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File: 0d25c04849f540a⋯.jpg (873,84 KB, 2623x4000, 2623:4000, Emperor Hadrian.jpg)

6a15ed  No.61263[Last 50 Posts]

Unlike Hitler, Hadrian, when faced with the Jewish menace, actually holocausted the kikes. He didn't do it in the piglet-wiglety humane way Hitler did. Oh no! He ordered his men to hook Jewish scholars to meat hooks and tear them limb from lib with horses. He also ordered his legions to wrap Jewish infants in the pages of the Talmud and light them on fire.

In all seriousness, he made Hitler look like a soyboi cuckold. In fact, Hitler was probably feminized by all the phitoestrogen in his diet. Hadrian and the Romans in general were peak White European masculinity.

I don't get why White Nationalists look up to Hitler when he was actually quite soft on Jews compared to past European rulers. If these rulers knew the Jews would cause this kind of fuckery in the future, they'd kill them en mass and leave the survivors to cry to the Chinks, Japs, and Arabs for sanctuary.

If Europeans are to even have a Snowball's chance of surviving this century, we need a Hadrian 2.0

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71220a  No.61275

There were many people more worthy of the hatred of the Jews than Hitler. That's kind of the deep brain esoteric beauty of Hitler though. Some might say he was more steps ahead of them knowing exactly who they are and what they'd do the same many have said is why we've fallen under the Jew spell for thousands of years. They knew us better than we knew ourselves, but not Hitler. Just like he promised the British Empire, sadly, would be destroyed unnecessary for all time if they launch a Second White War (and was RIGHT), he knew the results would lead to the world wide end of the jews as we're starting to witness.

How it'll play out ultimately I have no idea, but I can see it happening brewing under the surface and why I think the jews are in schtizo mode. Not because of Trump but the energy potential he released that can now never go back. Only forward. If Karma exists they'll get everything coming to them when this plays out even if the road looks murky right now.

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61038c  No.61287

Nice blog.

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1b86a8  No.61293

File: 400b99b268c44b3⋯.jpg (99,8 KB, 259x430, 259:430, DasErwachenDerSchwerter.jpg)



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737261  No.61307

Never knew about this guy, but he sounds cool. Any rolemodels in our community besides that lame piece of trash Shitler are more than welcome.

>lame piece of trash Shitler

Yeah, you heard me, I saved you the trouble of greentexting me. 🖕 🖕 🖕

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1b86a8  No.61311

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737261  No.61316


>Calls me a Jew for respecting the guy that actually tortured and killed Jews.

>Calls me a Jew for hating the bitch that handed them the West on a silver platter.

#NatSoc logic

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1b86a8  No.61323

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3a9871  No.61336


>He also ordered his legions to wrap Jewish infants in the pages of the Talmud and light them on fire.

Bullshit. The Talmud didn't even exist in Hadrian's day. Even the Jerusalem Talmud wasn't written until around 200 A.D., let alone the more complete Babylonian Talmud of around 500 A.D. And this isn't even getting into the fact that the Talmud's existence was virtually unknown to Europeans until the Disputation of Paris in the 13th century.

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61038c  No.61337


Hey I've seen you spam with that term before, interesting

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6a15ed  No.61366

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de0a87  No.61457


The agency of death in nature, survivialism, and public exposure to violence are all but dead concepts in the battery-bred modern civilization of man. The US was the staging ground for the ultimate death of these concepts through various forms of social changes, reforms and jewish structured social constructs that eradicated this, replacing them with degenerative weaknesses that rule society. People like the romans, or any other ruler of pre WWII no longer exist in anywhere that isn't some uninfluential shithole where power cannot extended beyond the borders of a rulers domain.

It essentially boils down to "we don't do X because we're civilized/gubbmint made it bad/shitty alternative that has not worked since it's inception but people cling to it out of engineered fear of doing it."

You don't see people being executed for henious subversive crimes, medievial tortures, or the utter destruction of a states enemies for the same reason most countries don't have capital punishment anymore, beyond upper-brass suicided in the back of the head 9 times bollocks- most governments that fell for the democracy but actually Ogliarchy memes are nothing more than entities for the elities to masquerade a false sense of order before the lower classes to keep them and their 'simple' aims appeased- following their 'I'm rich, so the poor are morally inferior' mindset they're stereotyped as having.

