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File: 541f44f03f56d17⋯.jpg (994.11 KB, 1000x1167, 1000:1167, tarrant_3.jpg)

82a6b7  No.72997[Last 50 Posts]

Tarrant's stream is now in 1080p. Made using AI Upscaling. GRAB IT BEFORE IT'S GONE!


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80b51d  No.73147

File: 929f5c720d79c00⋯.jpg (103.82 KB, 600x600, 1:1, custom_meme_shoes_bamfs_by….jpg)

It seems like it'd be possible to develop a functional camo pattern based on the art on his rifle.

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479c30  No.73155


It looks pretty good at times, pretty bad at times. Its a weird mix that yeah, you can tell there is some AI fuckery going on.

There are points where you can read stuff on the firearm in the original blurry video, but cannot in the upscaled one. Like someone took the gimp 'smooth' brush and painted over shit.

Overall, I think it is interesting and I wonder if it can be improved more

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47f690  No.73187

File: a78d9466495a866⋯.png (2.71 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 1.png)

File: b595c97dbaf8ba2⋯.png (64.21 KB, 221x314, 221:314, 2.png)

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a65a7f  No.73195

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Thread theme song.

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47f690  No.73200

File: 277bd10d6086fcf⋯.png (135.93 KB, 2518x1284, 1259:642, 0e828462f0c5b06160da392d94….png)

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851c0d  No.73208

File: 41456776bff9185⋯.png (147.68 KB, 469x546, 67:78, massive_faggot.png)


Imagine worshiping a Jew-lover. How retarded would you have to be?

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a65a7f  No.73237


This is some jidf propaganda designed to brainwash whites into being mass shooters.

Reported for massive faggotry.

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901816  No.73557

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7ca2ab  No.73580



Kikes afraid of whites fighting back.

Now KYS.

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587f80  No.73618

File: b020149ce0c2afa⋯.png (584.03 KB, 600x717, 200:239, kosher_tarrant.png)



>nadzees aren't a social force

<sauce: kosher tarrant manifesto

All he did was ban semi autos in kiwi land as he wished in his kosher manifesto to do so


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7392b7  No.73624

Lot of butthurt moosleems in this thread

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000000  No.73682

The file is so large it downloading it with a free account exceeds the daily bandwidth usage. The download locks up about half way though. Make a torrent or something.

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a65a7f  No.73994


Sure rabbi, 8kun us chalk full of muzzies, not white people that hate kike lies and constant propaganda feeds.

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000000  No.74029


Nah its like three ass mad leftypol people from a simp discord server that think they are fighting evil radicalized nazis

Whats funny is muslims would fucking kill them for being faggots

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272535  No.74032

File: 682fedec75528f0⋯.webm (3.06 MB, 640x480, 4:3, a_beautiful_saturday_morn….webm)

>mfw 3/16

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851c0d  No.74185

File: 11192f4150224be⋯.jpg (133.94 KB, 719x408, 719:408, the_kike.jpg)


>Kikes afraid of whites fighting back.

Kikes like you absolutely love goys killing each other. This is why you are shilling Tarrantstein so damn hard.

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8568ab  No.74227

Hint: re-encode your upscaled videos with Handbrake.fr to lower the file size while preserving the vast majority of quality. The bitrate on these raw files is very high. 2GB for a 16 minute video is unnecessary.

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000000  No.74247


Muslims would fucking kill you lgbt faggots why defend them


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b80f16  No.74248


….imagine how 'tough' you'd seem if you actually had any testosterone

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b80f16  No.74249


you're SO transparently effeminate. I don't get ANY masculinity vibes off you whatsoever. for some reason, I'm actually convinced that you're really a female. admit it. you ARE a woman, aren't you? just be honest.

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b80f16  No.74256


if you're NOT a woman, then it's certain you're a homosexual. absolutely guaranteed.

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000000  No.75601



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7e6362  No.76331

Can someone repost it?

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fc8aa2  No.76377


I agree with Tarrant on one thing, if nothing else – if you can't stop someone from storming up to your house and stealing a gun you currently own, you weren't going to do any good with it anyway. Not that that's an excuse to actively provoke the gun grabbers.

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a61ac6  No.76396


>Din du

Low effort Chaim.

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a4e1d2  No.78554

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b655b8  No.78802

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43cd52  No.78864

File: d6a16506131087e⋯.png (2.15 MB, 1280x960, 4:3, Breivik1.png)

Sup kikes. Can we celebrate (((St. Tarrant))) idol Breivik in here too?

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c6f424  No.78927


Holy shit, even on my 720p monitor this is piss poor upscaling; they basically just took every frame of the stream and resized every frame to 1080p and applied the photoshop paintbrush filter to every frame.

Guess I was missing nothing

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0f2cf4  No.79049


Fucking creepy

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080936  No.79074

File: a94f5a648e1c3c6⋯.png (147.48 KB, 1571x538, 1571:538, breivik_zionism.png)


You're like little baby, cuck shill.

Watch this.

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5441e3  No.79390

File: 0d5616510d9d479⋯.jpg (130.97 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, high2.jpg)

File: dc5795e541567aa⋯.jpg (116.13 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, low2.jpg)

File: c8259c1db893b0f⋯.jpg (101.3 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, high1.jpg)

File: c349df09373f3eb⋯.jpg (86.74 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, low1.jpg)


It looks a lot sharper but there are some really weird anomalies like noisy surfaces appearing to be moving or changing when they're supposed to be static.

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f8e35f  No.105025


Fuck off, Moshe.

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7d1bd6  No.105096


It’s because they use GANs and SGAs.

That’s why you get that deepmind swirling hallucination effect.

