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File: 3ff8b2e2ffc81ed⋯.png (7.52 MB, 1494x11968, 747:5984, herbal_jew.png)

3265f5  No.75963

Hey fellow autists, thought you might find this interesting if nothing else. I was astonished personally.

Recently, I saw the herbal jew rare merchant. I thought it was bullshit out of ignorance and because I used to partake.

After doing just a little digging it amazes me the amount of JEW that controls and promotes marijuana use.

Enjoy the pic although I think my format is a bit long but i'm too lazy right now to come up with a better one. cheers.

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3fe997  No.76137


because jews are smart and realize legalizing marijuana is good for everybody. you don't have to smoke if it's legal.

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7d81be  No.76144


>because jews are smart and realize

t. (((You)))

More like

<Jews are dumb but know to stand in for each other and secure their income

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406ebf  No.76583



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c1f92b  No.77935

It's definitely better to avoid drugs as a whole, because nothing is better than a sober mind. However, just because Jews promote something does not automatically mean it's bad. It's up to the user to be a degenerate with whatever drug they're using.

California is a beautiful place, and due to it's nice weather and nice geography Jews and other degenerates moved there and made California a shithole. But that does not mean California (the land itself) is evil or bad or (in other words) Jewish.

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678999  No.78043


>just because Jews promote something does not automatically mean it's bad.

Read a book you stupid nigger.

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45151f  No.78046

There's a reason why you rarely hear about the Western Powers in China. It was entirely a jew run mercantile operation running Opiates along with the shabbos goy Royals for 100 years.

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075590  No.78117


They locked the market because they knew it was profitable, im pretty sure it was responsibly used until they came along.

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9fd7ac  No.78176


>dude bro you can brew your own uncucked moonshine

>bro shut the fuck up, there's nothing wrong with chugging 190 proof grain alcohol as long as it came from your backyard


Very cool anon, good post.

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789713  No.78431


Medical cannabis is legal and widely prescribed in Israel. Why are Jews poisoning themselves?

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0e71e7  No.78462


Infant circumcision gives one an appetite for destruction.

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d3ef7d  No.78480


The kikes don't care about money past a certain point. This was about control for them.

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48c90b  No.78563


>being astonished by this

yeah, weed make you retarded, just like the jews like you to be.

who would have thought?

Fucking retards.

>used to partake

>i'm too lazy right now

gee, i wonder why.

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c1f92b  No.78722


Jews also promote sex (for the sake of sex). Does that mean sex is bad? No, it's a requirement of life, and only the perversion of sex is "bad."

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3eb3f7  No.78789


You didnt contradict me in any way, extreme availabilty means no control etc.

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d98991  No.78811

Coffee is just as bad. If you're butthurt by me saying this then you're on the right track/.

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df4c88  No.78923


imo the drug can be legalized, with huge efforts on the government side to educate people about the danger of consuming drugs.

Legalizing will help fight CIA-controlled supplies.

People shouldn't do drugs in general but prhibiting it goes against their civil liberties, so discouraging is better.

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000000  No.78938

Why is it that alcohol culture is always represented by upper class white businessmen in expensive suits, ties, and haircuts with ridiculously expensive liquor, while weed culture is represented by tattooed niggers with gold teeth and bling chains?

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3eb3f7  No.78942


Yeah, I've seen of some dodgy mysterious bitcoin wallet transfers that account for a big chung of total currency in the news.

And thats exactly the reason why I think complete normies are able to score deepweb drugs and post it on reddit without any consequences, they are funneling that money.

Herbal jew is real, but bitcoin jew is scarier.

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2f0d3c  No.78988

File: 9067a00f1adaf8f⋯.gif (999.8 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 1580841111163.gif)


They're not. Both are just psychoactive stimulants that exist to keep your domesticated peasant ass weak.

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0924c3  No.79000

File: 3f764732ddeac39⋯.jpg (20.56 KB, 484x613, 484:613, ben_garrisons_house.jpg)

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2e2d0c  No.79002

File: 8bfee09a09b2741⋯.png (442.1 KB, 960x544, 30:17, lolbergism.png)


>People shouldn't do drugs in general but prhibiting it goes against their civil liberties, so discouraging is better.