But for jews in question? Simple as everyone hating them for every reason given but they slipped in because they always pull the wolf in sheep's clothing schtick until some dumbass actually believes it, and they back that person as a carrier so they can virally infect a society from within and then terraform it into their native desired shithole of choice- and that got much easier once they could pull the 'Judasism is just Christianty Old Testament' card keeping their rabbis, practicies, torah and racial supremacy shit to theselves, and no one looking into it any further than that because by associating with flaggelant masochist slave-morality suicide death-loving empathy soaked christians, no one would be the wiser. You see, in Vlad's time, they also pulled this shit with the turks, but that didn't work because of association by nature to islam and vlad's knowledge of how fucked it was, his own brother proably getting assfucked by the jannissary muslim- Christianity had the lovely added benefit of being the faith of order, civilization, and white people and church hyms, so there was still SOME bits of it that kept jews out, until all the strong men died, and the faith served it's purpose as the backdoor into europe and we got 6billion splitter-cults revealling the fragility of the ethos and faith. The fundamental goal of Christianity at it's core was to get a way for gentiles to worship YHWH so that the 'kingdom of god' could be established without the bullshit of cock-removal and pointless rituals of subserviance in a roman-ruled israel, and sorta-big-brain christ did that by meeting all criteria for the jewish messiah, but through pacifism instead of being a very angry jewish-power fantasy who would just magically ride into Israel and remove the CHAD occupying romans by force, like that would work, given the jewish track-record of rebellion. People tend to forget that once they made it to romen, Christians became an underground society that practiced their 'peaceful' faith by ensnaring Roman youth to their rituals, seeding them with the weakness that would one day rule them and their people through the ideologies and such. It was probably the longest 'Nice-guy' card ever played in human history.

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14c681  No.61718


He was also a notorious faggot

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f39d2c  No.61756

File: 2ec130ca8ac1848⋯.jpg (75,11 KB, 561x650, 561:650, temple.jpg)


Neat. Brutality is the only argument a jew is capable of understanding.

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35c552  No.61761


Another faggot who failed to finish the job. No thanks.

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bff69f  No.61883


The idea that roman gladiators were all vegans is based on nothing and has been debunked.

Veganism is unhealthy. You only think otherwise because your brain is eating itself alive as it is starved of nutrients.

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227157  No.61951

File: 25d8e0f38a6a384⋯.jpg (32,2 KB, 461x320, 461:320, XDitler.jpg)


>he can't even make lampshades cause he don't even have electricity

>he can't into soap making

>he didn't even make a rollercoaster of death like the one at auschwitz

tech r&d was shit back then, hadrian was a half caveman

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ba099f  No.62003

File: 306317927237b15⋯.jpg (48,84 KB, 275x500, 11:20, ancient swedes of rome bef….jpg)




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409fbf  No.62035

Yep, Hadrian was one intelligent and BASED mother fucker!

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ebb938  No.62201


>Hadrian was the best European ruler in all of history

Just because he invented the collider doesn't mean he was a great ruler.

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96fc22  No.62217


No. He was a great ruler by other metrics. So much so that he's remembered as one of the 5 Roman greats. Genocide was just the cherry on top.

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1b86a8  No.62241


>Promoting traditional holohoax narrative



paid to post.

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1b86a8  No.62254


I made a mistake, you're not promoting the traditional holocaust narative. just moody right now.

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8739f2  No.62255

File: 070ead5ddc96c6c⋯.png (79,42 KB, 1206x994, 603:497, frog feels.png)


>the hadrian using meat hook story is true though

i bet you believe the we wuz pyramid slaves in egypt story too. what about the tooth fairy, do you believe in the tooth fairy?

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1b86a8  No.62259


I know anything about Hadrian honestly. But the Hitler slander can fuck right off.

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1b86a8  No.62260



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8739f2  No.62265


ok, tooth fairy boi

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a11e2b  No.62396


What does a Fayum mummy portrait have to do with pastaniggers?

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7b44ea  No.62400


Can't wait in a couple of decades kikes claiming that peepee poopoo were genuine depictions of the "alt right".

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23b14f  No.62528


>handed on a silver platter

Why are you such obvious shills so lazy, and stupid? Do you honestly expect to achieve results with this shit, or is your entire purpose as simple and low tier as general disruption, and annoyance? Do you even possess the IQ to think this much about how embarrassing you are, or are you seriously convinced that your "memery" is somehow superior, despite your overt laxity of deportment? You're fucking tiresome. Get a new hobby, shitfuck. You suck at this one.

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19181f  No.62559


For anyone wondering, OP is clean and logical.

This guy is a kike. Not just confused and a lurker thinking they can contribute, this guy is genuinely being paid to deceive you. Use this time to learn how to spot them.

Also, if you want to get phytoestrogens in your diet, soy has one of the highest concentrations. The kike is literally telling you to drink soy.

Again, this is a learning experience. How does the kike reply compared to OP? I don't mean spacing, I'm talking about the content of the post. This post, like OPs, is thoughtful and well written. it is not a character attack. The kike is lashing out, hell, his nose is probably shaking with rage.

