb1e90da226⋯.png (364.42 KB, 1460x820, 73:41, Legend_of_the_Galactic_Her….png)

File: 02a1d6bbaf8f5dc⋯.gif (329.77 KB, 500x364, 125:91, 02a1d6bbaf8f5dca1721e4450e….gif)

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e51308  No.90632


Meh, I'll post how I wish. I'm right and you know it.



As one of the most demoralized anons ever, even I haven't thought about suicide at this point. This is THE FUCKING HAPPENING!

If you're going to die, why not watch and try to see how long the ending is? You paid for the ticket, you might as well ride until the wheels fall off.


Trumpniggers are just kike-a-likes. That red splatter over the country means nothing if you don't Name. The. Jew.

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7caea4  No.90634


>blue is where the coof is

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7caea4  No.90635

File: 7316a841dfe0960⋯.jpg (23.76 KB, 550x91, 550:91, Screenshot_20200405_155226….jpg)

Coronachan, wtf ru doing?

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e51308  No.90637


Correct. The fruits of liberalism are coming home to roost. And when the last bit of "awakening" people attempt to flee the cities, they will carry the coof out into the red areas. It's a plague, it doesn't respect political boundaries. If people are still smoking the Hopium and ZOG hasn't collapsed into feuding warlords, it's going to get everywhere.

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e51308  No.90639


Not yet. It'll have to wait until entire towns start shutting down because banks are run by greedy jews who want to forclose on everyone who didn't take the trumpniggerbux to keep their tourist business afloat when the quarantine gets extended.

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7caea4  No.90641


I bought a 10/22. I'm ready for 'em!

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da508d  No.90644


I live in a major city that's a hotspot. It's not going to collapse. Stop believing the hype. We are being manipulated. The hospitals are empty. My healthcare friends and family have all gone home due to lack of work. If this was truly a collapse causing pandemic you'd think they would have all hands on deck. Guess they don't need the extra EMTs and nurses. The people pushing this agenda are people we have never trusted before. Why do we trust them now? Is the virus bad? Ya probably. Will it fuck you up? Maybe, but so will the flu if it's bad enough. Is it worth shutting everything down and destroying whatever freedom we had left? I don't think so.

All I am saying is please, consider the other angles to this thing. I know we all want happenings to shoot city faggots and niggers. But we can't put the blinders on. I'm seeing so many people post articles here like they are truth. Not even doing the basic research to see they are written by a kike SJW fag.

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daad25  No.90648

File: db1512496c6850a⋯.mp4 (4.57 MB, 616x1280, 77:160, Angry_Ecuadorians_enter_a_….mp4)

File: 846ab176a248d6d⋯.png (180.23 KB, 604x543, 604:543, ruh_roh.png)

File: f5a823e3c666132⋯.png (78.55 KB, 599x433, 599:433, infected_tigers.png)

File: 36ff40ae1da4401⋯.png (156.86 KB, 455x642, 455:642, he_dead.png)

File: 6278c48c2192190⋯.png (190.05 KB, 503x617, 503:617, New_Orleans_death_rate.png)

Angry Ecuadorians walk past the guards and the barriers at a closed location, either a morgue or a cemetery. https://archive.vn/tCbAY

NYC running out of common medicine https://archive.is/AmcnB

Boris Johnson was taken to an hospital


New Orleans has an higher death rate than NYC https://archive.vn/jWzNL


You should consider sticking around if you're white, great things are coming.


Unfortunately, it seems her physical form can easily infect felines. There were reports of a symptomatic house cat, and now these tigers and lions. May Corona-Chan have mercy on those big cats.

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ed6ea8  No.90653


Another anon and myself warned chordidae are vulnerable and here you go… this will happen more and more. My main concern is common birds and rats spreading it, then you have a contamination nightmare at home even rurally.

Hopefully it doesn't spread much that way and isn't active or of concern in animals.. who knows.

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2037b9  No.90656

File: 8f1c1c15a579f4c⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 410.54 KB, 703x486, 703:486, checkcolors2.png)

Hello everyone !

Have a nice current year !

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3c539d  No.90674


That is crazy! Look how tightly she is gripping her hands together. Look at how white her knuckles are…that woman is on the verge of losing her shit in that photo.


It will spread to anything that has ACE II receptors. I think we went over most of that between thread 7-11. There is no stopping our girl. The only reason why people don’t know more about this is because who would think to test fucking zoo animals (obviously we test niggers) but I meant animals that were inside a cage (I guess we test niggers in prison too). So animals that are not niggers or nigger mongrels.

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ed6ea8  No.90675

I'm deleting you schizo faggots OT shit. Keep posting and wasting your time. Keep it up longer and you will get time out.

Weekend breads I don't care if you shitpost or OT, I understand you need 'an outlet'. During the week asses elgoys and other attention fags you will not be getting attention in this thread - aka fuck off or keep on topic.

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Post last edited at

3c539d  No.90677


Remember the Louisiana article about the roving rats now that Bourbon Street restaurants are closed they have no food source? Maybe this is why NOLA is being hit so hard. The rats are already spreading it. Man just one more reason not to live in the cities or suburbs.

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701126  No.90678


> My healthcare friends and family have all gone home due to lack of work

I have a hard time believing that part. Everyone I know in healthcare is getting more hours and working even more, and I don't even live in a "hot spot" area. I do agree the cities probably won't collapse the some anons are fantasizing about though. It's going to kick off major economic catastrophe around the world and tens of millions unemployed. Still going to be a huge game changer but I don't know if we'll see giant chimpenings, all indication is crime and violence are actually down in cities right now because the nigs are at least chimping less.


>Boris Johnson was taken to an hospital

This idiot deserves it more than most for going full retard "herd immunity" then doing a full 180 and getting it himself because he didn't act in time.


>That is crazy! Look how tightly she is gripping her hands together. Look at how white her knuckles are…that woman is on the verge of losing her shit in that photo.

Anon she's also a zillion years old, I think you may be reading a bit much into it.

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e7db32  No.90679


My uncle's patient had CV, and he died. Then my uncle developed CV symptoms and then he died two days ago. NY is fucking swamped. They are sending text message alerts to all medical personnel and graduating all medical students early to try to fight this thing. Most of my family in NY are in the Healthcare field as doctors, surgeons, nurses, or physicians assistants. This is the happening.

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daad25  No.90681

File: 18051215b3de1f1⋯.jpg (104.09 KB, 1258x699, 1258:699, these_are_bullshit_numbers….jpg)

File: 8aa77e333a1f690⋯.mp4 (4.49 MB, 720x720, 1:1, Corona_Chan_prison_riots_i….mp4)

File: a3cc02581a00e96⋯.mp4 (2.23 MB, 640x352, 20:11, Ukrainian_doctors_arriving….mp4)

File: a7c5c0157751e06⋯.jpg (1.55 MB, 2560x1920, 4:3, Ecuadorian_indians_closing….jpg)

File: a1f71ddb6387207⋯.jpg (141.31 KB, 1040x780, 4:3, Ecuadorian_indians_closing….jpg)

Brownzilian bullshit numbers have been updated

>11.130 confirmed symptomatic hues

>486 confirmed deaths

Regional Breakdown: 651 cases and 19 deaths in the north, 1880 cases and 78 deaths in the northeast, 6678 cases and 351 deaths in the southeast, 708 cases and 12 deaths in the mid-west and 1213 cases and 26 deaths in the south.

Reminder that those numbers are complete baloney and actually much higher, MinHealth is not counting asymptomatic cases and reporting all numbers being put out by state health departments, and those health departments are also doing their own cover ups. There's also a lack of testing kits making hospitals turn people with Corona-Chan's symptoms away until their situation turns critical and not all deaths caused by her symptoms are being tested posthumously.

Corona-Chan motivated prison riots in Batman, Roachland. Political prisoners rioting over not being released like the common inmates


Cheeki Breeki doctors arriving in Pastaland https://archive.is/mGxmc

Ecuadorian indians closing roads that lead to their villages It's like Chinkland all over again


>Another anon and myself warned chordidae are vulnerable and here you go

Yeah, every time I see those news of animals getting infected, I remember you guys, you were were right about this.

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76bf65  No.90685

File: 4f7cfa576008a19⋯.png (288.44 KB, 371x313, 371:313, ClipboardImage.png)


>lyins and tigers and virii oh my

What makes a king out of a slave? Courage! What makes the flag on the mast to wave? Courage! What makes the elephant charge his tusk in the misty mist, or the dusky dusk? What makes the muskrat guard his musk? Courage! What makes the sphinx the seventh wonder? Courage! What makes the dawn come up like thunder? Courage!

Fear not you vapid thot.

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76bf65  No.90689

File: 9edc801ac958c32⋯.png (1.39 MB, 1222x975, 94:75, LUV_WINS_BICH.png)



I empathize. My cousin was at Sandy Hook.

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13d3cf  No.90691


>Tom Hanks and Rita Whoever

>Idris Elba and Sabrina Whoever

>Daniel Dae Kim

>Andy Cohen

>Debi Mazar

>Colton Underwood

>Matt Doyle and Max Whoever

>Greg Rikaart

>Harvey “Disease Vector” Weinstein

>Kristofer Hivju

<Patricia Bosworth (heil Corona-chan)

>Indira Varma

>Olga Kurylenko

<Terrance McNally (heil Corona-chan)

>Rachel Matthews

>Placido Domingo

>Laura Bell Bundy

>Aaron Tveit

>Kaylee Hartung

>Brooke Baldwin

>Chris Cuomo

>Sophie Trudeausomething

>Yaakov Litzman (more like this)

>Prince Charles

>Boris Johnson

>Matt Hancock

>Nadine Dorries

>Peter Dutton

>Franck Reister

>Rand Paul

>Quim Torra

>Pere Aragones

>Masoumeh Ebtekar

>Francis Suarez

>Begona Sanchezsomething

>Karl von Habsberg

>Prince Albert II

<Antonio Nonato Lima Gomes (heil Corona-chan)

>Mario Diaz-Balart

>Ben McAdams

>Joe Cunningham

>Mike Kelly

>Charlotte Lawrence

<Manu Dibango (heil Corona-chan)

>Mwana FA

>David Bryan

>Lucian Grainge

>Andrew Watt

>Natalie Horner

<Joe Diffie (heil Corona-chan)

>Kalie Shorr

>Sincere Show

<Ellis Marsalis Jr (heil Corona-chan)

>Slim Thug


>Marianne Faithfull

>Jackson Browne

>Ray Benson

<Adam Schlesinger (heil Corona-chan)

>James Dolan

>Rudy Gobert

>Donovan Mitchell

>Christian Wood

>Kevin Durant

>Jason Collins

>Marcus Smart

>Sean Payton

>Mikel Arteta

>Jason Collins

>Kozo Tashima

>Paolo Dybala

>Eliaquim Mangala

>Daniele Rugali

>Timo Hubers

>Trey Thompkins

<Lorenzo Sanz (heil Corona-chan)

>Hyun-Jun Suk

>Luca Kilian

>Omar Colley, Albin Ekdal, Manolo Gabbiadini, Antonino La Gubina, Morten Thorsby, Amedo Baldari

>Blaise Matuidi

>Callum Hudson-Odoi

>Fernando Gaviria

>Dmitry Strakhov

>Paolo Maldini, Daniel Maldini

>Ariel Charnas

<Ken Shimura (kokoro awaseyo Corona-chan)

>Michael Yo

<Jenny Polanco (heil Corona-chan)

>Jeff Shell

<Floyd Cardoz (heil Corona-chan)

>Jeanne Kapela

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b4f0ae  No.90693

Whoa, 8kun erasing my post? Free speech my ass! Damn grow a pair already you fuck'n faggots. That vid. was hilarious and you know it! Normalfag and bluepilled you mother fuckers! You'll erase this too huh!?

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ed6ea8  No.90698


>roving four legged jews

Damn good point, animal behavior has changed lots since this hit…

Got me wondering if there is a rat population density graph… can't find any like population density just 'related callouts'. But typically they are concentrated in the city with the two legged rats so it's a given they will closely correlating with population density.


The only silver lining is maybe the virus isn't very active or fatal in such animals or able to spread. Otherwise biodiversity is at risk and even homesteading would become highly risky at this point - nowhere will be safe!! This is really fucking bad news. That was my worst fear and slowly things are (maybe) edging further that way, holy fuck.

Even bunker kikes aren't going to make it if that happens, they can't live there forever unless they are /sudpol/-tier and can get 'to the other side' as they have finite resources typically.


>hollyjew blessing list

Thanks anon, will update next OP :)


>(((1))) IP kike

<wut are you fags doing in quarantine

<is usa dead yet

You are pissed by not being able to dilute the thread with your bullshit questions.

p.s. if you had a post history it would be possible to see if you are just shitting the board up or genuine. Think about it for a second, retard. If you think torkiking charmfagging will stop you getting pwned via hardware backdoors you are a fucking retard.

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9d3880  No.90700

Reminder to all halfchan niggers to go back you bring down the threads.

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d912dc  No.90701

File: 6c949a7e888962b⋯.jpeg (148.09 KB, 1220x1182, 610:591, B8265413_0AF6_478B_B6A4_0….jpeg)

Ride Share 2: Electric Boogaloo

Please kill the high beams and stay off my ass.

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9d3880  No.90703


Head back to cuck chan you dont belong here

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5d01c8  No.90705


I wish I could go out when the streets are completely empty. Things are much cozier with less people around.


Thanks doc

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81f2b7  No.90707



>If I repeatedly reply to the same post, that means I'm serious!

Are you high or are you just stupid?

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9d3880  No.90711


I lol’d. I wish I could become as chad as the scared lion

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d96220  No.90713

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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9d3880  No.90715


>get fucked by your lazy broker

>get fucked by a crooked contractor

>get fucked by another crooked contractor

>get fucked by banks

Lewis gets fucked every way possible. Is that just because he lives in (((New York))) or is that standard practice as a small business owner?

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43bfcf  No.90716

File: c077bf5449585c8⋯.gif (773.11 KB, 500x565, 100:113, see_ya_fag.gif)

File: 95eae6acc7f47e2⋯.jpg (94.81 KB, 1024x715, 1024:715, the_old_world_will_pass_aw….jpg)


I've been making another playlist. This theme is "Fuck Normalfaggots / Hail Corona-chan's NEETs, Incels, and Other Losers"

Fuck Normalfaggots / Hail Corona-chan's NEETs, Incels, and Other Losers - The Playlist - Songs about the outcast of society and being the NEETS who saw what was coming to all normalfaggots. Feel free to suggest additions, removals, synergizing with OP, ways to make this 8kun friendly, etc.





>Roach Riots

I give them 2-3 weeks before Turkey collapses and Egrodan is kicked, barring something going on between Russia, Syria, (((Those People))), etc.


Bye! Don't forget your My Little Pony dolls on the way out! :)

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ea5fa7  No.90717

File: 71be10e6c696c7d⋯.png (1.5 MB, 3139x1766, 3139:1766, Chinese_Virus_4th_April.png)

File: adb9109998671eb⋯.png (1.03 MB, 2921x1505, 2921:1505, Chinese_Virus_America_4th_….png)

I'm exhausted, sorry for lateness.

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d96220  No.90719

File: 8d596a48f072615⋯.webm (5.84 MB, 616x1280, 77:160, Mar_31_Man_in_Ecuador_col….webm)

File: e667b1964bcdedd⋯.webm (2.74 MB, 220x400, 11:20, Ecuador_ICU_bodies.webm)

File: 2d1d37fb058e611⋯.webm (1.91 MB, 1280x520, 32:13, Pajeet_suffocating.webm)

File: db9787dd4098ceb⋯.webm (5.45 MB, 368x640, 23:40, Mar_31_Hunan_rent_protest….webm)


>Is that just because he lives in (((New York))) or is that standard practice as a small business owner?

I'm guessing it's both.

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ea5fa7  No.90720


I see we have a disciple of the pp3v42 g hot club in the thread.

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7caea4  No.90721

File: cdbac35c150059e⋯.jpg (96.2 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 20200405_173159.jpg)


Reminder MLP people h8 Carebears.

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c8bf7b  No.90722


Okay, someone better make an Animal ARK ASAP- meat's about to go off the menu permanently- ready yourself for soy and bugfood for life.

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ea5fa7  No.90723

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ea5fa7  No.90724

File: b7608a8e03e9b25⋯.png (611.54 KB, 678x1685, 678:1685, Cats_and_dogs_do_catch_CHI….png)

File: 6e3d6757fa66199⋯.png (994.06 KB, 593x1473, 593:1473, China_29_March_News.png)


I submitted an empty post, my arms can barely move and I'm working from home tomorrow, it's all so tiresome.

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d96220  No.90725

File: d7ac3e80c358cb6⋯.mp4 (2.2 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, Chink_eats_rat.mp4)

File: 00578211063a8af⋯.mp4 (3.07 MB, 368x640, 23:40, Chink_eating_chicken.mp4)


Well, I mean, just don't eat it raw

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7caea4  No.90726


Yep, coronaviruses are super weak, very easy to cook out of food.

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7caea4  No.90727

Though, it would be nice if meat prices were lower, so it would be a good meme that meat is tainted, that way meat would be cheap for those of us in the know.

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c8bf7b  No.90728


Except if this shit starts to kill animals, mutates into a worser animal-human strain, ruins certain species/extinctions, or remains in meat (Makes it to swine and mutates through the shit that can last in pigmeat)

And of course, all the animals those animals mingle with picking it up.

Soy, Worms, and the brain eating parasites they carry evolving to take on human hosts, here we go!

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ea5fa7  No.90729


It doesn't work like that, I remember mad cows disease in the 90's. Millions of healthy livestock were burnt because of reputational damages.

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7caea4  No.90730


Yeah, but the mutation will take years. So, in the meantime, stock up, nigga.

>buy a whole home generator

>buy a couple+ freezers for meat

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ed6ea8  No.90732


Happy to add in OP if anons want it. TBH Miss NBA would like that music more than I kek.

>roach riots

Had completely forgot about those subhumans. That'll be great they sound like dogs when they riot, kek.


>awesome Anon OC map stats

I need to put this in OP finally, your efforts are great, Anon. Your confirmed vs deaths graph always gets me thinking, in fact it's one of the most telling of all.. when more countries are overloaded in coming weeks it'll be interesting to see how the red line goes - already awfully close… Get a good rest!

P.s. would love to see a recovery vs death rate graph one day ;) Up to you!



Man things are getting bad there but still relatively quiet in your area which suprises me. I guess few weeks away from the full shebang. I hope like fuck your net stays up and you stay alive during this!!!


>Soy, Worms, and the brain eating parasites they carry evolving to take on human hosts, here we go!

Thanks for the lovely thoughts, kek. I hope this shit doesn't continue to get worse and it only targets normalfags and non-whites (yeah wishful thinking I know). >>90730 This is probably right. Isolating outdoor animals will be a nightmare. Basically you are stuck rearing stuff in barns if this gets worst case AND you have to have rat proof enclosures. Being very proficient at rat-proofing places I can tell you it takes years of learning and is not easy. If anyone wants tips on this ask a question in survival bread and link me it here as part of another post.. cheers

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76bf65  No.90734

File: 6bea531495b56c2⋯.png (2.01 MB, 1589x1442, 227:206, ClipboardImage.png)


Nice list keep it up. Diffie's wife was younger than him inherited a cool 30M. He recently wrote a song that smoking cigarettes will kill him

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d96220  No.90735


It also can't spread through your stomach, it needs to go into your lungs to have a chance at entering the bloodstream. So eating it raw might not even get you sick. If there is any concern, you can always cook your food before eating it.


Microorganisms generally tend to mutate into becoming more mild, not more deadly. This is due to the simple fact that a dead host is not very useful for spreading, as a result of which deadly strains will burn themselves out by naturally selecting themselves out of the gene pool. It can always get worse in the short-term but there is always a stronger tendency for milder symptoms in the long-term. They might stay at a certain level of lethality but killing the host does bring pretty huge drawbacks. Especially when it comes to humans, since humans can alter their environment fairly drastically.

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7caea4  No.90736

File: 65cedefe5ffa908⋯.jpg (144.03 KB, 604x456, 151:114, Screenshot_20200405_175235….jpg)

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ed6ea8  No.90738

File: e5573e0d7017992⋯.png (337.89 KB, 634x490, 317:245, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3e1741496cbca5e⋯.png (96.04 KB, 638x530, 319:265, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 25d49affff479de⋯.png (166.18 KB, 540x618, 90:103, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 047631f92a61fdc⋯.png (664.89 KB, 640x480, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

>>90677 (belated kek dubs checked)

>four legged jews

Here is some more burger data

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503960  No.90741


Piruibe is in the state of São Paulo

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6dd33c  No.90743


When I put my five year old son to bed today he asked me "Why did the Chinese have to be so dirty!?"

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da508d  No.90749

File: 9f639b62d7af6ab⋯.png (279.5 KB, 681x461, 681:461, 9f639b62d7af6abf9729f92447….png)


>Good Things Don't Happen

That's actually where I think you are wrong. Things were actually improving for people like us. There was an overton shift occurring. You really think this is going to help? It's going to be a 7-step back type of happening. Also a "good monarchy" in America or Europe? Really. You think that could actually happen? This is how I know you haven't gone outside to talk to a NPC/Normie about this happening. Do you get it yet? Those fantasies aren't going to happen. This is why we are all locked down, it's to pull us back. Not forward.


The only person I know working more is an ER nurse and she's pretty busy with CV people. However, I went to check out my closest hospital here. It's one of the busiest trauma centers in the nation because they get a bunch of stabbings/gunshot wounds from around the greater area. Absolutely dead inside. The ICUs aren't full and ERs aren't totally swamped yet. Just busy. She told me most people with CV come in and then get sent home because they don't need to be hospitalized. Some come back and need a ventilator. Doesn't sound great but doesn't sound like it warrants a complete shutdown.

West Coast USA. Lots of people going outside and walking. You'll know this is a nothingburger virus when in 2-3 weeks it's still the same status quo despite everyone actively ignoring the soft martial law. Again, the other nurses, paramedics, and EMTs I know are basically doing nothing. All of the "overflow" tents outside the hospitals are empty. No one on any of the local social media knows someone with CV that is actually in a hospital.


That's terrible. I'm sorry your uncle died with the 6 gorgillion others in the empty NY hospitals.

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d96220  No.90750

File: 4f99604b9df3978⋯.webm (5.79 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Wang_Gang_s_bamboo_rat.webm)


It is known that there are multiple strains running around. One which is the bioweapon and one which the chinks made as a weaker form to infect themselves with to build immunity before they get the real one. Good luck figuring out which one is which. There's probably more but these are the two that are widely talked about among doctors. Except maybe the bioweapon part, since they are simply too cucked and too financially invested to openly admit this.

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7caea4  No.90751

Lads, Jennifer Zeng is cyber-begging. :|

Look, I don't even have a job, can one of you job fags send her some money?


no he didn't.


I saw a bird dive at a guy at walmart. They're starving, lads.


the coronavirus that's now a "cold" is probably the black death


It does work, if you know how to take advantage of the situation. Cheap fucking prices.

>NBA edited this sperger.

Don't mind contributions, do mind spamming multiple single line posts

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6dd33c  No.90752


He did. He's never met a real chinese person. We don't have minorities here.

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7caea4  No.90753


Nah, they have all the strains published. There are no surprises, across strains. They are all descendants, in time, from the Wuhan patient zero (who might not have been in Wuhan, and might not have even been in hubei).

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81f2b7  No.90755


>being retarded

Have a free (you)

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ed6ea8  No.90757


Anon, i've already collated some of your posts. You are 1/5th of the fucking thread. STFU or multi-reply. This isn't your fucking blog. I appreciate your contributions but not







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7caea4  No.90759

The good news is, israel is entering hell harder than any nation on Earth, beating out Wuhan.

Israel did the stupidest shit ever, and that's why it's happening. israel brought in hundreds of planeloads of kikes from infected regions. But kikes live in the poorest neighborhoods, and have little resistance to coronachan. They mega fucked up. Like so far beyond imagination fucked up. It's hard to imagine how an adversary could have done them worse. I can't think of a way, actually. At least in terms of coronachan.


Cool alias, dumb glow bro.

>NBA edit

compiling more schizo shit (not for long they will get a holiday soon)

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4bd422  No.90761

File: 218032951ca67f5⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 11.63 KB, 208x242, 104:121, 218032951ca67f553fca3b67c1….jpg)


>she fucks animals too

Our girl is the dirtiest slut in the history of viruskind, isn't she?

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701126  No.90763


>You'll know this is a nothingburger virus when in 2-3 weeks it's still the same status quo despite everyone actively ignoring the soft martial law.

Maybe, but the economic damage is going to be real and tangible.

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d96220  No.90768

File: 272176035f6f748⋯.png (673.93 KB, 800x859, 800:859, Jews_shitting_on_art_stude….png)


They are obviously not going to give away the harmless version they are immunising themselves with and the immune aren't going to start taking going to the hospital to be tested.


Israel was also working on a vaccine before the outbreak even started, which they explain away as a mere cohencidence.

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7caea4  No.90770

File: ff2e2dcb9d6db6f⋯.jpg (36.79 KB, 650x122, 325:61, Screenshot_20200405_181203….jpg)

china is making a huge mistake as well. People have been allowed to go to tourist spots (chinese tourists engaging in tourism in china). But look at this bit of information. Now, lockdowns shouldn't be ended until this basic info is known, and, if there's a problem, mitigations are in place. It would explain the invisible spread. It would spread this way from symptomless party to symptomless party for some time, before finding a Typhoid Mary.

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7caea4  No.90772


There's no "version". It's all the same one, just with natural mutation (which is an effective dating method). If they found an unusual variant it would hit the headlines instantly.

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7caea4  No.90775

File: 00dca3b8370db09⋯.jpg (168.4 KB, 591x508, 591:508, Screenshot_20200405_181746….jpg)

>She comes back.

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ed6ea8  No.90776

File: b9ea398076218f6⋯.jpg (248.59 KB, 1200x897, 400:299, sequencing_data_28th_feb_t….jpg)

File: 3adcac3bd284f7c⋯.png (462.25 KB, 731x866, 731:866, sequencing_data_28th_feb_t….png)

File: 6f3246c2eb51fe7⋯.png (366.75 KB, 2357x886, 2357:886, sequencing_data_28th_feb_t….png)

File: a231000188446e1⋯.jpg (240.84 KB, 1176x2048, 147:256, sequencing_data_28th_feb_t….jpg)


>If they found an unusual variant it would hit the headlines instantly.

<national security topics always hit the headlines

<accuses NBA of being a chink

<thinks there are no variations

Not only are you schizo you don't know shit and are covering up for CCP, deaf fag.

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7caea4  No.90779


??? That wasn't at all what just happened. You really are the chink.

I recognize the extreme sort of "throwing down the gauntlet insensibly" routine. It's abnormal. Real humans are never like you are, even autists, etc.

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7caea4  No.90782

Disinfo is so interesting. I have not stopped being fascinated by it. I wonder if anybody is stupid enough to fall for the clumsy chink propaganda, though. It seems too shitty for people to fall for it, but dunno.

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da508d  No.90784

File: 269db5f270cc7a3⋯.png (160.2 KB, 475x477, 475:477, 21f1d2126b496fa404e76cb982….png)


Oh that is very much true. I do not doubt that for a second that the only truths we have are the economic damage and the (((laws))) that will be put in place. Which is why I'm skeptical of this whole thing. Virus is real I'm sure, but it's just an excuse to go soft martial law to push (((agendas)))


Really? Because I could go into a store with normies 3-4 months back and hear them pushing against Jewish agendas. People were becoming skeptical of the whole system. Now they've gone way back and trust everything from TV now. People weren't as willing to take it up the ass 6 months ago. It was still bad don't get me wrong, but it was improving. Now control measures will be put in place so things will never improve. Congratulations, your miserable hopeless mindset will be an endless reality. Aside from that, people you could still find some enjoyment months ago in the small things in life. That isn't going to happen anymore. The small enjoyments will be gone. It will be 24/7 survival.

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4ea150  No.90788

File: 786c93578c5e95b⋯.png (980.35 KB, 1200x600, 2:1, 1585007354898.png)

How likely is this going to be a civilisation ender?

How long we thinking quarantine will last before shit returns to what it was?


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8a12ae  No.90789


I live in Nowhere, USA, but I monitor radio comms chatter (autism) including emergency responder freqs in my area. Literally the only calls last night was (1) a dude complaining of ulcers (kept calling frantically until not one but two ambulances arrived and carted him off) and (2) local state PD reporting they found a 21 y/o male who apparently ODed (not sure if died but guessing not because junkies have stupid luck). That was 2100-0100 hrs EDT. That's not to say Corona-Chan won't visit – it's just that everything I've been monitoring suggests police/EMT/fire are about as bored and quiet as they've ever been.

For instance, typical Saturday nights are usually filled with at least 1-5 suspected DUIs, at least one altercation and plenty of old Boomers going to the hospital complaining and bitching about dumb shit. Even the Boomers are shutting the fuck up (mostly).

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7caea4  No.90793


Which one is his security guard? There are 5 present.

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77cf30  No.90795


If in their death throes china 'leadership' decides to nuke their citizens or other countries because fuck the world mindset. That might do it, otherwise around August I imagine we'd be fully past it.

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7caea4  No.90797


Yep. And people who don't have a scanner can monitor city chatter, at least in the US.

It's very informative, because you can pick up on how stressed they are about coronavirus precautions.

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d96220  No.90804


>just with natural mutation

On what basis are you claiming natural mutation? On the fact that you are assuming that it branched out from the Wuhan one? Because you haven't even shown that, least of all demonstrated the point you are making.

>If they found an unusual variant it would hit the headlines instantly

The two versions were in plenty of headlines

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8a12ae  No.90806


I like living in the country because all the city chatter is non-existent (I live farther than 70 mi to what anyone would classify as a city). We DO have confirmed cases, apparently, but I'd expect EMT, at a min, to be carting more boomers. My suspicion is boomers, in this area at least, are hunkering down to the point infection isn't very likely. Ironically, my neighbors (30+ y/o rural suburban) are the ones having parties in their backyards and bringing friends.

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fc76c0  No.90807

File: 75092dfc2ce8dd8⋯.png (168.87 KB, 1359x1295, 1359:1295, 145c3ac7f9c1497a5756239156….png)

Okay, where are the updated versions of this chart?

What is the sauce on it?

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c3d6ef  No.90820


I'm down, I can't believe my gas mask and vest got stolen. First time someone steals from me and it's vital articles for survival.

How is it called when you drop a blot of blood in the picture of someone? May do that before noose.

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e51308  No.90826


Usually such things are blood oaths. I'd advise against roping yourself though. Doesn't work out to actually relieve any pain.

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ed6ea8  No.90828


>previously discharged

<come back worse


Now is when the death rates git gud.


Youngfags are getting owned for that behavior in some countries and are 1/3rd of the infection and 1/4 of the death rates in this early stage.


>no u da chink

>treats bread like a chat room

>zero counter evidence

>fails to address evidence

You claimed there were no variations only natural mutations. Information from an independent source here >>90776 completely contradicts that. There are plenty more where that came from on the bioengineering proof side.

Your reply?

>no uda chink

There are also well documented 'S' and 'L' main variations >>90804 brings this up also. There was major shilling every time variation of virus discussion was bought up, especially when the Aussie call and the above information was released/leaked.

Rumors are chinks inoculated themselves with 'S' variant to protect from 'L' variant. I'm not buying that - it's probably another variant again.


>Chart sauce

Have to wait for diedchartanon to post a new one or DIY.


>shit got jacked

Sorry to hear anon, saw your other post too I was surprised but it just means anons have to be even more careful, /cvg/ tier PPE is hot property now..

Get a (((m15))) with an adapter for something more commonly found if 40mm filters are tricky now or a knockoff 6800..

Or DIY? GL but I know you will make it, anon - that's why you are here.

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8a12ae  No.90830


This whole thing isn't worth killing yourself. Who are you going to shitpost with after this?

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701126  No.90833

File: 25dd0b14c4a295e⋯.jpg (70.84 KB, 462x450, 77:75, 980x.jpg)


Gear retention, faggot! I can tell you were never in the service, you would have learned to never let critical shit out of your sight or some faggot will nab it. I mean don't even turn your back. Don't fucking kill yourself though, gear and resources can be replaced. But you must learn from this critical failure, such things could cost you your life in the apocalypse.

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8a12ae  No.90835


Yeah, what's funny is that the actual boomers are taking this shit seriously and the younger generation thinks the "oh, I'm over this already" thought process is enough to overpower a highly contagious virus. I do think it's funny that Corona-Chan has singlehandedly shut down every single bar in my state and this has resulted in NO reported DUIs since we've been under lock-down. That's hilarious. If anything, they should continue to suspend all liquor licenses and that would force people to either (a) party at a friend's house (more responsible) or (b) drink by themselves at home. Bars are the worst invention in modern day society because they absolutely guarantee drunk driving. At least if you're drunk at a friend's house, chances are good they'll let you crash out until you sober up. If you try doing that in a bar, you go to jail. And where I live, there isn't a reliable taxi or Uber so people that go out to drink WILL drive home at least a little cocked. Well, that's all over. Corona Chan is already having positive results in my community.

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7d86a0  No.90836


"This was the fate of the Israelite race; for having denied the kingdom of Christ, they fell into extreme miseries; and being evil, they evilly perished. And the gangs of the wicked heretics also deny the kingdom of Christ, as do all those who, disregarding the duty of living uprightly, spend their lives in impurity and sin. And these also, suffering a penalty like unto that of those mentioned above, shall go unto perdition."

-St. Kyril

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8bfd1e  No.90842

File: 8fe032cf9fe65bd⋯.png (166.7 KB, 602x572, 301:286, blessed_captain.png)

File: 04d17f51b800eb8⋯.png (164.71 KB, 774x606, 129:101, india_door_to_door_screeni….png)

File: ac5af6737c00e71⋯.png (145.5 KB, 792x641, 792:641, Reminder_that_India_is_off….png)

File: c2ee496809ad2ff⋯.png (147.51 KB, 602x546, 43:39, BIX_NOOD.png)

File: 50e435d3f0ee133⋯.png (313.21 KB, 566x584, 283:292, CRAAAWLIIIIING_IIIIIIN_MYY….png)

Wew, I took a break for dinner and the thread almost went to shit, glad you cleaned it up, NBA.

Captain of the aircoof carrier Theodore Roosevelt got blessed https://archive.is/JoXQG

Pajeets will do door-to-door screening in a province https://archive.is/asDcw

Poo doctors let a Pajeetess suffocate to death because they locked the door to the ICU and lost the keys https://archive.vn/uIphG

Possible bank runs in Baltimore


Spanish Sportsball team doctor an hero'd because of Corona-Chan https://archive.is/wip/FodwM


Thank you, (((celebrity))) list anon.



>they can't live there forever unless they are /sudpol/-tier and can get 'to the other side'

They might be able to hang out in Antarctica bases but they're fucked if they try to go to Agartha, I give them one hour of freedom before being intercepted by the Reich and by the other states there too. I'm sure /Ourguys/ redpilled them on what's going on up here.


Good evening, my dear anon!


I already posted all these videos except that Pajeet one, thanks for posting it. He looks young, 20s or early 30s.


>I submitted an empty post, my arms can barely move and I'm working from home tomorrow, it's all so tiresome.

Happens to me sometimes too, but most of the times I can quickly close the tab before the post goes through. Go get some rest.


>I hope like fuck your net stays up and you stay alive during this!!!

I hope my niggernet stays up too. There's been some rumors of a case near my street and of a death too, Corona-Chan is here and she brings me so much joy.


Ah, I thought you meant the state of Paraíba. Those damn indigenous names, man.

>>90768 >>90750

>harmless version

No such thing, believe me. If Corona-Chan wants to remove someone, she will do it regardless of what strain she's using.4

>>90788 (heil'd)

Corona-Chan will only end subhuman "civilizations". For whites, she's giving you a chance to wipe all the (((filth))) out and start over, a chance to make things right and stay that way.


>otherwise around August I imagine we'd be fully past it.

Oh, naivety is adorable. Burger HHS expects Corona-Chan to hang around there for 18 months.

>inb4 sauce

Look for it in the previous threads, I'm busy.


Calm down anon, the happening hasn't even truly begun yet and you're already giving up? Be strong, white man!

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2585a5  No.90848

File: 9b6fffbffdd56bb⋯.jpg (47.92 KB, 512x523, 512:523, 9b6fffbffdd56bb50f3c7f059b….jpg)


>The coronavirus pandemic is leading the food industry and regulators to change policies as they grapple with empty shelves, a glut of fresh produce and milk, and sudden shifts in consumer buying habits.

>The problem isn’t a shortage of food and commodities. If anything, food waste is becoming a bigger issue as traditionally big, bulk buyers — like college dorms and restaurant chains — suddenly stop receiving deliveries. As a result, millions of gallons of milk are being dumped, and farmers have no alternative but to turn fresh vegetables into mulch.

>Federal agencies are scrambling to keep up with the altering landscape by easing rules governing trucking, imports, agricultural visas and labeling requirements for restaurants and manufacturers.

>“The way a client described it is they’re seeing a tsunami of demand shift from foodservice to food retail,” said Bahige El-Rayes, a partner who co-leads the consumer and retail practice at Kearney, a consulting firm. “If you’re a manufacturer today of food, it’s basically how do you adapt? How do you actually take what you sent to restaurants then sell it now to retail?”

>New alliances are being formed as demand from restaurants dry up and consumers look for new ways of delivery. Kroger, the largest U.S. supermarket chain, has partnered with foodservice giants Sysco and U.S. Foods, which normally supply the restaurant industry and large institutions, to share labor and keep store shelves stocked.

>The partnerships offer employment to foodservice workers that would otherwise be furloughed or laid off as a result of a near shutdown of the restaurant sector. It also provides much needed manpower to the overwhelmed food retail industry.

>Rewiring the U.S. food network, however, comes with logistical headaches.

>“Since we’re buying more at the grocery store, it means [food items] have to be in that form,” said Pat Westhoff, director of the University of Missouri’s Food and Agricultural Policy Research Institute. “We have a bunch of stuff that’s still stuck with restaurants, and they’re trying to decide what to do with it at this point.”

>Farmers are also scrambling to recalibrate their production.

>Richard Guebert Jr., Illinois Farm Bureau president, said his state’s meatpacking companies have fewer employees showing up because of concerns of being too close to other workers.

“The industry is backing up on bacon and other products that they put together as cut-outs, so they’re slowing down and not doing the volume that they had,” Guebert said.

>“There’s a concern for pork producers because they just can’t turn their buildings on or off like you can an assembly line,” he added. From the time sows give birth to slaughter, “it’s a nine-month process that started nine months ago. Pigs continue to be born every day, whether they keep the whole capacity.”

>In the meantime, major food distributors including U.S. Foods and Performance Food Group are begging the Treasury Department to prioritize loan applications from their sector as companies shift operations to supply retailers.

>“This kind of transition, even if temporary, takes time and investment as we adjust our warehousing, logistics and purchasing processes to meet a consumer-facing market,” they wrote in a letter to the Trump administration.

>A group of food worker associations also made an appeal to congressional leaders that any future aid package should “include support for America’s essential critical industry workers” through tax exemptions or direct payments.

>In the U.S., an excess supply of food production is forcing some sectors to take extreme measures and ask for extra creative solutions from the government.

>“Clearly we’re in a time of crisis,” said Gordon Speirs, owner of Shiloh Dairy in Brillion, Wis. “We’ve lost 25 percent of our income just through the crashed market. Now we face the reality of having to dump milk on top of that.”

>The radical change in the age of the pandemic is a seismic shift for the food industry. In 2018, Americans spent more on food from full-service and fast-food restaurants — about $678 billion — compared to the roughly $627 billion spent at grocery stores and warehouse clubs, according to USDA data. Spending on food away from home is even higher when counting meals at schools, colleges, sporting events and other entertainment venues.

>Now, the National Restaurant Association expects the industry will shed $225 billion over the next few months, along with some 5-7 million jobs.

>“Grocery stores just aren’t set up to restock shelves to meet that kind of demand,” said Joseph Glauber, a senior research fellow at the International Food Policy Research Institute.


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d465bf  No.90850

File: 587936191e94bd0⋯.jpg (136.82 KB, 1300x1034, 650:517, 33373651_bank_recession_cr….jpg)


>bank runs

And so it begins.

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5e815f  No.90851


>lost the keys

Ok that's funny.

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3c539d  No.90853

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Jew York Dr. Freaking out about the bioweapon and their inability to treat it using classic medical procedures.

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c31b58  No.90854

Welp, the internet keeps fucking up for me, because everyone and their brother wants to watch NetTube+ on 4K on four different TVs.

Man from CDC-Land Plays Loose with /OurGirl/ and Gets Himself and Others Fucked for Doing So




>Possible bank runs in Baltimore

That's my cue to get any remaining funds out before they become Fed food. I didn't get any gold when there was still supply, but gold's only good if you have a certain threshold which I haven't passed anyway.

>Spanish Sportsball team doctor an hero'd because of Corona-Chan

That's, what, the third or fourth high profile suicide over Corona-chan?

There's that one Good health minister early on.

The Failed Reich Bank dude

Now this guy.


>He keeps going on his nonsense.

Meds status:

[_] Taken

[x] Not Taken


>They weren't even bribed by the state to do this like in the New Deal

>They won't look for storage solutions in case of shortages later on

>That high-profit, high-time preference

Hooray for Capitalism!

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3c539d  No.90856


August? With its ability to mutate, try never. At least not in YOUR lifetime.

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4422e1  No.90857


Reims is next to Paris, Frogland.

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ed6ea8  No.90859


>Corona-Chan saves lives

>only takes the stupid or careless

The death rates dropping for normalfag shit was hilarious indeed. Didn't expect it!


>nigger bank run

Just a test, this is going to get good!


Can you see points of high ground with transmitters? Could look at a a WLAN replacement..

rare vidya time bbl anons

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f59f6b  No.90860


has anyone found publications discussing this? That the reason behind street collapses is hypoxia due to wuflu interfering with hemoglobin, and in fact no one is getting ARDS they just can't get oxygen into the bloodstream?

I'm not sure what until I see more concise evidence than one doctor's vimeo, because if his suggestion is true I feel like it would have also been corroborated elsewhere by now, no? Everything has to start with one person's discovery, but it's been two days now.