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74fc0b  No.105104

File: cd8d35761259053⋯.webm (11.57 MB, 320x240, 4:3, TheFasterYouRunFromMe.webm)

File: 1df8c51dd4643b9⋯.webm (3.75 MB, 854x480, 427:240, KiwiStranger.webm)


This shit isn't even worth a reply, but whatever. Fuck you faggot.

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74fc0b  No.105105

File: d9017cfda86a093⋯.pdf (867.57 KB, d9017cfda86a09390ffcea0976….pdf)

File: 3d4a3ff725ebdb4⋯.png (84.16 KB, 849x200, 849:200, he_attacked_islam_because_….png)

File: f398a1ca1155049⋯.jpg (336.2 KB, 922x1129, 922:1129, 85313f093e80dae6233a6a6f02….jpg)

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30e692  No.105168

So get this straight:

>mosque was an Al-Qaeda front

>thus the mosque was actually a Mossad/secret service front, as Al-Qaeda is itself a CIA front formed from the Afghan Mujahideen

>but the shooting had to be real, committed by a suspiciously rich guy that had travelled to places impossible to get to as an Australian without being part of intel

Christchurch was fake and you know it.

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d67743  No.105200


mega is compromised you cuck boi

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b66479  No.105391


It looks like only 2 squibs went off. Cheap and lazy. Why isn't the carpet soaked in a spreading pool of blood? Also, are these supposed to be peaceful Muslims who aren't armed because the government of New Zealand asked them nicely not to be? That's not what Islam teaches.

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c3399d  No.105509

Actually, Tarrant's 'stream' as been coming out in 3 or 4 individual streams, due to the chlamydia hes contracted while in prison.

Usually, one or more of the newly formed necrotizing holes around his urethra get clogged with scabs and pus, limiting it down to only 2 or 3 streams, but when a scab breaks loose, it goes back up to 4 or 5 streams.

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c3399d  No.105511


His homosexual cromagnon face demonstrates an embarrassingly low IQ

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2d0850  No.105527


The licence plate even had the text ksh 90 (kosher 90)

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a8300e  No.105570

File: 5b9e142a88c4e00⋯.jpg (16.39 KB, 236x298, 118:149, angry_hitler.jpg)


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8a209a  No.105613


anyone have the file lying around

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f8df05  No.106320


>mega is compromised you cuck boi

the whole damn Internet is

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2a08b0  No.106409

File: 2a86f2ab4518e6c⋯.jpg (66.91 KB, 618x738, 103:123, saint_brenton_tarrant_618x….jpg)

File: fd6129125c6cb8b⋯.webm (5.69 MB, 640x480, 4:3, shitmeme.webm)


Next time dont use mega.nz. Its controlled by glowniggers.

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53fbc0  No.106495

it's been removed. can someone help a fellow hate crime expert and post a new link?

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d798ee  No.108241


can someone repost it

it got removed sad : ^ /

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184824  No.108407

ITT: rationalization of extreme cowardice to the point of slandering a good man and a friend

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ba070f  No.108416

File: 99b3f6d71e2117a⋯.mp4 (15.44 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, meme_remasterd_Copy_7_.mp4)

can post new link?

i tryed useing topas ai for 180p 270p and 480p but none turned out as good as those comparison pictures in this thread want to know what program and settings you used.

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38546f  No.108429

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38546f  No.108436

File: 738f93538533a8d⋯.webm (4.95 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, output2.webm)

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fea7ad  No.109510

File: 578db921b8c8766⋯.gif (154.94 KB, 400x400, 1:1, Saint.gif)


Does this link work for anyone? I'm getting a 503 error.

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d798ee  No.116738


could you post a new link plox?

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fa806c  No.117200

lol @ the glow nigger d&c memes. are they fbi ones? the fbi is low iq.

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3d6c10  No.117617

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d798ee  No.117664


yo nigga that upload isn't there i think it got nuked

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3d6c10  No.117668


Yup. Anyone know any site where the upload might stay bit longer?

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718c30  No.117783


You can try dropmefiles.com or global-files.net

I have never tried global-files but dropmefiles works, but links expire after 14 days

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04973a  No.117881


How do we know the mosque was an Al-Qaeda front? Not surprising if true, but I don't remember hearing about it in the media. Was it uncovered online?

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ed76a2  No.117897

File: 0eeec1c1f44dc38⋯.jpg (28.33 KB, 700x408, 175:102, 0eeec1c1f44dc3861805ef2a96….jpg)



>Not Al-Qaeda front

Pick one.

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3d6c10  No.117903

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8c6b6e  No.135196


those are butthurt muzzie t*rkroach shills they're the same kikes but even worst

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df874a  No.135631


can someone please reupload? all links are dead

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492362  No.136120


It got shoah'd we need another

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492362  No.136582


Anyone who grabbed it able to post a re-upload we can nab quickly?

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492362  No.137478


Bumping for a repost again

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7fa1e6  No.137550

File: 5ad1214ed172b27⋯.png (81.31 KB, 720x1206, 40:67, Capture_2020_07_08_23_29_3….png)

Okay what re the MEGA alternatives?

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100c7d  No.137596

File: 0de9332b060e236⋯.jpg (66.06 KB, 414x1796, 207:898, Christchurch_mosque_linked….jpg)

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100c7d  No.137597


Re-upload it.

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492362  No.137739

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b85521  No.138259


i have google drive link if u want

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b85521  No.138264

but i'm scared to share because i don't have a vpn

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78d729  No.138711


Use Tor.

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1ba7b2  No.139588

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492362  No.139928


You are a god Anon, and checked

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