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19181f  No.62566

Based, or at least not a kike/shill

>>61263 ID 6a15ed

>>61275 ID 71220a

>>61293 ID 1b86a8





Kike/Shill/lurker thats been deceived






>>62217 (this randomly changed to >>62003 first glitch and odd)

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19181f  No.62569

>historically inaccurate, thus, cannot be taken seriously

Excuse you, ripping kikes limb from limb sounds like a very viable and effective strategy. You know what other history is inaccurate? The entire holohoax. You do not have an argument.

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737261  No.62917


What the fuck am I shilling for? You didn't even give a reason why you think I was wrong. You gonna talk some more? Keep talking; you, Hitler and the rest of you rosy eyed eunuchs are unwitting shabbos goys.

NatSocs are bitch boys who do nothing but talk, deliver no results except a lame ass country with a microscopic lifespan. Really, you fuckers should get your teeth kicked in. Low T queers.

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737261  No.62924


It's not really about arguing, it's about how these paper tigers think they own the movement and everyone in it. Like the little boys that they are, everything has to be about them, them, them.

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1b86a8  No.62929


Nat Socs are basically the only one who do more than "talk". You think you are so ruthless with Jews and support their torture, is that something you have lived or is that more talk?

> lame ass country with a microscopic lifespan

The Third Reich did not last long but that was because almost the entire industrialized world was pit against them. "Lame ass country" completely opposite to the truth.

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1b86a8  No.62961


>Hitler was a retard that fucked his chances up by not having the political intelligence to avoid an unwinnable war

Not true. France and GB were posturing with military excursions in the years leading up the 1939, and England especially was instrumental in avoiding a peaceful resolution to the Danzig Corridor conflict.

>So, you destroyed Europe for nothing, gave the J's Israel and are the reason why White Identity can't even speak.

Again, Hitler didn't destroy Europe, Churchill the Jewish lackey and US industrial support of the Bolshevik Soviets did.

>And Germans are lame as fuck, they have a reputation for being terrible in bed. Hitler, Germans, and Scandinavians are boring dorks.

Immoral envy.

>You want to know what I'm doing? Making money, studying science and investing in a growing power base that I can utilize for executing strategic moves against the World.

Money is helpful, but the Enemy already has almost infinite money. What would be more helpful would be making it less easy for Jews/Traitors to siphon energy ( in form of industry/labor ) from productive Americans. Which would make "their money" less valuable. In other words the good neighbor bad citizen ( where applicable and legal ) approach. To answer your question I have been doing the latter. I went to a Big 10 university for computer science but ran out of money and dropped out. So I have had to reinvent my approach a few times, but my "Gram" is possibly even more deadly than if I hadnt run into some blockades.

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737261  No.62994


>Not true

Too many excuses, not good enough, either. A real leader must have foresight and prudence. Hitler was a big mouth cunt who did as much as he could to piss off as many shotcallers as possible. No common sense, no finesse, no abstract reasoning. Your idol was incompetent.

>Immoral envy

Low T, uptight dork trying to virtue signal out of being a square.


This is never going to be effective. You are literally disadvantaging yourself and reducing your capability for offensive and defensive strategems in the hope of doing worse to your enemy. Horrible, horrible, horrible.

Get yourself together, make money, fuck White girls and get them pregnant. You don't need to do more than your ability. I wish I could help you financially, but right now I'm not in that position. I hope you can come work with me someday and put some cheddar on your plate. Good luck, anon. Get that paper and get that pussy.

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d77816  No.63001

File: ec2c3ef0b2853f8⋯.webm (6,74 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, hadrian_did_nothing_wrong.webm)

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1b86a8  No.63006


>Hitler totally peacefully marched into Poland and France and such, right?

THat's unfair. You're ignoring how Germany and was basically dismembered following WW1. Prussia was GERMAN territory that was being taken advantage of. Nazi Germany offered many reasonable solution to this conflict that included keeping Poland with port access. But Poland was persuaded due to promised military support from England to hold firm against Germany uncucking itself.

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966f1b  No.63007


>reee give the jew shitsrael

and that's where the dunecoon reveals itself.

we don't give a fuck about muh poor lil palestinians.

you're all subhumans, both mudshits and kikes.

midf/jidf: exactly the same brown shit.


>invaded poland

to save german people locked there from getting killed by kikes at the behest of murkans

>invaded France

after France declared war.

your posts reek of "i hate germans"

are you turk?

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737261  No.63013


Reee? From the bitch who isn't even making a counter except name calling.

BTW, the second post you quoted isn't me.