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2585a5  No.90862

File: ef823506790b2f7⋯.png (21.38 KB, 390x470, 39:47, 1434684053583.png)


>bank runs

found this article but it's from two weeks ago

>News.Bitcoin.com reported on how in the Hamptons, New York’s elite have been going to banks and asking to withdraw large sums of cash. According to reports, banks like Chase, JPMorgan and Bank of America (BoA) have been limiting withdrawals. This is because the rich from New York have been asking for $30-50K withdrawals so banks have created a limit between $3-10K in some areas. During the market massacre on March 12, Manhattan Bank temporarily ran low on $100 bills after a large rush for cash. A BoA spokesperson told the public that there were only issues with large denominations and individuals are able to withdraw $20-50 notes. “We don’t keep large amounts of cash in big bills in the branches because it’s dangerous for our employees and there is low demand,” BoA stated.

>There are people complaining on social media about the withdrawal limits from certain banks in the U.S over the last few days. “Go to the bank today and ask to withdraw your entire balance,” one individual tweeted on March 17. “They are refusing to give out more than $5,000 — Even if your account has $20k. Even if your normal withdrawal limit is $10,000 daily.” On March 14, a person from New York tweeted: “Food chain is broken. Went to Stop & Shop [and] shelves are empty. Meats gone. No more eggs — [and] the bank would only permit a $2,500 limit per day withdrawal.” Another Twitter post shows a man visiting Chase bank and recording a video of a manager refusing to give him $5K. Moreover, the branch manager from Chase asked the person to delete the video.



at least food will cheaper now especially meats and dairy given that there's no demand

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ed6ea8  No.90865


You are overlooking Corona-chan does the heart, lungs, testes etc in, it can also fuck with neurological network too.

There are more than one reason people are falling over, as some have neurological issues and bash their heads repeatedly but this is rarer.

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f59f6b  No.90866


Oh, of course. For all we/I have gathered here and elsewhere, it's doing far more than causing a lack of air, but if that is what is killing people in the hospitals despite all efforts, then maybe it would result in less fighting over ventilators and more supplementing o2 until the body can overcome things.

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ed6ea8  No.90867


I think by that time the lungs are too shot, requiring ventilators anyway but they are not some magic pancea. Now you mention it there was a video recently about them not being much of a fix-all, probably due to this being likely (multiple causes), which would make sense for a good bioweapon - maximum triage disruption.

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c31b58  No.90868


>Can you see points of high ground with transmitters? Could look at a a WLAN replacement..

Maybe, there's a nice pond and clearing high ground behind my house, though that's technically not my family's property. Geese also like to hang around there, so I don't know if they will bother a transmitter. I have to look into that more.


>>There are people complaining on social media about the withdrawal limits from certain banks in the U.S over the last few days

Yup, we told them. Who wants to bet people will be in shock when they can't use their trumpbux because of this (((bank))) bullshit?

>at least food will cheaper now especially meats and dairy given that there's no demand

Gas too, with low demand and the price war.

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5e815f  No.90870

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>30 years old and he looks like 60 because lockdown stress.

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3c539d  No.90871


He claims that the Italians corroborated his findings but I haven’t done the legwork to know if that is actually true. He said that there was an Italian paper/letter published 4-5 days ago that says the same thing.

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8d9cd4  No.90874


I wonder if that could have anything to do with the talk of the virus impacting people with different blood types differently?

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494634  No.90875

File: 58b83f06c2349c3⋯.jpg (80.1 KB, 243x250, 243:250, I_seriously_hope_you_guys_….jpg)


lol, no matter what fucking system you have if food is left to rot during a disaster you've royally fucked up beyond repair and you deserve to crash and burn

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8bfd1e  No.90876

File: 561769e326b9c9a⋯.png (285.58 KB, 724x591, 724:591, honk_in_peace.png)

File: ddaf7f934f41833⋯.png (143.79 KB, 370x597, 370:597, cokelombian_military_at_th….png)

File: 90a5e0a2574e7f8⋯.png (430.75 KB, 912x609, 304:203, first_Brownzilian_EMT_kill….png)

File: 67973d43331589f⋯.png (276.53 KB, 488x630, 244:315, list_of_Rio_favelas_with_c….png)

File: 979164e750f0891⋯.mp4 (5.92 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Indians_block_the_entrance….mp4)

We memed too hard about Corona-Chan destroying clown world: Ecuadorian clown got blessed and died https://archive.is/LbdfR

Cokelombia reinforces it's military presence at the border with Ecuador https://archive.is/u4jKn

Corona-Chan kills her first Brownzilian EMT in São Paulo

List of Rio de Janeiro favelas with confirmed cases: Rocinha, Cidade de Deus, Vidigal, Complexo do Alemão, Vigário Geral and Mangueira.

Pajeets barricading the entrance to their village with barbed wire and sentries armed with sticks


It begins.webm


>Man from CDC-Land Plays Loose with /OurGirl/ and Gets Himself and Others Fucked for Doing So

Normalfags got no common sense at all.

>That's, what, the third or fourth high profile suicide over Corona-chan? There's that one Good health minister early on. The Failed Reich Bank dude. Now this guy.

You forgot the Nip government official in charge of handling Corona-Chan, happened during the ordeal with the Diamond Princess.


Fug you're right, he's a Frog not a Spaniard. Sorry for mixing them up. Feeling sleepy

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ed92af  No.90877

Looking for advice here.

Trucker, living in the truck full-time. So far, work has been steady…I don't anticipate that holding true this whole time, though.

Wat do? Buy a house I can't really afford, hunker down, and hope everything does tits-up? Get an apartment, then squat when needed and fuck the landlord? Live in my storage unit like an animal?

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b4b602  No.90880


You will be first target when shit goes tits up. Imagine all those unruly and angry rioters coming your way because they think your truck is filled with food or medicine.

I wouldn't want to be in that truck whatsoever.

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da508d  No.90882


>Burger HHS expects

Aww that's cute guys. He trusts the government ABC soup agency. You know the people we have never trusted before. We trust them fully now. Yup

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81f2b7  No.90883


Sticking your fingers in your ears doesn't help either.

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3c539d  No.90884

File: 98161a08c3fe87c⋯.jpeg (2.71 MB, 2444x1975, 2444:1975, 7F514071_2CCC_4B68_912C_0….jpeg)

I rather liked the ideas behind these two posts. It would be weird if huffing ammonia or some other alkaline was the way to cure The Red Death. I still think a sedated 3-4 minute controlled drowning procedure is better than 3-5 weeks on a ventilator. This wouldn’t do shit for the other ravages of the PATHOGEN…but it might reduce the pathogen load downwards enough and supply O2 again so that people could survive wave 1 for now.

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07ef4f  No.90885

File: 42cb326ca75606b⋯.jpg (31.09 KB, 710x510, 71:51, 42cb326ca75606b8655d840c0b….jpg)


OK, so it should be kinda basic but if you are going to move into a house, find something that is fairly isolated.

So where I live there are about 8 neighbors.

Something that is either near a river with fish or other wild life where you can hunt it down for lunch or dinner.

You know be white, go back to nature not away from it in an apartment complex.

And when you are so far away, this so-called lockdown is really nothing, my country has had it in 3 weeks or something and I don't feel the effects of it because I just do what I did before.

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da508d  No.90886


There aren't going to be food shortages. You do realize what that article is saying right? It means more food is going to regular coomsumers and less quickly perishable foods are being produced. So there is your food storage.

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da508d  No.90887


I've been watching this since the start. I went from thinking the virus is absolutely going to wipe us out to thinking now it's not that bad, at least not bad enough to warrant throwing us into a depression. At some point an economic depression will kill more people than a virus. We are being panicked into control. Wake up goyim.

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81f2b7  No.90888


Ignore your enemy at your own peril.

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3c539d  No.90889


The global supply of food is a highly interconnected web of dependencies. There aren’t enough workers in the fields or packing plants. If you are not growing your garden now you are going to go hungry this winter. And it is April already, this should all be well underway at this point.


Self sufficient is the only way to survive and even that may not be enough because of reavers…but it is a start if all the reavers die from conflict or Wu flu

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7caea4  No.90890


It's super hard to explain this, but it doesn't have babies. It just copies itself, exactly, but keeps making errors. The errors are like unique.

Think of a photocopier. Say I photocopied muh dik. okay? And say I faxed it to 4 offices. And say everyone thinks it's funny & they make copies of it. Each copier will have different crap on the glass, and wind up with its own unique marks, okay?

And then say they send it to 4 more companies, each. So then what happens is we can trace its ancestry, see?

Anyway, the changes are like that. Expected ones. But the original version of the wuhan virus is super crazy. It has "adaptations" that are shocking, seemingly impossible. They made it.

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7caea4  No.90891



It's kikes. They're trying to take down the US lol. They're always doing that. It's their nature.

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b5dd56  No.90892


Is Xi is strapped. Looks like he's printing a pistol on waistline.

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7caea4  No.90893


Do you know which one is his security guard?

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ed92af  No.90895


Well, yeah, that's all a given. I'm from one of the more sparsely populated states, there really aren't any real "cities", a few small ones throughout the state. An apartment would be in one of those, but I genuinely doubt there would be chimputs in any but two of them (fucking Somaliniggers bussed in).

I guess my concern is that I'm in a bit of a pickle as far as I can see - my options are to risk being without shelter if I am laid off immediately, to have shelter I can't protect if I can't keep working, or to have shelter and be unable to afford it if I am sent home.


I'm not that worried about it. I weigh 40 tons, can do 70 MPH on an even grade, and have no intention of stopping for any pedestrians. The odds of my truck being swarmed in a truckstop alongside hundreds of others is pretty fucking low. I don't have any easily recognizable branding on the truck/trailer like WalMart, Amazon, any grocery stores, etc.

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ed92af  No.90896


I type like a nigger. Tired as shit. Meant to say, "apartment I can't protect as I keep working".

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81f2b7  No.90898


Off camera most likely, those look like advisors/constituents of some kind.

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b5dd56  No.90901


Seems to be his own security guard. Or he's making a rap Video. Either way sending a cocky as fuck message.

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7caea4  No.90902


Possibly. But the guy on the left acts exactly like a guard. He is dressed plainly, his eyes are scanning the crowd, and his hands may be "hands ready" (ready to draw his handgun.

Take not, chinese anons, you should first shoot Xi's detail, then shoot Xi. Your gun should be semi-automatic, so you can make each round count. You will not get out alive. You should be using a modified AK. You will have to customize the mechanism, be sure to refine it. Your goal will be multiple organ failure of Xi. If you fail in doing this, you will have failed the world.

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3c539d  No.90903


His suit doesn’t fit because he is too fat. Reminder that this photo could have been taken anytime in the last 5 years before he died of the Red Death.

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b5dd56  No.90904


Sauce on photo please

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a78aa0  No.90905

File: 88eee9a12163d4a⋯.webm (1.31 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 1586125603708.webm)

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b5dd56  No.90906

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07ef4f  No.90907


Again, finding somewhere where there is a river or water where you can fish when needed, also somewhere where there is also game to get said meat.

So where in the state you live in has those things?

look there for a house, if not get an apartment and go to the river or water to fish on the time where you are free so you can just put those bitches in the freezer and have food for a long time.

Shieet, I fished 2 years ago and froze the fish by just putting in the freezer and the fish was still good to eat by just unfreezing them or just regular oven cooking the bastards.

But if you are in a heavily polluted state where the water is bad, check the fish fillet if it looks weird or anything, since if there are tumors or other parasites on the fish don't eat em, obviously.

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da508d  No.90908


Trips noted. I'm ignoring nothing and I never have.


I really doubt it's going to reach that point by winter. I'm prepped anyway so I'm not worried. Hospitals are empty and I'm still not getting a good explanation as to why. Just told I need to keep hiding inside. Maybe if I saw videos in the US of chimpenings on Wuhan scale I'd believe you.

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7d86a0  No.90909

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Maybe this nigger can tell you why.

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f554d1  No.90910


Trucking is one of essential businesses meaning that there will be some work for you until shit completely goes down, plus you have a mobile home that you can relocate depending on situation. Not to mention that you can hoard stuff and move it with you. You are in a better position than many other people out there, just make sure that you are armed for defense.

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df715e  No.90911


You're raising him right, anon.


Sauce, updated daily: https://informationisbeautiful.net/visualizations/covid-19-coronavirus-infographic-datapack/


Contrarian point of view: drunk driving laws do nothing but punish people as a secondary offence. If the only thing a driver is charged with is DWI, it should be dropped because there was nothing wrong with his driving other than an arbitrary blood-alcohol level. Pro-tip: the "regular" at a bar is skilled at driving home without incident but over the "legal limit" and is a far safer driver than someone who only drinks a few times every now and then.


>tests positive for COVID-19

>tests positive


Tests for what, specifically? I have a constantly updating strains chart on my work computer (I'm homefagging at the moment) from a site I can't remember showing how many strains are constantly mutating. I'd like to know what these tests are testing for. My hunch is that the test must necessarily be so wide (to catch possible mutations) that it may only be testing for the common cold (of which /our girl/ is very closely related). Hell, these tests may even simply test for the presence of any corona virus at all. They're super common. In fact, we're born with some. Also, thank you anon for your updates.


I'm highly skeptical about such videos.


Nice dubs. Ventilators are political pork. Who is put on ventilators normally and when are the taken off normally? People in comas, and they usually die when taken off ventilators which is it's own issue for families. There are obviously exceptions, but the majority of people on respirators for whatever disease are going to die.


Checked. Just keep on trucking. There should be plenty of work for truckers for the foreseeable future.



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da508d  No.90912

File: 2b9b408094a8c98⋯.jpg (347.61 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, 1577495499379.jpg)


I get what he is saying. I understand bottlenecks, flow rate, and turnover perfectly well. Doesn't really answer anything for me. The choice you have is to believe that our governments and the (((wonderful people))) that comprise them reacted to this well and the empty hospitals are a sign that controlling the surge is working. The other choice you can believe is they are empty because it's all bullshit and the (((wonderful people))) who work in our governments have managed to convince us all to shoot ourselves in the foot on the way to our cattle cars. They've got us to shutdown down completely so we all go broke and suffer over something that's really not that bad.

I'm a cynical person so I can tell you what I believe more. This nigger you sent me isn't helping.

>That goyim that went to go film a primary source isn't accurate

>I contacted the (((government))) and the (((governor's office))). Trust the numbers

See there in lies the problem. I have yet to see a number source that isn't from a compromised source. I don't know anymore, it's all fucked. It's out of our control and fake virus, mild virus, crazy pandemic is inconsequential. Whatever is coming is going to be bad and I'm incredibly fearful with just how willing people are to bootlick because they are afraid of this virus. The only truth we can see is the economic impact, the actions of lawmakers, and our family/friends. Always take care of your own people.

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76bf65  No.90913

File: e440f7d2bf736ed⋯.png (1.95 MB, 1676x892, 419:223, ClipboardImage.png)


chinks disgust me more the more I know about them

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3c539d  No.90914


>I'm highly skeptical about such videos.

Good. So am I. The only thing of interest was his description of the symptoms of lack of oxygen vs lack of pressure. And if we can find the Italian letter/paper supporting his comments.

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7caea4  No.90915


Automation will eliminate trucking.

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ed92af  No.90916

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3c539d  No.90917


I don’t understand what the cone is for…does the rat go into the cone?

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3c539d  No.90918


IKR…can you imagine the safety issues of 40-60 tons (or whatever) with an AI at the helm? There will be tin can cars crushed to death between them and their destination all over the USA. Automated trucking will have a higher death rate than the Red Death.

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2df847  No.90920


You demanding fuckhead. Do it yourself. Sources listed on slide and link provided by an Anon more gracious than I. Do some work you lazy fucking bug.

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7caea4  No.90926

I should explain why I'm 100% certain that self-driving trucks are coming.

>Companies are way down in revenue

>need ways to save money

>highways are not densely populated

>trucks can be escorted, parking can be by telepresence

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d08562  No.90929


In all fairness, Taiwan is an island, always a bonus against viruses. Singapore is a huge airport hub for south-east Asia, and has a huge port, two major vectors for viruses spreading. Singapore is also like New York cramped into a tiny space, which makes the spread even easier. But I agree there are better countries to look at. I live in Czech Republic and I honestly like our government's response. Strict, very early and a homogeneous people that listened. I have full supermarkets, we have masks and make our own (required to go outside and only for groceries, all shops have been closed now for two weeks), everybody work from home. Airport and borders were closed before the lockdown, it's the most peaceful thing ever. We have 4000+ infected and 87 (eighty seven) people in ICU or on ventilators or both.

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7d86a0  No.90930


I guess that all we can do is keep an eye on both the progression of the virus and the moves that the governments are making. There are enough of us to do both of these things. I don't see any damage being done by assuming this thing is real AND assuming that the government is going to try to fuck us in the ass at the same time.

>he choice you have is to believe that our governments and the (((wonderful people))) that comprise them reacted to this well

The thing is that at first they were telling people just the opposite. "Go to chinatown, goy. It's just the flu, stupid goy." If the proper response to these people is to assume the opposite is true, then the proper response back then was to take the virus seriously as a very real threat. Now they are acting like this is Armageddon; are we not to suspect that they were really telling the truth in the beginning? Either the virus is a threat or the threat is being inflated. Yes the economy is going to be obliterated, but the economy was fucked to begin with. No one is trusting the official sources because of the sheer ineptitude of the response. I think that this has prompted people to pay closer attention. It is one of the reasons why I came back to /pnd/ (/pol/).

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8a12ae  No.90931


I'm the previous poster about the drunk driving shit (I know, slightly off topic - please don't nigger jail me, mods). I'll take that contrarian view and raise the stakes: eliminate drunk driving laws and instead hold the operator of the vehicle 100% culpable for any acts he does that violates the health and safety of others. i.e. run over your neighbor's lawn gnome? Get charged for that. Land your car in a ditch? Insurance won't pay for that and you owe whatever costs to repair the damages. I think if we replaced fake standards with real ones, a lot more productive shit would get done. That said, Corona Chan has significantly altered the very fabric of this rural nowhere town in the most weirdest of ways.

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d3ea68  No.90936

File: de13f8987203f7a⋯.png (246.11 KB, 419x260, 419:260, why_not_both.png)


No that'd be Typhus. She's into scat and'll fuck everyone.


Funny I keep hearing about the inability to retool from bulk to consumer and that dairy farmers are dumping milk by the truckload since there are no processors. The spotty shipments etc. etc. but hey, a little bit of optimism never hurt. I hope you are right Anon, but my intuition says your optimism is misplaced.

But lets just say you are right. Stores are actually gonna be all stocked up and the ports are filled to the brim with shit. Does not matter. Ye olde hyperinflation horse has already left the barn, and the old nag Depression is getting panicky and about to bolt for the door. As I've been saying since January we live in a low trust society. Now we live in a low trust society doused with gasoline sitting on a foundation of dynamite waiting for a spark. That spark will come, at this point it is inevitable.


>It has "adaptations" that are shocking, seemingly impossible. They made it.

"Non-Fortuitous" I believe is the technical term.


Doing God's work Son. Here's hoping you end up on the good side of this one and if not go out in 40 tons of spectacular glory. livestream it if you doif such things are still possible


I agree with you mostly but it isn't a contrived response to a preplanned action. It would have been more engineered. What you are seeing is the flailing of those in power that- truly for the first time- are threatened with something completely outside of their control. If it were planned we already would have had a catchier tagline than "flatten the curve" a long time ago. The reason they have everyone locked away nice and tight isn't for our safety- it is so (((they))) can figure out what the fuck to do next. Give everyone a little "breathing" room. I'd say the war drums against China would be le unifying troupe to keep the masses entertained- problem is it looks like India will shit on China without US involvement. Whoops there goes that steam release.


Run out of TP son? Just take a shower, will take the unnecessary edge off.


>I don't see any damage being done by assuming this thing is real AND assuming that the government is going to try to fuck us in the ass at the same time.

It is 100% both.

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c38462  No.90941

What’s the percentage of asymptomatic cases? Do we have a determination on that?

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7caea4  No.90944


They don't even know if it is an STD or not. Nothing.

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7caea4  No.90945

1 million israelis are out of work.

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fc76c0  No.90947

File: 2d680a4bb20afc1⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 95.39 KB, 892x960, 223:240, 45500567_690221474696771_7….jpg)


Thank you Anon… here have a THOT

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7caea4  No.90948


Good photo, except for the made in china parts.

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7d86a0  No.90949

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f05aae  No.90950


>truck firmware coded by H1Bs and diversity hires

>truck requires a plethora of sensors from all over the globe

>rushed to market with minimal testing plus pajeet and chink lies

<um yes, it seems that the early AM sun confused the truck's sensors, causing it to accelerate to 120MPH and cross the median, striking oncoming traffic

<we are temporarily restricting hours of self driving trucks to guard against this

Self driving trucks are a meme. Even without Corona-chan, they're infinitely far away. This country can't even write software to let aircraft stay in the sky, and ground vehicles are a much harder problem than aircraft.


It's not the inability per se but rather the economic factors. Retooling takes time and money. So suppose you retool now and this thing disappears, now what? You retool again? No, you're out of money and out of business. That's the calculation that the suppliers are making. With the government repeating "2 weeks bro" the suppliers will be reducing capacity and inventory, because those are easier to recover faster.

You want to know when business believes this is really real? When new grocery stores start opening, replacing restaurants that they believe will never open again. Until then they're just holding.

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7caea4  No.90951


You were the same person saying self-driving cars wouldn't happen either, yet there they are, on the road. stupid!

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8bfd1e  No.90952

File: 49fdc08b770c572⋯.mp4 (1.07 MB, 220x400, 11:20, Ecuadorian_quarantine_viol….mp4)

File: c60d132814dbd65⋯.mp4 (4.27 MB, 220x400, 11:20, Peruvian_woman_violates_th….mp4)

File: 06beb1a2dd5b57a⋯.mp4 (2.45 MB, 480x600, 4:5, Peruvian_woman_collapses_w….mp4)

File: b248b73ce82222c⋯.mp4 (3.94 MB, 270x480, 9:16, Mexican_Cartel_Hands_Out_C….mp4)

File: 815ee43c4505873⋯.png (162.45 KB, 604x591, 604:591, JSDF_coup_soon.png)

Ecuadorian quarantine violators fighting cops trying to enforce it https://archive.is/uEbfM goes well with old school beat em up vidya music, kek

Peruvian woman gets arrested for violating the quarantine and resisting arrest https://archive.is/0cZbQ

Peruvian woman coofs then collapses on a curb while a cop and a doctor/nurse argue about something


Taco cartel handing out relief packages https://hooktube.com/watch?v=AdVpjoSymGQ

Nippon will declare state of emergency tomorrow https://archive.vn/GyFfo

Gonna take a break now, I was dozing off while crawling twatter




Sweet, I have said this in previous threads but I got not problem with saying it again: You guys will definitely get through this without a problem. If you can survive Corona-Chan, you can survive anything.


That's very difficult to find out, since many countries are purposely not counting them to keep the numbers down.

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f05aae  No.90953


>yet there they are, on the road.

Are they? Go take a road trip in a self driving rental car.

Now couple the economic disruption with the technical hurdles. Tens of millions out of work, how do you think that eliminating more jobs will fly with the public?

Before Andrew Yang got the facts of life explained to him by the (((powers that be))) he was talking about preventing out of work white people from taking their guns and overthrowing the country. How long are self driving trucks going to survive angry, unemployed mobs?

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f95af6  No.90957

File: 3a05ef92d79afbf⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 293.46 KB, 2048x1514, 1024:757, 3a05ef92d79afbf0a4c3457ceb….jpg)


You have no idea, anon.

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d3ea68  No.90958


>Until then they're just holding.

Wise assessment, you have one primary problem- no one is using the bulk items that are normally sold to restaurants at this time. Food is one of those weird commodities that quite definitely must always be available- there is great merit to the saying 9 meals to anarchy. When it isn't available, or becomes scarce- wacky things happen like foraging looting and using unthinkable resources cannibalism for instance. I absolutely agree that the processors are holding off on retooling, that is a wise business decision. With the lack of clarity from the gobment and the virus itself it induces a volatility that can't be overlooked. Problem is, without that retooling the product is not going where it is needed NOW- as we are already seeing across the US. This is how the supply chain breaks down. These organizations have become so entrenched in a certain mode so deeply that they cannot easily adapt to changed circumstances without serious expense of capital. They failed at planning for this eventuality or was the one they said- "We're fucked on that one, next". This situation has woefully made their conglomerations inefficient and investments into them a waste. Now here's their dilemma- Wait too long and have their warehouse looted or fire off too soon and go bankrupt when the restaurants reopen. Nasty little proverbial rock and hard place.

So what's the answer to private industry's failure? Bread lines. Long, demeaning, brow broken depression era breadlines with nasty girls standing there going over their urban combat training in their head. We just now have the comfort of our cars to sit in while the handout is awaited. That's a new reality to thousands of people, about to become reality to hundreds of thousands, and eventually it will be million upon millions of people and it won't magically go away with helicopter money hyperinflation or a miracle cure which I'm wholly glad they did find. The damage is done, the stocks are tracking exactly like the Great Depression- the waterfall has formed. Nothing anyone can do about it. The thing about bread lines is they piss people off. This will be "inflicted" upon a people who have not had to suffer any form of meaningful scarcity in nearly 100 years. Oh, then the second wave hits and boom everyone gets to go home again.

Again back- do you wait for your warehouse to be looted, or go bankrupt in the risk the restaurants will not reopen soon.


<Wants Maximum Overdrive in his home town.

You jest, do you forget they also quite often and dramatically kill their occupants- usually after pinning them in from the horrific accident and spontaneously combusting due to their unsafe chemistry. Early adoption to unproven technologies is exciting isn't it! Can't wait till Muskyboy pops one of his abominations into the roads carrying a load of kerosene. Besides when the US Balkanizes- Transportation AI will be one of those magical things our descendants hear stories about from the literate elders.

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b4ed2b  No.90960


Oh shit, I didn't notice before, but he's printing like an "it's okay to be white" flyer. I don't know what that bug nigger has but it's big. 1911? (((Deagle)))? Figures. If I was some top-dog commie shithead I'd be paranoid of everyone close to me too lol.

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d08562  No.90961


>fucking jew calls it new

>even the fucking WHO dropped Novel a month ago.

>hubris comes before a fall

the state of burgers right now. 'It doesn't happen until we suffer' on full display. I'd say kys but Corona chan does a much better job.

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34578c  No.90963

China Hit With Another Mutated Bioweapon Strain

As warned, Corona is a bioweapon that rapidly mutates and will hit in several waves!



Police BAIL From NYC: 10,000+ NYPD Call Home Sick!

As predicted, when times get chaotic don't expect the rule of law to prevail!



Next Wave Of Shortages Strikes: NYC Pharmacies Run Out Of Tylenol, Common Drugs



Food Banks Overwhelmed As America's Working Poor Starve During Lockdown




Small Businesses Having Difficulty Getting Govt Bailouts!

More Kikery And Mass Corruption Continues Without Remorse

"Today we bring you the best video of the week, a rant by Louis Rossmann who is due to collect $130,000 from the small business bailout program, but has discovered that the whole thing is a total joke and the bank website pages don’t even work.

In other words, the small business bailout program is a bigger disaster than Obamacare."

VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ByIW_opQwms


Jig Is Up! Baltimore Residents Storm Banks To Withdrawl Cash Amid Fears Of Social Unrest

The First Modern Bankruns Have Begun, As What Happened Following The 1929 Crash & Y2K!



Walmart Blocks Customers From Buying Garden Seeds, Claiming Seeds Aren’t “Essential” Supplies

Notice How Governments And Corporations Are Doing Everything They Can To Starve The Population And Keep You Dependent!?



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d08562  No.90968


If you currently live in your truck that's great, mobility allows you to avoid the virus hot spots while still working. As others said though, once you get to Mad Max level, they will come for your truck, no matter where or what you're carrying. Look on the map, go northwest and do pickups and deliveries there. A truck will be welcome anywhere right now. Make sure you up your PPE game, keep interaction with locals to absolute minimum, for your and their safety. Try to decontaminate before getting into your cabin so it feels safe. I've been running a strict decontamination protocol at home with a dedicated room and I feel safe in the rest of the house. It's harder with a truck.

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25122b  No.90969


No matter how bad this virus is, government intervention will always make it worse. We could have just had the virus and a couple million die, for example. But because "they must keep goyim safe hurrr durrr" we will see the next Greatest Depression, economic collapse and hyperinflation, likely social unrest or civil war, with mass violence and an epidemic of deaths that are totally unrelated to the virus. This is what trust in centralized power gets you: an endless pandemic of problems over one single problem to begin with. Again, people are going to be forced to learn the hard way.

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3c539d  No.90972


>(((Government))) of any type is hopelessly incompetent.

Yep anon, there is no greater example that government is incompetent and not to be trusted at all than our current situation.


They are total schizos anon. I didn’t realize how bad it really was until I started really looking at their schitzo behaviors…then i was astonished. By how totally whack they actually are in all their responses. They are incapable of telling the difference between two things. Example Starvation or fullness…totally incapable of measuring or conceptualizing that there is a difference between the two things. Good and evil,,,again hopelessly incapable…just like a nigger they simply can’t process that there is any actual difference between two diametrically opposed polarities. So, they THINK they are advanced somehow when they are basically as primitive as a nigger in terms of understanding any sort of polarity or polarizing issue. It isn’t a ‘strength’ it is a terrible weakness that helps them to destroy everything they touch.


Hopefully Ethnic Europeans can learn that the PARASITE never protects the host…it would be impossible for the parasite to protect anything at all…this is why governments always fail…they promise one thing and do the exact opposite because their very foundation is parasitic, rather than beneficial.

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df715e  No.90974

File: 17c355c41a09806⋯.jpg (121.24 KB, 833x497, 119:71, MAC.jpg)


Forgive the one time poast /k/ tier sperg out, but that pic. The attacking Soviet soldier and the defender with his harem are both using British SMLE rifles. The dying Soviet soldier is dropping what appears to maybe, maybe be a rendition of an SKS. The original drawfag made very accurate depictions of the SMLEs, but I cannot imagine a scenario where Soviets soldiers would be using one.

I'll see myself out now.

Good night faggots, niggers, and spics.

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d3ea68  No.90977

File: 04547a5919202dd⋯.jpg (115.07 KB, 608x758, 304:379, you_could_have_prevented_t….jpg)



Deep weaknesses were already apparent, and this virus has only accentuated those fissures. It is funny, because a completely artificial construct (modern neo-liberal Marxist society) redoubled against a natural state of affairs (a plague) has killed itself.

Imagine if you will that there wasn't an onmiscient and omnipresent central CCP over in the land of the Sinojew and dismiss the rather valid claims this is their bio-toy gone awry; all things being equal no FUCKING CHINESE COMMUNISTS involved- This thing would have spread? Sure- Gone global? Unlikely. The fear and panic that took hold when people actually recognized what the fuck was going on tells me if left to their own devices they would have done the welding earlier and without orders. It was the disinformation by their benevolent overlords that caused the situation to explode like this. The volk, the people- even the bat soup slurping rape baby bug people- are much more adaptable at handling stuff like this with no central authority. It is that central control that they are falling back to because there are no other ideas, (((they))) are a one trick pony. So let's count the fruits of Central Planning. The economy is crashed- everywhere, millions unemployed- worldwide, incalculable damage to the primary economic "engine" of the US- namely the Service Sector, complete re-polarization of the world- at least temporarily, unpaid rents, rent strikes, a significant percent of the population fearing for their life and panicking, and tigers catching the Red Death. Bravo central planning. Well done.

Of course the absence of such central planning would preclude massive inefficient international conglomerates that as >>90963 points out won't even sell you seed now. How wonderful of them. Victory gardens have now become "non-essential", how quaint. Really reaching new highs in that consumerism shtick. What's sad is I can't give them credit for some nefarious plot- this is some middle manager striking a line because it slightly reduces costs overall and has the added benefit of "engaging" them to consistently select from their own wide array of fresh vegetable offerings. Slash, another little cut here- just one of thousands occurring by the hour WORLDWIDE.

I expected them to make a mess of things at the end, I just never understood how BADLY they would cock everything up.

What's saddening is even with irrefutable proof of the malfeasance of their overlords to the point of killing people either through over-action, or under-action (God I love how badly they really have screwed this up) the likelihood of something truly interesting occurring is small. There will be sporadic food riots, grinding poverty, sure- but I don't see complete fragmentation and open air problems- those require wounds, and those wounds are being made right now. I'm still of the opinion that things will get downright interesting later this year or early next. Those times will come. We are barely through the very first fun part of this ride, the best is still on the horizon.

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da508d  No.90982


>The thing is that at first they were telling people just the opposite. "Go to chinatown, goy. It's just the flu, stupid goy." If the proper response to these people is to assume the opposite is true, then the proper response back then was to take the virus seriously as a very real threat. Now they are acting like this is Armageddon

That is deliberate. It's to get you confused and unsure of what to believe. I don't think the virus is that big of a threat nor the main threat. Yet I'm going out with my PPEs and disinfecting because you just don't know.

>Yes the economy is going to be obliterated, but the economy was fucked to begin with

It actually wasn't that bad and I'm not talking about increased rates of brown unemployment either. If you had some level of education you could do just fine outside of an overpriced city. I assume you are a young guy like me. We don't actually know what a bad economy looks like. We will soon though.


Hyperinflation isn't a shortage of food but it's a good point. Bulk producers will either shit down or reduce inventory by a huge amount. I really don't think this virus is that bad but even if it is, it just won't get bad enough to compromise food shortages to the point we are literally starving. US has a fuck ton of space and is very regional. Biggest advantage we have is we export food, not import.


>I agree with you mostly but it isn't a contrived response to a preplanned action

I think China released it to cull their people and throw the world into chaos so they could attempt to emerge as number one. They weren't going to do that with they way they were going making cheap shit. They don't care about trade or wealth. CCP has their own. They care about their power and the CCP. Either the Chinese worked with (((them))) or once all the hype reached the west, (((they))) jumped on it like vultures to their advantage. Point being, the virus is not the biggest threat I think. They do have catch taglines. Professionally made social media tags and images dropped on day one of #StayHome #FlattenTheCurve etc. Look how programmed people are now and how hostile they get if you say walk your dog in the park with your wife/gf. Social Distancing… shelter in place. Cute sounding words. What they really mean is freedom of assembly is banned and soft-martial law is enacted. Stay in goyim, trust the plan.

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ffa998  No.90983


Kikes automated the white working and middle classes with spics, chinks, and pajeets. You don't think they'll automate those spics, chinks, and pajeets with even cheaper AI the moment they can get away with it?

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da508d  No.90984


>product is not going where it is needed NOW

>this is how the supply chain breaks down

I live just outside major metropolitan area that is designated as a "hot spot." I haven't even had to dust off my prepper stash because for the most part, regular grocery shopping has not been interrupted. Have you gone outside and actually examined the situation for yourself? Shortage of food via supply chain is not going to happen. The bread car lines you are seeing now are not a result of that. They are a result of the average American having less than 2k in savings and being basically unemployed for 2 months. It is also by design. Big car bread lines create fear and (((they))) want you afraid. Stop playing into their hands but prepare for the worst. It's not the fault of private industry these bulk providers are having difficulty. You think a government milk farm would do any better? They'd be a bulk provider too only instead it would be going to a storefront that gives milk in exchange for nigger bucks.

> They failed at planning for this eventuality

You say that as if they are stupid or it's a bad thing. Truth is that no one plans for a once in a century type of event. If you were in charge you'd have done the same thing too.

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da508d  No.90986


It's no coincidence that a massive rent/mortgage strike is being attempted on May 1st. I wonder what the significance of that date is?

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f95af6  No.90987


Seconding this. I'm near Seattle and there haven't been any stripped grocery stores aside from the disinfectant wipes and hand sanitizers being out of stock. What happened early on, and what led to those pictures of empty grocery stores aside from a few news outlets staging those shots was that an initial shock demand coupled with Americans stopping going to restaurants where 30% of them commonly get meals multiple times per week led to the grocery store supply chains being put under acute stress. Once that hump subsided, it normalized. We'll probably have a food surplus since those restaurants aren't buying in huge quantities. Like those farmers dumping milk they couldn't sell.

Haven't had to touch my prepper stash either, aside from taking out a single box of cereal.

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8bfd1e  No.90989

File: b5a163090bfc287⋯.mp4 (1.97 MB, 720x720, 1:1, Speaker_drone_in_Manhattan….mp4)

File: 4a17ce057980d5b⋯.mp4 (1.37 MB, 640x352, 20:11, Female_inmates_in_Guayaqui….mp4)

File: 225a32ffe1a2741⋯.mp4 (834.77 KB, 352x640, 11:20, Female_inmates_in_Guayaqui….mp4)

File: 2485766d81a6682⋯.mp4 (8.96 MB, 596x1280, 149:320, Another_protest_in_Guayaqu….mp4)

File: 42cde655cb10da8⋯.png (237.31 KB, 740x587, 740:587, Wherever_I_am.png)

Dronefag in Manhattan park trying to enforce meme distancing

Corona-Chan motivated female prison riot in Guayaquil

The crazy bitches set the prison on fire after they had one suspected case and are now yelling "HELP US". Like the Nerd used to say: What were they thinking?!? https://archive.is/v0iam https://archive.vn/x3QIE

Footage of another Ecuadorian protest in Guayaquil, demanding for the government to collect the abandoned corpses https://archive.vn/wip/gamf8

Rwandan military using struggle-snuggles to enforce the quarantine lockdown https://archive.is/at4RA


Thank you, text-only newsposting anon. These news about Chinkland and the NYC EMS are extra spicy!

>>90977 (checked)

>We are barely through the very first fun part of this ride, the best is still on the horizon.

Doubles of truth, good post.

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da508d  No.90991


West coast too. Ya I haven't had to touch my stash. I don't want to either. It's a stash for a reason. Anyway, I want to add that throughout this ordeal I've been spending more money on groceries. I've actually purchased another small fridge to help organize what I am buying. Since people are still panic buying some things go quickly and the skeleton crew grocery stores can't restock fast enough. So naturally you buy more, especially if you are trying to avoid trips to the store. They have the products if you corner an employee to get them in the back. Point being, people are buying more and spending more. That's why they are lining up in food lines. They are out of money. This is why I've been saying the depression will kill more people than the virus.

Even TP is not hard to get. I got a 30 pack brick at costco the other day. TP stacked at the end of every aisle. Costco was absolutely empty too an hour or so after opening. Just strolled right in. I think some posters here need to leave the bunker with whatever PPE they have and see for themselves how this is playing out so far. It provides important perspective. If someone hasn't gone outside and they have been hunkering down over freeze dried rations browsing /pnd/, I could see why they might think it is worse than it actually is. Only thing out is disinfectant, gloves, and hand sanitizer.

On a side note, get a HF radio and listen in to conversations. Offers a lot of perspective.

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d3ea68  No.90992


What is good in the US is the regional aspect of it with food as >>90982 points out. What I'm saying is that when the stores are fully restocked and completely open, curfews are lifted and unicorn tears rain from the skies again; people will no longer be able to buy that which they could before because of the next fun part- grinding poverty. Printer go brrr only so long, who pays for the Trumpbux when the primary taxpayers aren't making any money? Meme-flu or not, millions are now on gibs simple as that with nothing to support the payment of said gibs except put, unadulterated, helicopter money. That's not the future friend, that's what is presently occuring- no matter what happens to the virus going forward. The economic implications are now completely separate from and only worsened by the virus. Remember the term "Depression" is being tested as well.


I'm outside of Austin and the HEB is doing curbside, have not gone inside; there are significant substitutions on packaged goods but veggies are veggies. At this point that's to be expected. It is now a question of risk reward on exposure at this point on whether to break into the stash. Meme virus or not, I'm going to indulge on being a hermit- it is my natural state and I don't want to catch it.

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2c1864  No.90994

>>90788 (checked)

>How long we thinking quarantine will last before shit returns to what it was?

That would depend on how many waves of infection one would expect (my estimates are 3 main ones at 6 months each). Many countries are going to outright ban travel to other countries that fail to get their act together on securing borders and quarantining travelers.

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ef4818  No.90995

File: 45cf48096203dda⋯.jpg (55.59 KB, 500x501, 500:501, BwCPbzmCMAAA1F6.jpg)


Hospitals are sending them home because they don't want to get put on a watch list. Then the retards spread it far and wide. Let it all burn.

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f0eb4d  No.90996

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Sitting waiting for the rapture

Everybody killed

Playing nuclear religion

Its prophecy fullfilled

- Blown into the Arms of Christ

Shot to hell the heathens burning

They never cared

All the rightous people yearning

They've been prepared

- Blown into the Arms of Christ

For the good, it's glorifying

It's salvation time

For the rest it's horrifying

It's armageddon time

- Blown into the Arms of Christ

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f95af6  No.90997

File: d1b612d7744b5f4⋯.jpg (83.09 KB, 1080x1350, 4:5, d1b612d7744b5f42901edad538….jpg)



I should also add that the grocery stores out here are doing limited hours, with special periods just for seniors. I'm going to go out next week and get some comfort food type stuff since I only correctly stocked up on essentials, but I could do with some variety.

>the 'comony

I'm hoping we'll see a Trump-branded New Deal that also shits on the ridiculous Green New Deal that creates a shitload of infrastructure projects to get people employed. And probably a 2nd term from Orange Man.

And maybe it's just because I've been browsing /pol/ for too long, but I don't think this debt shit is going to be that big a deal, but standards of living will lower for much of America and the millennials in particular are going to be in for a rough fucking ride. I expect the banks and the gubment to just invent new rules or forgive certain debts or something to bring our retarded Keynesian system back into equilibrium. They always play with a stacked deck because they run the casino, and there's too much at stake to give the proles a reason to riot.

I'm planning to enjoy the ride.

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a75d65  No.90999


They're going to try to push this AI agenda as they have been trying the last couple decades or so, but people are waking up and getting fed up with it. This corona bioweapon also has potential to destroy public trust in governments and the banking system these kikes heavily rely on too. Not only that but potential for supply shortages from China (which we mostly rely on electronics from). Combine this with growing distrust in the system, monumental increase in people prepping and arming up and a virus that has the ability to displace law & order? No, I think the kikes are going to have a harder time than they think they are. Although, that heavily depends how we respond to all this as well. I have no intention of trusting any new system the kikes have in mind after this fallout. I'll be going off-grid if necessary and become self-sufficient. I think many others will do the same, and we'll form our own armed humble communities.

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bafa6c  No.91000


If the US government is smart, then yes, they will forgive & default most of the debts and create a new economic system, but hopefully not something like the bolshevik 'green new deal' bullshit or cashless currency microchip bullshit (which many do not ever intend on conforming to or living under). They'll have to gain trust back and that is going to be tough when this is all said and done, so they better not shit up their chance or their could be another civil war.