>People shouldn't engage in sodomy in general but prhibiting it goes against their civil liberties, so discouraging is better.

>People shouldn't chop their penis off and identify as a girl in general but prhibiting it goes against their civil liberties, so discouraging is better.

And it goes on. Libertarian thinking is going to be the death of civilization because it is a thoroughly kiked idealogy.

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0924c3  No.79024

File: ca036536e821dab⋯.jpg (32.44 KB, 566x369, 566:369, lolbergarians.jpg)


lolbergism is a wonderful political philosophy if you live in a world without kikes, niggers, faggots and other menacing groups who would happily ruin your shit at the first opportunity if given one, thats why its a popular idea with brainlets who live in fantasyland.

it would be great if we lived in a nearly utopian world where such a permissive form of government as lolbergism could be feasible, but instead we have to tolerate the niggers and kikes who prevent it.

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3c1bfd  No.79063


Why does that image quote Wikipedia for all of them? Why not the source from Wikipedia?

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8f54ef  No.79081


Because it was made by a dumb dumb.

That claim doesn't even need a source because it's well known those are jews and they all look jewish.

Rothbard and Friedman literally look like incest twins.

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62e372  No.79101

File: 4740cab278b735c⋯.png (206.87 KB, 800x600, 4:3, weed_eater.png)



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cba5c0  No.80184


Because Wikipedia lies and changes all the time when there is an inconvenient political truth.

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cd0310  No.106367


Opiates are also used medically, doesn't mean they can't be used to destroy a people or place.

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a719b7  No.106373

File: db2f47614e9af05⋯.mp4 (7.27 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Nixon_on_who_s_really_resp….mp4)

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1f0dfa  No.106386

File: d9ed6a3d48248a6⋯.png (10.56 KB, 450x450, 1:1, d9ed6a3d48248a6f8fb1c53c77….png)

All drugs should be legal, you wanna be a fucking degenerate that is your choice you bootlicking cuck.

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4baccf  No.106599


>Jews also promote sex for the sake of sex


>Does that mean sex is bad? No, it's a requirement of life

>and only the perversion of sex is "bad."

if sex is for creating life, then sex for the sake of sex is bad. and guess what, porn is a jew dominated industry.

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b72f14  No.106609


If you would just kill the subhumans we wouldn’t need government at all. (((Government))) is a jewish institution. Europeans do not need government. Period. (((Government))) is parasitic just like the subhumans.

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81ddfc  No.106796


Do you have any idea how many people turned out to be alchoolic or general tobbaco smokers because they saw someone else doing it in their childhood when they were more vulnerable to sugestion (1-16 years)

Legalizing another drug will create more users of it. No one wants that.

There is no possible long term good outcome on marijuana legalization. That is only used as a political marketing to get more votes from crackheads, at least here in Europe. I don't know what those muricans are up to.

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74d0ee  No.106811

File: 975f7a74abfa1c4⋯.pdf (3.95 MB, Enhancement_of_Antiaromati….pdf)


A yes, this is precisely the bootlicking drivel that I would expect from a modern European. Fuck you and you mind controlled corn fed monkey ass.

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1979a2  No.106814


>oy vey I am literally parroting jewish propaganda

>you will believe me now

>ha ha raping children should be legal if I bought the child from her parents fair and square

>or killed the parents and took her because might is right lol

Reminder that jews are STILL paid to post here, despite the site forbidding more than one post per captcha and having hundreds of thousands of posting errors every day.

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bfd176  No.106816


>because jews are smart and realize legalizing marijuana is good for everybody

yes.. BTW is it legal to smoke weed in Israel?

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678999  No.107026

Literally everything bad is Jews. EVERYTHING. EVERY TIME. This is the reality we face, and the same reality that Hitler faced.

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8eeb1e  No.107824


Shoo jew.

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