And FYI, I'm German, French, Irish, Hungarian and Spaniard. I don't hate Germans, but they are dumb as fuck at anything outside of engineering prowess.

Unless you live in Central Florida and want to throw down, either shut the fuck up or use that sorry ass brain to come up with an actual rebuttal.

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35c552  No.63019


>to save the German people

>Hitler invaded Poland

>but it was totally peaceful like this thread claims

>b-but he needed to shoot and bomb civilians to save Germans

>even though Polish people aren't Germans because muh nationalism

>and now my head is going to explode because I literally can't stop moving goalposts

>Hitler … German .. Polish … French … Africans … omg everyone on the planet is German and everything belongs to Germany because WE WUZ

Holy shit, you are retarded

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1b86a8  No.63035


>Ah, I see … so it was "German" territory back 1000 years ago, so that means it must be "German" territory now?

Prior to the Treaty of Versailles.


>Hitler invaded Poland

>but it was totally peaceful like this thread claims

No one claimed the invasion was peaceful. England France and Poland were all conspiring to turn the Danzig corridor conflict into a violent one. At the same time the Bolshevik soviets were building up their military to spread Marxism across the continent. Hitler was basically stuck between a rock and a hard place. Wait patiently while the Red Terror grew in strength and while England/France were itching to start a war with the Non-Jewish Banking Third Reich? Leave the ethnic Germans trapped by the Versailles Treaty land partition completely unprotected? Also, there were many violent civilian partisans throughout the entirety of the War, this is responsible for most of the "violence against civilians". There was not many deaths in the initial invasion of Poland.

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737261  No.63042


>Hitler was basically stuck between a rock and a hard place

I'm not the one you're addressing, but this cop out mentality needs to be addressed. Hitler put himself in this position. You can't just say "fuck you" to the global economy and the people that run it, especially with no real allies. Hitler also deprived Germany of valuable resources by going semi-North Korea.

Stop trying to worm out of anything and admit the man was an idiot on multiple levels. Hitler tried to flex on bigger fish than him and got punched in the mouth.

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1b86a8  No.63045


just fucking kill youself coward. tired of reading your faggotry

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737261  No.63052


Cope, little bitch, I'm going anywhere.

All this is just admitting you're wrong and can't even admit it. Coward? That's you, bitch. You're not even man enough to admit everything you hold dear is trash.

I told you where I'm at, you want to come call me a coward to my face?

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737261  No.63055


*not going anywhere , haha

Sorry to get your hopes up.

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000000  No.63078

The Chad Hadrian vs The Virgin Hitler

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f3058c  No.63080





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2d7ad8  No.63158


aight, imma go out and fuck a twink and get really attached to him.

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fc9c26  No.63169


>come up with an actual rebuttal

Faulting Hitler for throwing off the jew bankers' fetters is not an "actual rebuttal", nor is saying that Germans are bad in bed.

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323cf4  No.63229

File: 135be4a78271cf0⋯.jpeg (82,94 KB, 750x649, 750:649, 43A34579-E899-466A-99C6-B….jpeg)


>He didn't do it in the piglet-wiglety humane way Hitler did

>Hitler did

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9ff19d  No.63232

File: e63aadd7134f503⋯.png (25,4 KB, 662x858, 331:429, 534fhhsdf.png)


the nose is showing

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737261  No.63313


Actually it is. You're implying good intentions get a pass even when they do more harm than good. When you take control of a nation, and then immediately have that nation and its neighbors destroyed as an effect of your decision, that is incompetance. What's your defense other than a barebones denial?

And yes, the comments about Germans are necessary to illustrate the fantastical and hypocritical of NatSoc surreality. NatSocs talk about being the pinnacle of humanity, yet its ranks are filled with nothing but low IQ dregs, males who claim to appreciate masculinity, but are low T en masse, claim moral high grounds but have no sense of intellectual honesty.

You guys are pathetic, I'm not even trying to antagonize you, but you guys are literally useless. You just suck in all vectors.


Says the shabbos goy

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4d5bd2  No.63326

Piece of filth shill detected. What is the point of bashing Hitler as some bitch boy faggot when he did a lot to help his people? Hitler is supposed to be more relevant than Hadrian, so (((they))) are using Hadrian as a mean of downgrading the image of Hitler. Fucking shill, what can (((YOU))) for your people, my fellow (((WHITE)))? I really recommend genuine and honest people here to stay away from this site. It is owned by literal kikes and antifas and selling your data is just one of their trick. You have to a total bootlicker idiot to use this garbage when there are better alternatives out there.

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737261  No.63339


>did a lot to help his people

This demonstrably false and has already been illustrated.