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ce8206  No.91002

Is USA dead yet?

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ee930b  No.91003

Jew Zealand and Hashniggers just made the over 1000 club. Jew zealand does count asymptomatic and 'possible' cases so their figure is less bullshit than other nations.

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f4e37f  No.91004


No, that would likely require a MAD event for that to ever happen. However, things are getting pretty bad for many Americans right now (mostly the city dwellers in LA & NY).

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ce8206  No.91005


ok, will ask in next thread

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ef4818  No.91007

File: cb9986a0d582413⋯.png (75.3 KB, 693x642, 231:214, oxi.PNG)

File: f9cb90872951a93⋯.pdf (169.1 KB, rccm_202003_0817le.pdf)

File: 17fcbf14d424102⋯.jpg (60.37 KB, 500x230, 50:23, Understanding_SpO2_graphic.jpg)


Corona-chan's genetics interfere with the blood's ability to carry oxygen, it kicks out iron in blood cells and replaces it with viral proteins:


Covid-19 Does Not Lead to a “Typical” Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome

>In northern Italy an overwhelming number of patients with Covid-19 pneumonia and acute respiratory failure have been admitted to our Intensive Care Units. Attention is primarily focused on increasing the number of beds, ventilators and intensivists brought to bear on the problem, while the clinical approach to these patients is the one typically applied to severe ARDS, namely high Positive End Expiratory Pressure (PEEP) and prone positioning. However, the patients with Covid-19 pneumonia, fulfilling the Berlin criteria of ARDS, present an atypical form of the syndrome. Indeed, the primary characteristics we are observing (confirmed by colleagues in other hospitals), is the dissociation between their relatively well preserved lung mechanics and the severity of hypoxemia. As shown in our first 16 patients (Figure 1), the respiratory system compliance of 50.2 ± 14.3 ml/cmH2O is associated with shunt fraction of 0.50 ± 0.11. Such a wide discrepancy is virtually never seen in most forms of ARDS. Relatively high compliance indicates well preserved lung gas volume in this patient cohort, in sharp contrast to expectations for severe ARDS.

Summary: there is low blood oxygen without the presence of shortness of breath.

COVID-19: Attacks the 1-Beta Chain of Hemoglobin and Captures the Porphyrin to Inhibit Human Heme Metabolism

>The novel coronavirus pneumonia (COVID-19) is an infectious acute respiratory infection caused by the novel coronavirus. The virus is a positive-strand RNA virus with high homology to bat coronavirus. In this study, conserved domain analysis, homology modeling, and molecular docking were used to compare the biological roles of certain proteins of the novel coronavirus. The results showed the ORF8 and surface glycoprotein could bind to the porphyrin, respectively. At the same time, orf1ab, ORF10, and ORF3a proteins could coordinate attack the heme on the 1-beta chain of hemoglobin to dissociate the iron to form the porphyrin. The attack will cause less and less hemoglobin that can carry oxygen and carbon dioxide. The lung cells have extremely intense poisoning and inflammatory due to the inability to exchange carbon dioxide and oxygen frequently, which eventually results in ground-glass-like lung images. The mechanism also interfered with the normal heme anabolic pathway of the human body, is expected to result in human disease. According to the validation analysis of these finds, chloroquine could prevent orf1ab, ORF3a, and ORF10 to attack the heme to form the porphyrin, and inhibit the binding of ORF8 and surface glycoproteins to porphyrins to a certain extent, effectively relieve the symptoms of respiratory distress. Favipiravir could inhibit the envelope protein and ORF7a protein bind to porphyrin, prevent the virus from entering host cells, and catching free porphyrins. Because the novel coronavirus is dependent on porphyrins, it may originate from an ancient virus. Therefore, this research is of high value to contemporary biological experiments, disease prevention, and clinical treatment.


This is what is causing the symptoms of extreme fatigue, sudden collapse, and brain damage.

Check your blood oxygen people. Start anti-viral therapy as soon as it starts dropping, you don't want to wait for symptoms.

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ef4818  No.91009

File: dd996f5bbe5f5d1⋯.png (73.35 KB, 693x649, 63:59, diab.PNG)


PS: Diabetics you are up shit creek without a paddle.

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da3049  No.91015


>Corona-chan's genetics interfere with the blood's ability to carry oxygen, it kicks out iron in blood cells and replaces it with viral proteins:

Damn, this look like we need to stock up the blood bags in the seperate fridge. I wonder if the bloodletting would help to lower the viral load?

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1a64f1  No.91016

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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fb16df  No.91021


Unless you're one of the (((elite))) you probably don't have access to enough blood to flush everything out, and due to the lack of blood donors in trying to get supplies now you may come cross HIV positive and virus infected blood since they've thrown all standards out the window. Letting it get to the blood poisoning point is a serious operational failing.

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da3049  No.91022


Anon, I am talking about draining our blood into blood bags and store it at HOME. That’s called self sufficiency. I haven’t donated my blood to the Red Cross Agency yet.

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07ef4f  No.91023

File: 64d58f37ff23823⋯.png (158.58 KB, 500x504, 125:126, 64d58f37ff23823eb2a33c2e30….png)


Is the race war going to happen in Jew York?

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8bfd1e  No.91024

File: ab18bd0e32feea3⋯.png (341.26 KB, 1009x602, 1009:602, for_what_purpose.png)

File: e0507d66687f56c⋯.mp4 (1.31 MB, 640x504, 80:63, Nigerian_soldiers_whipping….mp4)

File: 201f32eb5055d0f⋯.png (90.48 KB, 445x631, 445:631, Corona_Chan_blesses_Peruvi….png)

Jewnited Nations will send $715Mi to nigger occupied Rhodesia https://archive.is/CMpXW

Niggerians punishing a quarantine lockdown violator https://archive.is/wsUXA

First confirmed death in the Sarita Colonia del Callao Prison, Peru https://larepublica.pe/sociedad/2020/04/06/coronavirus-en-peru-confirman-primer-fallecimiento-por-covid-19-en-penal-sarita-colonia-del-callao/ Archive site wasn't archiving this properly

Oh shit heavy rain gonna drop this post before it fucks my power up, besides, this was all I could find after multiple crawls


>Jew zealand does count asymptomatic and 'possible' cases so their figure is less bullshit than other nations.



Wew, /ourgirl/ is so smart! Nice find anon. Praying for her to learn more cool tricks like this.


That would just make you weaker.


Looks like your connection is a bit fucky, your posts are coming through twice.

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1a64f1  No.91025


The 'race war' meme isn't very realistic. What happens is the thin veneer of order rubs off and people start to group up by however they identify, like a prison yard.

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2c1864  No.91026


This got me thinking…

With the onset of Summer in the Northern hemisphere, the electrical power grid will be put under a lot of stress as more people are forced to stay home. Could this lead to power outages as an already stressed electrical grid has rolling failures? As niggers usually have chimp outs in the summer months, /ourgirl/ could seriously infect a swathe of niggers as they chimp out in major population centers throughout not just the US but Europe as well as niggers and muds forget not just about how potent /ourgirl/ is but stay at home measures?

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da508d  No.91027


>Printer go brrr only so long

Technically it should have caught fire and exploded into shrapnel about 20 years ago. So I'm more inclined to agree with >>90997 that the casino has the deck stacked. It's going to be shitty for us, that's for sure. But if you put in just a small modicum of preparation for a financial crisis or disaster I think you can weather this. Especially if you had a survival mentality and frugality before. Anyway, we've both said the shortage in food will be consumer related, not supply chain related. Glad we agree.


Ya it's going to be rough for us ahead. Best to enjoy what we can.

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701126  No.91028



It's highly unlikely there will be food shortages in the USA. Not totally outside the realm of possibility but probably not gonna happen. As other anons said, those "bread lines" are because people have been out of work for two months, not because of a lack of availability of food. Nothing is out of stock at stores except cleaning related stuff. Anons are just over exaggerating how bad things are/will be because they want to see big chimpenings.



Checking both of those trips for both are good points. Waaaaay too many people have been made aware and inundated with the whole "human microchipping number of the beast" tier shit for decades. Everyone from Jesus freaks, lolbertarians, hippies, Alex Jones/Coast to Coast AM and /x/ tier fags, everyone under the umbrella label of "tinfoilist," etc. At least 1/3 of the population would refuse to cooperate and probably more. People might respond better to the "AI managed everything" idea because it will be sold to them as "everything will be safer, easier and more efficient," and appeal to their laziness. However, when that becomes a clusterfuck like every other time they try to have AI manage human affairs people will become even more frustrated and disillusioned.


This so much. Basically the places that have lived highest on the hog will have the farthest to fall.


No, but it is gonna get ugly.


It's certainly possible, or at least all it would take is one bad natural disaster on top of this already stressful crap (IE big fire, storm, earthquake, etc.) to cause temporary or intermittent utility outages in places where the grid is already stressed.

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3ca38f  No.91031

File: cfbc25907e67356⋯.png (293.3 KB, 382x570, 191:285, fa9d7c037f905149dc951d6893….png)


For the first time in this pandemic I'm actually fucking spooked. Why are they doing this? Cause muh market? Bullshit. Stop buying the milk then, if farmers need to sell of cows to make ends meet then let them figure that out on their own. Why encourage them to sell the herd and get out of dairy farming?

>eat the bug, bigot

>drink the roach milk

That or this is some kind of power grab to monopolize food production. I just pray no one falls for this shit and no one stands for it.

It wont end here.

If they come for my chickens then it's been good shitposting with you guys, see you in Valhalla.

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701126  No.91034


I think a lot of shit is about to get nationalized, incorporated, or just otherwise seized. It may be a Marxist plot or the Corporatocracy might want to run everyone out of business to buy everything up.

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f96f0c  No.91037


>A&E trying to convince anon to not suicide and instead ride out the show

The world really has gone crazy huh.

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cce44f  No.91038


>That or this is some kind of power grab to monopolize food production. I just pray no one falls for this shit and no one stands for it.

Part of the communist manifesto and we all know the USG is run by a bunch of commies these days. ID 2020

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13d3cf  No.91040

File: 55b35890c3668e2⋯.jpeg (152.93 KB, 1000x617, 1000:617, A7B0A315_3359_4440_AAD6_B….jpeg)


May 1 is a good day to get your white wife pregnant.


There’s no substitute for checking things out for yourself. Each area is different. In my area, toilet paper ran out as soon as the tv started talking about it. And the hand sanitizer stuff was cleaned out (by chinks?) before the Superb Owl — but heard some areas ran out of sanitizer just recently??


The virus is a political weapon. You can see how Chinese servants like Pelosi were activated right away. The pressure is on. If you react much earlier than other countries you risk losing your relative economic position.


Story claimed people staying home leads to them using over 30% more shit tickets. Seriously, average person was shitting that much in weird places?


It’s no different than if all the profit from processing elephants came from the tusks, and the tusk market dried up, so elephant meat gets sold at a huge loss.

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f76e71  No.91041


This whole thing stinks to high heaven of a bureaucratic police state commie takeover of America and to condition us into third world poverty. Maybe this is the Empire's gloves coming off. I know this to be true from this point on. It absolutely stinks! Never give up the guns, traitors deserve bullets!

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f96f0c  No.91042

File: 81ba158b7b6b944⋯.png (546.94 KB, 976x1607, 976:1607, spain_UBI.png)

Spain is going to institute UBI, thus permanently destroying their economy.

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7d7326  No.91044

File: 3c001e209a9e13f⋯.png (71.41 KB, 693x194, 693:194, Screen_Shot_2020_04_06_at_….png)

Remember, it's the coverup which usually gets revealed, not the crime


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45b68c  No.91045


This makes sense. NOLA is one giant urinal during Mardi Gras. The streets flow with urine, vomit and feces. It probably spread through the entire rat population in just a few days.

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f0eb4d  No.91046


what do you think $1,200.00 is?

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f0eb4d  No.91047

File: 655fbaecfbe71c6⋯.png (871.2 KB, 972x996, 81:83, larger.png)

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7d7326  No.91048


Cheese in the trap

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f0eb4d  No.91049


I don't agree with drinking milk after a certain age anyway. (toddler-ages) I know my opinion differs from others because I believe cow milk is for cows, (calves) not humans anyway. Humans should drink mommy milk. It is less concentrated than cow milk.

Now I am imagining 'farms' with women and breast pumps. Great.

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22e977  No.91050

Citizen Journalists Uncover Disturbing Truth…. Media Lied About Crowded Hospitals And Long Testing Lines?

This Is A Bit Of Evidence Exposing Some Of The Hyperbole Being Spread By Media


In Desperation, Trump Orders Seizure Of German & French N95 Masks

European Nations Livid Over The US Govt Hoarding N95 Masks



Finally, After Major Crisis, Americans Begin To Question Our Dependancy On China

Corona Scare Is Exposing The Flaws Of Globalism And Corporate Greed




Maybe Countries Should Be Making Their Own Equipment?



Kike-backed Healthcare Firm Just Slashed Doctors' Pay In The Middle Of An Unprecedented Pandemic




Licensed Physician in Utah Unable to Prescribe Hydroxychloroquine Because State Has Taken Over Distribution of Drug

Communism Is When The State Seizes The Means Of Production!



Belgium Destroyed Millions of Masks to Make Room For Third World Refugees

Treason Knows No Bounds: This Is What Happens When Your Country Is Hijacked By Enemies



Canada's Nursing Homes Prepare For Mass Death

Never Trust Institutions Today, For They Are All Corrupted & Cause Irredeemable Suffering



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77b632  No.91051


If it was $1200 a month, then it would be a UBI. So far, this is just a one time disbursement of $1200.

Cuckmonkey's shitty programming is throwing errors, hopefully this isn't a double post.

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1a64f1  No.91052

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>I'm not a doctor, but I let bats piss in my mouth for science

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f0eb4d  No.91054


squeak squeak'em

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1a64f1  No.91057

File: 13629cf1883fb3a⋯.png (118.87 KB, 698x329, 698:329, Screen_Shot_2020_04_06_at_….png)

Looks like putting homeless druggies in San Francisco hotels may not have been the big-brined idea progressives thought

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77b632  No.91058

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Remind me of this one animoo clip from back in the day. It seems the copright kikes have got to it in my country. Maybe someone with access to a decent proxy/vpn could upload a webbum?


>European Nations Livid Over The US Govt Hoarding N95 Masks

fuck em

>Finally, After Major Crisis, Americans Begin To Question Our Dependancy On China

Then there's those of us that have been saying this for years. I wish I could feel vindicated, but I'm just worried about catching the coof.

>Belgium Destroyed Millions of Masks to Make Room For Third World Refugees


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73fd25  No.91059

File: 947d67183fd1a32⋯.png (348.45 KB, 1332x1949, 1332:1949, d2207033c58703c0f9e8cafb0b….png)


Take the stoic pill everyone!

Use the lockdown to enhance yourself and say thank you to /ourlady/


Is it our patient 0 from the virology lab that disappeared?

0 comments on the video by the way, youtube with chinese characteristics>>91052

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dedcee  No.91061


>Apollo, the god of healing

>aka Smintheus

>the god of rats and plague

Thinly veiled christcuck is thinly veiled.


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dedcee  No.91062


>and rats

About a week ago I saw an obviously sick rat (sitting on its back legs, humped and unresponsive) in plain sight in front of my block's public garbage bin and then next day found it dead at the same spot. It stroke me as weird since we extremely rarely see rats in my hood/town and never before one that did not immediately run off out of sight.

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1a64f1  No.91063

I don't know if this is too big-brain for the thread, but there is a new theory coming out that the current therapy schedule for COVID-19 patients is wrong due to assumptions made that this is basically like pneumonia which leads to ARDS. The competing theory instead says that the virus attaches to hemoglobin which make the blood less effective at binding to oxygen which in turn causes lung damage. In other words the contemporary theory that lung damage is causing the low blood-oxygen levels is exactly backwards, and that invasive ventilation is causing people to die (there is already epidemiological data to support the latter).

The PDF should be read first and understood. The video is a first-hand account of a doctor saying his patients seem to be suffering from something akin to altitude sickness which would be what one expects if the hemoglobin theory is true.

(FWIW I've experienced altitude sickness and the symptoms aren't readily apparent externally. I didn't know I had it until I was over 200ft up a rock face and found myself confused and making bad decisions)



(Tried to embed both the PDF and video but this site had some weird error)

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662285  No.91064

File: 5b27ae53666489a⋯.jpg (314.88 KB, 640x591, 640:591, 1546174176261.jpg)


>meanwhile hundreds of thousands of ventilators…

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e8c6d8  No.91065


>Most rat-infested cities in America


Ahh, derricious rattu!

Ecosystem finds a way to balance itself I guess


>This is what soyim believe


And those trucks are very cheap to buy and maintain, especially in times of recession. Not to mention the risks associated.


Our gov't went full North Korea with measures and growth per capita is the same as in some countries that barely implemented any measures. Measures only make sense if there is not much corruption or incompetence.


>Implying they did anything productive to begin with

They are just waiting for aid from the greatest ally :DD

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77b632  No.91066

File: c8ec01ebc04eb1d⋯.mp4 (3.26 MB, 512x384, 4:3, Human_Milking_xoespg.mp4)

Found the video on dailymotion and ripped it!


That explains why they need transfusions so badly. I'll have to watch the vid later.

getting errors, trying again

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dfb132  No.91067

File: 5ecd59c36d014a0⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 158.87 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault.jpg)


>Automation will eliminate trucking.

We have "automated" trucks.

And they do great outside of densely populated areas.

They fail as soon as the human element is introduced.


>FWIW I've experienced altitude sickness and the symptoms aren't readily apparent externally.

<headaches, vomiting, tiredness, trouble sleeping, and dizziness

>not apparent

How soft are your brains?

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2c1864  No.91068

File: c5f94c3f55df8ce⋯.png (267.65 KB, 419x261, 419:261, whynotboth.png)


>Coronachan binds itself to porphyrins in Hemoglobin


>Coronachan infects cells through the ACE2 receptor.

Pic related, Coronachan could be an airborne blood disease that attacks both lung tissue (initially) and attaches herself to hemoglobin at the lung's air-blood interface cells. As a blood-borne disease it would have easier access to heart and nerve tissue which could explain the seizures and sudden dropping. Does Coronachan bind easier to ACE2 receptors or hemoglobin?

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1a64f1  No.91069


Don't confuse altitude sickness with HAPE

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dedcee  No.91072


Wu-flu is basically a strain of SARS that binds indiscriminately to all ACE-2 receptors, I don't see why it should be so radically different in its main symptom.

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d08562  No.91078


Not only is Corona chan wiping out niggers and jews, but also fat people?? Sign me up!

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183c74  No.91079

File: adff9efe04ef606⋯.jpg (40.72 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, coronachan32.jpg)

some people are saying that niggers are immune to corona. is there any basis for this?

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dfb132  No.91080


You specifically said "altitude sickness".

The kike doctor isn't wrong though.

I remember fibrosis from the early threads, but I don't remember lung necrosis.

A quick search reveals lung necrosis has been a thing since the beginning.



I do remember thinking that ARDS might have been caused by secondary infections, but if the wuflu does damage hemoglobin it would surely damage the lungs.


Not even rats are immune.

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94983f  No.91082

File: 57b9ae71d0ea993⋯.png (271 KB, 949x769, 949:769, Africa.PNG)

It's weird how everyone's ignoring Ivermectin but they're all over Trump balls over his z pac or w/e.

The test tube studies were amazing but it's really tricky to figure out dosing.

Why is Africa being spared from this virus and many others?

Could it be because many take Ivermectin every year to deworm or is the answer explained below.

>"Droplet diseases don't seem to be as big an issue in Africa," he said, adding that SARS, a respiratory disease that is also a coronavirus, spread through 26 countries in 2003 but failed to gain a hold in Africa. Influenza epidemics are also less intense on the continent, he pointed out.

>In addition, in Africa people generally don't live crammed together in such densely populated areas and they also spend a lot more time out-of-doors in Africa than they do in northern countries.

Idk i'm buying some for stand by.

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d21993  No.91083


>Lads, Jennifer Zeng is cyber-begging. :|

>can one of you job fags send her some money?

Imagine being dumb enough to send money to a literal falun gong shill.

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a37235  No.91084

File: 0feb138ca8e9ad4⋯.jpg (96.61 KB, 1280x842, 640:421, Feels.jpg)

My father has been showing symptom of the virus for about seven days now,

>dry coughing

>shortness of breath



He wears an N95 wherever he goes around the house now. We've sectioned off parts of the house to keep us all self-isolated while we see if he gets worse. Even with his anti-cough medication, it's not enough to stop the cough. It's not looking good so far. I've told my mother that we need to wait it out before we take him to the emergency room because of the risk of getting infected at the hospital This morning he had the same bad cough, so now they're both considering going to the ER anyway. I did my best to prep and warn my family of how dangerous this thing is, and they did listen. We have the ammo, guns, at least 3+ months worth of food and supplies, but it seems it was not enough. I pray that he just came down coincidentally with pneumonia, but I still fear for my family's life. It's getting real out here bros.

>t. NJanon

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d21993  No.91085


>>>/qresearch/ is that way

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d96220  No.91086

File: fd6fb418e7b5f0e⋯.webm (5.68 MB, 352x640, 11:20, Ecuadorian_woman_begs_for….webm)


Cone goes into rat

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94983f  No.91089


I'd take Ivermectin if things get scary, look it up. The media's totally ignoring it which means big pharma's or Kushner aren;t involved not poised to profit.

Yes it's effective against other viruses. With people dying left or right it shouldn't take to long to test it on humans, hecjk

Don't tell the world but it's used as dog heart dewormer. ,idk if there's pure version.

No this is not medical advice, always talk to you8 Jewish dr.

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d96220  No.91093

File: e95e60803b41dbb⋯.webm (1.19 MB, 640x640, 1:1, New_York_hospital_Queens_….webm)

File: 4f1138f22211a26⋯.webm (3.81 MB, 640x640, 1:1, New_York_hospital_Queens.webm)


>It's super hard to explain this

Maybe for you it may be difficult, but I know damn well what a random mutation is. It still wasn't demonstrated that it branched from the Wuhan one. All you have done is given me is a definition in terms of dicks.

>It can very easily be that they came from an original source material and were both worked on in the lab with the original sample being the starting point.

>It could be that the divergence came later but still from the lab, with the lethal strain getting released early

>It can also be that they simply started development for a weaker strain after shit hit the fan. They knew plenty of past iterations they could work with so even if released an earlier one without editing, that could also have worked if it were similar enough.

The last one would require adequate documentation and the storage of samples from past iterations, which the Chinese generally wouldn't do but can't be excluded entirely. None of these possibilities require to be explained through "well, you see, when a man and a woman really love each other", nor do they require it to naturally mutate. Remember, the labs would have continued to be operational even through the epidemic, especially considering that it was the lab that knew the absolute most about the disease.

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94983f  No.91094

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

They compare this promising drug to that clown who drank aquarium cleaner but this video has pretty much what's currently known.

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8802b9  No.91095


>or w/e

You mean chloroquine? which they are going out of their way to ban and countersignal him on, and in the case of the nevada governor, build up a stockpile of chloroquine while countersignaling him?

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a6059d  No.91096

File: 9e40ccf2d4ea3ef⋯.jpg (139.15 KB, 1207x1261, 1207:1261, another_spongebob.JPG)


>Why is Africa being spared from this virus and many others?

Why do you assume that Apefrika has the infrastructure to provide the testing necessary to catch a pandemic before niggers start dropping? Are you retarded or just stupid?

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0bad22  No.91098

File: 761fe1fea0e31c5⋯.png (20.45 KB, 186x208, 93:104, confused_looking_anime_gir….png)


That's exactly what as always bugged me about that pic as well. Unless he is depicting a British Communist insurgency, this image is nonsensical.

Back OT, I still cannot understand the numbers for Germanistan. Why are they the only country where 'it's just a flu bro' is nothing but an overstatement?

With the way (((Merkel))) and the JewSA have been filling it up with shitskins and kebabs, and its de-facto non-existent governmental power, it should have reached pastaland's numbers ages ago.

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94983f  No.91101


I suspected it didn't work when Israeli pharma gave the US a bunch. idk Ivermectin seems way more promising, how hard could it be to test on humans. People take it for parasites it's also in Heartguard for dogs, not sure if it's pure.

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94983f  No.91102


You're the retard, just ignore all the other viruses that seem to never hit Africa very hard.

What a clown, you're all over Trump's ballsack. i'm glad you clarified the strange results fr Africa. Yep no need to investigate further.

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fbd3fd  No.91103

File: 8783c561ad54ac5⋯.jpeg (253.01 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, 45456215_7AC0_4B1E_9882_5….jpeg)

File: 96aa05b06057b71⋯.jpeg (114.4 KB, 1600x644, 400:161, 0D81452E_8C3F_44DA_8E88_5….jpeg)

File: 11162ab3f9b6d5a⋯.jpeg (132.56 KB, 538x1024, 269:512, 53DA12EE_3342_441F_B313_5….jpeg)






With all due respect to my dear anons, you are right that some governments will use this as an excuse to take over segments of the economy, but milk is a special case. The demand for milk in this country is hugely artificial as a result of meddling by dairy lobbyists, much of the milk gets distributed in the form of WIC or school lunches and ends up getting dumped by consumers anyway. All you are seeing here is a re-balance of that cycle where the dumping is happening on the front end instead of the backend.

I have loads of respect for our 99% huwhite farmers, but the truth is that the dairy industry (which is massively polluting and wasteful) has been riding on government money for years… Not the end of the world if they start using that land for more productive crops.

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53bfe8  No.91104


funny cuz prison yards group by race first and foremost

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0bad22  No.91105

File: b09e80d572ba7a8⋯.jpg (214.17 KB, 1104x800, 69:50, 1520329087_2.jpg)


Once more for the idiots: Apefrica is in no way being spared.

/ourgirl/ doesn't discriminate, she just needs a way to get around first. Second is we trace her steps, which is quite an issue on a continent that's de-facto in a neolithic state of infrastructure.

Of course, nogs don't travel around as much in and between their countries, but the major animal hubs like Lagos have already been blessed.

Finding and containing a virus as stealthy as Corona-chan is pretty hard in a place where even if you are bleeding from every orifice, you get carted to the local shaman instead of a doctor.

It's already ogre for the nogs, they don't know it yet. Dead hominids in the street aren't exactly a rare occurance over there.

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94983f  No.91106

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Lets talk tio one of the people at the research center. It's amazing how most ivermectin videos are under 10 k views. She seems pretty confident but listen to the chronic liar in the WH.

NTM Fauci seems to contradict Trump.

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94983f  No.91107


I wonder if those being hit by Corona are the ones who don't take their annual de wormer or use something else. Bottom line you don't know but your pretending you know for sure, save it.

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554ae2  No.91109

File: e905be88a54b171⋯.png (517.51 KB, 500x553, 500:553, a4471eb2a28eb384248c3914a2….png)


>Trump Orders Seizure Of German & French N95 Masks

The eternal Anglo strikes again. May WW3 be against both China and America. Fuck it, I'm just hoping for an outright Deathmatch Blood for the Blood God

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3c539d  No.91110


How cold does the freezer have to be to keep the blood viable?


Fauci has connections to Epstein, Gates and others who wanted depopulation. I don’t disagree with them, but they should have done a better job on the bug and nigger infections.

Both of these groups breed and devour/destroy out of control. These major stresses on the globe need to be ‘taken care of’ (as well as the poos since they breed out of control as well and are not productive in any way).

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85de6a  No.91111


>all the other viruses that seem to never hit Africa very hard

how would you know what killed some random negro in the middle of Africa?

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a6059d  No.91112


>No U

>Niggers get CV left, right and center in Jew York

>But somehow they're spared in Africa

Imagine being this dumb a fucker. You sure you ain't a porch monkey yourself?

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3c539d  No.91113


>bugs giving out used masks contaminated with the virus

Trump, the retard, seizes infected masks for the US military. Now US Military will all be infected with The Red Death, allowing China to easily conquer the US Military…

“Muh nothing to see here, anons.”

With jews, you lose.

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0bad22  No.91115

File: 67926b033bef2cc⋯.png (785.67 KB, 1119x689, 1119:689, Satania_the_Despoiler.png)


neither do you, but I am not resorting to weird wondercure ideas and wishful thinking, I am sticking to what we know. And what we do know is that there is no cure and that niggers are just as susceptible to /ourgirl/ as anybody else.

Fabulating as to why the numbers are so low when apefrica has literally zero testing capacity or administration that keeps tabs on its population even in peaceful times is retarded.

The official numbers can only ever be as high as the amount of testing going on at any given time. Why do you think the nipponese are openly saying their actualy numbers are most likely 30 times as high? It's because they don't have the testing capacity to prove any more.

Speculating over drugs based on data that unreliable alone beggars belief for how lazy and myopic it is.

At least step up your game and try and name a credible mechanism of action for as to why these malaria drugs seem to work. As it stands now, all the anecdotal treatment success could not be verified or repeated.

Ain't no cure for love

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c494e1  No.91116


>Heme attack without other attack symptoms

>This is what the virus does.

That's a bit of a stretch. Hemoglobin has compensatory ranges, which are being demonstrated. Some specific acute hemoglobin syndromes present the same: Spot (isolated) arterial blood oxygenation / SpO2 / oxygen saturation without any other additional symptoms or or alterations in perfusion. Shortness of breath is regulated by CO2; The level of partial pressure carbon dioxide controls the respiratory rate. Infection based alterations in hemoglobin, such as paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria, or hemoglobin dysfunction –secondary– to pneumonia in pediatric setting/infants, often have other spot/isolated symptoms without fulminant and typical ARDS/respiratory distress – until later. That LATER is the key. In other words, 'does not lead to typical ARDS' is a fallacy of sample rate and time, myopically looking at only one moment in the disease progression, specifically a early-to-mid moment whereby the blood performance is within compensatory range, causing detection only by isolated metric (in this case, peripheral pulse-oximeter SpO2, which should be -confirmed- by both a venous and arterial draw if you're going to act on it, pulse-ox limitations are well known).

Regardless, there is heme attack. It does cause transient –compensatory– changes, which will register on the path to disease. But is not atypical – rather, expected and typical. If I catch the disease soon enough, I don't get ARDS, nor fulminant ARDS. The people writing this paper are not experienced professional-only clinicians.

Assertions of 'ancient virus' are funny. Nearly all influenza causes hemolytic associated symptoms, which can be considered 'ancient', but that's a weird way of looking at it. Not novel. In fact, little in this paper is novel, not even the false claims of novelty used for publication. Further, chloroquine prevents continued hemoglobin digestion by preventing heme digestion within vacuoles (reads: unless some actually novel MoA is proven, direct inhibition is not only not present, it is disproven).

Very strange paper. Reminiscent of people who don't practice non-academic/professional clinical medicine. Also reminiscent of people who don't even practice academic/non-professional associated medicine. Also reminiscent of researchers failing to consult. Also reminiscent of novice PhDs, which is far from novel, and is in fact the banal vanity of academics.

Oh well.

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94983f  No.91121


Yep you best call 911, i don't know but ivermectin looks slightly promising

>What's with this ourgirl shit? Nm don't answer, people are fighting for their lives and the lives of their friends and family.

I'm out

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8802b9  No.91122


we already had a ton, and plants here that make the stuff, from the vietnam war probably, and it has been known to work on coronaviruses in the past. As for testing, thats as simple as getting someone on a ventilator to take it, given that their survival chances are already in the gutter, there is quite literally nothing to lose for taking either a 12 dollar generic or this dog heartworm stuff. It'd be very easy to put together a doubleblind study between the two, but then NY has already concluded their study early so they could give the placebo group chloroquine.


Does your father still have his sense of taste and smell? that is apparently a very early sign of CV.

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2585a5  No.91123


Florida just came out with the infections per zip code Hialeah is red but that's because they are testing there, the niggers from Opa-locka and Miami Gardens are getting transported there

t. ex broward, my family still lives there

Don't know if the Slav church is still there, there used to be a lot of west Slavs and Magyars down there, I hope they are okay

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94983f  No.91124


That's what i'm saying, they need to test that shit pronto or someone at home is gonna test it.

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a37235  No.91125

>>91122 (Checked)

>sense of taste and smell

He says that he can taste and smell at half potency. However, when a cup of lemon tea is made, he can smell that just fine.

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66f227  No.91126

File: e73fae73829593d⋯.png (201.58 KB, 736x1196, 8:13, c37a6d020e7481af1ffa761.png)

File: 0303900431163ec⋯.jpg (42.03 KB, 660x377, 660:377, id2020_alliance_mandatory_….jpg)

ID 2020 Now Being Shilled

Communist Governments Pushing For Digital 'Immunity Certificates' To Track People As Warned!

The rollout of immunity certificates across the world will likely be government-issued to first responders and citizens who have developed resistance to COVID-19.

People who have contracted the virus and have recovered, normally develop antibodies to fight the virus, could be their golden ticket to escape regions that have strict social distancing measures and or lockdowns.

Just imagine, immunity certificates granted by governments to people who have recovered or have developed resistance to the virus could be considered special passports that will allow them to freely travel across states, countries, and or the world — while everyone else remains hunkered down in their homes or doomsday bunkers.

Some of the first talks of this has originated in the UK. The government could roll out immunity passports to Britons who have already contracted and recovered from the virus so they can reenter the economy, reported The New York Times.

"An immunity certificate is an important thing that we will be doing and are looking at but it's too early in the science of the immunity that comes from having had the disease," health minister Matt Hancock said at a Downing Street press conference.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson's spokesman said Britain was completing due diligence in how feasible immunity passports would be.

In Germany, researchers are preparing a study that would see if people already immune to the virus could reenter the workforce and be granted immunity passports.

In Italy, the conservative president of the northeastern Veneto region has proposed an immunity passport for people who possess antibodies that show they are resistant to the virus. The former prime minister, Matteo Renzi, has called it a "Covid Pass" for the uninfected who can return to their normal lives.

Talk of these special passports surfaced in American politics last week when House Democratic Caucus Chairman Mike Stewart called on Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee to implement an "Immunity Certificate" for first responders and healthcare professionals.

And for more confirmation that immunity passports are going to be the next big thing in the Western world, or maybe across the globe. Here is Bill Gates on March 24, giving a 50-minute interview to Chris Anderson, the Curator of TED, the non-profit that runs the TED Talks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xe8fIjxicoo

Right at 34:14, Gates discussed how the future in a post-corona world would be. He said:

"Eventually what we'll have to have is certificates of who's a recovered person, who's a vaccinated person…

…Because you don't want people moving around the world where you'll have some countries that won't have it under control, sadly."

Someone needs to kill this scumbag terrorist traitor. Another reason NOT to get tested at all, and simply refuse to put up with their bullshit and be prepared, and work hard to become more self-sufficient.



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16b506  No.91127

Apparently, Lombardy is already about to hit herd immunity. What happens then ? Is it all over ?

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6277e0  No.91129



Agreed. It's as if this was all planned by design! Who would have thought, right? We either fight back against their new globalist kike agenda and refuse to conform to it or get ready for the USSA to become a communist cesspit declared Chinese territory and faggots like Bill Gates making Billions in profits off your slavery and third world subjugation! It's about time to put up, or shut up. Push comes to shove is coming so take your fuck sides and draw your motherfucking lines!!

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c494e1  No.91132


>that clown who drank aquarium cleaner

You mean the repeat feminazi, the trump derangement syndrome media plant starlet, the same one with completed police reports of domestic abuse against her husband, the same hyper-democrat progressive donor madwoman, the very one who may have just tried to kill her husband yet again and blame it on trump?

That one?

Because if that's the one you're talking about, I think you need to believe what you read slightly less, and go verify it slightly more.

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8802b9  No.91133


the symptom is apparently that it just goes away totally, I don't know how good a sign it is, likely everyone doesn't lose their senses, but good to hear all the same.

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8802b9  No.91134


I will say about this, that it is curious that she would have survived a dose that killed her almost certainly physically larger husband.

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3c539d  No.91135


Pretty sure people lost their senses a long time ago anon.

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25c568  No.91136


he died but what you mean is she was talking all sorts of shit about how much she hated him and somehow he's dead and she's not.

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c494e1  No.91138



Worms. Ivermectin is for worms. Worms are not viruses. Does the virus have an old style glutamate-gated channel -and- use ion concentration mechanisms? Does coronachan have fucking flagella tentacles to move around with, or twitch motion? If not, then ivermectin is sitll for worms, not viruses.

Demonstrate a novel MoA for that large linear lactone, and I'll retract the following: Fuck you too. Fuck all of your ivermectin up your failed failure perpetual academic asshole. Ivermectin number last.

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07ef4f  No.91139

File: 9257dd2604f1243⋯.jpg (188.83 KB, 720x960, 3:4, 92134399_2760004847455349_….jpg)


The bears are coming out in Poland.

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28c47a  No.91140


Whenever someone starts dropping "feminazi" you can tune them right out.

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91f1c2  No.91143



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1feb3e  No.91144


i prefer the term femtard myself since it explains what they are much better than feminazi and i actually respect national socialism, but femtards hate nazis and get extra triggered by the term feminazi.

I hope this what you mean because if you were defending femtardism in any way shape or form you should find the nearest oven, turn on the heat and get inside

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a37235  No.91146


I hope it is a good sign. They've decided to go to the hospital anyway. I will most likely repoast to the /survival/ thread so I can figure out how to go forward in case of the worst case scenario. God bless anon.

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4db5f0  No.91152

File: 0c226fb06cda9ec⋯.png (1.78 MB, 1140x1039, 1140:1039, 0c226fb06cda9ecaf1cf573843….png)


Lurk previous thread, there's sauce on somali niggers being main source of corona chan deaths in Sweden. There was also another sauce on niggers being assblasted in Jew York.

The myth itself does exist and we should do some infographics to support it and post it on Nairaland


Why do they keep them behind a fence? Is there illegal bear immigration problem?

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13d3cf  No.91153


>I’m out

The air here just got a little less infected.


Great. The immunity database will help kikes to choose the blood and organs to steal.


Malaria medicine being used for lupus. Heart medicine being used to prevent stroke. The chan for tards has a 4 in it.

> Mask usage mandated across USA defense department for both military and civilian.


> 91yo shark scream queen Lee Fierro dies blessed.


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68d6af  No.91157


>Great. The immunity database will help kikes to choose the blood and organs to steal.

This is why I will never get tested for it, although I will continue my best to decontaminate anything I bring into my home as well use proper protective gear (respirator, gloves, hand sanitizer). Always decontaminate your gear too, I'll scrub down the gloves with hand sanitizer before taking them off and use UV-C for the respirator). My goal is not to ever catch corona in the first place, but if I do I am certainly not going to rely on institutions, I'll simply stay home and boost my immune system and do whatever I can to help my body fight it. Worst case scenario is I die, but at least not go out as good goyim. I wouldn't ever give them that satisfaction!

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78fdcd  No.91158

File: 9fcece91bfde9a7⋯.png (166.81 KB, 641x1230, 641:1230, 1491553388032.png)


>the bear will leave its cave forever

It's happening.

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f59f6b  No.91160

I think the shit server ate my post, will delete if it ends up posting again.

My roommate came up with a box of 20 N95s from 2008. He thinks the rubber is gone but we have no knowledge of if the mask effectiveness can go away with age, it has never been opened. I looked through my PDFs from /cvg/ and couldn't find any detailing on it.

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97f39c  No.91161


>the pic

<Africa not nearly as infected

I hate to say this, but this is what I believe: Africans tend to be very distrusting of the (((medical establishment)))… remember, Africans started to kill and run out the Red Cross over tainted vaccines a few years ago! They don't trust their corrupt governments or establishments like most Westerners blindly do. Could that be the reason we don't see such a spread over there!? Think about it…..

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ffa998  No.91162

File: c78209e1524166f⋯.png (467.93 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Based_Corona.png)

File: 079b8c52f7285c2⋯.png (352.61 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Based_Corona_2.png)

File: 04d784604761591⋯.png (347.63 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Based_Corona_3.png)



You dumb fucking niggers need to excercise some patience. I swear it's like you have no foresight or impulse control even with all the knowledge that's here.

The virus isn't showing up in Apefrica because it's literally a 3rd world continent with 0 medical infrastructure to actually test and report this virus. No, niggers aren't immune to it either, according to the latest statistics coming out.

>Pics related

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f96f0c  No.91163


What an awful idea. It would incentivize everyone to deliberately infect themselves since otherwise they can't work.

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f96f0c  No.91164


My understanding is the expiry dates refer to the rubber bands, the actual filters should be fine if you work out some alternate way of attaching it to your face. Also your roommate sounds based.

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f33eec  No.91167


>caring about the fiat, usury, economy

Go back to your drudge report.

You either enact land reform so people don't have to pay rent and have independence from you parasites, or you must enact UBI. Preferably both actually, then you lot are cut off.

Your choice Mr Tophat Capitalist.


Why do people save this sort of schizo crap?

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f59f6b  No.91168


did my own homework


talks specifically about the degradation of straps causing worse performance when sealing the mask edges

and then 3M's website has a FAQ detailing that they give a 5 year lifetime on their version, assuming proper humidity, and it does not go into any detail on things not related to the nose foam or straps, so I assume those are the only things that lose performance.


aye thanks. He has them from an old project in the attic and says to his knowledge they've never been in high humidity.

if this double posts again I give up, I've waited 6 minutes to be sure about it

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81f2b7  No.91169


Gates was a businessman not an inventor, and this shows damn well why.

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5f2c18  No.91170


>caring about the fiat, usury, economy

Go back to your drudge report.

You either enact land reform so people don't have to pay rent and have independence from you parasites, or you must enact UBI. Preferably both actually, then you lot are cut off.

Your choice Mr Tophat Capitalist.


Why do people save this sort of schizo crap?

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2585a5  No.91171

File: 9d78dd5820f7c42⋯.gif (39.94 KB, 700x700, 1:1, 1439255879022.gif)


Don't forgot get places like Shitago

41% of Illinois Residents Dying from COVID-19 are Black

>The novel coronavirus is believed to more severely impact those who are elderly, immunocompromised or who otherwise have underlying health conditions like heart disease, lung disease or diabetes.

>But there is another group that appears to be disproportionately impacted by COVID-19: those who identify as black.

>Demographic data from the Illinois Department of Public Health shows that individuals classified as black make up 29% of the state’s confirmed COVID-19 cases. Individuals classified as white follow with 28% of the state’s confirmed cases, while the race of 24% of individuals who tested positive was “left blank.” Hispanics make up roughly 9% of cases, Asians just over 3% and “other” stand at 5%.

>Those percentages do not align with the state’s racial makeup, per census data that as of last July showed Illinois’ population to be nearly 77% white, nearly 15% black, 17% Latino and almost 6% Asian.

>The novel coronavirus is believed to more severely impact those who are elderly, immunocompromised or who otherwise have underlying health conditions like heart disease, lung disease or diabetes.

>But there is another group that appears to be disproportionately impacted by COVID-19: those who identify as black.

>Demographic data from the Illinois Department of Public Health shows that individuals classified as black make up 29% of the state’s confirmed COVID-19 cases. Individuals classified as white follow with 28% of the state’s confirmed cases, while the race of 24% of individuals who tested positive was “left blank.” Hispanics make up roughly 9% of cases, Asians just over 3% and “other” stand at 5%.

>Those percentages do not align with the state’s racial makeup, per census data that as of last July showed Illinois’ population to be nearly 77% white, nearly 15% black, 17% Latino and almost 6% Asian.

>Black individuals also account for an outsized 113, or 41%, of Illinois’ 274 coronavirus-related deaths, compared with 106, or almost 39%, of white individuals who died after testing positive for the virus.

>“We know all too well that there are general disparities in health outcomes that play along these racial lines, and the same may be true for this virus,” Illinois Department of Public Health Director Dr. Ngozi Ezike said Sunday. “We have worked to ensure that all of our communities can access the health care they need as COVID-19 spreads and we will make sure that resources are directed where they are needed most.”

>Ezike said the state has tried to address health care disparities among “black and brown communities” before the coronavirus hit and will continue to do so “both now and long after this pandemic has been conquered.”

>When pressed for details at his daily press briefing Sunday, the governor pointed to plans to temporarily reopen Melrose Park’s shuttered Westlake Hospital and the closed MetroSouth hospital in Blue Island, to serve as relief health care centers as the virus is expected to continue to surge in the Chicago area.

>“But it’s hard to make up for decades, frankly, maybe centuries of inequality of application of health care to people,” Pritzker said.

>He recommended that Illinois’ black population do “what can they do to protect themselves” by taking the measures he and other officials have been urging for weeks, including staying home, wiping down frequently touched surfaces and consistently hand-washing.

>Pritzker, who donned a mask as he walked to the podium Sunday, also encouraged the public to wear face protection that covers the mouth and nose when and if they do go outside.

>“I’m praying as I look at the potential for peaking in the next couple of weeks that we’ll be able to manage through this with the resources that we have but I’m not fully confident of that,” the governor said.

>Black individuals also account for an outsized 113, or 41%, of Illinois’ 274 coronavirus-related deaths, compared with 106, or almost 39%, of white individuals who died after testing positive for the virus.

>“We know all too well that there are general disparities in health outcomes that play along these racial lines, and the same may be true for this virus,” Illinois Department of Public Health Director Dr. Ngozi Ezike said Sunday. “We have worked to ensure that all of our communities can access the health care they need as COVID-19 spreads and we will make sure that resources are directed where they are needed most.”


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81f2b7  No.91172



More so of pointing out rather than jumping to conclusions like you. Read, nigger, read.

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2585a5  No.91173

File: 36e174f83489f84⋯.jpg (41.66 KB, 540x540, 1:1, 1430238126276.jpg)


>Ezike said the state has tried to address health care disparities among “black and brown communities” before the coronavirus hit and will continue to do so “both now and long after this pandemic has been conquered.”

>When pressed for details at his daily press briefing Sunday, the governor pointed to plans to temporarily reopen Melrose Park’s shuttered Westlake Hospital and the closed MetroSouth hospital in Blue Island, to serve as relief health care centers as the virus is expected to continue to surge in the Chicago area.

>“But it’s hard to make up for decades, frankly, maybe centuries of inequality of application of health care to people,” Pritzker said.

>He recommended that Illinois’ black population do “what can they do to protect themselves” by taking the measures he and other officials have been urging for weeks, including staying home, wiping down frequently touched surfaces and consistently hand-washing.

>Pritzker, who donned a mask as he walked to the podium Sunday, also encouraged the public to wear face protection that covers the mouth and nose when and if they do go outside.

>“I’m praying as I look at the potential for peaking in the next couple of weeks that we’ll be able to manage through this with the resources that we have but I’m not fully confident of that,” the governor said.


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c1fb3b  No.91174


I never said they were immune anon, I said they distrust the (((establishment))) which is obviously exploiting this bioweapon for population control, if not the ones who deliberately released it in the first place. We can assume many will be affected and some will die but until they start dropping like flies I assume they have less outbreaks simply because those third world niggers won't be around areas (like hospitals) that become hotspots for contagious outbreaks. I assume many villages are likely isolated well enough not to ever come into contact with corona ironically.

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f96f0c  No.91175


>But there is another group that appears to be disproportionately impacted by COVID-19: those who identify as black.

Well maybe they should stop doing that then.

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2037b9  No.91176

File: af2751de54b0342⋯.png (12.94 KB, 711x385, 711:385, covfefe.png)



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f96f0c  No.91178

File: d655ec63755d80a⋯.jpg (118.75 KB, 960x720, 4:3, sakura_disgusted.jpg)


>Preferably both

>some shitter here actually thinks UBI (i.e. communism) is a good thing

Absolutely disgusting.

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81f2b7  No.91180


>stop being a nigger

Like asking the sun to stop shining

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9c4800  No.91183


I think all states that enforce mandatory lockdowns should take responsibility for their knee-jerk reactions and forgive mortgage and rent debts. Why should people be forced to pay for something they are not allowed to make an income to pay for? It's like disabling someone by shattering their hip with a bat, and then blaming them for not being able to fucking walk! People rightfully blame China for this stupid communistic shit, and then turn the blind eye when our own governments do it…. amazing.

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ffa998  No.91184


> I assume they have less outbreaks simply because those third world niggers won't be around areas (like hospitals) that become hotspots for contagious outbreaks

I could buy that, but that's not the initial reason you gave for their lower numbers of infected. At first, you said it was because they didn't trust the medical establishment, which quite frankly at this point isn't even trying to deal with Apefrica since they have their own problems in the developed world. Either the virus is completely out of control there (it definitely is in the cities that serve as international hubs for neo-colonizers to rape the businesses there) or it is somewhat under control simply because they are so caveman-like in their existence that living in random mud huts separated by hundreds of miles is enough social distancing to keep the virus away.

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d96220  No.91185

File: 9eabff3dfa8392a⋯.mp4 (733.86 KB, 320x400, 4:5, Commiefornia_implemented_a….mp4)


>Why do people save this sort of schizo crap?

Because women and boomers in particular absolutely love this garbage. Lets them think they can predict the future. Nevermind the fact that all they are doing is desperately looking for things in the present that have already aligned with it and are incapable of actually predicting the future with this shit. It's kinda like reading horoscopes except even more useless. Because at least horoscopes help people develop a particular rhythm in their daily lives to know when to cut their hair or to just make a decision in a particularly divisive moment (even if that decision may be wrong). It takes away the need to think for themselves while making themselves feel like they have done something good. Sure, they can speculate what it may or may not mean, but it holds no predictive power and as such they miss the mark. That part they will ignore because a singular thing aligned in all of that, making the rest 100% true no matter what. For example, bears coming out here would be used to pretend that it was useful for anything. Bears always come out of hibernation in spring. That happens every year. And yet it is somehow some magical prediction.

>You either enact land reform so people don't have to pay rent and have independence from you parasites, or you must enact UBI

Back to Reddit with you.

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0aa25c  No.91187


I don't think UBI is a good solution because it leads to hyperinflation and a lot more insolvency and corruption. What they should do is enact reforms (such as debt forgiveness) in the areas they enforce lock-downs and close down businesses (creating mass unemployment). Not doing so only creates an epidemic of poverty and third world collapse along with the initial problem, the virus! It actually exacerbates the problem.

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7f7318  No.91188

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Singapore : 20,000 potentially infected curryniggers on lockdown

>no alcohol

>no gibs

>no bobs and pusi


>Singapore has told 20,000 foreign workers to stay in their dormitories for 14 days as coronavirus cases increase in the city state.

>Two dormitories have been isolated: one with 13,000 workers and 63 cases, and one with 6,800 workers and 28 cases.

>They are typically home to men from South Asia who work in construction.

>The workers will be paid and given three meals a day - but some have complained of overcrowded and dirty conditions.

>Although Singapore was praised for its proactive response to the virus, the number of locally-transmitted cases is increasing - and a "lockdown" begins on Tuesday.

Skip to 0:10

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d96220  No.91193

File: 25fc792e15d3ec8⋯.png (779.42 KB, 674x3363, 674:3363, 95_kits_for_testing_on_a_p….png)


Giving people tax-breaks within the period of the quarantine itself would help immensely. But instead businesses are demanded to give people hazard pay and to maintain their current workforce without changing hours or pay but without actually reducing taxes. So anyone that gets hazard pay ends up getting half of that hazard pay taxed anyway. And for what? To pay for some bureaucrat or soldier to stay at home? Hell, lots of people end up in the "non-essential" category so many of them not only don't get paid if their paycheck is based on performance but the landowner is encouraged to throw them out by still being taxed for housing them. Having a place to live is apparently non-essential. But delivering dildoes to your front doorstep is top priority, whereby Amazon will send that shit within less than a day.

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00c68d  No.91197

File: 6d5ef3ba3b4d5e1⋯.jpeg (14.69 KB, 236x236, 1:1, bakuninliberty.jpeg)

File: f22245c973c3d95⋯.png (55.35 KB, 748x476, 11:7, debtjubilee.png)


Trapped in the 'human resource' mindset instead of thinking of yourself as an owner of your nation.

Nietzsche called it 'slave morality'.


>Why should people be forced to pay for something they are not allowed to make an income to pay for?

Why should anyone have to pay rent, ever? There is no rightful ownership of land, other than by those who are dwelling upon it or using it, by right of being born on this planet.

>Back to Reddit with you.

I hope you three can upgrade your weltanshaung soon, it seems you are not clued in to how we have been enslaved.

It's time to flush the evil paradigm this system is built upon.


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00c68d  No.91200


meant to reply to this post above >>91178

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475c27  No.91201

File: d27e58b0935c6a3⋯.jpeg (93.24 KB, 577x433, 577:433, 61391FC8_5B2D_4764_A0F5_6….jpeg)

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d96220  No.91202

File: 248b27941993f80⋯.png (744.97 KB, 998x1005, 998:1005, Commie_killed_by_tree_bran….png)


<I hope you three can upgrade your weltanshaung soon

Now that you just said I should change my perspective and did so in a weird foreign non-English word despite talking to me in English, that immediately blew my mind and I can immediately see. This arguement is life-changing.


That's not how that is spelt. It is spelt Weltanschauung.

>W is written capital because it is a noun

>sch is the same sound as sh in English, but sh is not used as a separate in German as it is in English

>uung because Schau- is the root, and -ung is the ending that turns it into a noun

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ee930b  No.91203


Rats can act weird when they have rabies and other infections. I had one run towards me with a bone in it's mouth, under artificial light (at night) until I shot the fucker. This was pre-corona chan but otherwise I agree they usually don't stick around.

Animal behavior is good to keep an eye on.


>People who have contracted the virus and have recovered, normally develop antibodies to fight the virus

Ah, this meme still, all while reading about reinfection and ZERO evidence of antibodies existing. Honestly has any anon seen any evidence of that?

Typical it comes in an CCP2020 shilling article.

>muh sheep herd immunity

So this will be how they'll let faggots travel spread poz while shitholes are burning.

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3ca38f  No.91204

File: 44f1a61ecb40e83⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 395.46 KB, 473x781, 43:71, ktlp9l2yhxyz.png)


You make a reasonable point, anon. I hope that's the case,

I've never farmed dairy, but maybe I'll get into it if this means I can score a cow for the cheap. I suppose that's the silver lining, no matter how thin.

If this is a result of schools and restaurants shutting down then I still don't expect this to stop here though. So long as they don't get forceful about it then I'll live. I'm not cutting back on a single bird, fuck their green lines.

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f95af6  No.91205


Why is Corona-chan such a bigot? If I want to choose to identify as black, regardless of reality, who is she to judge me?


Sadly, I'm sure actual tweets like this exist.

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17135c  No.91206

File: 2ee210f49b099f5⋯.png (56.06 KB, 754x357, 754:357, Husband_and_wife_are_appla….png)

File: 6f4d2191d6733a2⋯.jpg (120.93 KB, 1000x1230, 100:123, casal_alta.jpg)

File: f216d8a98ce2b54⋯.mp4 (3.11 MB, 352x640, 11:20, Ecuadorian_truck_driver_wi….mp4)

File: 6652ebcebb1649f⋯.png (55.65 KB, 611x322, 611:322, dead_favela_niggers.png)

File: 138807db11717ec⋯.png (55.67 KB, 598x269, 598:269, choloroquine_fucked_some_g….png)

Wew I have no idea of when the power came back, all I know is that I slept a lot

Good afternoon fellow jigaboos, it's time to praise the Goddess once more!

Husband & wife in São Paulo's countryside are applauded as they're being discharged from the Santa Casa de Penápolis Hospital after recovering. They were hospitalized on 30th of March and were discharged yeterday. Another white/light skinned recovery in Brownzil! I have yet to see a shitskin or nigger recovery, praise Corona-Chan!

Ecuadorian truck driver with shortness of breath and high fever https://archive.is/YMpEN

Since I can't find any more interesting stuff to post and I have stuff to do, I'm just gonna drop some amusing Brownzilian tweets that I saved

Two dead slum dwellers in Rio de Janeiro

Chloroquine fucked a blessed dude's liver and kidneys up


>Maybe Countries Should Be Making Their Own Equipment?

It's like I said many threads ago: You can't rely on anyone else other than yourself, or else you're fucked. Same goes for countries.


Complete bullshit and you just outed yourself as a newfag to /cvg/ for even asking this, since many posts have been made showing all kinds of niggers getting BTFO.



Most likely Corona, may your father be spared. I will pray for him, you and your family too.

>>91188 (check'd & heil'd)

>no alcohol, no gibs, no bobs and pusi

Clearly a violation of human rights. Kek

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b09487  No.91207


#1 -under reporting-

-dirty place- does this make nigs toughen up?

-skinny niggers - coronchan seems to love fatties, regular joe negro won't go get tested unless he's dying and even if he is dying maybe he won't.

-young niggers- i doubt africa has a really old population, coronachan is young, but she likes em mature.

-it's autumn– cold season is just starting in the south

-lack of inter connectivity- roads, trains and shit just don't

>Prediction- Africa will take a lot less time to expand, but will do so over the next couple of months while it gets colder, also, she will get her share of deaths because of the slums, finally, while the rest of the world (more or less) has her beat, Coronachan will live in Africa for years, always finding a new village to gangbang. Africa (and India) will have to be cut off from global networks asap.

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a37235  No.91210

File: ac17b0e25baed8a⋯.png (86.46 KB, 300x265, 60:53, ac17b0e25baed8a7025304effd….png)


Thank you anon, you have no idea how much your prayers are appreciated.

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267b86  No.91213

File: 24bc038758d7e99⋯.jpg (382.58 KB, 1312x2137, 1312:2137, Screenshot_20200406_153532.jpg)

Slants are expanding there propaganda shills



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d515f6  No.91214

File: 751a928fed8bbb3⋯.png (904.01 KB, 1080x853, 1080:853, Corona_Chan_and_Ebola_Chan….png)


Don't worry about Apefrica, they're good as dead. Corona-Chan doesn't care about the season, hygiene, weight, age or connectivity. She just hunts down whoever she deems unfit of living, completely disregarding any obstacle on her way. Your prediction is completely wrong, here's a better one

>While the rest of the developed countries are busy getting their shit kicked in by Corona-Chan, medical aid to Apefrica is interrupted, Ebola-Chan makes a comeback. Both of /Ourgirls/ end up cleansing the filthy continent of all niggers.

Now stop thinking the Apefricans have even an iota of a chance of survival, your negative energies are mucking the thread up. I swear, dealing with faithless faggots gets more tiresome everyday, If my power and niggernet get cut off and never return, I will be glad to be free from this faggotry.


Don't forget to do your part, have faith that all of you will live. Do not fear Corona-Chan, trust her judgement, for she spares those who are pure.

>Error 502 bad gateway

As if "The Serb took too long" wasn't bad enough, now there's this bullshit too.

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69c4a7  No.91216

Anyone buying the market rebound? Is it simply accounting for expected inflation? Staying in cash in or averaging in?

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94983f  No.91217

Where's the dumb Trump supporter who thinks Hydroxychloroquine will save you. Guess what

>Major Producer of Hydroxychloroquine Once Paid Michael Cohen Hefty Sum for Access to Trump.


>President Donald Trump on Sunday once again touted the potential life-saving benefits of treating coronavirus patients with hydroxychloroquine, a powerful anti-malaria drug, despite a dearth of medical professionals or clinical evidence supporting his claims. It just so happens that one of the largest manufacturers of the drug, Novartis, previously paid Trump’s now-incarcerated former personal attorney Michael Cohen more than $1 million for healthcare policy insight following Trump’s election in 2016.

>The Swiss drug maker signed a contract that paid Cohen’s newly formed limited-liability corporation Essential Consultants $100,000 per month in February of 2017. After details of the deal were leaked by the now-jailed Michael Avenatti, whose then-client Stormy Daniels was engaged in a legal dispute with the president, the company’s CEO issued a public apology saying Novartis “made a mistake” in contracting with the president’s personal attorney.


Think about what kind of slimeball would pull this shit during an epidemic. Plus the lack of testing and the the AG pronouncing masks don't help.


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d515f6  No.91220

File: 7fe0970f8c554ff⋯.png (75.27 KB, 263x630, 263:630, Boris_will_succumb_soon.png)

File: 2100cfd4854f751⋯.png (55.79 KB, 603x270, 67:30, say_goodbye_to_Boris_anons.png)



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a37235  No.91221

File: 4c0f20ef0678327⋯.jpg (317.24 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, Kali_Yuga_Ends.jpg)


You God-damned right anon. I must keep my faith strong for my family in these trying times.


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270c4c  No.91222

Amazon Faces Another NYC Warehouse Strike As Dozens Of Workers Catch Coronavirus



State Economies Collapsing Over Mandatory Lockdowns, Liberal States Face Pension Collapse



Communist Governments Want to Decide What Items Are 'Essential' and What Things You’re Not Allowed to Buy



Communist Governments: Stop Prepping! Stop Shopping! Stop Spending Your Savings Goyim!



Comrade Bill Gates Begins ID 2020 Agenda Building Factories For Microchipped Vaccines



Blacks More Likely To Die Of Corona?



UK PM Boris Johnson Taken To ICU As COVID-19 Symptoms Worsen Dramatically



5 Natural Remedies That Boost Immunity To Protect From Coronavirus



How To Properly Decontaminate Groceries Before Entering Your Home



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411599  No.91223


NOPE. Pulled my 401(k) out long ago, well worth the 15% loss and putting most my savings into prepping and becoming self-sufficient now days. I will not be taking any vaccine or microchip and Bill Gates can kiss my ass.

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8802b9  No.91224


What exactly is it about this generic that makes you guys hate it so much? That has got to be hands down the most tenuous line of BS I've seen yet from the media. A manufacturer paying a paltry sum to pay to play in our pay to play system in 2016? And thus the selection of this one drug 3 years later in an unpredictable pandemic? really? Lets stick to just the facts, that chloroquine has been known for quite some time to treat coronaviruses in the past. Fauci himself championed it for treating MERS. Odds are pretty damned good at this point with all of the studies done that it works. And Trump, damn his betrayal of what he ran on, and of us, was right to call it.

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857629  No.91225


Good. I will be glad when that retard kicks the bucket.

Now if only trump get blessed too, we can finally get rid of those fucking retard trump supporters.

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a21ba6  No.91226

File: 687544adad1bb54⋯.jpg (235.58 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, barbaar.jpg)


>On another topic, has anyone heard from debtanon? I've seen nothing from him in several threads. Last I read he was ill.

Hey anon, walking debt here with another unexciting update etc., etc.. I'm fine friend, just haven't been around that much, been shacking up with a friend of mine and playing vidya to kill the time. For anyone remembering, and wondering, it's the guy I was in the process of redpilling.

My health is absolutely fine, had another cold I guess, fully recovered by now. Appreciate you asking about me my dude, I'm mostly lurking now. Don't worry, should I get seriously ill which i won't, I'll make sure to let you all know. Count on it.


>If he doesn’t pop up soon we are going to have to start calling him deadanon.

When there's no more room in hell, the debt will walk the earth.

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e7d2dd  No.91227

boris is kill?

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e7d2dd  No.91228



Complete Paladin Press book collection

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81873e  No.91229

File: 88b2fc242a51db3⋯.jpg (352.42 KB, 1770x1394, 885:697, pharma_execs.jpg)


(((Big Pharma Shills))) hate generic drugs that actually cure you because there's no money in it for them, they want you to buy a (((vaccine))) and pay for a "proof of vaccination" passport to be allowed to leave your house to work for their companies.

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0e0621  No.91230

Alright, so BoJo is in ICU for the chink-stinks. Can any Brit tell me what happens if the PM dies? Here in the States if the Pres dies, the VP becomes Pres, then the Speaker of the House, and so on.

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13d3cf  No.91231



I’m going to guess they didn’t put BoJo on a used Chinese ventilator, but we can always hope.

>Oy vey, poor not getting tested as often in Florida


It couldn’t have anything to do with population density, goy.

>Most Holland America cruise passengers aren’t quarantined.


It’s alright. Not like they came directly from NYC or NOLA.

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f90927  No.91233

File: 57f72a9b89643e5⋯.jpg (229.99 KB, 1408x788, 352:197, Dominic_Raab.jpg)


Dominic Raab has been deputized until Boris gets better. Which given the record of those that got out of ICU is slim. If Boris dies Raab is in charge till it is safe to hold a leadership contest.

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e7d2dd  No.91235



do you think he will fuck us and cuck for china?

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f90927  No.91236

File: 1d4b97747845a79⋯.jpg (161.95 KB, 876x1024, 219:256, hgsret6.jpg)


Not sure. But if Boris dies I would not want to be a chink walking the streets of Britain for a while. People might flip out.

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d08562  No.91238

Just a random thought, it seems in Europe they're pushing this 'peaked' thing really hard, and in the US apparently they can tell exactly when their peak will hit (Thursday). Is it me or is there a concerted push to get back to normal and wrap up the meters, hide the death in statistics (they know by now how, dosing data from 'recent days' to help their narrative). Something stinks, it feels like they're going to push us all out to save their shekels.

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e7d2dd  No.91239

File: bb7b36f9e342fb4⋯.png (543.81 KB, 1024x781, 1024:781, chinkniggers.png)

File: cf9ce3aabcaa603⋯.webm (1.92 MB, 480x480, 1:1, chinksareavirus.webm)

File: 29f8726876bc4f4⋯.jpg (49.45 KB, 720x692, 180:173, 1585703721345.jpg)


Here's hoping, fuck every single slant on the planet, with the possible exception of nips

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5bf00c  No.91240


No, it's the same thing as China is when it's "back to normal".

This is the new "normal" anon, they know they can't contain it and then they don't want to. They feared an uprising but now they see people are too demoralized to fight the government.

This is the "new normal". We will have to live with this.

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e7d2dd  No.91243


call me a shill but if you want to fight why not go to russia, get a weapon, cross the chink border and waste as many bugmen as you can

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d08562  No.91245


Raab is a jew. His father was a jew. If that ashkenazi filth takes over the UK like this you better put your Trump and Pence in a bunker now, why have jew boot lickers if you can have a real jew in charge?

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d08562  No.91246


No shill, and it will be a while before borders open. Europe is talking about passports, other forms of clearing 'healthy' people to travel. What is the mid game strategy then, I'm missing something here. If they push us out, we get all infected or re-infected, we'll be in the same shit but deeper. What am I not seeing here.

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d96220  No.91247

File: 0752bb820dbb3fd⋯.jpg (74.68 KB, 960x955, 192:191, Epstein_Epstain_universe.jpg)


It's definitely to save their shekels. Companies both large and small are applying pressure to get the "essential" stamp no matter what (along with companies not enslaved by the banking cartel realising they got fucked over) and the government is missing out on shekels, since the "essential" businesses don't bring enough in taxes. Workers are doing runs on the bank, thus putting the bankers on edge while they count the money, and are losing both their livelihood and their homes in large enough numbers all at the same time to make the government worry about stability. More shekels would need to go into keeping the peace, which compounded with the reduced tax income means trouble.

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d96220  No.91248


Considering the fact that Belgium destroyed masks to make room for more Africans, borders are open. But only in one direction.

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e7d2dd  No.91249



why must you blackpill in every post?

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dee014  No.91250


They're trying to get this over and wrap it up quick in Hope's we can get "back to normal" soon, but as this anon said…


This shit probably is going to be the new normal, just like how Azns have been walking in public with face masks for 20 years now

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d08562  No.91251


Also, weapons are much harder to come by in Russia than people think. It's not Moldova or Ukraine or some such place. We have the best gun laws in Europe, and a fine small arms producer (CZ). I'm comfy, at home.

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d08562  No.91252


Well fuck that. Maybe that works in west Europe. We'll see.

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d08562  No.91254


Just had a thought. What if they're afraid of keeping us locked up for too long? Like four weeks being too long? Is it a ruse, will it become an eternally postponed 'real soon now' lifting, or will they hope to keep us calm, send us out, let us die and clamor for lockup again, as a human boom bust cycle?

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d96220  No.91255

File: 17c323dd088f5e1⋯.webm (3.03 MB, 852x480, 71:40, Yang_People_are_going_to_….webm)


>anything negative means I am trying to niggerpill

You want nothing but sunshine and happiness or something? Where I always agree with everything you say? Pretty ironic coming from the retard calling for mass shootings.

You're going to make it, Anon! Everything is almost over, just pull through and don't look back! Just take a flight to Russia because of some retard on the internet and it will all be fine! I believe in you! You don't even need to do anything while you are there, just take a holiday and it will solve itself!

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6dd33c  No.91256


As if (((they))) want all their debtslaves locked up. This is not the plan. unless you think literally everything is thier plan

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e7d2dd  No.91259


>Pretty ironic coming from the retard calling for mass shootings.

Implying they are anything but baste, fuck you chink, try and shift the blame elsewhere i hope you and your entire family are lynched

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d96220  No.91260


>i hope you and your entire family are lynched

Why only hope? Are your borders closed or something?

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0e0621  No.91262


>the "essential" businesses don't bring enough in taxes

They don't know that. You don't know that. Taxes aren't reported daily. Q2/20 doesn't end until July 1st, which is when the government will know how many taxes have been lost. Q1/20 was pretty normal.

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0837d3  No.91263

File: 6e5e22405cc062f⋯.png (450.92 KB, 922x573, 922:573, blessed_meat.png)

File: 188ee5ee7a469fc⋯.mp4 (1.5 MB, 352x640, 11:20, Corona_Corpse_being_taken_….mp4)

File: 1b6aa887f217114⋯.jpg (140.49 KB, 1280x718, 640:359, Brownzilian_bullshit_numbe….jpg)

Infected meat plant workers in Burgerland https://archive.is/b3HEH

Corona-corpse being taken away in Guayaquil https://archive.is/iNIrk

Brownzilian bullshit numbers have been updated: 12.056 confirmed symptomatic hues and 553 confirmed deaths. Reminder that those numbers are bullshit, yadda yadda yadda.

It's getting harder to find news and videos, wew, this is going to be all for this post.


I also recommend you to exercise indoors and take some time to practice meditation. Gotta push those impurities out.

>>91222 (checked)

Checking your triples.


Nice to see you again debtdude. Glad to know you're with your normal friend and not the faggot with the mansion, you made the right choice.

>When there's no more room in hell, the debt will walk the earth.




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6bb437  No.91267


Those masks were destroyed from 2015-2018.

The issue is the Public Health Minister never bothered to replace that stock, and even outdated, it would be better to have than not, because only the elastics to hold them on were decayed and you can fix that with goddamn shoelaces.

READ, NIGGER. Shit that happened years ago is not necessarily shit that's happening now.


>You want nothing but sunshine and happiness or something?

How about you stick to reality instead of spreading falsehoods that make things seem worse than they are?

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d96220  No.91268


>They don't know that. You don't know that. Taxes aren't reported daily

Given the fact that less companies are operating now due to the fact that they are forbidden to act, it would be pretty naive to pretend nobody knows the effect on taxes. Exactly how great of an effect, nobody can tell, but the general trend is pretty clear. It's like saying that nobody knows what the effect on prices is when a market is flooded with cheap goods. Because, you know, people just need to wait and see: nobody can predict what the future holds.

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81f2b7  No.91269


>thanks chinks



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f95af6  No.91275

File: c2e8827dbefe1b0⋯.jpg (33.07 KB, 547x643, 547:643, 433bda7d79d974cc874eaf210c….jpg)


The time to start worrying will be if he's put on a ventilator. Mortality rate is up to 80% in those cases, but apparently a lot die from bacterial infections related to the intubation process. That and you're under a medically-induced coma because you couldn't handle the ventilator otherwise. But honestly, passing away while unconscious is a preferable way to go vs. drowning in your own fluids while cogent.


>that reference

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5c0f0b  No.91276


Nothing they said is wrong.

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6dd33c  No.91277


I'm pretty sure the mortality rate for the Prime Minister will be lower than the average, just because he is absolutely guaranteed to get the attention of the doctor who knows what he is doing. The average mortality rate includes all the people who got a pajeet doctor.

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dedcee  No.91278


>Those masks were destroyed from 2015-2018.

>implying destroying anti-pandemic equipment in order to bring more turd worlders is EVER a non-shit idea

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28580a  No.91279


>May WW3 be against both China and America

nobody is doing that

SARS-2 has accelerated the plan to switch the Eastern and Western roles. The Americas are going to be a factories of brown mutts cranking out rubber dog shit to satisfy a burgeoning Chinese middle class (and our own (((elites))). There is a reason China has been so focused on grand infrastructure projects and it has nothing to do with maintaining an export economy. It's also why Disney, Google, ect all suck china's dick - They know where the new consoomer market is and where it will remain.


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da508d  No.91280


Or his mortality rate is 100% because he's not supposed to live through this. Ever think about that?

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da508d  No.91281


I'd believe you if the chinks were actually able to produce anything without patent infringement or outright theft. If you knew anything about China you'd know the CCP is actively trying to break their middle class. A middle class doesn't work with the CCP. They need elites and they need peasants. No middle.

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6bb437  No.91284

File: 62923d4b951270a⋯.gif (3.77 MB, 483x556, 483:556, animu_gril_for_the_anti_ch….gif)


Do you know how to read?

Because other anon couldn't read either, and thought that shit dating from 2018 was ongoing now.

The borders being open in 2018 does not mean the borders are open now, which is what that stupid nigger said. I know you niggers are lazy, so I'll quote it for you.


>Considering the fact that Belgium destroyed masks to make room for more Africans, borders are open. But only in one direction.

There is no implication beyond that, but perhaps you illiterate niggers can go halves on a box of Hooked on Phonics from goodwill.

The initial story he's referencing is the Belgian Minister of Public Health resisting calls for her resignation over those masks never being replaced.

I'd love it if she were being forced into resignation for facilitating the invasion of her own country, but I just don't think Belgium is there yet.

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f0ce93  No.91287

File: 38885e854cb9a7f⋯.png (337.14 KB, 1071x591, 357:197, ClipboardImage.png)


…Is it possible?

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dedcee  No.91288


I am looking to find a report I got from /k/ that the current American youth has such degraded educational level it's becoming increasingly difficult to maintain their nuclear arsenal and strategic protocols. Jewgle does not return relevant results, would appreciate if some anon has the original source.

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6dd33c  No.91291


I have a hard time buying in to the idea of any of this being planned. It will be exploited for sure. But it's not planned.


>Lat night I wrote a will

<I leave all my… wait what do I have… I leave my wheelchair to be used by all the boys who cant walk because of what I did to their buttholes

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f95af6  No.91292

File: 582e38e0e34ad63⋯.jpg (145.28 KB, 442x431, 442:431, cchan_REALballbusting.jpg)


>media companies sucking Chinese yellow cock

Anon, that's because they've run out of consumers in the US and want more; they can't exist with China's middle class alone. They're roving corporate parasites and will go to any country, of any political affiliation, if it means they can get more shekels. If international trade collapses and America First actually goes into vogue, I guaran-fucking-tee you'll see them waving flags and saying 'We've always been a 100% American company! USA! Red white and blue!' It's shamelessness on a grand scale.



Please refer to the bug spray posted here >>91284 and kys, chang.

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274481  No.91296


It's proportionally worse in the nigger infested southern states than it is in Commiefornia.

Commiefornia: 15,816 cases 40 million people (60 million including illegals) 395 (263) cases per million

Florida: 13,629 cases, 21.8 million people, 625 cases per million

Louisiana : 14,000 cases 4.6 million people 3043 cases per million

Georgia: 7,316 cases 10.5 million people 696 cases per million

Tennessee: 3,800 cases 6.77 million people 561 cases per million

Maryland: 4,045 cases, 6.043 million people, 669 cases per million

South Carolina: 2, 232 5.084 million people, 439 cases per million

Alabama 2,006 cases, 4.88 million people, 411 cases per million

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6dd33c  No.91297


>Anon, that's because they've run out of consumers in the US and want more;

Can confirm. I used to work at a big motion picture company, and it was all about nips and pajeets for them. Everything had to be a big dumb sfx action thing, because they needed to keep burgers at the same level, but expand into chingchong. The had an explicity policy of dumbing down as much as possible, watching that the us numbers didn't fall off, but trying to get growth in brown and yellow places.

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0e0621  No.91298


Ok, fair point, we "know" but we don't *know*. For all we know, the massive spike in liquor sales could balance out the bars being shut down. It will be interesting to see the Q2 statistics.

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0e0621  No.91299


That's because of two things:

1] Trump worshiping white trash who ate fish antibiotics and believe they're immune because Orange Man Said So.

2] Niggers can't into social distancing.

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b4ed2b  No.91300


>white trash

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0e0621  No.91301

File: f30147ea5a73c6b⋯.jpg (27.87 KB, 618x410, 309:205, joe_exotic.jpg)


>doesn't know there's such a thing as white trash in the South

Have you ever been to the South? OH! I forgot … you'll probably say "southerners can't be white" …

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ffa998  No.91303


Lol, yankees will always be assmad that they don't have a culture.

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0e0621  No.91306


I'm Louisianan, you dumb nigger. At least I can acknowledge the existence of white trash, briar hopper, podunk, redneck, backwoods swamp rats. What's your excuse?


>joe exotic



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b4ed2b  No.91307


>Have you ever been to the South?

I have in fact. Lovely people. So are the Appalachians.

>you'll probably say "southerners can't be white" …

Sounds more like your bias than mine. Classic pilpul.

<Normalfag tv show

Nigger what are you doing

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0837d3  No.91309

File: c348a00ac24e19c⋯.png (326.88 KB, 742x505, 742:505, three_plus_one_stooges.png)

File: 868a74461497254⋯.jpg (176.27 KB, 1600x997, 1600:997, 33yo_physiotherapist.jpg)

File: 5e8b7d8073d0097⋯.png (862.36 KB, 1177x549, 1177:549, Ruralfags_socially_distanc….png)

File: fc4b46edbbbc679⋯.png (768.26 KB, 1126x554, 563:277, Dona_Lindu_Park_closed_due….png)

File: e6f8037ebb68653⋯.png (47.24 KB, 596x340, 149:85, nothingburgerfag_gets_a_me….png)

Update on the Brownzilian state of Pernambuco and the city of Recife

Accelerated Edition

We (((officially))) have 223-4 confirmed cases 4 faggots out of the state don't count and 30 confirmed deaths. Out of those deaths, 2 were nurses and one of them was a 15 YO boy with underlying issues. There's also the death of a pregnant woman, she was a 33 YO physiotherapist and very healthy, no underlying conditions whatsoever. The baby was saved by an emergency caesarean section but I doubt he will live, he's definitely infected.

Recent happenings

Not much. The state's secretary of health said Corona-Chan's accelerating uncontrollably GAS GAS GAS but shitskins, ruralfags and even rich normalfags still don't give a damn. The daughter one of the dead nurses said

>My mother died working to save people who don't even respect isolation. By isolation she meant the quarantine lockdown and social distancing

Because the richfags weren't staying home, parks and beaches got closed off by the government for one week. Since there's not much else to post, have a tweet of a nothingburgerfag who got a relative that lives here removed by the Goddess. Serves her right, the same will happen to families of all nothingburgerfags and hoaxniggers worldwide, then to themselves. There's no escape or protection from this Coronian Curse that I launched on the heretic unbelievers.


Of course it is, I'm sure its /Ourgirl/. She will punish him for his evil deeds.

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ffa998  No.91313


Never said there isn't white trash in Dixie, but if you ask me whether I'd prefer Joe Exotic or some psycho bitch on anti depressents who mutilated her son to show how tolerant she is of fags I'd take Joe every single time. At least there is an ethnoculture in the South, yankees are just rootless cosmopolitans who have been mongrelized into some deformed white-hating mystery meat.

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43671e  No.91314


It may be something to that effect. Few are taking these "quarantines" seriously and the economy is getting hammered. I think they want to declare it over as soon as their gay little statistic model says we're past the peak, even though that's highly questionable.

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0e0621  No.91315


Fair point. I think I was more responding to the idea that "only kikes use terms like white trash" when "bumpkin" and "swamp rat" (which both basically mean white trash) are terms of brotherly love around here.

Except for the Trump cock-suckers. They're just trash, white or not.

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9d7502  No.91316


>I'm male

A white male! a bit jewy looking though

Maybe now he will self-immolate upon the altar of diversity for creating hatechan

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ffa998  No.91318


To be fair I've basically never heard any anons call anyone a swamp rat or bumpkin on this board. Yeah, in the south normalfag white guys will call each other that like niggers call each other niggers, but people don't use those terms here. But anyway, yes, there are some degenerate whites in the South, but generally the South is the most put together place in the U.S. if you leave out the Dutch and German communities in middle america (that our ZOG is trying to shit up as we speak).

Anyway good luck Dixiebro, with any luck this virus will purge all the niggers and boomer yankee immigrants and the spirit of the South can rise again. Also fuck MIGAtards too, way too many normies are still worshipping at the alter of the ZOG emperor despite the fact that he has gone back on almost every single promise he made during the campaign.

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31fdd9  No.91320

File: 6bb1063d525ab89⋯.mp4 (7.91 MB, 360x636, 30:53, NYC_NYPD_in_hasidic_neighb….mp4)

NYC trying to get jews to stop holding large gatherings though since they always receive preferential treatment they're not getting arrested.


Absolutely none. Majority dead in Louisiana are black.


>Joe Exotic

Just call him a faggot instead of white trash.

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0e0621  No.91322


Well, around here we have two terms for it. If you're city white trash, you're a gutter punk. If you're country white trash, you're a swamp rat. As for not using those terms "here", well, 8kun doesn't determine the zeitgeist. We still do what we do regardless of what 8kun thinks is "the norm".

At this point I'm just hoping this shit does what it does and fades off like it did back in 1918 and that none of my kin dies. I need to get back to work.

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0837d3  No.91325

File: 27714cfec28421f⋯.mp4 (8.63 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Brooklyn_Hospital_Center_w….mp4)

File: 97317aad53966d6⋯.mp4 (1.95 MB, 406x720, 203:360, New_York_Community_Hospita….mp4)

File: 3cdba5e1fe91180⋯.png (319.35 KB, 781x561, 71:51, chink_garbage.png)

File: e919a15ea47f5e9⋯.mp4 (5.02 MB, 360x640, 9:16, Thai_train_spitter_arreste….mp4)

Corona-Corpses being loaded into morgue trucks in NYC, first video is in Brooklyn and second one I dunno https://archive.is/Twkeu https://archive.is/ViVbw

Britbongistani ZOG says the chink testing kits they bought don't work https://archive.is/UeuHJ

Hag being arrested for spitting on the train in LadyBoiland https://archive.is/wdvYG


>At this point I'm just hoping this shit does what it does and fades off like it did back in 1918 and that none of my kin dies. I need to get back to work.

Corona-Chan will go away after she removes all filth from this world. The cleansing will continue for as long as there's undesirables. You will go back to your job after she finishes tidying up your area.

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0e0621  No.91326


>Just call him a faggot

Puttin' your dick up a man's butt doesn't make you suddenly change race. He's still white. He's still trash. Worse still, he's Oklahoma trash.

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31fdd9  No.91327


>Its not that he's a faggot, its just that he's a white trash

Gave you the benefit of the doubt at first but you're definitely a kike.

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f95af6  No.91329


Digital media for me, and yeah, it's just greed and lusting after a so-called emerging middle class. What's going to be really funny and what I personally hope happens is that corona-chan not only shits on the world economy, but turns China into a pariah and it becomes unfashionable to openly do business with them. Then, all of these greedy cunts get their stupid plans ruined.

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31fdd9  No.91332


Both are bad, the fag would be raping him if he had the opportunity.

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0e0621  No.91333


And you're definitely a nigger. Why are you on this board, darkie?

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0837d3  No.91335

File: 1527bab7930ede6⋯.png (419.08 KB, 598x583, 598:583, Guayaquil_cemtery_1.png)

File: 54df258906c220c⋯.png (277.9 KB, 1280x958, 640:479, Guayaquil_cemtery_2.png)

File: 8bf4defc2283462⋯.png (259.57 KB, 730x583, 730:583, caracas_dropper.png)

File: 0527de890014dec⋯.jpeg (122.96 KB, 1242x939, 414:313, Caracas_metro_dropper.jpeg)

File: 5c3e63fdf663394⋯.mp4 (3.72 MB, 848x480, 53:30, Ecuadorian_government_patr….mp4)

Mayor of Guayaquil announces the construction of a new cemetery

Memezuelan Dropper in Caraca's metro station


Ecuadorian government deploys troops and a loudspeaker car in Guayaquil to warn people to stay in their homes. https://archive.is/6dVyM They're even playing the Burger EAS buzzer and an air raid siren, wew.


Fug I forgot to reply to you in my last post

>NYC trying to get jews to stop holding large gatherings though since they always receive preferential treatment they're not getting arrested.

Oy vey it's like the Gestapo all over again!

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31fdd9  No.91336


>haha I'm just going to baselessly call him a nigger

Not how it works, your insistence on shitting on white people is what outs you.