>>Fucking shill, what can (((YOU))) for your people, my fellow (((WHITE)))?



On top of all that, my genetic contribution, as well. I have both high intelligence and high testosterone. Even me simply reproducing advantages our race.

What are you doing other than crying for being exposed as a impotent, virtue signaling queer?

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6ef19c  No.63376


>And Germans are lame as fuck, they have a reputation for being terrible in bed. Hitler, Germans, and Scandinavians are boring dorks.

Muh dick…fucking kike, every time

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6ef19c  No.63379




I'm a fuck-up

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a8dfa6  No.63387

why do jews hate hadrian so much?

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737261  No.63424


Yeah, muh White dick. I'm proud of muh White dick and using it on as much quality White pussy as possible with the utmost skill.

You're calling me a kike, but you're implying I shouldn't value my White dick and all the wonder it brings….why?

BTW, this is pretty sad seeing all you NatSoc dorks getting exposed and having no recourse other than tired one-liners.

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d25f39  No.63505

Savitri Devi said that Hitler's fundamental flaw was that he was a good person and far too nice to the jews. She's right.

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819ea9  No.63513

File: b8bb5922d7f8981⋯.jpg (48,19 KB, 300x295, 60:59, jewscoobie.jpg)

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690b27  No.63805

File: 74c23c02c23d1e8⋯.png (106,1 KB, 2756x904, 689:226, ccb7f0c997c5782fc373261328….png)

I would recommend to everybody in this thread to look long and hard at this picture and then be rightfully ashamed of themselves for falling for the obvious divide and conquer bullshit posted by OP and his buttbuddies.

Remember: (((They))) always play both sides in these kinds of 'discussions'.

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737261  No.63875


Or you could take a look at yourself. Like I said, you guys don't own this movement, and not everyone agrees with you.

This is just more intellectual cowardice by trying to dismiss your opponents as Jews. You all got exposed in your erroneous Hitler worship and are now trying to compensate and cope in the only way you know how.

Go take a look in the mirror, there's less than meets the eye.

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520e51  No.63888

File: a6642596a100443⋯.jpg (371,62 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, jv2adce7vpj41.jpg)

Hadrian built a wall to keep out people……….


Over 500 years ago.

Where is your God emperor now Burgers?!

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9bce61  No.63891

File: 7c1e6003a499b41⋯.jpg (39,93 KB, 422x611, 422:611, How_to_be_Black.jpg)


>Over 500 years ago

This had better be a new meme.

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96786a  No.63953

Different times different means. It was way easier to do genocides since the world was so globalized.

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96786a  No.63954


autocorrect deglobalized I mea

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690b27  No.64717

File: c0e5073ec8c8ea8⋯.jpg (29,58 KB, 448x299, 448:299, IWonderWho.jpg)


>Romans good, Germans bad!

<meanwhile, totally unrelated people

>Germans good, Romans bad!

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737261  No.64722


Uhh, no. None of my posts said that I admire the Romans. I said Hadrian (a single person), sounded cool.

The funny thing is that you think National Socialism has any kind of potency worth supressing. People like you literally give anti-Whites all the ammunition they need to to optically snuff any sympathy for us. You are the best thing to happen to the Jews. National Socialism and its followers are the golden goose that never stops laying eggs for the Anti-Whites to gobble up and gulp down. And of course, your inability to address differing opinions speaks volumes about your own impotence. All that's left to you are delusions of grandeur, and I understand your pathological urge to protect them at any cost. They're all you have.

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059bef  No.64723

File: a583e31341ef607⋯.png (675,77 KB, 645x364, 645:364, ClipboardImage.png)

I'm more on the side of based scots who forced the little roman fucker to build a wall to stop them from raiding his shitty crumbling part of the empire.

And the same basic system is still trying to take over scotland now, this time using muslims.

fuck hadrian, fuck "we wuz imperialists" threads, op smokes penis.

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db16cd  No.64737

oh my fucking god! a mentally retarded person rose above the other absolute tards on pnd. Yes mate. There is a whole universe of great pro white leaders that excelled Hitler in every way. Hitler was not the first person to hate Jews, practice Eugenics, or promote the family unit… Holy Molly, people here are for laughing at every day

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db16cd  No.64738


100% agree!

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db16cd  No.64739


>And the same basic system is still trying to take over scotland now, this time using muslims.


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1b86a8  No.64759


>There is a whole universe of great pro white leaders that excelled Hitler in every way

Name some.