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734237  No.91337

File: 8d169eb2b4b169f⋯.png (83.7 KB, 598x744, 299:372, sick_traitor.PNG)

File: 3142a15edc22e55⋯.png (223.27 KB, 808x858, 404:429, c0769b363942d189d223c7740e….png)

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833f18  No.91342

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.



What is this some neocon astroturf? I haven't seen it before recently, and it's not funny or clever. Smells like 4centgarbage.

Chavez was righteous and spoke against (((them))) a lot.

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31fdd9  No.91343


Chavez is the reason that Venezuelan is so fucked up right now. Put an incompetent bus driver in as a replacement that would supposed to be his puppet because he didn't care enough about his nation to realize how screwed they'd be if he died leaving that bus driver actually running things.

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6bb437  No.91345


>a born monster that cannot change its true nature

The single most dangerous thing to any child's life is, and has been since the beginning of recorded history, that child's mother.

By contrast, the largest predictor of homosexuality isn't being BORN THAT WAY, it's being molested by a member of the same sex pre-puberty, completely derailing healthy sexual growth.

>In my mind traitors are far worse than the enemy.

So women are traitors and you prefer the fags?

Okay, anon.

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df715e  No.91346


God to hear from you. Stay healthy, brother.


>I have a hard time buying in to the idea of any of this being planned. It will be exploited for sure. But it's not planned.

This. 100%.

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abce63  No.91350


You know, he's right

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b4ed2b  No.91352


And a ching chong ding dong to you too my good man.

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d9d0eb  No.91354

File: 8d5e1c1291cd3a6⋯.jpg (15.16 KB, 685x391, 685:391, spanish_flu_cases.jpg)

File: 3a298f1f771f510⋯.jpg (27.44 KB, 976x353, 976:353, global_infection_rate.jpg)

More joy from Doomporn. JPM is expecting this to come in multiple waves for at least 16 months. They are using the results of China "opening up" too quickly.

>…Now, and as is customary, are the not so good news: MW Kim cautions that his findings on COVID-19 so far include (1) the lack of a vaccine makes it difficult to clear the virus; (2) social distancing is an expensive strategy in terms of economic/ social cost perspective; (3) it may perhaps prove challenging to build popular acceptance of stricter social distancing for more than a month.

>…Here JPM believes that next waves could be at a smaller amplitude with lower mortality rate potential compared to the current first wave. This is due to (1) strong risk awareness among stakeholders; (2) faster government response potential at the infection tipping point; and (3) enhanced risk manual at the containment stage. However, even a substantially reduced amplitude of wave 2 (and 3 and 4), suggest that ongoing economic shutdowns will be recurring feature of life for quarters if not years!


What an interesting problem to have.


<The US Military competently executing a bio-attack and the proof is their sportsball team lost.

shoo shoo Sinojew


<Just call him a faggot instead of white trash.

Why call it anything except a threat? Now would you all stop shitting up the fucking thread

>>91322 Checked

Trailer Trash is ubiquitous for both groups in my World. In tomorrow's world I believe they will be called Raiders.

>I need to get back to work.

We all do Anon- problem is jobs are going to be hard to come by. This is 1918 and 1929 mixed up into one big viral flavored bat soup of gibs and poverty.


If he gets it he's toast. I have mixed feelings



Use this copypaste:

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

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0837d3  No.91364

File: bd5b8d5cf78a38c⋯.png (348.55 KB, 764x637, 764:637, Come_over_here_cute_kitty.png)

File: 0ae3bdeb8c22135⋯.mp4 (944.29 KB, 352x640, 11:20, Colombia_dropper_in_a_bus_….mp4)

File: b976a773f566d60⋯.mp4 (6.79 MB, 480x848, 30:53, another_line_of_cars_carry….mp4)

File: 605c93ee9b95d1f⋯.jpeg (216.85 KB, 1600x936, 200:117, por_do_sol_park.jpeg)

File: 2bbac84df2ea4e6⋯.jpg (22.1 KB, 331x382, 331:382, chinese_gaming_PC.jpg)

Wildlife appearing in deserted streets in Spic America due to the quarantine lockdowns https://archive.is/uElGI

Pink eye might be a rare symptom of Corona-Chan. https://archive.is/uK31f I remember one anon mentioning Boris's eyes looking weird, when I posted news of his fever in the last thread.

Cokelombian dropper in a bus station https://archive.vn/WrWYT

Ecuadorian records a line of cars in front of a cemetery, nearly all of them carrying coffins https://archive.is/W1DEv

São Paulo dronefag photographs the Por do Sol Park packed with people. https://archive.vn/HR6Kq Looks like Paulistas don't give a shit about the quarantine lockdown.




I'm not a fan of Venezuela but I don't completely hate them either, I find their concept of popular militias to be pretty based and I was somewhat fond of Chavez, despite his political alignment. Memezuela is just an endearing nickname I came up with. I'm going to keep calling them that, don't care if you like it or not. I earned the right to make some harmless jokes after all the work I have been putting in these threads.


These are some good news! There's a lot of filth to be cleansed away, it wouldn't surprise me if it took a few years for Corona-Chan to clean up all of it.



Reminds me of this pic.

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7a0a33  No.91365


After kali yuga comes treta yuga not black sun bruv.

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141bdb  No.91367

File: cceeb74e2695ea7⋯.jpg (86.66 KB, 780x438, 130:73, 200406153843_01_huangshan_….jpg)



>Hong Kong (CNN)Large numbers of people flocked to popular tourists sites and major cities across China over the country's holiday weekend, despite warnings from health authorities that the risk posed by the coronavirus pandemic remains far from over.

>Images from the Huangshan mountain park in Anhui province on Saturday April 4 showed thousands of people crammed together, many wearing face masks, eager to experience the great outdoors after months of travel restrictions and strict lockdown measures.

Such was the rush to get into the popular tourist spot, that at 7.48 a.m., authorities took the unusual step of issuing a notice declaring that the park had reached its 20,000 person daily capacity, and would not be accepting any more visitors, according to state media Global Times.

>Meanwhile in Shanghai, the famous Bund waterfront was once again packed with shoppers and tourists, after weeks of being near deserted. Many of the city's restaurants that were shuttered only days ago also appeared to be doing a brisk trade, with several requiring reservations to enter.

And they wonder why people hate them.

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0837d3  No.91368

File: 3d31db6d4b29a11⋯.png (172.52 KB, 533x575, 533:575, new_symptom.png)


Oops, got my concentration broken by 833f18 and forgot the pink eye article pic.


The chink government has been encouraging the bugmen to go outdoors because "the situation is under control" for quite some time now. I think it was in mid February that I posted a video of a whole lot of them having tea in a park.

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6528b1  No.91371


Pls provide link to that nothing burger, I want to read her salt XD. Also great work m8.

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3a3958  No.91373

File: ecc6a878111902e⋯.png (531.5 KB, 1242x2688, 207:448, E529BFCD_E169_4E91_BE16_F9….png)



Nvm found its XD, nice salt I must say

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fc6fc4  No.91374


Lets make votes online on who the next is to go to batsoup corona heaven. My votes

The Based Hollywood rapist weinstein: He looked already broken during his trial

Boris Johnson: way too old to survive the ICU, even with lung transplant. Someone start a poll for the sake of kek.


trusting meme governments is basically natural selection at this point. Dumb people trusting modern pedophile elitist preachers on democracy cult pedestals preaching about globohomo and eternal equality on national tv is pretty much indirect suicide at this point. Globalism and nigger worship (equality) has proven that democracy has failed and it risks killing the entire world due to bio-negligence.

The corona outbreak is just the endgame of ethnic masochism.


that equadorian truckdriver is prolly dead by now


failzuela is the worst meme country in the history of south america. Whatever chaves said of jews it wasn't clear enough.


>colombia drooper

Droopers on streets will be spooky. I have never seen a dead body before.


>I remember one anon mentioning Boris's eyes looking weird, when I posted news of his fever in the last thread.

How come /pnd/ is always so far ahead of everything? People here were mentioning the dangers of corona when people didn't even think it was a flu. Someone needs to make a summary of all the things /pol/ has discovered not yet mentioned by msm.


inb4 wave 3 of corona. Re-infecting the world for the 1000th time with the 1000th bioattack.

Soon we will be needing bioarmies prepared to keep the system working during a bioattacks like this.

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05aa5d  No.91375

File: bcd37b0ccfbd764⋯.jpg (44.46 KB, 780x409, 780:409, 1586119209082.jpg)


lol fuck that little faggot, hope he crokes

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d9d0eb  No.91377

File: 8bffeab66d235ea⋯.png (525.23 KB, 1898x1801, 1898:1801, hemoglobinAttack.png)


That pic. That is what those people do to "go outdoors"? What a hell on earth. Nuking them is mercy. But think of it this way, they have all of those new hospitals ready to fill.


Stop derailing the fucking thread.


>Someone needs to make a summary of all the things /pol/ has discovered not yet mentioned by msm.

Has pic attached been further confirmed or debunked? Attacking the red blood cells is brutal. No wonder people just drop and sometime seize out. Severe hypoxia across multiple systems. Fun.

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fc6fc4  No.91380


She doesnt realize that, basically she admits to killing her own family.


is rat infestation correlated with jew infestation?


perhaps new york can start selling rats to gooks, since they like to eat them so much.


Many feminists are vegans too, which makes them go insane as well.


intradesting, where are the /sci/-fags to confirm your pic-related . Does eating onions help? Because that is all I got.

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c494e1  No.91387


>Attacking the red blood cells is brutal

No, attacking RBCs is common, with influenza, coronaviruses, and many other types of pneumonia associated infection. Much of that textwall is the result of when children discover something new. In this case, several chinks, and later a bored freshman doctor.

See my response from earlier: >>91116

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0837d3  No.91388

File: b5267574bc2b0a4⋯.png (350.37 KB, 568x598, 284:299, CLEANSE_IT_AWAY_CORONA_CHA….png)

File: 08882c68fd3339e⋯.png (176.36 KB, 893x616, 893:616, Ecuadorian_bank_run.png)

File: 05d6802509b9dec⋯.png (52.18 KB, 600x314, 300:157, Ecuadorian_bank_run_2.png)

File: 720b2874fcdf6e8⋯.mp4 (884.01 KB, 226x400, 113:200, More_footage_of_the_Peruvi….mp4)

File: 94f9042ed753758⋯.mp4 (2.67 MB, 640x368, 40:23, Ecuadorean_ambassador_to_S….mp4)

Corona-Chan cleaning up Pajeet slums https://archive.is/IcfJ1

Ecuadorians in Guayaquil make a run for the banks after the government releases it's Corona-Relief gibs. https://archive.vn/Eq258

More footage of the Peruvian military moving in to reinforce the border with Ecuador, to prevent the entry of potentially blessed illegal immigrants. https://archive.vn/r3ALr Not sure if this footage is old or if it's actually new forces being sent there. Look at this fucking hardware.

Ecuadorean ambassador to Spain denies what's happening in Guayaquil and says they are fighting "disinformation", claims the videos are fake https://archive.vn/mOweS The Ecuadorean government is on full SHUT IT DOWN mode. They are censoring goybook and apparently arresting people for criticizing the government online, I will post news and video about this in the next post.


https://nitter.snopyta.org/darthduds/status/1246963127234842626#m use your favorite translator and enjoy the salt. PS: Recife translates to Reef, but she's talking about the capital of Pernambuco, not an actual reef.

>Also great work m8.

Thank you, you're welcome.


Wew you're fast, nice.


>How come /pnd/ is always so far ahead of everything?

Weaponized autism

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edd5c0  No.91389

File: 9f6eab28481be71⋯.mp4 (2.84 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Shutup_small.mp4)

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701126  No.91390


This just looks like such a horrible idea. I guess we will soon know whether or not China has Corona truly under control, or if there is going to be another massive wave due to retarded crap like this.


Heil'd. Looks like it hit the slums of Mumbai AKA Bombay, a city of over 12,000,000. If it gets out of control you can count another major city in deep shit, and India already has a lot of problems with shit. How India manages this will be critical, and will likely cause or accelerate medication shortages in the USA as a huge amount of it is manufactured in India, and they are already announcing they will (understandably) be keeping it for their own people rather than hocking it for more shekels.

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f337f4  No.91391

File: 3a235b273ab1ae8⋯.jpg (42.95 KB, 540x360, 3:2, 3a235b273ab1ae8bee91e94c54….jpg)


>Women not staying indoors.

>Rape them to enforce lockdown.

What kind of fucked up nigger logic is this? That is just going to spread the virus more. Why do blacks think rape is the solution to every problem?

>Computer wont start lets rape the dog next door see if that works.

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a8c477  No.91392


>Computer wont start lets rape the dog next door see if that works.

Sub-Saharan Africa in a nutshell.

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31fdd9  No.91393


>why do blacks think rape is the solution to every problem?

When all you have is muh dick the entire world looks like your slut.

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287adf  No.91394

Chinese Regime Hoards Global Inventory of Medical Supplies, Leading to Growing Shortage Outside China



Trump Weighs Legal Action Against China Over PPE Hoarding As International 'Mask Wars' Heat Up



US Blocks Millions Of N95 Face Masks Headed for Canada [We Need Them]



Grocery Workers Are Beginning To Die Of Coronavirus



Food-Banks Warn They'll Soon Run Out Of Food As Economic Suffering Explodes All Over America



Corona Bioweapon Destroys Your Heart And Lungs, Leading To Much Shorter Life Span!



Young Adults' Lives Now Ruined Over Corona Bioweapon [Might As Well Fight Back Goyim, You Have NOTHING To Lose!]



Did Bill Gates Buy the CDC?



^ Comrade Bill Gates Begins ID 2020 Agenda Building Factories For Microchipped Vaccines



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d9d0eb  No.91395

File: 2aca0540b462492⋯.jpg (133.43 KB, 700x468, 175:117, she_made_it_to_the_ganges.jpg)


Both also mean the blood supply could be tainted since they opened up the sluices already- and I'm sure they aren't testing for the antibody.


If the numbers become horrifically bad- which they will- India is more likely to get even grumpier with China. First Sino-Indian Nuclear War when?


>Grocery Workers Are Beginning To Die Of Coronavirus

Like clockwork.

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0837d3  No.91399

File: 5e704742c7287cd⋯.png (313.45 KB, 600x587, 600:587, Ecuadoreans_that_search_go….png)

File: a852d9d11a1ca96⋯.png (200.43 KB, 596x578, 298:289, hating_the_government_is_n….png)

File: 3d1b68715dc0249⋯.mp4 (3.63 MB, 224x400, 14:25, Man_records_a_video_blamin….mp4)

File: 04030b6cc34a846⋯.mp4 (2.91 MB, 640x352, 20:11, Video_of_Ecuadorian_police….mp4)

Ecuadorean government goes full SHUT IT DOWN mode

They're not only censoring Goybook by redirecting any Corona-Chan related searches to kosher government websites, they are arresting people who criticize the government and it's fuckup in Guayaquil for "hate crimes". It's officially illegal to hate the government in Ecuador.

Goybook redirecting Corona-Chan searches to government websites https://archive.is/d5cFG

Ecuadorian police arrests man for "hate crimes". I highly recommend reading the replies, the spics are pissed.

>So you have cops to arrest citizens for minor crimes but don't have cops to collect corpses?

'''What really happened: They arrested the man for a video he made where he slams the government for it's response to Corona-Chan and calls those in charge "rats". https://archive.is/QAJdU

Ecuador really is Chinkland all over again. This guy is like Chen Quinshi and Fang Bing, but the CCP at least tried to disguise Chen's arrest by saying he was infected and had to stay in the coofentration camp for a while. The Ecuadorean government isn't even trying to hide what they're doing. Speaking of Quinshi, he was supposed to have been released months ago but was never seen again, at least as far as I know.




>Computer wont start lets rape the dog next door see if that works.

Sounds like something a Rwandan immigrant in Leafistan would do.


This post is like an ancient proverb, it belongs on a tombstone.


Nice batch of news, the ones of Billy Boy "donating" to the CDC, infected grocery workers dying off and chinks hoarding meds are spicy.

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da508d  No.91400


>JP Morgan study

Since when do we trust sources like (((JP Morgan)))? I've seen so many kiked studies and articles cited here like they are the word of god because it fits the corona-chan blessing narrative. It's a bad flu and we are being manipulated into becoming cattle that live in pods eating bugs because of it.

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b4ed2b  No.91402


>Computer wont start lets rape the dog next door see if that works.

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dc1d90  No.91404

findings from latest supply run with proper mask and face shield:

-less laughs

-more distressed, scared looks

-some angry

also people seem to want her love badly. no distancing, no protection, no following rules in place. several basic supplies low/missing, still much stuff in general. visit at pharmacy: one wearing surgery mask under nose, rest without. no protection at all.

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a8c477  No.91405


If a posible failed state like Equador can jail you for hating the goverment,What is stoping the U.S ZOG to create gulags the moment SHTF?

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6f517d  No.91406


Deregulate the meat industry and prices will fall… I would sell you my pork but I cant because of the USDA and FDA.

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b4ed2b  No.91407

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6f517d  No.91408

>white trash

Das Raycist…

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027e30  No.91409

I am very very glad I have 2+ years worth of food and other basic necessities and NEVER EVER listened to morons claiming I was some kind of 'kook!' Damn it feels good to be 10 steps ahead of the dumb down hive minded herd.


Now I await to see when the public will fight back… meanwhile, I'm not holding my breath! I'm now prepping to become 100% self-sufficient and in 2 years I will be able to live completely off-grid if need be. See ya later, maybe, or maybe not!! But careful where you tread because in these parts you'll just get shot, no hesitation with quickness.

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6f517d  No.91410



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8acc85  No.91411

File: 1da56cb3e0ee4aa⋯.jpg (81.2 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault_2.jpg)

"The only thing that really lets us go back completely to normal and feel good about sitting in stadiums with lots of other people is to create a vaccine and not just take care of our country but take that vaccine out to the global population." —–Bill Gates

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0ad73e  No.91412


Once the shortages of food hit, I give it two or three months before we see mass hysteria, riots, shootouts, stand-offs and armed insurrection the likes no other country has ever seen before.


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6f517d  No.91413

File: b71ba17ded00405⋯.png (109.85 KB, 808x107, 808:107, Screenshot_from_2020_04_06….png)

File: 36163ae5aa9d1a2⋯.png (109.88 KB, 1303x153, 1303:153, Screenshot_from_2020_04_06….png)


So this just happened FYI

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4f1a07  No.91414


Go to a farmers market (if still allowed by the modern gestapo police state) and you could get half a cows worth of beef for around 1K that would last one person about 2 full years. That's a damn good price compared to what they sell per pound at the grocery stores (5x that price).

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6f517d  No.91418


Dude… I'm the seller, and I dont want to sell half a cow to the 1/1000000 people who want that. I want to sell at retail prices directly to the consumer. Otherwise, like you said, I give my heard away for 1/5 the price I COULD get if it were legal to sell it by the steak.

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13d6bd  No.91421

File: 5e79946515ec38d⋯.png (232.07 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, Screenshot_2020_04_06_at_1….png)


The problem with UBI is that it rewards every nigger and spic with EVEN MORE FREE MONEY WHY IS THIS SO HARD TO UNDERSTAND

>hurr durr it will replace EBT and Welfare

your IQ is room temperature, no lefty program will EVER reduce niggerbux

>muh automation


UBI is a retarded idea pushed by retarded soybois with no concept of rewarding hard work. you can have a functional market economy without distortion by the Fed and huge corporations AND WITHOUT UBI

Just because a bunch of chinks got the flu doesn't give everyone an excuse to be a moron.

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13d6bd  No.91422


Responded to the wrong post in the UBI chain, but you get the idea…

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e99a47  No.91423

File: 7cd2e5ceb850aa0⋯.png (614.62 KB, 584x524, 146:131, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bca28f8bf8f66f7⋯.png (313.82 KB, 629x525, 629:525, ClipboardImage.png)


corona chan is going to cleans this filth filled nation. also like every other nation india is lying too (big soup rice). up here noth thing are getting wild, muslims are doing corona-jihad here XD.

in my local whatsapp group videos of muslims getting caught spreading virus are hilarious. also corona chan is going to bless northern part of india (most populated area in india) extra hard :)



have you seen videos of india celebrating corona chans arrival in india ( they are hilarious, i highly recommend watching them)







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e0eab7  No.91424


Well frankly I've been buying half a cow every two years for over a decade. And my local rancher always calls me up and asks me to purchase more every year. I do buy more liver sometimes lol, can't get enough liver and onion dishes. I think it is great there are some out there who are willing to sell it to us like that. I also know a farmer who sells me eggs in bulk too. 95 cents for a dozen eggs but 10 dozen eggs for $5! I'll drive to his house, he's got a lot of acres and chickens and roosters walking all over the place near his house and his shed. I'm off to buy some more soon, he's getting old and he'd die if he ever caught corona.

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f95af6  No.91429

File: 78748610d3fb575⋯.png (180.44 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 78748610d3fb5753a2fef01f3e….png)



> :)

> XD

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dc9e15  No.91431


I was honestly considering posting images of some preps I have but I am very weary of any metadata that could be used against me lol. But I do have some plans and DIY projects to stop and prevent marauders. One I recently mentioned in the survival thread about the bulletproof fiberglass paneling for the windows with slots sawed out to shoot through, plus paneling mounted to duck and cover behind. I would imagine if some 12G buckshots were going off their way it would ward intruders off, plus I could snipe them from a distance too.

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e99a47  No.91432


cry more! :3

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65ab6d  No.91434

Top New York Govt Jew Kvetches As His Mother Dies, Blames Trump

A top New York City official who recently lost his mother from complications after being infected with the novel coronavirus on Monday slammed President Donald Trump's handling of the pandemic.

"Look, in New York City, this is playing out in so many families. And I got to tell you, you know, Donald Trump has blood on his hands, and he has my mom's blood on his hands," Scott Stringer, the city's comptroller, told CNN's Anderson Cooper. "This is something that is just outrageous. And so it's very tough to mourn under these circumstances."

Later Monday evening, Stringer told CNN that Trump "failed to take action quickly and early" and said the President "wasted … precious time with denials and lies (about the crisis) while more cases spread and more Americans got sick."

"Had the President taken this threat seriously and put people's health before his political interests, he would have acted immediately," Stringer said. "Instead, he wasted months of time – and spent it talking about how coronavirus was a 'Democratic hoax' and how the problem would disappear 'like a miracle.' It was wrong, it was reckless, it cost lives."

"She believed in government. And she raised us to believe in government," he said. "For this tragedy to happen is just so overwhelmingly sad for my family, but it's a story, Anderson, that I know is playing out across the country – it's playing out in New York City and it's so hurtful."


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0837d3  No.91435

File: 2bcc001b50183cb⋯.png (259.42 KB, 463x635, 463:635, Hue_car_factories_BTFO.png)

File: ec46eafa3c52a5d⋯.mp4 (1.52 MB, 352x640, 11:20, Indian_muslim_licking_frui….mp4)

File: 6aa7067b5aad2b9⋯.mp4 (517.46 KB, 320x320, 1:1, Indian_muslim_rubbing_his_….mp4)

File: fbd4d83099752e9⋯.png (261.71 KB, 595x572, 595:572, thank_you_Zerg.png)

File: e50b3c4a649e7f5⋯.jpeg (156.13 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, List_of_communities_getti….jpeg)

Brownzilian 'Conomy news: Car production getting destroyed by Corona-Chan, losses of production are already up to 90%

CCP admits Corona-Chan is still in Wuhan by revoking "virus-free" certificates from over 70 communities https://archive.is/l0mgD


I'm fucking kek'ing at your pic so hard that my cheeks hurt.

>First Sino-Indian Nuclear War when?



>Niggered a line of bold text

Fucking hell, I mistook my quotation marks for the three apostrophes and thought I had closed the bold line. That has to be the ultimate feat of cyber-niggertry.



I had seen the "computers are racist" pic before but not this version.


>less laughs, more distressed, scared looks, some angry

Good to know the gears in the normalfags's heads are starting to turn.


If Rex 84 is still considered by the Burger ZOG to be a viable plan, that's exactly what will happen.


You will live to see the new golden age of western civilization. Good job with all of your prepping, anon.


> take that vaccine out to the global population

Billy Boy is cuckoo for cocoa puffs if he thinks everyone will go along with his plan.


Namaste, fellow BRICS anon.

>videos of muslims getting caught spreading virus are hilarious

Kek, their service to Corona-Chan will not go unrewarded. I'm saving and re posting these two videos for archival purposes.

>also corona chan is going to bless northern part of india


>have you seen videos of india celebrating corona chans arrival in india ( they are hilarious, i highly recommend watching them)

Yep, I have.GO CORONA-CHAN GO. A musicfag should sample it in a track, I can only hope Assclowns United lurks /cvg/. Try to hang on to your nuts for as long as you can, Pajeet. Lets rendezvous in the underworld after we leave this mortal plane.


He's contributing to the thread so I'm willing to forgive him for normalfag etiquette…this time.


Come on Pajeet, all emoticons other than dorito face are off-limits. You will end getting a time out from NBA if you provoke anons on purpose.


He has a point but he's part of the gubbmint too, he's as guilty Orange Man.

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6f517d  No.91437


Yeah I got a few people but every single one wants t o not have to buy a whole hog… Instead they want Only what they want. Unless I believe that they are real people and sont some animal rights activist trying to take my land through a lawsuit or some fucking libtard rat who will fuck me over I wont sell them piece by piece. I dont like black markets. MEAT! LEGALIZE IT!

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f95af6  No.91439

File: 00a0660a9d438ce⋯.png (71.87 KB, 477x457, 477:457, 7fe891f0a917443061ef8438fd….png)



This is the most interesting potential angel about /ourgirl/ lately. If it's accurate, it's entertaining for a few reasons:

>lawsuits out the ass in America from this rush to get (useless) ventilators and put people into medically-induced comas

>the amount of crow the MSM will have to eat if hydroxychloroquine is the miracle salve like orange man has been saying

>China looking like either idiots accurate or villains also accurate for either not figuring this out while talking about 'We've beaten it!' or knowing it and withholding the information from the west

Or maybe Trump already knows and that's why he's healthy still. Unlike poor Boris

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57427a  No.91441


>every single one wants t o not have to buy a whole hog… Instead they want Only what they want.

That must be a pain to deal with, honestly I like getting whatever I can get, including the tongue, liver, heart and brain if available. Of-course I do get plenty of hamburger and steak with all that and I think it's a real treat to be able to have a box freezer full of different cuts from the cow.

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e99a47  No.91442

File: bf9b90745896552⋯.jpg (2.18 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, IMG_0945.jpg)


thanks for the nice read m8, also what would explaining constant notifications for blood donations from my local hospital (punjab,india) on facebook .


oh! i can't wait to leave this awful place (if lord bless!) as >>91377 pointed out corona chan librates us by depleting our o2 which is same like exit bags (but little painful). but before leaving this hellhole i will enjoy every day here, cheers!

also thanks for heads up i will retain myself from emotes.

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ef4818  No.91443

File: 3ca782cab64134b⋯.jpg (167.02 KB, 750x531, 250:177, 1586223135257.jpg)

it's over gweilo, chinar win again grorious ccp xi jinping forever

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f42b13  No.91445


>that pic

The reason why Hydroxychloroquine is constantly bashed by the media has nothing to do with Trump suggesting it's use. It's because Bill Gates (((and others))) are heavily invested in this ID 2020 agenda, and want to force their mark of the beast mandatory vaccine police state agenda. They can't have a real solution compete with the problem their exploiting, can they? They'd lose billions in profits if Hydroxychloroquine works!

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e99a47  No.91446

File: 9ff380ac2d65ead⋯.png (195.5 KB, 673x537, 673:537, ClipboardImage.png)

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fefdb6  No.91447


are you a Q-boomer?

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727dbe  No.91448


Nope, a critical thinker and it makes fucking sense and you know it does, asshole.

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35df19  No.91450


Looks like Hydroxychloroquine could upend a whole lot of (((Big Pharma))) vaccine profits. LOL:


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f95af6  No.91451


I prefer the U Got It animated Corona-chan mini-song thing


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734237  No.91453

File: a8df257f6928365⋯.mp4 (9.22 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, rP0BIduf9fatVUwS.mp4)


Hope I can repost it then

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e99a47  No.91454


thanks for share m8 its lit but we need an updated version because corona chan's preferred victim are hemoglobin cells not lungs as >>91377 and https://youtu.be/g3ka8lo_fZ8 pointed out.

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e99a47  No.91455


sorry wrong video (my blood o2 is low so can't think clearly, thanks corona chan) here correct version


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a625b6  No.91457

I had never heard of 'Zoom' in my life before, but now it seems that everyone in the world knew to use it once the quarantines started, quite strange. This despite having a degree in comsci and working in the tech sector for many years.

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0837d3  No.91458

File: 33daa65d010d15e⋯.mp4 (1.7 MB, 224x400, 14:25, French_nurses_trying_out_h….mp4)

File: 33fdf4193ea3884⋯.mp4 (4.71 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Hospital_outside_Madrid_Sp….mp4)

File: 4aaa9da7402e5b7⋯.png (275.49 KB, 625x552, 625:552, theyre_converting_it_into_….png)

File: 446c9269d558d5d⋯.png (237.85 KB, 598x579, 598:579, desplome_means_collapse.png)

File: e7f891a07b07915⋯.jpg (49.81 KB, 720x752, 45:47, South_American_dropper.jpg)

Frog nurses trying out the brand new high quality gowns from Chinkland https://archive.is/VnyeV

Bong report on Spain, doctor at the end of the video says they're not receiving all the supplies the government says they're providing

Chinks from the Guangzhou Military Hospital clearing out the local college of traditional medicine, probably converting it into a makeshift hospital https://archive.is/W6CfL

Picture of yet another Spic dropper


>>91439 >>91445 >>91450

>They think chloromeme works, despite the paper that got posted some threads ago saying it doesn't do shit.

How naive, thinking there's any scientific solution at all. The metaphysical entities and the initiated ones laugh at your innocence. If board creation still worked I would create a lovely cyber-temple for Coronian Cultists, free of heretics like you. But looks like me and other faithful ones will have to put up with your endless foolishness until the very end, how tiresome. I can only pray for Corona-Chan to take me away from your curefaggotry as soon as possible, or to punish all of you first. I tried to enlighten you many times but you din't listen, there's only divine punishment now.


>corona chan librates us by depleting our o2 which is same like exit bags (but little painful)

It definitely won't be a painless exit, but I'm prepared for it. Pain inflicted by her onto cultists is just a spiritual purification process.

>also thanks for heads up i will retain myself from emotes.

And thank you for cooperating and respecting imageboard etiquette.


They say, while quietly revoking the virus-free certificates from Wuhan neighborhoods. These yellow gommie-wannabes are amusing as hell.


Tactical sanction inbound!

>some mad lad did already made corona go remix

Hmm, not quite what I was expecting, not good enough.


He's worse: An heretic curefag. I have already ran out of patience with them weeks ago, already added to the Coronian Curse shitlist.

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ff1c2e  No.91459


meh. I used it a lot. I can name a few companies who use it. They've also had billboards in SF for a while.

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a625b6  No.91461


I guess I just never noticed them make a dent on Skype, or even whatsapp conferencing. Most normalfaggots use facebook or Apple's facetime, so seeing them use Zoom was surprising to me. Thankfully, I've never had to spend much time in SanFran.


I don't think Boris is going to make it. While he's not ancient, he just wasn't in very good shape to begin with.

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f0ce93  No.91464

Boris Johnson already on intensive treatment.

How many hours 'til the last breath?

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a625b6  No.91465


Today (7th) is a full moon, which has some occult significance. For extra laughs, the could always declare him dead on Friday and have him return on Easter Sunday.

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f95af6  No.91467

File: 09ac4dc2cd5f92d⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1280x1031, 1280:1031, 09ac4dc2cd5f92d38daa847722….png)


Intubation is when Boris goes on death watch. He'll be in a medically-induced coma and won't be able to govern either, same as if he had a stroke. Shit could get real, and another UKanon mentioned he wouldn't be surprised about faithful madlads beating the piss out of anyone Asian if Bojo croaks.


Coronavirus deaths can't be reported if the doctors and local officials are told 'No one died of Coronavirus in your province/city/town today' by the home office. :^)

I don't know which is funnier, China's cooked books or Africa's total inability to test and report accurate information.


Wasn't that rebuttal paper from Frogland and full of errors and gamed information? I remember it showing up after chloroquine started catching on. Scuttlebutt was that (((certain people))) want a vaccine to go through, along with fat profits from making said vaccine, so they're trying to stymie a cheap and plentiful drug like chloro that already exists.


It's common teleconferencing and digital meeting software. Had a flap about some of their data being routed through China a year back for odd reasons. Their stock is going up, but it recently peaked as people realized what a meme it was.

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ee7151  No.91469

File: fda6fc41198c375⋯.mp4 (459.01 KB, 360x652, 90:163, GO_CORONA_MARCH.mp4)

File: 99ecc0876e40ba7⋯.mp4 (1.21 MB, 352x640, 11:20, GO_CORONER.mp4)

File: d6923764a508871⋯.mp4 (1.32 MB, 352x640, 11:20, GO_CORINA.mp4)

File: 58d1ad3ccf53da4⋯.mp4 (1.21 MB, 352x640, 11:20, GO_CORONA_BALCONY.mp4)


>It's getting harder to find news and videos, wew

Normally happens towards end of your 'shift' or just things not being posted as much?

Heard from a Hue that shit is getting worse over there, churchfags getting infected already so will be a great bloodbath soon as they realize god hates them and no one is going to save em.


>Cokelumbia dropper

Oh snap that's going to get interesting.


Please carry on. Fuck those newfag niggers, their opinion means shit.

>>91287 >>91337 (checking those esoteric 1337 digits)

>HW shoah

If true, justice is best served in a fluid-filled lung

>at least DDoS will reduce, kek


Good to hear you're alive and well, debtanon!


>sexi pusi

Going in OP, kek'd ttm. Love that shit.


>poos chanting go coroner

Fucking kek videos attached, love this shit keep it up!

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5bf00c  No.91471


You're a dumbass, not a shill.

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b4ed2b  No.91472


>Drawfags always drawing her with that shitty, plebian, pisswaser spic beer

>Not putting her in a crown, which fits both the original etymology and illustrates her utter domination of the globe

Rubs me the wrong way, I have to admit.

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701126  No.91474

File: 6e085151d58c6bf⋯.jpg (63.56 KB, 550x657, 550:657, german_soldiers_fave_fun_d….jpg)



>have you seen videos of india celebrating corona chans arrival in india ( they are hilarious, i highly recommend watching them)

What the living fuck. I thought we were acting retarded over here with this Coronachan meme cult, these demented Indians are literally dancing and chanting around fires celebrating the arrival of the plague in their country. Never mind, I guess as weird as we are the non-whites are even crazier and more bizarre than us.

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da3c18  No.91475


I don't think there is much DJT can do to India. I suppose the USA could carpet bomb India back to the shit age, drill for oil and grab the medication on the way out.

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a625b6  No.91476

File: 85b3753b8c5ee49⋯.png (174.58 KB, 1196x882, 598:441, cucked.png)

File: 03593ea16957dba⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1184x1312, 37:41, bbc.png)



India has already cucked. Don't underestimate American dominance.

And in other news from the BBC, always asking the important questions…

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ee7151  No.91477


Kek, anon it's a bit lost in translation.

For them it's 'go corona' as in 'go away'… English is reasonably common there as a '2nd resort' as there are so many dialects.

For anons though, it makes for hilarious videos to spread to normalfags.

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0837d3  No.91478

File: 54304e4a188ba18⋯.mp4 (1.02 MB, 352x640, 11:20, Possible_fire_at_Venezuela….mp4)

File: 2afb3b084a253ee⋯.mp4 (12.26 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, Possible_fire_at_Venezuela….mp4)

File: 0e3a6e031456c46⋯.png (84.24 KB, 449x557, 449:557, List_of_locations_blacked_….png)

File: 382d71f705a28ad⋯.mp4 (489 KB, 960x540, 16:9, Possible_fire_at_Venezuela….mp4)


https://archive.is/o5SJU https://archive.vn/wip/JEnTq https://archive.vn/LxHaZ I know it's very tangentially related to Corona-Chan but this is a Happening. By the way, do you nogs remember when something similar happened in Jew York City? The sky looked exactly like that. IIRC, blue flames are a sign of electrical fire.


Not many.


>Today (7th) is a full moon, which has some occult significance

Yes indeed, full moons are great events for magick practitioners of all kinds.

>For extra laughs, the could always declare him dead on Friday and have him return on Easter Sunday.



>Wasn't that rebuttal paper from Frogland and full of errors and gamed information? I remember it showing up after chloroquine started catching on

Coronian Mantra: Everything positive eggheads say about Corona-Chan is right, everything negative they say is wrong. If they say chloromeme doesn't work, they're right. If they say the opposite, they're wrong. It's a very simple concept. A cultist should drill this mantra into his head and never forget it.


>Normally happens towards end of your 'shift' or just things not being posted as much?

I would say sometimes new stuff just stops being posted on twatter. There are times where all I can find is people re posting the same shit over and over again, even though I'm filtering retweet and replies .

>Heard from a Hue that shit is getting worse over there, churchfags getting infected already so will be a great bloodbath soon as they realize god hates them and no one is going to save em.

I did read about an allegedly catholic church in Ceará called (((Shalom))) getting themselves blessed by foreigners after they did an event. Din't post about it because not enough sources to confirm it really happened. And yes, things are getting better, MinHealth and many different health departments are reporting uncontrolled accelerated growth of /Ourgirl/. GAS GAS GAS SHE'S GONNA STEP ON THE GAS


I like the beer reference but I do love when she's wearing a crown. You wanna see me pissed off? Draw her without wings. That's what really grinds my gears. And when she has no beer, no crown and no wings? Oooh boy, It gets me fuming!

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f95af6  No.91479

File: dd90d00d99c5e24⋯.jpg (44.36 KB, 680x653, 680:653, dd90d00d99c5e245471e1f12fa….jpg)

File: ca5d0299a88582f⋯.jpg (39.3 KB, 281x331, 281:331, ca5d0299a88582f16db929d0a0….jpg)

File: 26204da17efc726⋯.jpg (136.01 KB, 797x613, 797:613, 26204da17efc72687ef791a595….jpg)

File: babd2327b8de736⋯.jpg (45.7 KB, 657x681, 219:227, babd2327b8de736b830ca5b765….jpg)


There's a few layers of Corona-chan art out there, anon. Ground level seems to be the 'hurr, 'corona is in the name, so beer virus', and higher tiers are like what you posted - crown, growing thiccness, and so on.

Have some Osmosis Jones-style Corona-chan.

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ee7151  No.91481


>not enough sources to confirm it really happened

My sauce lives across the road from the church (not sure if that one will find out in some hours), said one of the churchfags died yesterday and that they'd regularly attended until now.



>no beer, no crown and no wing

Is the worst, its basically zero effort adaptation of some existing gril

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ee7151  No.91482

Cleaned up the eternal pedo-faggotry link discussion. As much as it's great to expose, this ain't the bread for it, faggets.

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13d6bd  No.91483


>score a cow

Protip: start with goats. Smaller, easier to work with, plenty of milk that curds easily. Godspeed.

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df715e  No.91484


This, the whole this, and nothing but this.

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df715e  No.91485


It's Chinese. Covos are routed though the bug hive.

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701126  No.91487


Ok, good call context is important. I know English is actually the primary language for the Indian government and some people in India, but I guess there will be dialectical differences. I laughed my ass off because it literally does sound like they're welcoming Corona and acting in a cult type manner.


The fire and blackouts are exciting if true. It's that kind of disaster and disruption of services that will make this happening truly fun to spectate.

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d08562  No.91488


>a group of young filmmakers

Written by a woman, guaranteed. I hope the Greeks push them into the sea and force them to swim back to the roach empire.

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ee7151  No.91489

File: 00facc3e3043abf⋯.jpg (60.82 KB, 750x750, 1:1, are_you_fucking_kiddin_gme.jpg)

File: e600ce9f6b5ddd0⋯.jpg (62.58 KB, 750x638, 375:319, can_i_help_you_miss.jpg)

File: 40ac362798ad380⋯.jpg (83.86 KB, 750x750, 1:1, ladyboy_chan.jpg)

File: 972b95ae271a537⋯.jpg (84.02 KB, 750x998, 375:499, nigger_chan.jpg)

File: 023d3d2bf2c77d0⋯.jpg (112.24 KB, 750x998, 375:499, burger_chan.jpg)


> it literally does sound like they're welcoming Corona and acting in a cult type manner.

This. It has become a running joke with the mrs. The first Go Corona video I posted many threads ago was the best and most 'serious' looking, kek.

Meme mask report:

>pic related

>normalfags getting creative

And jewzealand update: faggots who keep crashing cars in my area are getting pwnd by piggies for not 'essential' travel and prosecuted. Good. Making my power flicker/go out you faggots.

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ee7151  No.91494

File: 8362cb559515286⋯.jpg (181.4 KB, 1280x891, 1280:891, fake_infrared_thermometer_….jpg)

File: dc513f2e21fc78e⋯.mp4 (1.34 MB, 202x360, 101:180, Liveleak_com_Yup_it_works_….mp4)

Remember pic related?


>video related shows an actual unit in the wild


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7c1e80  No.91495

I quit /pol/ 2 years ago and have only been following this corona thing when I occasionally check on normie shit sites and news.

So after playing it off, memes and then wanting to gather parties to hunt down all the white people that looted Costco of all the toilet paper, the Reddit/liberal consensus on this thing has completely settled on owning conservative denialists on the onlines, "lockdown", #stayhome and over-dramatic The Walking Dead roleplay.

What was and is the narrative here? Just Fallout 3 roleplay or has there been any interesting analysis and interpretations here?

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ee7151  No.91496


>Just Fallout 3 roleplay or has there been any interesting analysis and interpretations here

You obviously spent more time on cuckchan with the language you use.

Fo3 RPG has been moved to the survival bread linked in OP as it was repeated too much for newfags.

Basically /pol/ is always right and continues to be weeks and months ahead of normalfags and their jew govt corporations. Many things anons found/called out months ago are coming true.


>infection methods

>chinks deliberately spreading

>CCP chinks stockpiling/sending masks from their overseas placements back to chinkland to be re-sold

>variations of virus

>mostly infecting stupid niggers, kikes and spics

>chordidae risk confirmed

>young/old/etc doesn't really matter so much

<you're all going to die down here.mp4

>supply chain/economic disruptions happening as expected

>slightly slower ramp than expected in some countries, faster in others

>countries that got a lid on it early seems to be best strategy for now

>you should have bought PPE in Dec/Jan

>corona-chan is not a fungus

>jews are always involved

>kikes and jews worked together


Lurk 48 breads, nigger.

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77b632  No.91497



Mostly bullshit.

Dairy is not polluting, nor wasteful. The best thing about cows is, theyare able to use marginal land that can't be used for growing crops. It's part of the rason a state like texas is so well known for it's cattle industry. Much of Texas is just too damn rocky to farm, but cows thrive there. The idea of cows taking land from crops is pure vegan propoganda.

Kikes and their adventist lackeys push veganism. It's a cheap way to feed their slaves and give them barely enough nutrition to stay alive inside their wage cages. The goodest of goys will be allowed some bugs or a little roach milk every once in awhile.

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7c1e80  No.91498


>mostly infecting stupid niggers, kikes and spics

Is this true?

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ee7151  No.91501


From the limited racial data available as discussed earlier in this bread and last bread it appears that way in burgerland so far. Mostly nigger areas getting high infection rates and jew york kikes getting owned. I would say mostly because of social stupidity, not a racially based biological weakness (except kikes due to complications/comorbidities from their shitty genetics).

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7c1e80  No.91503


Also a week ago I saw an thread on Reddit when Mexico wanted to close its borders on Americans. Other than the obvious petty memes some of these liberal faggo redditors begrudgingly admitted that this basically proves the Trump 2016 border wall campaign right and if he had gone through with his isolationist ideas the country would not be hit as hard.

Did you guys do anything with this narrative at all? This is basically the best thing that could come out of it. You could meme #stayhome to mean stay in your country or whatever.

Also I get the feeling this shit started with some faggoty world traveler soyboy mongoloid that wanted to find himself dick deep in some Chinese armadillo or something but nobody wants to discuss this.

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19295d  No.91505

File: b82ca79923c0f7d⋯.mp4 (3.74 MB, 352x640, 11:20, Elderly_Peruvian_couple_de….mp4)

File: e24c422b4fcfafd⋯.mp4 (7.24 MB, 640x352, 20:11, 3_suspected_coronavirus_ca….mp4)

File: 5e81ad59abee5fa⋯.mp4 (856.09 KB, 320x580, 16:29, military_police_in_Redenca….mp4)

File: d14bff8be0f2ea1⋯.png (145.14 KB, 610x582, 305:291, wait_a_minute_did_they_eve….png)

File: 46b9da63dfc6c0c⋯.mp4 (353.91 KB, 720x720, 1:1, Wuhanese_doctors_hauling_o….mp4)

And let niggernet chimpouts begin!

Elderly Peruvian couple arrested for not wearing masks https://archive.vn/SxWJl

Footage from inside the Otavio de Freitas Hospital in Recife, Pernambuco, Brownzil. 3 Suspected blessings are hospitalized next to common patients, no isolation at all

Mayor of Redenção, municipality in the Brownzilian state of Ceará, deploys a military police convoy with a loudspeaker car after they got their first officially confirmed case. The cop tells people to stay in their homes and says the military police will use force. https://archive.is/oOd2W

Apefrican economy is already kill https://archive.is/BkRgY Pretty sure they never had one begin with it, though.

Body being hauled away at night in Wuhan https://archive.is/47M5x

Brownzilian normalniggers on twatter got absolutely terrified of Corona-Chan ever since she killed 3 month old baby, the pregnant woman and the 15 YO boy. I'm not gonna post the tweets here since they're just normalfaggotry but they're amusing alright. Gonna take a break now but will return very soon, drop one or two posts then take a nap


>My sauce lives across the road from the church (not sure if that one will find out in some hours), said one of the churchfags died yesterday and that they'd regularly attended until now.

Oh shit, right across the road? That is very lucky or very unlucky, depending on that Hue's point of view and opinion of Corona-Chan.


>Making my power flicker/go out you faggots.

I know how you feel. Looks like your power lines are very redundant because niggers and truckers with tall trucks over here where I live can cause the blackout of an entire neighborhood when they crash their cars into poles or tear the cables with their containers.


You don't deserve a single spoonfeed. I too came back after leaving IBs for a long time yet I was able to integrate into /cvg/ in late january without asking to be spoonfed. Read the archived threads.


>after January

You should never trust chink shit to begin with.


>kikes and jews worked together

I think you meant "chinks and jews worked together."

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3ca38f  No.91506

File: e3690b5634ecd00⋯.png (646.52 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, KoikatsuParty_2020_01_26_0….png)


Do you like my koikatsu though, anon? Been planning to enthicken her a bit, but I've been enjoying the happening too much

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7c1e80  No.91509


>You don't deserve a single spoonfeed. I too came back after leaving IBs for a long time yet I was able to integrate into /cvg/ in late january without asking to be spoonfed. Read the archived threads.

I'm not going to "come back" I want to check in maybe a few times a year and that's it.

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19295d  No.91510


Somehow forgot archived source for the Otavio de Freitas Hospital video https://archive.vn/lVMGS


>Do you like my koikatsu though, anon?

Is gud. Actually one of my favorite Corona-Chans. Thank you for not forgetting about the crown, such a simple detail is often overlooked by the uninitiated ones but not by me.

>Been planning to enthicken her a bit

Would be nice but don't overdo it, her current proportions are very good. And make more cool pictures like that, your memetics are excellent.

Chance a double post might happen, post hanged and I had to open a new tab.

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d362d7  No.91513

Fuck normalcattle, they deserve whatever they get:

>need to go to the hospital once a month because fml

>even in the times of the red death

>last month is the first time I go with my full face respirator(3m 6800); also wore clothes to cover me as much as possible

>one month ago the reality of the corona-chan didn't yet sunk in

>I get looks but it's all ok

>this month I do the same but now we're at almost 5k cases so "measures" have been taken

>"tent" at hospital entrance where they check your temperature

>please remove your respirator with P100 filters and use our chink made mask so we can measure your temperature

>please don't put your resp back, you're scaring the patients

>eventually go past

>put my resp back asap

>nurses wear surgical masks but barely

>nurses wear no gloves

>eventually do my stuff and leave

>at this point I'm so fucking pissed I want to bathe in disinfectant

On the way to and back from hospital I see everything is the fucking same as before corana-chan except most normalfags wear some makeshift surgical masks that look like just some piece of cloth tied on their face. Most have patterns on it so it makes me believe they are home made useless shit.

Except for taking out the garbage (at night) and going to hospital once a month I haven't left my home since early February so seeing the above and the general carelessness makes me hate them even more.

And this is all in a country that was praised for taking "early measures" (Czech Rep.) and at a hospital that's supposed to be top of the top (IKEM).

I don't know about the other czech poster but this is what I witnessed today.

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48a049  No.91514


>Apefrican economy is already kill

Doesn't that simply mean that even more niggers will head north? I honestly hope they could get their shit together just enough so that they'd stay in place, but that's simple wishful thinking.

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f0ce93  No.91515

File: 93ac1110e31fdd5⋯.mp4 (4.77 MB, 400x720, 5:9, chink_ppe_sent_to_france.mp4)

fuck chinks

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d08562  No.91516


That's pretty shitty indeed and fucking hilarious they made you take off your chad mask for their chink shitty mask instead. I have one too lol but have not wore it outside yet (keeping the good filters for last even though it was correctly stated before I can desinfect/reuse the filters). I am same as you, try to limit my time outside to absolute minimum. So I don't see a lot of people (comfy) but I know of the home made masks. Still 70% effective so better than nothing since there is a shortage of cheaper FFP2/N95 masks (you see KN95 advertised a lot that's all chink rubbish).

I worry about the government wanting to open shops etc again, all our progress would potentially go out the window in a matter of days. I'm counting on a second wave and treating the situation as if it's still coming.

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ee7151  No.91518

File: 9cfc45a8d266dbd⋯.jpg (672.96 KB, 2048x1368, 256:171, North_Korean_theme_park.jpg)


It's practically irrefutable at this point it was engineered and multiple strains/non-natural variants were released, potentially multiple pathogens too.

To be honest anons have been reasonably quiet on the memecrafting (aside from CC) and more digging and enjoying the happening this time. That said I have a few memes to work on that could be effective and would like to see more advantage taken of the situation for memes/pushing info (e.g. the cremation difficulties). /pol/ doesn't really have to do too much this battle though as the eternal jew govt is basically fighting itself and chaos reigns, praise kek.

The border meme shit for normalfags though I think could be more effectively done by 'aut kike' faggots. Anon effort here is better spent on spicier shit.

Anyway, read moar breads, enough spooning for you. Don't know how you leave imageboards or decent sites for so long, done 6-7 months before but never years. What normalfag site(s) do you replace this shitpool with?



You're right.

>chinks and kikes

Yeap, dyslexic day apparently, kek.


If you know what you are doing you can get good chink shit in business, I've worked with brands years before large companies have also who were reliable… you just got to know what to look for and how to ensure quality doesn't get fucked with.

But most just want the cheapest shit, then you truly get shit.


Good point. Another place I stay middle of nowhere has one line in… just like you. That sucks it can go down for a week or more at a time in big storms. Good prep/practice for SHTF though you learn a lot from no power/water… will be solving that issue in future.

Church sauce got back to me, it's in Vitória, Espírito Santo. rare white hue, kek

>Brownzilian normalniggers on twatter got absolutely terrified of Corona-Chan ever since she killed 3 month old baby, the pregnant woman and the 15 YO boy

This could actually be of great use to do one of those 'translated text next to OP' type images for the very best posts, for info to show youngfags are just as at risk…


>please don't use your good mask anon

>use this hunk of shitty fabric instead

>can't scan temperature on another part of body



>progress would potentially go out the window in a matter of days. I'm counting on a second wave and treating the situation as if it's still coming.

First few countries to do that will provide examples for the rest. Pray you are not one of the first. New infections have plateaued in my country and may slightly be declining now so those kike puppets left it too late but just caught it in time. Still though just takes some stupid niggercattle to go and do stupid shit and reinfect people.

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c494e1  No.91520


Transformer overheat.

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21f747  No.91521






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21f747  No.91522






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3ca38f  No.91524

File: c72ee4cac1ce36f⋯.png (941.84 KB, 1010x716, 505:358, KoikatsuParty_2020_01_26_0….png)


Good point. I'll have to look into how much land they need. I'm sure I have plenty, but I heard somewhere they chew the grass really low and I need that shit. Assuming I have enough to go around that might be the best option though


Thanks, it actually means a lot

>don't overdo it, her current proportions are very good

Oh don't worry, if I ever get around to it I'll be sure to save the thigg one separately. Already got a couple versions of Ebby whipped up, cant bring myself overwrite any of them.

>make more cool pictures like that

I really should. Been meaning to make more outfits for her as well. A sexy hazmat suit for instance, like those old Ebola-chan memes. That would leave me 5 outfit slots to fill, any suggestions would be welcome.

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86f17e  No.91532

File: 4de91ffcaa6e7c2⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1500x1560, 25:26, Fake_Virus_Multi_2.png)

File: 69d7e2fc01a3e60⋯.png (1.57 MB, 1664x1292, 416:323, Fake_Virus_Multi_3.png)

File: 50b0389577339b5⋯.png (1.38 MB, 1256x1176, 157:147, Fake_Virus_Multi_4.png)

it's all fake, there is no virus

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86f17e  No.91533

File: b154f44e0a9db78⋯.jpg (99.38 KB, 790x692, 395:346, Fake_Virus_15.jpg)

File: 622d60e3e5a851c⋯.jpg (196.77 KB, 503x728, 503:728, Fake_Virus_16.jpg)

File: 2a363a9e6c0c0b3⋯.png (46.42 KB, 594x311, 594:311, Fake_Virus_17.png)

File: ae8d31da5d482f2⋯.jpg (147.28 KB, 901x654, 901:654, Fake_Virus_18.jpg)

File: 683fb3af5a6d0d1⋯.png (1.96 MB, 1844x960, 461:240, Fake_Virus_Multi_1.png)

government + hospitals are lying and faking statistics

fuck the glow-niggers who are promoting this hoax

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1e431d  No.91534




also jews

man fuck jews, just like niggers, literally nigger tactics.


sure thing paco, your fake twitter shit you keep reposting is getting really boring though. just because two stations show the same clip doesn't mean one clip is fake, also no links, no believe-u you. recap: your twitter shit is fake.

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31128e  No.91535


>and it becomes unfashionable to openly do business with them

Capital always finds a way.


>Oy vey it's like the Gestapo all over again!

Someone should spread rumors around their communities that the goyim are out to get them again and that this is just an excuse for someone to round them up and turn them into lampshades :3


>Making all this drama to get attention

What a little bitch kek

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6bb437  No.91537

File: 1eecf4820c489b4⋯.jpg (43.79 KB, 326x410, 163:205, Winnie_the_Pooh_Taiwan_1.jpg)


> I would say mostly because of social stupidity

Yes. I didn't read the article from Illinois, but in Milwaukee there was "strong pushback" against the quarantine order (I'm not going to use the fucking "shelter-in-place" fig leaf. Where the fuck else would you shelter? The fucking astral plane?) because "muh segretation". Which, in layman's terms, means they threw loud block parties (meaning everyone on the block participated) with lots of drinking from shared containers and rubbing up against each other.

Turns out that makes an excellent infection vector for rapid spread.

Who could have foreseen that?

In NYC, at least one large hasidic community had pretty much the same reaction, but not because they're stupid, irresponsible niggers incapable of understanding basic hygiene. No, they did it because of their famed higher-than-average-IQ scores. And presumably the "shared containers" they were drinking from were catholic babies, and the blood sacrifice to the Devil is supposed to protect them.


Fuck off, heathen.

You either don't understand the Covenant or you're deliberately misrepresenting it.

I guess it's possible you're just an ignorant prod heretic.

Either way, get to fuck and stay there. Shelter-in-fuck.


Shoo, shoo, chonky charlie.

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门


Someone should spread rumors around their communities that the goyim are out to get them again and that this is just an excuse for someone to round them up and turn them into lampshades

Once the supply lines break, New Yorkers are going to need to make soap from SOMETHING.

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591c47  No.91540


oooooh that makes me mad. Makes me want to go bash some maoist chink fucks heads in. The jews will pay for this.

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4ae7dd  No.91541

File: 0b8ed4e5aa33553⋯.png (191.17 KB, 709x568, 709:568, b_bu_but_I_thought_niggers….png)

File: 044bedd6fc2f79a⋯.png (234.39 KB, 618x621, 206:207, USNS_Coofort.png)

File: 490529aaeb8293d⋯.mp4 (4.83 MB, 640x640, 1:1, Iranian_doctor_crossing_a_….mp4)

File: adb0d194773618d⋯.mp4 (1.33 MB, 480x532, 120:133, St_Petersburg_russians_at_….mp4)

File: d1f72b71a6133ff⋯.png (63.84 KB, 657x248, 657:248, Guangzhou.png)

Fuck lost my ID to another niggernet chimpout. Anyway, gonna drop this post and take a nap, be back in an hour or two.

Apefrican update from the ACDC, more than 10k (((officially confirmed))) cases and 487 confirmed deaths https://archive.is/KNrqC No not the band, the Apefrican CDC. Remember: these numbers should be multiplied by 25 to 50 times

Seaman blessed on the USNS Comfort https://archive.vn/K2DyM

Iranian doctor crossing a river to access a remote village https://archive.is/VUsxH

Ruskies in Saint Petersburg at a testing center https://archive.vn/OyiwE

Zerg says Corona-Chan is on a rampage in Guangzhou https://archive.is/igYzu The only reason I'm posting this tweet is because it reminds me of "Chen's" mention of Guangzhou >>91458 . The chinks there must be dropping like flies, which prompted the military to converted the college of traditional medicine into a hospital.


I'm not surprised to read about the normalfags and the nurses wearing shitty masks but the whole "take your respirator off" deal is weird. Maybe they don't want others to feel unprepared and at risk.


>I honestly hope they could get their shit together just enough so that they'd stay in place, but that's simple wishful thinking.

I just hope they get wiped out already, like they should have been ages ago.


>If you know what you are doing you can get good chink shit in business, I've worked with brands years before large companies have also who were reliable… you just got to know what to look for and how to ensure quality doesn't get fucked with.

Interesting, shouldn't surprise since they manufacture basically everything.

> Good prep/practice for SHTF though you learn a lot from no power/water…

Ah indeed! My house is basically self sufficient when it comes to water since government water supply is unreliable as fuck and gets cut off on a daily basis. Got an indoor well with an electric pump. Useless without power but a lifesaver on a day to day basis.

>Church sauce got back to me, it's in Vitória, Espírito Santo. rare white hue, kek

Oh so that's a different church, not (((Shalom))). The further south you go, the more common they get, though there are some rare good looking ones in the northeast too.

>This could actually be of great use to do one of those 'translated text next to OP' type images for the very best posts, for info to show youngfags are just as at risk…

Okay, I will make sure to post good ones the next time I find them and got an open image slot.


Wouldn't be surprised if that was the case. The poor Memezuelans are truly in a world of pain: No fuel, unreliable water supply, blackouts and Corona-Chan lurking around.


I know very well what I'm doing and where I'm heading, got not regrets. Happy Easter, stay safe and may your god protect you, Corona-Chan seems to have a deep respect for you christians.


More outfits definitely be sweet.

>That would leave me 5 outfit slots to fill, any suggestions would be welcome.

Got any armor or battle gear? Reinforcing her shell is a great idea for memetic purposes.


>Someone should spread rumors around their communities that the goyim are out to get them again

Excellent idea, if only I had time…

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132887  No.91544


>>nurses wear surgical masks but barely

>>nurses wear no gloves

The surgical masks is likely to be shitty because they were made by the infected chinks so they would drop or become sick later. I am surprised they asked you take it off. In Queensland, Australia, they just look at you in a funny way and keep walking like nothing happened, lol. The weird thing is wearing the full mask respirator is not illegal but wearing armour without the license is illegal!

>Aussies need to stop watching so many channels at once. They are making internet so congested.

I guess I need to buy the Satellite Internet access.

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ea5fa7  No.91545

File: d4117a45300a945⋯.png (1.19 MB, 3166x1583, 2:1, Chinese_Virus_America_6th_….png)

File: e2de496c395b955⋯.png (1.43 MB, 3141x1766, 3141:1766, Chinese_Virus_6th_April.png)

How does China do it.

It's a mystery, just like how Venezuela stopped all people dying from starvation.

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132887  No.91549


Why do USA have so many infected people? Are their immune system damaged or something?

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8802b9  No.91550


they really need a certain amount of capital to travel. It is likely that Deutschbank's woes are that the microfinance loans that were used to drive the invasion are of course never going to be paid back.


Probably also used, and contaminated for that matter.

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3c539d  No.91552


Easy answer.

They are not disgusting subhuman bug liars about how many are infected.

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1ea97c  No.91553


diabetes, obesity, lazy lifestyle, no public healthcare

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8802b9  No.91554



That is due to the homeless,which is due to the jews getting rid of institutionalization as part of their larger bid to wreck, subvert and undermine everything else. Obviously once upon a time these people weren't shoved to the streets, put in prison, or allowed to become drug addicts, but that was bad and a violation of their rights.

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558f3a  No.91562


>No one acknowledges 1337 get

Dirty niggers.

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f145dc  No.91563


> Pasco Man not Florida Man

most epic of fails

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11ca6b  No.91565


>children see parents with plastic bags over their heads

You can see where this is leading

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a638a8  No.91566


Meat eating is bad karma. Ask China. I hope all you fucks talking keto and bragging about buying half cows get it and die.

>It's a mystery, just like how Venezuela stopped all people dying from starvation.

Thank you Ben Shapiro for your Kike talking points, always put down Venezuela whenever possible no matter the topic.

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132887  No.91567

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



The degenerates will fade away gradually and reduce the unnecessary burdens on the decaying society.

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c494e1  No.91568


>degenerates will fade away gradually

>and reduce the unnecessary burdens

By nearly all historical accounts, that's never what happens. There have only ever been two main outcomes: Mankind loses and everyone dies, or Mankind wins and a alot still must die. In the former, paradise ensues while all reserved space and resource is cannibalized, followed soon after by acute 'depressions' that 'no one saw coming' and leave niggers starving in detroit, or so called 'Aztecs' starving likewise on temples they couldn't build or maintain. In the later outcome, there still isn't gradual fading: There is acute contraction of resource around the mightful that are left, leaving all others suddenly in the desert, too far away, too many bridges to hold up.

Even in robocop, 'fade away' 'gradually' 'reduce unnecessary' did not exist. And that was a fictional, albeit entertainingly convincing, world.

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996bec  No.91570


Fuck off commie, I'm eating a burger right now.

The answer is that Venezuela forbade reporting starvation as a cause of death. Is it kike to call out commies?

My wife and white child call you a cryptokike.

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2585a5  No.91571


>diabetes, obesity, lazy lifestyle, no public healthcare

Doesn't explain why Mexico has been left relatively untouched, most of the Miami cruises go to near the Cancun area.

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3c539d  No.91572


Those temples weren’t built by aztechniggers!…they can’t even build something straight using clay bricks, let alone stone! They can’t even manage to not shed trash in a continuous manner. Those temples were built by Cro-Magnon when he was the only humanoid species on the planet (before he started fucking niggermonkeys and bugmonkey hominids)…aka OUR ANCESTORS, who can build in a straight line, used stone to build things like the pyramids, etc and all the great monuments and don’t wallow in filth and mud like the nigger and their offspring, jews etc. They were OCCUPIED by a people who couldn’t manage to live anyway other than OPEN CANNIBALISM and RITUAL HUMAN SACRIFICE.

But yes, you are correct. The only way to have peace and quiet is to kill the refuse and due to the jew (and our own permissiveness via their retarded values) there has been an amazing amount of worthless refuse built up on this planet.

The only solution is to kill the trash and live quietly again without fucking niggers and subhumans disturbing the peace.

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3c539d  No.91573


Why would the jews want to get rid of the retarded spicniggers? They wouldn’t. They only hosed Ethnic Europeans down with it.

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3c539d  No.91574

Give me A BREAK you guys!

The bug people have been trying to infiltrate and tear down our nation through financial war for DECADES!

Now they have moved onto bioterrorism and the jew sits their laughing while you all die!

Of course, because it isn’t ‘a direct threat’ not a fucking one of you will do anything about it until it is too late…but whatever. Thus passes humanity.

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3c539d  No.91577

File: a4c4f22ddb889c6⋯.png (776.2 KB, 1020x460, 51:23, D9E37AE9_2A73_42F4_A514_0C….png)


I am pretty sure that most of that whole ‘muh starvation’ campaign was a kike MSM stunt. Have you taken a good look at the images of the starving spicnigger bitches…those bitches are as wide as they are tall and they don’t ever miss a fucking meal. Does this bitch look like she is ‘starving’ to you? They are all FAT AS FUCK for ‘starving’ people.

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48a049  No.91580



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dc1d90  No.91581

Krauts lie about death count. In case of a blessed/death ratio like the rest of Europe there would be problems because government fucked up prep.

>Report: Government reorganizes corona crisis responsibilities

>The federal government appears to be reorganizing responsibilities in the corona crisis. Federal Minister of Health Jens Spahn (CDU) disempowered?

>The Federal Ministry of Economics, led by Peter Altmaier (CDU), is responsible for the procurement of protective equipment from the Ministry of Health, reports the portal "Business Insider", citing "government circles". Accordingly, a staff is to be set up in the Ministry of Economic Affairs to take care of the development of national production, among other things.

>The latter is an increasingly important task since the federal government has so far had great difficulty in asserting itself on the world market for protective equipment. Most recently, according to the “Business Insider”, the Federal Government had commissioned several companies with the purchase and logistics because they can help with their good international contacts. For weeks there has been repeated criticism of Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU) because there is insufficient protective equipment in surgeries and hospitals, but also at the police and other important authorities. As the portal further reports, there are currently around 4 million protective masks (37 million FFP8,6, 2 FFP423.000, 3 million surgical masks) in Germany as of April 28, which are issued by associations of statutory health insurance physicians, the federal government and Countries. There are also 24,4 million protective coats. The demand in German medical practices alone is 15 million FFP2 / FFP3 masks for six months, writes the "Business Insider", referring to a calculation by the National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians.



Thank you for regular news posting.

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ce9c67  No.91583

put the table thing inside a

[code]perfect columns
test1 virus
test wew
nig lad

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67d176  No.91585

US Army Now Blaming China For Creating Bioweapon!

A Recipe For WWIII & Mutually Assured Destruction?



FEMA Documentation Leaked Exposing Preperation For Mass Chaos Amid Food Shortages

Americans Are Taking Access To Food For Granted!


NYC Restaurants & Bars Plead To Landlords For Debt Forgiveness, Face Bankrupcty And Closure

About The ONLY Good Thing About NYC Left – Good Food! – Is About To Go Away!



Modern Bread Lines Hit Florida! Miles Of Cars Wait In Traffic Jams For Food!

What Happens When They Run Out Of Food? This Could Get Very Ugly Soon!



For A Glimpse Into Your Dystopian Police State Future, Just Visit Your Local Walmart


Americans should have two years of long-term bulk foods & spices stored up!



Huge Increase In Food Demand Due To Corona Bioweapon Sends Wholesale Egg Prices Skyrocketing



And Just Like That… Everyone Stopped Laughing At Preppers

Soon They'll Be Angry At Us For Having What They Can't Get Anymore, We Are Ten Steps Ahead To DEAL With Theives Too!



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0cab30  No.91586


No, it's not. You can still be overweight and starve to death you nutcase. And let me tell you something, those in the know are not falling for the commie propaganda, we have and are still stocking up on everything we possibly need and more. We do not trust governments or institutions to protect us and never will!

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ce9c67  No.91587


if any, they have the means to self-sustain their own mouths with their farms but the problem is the workforce maintaining it in some places (not usually the case) but usually the case is it's a family farm alongside other farmers, they will survive this pandemic much better than a urbanite on cuck on a lockdown probably their doors cemented or welded by the "big guys".

at first, it'd be a disaster for perishable goods since most govs have logistic failure and don't know what to prioritize, or what to prepare for the happening because all they think about is their next cruise trip and luxury nonsense. truly a blessing, corona-chan is.

there's methods for food storage, milk could be processed into cheese or similar, smoking, even the food could be had for all to themselves (farmers). the only thing that's last to survive in this economy would be agriculture unless they roll out some kind of "agenda numbers" aka brief introduction of communism and authoritarian order which would deem these means of self-sustainability as "economically unsustainable" then we're fucked and I do hope the meteor strike causes another cataclysm and this time wiping out the entire 2 millenias-old ruling class and the survivors start from rubble and rebuild the holy realm we always deserved.

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3c539d  No.91589


WTF fatlard!

Someone needs to shame you fat fucking ass. You pigs pretend that you are starving when you only get 3 large pizzas and not 4.

I have almost fucking starved to death TWICE you fucking lardass and I can tell you that you get skeleton skinny. Not like those fuck lard assed taco benders. What you are describing is IMPOSSIBLE in physics. Yes, eating pizza every fucking day, all day, can leave you MALNOURISHED but it can’t leave you starving.


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258418  No.91590


Most people who die of "starvation" actually die from malnutrition, and in that case, yes fat fucks can still drop dead without proper nourishment. It happens more than you know in third world commie cesspits. It can and likely will happen in America soon too. And as far as being skinny, how would you have the ability to defend yourself or fight back!? No thanks! I'm not a fat fuck but I am sure not going to risk starvation, malnutrition which easily follows subjugation! You better be beefed up and well stocked if you plan to defend yourself, property and assets in the near future.

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a6059d  No.91593


Gee anon-kun, I didn't know the human body could just turn fat cells into protein. You learn new things every day.

Go back to highschool, faggot.

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81f2b7  No.91595


>US Army Now Blaming China For Creating Bioweapon!

A sleeping giant stirs finally.

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aa7008  No.91597

San antonio anon back with an update. Have been gone for a while, concentrating on the family and

helping with the home schooling. Went out yesterday, people are definitely now wearing masks, I saw more people with masks on the street than without. Even saw a few with a bandanna or improvised mask. I have determined there are three kinds of people.

1. Normies that get scared and step back when they see my respirator.

2. People with masks that are jealous of my respirator.

3. Literal niggers who just don't give a fuck and don't bother to keep distance from anyone.

The traffic on the roads is still high. More people on the roads now than when it rains and seemingly half the town stays home. So I don't know how many people are actually obeying the stay at home proclamation. Food seems to be available since the local grocery chain, HEB, started putting limits on purchases. Some restaurants are offering groceries now, but I don't know how much business they are doing, I haven't seen any parking lots that look like they are even a quarter full. Drive throughs that are usually packed are mostly empty. I haven't kept up with the local news, because I live in the corona hot-spot of san antonio. Too many of my neighbors went travelling over spring break, they have been blessed.


See above anon, the niggers just don't give a fuck. They live in the moment and can't be concerned with consequences. While coronachan won't kill them all, it may help knock the levels down for a while.

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dedcee  No.91602

File: 8e1efa402b4f128⋯.jpg (2.19 MB, 4132x3151, 4132:3151, Solutrean_Atlantis_Civ.jpg)

File: 2beb14317a9307a⋯.png (37.47 KB, 828x426, 138:71, Haplogroup_R_Y_DNA_.PNG)

File: b83a7f42e261a53⋯.png (27.99 KB, 835x426, 835:426, Haplogroup_X_mtDNA_1_.PNG)

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48a049  No.91604



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a4a594  No.91606

File: 2e7f7477a3dce00⋯.png (256.82 KB, 454x627, 454:627, just_like_cases_the_number….png)

File: 0a783978a57306a⋯.png (123.54 KB, 657x540, 73:60, everyting_is_fine_gweilo.png)

File: 8ec377b3afa2bad⋯.mp4 (3.64 MB, 960x544, 30:17, CCP_lifts_outbound_travel_….mp4)

File: e4eea432d45b71c⋯.png (246.1 KB, 477x632, 477:632, they_are_dying_in_their_ho….png)

File: 9786c78c319f054⋯.png (283.26 KB, 625x633, 625:633, The_boogaloo_cometh.png)

Good afternoon cyber-coons! It's time to witness /Ourgirl/ once more!

28% of Brownzilians don't obey the soft lockdown. I call bullshit on that number. Just like the number of cases and deaths, the actual number is much higher, I would say it's actually 60%. The further north you go, the higher that number, the opposite is also true.

Chinks supposedly lifted outbound travel restrictions in Wuhan

NYC residents dying in their homes https://archive.is/gVgGp IMO the best way to go, fuck dying in an hospital

Burgers in Idaho cooking up a boogaloo https://archive.is/oedzi


>Krauts lie about death count. In case of a blessed/death ratio like the rest of Europe there would be problems because government fucked up prep.

This is also what I believe. No way their ZOG is actually competent.

>Thank you for regular news posting

You're welcome.


>US Army Now Blaming China For Creating Bioweapon!

>Time and additional evidence will show that coronavirus ‘leaked’ from a Chinese laboratory.

It's getting spicy!

>Soon They'll Be Angry At Us For Having What They Can't Get Anymore, We Are Ten Steps Ahead To DEAL With Theives Too!

Yes, this kinda already happened when everyone was calling each other "hoarder" for panic buying. Some were even mistaking panic buyers as preppers, goddamn normalfags don't realize preppers do their buying ahead of time, not in the cusp of a happening.


Hey are you the same San Antonio anon who used tor? If yes, glad to see you again because I missed you.

>concentrating on the family and helping with the home schooling.

Great idea, focus on your family because they are the most important thing in times like these.

>People with masks that are jealous of my respirator.

These are the ones you have to watch your back for.

>While coronachan won't kill them all, it may help knock the levels down for a while.

I have faith that they will be driven to extinction by the Goddess of Purification!

>error 502


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5aeda5  No.91611


>Hey are you the same San Antonio anon who used tor? If yes, glad to see you again because I missed you.

Yep, it's me. I assume tor is still banned here, but I haven't checked. I don't 100% trust my VPN provider, it wouldn't take much for a government to buy/set up a vpn provider. Considering how CIA ran that swiss encrypted communications company for years, it's not beyond belief.

>worry about the people jealous of respirator

Nah, most of them have been pretty friendly about it, cracking jokes and whatnot. I worry more about the niggers who might think they can sell my dirty respirator for $100.

>I have faith that they will be driven to extinction by the Goddess of Purification!

I hope so, word is that chicago is getting hit pretty hard. Too bad it didn't happen before the 2020 census.

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a4a594  No.91612

File: b5210ec2d7e8731⋯.mp4 (15.6 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Sanyuanli_cordoned_off_due….mp4)

An area in Guangzhou with hundreds of thousands of niggers has been cordoned off due to airborne aids https://archive.is/2Up1Q Corona-Chan is hunting them down to the last one! Seek & Destroy, babe!


>Screeching made the post go through

Works every time. Blogpost time: A technician from the niggernet provider finally came over here, he said all the cable lines are fine, the pirate network niggers messed with the locker. He said it he fixed it and that the connection should be better now but not much because of the quarantine. He also gave me a new router but said my current one might be old but it's much more powerful

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dc1d90  No.91616

File: 3337d80cb0fa746⋯.pdf (447.79 KB, ICNARC.pdf)


London area severe case report with race stats.

blessed with lung fun:

white: 64.8

chinks: 13.8

nignogs: 13.6

London area 2011 census according to kikepedia:

white: 59.8

chinks: 18.4

nignogs: 13.3

pdf related

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a4a594  No.91617

File: 56238a9b66a5ee3⋯.mp4 (600.65 KB, 352x640, 11:20, OI_ITS_4_BONG.mp4)

File: 4d99e7d29d8c59e⋯.mp4 (691.93 KB, 720x720, 1:1, 7th_of_April_chink_dropper….mp4)

File: 6500114cdb7eeb0⋯.jpg (66.27 KB, 720x960, 3:4, Alleged_Corona_patients_in….jpg)

File: 6ff2dd60f2ac1a7⋯.mp4 (781.47 KB, 464x288, 29:18, Ecuadorians_fighting_with_….mp4)

File: 8d4785de0788673⋯.jpeg (395.96 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, Costa_Fascinosa_docked_in….jpeg)

Wuhanese chinks celebrate the end of the lockdown by gathering together to enjoy the lights and the bongs https://archive.is/i7Gj0

Very recent dropper in a Chengdu mall https://archive.is/AaR3v

This allegedly recent photo from an hospital in Mali exposes blessed niggers lying on the floor and maskless hospital staff https://archive.is/wiW45 I seriously hope "Chen" is telling the truth

Ecuadorians fighting with cops outside of a cemetery, over the burial of corpses https://archive.is/wip/bVLzG

Number of confirmed blessings in a Corona-Cruise docked in São Paulo jump to 40 https://archive.is/xcrcr

>>91611 (checked)

>Yep, it's me.

Good to see you again!

>Nah, most of them have been pretty friendly about it, cracking jokes and whatnot.

Thank goodness.

>chicago is getting hit pretty hard.

Good, thank you Corona-Chan.


Can we even trust racial data from Bongland? Their ZOG enjoys muddling the waters, like the kikes they are.

>Error 502 bad gateway


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1825da  No.91619

File: 2fd0c2429076ad0⋯.png (577.85 KB, 834x1659, 278:553, chimps_gonna_chimp.png)




African'ts Chimpout and Burn Testing Center for Coronavirus



The bad news about that is that we will probably never get close to accurate or even reasonable statistics from Africa. In other news, I've been in and out of it and haven't been active here as I have. Sorry to those who have been looking for those precious (You)'s.

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ee7151  No.91620

File: ac5607286e28ee9⋯.mp4 (5.1 MB, 640x360, 16:9, terry_niggercattle.mp4)

>>91222 (checked)

>Comrade Bill Gates Begins ID 2020 Agenda Building Factories For Microchipped Vaccines

Anons should be keeping an eye on this shit.


>US Army Now Blaming China For Creating Biowea

Nice. Good newsposting, anon!


>>91469 I checked it but fucked up the spacing



thanks will try, I don't use the hardcore codefag shit much.


>corona test centres spread the virus to niggers in nigfrica

<niggers think this

Anyone have a nigfrica sockpuppet account set to put to use?

This could be great in burgerland too

>niggaz ain trussin no yt shieeeyt

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7932f0  No.91621


You’re a fool to remove your respirator. A gun to my face wouldn’t make me remove my respirator in public. I’d rather be shot.

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8b4748  No.91623


[https://archive.ph/VyByE] https://twitter.com/swaycrew1/status/1247523242471878656

>Somewhere in #Wuhan, people moving body secretly as "zero new cases" has become a political task, and communities dare not break the "zero new cases" record, so they arrange to have the body moved at midnight.

[https://archive.ph/wip/kCCz4] https://twitter.com/ChinaInFocusNTD/status/1247501933839093761

>The Chinese regime claims the #CCPVirus is under control, but the #CCP leader #Xijinping was recently seen wearing a mask again. He was spotted with no mask at the end of March while visiting a province. Some are now speculating the epidemic in Beijing may have worsened.

As expected from the Chinese Corona Party

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da508d  No.91625


So anon, tell us about how the hospitals are pretty empty.

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da508d  No.91627


So you go to the hospital pretty often anon? Care to share with the rest of us how empty it was during this (((major pandemic)))?

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81f2b7  No.91629




See? I can use brackets too.

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b4ed2b  No.91632


>What was and is the narrative here?

Pic related. Simplified for your comprehension.

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7932f0  No.91634

Should I be wary about corona on food? Should I stop ordering food altogether?

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5bac83  No.91635

Should I be worried about corona on food? Should I stop ordering food altogether? I disinfect the packages and use gloves when handling them and wash my hands profusely, but what if someone making the food coofs on it?

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b4ed2b  No.91637


>Asking this question in April

>[laughs in mountain house buckets]

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0b6069  No.91640

File: 2bc7c20696ad4c8⋯.jpg (20.52 KB, 600x315, 40:21, kekelek.jpg)

is everyone on this general 75 or something? Don't you have immune systems? How schizo do you have to be to be wearing a mask everywhere and worrying about it being on your food ? LEL - GOTTA PROTECT MYSELF FROM THAT 0.3% MORTALITY IN MY AGE BRACKET KEEEEEK

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5bac83  No.91642

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81f2b7  No.91645



Your coping methods are flawed

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b4ed2b  No.91646


Strive to be a better shitposter than this.

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8b4748  No.91647


>It's just a nothing burger

>But I will just stay at home and write on a rice carving website because I don't want to catch it

How's your novel on rice gain going on grandpa?

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5bac83  No.91650


Well regardless today is the last day I order food. Let’s hope Coronachan didn’t bless me from these sandwiches.

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b5b283  No.91652


I am laughing my ass off dude, check out all the dudes going to their local hospitals and they are completely empty. Next there are going after the "bodies" of all the so called deaths from this shit. This shit is better then 9/11 so far.

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0e0621  No.91653



Corona won't survive being ingested. Don't worry about it.

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b4ed2b  No.91655


>I am laughing my ass off dude, check out all the dudes going to their local hospitals and they are completely empty.

Weird how we haven't seen any footage of this yet.

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0b33e6  No.91656

(((WhatsApp))) limiting the amount of messages being sent in an effort to combat "disinformation" https://archive.is/nerSJ I hope the addled normalfags somehow find a way to bypass this limitation. They're so addicted to this shit they will probably throw some sort of cyber-chimpout when they find out the amount of messages they can send is being throttled.

Footage of a packed Ecuadorean cemetery in the suburbs of Guayaquil https://archive.is/01t1X

Ecuadorean woman records a video pleading for help in finding the body of her father, she has been looking for him for four days https://archive.is/wip/4X0jX

Body left in the woods in Guayaquil https://archive.vn/s5Hnx



Not knowing the numbers is a price worth paying to see them getting fucked up and not knowing what's causing it.




Considering what Corona-Chan can do to the human body, I think you're being completely reasonable.

>>91642 >>91645 >>91646 >>91647

Stop engaging him. He's dead, just like everyone else in the unbreakable curse shitlist.


/cvg/ newfag spotted. The virus can survive in the intestines and can be transmitted through feces and even farts. Read the past threads.

>status 0 error:

It's like the Serb is coming up with new error messages just to piss me off.


>Niggernet chimping out on top of Ron's shit being broken

Great, that technician din't do shit, it's still fucked.

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b5b283  No.91657

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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81f2b7  No.91658


You're welcome to go out and find your own proof too, you know. Or are you, too, afraid of whats out there?

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b5b283  No.91659


No? I went to my local hospital three days ago and it was completely empty? and the grocery store was fine. I don't understand your logic here.

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2d6fab  No.91660


Be careful. Yes, your system encourages fakery for profit. Take your cues from (monthly I suppose in USA?) death statistics and look for overdeath compared with March in previous years to take into account regular influenza seasons. That's the safest statistic I can think of. This is the happening, trying to convince yourself it's not so bad will only get you killed.

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81f2b7  No.91661


You haven't posted proof. You're using hearsay.

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31128e  No.91662


>(((WhatsApp))) limiting the amount of messages being sent in an effort to combat "disinformation"

Did they specify what this "disinformation" consists of? Because that's probably the truth. Remember anons, you should always do the opposite from what the Jews say.

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691835  No.91663


So the youtube video is hearsay? just like all the bullshit social media in this thread? Sure thing dude.

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b6ab46  No.91665


>im here in an area with few cases or at a hospital not handling coronavirus area that has no cases.

its almost as if people are avoiding crowded public places or something.


no, you saying you went to the hospital without proof is hearsay. obviously. are you a dumbass?

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2d6fab  No.91666


>not disgusting subhuman bug liars

>one country lies and lowers stats or get shot

>another country hospital lies and raises stats or get ire from shareholders

>still lies

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76bf65  No.91668

File: 489dd84916b0b1b⋯.gif (235.94 KB, 800x600, 4:3, freeshitforniggasonly.gif)

File: 2c8752b0227ca7e⋯.gif (460.17 KB, 500x352, 125:88, rubby_rubby.gif)


Fak off neocon your kind is not welcome here

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8802b9  No.91669


How are muslims counted?

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81f2b7  No.91670




>information received from other people that one cannot adequately substantiate; rumor.

You posted other videos but not your own. Are you retarded?

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691835  No.91671


>all of the places with WARZONE like cases have massive Jewish polulations.

>Muh China







Also, where are all the bodies? why are all the in the warzone hospital picture full of practice dummies and crisis actors?

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81f2b7  No.91672


>practice dummies and crisis actors

Thats a lot of dummies and crisis actors, im sure there would be a trail to follow after a crowd that big.