>Hitler was not the first person to hate Jews, practice Eugenics, or promote the family unit… Holy Molly, people here are for laughing at every day

No one claimed that. Actually in modern times the first eugenics movements came from the USA. However your post is thinly veiled Hitler slander by insinuating he was nothing special and comparable to any person that called out the Jews. Adolf Hitler and the originators of the NSDAP went beyond the idea of "purely material" racism and revealed the Leftwards Swastika as the ultimate symbol of all Aryans. With purifying the Blood as consequence of living through Ideals on this earth, connecting racial purity with more than mere "intelligence" but also Honor, Courage,Discipline, Sacrifice etc.

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737261  No.64858


Any /pol/ or "pnd" is in general, a receptacle for mediocrity. You may see a lightbulb flash or a ray of light here and there, but it's a rare occurrence. Most people come here for an echo chamber. That's why you have to swim in more neutral waters (like /db8/ on xchan), to find people who use their brains for higher purposes than head nodding and finger wagging.

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b8284e  No.64910

>this shitty troll/shill thread is STILL fucking here

>not getting deleted 2 mins in

Anyone who posts here consistently is a fucking retarded bootlicker. So pathetic.

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b8284e  No.64912


you should be ashamed of yourself if you still linger around this pile of shit. Get the fuck out of here, there are better alternatives out there.

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737261  No.64933


>can't make any points due to lack of required braincells

>thinks people are trolling because their opinions offend him

>can't respond, so just talks shit

>doesn't even try

A whole board of NatSoc chimps and cucks only a few can even throw a paragraph together. Good grief.

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574625  No.65232


Nice boobs! Post moar plz

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8a7c1b  No.65398


>Unironically using "bootlicker" on a board advocating totalitarianism

Back to Bunkerchan you go

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6c3309  No.66090


>best European ruler

>tried to become Jewish and got angry because he was rejected

Nice play bro.

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812994  No.66183

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Well if they hadn't been butchering ethnic Germans maybe that whole situation could have been avoided. Plus there literally was flower throwing from large portions of the peasant population there so...yeah...Just think about the katyn forest massacre and then ask how many similar atrocities that were wrongly pinned on the Germans are there that we don't know about. I would wager that the jew led squads of rapacious Asiatics left a larger psychic scar on the people that actually had to live through that period than the Germans ever did on the march to Germany alone.

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812994  No.66191

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>I would wager that the jew led squads of rapacious Asiatics left a larger psychic scar on the people that actually had to live through that period than the Germans ever did on the march to Germany alone

As in they probably committed more rapes and whatnot in poland just making their way to the actual enemy than Germany did in the entire campaign. With rabid jewish leaders spewing propaganda like vid related I don't think they the Asiatic imvaders would have differentiated between a German woman and a blonde haired polish girl tbh.

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812994  No.66199

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


All the vids with his worst quotes are gone but just search his name if you want them. Shows the difference in character between jew and Aryan perfectly when you compare his hateful raving to the more honourable propaganda in Germany. The actions that he was encouraging actually became a form of horror propaganda later in the war for the Germans too, a kind of "fight to the last or this is the fate awaiting you and your women" deal. Imagine the if the Germans had told their soldiers to rape and kill every jew they encounter going as far as dropping pamphlets with these instructions across every battlefield, we would never hear the end of it.

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e72406  No.66220

File: b83211d4722c4b2⋯.jpg (97,63 KB, 225x300, 3:4, Titus_V.jpg)

File: 92e2e76d7d6f351⋯.png (1,39 MB, 1194x680, 597:340, 923874.png)


Hadrian was alright, but let's not forget who razed the temple in Jerusalem. /ourguy/ Titus! He even issued some commemorative coins to celebrate the occasion. I'm gonna buy one of these when I get a good deal as a token of good luck.

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1b86a8  No.66648


Thanks for the videos.

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13c911  No.67294

File: 7f78dda22b8ac8d⋯.jpg (75,86 KB, 512x350, 256:175, unnamed_5_.jpg)


The quote one is kind of shitty but that's the only way to slip his genocidal raving post the jewtube mods lol. There was definitely a quote of his about raping every german woman that they encounter as well as killing the men but I can't find it anywhere and I know it used to come up because I remember verifying it after watching TGSNT…Weird. Maybe because it was in that it got pruned from search engines or something.

But yeah people always talk about how brutal Germans were in the east without mentioning the massacres of ethnic Germans living there. The Germans troops saw the pictures of castrated corpses and women who had been gang raped and understandably went over there with a scire to settle.

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000000  No.67403


The Talmud did not even exist during Hadrian's time, get your facts straight.

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86ab3d  No.67941


>If you want to have an actual historical and factual discussion of Hadrian, great! I'm all for it, but lies are not discussion.

Can we has facts about Hadrian and him djoowish victimz?