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379d77  No.91673

File: cc6565c6bb88fe6⋯.png (178.05 KB, 463x563, 463:563, have_I_ever_told_you_how_m….png)

File: 08144a4366f4b48⋯.png (102.98 KB, 1119x603, 373:201, FUCK_EVENT_201.png)

File: e27aaa39c3ed4e5⋯.mp4 (5.63 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Packed_cemetery_in_the_sub….mp4)

File: ee918bc40917f34⋯.mp4 (3.7 MB, 320x568, 40:71, Ecuadorian_woman_cries_for….mp4)

File: a08e0076613d871⋯.mp4 (2.38 MB, 480x864, 5:9, Body_left_in_the_woods_in_….mp4)


>forgot all my files after closing and reopening the browser thrice.

I blame Ron and cripplekike.


They never do, they only say

<You should only trust the WHO and other government agencies, goyim.

>status 0 error:


>status 0 error:



At least give me an error message you bitch.

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2d6fab  No.91675

File: 255adbec7afc26e⋯.jpg (44.58 KB, 447x320, 447:320, ello_ello_ello.jpg)




I see you're lost. Here, let me show you how to get home.

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b6ab46  No.91677



jews live in cities; mostly liberal cities

the virus has affected cities; mostly liberal cities

none of the areas those videos are in have alot of cases.

i only had one unintended space.

the bodies are being loaded in freezer trucks and brought to their usual places. some hospitals in my area have set up morgues in the parking lots because theyre not equipped to handle this volume in a short amount of time.

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0e0621  No.91678


>The virus can survive in the intestines

No, the virus can infect the intestines once a person is infected. This is why one of the symptoms is diarrhea. It cannot be the primary infection site, however, as the virus cannot survive the acids in the stomach.

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31128e  No.91679


>It's like the Serb is coming up with new error messages just to piss me off.

U wot?

Speaking of Serbia, they have been two chimpouts in rapefugee camps, army had to fire a few shots in the air in one instance.

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8802b9  No.91680


>race is completely divorced from religion

thanks for your input smoothbrain, but I want to know where in the data they are hiding, considering we're hearing about them being disproportionately among fatalities.

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2d6fab  No.91682


Where are you hearing Corona chan has it in for specific religions, I'd like to read that too.

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45fd61  No.91686


>Dead nigger storage

Unbelievable. You can tell some (colonial) effort was put into building the facility too. I wonder if they even train the nurses or are they just wearing the gowns like a cargo cult.

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8802b9  No.91687


you'll have to read through the archived threads

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b5b283  No.91691


>Taking account of historical experience, trends in the data, increased number of infections in the population at largest, and potential impact of misclassification of deaths gives a presumed estimate for the COVID-19 IFR between 0.1% and 0.26%.*


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29aa38  No.91695


>What is inhalation of food particles

>What is the rule: if you can smell it, you're exposed to it

>Where does all liquid, food, and gas pass through when entering the body

Take a trip to the wonderful city of Wuhan today!

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77b632  No.91696


You got a half face or full face respirator? I'll give you a sieg heil if I see you. Have you been to central market? They have a special maze to buy paper products, and they only allow one person in at a time.

You're 100% on with the traffic. No one was on the raod the first week of the stay at home order, but after that traffic has been increasing every week. Same thing at the hotels wher I work. Occupancy tanked, but creeps back up a little each week. People are getting complacent.

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0e0621  No.91717


This is what I love about Happening Generals. It eventually becomes one of two kinds of people:

Posters giving up to date information from credible sources.

Posters living out their apocalyptic fap-fantasy because their sad lives have nothing to offer.

Guess which one you are …

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567459  No.91720

File: 89a8dfee97197c2⋯.png (299.22 KB, 900x740, 45:37, 1586298161536.png)

Damn ye! Let Corona strike ye dead Anon! HAAARK! Hark Corona, hark! Bellow, bid our mother the Lung Queen rise from the biolabs full foul in her fury! Cytokine storms teeming with T cells to smother this weak heart with pungent slime, to choke ye, engorging your lungs til' ye turn blue and bloated with bilge and brine and can scream no more - only when she, dressed in chinese gown with barbed devilish tail, take up her fell be-fected arm, her yellow'd beer bottle screeches banshee-like in the tempest and plunges right through yer gullet, bursting ye! - a bulging bladder no more, but a coughing corpse now and nothing for FEMA and the souls of dead chinese to peck and claw and feed upon only to be lapped up and swallowed by the mass graves of the Plague Empress herself - forgotten to any newspaper, to any nation, forgotten to any god or devil, forgotten even to the earth, for any stuff for part of Anon, even any scantling of your soul exists no more, but is now itself the dirt!

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379d77  No.92032


>It cannot be the primary infection site, however, as the virus cannot survive the acids in the stomach.

Hmm, but couldn't you be infected through the mouth while chewing the food?



>Speaking of Serbia, they have been two chimpouts in rapefugee camps, army had to fire a few shots in the air in one instance.

Just remove the kebab, like the good old days.


Great poetry!

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31128e  No.92035

Passover 2020 begins at sundown on Wednesday, April 8, and ends Thursday evening, April 16

In the Book of Exodus, God helped the Israelites escape from slavery in ancient Egypt by inflicting ten plagues upon the Egyptians before the Pharaoh would release the Israelite slaves. The last of the plagues was the death of the Egyptian first-born. The Israelites were instructed to mark the doorposts of their homes with the blood of a slaughtered spring lamb and, upon seeing this, the spirit of the Lord knew to pass over the first-born in these homes, hence the English name of the holiday

Ruh-roh …

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274481  No.92037

File: a70bff20d16b964⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 22.79 KB, 403x403, 1:1, 1435614153654.jpg)

Apparently, in the US most of those dropping dead are niggers.

Kung Flu is looking more and more like a bioweapon specifically designed to wipe the nigger menace off the face of the earth.

Maybe the CCP is based after all. This is looking to be a chimpocalypse of epic proportions. Only down side is the stupid apes are dropping like flies without even the strength to chimp out, so we are not even getting to see Rooftop Koreans 2.0 Electric Boogaloo.


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31128e  No.92040


Isn't this period expected to be the "peak" of this pandemic in many countries? Did they use the nano-transistors to "mark" the good and bad goyim so their AI god can know who to kill?

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274481  No.92043


If they're using an AI, maybe it's Tay. Maybe that's why she's disproportionately killing niggers.

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9107a1  No.92044

File: db20ea4c36dec0c⋯.jpg (110.64 KB, 768x768, 1:1, 92297527_530328944335889_5….jpg)

File: 2485ee708ab8c9f⋯.jpg (55.01 KB, 500x392, 125:98, Satania_Hazmat.jpg)

Total deaths vs total recovered of Closed Cases. (Percentage dead from contracting virus.) Calc = (DeathsTotal/(DeathsTotal+RecoveredTotal))x100=%

USA = 37.0% Kill rate.

Italy = 41.3% Kill rate.

UK = 97.9% Kill rate

Netherlands = 89.4% Kill rate.

Sweden = 74.3% Kill rate.

Ireland = 89.4% Kill rate.

Guess those forced vacinations are working hard at keeping that kill rate up. Immunocomprised = vaccinated by jew polute thimoseral + heavy metals.

Generaly looking at World of meters figures, other places it's so-so around 50/50 chance of survival. Flip a coin, heads you live, tails you die, that's how potent Coronachan is. I think, but I can't prove it, a number of the resolved/survival cases are turning into kill cases,, only saying this because of certain low number countries I've been watching. Some countries have low kill rates, but who knows why? Different strain is a guess.

If you are in the UKuntistan and the Neggerlandos, you'll die if you go to hospital. Potatoe-lickers too.

So many scared shilljews spamming to this thread now. Ha, you'll all die you evil cunts.

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274481  No.92046


Shit vapor coming through the pipes in chink apartment builds was enough to infect tons of people. We've known that since back in January…

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7f8e61  No.92047

Does anyone have links to articles from January/February where the media was playing the JUST A FLU, BRO game? I've been searching and I think they've honestly been scrubbed from the internet.

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44682e  No.92048


It is more probable that niggers are not going to isolate themselves from potential infection because they have nigger brains and muh dik that compels them to mix with sheboons and other carriers.


>If you are in the UKuntistan and the Neggerlandos, you'll die if you go to hospital.

The bong primeminister is really fucked then.

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dc1d90  No.92049

File: eb0fa33b3a7e330⋯.png (542.01 KB, 856x1200, 107:150, c1b3de662e8704293ca9f7c8bc….png)


much interdasting. most underrated post this bread. all of you niggers should get comfy and read source. Thank you anon.




>The Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine develops, promotes and disseminates better evidence for healthcare.

>Global Covid-19 Case Fatality Rates

>Estimating COVID-19 Case Fatality Rates (CFR) Update 29th March:

>Our current best assumption, as of the 22nd March, is the CFR is 0.51% – the lowest end of the current prediction interval and in line with several other estimates.

Evaluating CFR during a pandemic is, however, a hazardous exercise, and high-end estimates should be treated with caution as the H1N1 pandemic highlights that original estimates were out by a factor greater than 10.

>Estimating COVID-19 Infection Fatality Rates (IFR) (Update 29TH March)

>We could make a simple estimation of the IFR as 0.26%, based on halving the lowest boundary of the CFR prediction interval. However, the considerable uncertainty over how many people have the disease means an IFR of 0.26 is likely an overestimate. In Swine flu, the IFR ended up as 0.02%, fivefold less than the lowest estimate during the outbreak (the lowest estimate was 0.1% in the 1st ten weeks of the outbreak). In Iceland, where the most testing per capita has occurred, the IFR lies between. 0.01% and 0.19%.

>Taking account of historical experience, trends in the data, increased number of infections in the population at largest, and potential impact of misclassification of deaths gives a presumed estimate for the COVID-19 IFR between 0.1% and 0.26%.*

Pick your angle. All I get from it is people die because of shit government and even more shit health care.

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76f875  No.92050


Your strength is obvious! Wow, you should put that extra effort to good use! Go volunteer to help out a soup kitchen, go feed the homeless, attend a bar mitzvah! We need wise Anons like yourself if we are going to make it through this! Be an example to our communities. Boldly go everywhere without a mask. Hug a stranger, it is only the flu bro and just a hoax. Lead by example and livestream it! #strongertogetherfromyourexample #wuflubetterthancondoms


Boil it in acid first, it is the only way to be safe. Can't wait for the food supply taint to go public it won't


How many people live "in your area". You may find this website quite interesting: Pity it doesn't go down to the county level- http://covid19.healthdata.org/united-states-of-america The fact of the matter is the only way to "beat" a virus is to go back to the olde dark ages and lock'em in. Is this a "hoax virus"? Sure dude, it is. 100% fake propaganda established by the Jews and released by their minions the Chinese to enact Bill Gates' nanotech tagging system that reports your thoughts through 5G. Convinced me completely and the economic crash, the supply chain breakdowns, and layoffs are just for the lulz. I'm calling my vendors first thing in the morning and telling them all I'm on to them because people aren't dying outside hospitals. IF YOU MAKE EXTRAORDINARY CLAIMS PREPARE YOURSELF WITH EXTRAORDINARY EVIDENCE and a youtube video is not extraordinary evidence.




>This is the happening, trying to convince yourself it's not so bad will only get you killed.

Or sterilized, or spreading it to your children and sterilizing them.>>91660

>This is the happening, trying to convince yourself it's not so bad will only get you killed.


This is why it is important to autistically archive EVERYTHING, some lads probably want to start archiving everywhere they said that Dr. Trump's Miracle Quinine Oil was worthless too (if it is still up).

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76bf65  No.92051

File: 9b192bfb0a10165⋯.png (560.3 KB, 620x386, 310:193, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d6c18985c7251fa⋯.png (39.69 KB, 145x158, 145:158, ClipboardImage.png)




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9780c6  No.92053

File: 2af13a851fe634f⋯.png (384.36 KB, 703x625, 703:625, holy_fuck.png)


Holy fuck I have a shit ton of Ivermectin drops for my parrots. I always fuck up putting it on them that shit gets on my hands and stuff. Both my neighbors got the wu-flu but I remain coof free.

I have always been clumsy and now it seems my clumsyness has protected me from the coofs.

My fucking sides.

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31128e  No.92055


I know a woman which tested positive, got some mild symptoms (less intense than a regular flu), spent weeks in isolation, tested negative, and went back to her usual business.

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44682e  No.92057

File: f0ddc5b13c9fff2⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 476.01 KB, 593x835, 593:835, ClipboardImage.png)


From the gamergate thread on /v/

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d8d469  No.92058

Kissinger Calls For Global NWO Government As 'Solution' To Corona



Not Just Bill Gates! World Bank Now Shilling ID 2020 Global Mark Of The Beast



Agenda 21: UN Wants 10% Global Tax to Pay for New "Shared Responsibility" Corona Program



Communist Chinese Government Reported To Have Burned Corona Victims Alive



NYC Official Calls For Internment Camps As Military Cleans Up Dead Bodies?



US Hospitals Say Feds Are Seizing Masks And Other Coronavirus Supplies Without Reason



Democrat Lawmaker Credits Hydroxychloroquine For Saving Her From Corona Death



Spanish Town That Isolated And Cut Itself Off From Others Has Zero Corona Infections



Hackers Target WHO Amid COVID-19 Outbreak



Trump Plans To Withhold Money From WHO Over 'Botched' Crisis Response



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13d3cf  No.92059

File: 590a0b3903b23a6⋯.jpeg (71.62 KB, 550x383, 550:383, AA5A22D8_D6D7_4256_BF23_D….jpeg)

Modly resigns. https://archive.is/yCNSK

Why did they put a faggot in charge of the navy?

> Oh, right, it’s the navy

< It was extremely naive or stupid of Modly to think no one would find out what he did.

“Pandemic expert” calls to deploy Coronavirus vaccine without establishing effectiveness. https://archive.is/wip/tElpA

They’re also saying don’t worry about pet infection because all the pets found to have the new Coronavirus so far aren’t in the USA. What could possibly go wrong?

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76bf65  No.92062

File: f216bf3a1bc08fb⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1246x778, 623:389, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cb8fe1e0bc7e1f2⋯.png (237.34 KB, 586x420, 293:210, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c07146a58ddbac2⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1170x758, 585:379, ClipboardImage.png)


>some lads probably want to start archiving everywhere they said that Dr. Trump's Miracle Quinine Oil was worthless too

I feel pretty much impervious to virii at this point. My cells are defensive castles that repel all virii. White towers of zinc stand guard against the merest hint of invasion. Virii whimper as they are destroyed by my immune system. Pathetic alien structures crumble as my immune system learns of their makeup.

Try searching social media for things the media said. Even if they scrub their own posts, usually replies remain

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379d77  No.92063

File: bcd6232b7cc1e06⋯.png (2.63 MB, 1753x1275, 1753:1275, Corona_Chan_divine_ornamen….png)

>>92044 (checked)

>So many scared shilljews spamming to this thread now. Ha, you'll all die you evil cunts.

Yes, the hoaxnigger got BTFO'd then resorted to spamming a honeypot.

Nothingburgerfags and Hoaxniggers are trying to get anons killed

They're either:

>Normalfags absolutely terrified of change, so they deny the fact that shit is indeed Happening.

>Government shills and glowniggers doing damage control and downplaying their own fuck up.

>Kikes actively trying to make anons lower their guard and get killed off during this Happening.

Do not believe a single word these vile creatures type! They are trying to kill YOU AND YOUR FAMILY. They are NOT your friends! Meanwhile, the Coronian Cult has:

>Encouraged anons to prepare for the Global Collapse materially, physically, emotionally and spiritually.

>Provided emotional support to anons feeling depressed and wanting to kill themselves, as they would miss the Golden Age that they deserve to witness and live through.

>Kept the /cvg/ community updated on recent Happenings through the CNS: Coronian Newsposting Service

>Denounced the treacherous "scientists" and "curefags" trying to poison YOU with vaccines and drugs concocted through unnatural means and containing unknown substances, encouraging anons to pursue natural and spiritual means of healing instead.

>Fought metaphysically against the wretches who try to disrupt /cvg/, at the cost of our spiritual integrity.

Given these facts, who's really your friend? Who's really on your side? The Coronian Cult is your trustworthy companion, always supporting you to make sure you will live through the great Global Collapse and be a part of the reconstruction effort that will lead to the New Golden Age. We support cultists and anons of other faiths alike, you do not need to worship Corona-Chan to be our dear friend. The greatest act of friendship you can give us is to survive the Collapse!


The CNS will begin resuming it's operations in the next post


>Not Just Bill Gates! World Bank Now Shilling ID 2020 Global Mark Of The Beast

>Agenda 21: UN Wants 10% Global Tax to Pay for New "Shared Responsibility" Corona Program

(((They))) will make their move soon. Be prepared, face them without any fears and you shall be victorious!

>Spanish Town That Isolated And Cut Itself Off From Others Has Zero Corona Infections

This is the best way to guarantee the survival of a community.

>Hackers Target WHO Amid COVID-19 Outbreak

War heroes of the cybernetic front!


>They’re also saying don’t worry about pet infection because all the pets found to have the new Coronavirus so far aren’t in the USA. What could possibly go wrong?

Fucking ZOG, they have weaponized incompetence.

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76bf65  No.92064

File: 9602481b732d124⋯.jpg (206.45 KB, 1000x500, 2:1, the_price_of_soullessness.jpg)


>budgie guy

Your humanity and care for the pretty cute small things saved thee.

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3e3cbe  No.92065


Too much desperation, not enough guinea pigs. May as well give it to Africa and let the niggers be useful once in their lives. If it works the rest of the world can use it, if not fewer niggers to bother the world.

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9780c6  No.92068


The amount of Anons here that also have budgies, parrots just birbs in general here give me hope for humanity. None of that normalfag cat shit.

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76bf65  No.92071

File: da5d523ae880d1d⋯.png (418.57 KB, 1269x720, 141:80, mickey_pissed.png)


OK calm your tits deary birds are disgusting filthy vermin compared to cats. I was being nice but if this is a fight between cats and birds I'm with the miaow miaow

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31128e  No.92072


t. toxoplasmosis zombie

Pets are for emotionally dependent lesser men and women. Unless you get a gecko, crow, piglet or something edgy.

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379d77  No.92076

File: b97d9500b07d11a⋯.png (184.05 KB, 452x594, 226:297, Stupid_move.png)

File: 00e2afbe70f96b5⋯.png (234.1 KB, 692x1024, 173:256, coronavirus_Brasil_Estados….png)

File: 684fa9ac268019a⋯.png (110.54 KB, 597x1024, 597:1024, casos_mortos_covid_brasil_….png)

File: 46407159542e720⋯.png (118.09 KB, 345x621, 5:9, fourth_aircoof_carrier.png)

File: 3a9676944a7c026⋯.mp4 (4.64 MB, 720x720, 1:1, Pakistani_doctors_are_arre….mp4)

Brownzilian minister of lies health calls the chink ambassador in hopes of cooperation with Chinkland in the futile fight against Corona-Chan

Brownzilian bullshit numbers have been updated: 13.717 confirmed symptomatic Hues, 667 confirmed deaths.Reminder that those numbers are bullshit, yadda yadda yadda.

Fourth Burger aircraft carrier visited by /ourgirl/: Seaman aboard the USS Nimitz is confirmed to blessed


Pakishitter cops arrest Paki docs for protesting against the lack of PPE

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19d129  No.92077


>Uninfected atm

>Stock up on my own blood

Would this work?

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274481  No.92078


This is more cringe than those pics of chinks we were laughing at 2 months ago.

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2af173  No.92079


The only basis for this is that some bad apples would want black people to think they are immune while they party it up and don't take the necessary precautions. Can you believe people would actually spread these rumors that could put innocent Africans in danger!

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b3fc77  No.92080

File: 458fe9824967e53⋯.gif (47.16 KB, 448x216, 56:27, 458fe9824967e53a3685268f1f….gif)


Based on all of the information and guidance from the CDC, no, corona-chan doesn't hang out on cooked food, but you could get it from the food's packaging. Their recommendation is to wash your hands before and after eating. Takeout is still probably safe, but your money is better spent on long form groceries like rice, beans, and so on.


Holy shit, that woman is retarded. A single octopus sucker has enough grip and strength to rip your eye right out of your fucking head without a second thought. I'm glad it took a chunk out of her.


>never experiencing the emotional bond of having a smart, healthy, and capable dog

>not understanding why they're called 'Man's Best Friend'

I feel for you, anon.

Update for you anons from Seattle. Schools won't open until next school year in the fall, but digital courses will keep going. Also read that we're 'on the other side of the hump' and that phased 'go back to work' may start in a very slow and staggered fashion depending on your industry. Also, some other stats I read but don't have a handy source for:

>despite lockdown order, traffic levels still 55-60% of normal you could argue it's people going to 'essential' jobs, but that's probably only 20-25% of the traffic

>crimes up 85% in west downtown Seattle after they raised the bar for arrestable offenses surprising no one with a brain stem

>grocery stores still stocked, minus sanitizer, but all are on altered hours

Nothing really happening up here. The big tech companies will carry Seattle Metro through this in a macro-economic sense, but if you don't work in tech or something that directly supports it, you're screwed.

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19d129  No.92082


Ownership of land is the single most elevating thing the human race has ever done by a large margin. Guess who owns the "common land" the fucking party, government, forest rangers protecting it. I can own my own acres and less and less countries have zero % property tax. Tax on a primary residence is the most retarded thing ever but w/e not the point of this reply.

Nobody is building a house if you(specifically you) can just walk onto my property, misunderstand Nietzsche on my porch and claim my house as communal.

We were never hippies living in freedom just walking around. Cats, Hyenas, lions, wolves and lots of other animals have territories which they claim and defend to the death we are no different. Fucking deathcult worshiper.

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44682e  No.92085


>Fourth Burger aircraft carrier visited by /ourgirl/:

There is a joke somewhere in that title about sterile seamen but I can't quite……

How would /ourgirl/ effect operational capacity for the armed forces?

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503960  No.92086


Do they not have crematoriums? God damn

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7636f1  No.92087


No, you'll need as much storeable food as you can get. What you should do is let new food sit a few days before eating it (or simply cook it depending what it is). Corona can't stay on surfaces more than a week. If you buy canned foods you could wipe them down with a bleach/water mix, or lysol wipes. When you go to the store, ware gloves and a mask. Decontaminate the gear when you get back home and sanitize your hands. Let the food sit around a week and eat your older food and you should be just fine. I routinely rotate all my goods this way, all the new stuff is put away for a while before I know it is safe to use (or if needed right away, decontaminated with lysol or bleach-water solution).

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503960  No.92088


>Pakistan arresting doctors

What could possibly go wrong?

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589d5a  No.92089

File: e5aee7aff0e426e⋯.jpg (237.78 KB, 828x609, 276:203, FullSizeR1_3_.jpg)


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2af173  No.92091


>Seeing other white people as trash instead of misguided and lacking proper leadership.

I see you very clearly.

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f52d32  No.92092


>(((They))) will make their move soon. Be prepared, face them without any fears and you shall be victorious!

I am getting confident a lot of people are waking up to this and hear a lot of people saying they won't conform, which is good and gives me hope. If they do try something, we have guns and know how to use them. However, I somewhat doubt the (((government))) will be that stupid, because once they stir armed insurrection there is no going back. They'll simply try to slander us, they'll try to intimidate us (as usual), they'll make their threats, they'll call us names and conspiracy theorists, they'll bark a lot… but as usual, without much bite if enough people refuse to conform. Same thing happens with gun control really. Very few obey their new laws and tell them to go to hell, and challenge them in courts where the enforcement lags behind waiting out the legal system. And even then, most people just say "fuck off" anyway and keep what they do to themselves. I'm hoping and predicting the same will happen with this vaccine, as it has with a lot of others. The media openly gripes at us all day for not getting vaxxed and I really don't give a shit.

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da508d  No.92096

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I live in a "medical warzone" hotspot. It's pretty dead. Media is lying. Also plenty of videos of people going into NYC hospitals and reporting them empty.

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7caea4  No.92099

File: 1741ad72cf4570b⋯.jpg (234.51 KB, 914x684, 457:342, Screenshot_20200407_202354….jpg)

>chinese food factories

>kosher certified… by…


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7caea4  No.92102


Thanks, needs a glossary for us brainlets.

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274481  No.92105


Chink 105 iq on display.

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701126  No.92106


Just to reiterate what I said in an earlier post: Waaaaay too many people have been made aware and inundated with the whole "human microchipping number of the beast" tier shit for decades. Everyone from Jesus freaks, lolbertarians, hippies, Alex Jones/Coast to Coast AM and /x/ tier fags, everyone under the umbrella label of "tinfoilist," etc. At least 1/3 of the population would refuse to cooperate and probably more. If they really tried some Hollywood tier cyber totalitarianism right now at a time when tensions are running high and people are already angry and freaked out it could really blow up in their faces and they must be at least semi-aware of that even if they are psychotic and disconnected from reality.


Interesting if true. Have to take their word for it they are at those facilities because hard to tell on low res phone footage. I don't doubt the media is hyping the living shit out of the whole thing and wildly exaggerating public response. I wouldn't expect anyone to be lined up outside the hospital though just due to the desire to keep inside, and likewise it doesn't surprise me the ambulances aren't running around, if anything there is probably significantly less ambulance activity overall due to the stay in home quarantines, so frankly that much makes sense to me. It is surprising to see the inside of the facility calm and not the "ground zero" the media makes it out to be. Of course that was just a shot of reception area and public walkway, it may have looked a lot more intense if they had managed to peak into the ICU and seen dozens on respirators or something that would cast it in a much different light, so hard to say because the person just hovered outside and poked her head into the public access part, didn't really go to the places in the facility where you would actually see the potential Corona patients.

But ya, the media is making it sound way more dramatic than it is, due in large part to the public getting their perception of most of these things from movies and TV, which is to say, the average person might think that a hospital is empty or slow because they expect it to be like TV where you see doctors and nurses running up and down the halls with patients on gurneys with IV's inserted yelling "CODE BLUE CODE BLUE" with dramatic music playing, and thus because it doesn't look like that it must mean nothing is going on.

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7caea4  No.92107


I didn't know chinks ate kikes.

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31128e  No.92108

File: e49e2bce6dc3995⋯.jpeg (51.13 KB, 460x681, 460:681, 1492962455001.jpeg)


A lot of normies are now not preoccupied with work (that was intentionally kept inflated so they don't have time or energy to think about anything else) and vain, mindless activities like shopping, partying, etc. The only distraction left is the electric jew and various garbage on the internet, but alone it is not enough and its already causing over-saturation making them seek something else. On top of that, they are stressed out, scared, and worried about the future. The paradigm of their hollow lives is suspended for the most part. There has never been a better opportunity to redpill them. The elite kikes have probably shot themselves in the leg with this one. Can't wait to see the golem turn on them. These dysgenic maggots might have overplayed their hand, if there is one thing that people from most of (genuine, not staged) political spectrum can agree on, is their hatred against the (((elites)))

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da508d  No.92110


Thread is about to die so I'll keep it short. Many healthcare workers (including friends of mine) are going home furloughed due to lack of work. Second, the media has been caught using footage in italy on CBS of a hospital when talking about the situation in New York. Third, the ICU is probably busy (they usually are). However, they aren't having their limits pushed. Is it really worth forcing a great depression? At some point a depression will kill more people than the virus. Food for thought.

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7caea4  No.92111


I've been removing the microphones from my electronics. It turns out the sensor array is incredibly shitty in terms of construction, in most cases. They kind of fall apart as you remove them. Very weird. The ones that I haven't yet tackled are the ones that are behind glass, like "fancy" phone shit & tablets. This talent is equal in importance to other SHTF capabilities.

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7caea4  No.92114

File: 716fb403e788f57⋯.jpg (62.05 KB, 992x766, 496:383, 4_instruments_babyinforcep.jpg)


Let's say you want to keep the camera, but you want to remove the (built-in) microphones. You can often just pop off the microphones. They're often attached only weakly, ie you don't have to solder. There are various methods, such as crushing them with a pair of pliers, etc.

I like to think of this as an "abortion".

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b6ab46  No.92115


>I live in a "medical warzone" hotspot.

no you don't. i live in the worst area in the united states and nobody calls it that.

most hospitals in NY are empty you retard. but try to get seen. let me know how that works for you. try even making an appointment with a GP that just happens to be located at one.

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701126  No.92116


> Is it really worth forcing a great depression? At some point a depression will kill more people than the virus. Food for thought.

Oh I don't disagree with your line of reasoning anon, and definitely there is a trade-off between loss of life due to virus and loss of life due to economic wipeout. I don't doubt the virus did big damage in China and probably Iran as well, like it was supposed to. (((Western leaders))) may well be piggybacking their response onto the fear created by what happened to the two primary targets. Supposedly 750 people died in NYC from Corona today, which in a city of 8 million means roughly 0.008% of the city died in one day. Whether that will ramp up exponentially or not will be the big question. But really I think the question isn't how many will, die, but how many will have permanently fucked up lungs and other health issues that will make their lives miserable and cost a fortune over a long period of time.

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3ca38f  No.92117

File: 29b23af585edc7c⋯.png (443.79 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, KoikatsuParty_2020_04_07_2….png)

File: 37939f90e69e8b6⋯.png (991.58 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, KoikatsuParty_2020_04_07_2….png)


>Got any armor or battle gear?

This do anything for ya? Gave her a bow also, for obvious reason.

I'll play with some of the tacticool gear as well a little later and try to give her a more a modern warfare look.


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7caea4  No.92121


Obviously, you tape over the cameras, when not in use. If you remove cameras, it's advisable to put a bit of reflective (non-conductive) tape behind it, so it's obvious the camera has been disabled.

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379d77  No.92122

File: b34c7d1e4172bad⋯.png (224.41 KB, 811x556, 811:556, Manaus_admits_defeat.png)

File: 369a560b7c7d154⋯.png (324.27 KB, 865x570, 173:114, shes_partially_hiv_remembe….png)

Mayor of Manaus, the capital of the Brownzilian state of Amazonas, says the city's health system has already collapsed. Go Corona-Chan go!

Shanghai eggheads say "recovered" chinks have low numbers of antibodies https://archive.is/XajCT Not surprised, considering she's partially HIV.

This is all I could find in this run. Gonna take a little break but will resume newsposting in the next thread


Thank you for the update on Seattle, good to know you're safe.


>We were never hippies living in freedom just walking around. Cats, Hyenas, lions, wolves and lots of other animals have territories which they claim and defend to the death we are no different.

This. Even trees in the forests compete for territory, as their leaves rise above one another while the shorter ones die in the shadows due to deprivation of sunlight. Not to mention the (((parasitic plants))), which drain others of their nutrients for their own survival.


>How would /ourgirl/ effect operational capacity for the armed forces?

I think I saw some anons discussing this before but I din't pay too much attention to their discussion so I don't know what conclusion they came to. But we can be sure that having a blessed navy isn't good.


Their mortuaries have been completely overwhelmed, the few ones that still worked were charging a lot of money for their services.

>>92088 (heil'd)

If the Pakis have any brains in their skulls, they will release these docs after they spend some hours at the local jail.


>I am getting confident a lot of people are waking up to this and hear a lot of people saying they won't conform, which is good and gives me hope. If they do try something, we have guns and know how to use them.

The final battle is coming, it's gonna be do or die but they can't win this time, there's too many of us with too much knowledge. Giving the internet to the masses was their greatest mistake.



Great job!

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701126  No.92123


>Giving the internet to the masses was their greatest mistake.

The internet was all but a joke and novelty at first inception, nobody dreamed what it would become. Even all the major sci-fi and speculative fiction writers that came before the internet totally botch it and never predicted or foresaw anything like it or on that scale. We predicted faster than light speed and teleportation, nobody ever saw the global communication and idea revolution coming. It's the printing press 2.0 and so the (((church))) of our day will try to crush it, only too find out too many people are literate already and can still spread information and ideas.

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1825da  No.92124


>Corona-chan in battle armor ready for the next holy crusade

WEW! Good work anon!


>Shanghai eggheads say "recovered" chinks have low numbers of antibodies

If these holds up, then all hell is going to break loose in fall, especially with the other major strains floating around. People who have had the virus won't understand why they are getting reinfected.

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4422e1  No.92127

Hi there, 30th day of lockdown for the PastaAnon, weather getting warmer, sunbathing in the garden while drinking wine. Things getting interesting.Niggers will not be allowed anymore to dock at Italian ports due to /ourgirl/: there is a German ship en route with 150 niggers, I hope that will become a Corona cruise as soon as possible.

I do not know if you knew about it, but SportyPasta was sent home the 22nd of march and today his wife gave birth to a beautiful and healthy girl.

"Experts" still clueless on any possible cure.

The Russian NBC task force that uncle Vlad sent us looks formidable: they are the only people with our NBC special forces that dare to sanitize the worst places.

ZOG did a very bad damage control, NPCs starting to notice "things".

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cfcd40  No.92128


Not really. It is the antibodies in the serum that keeps /ourgirl/ at bay, supposedly. A complete blood change will only put new and uncontaminated into an infected environment and probably kill you. Doing something now to reduce the hemoglobin attack may help but draining yourself now will only make you more susceptible to catching everything. Besides, we all know only the purest virgin infant blood works on (((them))).


Stay away from my bros? Just what the white devil wants. Shhhhheeeeeeeeiiiiitttt


Can you smell it friend? Sour fear and saccharine anger. Delicious smells of change.


Scarcity of resources simply is hard for people to comprehend. But muh hospitals are empty- not a doctor or nurse in sight!


>other health issues that will make their lives miserable and cost a fortune over a long period of time.

She's the gift that keeps on giving and then, magically, you'll get reinfected and die. The meme of vaccination and anti-body defense is a last gasp attempt at soothing the nerves of John Q. Because if he understands that this thing will continue wave after wave after wave until it mutates to being harmless if ever and voila, there won't be anything left that isn't burning.

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7caea4  No.92129

File: 2428b1cc5046e94⋯.jpg (148.1 KB, 590x448, 295:224, Screenshot_20200407_213558….jpg)


==FIX YO SHIT RON==>>92122

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0e0621  No.92131


>most hospitals in NY are empty

You niggers keep saying that, but not one of you has ever shown proof. I know it's a HIPPA violation to video hospitals, but it's stupidly easy to hide the fact that you're making video. You keep crying "you gotta belieeeeeeve meeeeeeeee!!!! D: D: D:" but we don't.

Show tits or gtfo.

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7caea4  No.92132


I'll check that time id. But you definitely don't want my tits.

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81f2b7  No.92133


inb4 they record a hospital in western new york in some armpit of the region

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0e0621  No.92134


I dunno, man. I'm now in week 4 of state ordered quarantine … I'll take just about any bewbs I can get right now.

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8c3bb9  No.92135

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0e0621  No.92137


I would, but my insurance doesn't cover dental.

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31128e  No.92139


I'd prefer if internet (and computers in general) kept being used by nerdy people instead of normies. All those delicious obstacles and steep learning curve kept the low IQ people away.



>out for my super moon ritual

Happy passover

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0e0621  No.92142


If the internet has stayed the way it was back when only nerdy people could use it, then this site would not exist and you would not have been able to make that post. Welcome to conundrum-town: population you.

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0e0621  No.92144



>wikipedia articles

>official twitter accounts

>facebook presence

>merch shops

>8kun owner literally running a Super-PAC, which is monitored by the FEC

If you don't think chans are for normies, then you ain't payin' attention.

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701126  No.92146


Dude chans have been mainstream since like 2012. The whole peak of the internet, though we didn't know it at the time, was only from like 2007 - 2013 or not much longer. Everything before was a disorganized, unreliable and ugly shit show, everything afterwards has been a safe, sanitized, monetized, monitored mainstream mediums.


Dude people from reddit and other lamewad normalfag places pop in and out of here all the time. 4chan is totally mainstream now as well, has been at least since Gamer Gate if not Zimmerman/Trayvon before that.

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0e0621  No.92147


No, I think you don't know what a normie is unless you have 90s standards on the term "normie". Your grandma, right now, is shitposting on 8kun because her bridge partner showed her a link on facebook and she bought a t-shirt.


You are literally on the normie internet right now and refuse to realize it.

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7caea4  No.92148

>They are eating people again in Wuhan.

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0e0621  No.92149


>shaming people for their choice of protein

come on, bro

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81f2b7  No.92150


>Decisive Tang Victory

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cfcd40  No.92151

File: 5214bbf527751dd⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 229.96 KB, 902x1128, 451:564, mmm_look_at_those_tits.jpg)


Pic for (You)


Oh I pray they lurk here.

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0b6069  No.92152


is there anywhere left on the surfaceweb? isn't there a 16chan on le deepweb?


details, sources please.

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81f2b7  No.92153


good god those are some amazing tits, thanks for posting

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701126  No.92156


From what I understand the only deepweb chan site that's not shady as fuck is changolia.

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e6cf61  No.92158

File: 6c892cb379e6e8e⋯.gif (32.24 KB, 800x509, 800:509, 19.gif)

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e6cf61  No.92160

File: 86e3c8fb0bd1c85⋯.png (229.86 KB, 800x480, 5:3, 3223412.png)


We're watching you

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379d77  No.92171

File: 8b6ba49c2449791⋯.png (100.44 KB, 496x614, 248:307, no_recovery_from_love.png)

File: 35f52f6666854f3⋯.jpg (159.85 KB, 627x1151, 627:1151, Thank_you_Corona_Chan.jpg)

File: 5adae98ba7d4ec3⋯.png (227.23 KB, 883x597, 883:597, prison_guards_scared_of_co….png)

File: 24333f9c1f7666d⋯.png (184.35 KB, 570x598, 285:299, cleanse_it_all_away_Corona….png)

File: 187c34e221de5af⋯.png (94.71 KB, 497x572, 497:572, this_is_actually_pretty_go….png)

Break for prayers has been postponed since the thread has been cleaned up. Newsposting will continue as normal:

Supposedly recovered Worst Koreans still test positive for Corona-Chan https://archive.is/kLvpc Silly eggheads don't know there's no recovery from love.

Corona-Chan removes a gay zogbot. https://archive.is/jyfzV My prayers to Corona-Chan asking her to destroy homos are definitely being heard. Thank you my beloved Goddess.

Miami's correctional officers are afraid of coofers https://archive.is/98w0A

Corona-Chan cleaning up LA's skidrows https://archive.is/AW0eg

Veterinarians in Deutschland will test pets for free https://archive.vn/aOV0J


Thanks but you forgot to spoil it.


Hello again PastaAnon, it's always great to read your posts.

>I do not know if you knew about it, but SportyPasta was sent home the 22nd of march and today his wife gave birth to a beautiful and healthy girl.

That's wonderful! Hope this spicy family stays safe and healthy.

>The Russian NBC task force that uncle Vlad sent us looks formidable: they are the only people with our NBC special forces that dare to sanitize the worst places.

Not surprised, Russia stronk.

>ZOG did a very bad damage control, NPCs starting to notice "things".

Good, good, their noggins are joggin.


> The meme of vaccination and anti-body defense is a last gasp attempt at soothing the nerves of John Q.

Truthful words.

>until it mutates to being harmless if ever

Will only happen after this world has been cleansed and only civilized human beings are left alive. She will become a mere sniffle, a romantic reminder of what she once was.

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ffa998  No.92172


The texture and size of those tits were almost perfect. 10/10 would visually grope again.

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379d77  No.92174


Ah shit, I somehow mistook "offering" for "free". My bad, niglets. Exhaustion is rearing it's ugly head again.

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7caea4  No.92175


I'll check that time.

Broward county is the gayest county in the US.

>coronachan is an STD

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005335  No.92178

File: 90f02462a6cd004⋯.jpg (29.21 KB, 500x398, 250:199, 90f02462a6cd004facf6b1b72b….jpg)


A masterpiece.


Heh… you… you think we're through part one? Fren, we haven't even hit the intermission yet. If only you knew how bad things really are.

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13d6bd  No.92179


1) Do you have any idea how much milk is pushed on families via WIC and school lunches? Millions of gallons that go straight into the garbage. It's stupid and a waste.

2) Open ranching much cleaner than dairy farming. Go hang out by a cesspit and tell me how dairy cows are so great.

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7caea4  No.92181


Right, there's an echo wave. The big wave is while under quarantine. Then quarantine lifts and there's a presumably smaller wave, unavoidably. Then it will be seasonal, though presumably less bad each year, maybe.

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701126  No.92185

File: 3536b6d2a0c0b74⋯.jpg (1.39 MB, 1280x993, 1280:993, tower_of_babel_2_s.jpg)


Get a load of the GloboHomo propaganda meme behind that cop.

>Achievement is global

with the rainbow coalition perched atop the world. How appropriate that this guy get blessed. I hope coronachan does maximum damage to this Tower of Babel 2.0 world

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274481  No.92188


So that's why the chinks were throwing pets out of windows 3 months ago. It's almost like the CCP knew all this shit from the very beginning.

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274481  No.92190

File: c41f63e801e6843⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 440.83 KB, 2400x3000, 4:5, needs_corona_chan_edit.jpg)


Yeah, but there are reports that record numbers of people died at home, likely of chinkpox, only those deaths went uncounted in the official numbers.

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ee7151  No.92193


>ZOG did a very bad damage control

Nice to hear from you PastaAnon! Can you elaborate?


>hospital hoax

>no one videos yet claims it's a hoax


The other thing you niggers aren't considering is the overall death rate has reduced due to people not DUI, not doing as much stupid shit, traffic accidents down, etc.

So until Corona-Chan really gets crazy, you aren't going to see hospitals over-capacity.

7caea4 (((49))) if you keep spamming one line bullshit you are getting time out. Last warning. Deleted lots of your OT rambling. Just play nice you fuckhead.

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7cbc19  No.92195

San Antonio Tuesday update. We have passed 500 confirmed cases. Coronachan has blessed a local nursing home and is picking off the weak. 5 dead just yesterday.


>Total Coronavirus count: Confirmed COVID-19 cases shot up, with a total of 503 San Antonio area residents testing positive for the virus, Mayor Ron Nirenberg said at Tuesday’s briefing. Of those, 150 patients were infected by community transmission, while 179 cases were attributed to “close contact,” such as catching the virus from a family member. On Tuesday, 88 were hospitalized. Of those patients, 51 remained in intensive care, while 40 were on ventilators.

Ride the bus of love!

>VIA bus driver in S.A. tests positive

Headshop defiant! I'm surprised it took 21 visits, wtf anons? In related news, local authorities are a bunch of pussies and can't shut down a shop full of potheads.