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86ab3d  No.67945


As if this other board wasn't an echo chamber simply because it's literally empty…

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86ab3d  No.67951


>I'm not the one you're addressing, but this cop out mentality needs to be addressed. Hitler put himself in this position.

The jewed Polish, English and French governments were looking for excuses to crush Germany. They were so dishonest that they didn't care about the tortures and massacres on Germans living in NW Poland (or any similar provocations in central Europe, some of which would have you believe in demons for the stuff that went on was so wicked it's impossible to think humans could do this to other humans). They equally didn't respect the rules of war as far as negotiation goes as they required Germany to remove his troops from Poland before any talk could start, which is just not the way things are done.

So is there any merit in arguing that the moment Stalin would have invaded Poland (and other countries), England and France would have sided with Germany?

They would have probably tried to buy time and let Germany be directly threatened. They'd have used Germany as a buffer of some kind. Or they might literally sided with Stalin and used this opportunity to be blind to the Bolshevism and focus on the nasty Germans who dared violate the Treaty of Versailles. At this point any flimsy excuse would have been good to point fingers at Germans.

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737261  No.68504


It's not empty, it's just slow because it's young. I'll take quality over quantity on any day of the week. We can either care about PPH or we can invest our time into good boards. /db8/ will grow, slowly and surely, but it will grow.


>The jewed Polish, English and French governments were looking for excuses to crush Germany.

Exactly, so why did Hitler give them the excuse? If you're Germany, and you know the world is salivating to rape you some more, why accelerate that? Hitler saw the effects of war and what did he do? Went out of his way to piss off the people that could make it happen. Hitler should've focused on currying favor and bolstering their economy through international trade. Sometimes you have to play nice until you can take the mask off. Hitler didn't understand this or didn't care.

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19b7e6  No.68511

if you are going to hit, you might as well hit as hard as you can

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ef3a0e  No.68521


>he knew the results would lead to the world wide end of the jews as we're starting to witness.

i dont think we're witnessing that. it looks like they have more control now than ever. the US and its military, UN EU britain etc etc. total global media control. i have to disagree sadly

>If Karma exists they'll get everything coming to them when this plays out even if the road looks murky right now.

karma isnt real. if it was evil would not be able to rule a planet like it does here, without challenge.

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737261  No.68528


>if you are going to hit, you might as well hit as hard as you can

Wrong mentality. Physical force isn't the answer to everything. You roll that dice, you might just get knocked out. It wasn't worth it and will never be. The power of the mind must always be regarded as highly as the power of the body.

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a0c7f1  No.69143


Jesus christ.

They're not even hiding it anymore.

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147482  No.70091


>Exactly, so why did Hitler give them the excuse?

>implying (((devilworshippers))) need an excuse

You can't negotiate with evil incarnate.

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46e1f9  No.101373

File: c2ac56e77cbbcb8⋯.jpg (112,95 KB, 634x617, 634:617, article_2569845_0003226E00….jpg)


how did he intend the wall to work? couldn't jocks swim, or boat?

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581241  No.124807

File: 8da168bb537d053⋯.gif (235,33 KB, 641x1024, 641:1024, 73124_lictors_lg.gif)

They're called fasces..

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581241  No.124812

File: fe77f7347ec20c0⋯.jpg (244,03 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, hitler.jpg)

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581241  No.124828


>Exactly, so why did Hitler give them the excuse? If you're Germany, and you know the world is salivating to rape you some more, why accelerate that? Hitler saw the effects of war and what did he do? Went out of his way to piss off the people that could make it happen. Hitler should've focused on currying favor and bolstering their economy through international trade. Sometimes you have to play nice until you can take the mask off. Hitler didn't understand this or didn't care.

I think that's the point. You're not looking deeply enough into finances. Germany is targeted not just in the 20th century but even in the 16th and 17th centuries. They can see it's potential power and they can't control it so they keep trying to strangle it in its cradle. They can be obsequious to the west but that won't do them any good. They're trapped economically. Hitler talks about this in his speeches. The mistake isn't going to war; it's going to war with Russia. Bismark knew that he couldn't fight on two fronts so he maintained a healthy relationship with the Russians always. And it worked. Russia and Germany should be natural partners, though not allies. Russia has raw materials, Germany has advanced technology. Together they can face down the western powers. Venice hires Mongols to rape a nascent Russia, sack Kiev. London transfers technology to the Japanese to harass Russia in the far east, and then tie down the USA in what was intended to be a ruinous war that would exhaust her. The battle of Jutland proved that while Britain couldn't destroy the German navy, it could bottle them up, cut them off from world trade. Building battleships like the Bismark was a stupid waste of resources. Attacking Russia was stupid. But building U boats, this was what was going to win WWI and WWII for the Germans. They should have focused everything on that. It almost won WWI for them. Britain was 3 to 6 weeks from running out of food and vital supplies. To get the British way of covert war, read Karl Marx's Biography of Lord Palmerston. Marx may have been an asshole, and he was a shitty economist, but his histories are excellent, he's actually a very entertaining and thoughtful writer.