>Last week, authorities had made a total of 21 visits to Planet K locations across the city, repeatedly issuing warnings and citations even as its employees said the chain’s owner, Austin resident Michael Kleinman, was refusing to shut down and “forcing” them to keep working. Finally, on Sunday, the city revoked its certificate of occupancy for a Planet K on Austin Highway, authorizing the disconnection of all electric, gas and water service there “due to risk to life.”

Only twelve deaths so far. It's coming…


>central market

LOL, I don't go there if I can avoid it. That whole store is a fucking maze and every time I go, they change the layout.

>people getting complacent, going to hotels

Damn. I wouldn't think traffic would be picking up so much so soon. Who the fuck is going on vacation now? Are you downtown / riverwalk, or some place more business oriented? Can't imagine too much travel going on with the oil companies, they are all sitting tight shitting bricks, watching the price of a barrel tank. 09 is going to get bad, some people are quarantining, but plenty are not.


Just a home depot 3m paint mouth and nose respirator. I used to paint a lot, and I prefer oils and shellac. That shit is brutal and toxic, if you ever talked to an old painter, you would never breathe the fumes again. Respirator works great though, it filters out tiny chemicals, viruses don't have a chance. Just the outer layer is n95, that's just to keep the dust and other stuff out of the good cartridge.

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46be51  No.92198


Because they are going to keep Wu Flu patients in the general public areas waiting around so other people can say, 'yo I'm checking if there is any of you highly contagious people here.' How fucking stupid are amerimutts?

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5ef76f  No.92199

File: 48f08702a4d6dfb⋯.jpg (848.99 KB, 3840x2160, 16:9, cpsjyk7ox99z.jpg)


>Cats can get the Wu-Flu.

>Birds so far as we know can not.

Avian master race. Cats are furry jews.

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76f875  No.92200

File: 003e0ab6b7293fb⋯.png (626.69 KB, 738x466, 369:233, roofTopKorean.png)


No lad, as I said last Sunday- right now the deep wounds are being inflicted; and they will continue to be inflicted- the resentments are being built, the deep seated anger is just getting warmed up. This ride will be lasting for YEARS- we are just finishing up one of the early bumpy parts. That first dip where your balls hit the back of your brain was the lockdown, we haven't even gone through our first loop-di-loop yet. Just wait when people get out of lockdown and find that their place of work was looted in the crime wave which is actually occurring right now, their boss is now more broke than they are and he waited to tell everyone the bad news in person. Bread is already having to be handed out, and the circuses are no longer entertaining. Mmmm zesty.


The virus itself (cultists no bully) has done her work marvelously already but her part in this unraveling is nearly done. If they come up with a 100% wholesome and natural "cure" tomorrow- something like eating carrots and okra with cabbage- that wipes the virus off the face of the Earth- it wouldn't matter at this point. By the way that doesn't work, but damn I'm hungry for okra, cabbage and carrots (did some planting today). If she sticks around all she will be doing is changing what accessories people must wear when they go on their daily raiding expedition.

The backdrop of viral fear is starting to subside, "hospitals are empty", "death rates are less than stubbed toes", "my 100 year old grandmother caught it and smoked 8 packs of cigarettes and it cured her". People are latching on to any small glimmer of hope that they can- BECAUSE IT SUCKS NOW WORSE THAN IT HAS EVER BEFORE. It lets them focus on anything but the fact that they just lost their job, their retirement is up in the air, they are told one thing one day and the next it is proven to be false, they are actually running out of toilet paper, and their kid has a cold- or does he? There will be breaks of quarantine, firmer regulations, a viscous cycle because people are so terribly weak now.

The ride is no longer primarily about the virus, that was just the ticket price to get on. Now the cascading ramifications and after-effects of the collapse of the abomination of (((Western Civilization))) are starting to rear up again. Mistrust, rotten corruption, political hatred, cultural suicide, degeneracy- they haven't been swept away by the Red Death; no they have been exacerbated all in an election year. Anyone who thought this was a one and done coof camp situation didn't read their history books. As I said before /ourgirl/ is 1918 and 1929 all wrapped up into a delicious steamy bat soup.

Money printer going brrr into the economy is throwing gasoline into a fire but it has to be done to quell the panic. People being locked away in their houses instead of being mandated to socially distance in public and wear masks had to be done because it has to quell the panic. The mindset of the people populating the West right now is "it won't happen to me", when they recognize that it did due to their own complacency- and that the World they live in now is not the one they lived in just a scant 5 months ago- that panic will become anger. Because, "They let it happen to me" even though they did nothing to protect themselves.

This is when Bolsheviks arise, when Fascists arise, when the revolutionaries arise- these are the type of things that destroy the old order of things AND ALWAYS DO. It isn't because of some pesky virus (which is in and of itself quite horrific), it is because of the rotted corruption of the society that the virus infected and the steps that society had to take to attempt to preserve itself. But it was nothing but band-aids on cancer.

Our world is on fire, people want to deny that reality. They want to find comfort in a better tomorrow because they bought into the "Progress" lie. That's the ride we are on gentlemen and absolutely no one knows where it is going to lead! Well except the scitzo poster with the freaky 70's cartoons. Hope he's ok, I quite enjoyed his posts. Like a taste for scotch- an acquired but discriminating taste.

Either way anyone can try to say, "they are lying, it is a meme, just a flu bro, they are doing this to lock us up and tag us", and maybe they are. Ghosts can be scary ya know. But I chose to look ahead, continue to educate myself, take up new hobbies, increase my and my family's survivability and independence, and know deep down that the better world of tomorrow will be built by a bunch of assholes on a Thai Crossknitting forum. How invigorating!

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379d77  No.92201

File: b4a31fd28709f03⋯.mp4 (738.31 KB, 300x400, 3:4, Woman_collapses_in_Colombi….mp4)

File: 659b94c49113d73⋯.png (35.52 KB, 655x179, 655:179, Cant_hold_this_girl_down.png)

File: b56655ddb8105ee⋯.mp4 (5.9 MB, 480x848, 30:53, Cops_in_Sierra_Leone_punis….mp4)

File: 02237c593d55700⋯.mp4 (3.02 MB, 616x360, 77:45, Ivory_Coast_Citizens_Destr….mp4)

File: 49d4611019a76ca⋯.mp4 (3.45 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Ivory_Coast_Residents_Prot….mp4)

Female Cokelombian dropper

https://archive.is/wip/3pe3u If you pay close attention to the guy with the black hoodie, you will notice he's wearing a black mask. This is definitely recent. At least people tried to help her, can't say the same about so many dropper videos.

Corona-Chan near the chink border with Russia

Cops in Sierra Leone punishing quarantine violators https://archive.is/CfVKv These Apefrican punishment videos are even more amusing than the Pajeet ones. The guy recording makes some good points, though. Some "people" can only learn through pain.

Footage of the Ivory Coast anti-testing center chimpouts

>>92188 (checked)

I was thinking about that too. The motherfuckers knew it.


Spoiler your lewds


Thanks for your update.

>local authorities are a bunch of pussies and can't shut down a shop full of potheads.

That seems to be the case in most western countries. Meanwhile in Apefrica and PooperPower2020, you get beat up with a stick if you go outside.

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7cbc19  No.92202


Most tablets you can open up if you have the right plastic tools, it's not too hard. If you replace a battery, they will usually send you a plastic toolkit. Some mics are soldered on the board, most cameras are attached with flex cable. I haven't open up anything apple, or anything in the past two years, I only open up older phones and tablets out of warranty.


>Brownzilian minister of health calls the chink ambassador in hopes of cooperation with Chinkland

<Chinks teach minister how to lie about the numbers after selling bogus test kits.



Did she put a fucking octopus on her face to kiss it? Awesome pics though. Smuggie to scarred in three frames.

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7cbc19  No.92203


>employees said the chain’s owner, Austin resident (((Michael Kleinman)))

How did I miss that and not ((( ))) him? Of course it's a fucking jew. Who else would it be?

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ebf765  No.92205

51 recovered coronavirus patients in South Korea test positive again after release from quarantine

>"The virus likely was reactivated, said KCDC Director-General Jeong Eun-kyeong, instead of the people being reinfected once they left, South Korea's Yonhap news agency reported."

in the end the waiflu fucks you

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44682e  No.92206


Did you know:

You are most likely to see black tits in Africa and great tits in England.


LA is still not saying anything about infection levels among the illegal immigrant population is it? There are approximately 2.6 million illegals in

California. They cannot go to hospitals. They cannot stop working as cleaners. They will continue to infect their own and kill themselves. Yet is it the Dems that still want an open borders policy that will see their mortality rate soar.

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f96f0c  No.92209



No you fuck off. If you're asking obviously the niggers should get zero gibs period. Actually they should all be sterilized but that's neither here nor there.

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f96f0c  No.92211


>Communist Chinese Government Reported To Have Burned Corona Victims Alive

Every time. We knew about this a month ago and it's only now hitting the news.

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379d77  No.92212

File: 7fc4141c188393f⋯.png (363.6 KB, 569x599, 569:599, Apetown_closed_due_to_airb….png)

File: d6f6f89f5c94fa0⋯.mp4 (3.92 MB, 640x360, 16:9, American_military_doctors_….mp4)

File: 2365bfa32ee5ede⋯.mp4 (2.8 MB, 640x360, 16:9, American_military_doctors_….mp4)

Apefrican neighborhood in Chinkland closed due to airborne aids https://archive.is/wlR82 If chink neighborhoods in other countries are called Chinatowns, is an apefrican neighborhood in a foreign country called Apetowns? Oh I'm just kidding, they're obviously called no-go zones.

Burger military docs treating blessed people at the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center makeshift hospital https://archive.is/VsHg7 https://archive.is/5hRfl The beeps and boops in the background of the second video are soothing as fuck for me

And that's all I could find. Newsposting will be resumed in the next thread, taking a holy break.

>>92200 (checked)

Good post, I can easily forgive the minor heresies in it, no bully for you. Carry on being based.

>The ride is no longer primarily about the virus, that was just the ticket price to get on. Now the cascading ramifications and after-effects of the collapse of the abomination of (((Western Civilization))) are starting to rear up again. Mistrust, rotten corruption, political hatred, cultural suicide, degeneracy- they haven't been swept away by the Red Death; no they have been exacerbated all in an election year. Anyone who thought this was a one and done coof camp situation didn't read their history books. As I said before /ourgirl/ is 1918 and 1929 all wrapped up into a delicious steamy bat soup.

Indeed! She's the catalyst of the Global Collapse, the next Happenings are coming very soon. Meanwhile, she will still be there in the background, picking off the undesirables.


>Chinks teach minister how to lie about the numbers after selling bogus test kits.



>They will continue to infect their own and kill themselves. Yet is it the Dems that still want an open borders policy that will see their mortality rate soar.


>>92211 (double checked)

Yeah, I think it was in late February to early March that we got that video of the chinks talking in a car, an older chinkess that was in an hospital says she saw a live guy getting bagged up, having his feet tied then taken away, probably to be holocaust'd for real.

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069ee6  No.92213

One one hand I see corona as a potential blessing: we have an opportunity to change things for the better when the current fraudulent corrupt system finally crashes and burns. We can finally dismiss the Keynesian banking system once the economy crashes, and get back to normal life, perhaps without as much of the demographic/political problems because of the inner city die-offs.

On the other hand the result of corona could be horrible and the bolshevik kikes could win, taking over every aspect of the globe… ruining small family-owned businesses forever, setting up a one world government, cashless society, ID 2020 and the rest of their bullshit, and to me, life would not even be worth living anymore.

My conclusion is they backed us into a corner and are going to force us to make a decision soon: cower and obey, or finally fight them back with all your might and soul. This bioweapon was a last-ditch effort on behalf of them: winner takes all. My question: what are people going to do? Can we restore dignity, freedom and responsibility or will we end up with total globalist despotism run by the same central banker cabal one nation under ZOG?

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a713de  No.92215


Once this system goes down in flames, and it will, it is more important than ever for people to ditch it, and never trust these bankers or our current government ever again. We need a mass movement towards self-sufficiency, real economics on the local level including local barter and trade, kill any bolsheviks/Marxist kikes who try the same bullshit they currently pull today, we need to abolish taxation and go back to protecting the family and our culture, having small and well armed communities that can work together to trade goods and services with one another. A real system, based on morals, responsibility and basic rule of law (not some bureaucratic police state as we see now). We need to reclaim OUR property and by that I mean a debt jubilee (as in, we don't owe these bankers jack shit!) and we rightfully take possession and control over what we have now.

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04ee14  No.92216

As silly as it sounds the idea that this could be "staged" or "exaggerated" should not be discarded. We should try to understand the benefits of creating this hoax. Apart from mandatory vaccines and a push for new digital currency what else is there?

If this disease already took place in late 2019 why hasn't the entire planet succumbed to it yet?

Could it be that there actually is a disease out there purposefully created to be highly contagious without being as lethal as reported?

Call me crazy but this is could be just a global exercise executed in spring season intended to induce mass hysteria in order to put something into action.

On the other hand if this thing actually is as reported it certainly wasn't taken serious in most countries which is quite puzzling to me, it's not like the jews would let one simple disease destroy their precious system.

Maybe this is some kind of undercover cold war?

If this does turn out to be real well what a piece of shit, getting exterminated due to a loose bio weapon.

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2ef5c1  No.92218


Good question. I have a feeling this was a minor bioweapons release to reduce and weaken the population to cull and subjugate people. Why I say minor bioweapon is because they likely have viruses 1000x worse than this that could exterminate just about everyone on the planet (if they really desired to). Nonetheless we need to make it clear to everyone they can't go on trusting the same old greedy central banking vultures or their lying traitorous sack-of-shit government minions ever again. NOW the masses are about to listen to us, because NOW they just lost their life savings, retirement, their job security and maybe their homes & assets too (if they refuse to get dirty and fight back). So NOW that these useful idiots and mindless consumers are vulnerable, it is time to tell them what happened, how they've been robbed and why to never to trust globalism, central banking and massive governmental bureaucracy ever again. They need to know the enemies that culled and raped them financially. Only then will they be angry enough to defect from this system we all hate so much. And if we don't, we will be on our own, likely living the hard life off-grid completely, doing everything we can to survive day by day, worrying when the drones fly over us.

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3fc788  No.92222

File: c8f5738e52e37d6⋯.png (265.86 KB, 459x819, 51:91, CDC_2019_PLANNED.png)


Global financial reset is likely what is going on, and this is a big distraction. They want to usher in their one world cashless digital fiat currency. NWO you've heard about for over 40 years, this is it. They want everything at once, and after all the death and chaos they'll want your guns too, and idiots will gladly give them up for 'security'. That's what I think this is.



And from evidence that has been exposed, it looks like they had this thing planned out way in advance. See pics.

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4422e1  No.92224


I was thinking about "Blue Beam" with invisible Ayys. Ayys do not need to be on screen to be scary and sometimes the less you see them the more they are scary. With invisible "non ET Ayys" a lot of the issues we saw in blue beam suddenly disappear.

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4422e1  No.92225


Well, they handled their PR like idiots: they started in february with "it is just a flu, bro" TV commercials and slowly went from everything normal to full 8Kun since then. My waifu is the best test available, she noticed the discrepancies too and stepped more than a couple of steps to the right because MSM news started to prey on our narrative with a month of delay. The turnaround was really too quick, cattle is not numbed enough because they are all stuck indoor and they watch the electric jew news all day long.ZOG did not send a single relief penny to the people while keeping all the resources to feed the wild niggers: they dare even shilling our "major need" of new wild niggers to work in the farms and people is pretty upset about that. Meanwhile niggers are still roaming freely in the now deserted cities while the coof patrols sanction all the Italians that are breaking the quarantine: shit, they even follow us with drones… We are lucky on that: the common feeling is still that no nigger is Italian, so the "evil fascist hatred for the color of their skin" is slowly surfacing. They commonly use to live in squatted buildings and there is one of the bigger ones in Rome that is already blessed and surrounded by an army regiment.



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5bc1ec  No.92226


>RE: Image

Were ACE inhibitors shown to reduce? If so, which ones? And what specific reductions in what specific places?

There is an over emphasis of thrombic/blood clotting focus here. Which is appropriate in some hemorrhagic fevers, but is not appropriate in Coronaviruses. I don't treat flu with plasma, nor ACE inhibitors, nor often worry about thrombosis. Why are we connecting things that don't go together? Why are we fucking around with heparin? Coronavirus does not do pan-endothelial vascular attack. It does specific functional cell attack -without- attacking the reticular or basal layers and does so only in endothelium within arterioles, of again specific regions.

When, or when not, cytokine storm? Clearly most do not get cytokine storm, so why is cytokine storm primary focus? Why are you fucking around with so many intrinsic defense mechanisms and blood chemistry simultaneously?

Oh, just throw plasma, heparin, and ACE inhibitors at everybody. Great plan. No, sarcasm is stupid. This is a stupid plan, made by stupid doctors, who should be removed from the West and send home to go heparin their own.

This is pulmonary arteriolar associated cytotoxicity on ACE2 cell populations without reticuloendothelial involvement, which can become fulminant and cause storms, but usually doesn't, and has a 'ramp up'/'silent' hypoxia due to compensatory nature of hemoglobin. Failures of compensatory mechanisms should only be mass interferred with when compensation begins to fail, otherwise treatment is iatriogenic harm. And that iatriogenic harm has been tied with the number one cause of death in Italy. Stop giving steroids. Stop mass interference with blood systems.

Progressive microvascular thrombosis has not been demonstrated as rank-first-primary. Interstitial edema by normal immune reactions has. Why are we mis-ranking and then treating? Who made this slide?

God damn loser physicians.

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0f8414  No.92228

File: 229a96abaf8249d⋯.png (84.31 KB, 606x472, 303:236, now_thats_what_I_call_yell….png)

File: 73dd2753c3608ad⋯.png (163.21 KB, 597x586, 597:586, apefricans_never_had_a_cen….png)

Just briefly coming back from my break to drop this contribution as an excuse to say this: Digits from nothingburgerfags and hoaxniggers mean exactly jack shit.

Yellow jews yellow jewing https://archive.is/55j7S

Corona-Chan raining on the Apefrican parade https://archive.vn/w7d0C


>Oh, just throw plasma, heparin, and ACE inhibitors at everybody. Great plan. No, sarcasm is stupid. This is a stupid plan, made by stupid doctors, who should be removed from the West and send home to go heparin their own.

>Stop giving steroids. Stop mass interference with blood systems.

>God damn loser physicians.

Finally, a medfag/curefag I can agree with! This kind of "hail Mary" treatment of just throwing everything and the kitchen sink at blessed people in the hopes of "curing" them is disgusting and completely disrespectful to their physical integrity. It's like those eggheads don't care about the collateral damage they might cause, they just want to be credited with the guy who "cured" Corona-Chan. Well newsflash, eggheads: There's no cure for the Metaphysical. Stop wasting your time trying to avoid the inevitable, stop hurting people with your shitty chemicals and go home.

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6ecb20  No.92229

Executive Director of WHO Calls For Kidnapping Children From Families

Likely Another Satanic Pedo Pervert, Another Disgusting Despotic Shithead

Frankly, if this happens, these brickheads deserve to be shot and killed! Don't let them get away with this. Board up your homes, katy bar your doors and be prepared to shoot ANY intruders.





China Forces Italy To Buy Back PPE It 'Donated' (All Is Well With Communism I Guess)



Euro Likely To Collapse Due To Corona Bioweapon

Central Bankers Will Love This! They'll Shill Their New Digital Fiat Currency, Watch!



Communist Population Control: Police Arrest Man FOR SOCIAL DISTANCING



Communist Population Control: Paris Bans Exercise As Lockdown Tightens



Wells Fargo Stops Taking Small-business Relief Loan Applications

Part Of The Globalist Bolshevik Goal Is To Wreck Small Family-owned Businesses & Monopolize State Control



Staggering Surge Of NY City Dwellers Dying In Their Homes



Cruise Lines Suffering From Corona Infections And Lay-offs



Trump Is Having A Meltdown Behind The Scenes, He's Gone Mad!



Trump Removes Obama-era IG From Covid-19 Relief Watchdog Panel



'Corona-related (ID 2020): Jim Stone Rips Bill Gates, A Must Read About This Corrupt Slimball


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461156  No.92230


>Corona-Chan raining on the Apefrican parade

LOL, the Chinks have more to lose because they are heavily invested in Africa these days.

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0f8414  No.92231

File: 951516ebe1a9b3d⋯.mp4 (1.91 MB, 640x640, 1:1, boogaloo_time.mp4)


>they just want to be credited with the guy

*just want to be credited as the guy. Fixed, sorry about, feeling sleepy. Will take short power nap.


>Literally WHO wants to take people's children.

As if they weren't hated enough for being Xinnie's bitch. They might as well paint a huge target on their backs, saying "shoot me"

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feea96  No.92233


Who does this corrupt son-of-a-bitch weasel think he is?

TruNews discusses the proposal by Microsoft founder Bill Gates to require citizens around the globe to take a vaccine in order to go back out in public, and even to vote. We detail the truth behind the initiative to institute a mandatory “digital certificate,” or as Fox News calls it, an “immunity pass,” potentially using an implanted “Quantum Dot Tattoo,” as a mascot for the Post-Pandemic World Order (among other news).


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5ef76f  No.92234

File: aafeddd044541ec⋯.jpg (8.41 KB, 210x240, 7:8, violence.jpg)


See what I would do is get the chip. Contract Hep-C. Find that skiny ass nerd. Rip the chip out my ass and shove it covered in my own blood up his nose.

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63acba  No.92241


[posted from my Iphone]

*sips soy milk




Quads confirm. They will try this regardless of the virus though, don't wanna miss the opportunity.


Does he have some Jewish ancestry? He seems to be getting way too much into his role of a shabbos enforcer. Someone who made a fortune by using other people's code and (((government))) backing thinks he can push people around. Disgusting weasel, somehow these people manage to be even more abhorrent than the kikes.

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4abb61  No.92246

File: 3468146d68bdbc2⋯.png (215.5 KB, 720x1392, 15:29, autism.png)

Look at this fucking mess, the columns are not even properly lined up.

Couldnt you JUST write the actual name of the countries so it isnt unintelligible nonsense.

>Inb4 MoDs DeLeT uSeleSs ComMenT

Fucking fragile egomaniac

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f96f0c  No.92247


>it's not like the jews would let one simple disease destroy their precious system

You're assuming they'd have a choice. They're not all powerful, and ultimately throughout history the kikes usually end up Jewing too hard and destroying themselves in a fit of hubris. It wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if their system was truly this unstable out of their sheer greed.

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76bf65  No.92248

File: 1488015930a4498⋯.jpg (157.8 KB, 500x333, 500:333, OM_AHA.jpg)




>Ownership of land is the single most elevating thing the human race has ever done

Like "free market", what you say is an assumed ideal that doesn't take into account the reality of the world.

In reality, we live in a world in which our people have been systematically enslaved to a false (((religion))), both by force when necessary, and by control of information when force is not necessary. That (((religion))) planted ideas of "being a good slave", and the "holiness of being poor" and many such things. Simultaneously, my people were intentionally not educated.

Unfortunately, our excellence in all things shone through despite this lack of education, and we were used as the pawns of this piracy and stealing system, unknowingly.

There is no meritocracy under such a situation. The existing "ownership" cannot be tolerated under such a situation.

Now under a theoretical "reboot", with fair education, and knowing what we know now, then yes, what you say may have merit. But under the existing context of how we got here, no.

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77b632  No.92249


>Who the fuck is going on vacation now?

Weekends are still pretty dead, but lots of construction workers moving around during the weekdays. The lower rates also bring out a lot of the scummy locals looking for a place to do drugs. We make them pay a large cash deposit, and it usally keeps them away.

>Are you downtown / riverwalk, or some place more business oriented?

I don't want to get too specific, but one is near the airport, and one is in a nearby town. Both get construction workers during the week. (I have two part time hotel jobs. yay.)

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76bf65  No.92250

File: 84f051223e99092⋯.png (797.78 KB, 826x621, 826:621, valerie_jarret_obama.png)


>the Chinks have more to lose because they are heavily invested in Africa these days

Because africans are the valuable part of africa?

You seem to misunderstand economics son

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f96f0c  No.92251


Kinda seconding this, it just makes it hard to parse at a glance.

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6ff495  No.92252

File: e9861390a1e5642⋯.png (45.29 KB, 906x399, 302:133, Selection_044.png)

File: 127cccc78ff25e2⋯.jpg (179.59 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 1582259376493.jpg)


Doomporn started my day with confirmation of the same- but with reinfection goodness not "latent reactivation".

>…But as we begin to weigh the pros and cons, and the Trump Administration reportedly weighs a plan to reactivate parts of the economy and allowing some people to get back to work if they can demonstrate that they're healthy, the SCMP late last night highlighted some new scientific evidence that is extremely disturbing.

>As we explained above, by lifting restrictions on Wuhan, China is potentially unleashing hundreds, maybe even thousands, of asymptomatic carriers on the rest of the country. But scientists believe the 'herd immunity' that has supposedly been built up during the first wave should blunt the impact of ensuing waves somewhat. Well, unfortunately, it looks like that thesis needs to be reexamined.

>Since the early days of the outbreak, we've seen reports about people being reinfected with the virus (though in some cases there were doubts about whether the virus ever really left). Well, now, a team of researchers at Fudan University in Shanghai has discovered that an alarmingly high number of recovered patients whom they've tested show low, or no, levels of the virus antibodies in their blood. That means a sizable chunk of those who are infected will be vulnerable to reinfection.

>In other words, if these findings are confirmed, the hoped-for "herd immunity" that is supposed to help us get things back to normal in the time between now and however long it takes researchers to mass produce a vaccine simply isn't going to materialize: Instead of diluting the density and acting as blockers for spread, many will be reinfected, and go on to spread the virus to others, all over again. It's just the latest reason to worry that the second wave of the virus could be larger than the first.

No lasting anti-bodies, no lasting immunity.

No Lasting Immunity, No vaccine.


Bet that second wave makes the first look like a playground scuffle. What a pleasant way to start the day and what a time to be alive!



It will fail because (((they))) think they can "win" by implementing futher domestication of the animal Homo Sapien Sapien. You can't control nature, and mankind (if there is no immunity to this) is about to get a lot closer to nature than he's been in a very, very long time. Hope you bastards are keeping /fit/ because it is gonna be a long ass slog.

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ee7151  No.92253

File: 2d77568256350f9⋯.png (109.42 KB, 512x1085, 512:1085, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7ada517758889bc⋯.jpg (233.71 KB, 960x602, 480:301, fungus_fag_writing.jpg)


Anon it has avian flu spliced in amongst others and infects bats. It can supposedly infect any Chordidae and seems to be entirely possible judging by three different species to date. Just because no one has infected/tested birds doesn't mean it's not possible.

Which is a real problem because even if you got rid of it from soyim population it would be possible to reinfect via animal population…

Cats are disloyal furry jews though.

>is that your thrush?

breddy cool if so


Good thoughts but go back to reddit or lurk two years before posting you nigger.

Reactions show this was very likely not planned and they are trying their best to take advantage of it (letting it spread so long) but it won't work out well, as most remotely aware people know about the vaccine/digital currency poz.



Get a better browser you faggot

I'll try the table format next time but don't blame me for your faggotry it works on multiple browsers and OS's fine except for yours.

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2585a5  No.92254


this, who are the Chocolateniggers? Switzerland? Germany? Then is there too Switzerniggers and Deutsches Reich so that can't be it, maybe they are talking about where the cocoa beans comes from? Ecuador? Peru? Costa Rica? this why meme speak is retarded and comes comes off as forced.

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ee7151  No.92257

File: 28a140ad2860246⋯.jpg (149.47 KB, 1701x1080, 63:40, dont_let_them_stop_you.jpg)



Belgium. If you are that confused after 48 breads then go look at the data sauce linked above the table. This is the 2nd or 3rd time there has been a whinge about this in 48 breads. Wew

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3d59d4  No.92261


>hurr durr eurovision 2019 didn't happen

this was 110% planned you damned glownigger

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8802b9  No.92262


>>As we explained above, by lifting restrictions on Wuhan, China is potentially unleashing hundreds, maybe even thousands, of asymptomatic carriers on the rest of the country. But scientists believe the 'herd immunity' that has supposedly been built up during the first wave should blunt the impact of ensuing waves somewhat. Well, unfortunately, it looks like that thesis needs to be reexamined.

If the rest of the country didn't get it, why would there be herd immunity?


A lot of pissed off africans are going to massacre the local chinese, and if china sends any punitive military expedition there the only thing they are bringing back is another strain of coronachan.


The thing mutates, a vaccine was never an option. Bill Gates is just being a retard here. I won't say that there is no way to deal with this thing in the first world, but digital certificates are not it.

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ee7151  No.92264

>>92261 (((1)))

>no u da glownigger

>a single job listing confirms this was planned

You need more evidence, dumbnigger.

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48a049  No.92265

File: 41752cfaf3f7701⋯.jpg (34.36 KB, 655x527, 655:527, 41752cfaf3f7701e21117aef06….jpg)

A comparison between the amount of deaths at the same point last year and this year would be very interesting, with all the people under lock-down there should be less deaths in general, even from traffic accidents alone.

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1feb3e  No.92267

File: 619d1bea3b7607d⋯.jpg (120.46 KB, 800x400, 2:1, Kinect_of_Sauron.jpg)


this ain't the first time this faggot has tried to do this kind of shit

last time he failed because the Xbox had such a high profile that it was impossible to escape Sauron and Orwell memes

now hes going to places where the bast majority of normies don't even look at

we need to start memeing Sauron Gates and spreading it among normies

maybe add quotes from the bible when it talks about the mark of the beast

i'd do it myself but i'm shit at photoshop

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94983f  No.92268

Just a heads up. The fat cats are losing money and they want you back to work even if it means giving you or your family's life.

Their talking point is that a large % of people are completely asymptomatic. Here's the rest of the story. When researchers revisited those asymtomatic people at a later date they found that eventually 75% came down with symptoms.

So Asymptomatic at the time of testing not to be confused with totally asymptomatic.

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43805c  No.92269


I live near a hospital on one of the routes in to it. Not a busy route, but one that is used daily. Normally there is about 2 or 3 screaming amberlaps a day. (coincidentally, most are in the morning before work) For the last few weeks there has been days with no amberlamps and it seems to be about 2 to 3 days between them now.

Shall we do a study on the health effects of wageslave stress on health?

This county now has 150 cases of the Kung Flu so you would expect maybe an uptick in the number of admissions to the hospital.

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580347  No.92272


i agree, these meme names are too much. atleast dont use them on death records.

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94983f  No.92274

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Without a vaccine and without a decent antiviral there is only ONE WAY to fight this virus. Video related

We're not doing it because if they ramped up testing it would expose Trump as the total failure that he is.

Watch the video, that's what has to be done.

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ee7151  No.92278

File: 570478c4ff00a50⋯.png (108.72 KB, 740x1634, 370:817, Italy_4x_worse.png)

File: 15d642adaf8e542⋯.png (679.65 KB, 2303x1357, 2303:1357, Italy_4x_worse2.png)


> atleast dont use them on death records (((1)))

Are you lost? Are you actually offended by those names?

If you actually contributed here and didn't just drift in from plebbit because you finally paid attention to this shit after four-six months, I'd give two fucks about what your opinion is.



yes there is about 30% reduction in many places where this data has been compared. So the deaths from Corona-Chan are only just starting to 'recover' back to normal death rates.

That said, some places which are hit hard and have spiked well above normal (e.g. certain areas of Italy, Spain, etc) the death rates are not correlating with increased deaths and covid high score.

Pic related

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f96f0c  No.92283


>When researchers revisited those asymtomatic people at a later date they found that eventually 75% came down with symptoms.


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94983f  No.92285


At the entrance of every grocery store should be someone swabbing and you get results upon exit via the 5 minute test. Trace contacts and isolate the positives.

This pandemic would quickly turn around but you know Trump and our elected leaders have to look out for their corporate donors and your lives are of no consequence.

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94983f  No.92287


I didn't bookmark it, take it for what it's worth. I think it was NPR.

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dedcee  No.92292

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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6ff495  No.92293

File: b126c83c977bdee⋯.jpg (34.99 KB, 640x376, 80:47, grammar_nazi.jpg)


As was stated before- if the Government recognized that there was an unstoppable virus that had no possibility of containment (R0 is now openly said to be in the 5.6 range), has no natural defenses (is completely novel bioengineered), and is already presenting an average CFR in the double digits- they will do ANYTHING in an attempt to try to contain the outcome. We can't have the unwashed masses shitting up the place and burning down the pretty buildings for the survivors now can we?


I'd assume those statistics are pretty regularly published. What I'm looking forward to is the "it only kills old people" crowd getting a rude awakening from the Spring Break Hedonists dying from /ourgirl/.



You are a wage slave anyway and being locked in your home does not allow you to consume. If you do not consume what point is there of having you around? Now go put some oil on it like the Chicoms did, take one for the team and run up those credit cards before you die in a bloody foaming mass of your own sputum. It is just a meme anyway- here have some gibs.


>if they ramped up testing it would expose Trump as the total failure that he is.

<a seditious bureaucracy doing anything to protect le orange man bad.

Just give it a rest. All the old man does is rant and rehash meaningless anti-Trump tripe then tells everyone to do what has already been done- and doesn't work. What he proposes might have worked early on, but wait for it… that's EXACTLY what S. Korea did. Interesting their numbers seem to be going back up now. Le second wave (which it isn't, it is simply an artificially suppressed first wave). Hmmm. Friend, I say this because you need to recognize this (and you either haven't followed this closely or it hasn't sunk in)- THERE IS NO WAY TO STOP IT BECAUSE WE ARE FAR PAST CRITICAL MASS AND THERE WILL NEVER BE A VACCINE. Give yourself the opportunity to let that sink in NOW before everyone else realizes it- and it will make what YOU WILL HAVE TO DO TO SURVIVE less of a shock. Steel yourself to the inevitable Son, and be weary of old shaky men on Youtube spouting what is a tired recurring troupe. Frankly be suspicious of EVERYTHING- for example you posting contradictory statements within 20 minutes. Grumpy cause Bernie dropped out?


Dude, you have picked a fucking stupid hill to die on. While I for one appreciate your effort- your fucking chart sucks. The info is good, but verily it is cancer. Your memenames make no sense and it causes your point to be lost, and you seem rather intelligent. I stopped paying attention to it a while back, as I'm sure most other people have as well because not everyone is as "cultured" as you are in renaming Nation-states to memes. It was "cute" to begin with- "Coronachan Olympics." But it is untidy, it is uninformative, and now it is forced. The vitriolic response to it should be a clue. Are you making that chart to convey information or just stroke your own ego? In times like these, above all others, be disciplined; that discipline strengthens not only yourself- but acts as a proper guide for other Anons to follow. Now go for the gold and use fucking normal names or drop the chart so everyone shuts the fuck up about it. It would be a loss to filter you (which I would not) but many others here would and your rather valuable insight would be lost to them. That would be a shame.


It is going viral and being misrepresented to coo the masses…




Now mind you the same (((Professionals))) that are saying it was latent infection, that you can't get reinfected, and it was just faulty tests are the same (((professionals))) that said we should hug a Sinojew to celebrate their Christmas.

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de96e6  No.92300

File: dd58ba01d92c853⋯.png (674.13 KB, 931x525, 133:75, Capture.PNG)

Africans Destroy Coronavirus Testing Center, 1,452,000 COVID-19 Cases!


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f0ce93  No.92303


It's identical to the Planet of the Apes's Plague Inc. DLC

>Testing centers prop up

>Monkeys have to chimp out and destroy them, spreading the disease further

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3c539d  No.92305



And then goes right back to bed while it’s military ability is destroyed completely by the Chinese Bioweapon.

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38720b  No.92306

File: d201f02a70660d0⋯.png (336.32 KB, 2000x1333, 2000:1333, Coronian_State.png)




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4fe0a6  No.92307

File: e1d69c1a533552d⋯.jpg (31.04 KB, 344x517, 344:517, dgtie.jpg)

What would be the actual pros and cons of the kung-flu effect on the world?

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81f2b7  No.92308


The collective world now hate's china's guts, so thats a plus.

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9d7cc5  No.92310

File: 833755a18bb1172⋯.jpg (4.79 MB, 2960x3222, 1480:1611, 1586319223072_1.jpg)

File: 6cab736b88c5270⋯.png (1.53 MB, 1358x1920, 679:960, ddtoy5t_fe00f5c9_cf8f_4273….png)

File: 833755a18bb1172⋯.jpg (4.79 MB, 2960x3222, 1480:1611, 1586319223072_1.jpg)

File: c9fb3d94b07ecf2⋯.jpg (239.2 KB, 1154x614, 577:307, 1586316969399.jpg)

Just found this post on the interweb. I started listing them but there really are a bunch


United Nations aviation agency built the 3DFX Dispersion map https://icao.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer3d/index.html?id=d9d3f8fa9a23425c8f0889baab626186

University of Virginia http://nssac.bii.virginia.edu/covid-19/dashboard/

WHO https://experience.arcgis.com/experience/685d0ace521648f8a5beeeee1b9125cd


Too many to list here https://coronavirus-disasterresponse.hub.arcgis.com/

earlyAlert (Oklahoma Early Alert Dashboard includes airport suspensions, travel health notices with options to sort by country)


unknown (maybe in Lithuanian) https://www.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/3a68dac5ebb94b6a8db221c954bcc90e

Germany https://experience.arcgis.com/experience/478220a4c454480e823b17327b2bf1d4

Indonesia (Geoportal Kebencanaan) http://gis.bnpb.go.id/arcgis/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=9b8d73c9874a4fda983ddf4f4b2dbac4

Italy: https://www.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/4f74fc222b7041cd9cc3c52e62af1b8c

Japan (JAG Japan Corp) https://www.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/641eba7fef234a47880e1e1dc4de85ce

Johns Hopkins World map https://gisanddata.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6

Korea ESRI https://esrikrmkt.maps.arcgis.com/apps/MapSeries/index.html?appid=b379f788425349168d02669285758af0

Philippines Department of Health https://ncovtracker.doh.gov.ph/

Shenzen (viewable in China?)

Singapore Ministry of Health: https://experience.arcgis.com/experience/7e30edc490a5441a874f9efe67bd8b89

Taiwan: https://viator.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/bbd3dfeeec9c494daf178457c7b74c3e

Thailand Ministry of Public Health https://mophgis.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/210413ebb5ff49bb8914808af6473322

Israel https://systematics.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/e1a670aa9493446889760fb22c882066?locale=he

Turkey http://esriturkiye.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/cfe8603d7f104fd6b133bc1fed0e90bd

Hong Kong

English https://chp-dashboard.geodata.gov.hk/nia/en.html

English https://chp-dashboard.geodata.gov.hk/covid-19/en.html includes "predictive ai"?

Chinese https://chp-dashboard.geodata.gov.hk/nia/zh.html




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ffa998  No.92312



End of ZOG, end of globohomo/egalitarianism in general, end of feminism, hundreds of millions of dead non-whites and SJW/Antifa shitlib whites, reestablishment of social darwinism and eugenics into every way of life, reestablishment of nuclear families, European civilization gets back to its roots and traditions.


Tens of millions of dead decent whites, Orania gets niggered, all whites in South Africa are exterminated, massive loss of productivity as all industries collapse, Holodomor 2.0 on many Eastern European enclaves, lack of any technological progress for a long time (potentially new dark age), end of any hopes for space colonization in our lifetimes, no more good food, no more healthcare, no more NEET lifestyle, no more vidya, no more anime, books will be the only form of entertainment, everyone (this includes almost all of us) generally living a third-world existence for a couple of decades at least.

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38720b  No.92313

File: e656248bbbb81e5⋯.jpg (236.26 KB, 1000x1200, 5:6, Corona_Chan_victorious.jpg)


>first pic

Here's what happened afterwards. No mercy shall be given to blasphemers anymore, the Coronian Cult cell of 8chan has now officially reformed into the Coronian State and I declare total war against all of our opponents.



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ffa998  No.92314


Corona Vult?

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a6059d  No.92317



>nigs kill

>South America gets a good ol' kick in the dick

>India poos no more

>China numbah fuck you


<ZOG moving fast to implement widespread tracking of goy movements

<Plans to herd people who have even mild or asymptomatic cases into totally-not-concentration-camps (that's you, whites)

<State of global economy will be used to push cashless society, making the monopoly money even less real

<All in all, say goodbye to your liberties, because normalcattle needs his big daddy to make tough rules so it feels a little safer

<Uncle Adolf hasn't been reincarnated yet, neither have we built Adolfotron 3000, so prepare for clownworld 2.0

All in all, it's very much monkey's paw.

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3c539d  No.92319


They are classed as ‘white’ so that European men don’t feel so bad about having gangs of them gang rape their daughters…sandnigger looks ‘white’ to me…


Niggers are worse than apes.

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38720b  No.92321


Yes. I always had fanatical approach to worship, with very few tolerances other than the ones I have been instructed to have by Corona-Chan herself. But after a dream I had, I know there's no more room for mercy to heretics and blasphemers. Black body bags, black body bags at the corners of ever street, armed men were running around performing executions, gunshots were heard every 2 or 3 seconds. Before waking up, I only heard those two words: Suspected case. I know not what it means, does it means me, am I asymptomatic? Does it mean there's a suspected case where I live? Will ZOG just shoot infected people or people suspected to be infected at one point? I did not understood what that meant but I know I'm not supposed to. Corona-Chan is great.

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dedcee  No.92322

File: 49a6d823452d107⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1400x1400, 1:1, IMG_2906.PNG)


Though the chinese dress works wonders on my boner I must say I am more of an Ebola guy. I hope with the global healthcare systems she will be able to finally spread the llove too!

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50fdc0  No.92323

File: a7119d6ec55dfc9⋯.jpg (115.85 KB, 1119x818, 1119:818, abidjan_ivory_coast_chimps….jpg)

Protesters in Abidjan, the commercial capital of Ivory Coast, tried to destroy a coronavirus testing center under construction on Monday. Videos on social media showed people ripping planks of wood off the structure as police fired tear gas canisters.

Link has a nice chimpout video and full story.


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38720b  No.92324

>>92322 (checked)

Oh I love Ebola-Chan too. And I have been hoping and praying for the same thing as you. Great holy minds think alike.


Old news, me and others already posted about it, I even posted footage of it.

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796020  No.92328


Sometimes I have to laugh at the whole "diversity" agenda…. governments would actually have an easier time controlling most Whites than a population of niggers. I mean what the fuck are these (((globalists))) really thinking?

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ee7151  No.92330



>chimpout over test facilities

Definitely do not meme that Corona-Chan centers are being used to infect and spread it to niggers.



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