"Britain was never so much Russia's enemy as when it was pretending to be its friend, and never so much its friend as when it was pretending to be its enemy".


Also you have to look at the schedule Hitler was on. He came to power and overthrew the Great Depression. How? All those public works. Autobahns, Olympics, remilitarization. Where did he get the international credit to make all those purchases? He had to borrow the money and borrowed money requires maintaining payments. What was the interest rate charged on those loans? It looks to me like his window of opportunity was shrinking on him for no other reason than the inexorable financial demands, probably from the City of London's bankers. I don't know though. It's one of those mysteries. Also, there's other war aims. At the end of the war, what was the most precious reparation that the allies imposed on the Germans? Patents, that's what. They seized all of Germany's patents and the hidden fact is that over 80% of the modern world is based on those German patents. Apparently even within Germany most of those patents were created by Swabians for some reason or other, and they're Catholics for the most part. Those reparations came to an end just a few years ago and had to be returned to Germany. Some speculate that a large part of our current economic instability is the loss of those patents back to their creators.

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581241  No.125217

File: a109907b00f18eb⋯.jpg (89,92 KB, 572x750, 286:375, poem1983_12_29_out_of_the_….jpg)

File: 2f86f7ec83d9f9a⋯.jpg (32,42 KB, 318x469, 318:469, 32785626_SX318_.jpg)


It's all readily available in multiple languages. He's quite popular among the litterati you know. Kurt Vonnegut and Bukowski in particular love him.

>>With no especial help from his eccentric typography, in my opinion, Céline gave us in his novels the finest history we have of the total collapse of Western civilization in two world wars, as witnessed by hideously vulnerable common women and men. That history should be read in the order in which it was written, for each volume speaks knowingly to the ones that came before it.

>>And the resonating chamber for this intricate system of echoes through time is Céline’s first novel, Journey to the End of the Night, published in 1932, when the author was thirty-eight. It is important that a reader of any Céline book know in his heart what Céline knew so well, that his writing career began with a thundering masterpiece.

Kurt Vonnegut

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581241  No.125219


>Then Germany would logically be growing much stronger by the day. This is not happening at all. Theory is weak.

False conclusion based on superficial reasoning. Germany dominates the EU totally but is under covert attack by the Anglo American cabal with increasingly shrill rhetoric.

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a0b4a9  No.126528


According to whom? Provide sources please.

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581241  No.127026

File: ff137c17528b206⋯.jpg (316,51 KB, 1280x1067, 1280:1067, antinous.jpg)

File: a4013fa0840d902⋯.jpg (134,76 KB, 1024x949, 1024:949, external_content_duckduckg….jpg)


>>According to whom? Provide sources please.

Antinous (also Antinoüs or Antinoös; Ancient Greek: Ἀντίνοος; 27 November, c. 111 – before 30 October 130[a]) was a Bithynian Greek youth and a favourite beloved of the Roman emperor Hadrian.[1] He was deified after his death, being worshipped in both the Greek East and Latin West, sometimes as a god (theos) and sometimes merely as a hero (heros).[2]

Following his death, Hadrian deified Antinous and founded an organised cult devoted to his worship that spread throughout the Empire. Hadrian founded the city of Antinoöpolis close to Antinous's place of death, which became a cultic centre for the worship of Osiris-Antinous. Hadrian also founded games in commemoration of Antinous to take place in both Antinoöpolis and Athens, with Antinous becoming a symbol of Hadrian's dreams of pan-Hellenism. The worship of Antinous proved to be one of the most enduring and popular of cults of deified humans in the Roman empire, and events continued to be founded in his honor long after Hadrian's death.[3]

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581241  No.127028

Lambert described Antinous as "the one person who seems to have connected most profoundly with Hadrian" throughout the latter's life.[17] Hadrian's marriage to Sabina was unhappy,[18] and there is no reliable evidence that he ever expressed a sexual attraction for women, in contrast to much reliable early evidence that he was sexually attracted to boys and young men.[19] For centuries, sexual relations between a man and a boy had been socially acceptable among Greece's leisured and citizen classes, with an older erastes (the "lover", aged between 20 and 40) undertaking a caring sexual relationship with an eromenos (the "beloved", aged between 12 and 18) and taking a key role in his (the latter's) education.[20] Hadrian took Antinous as a favoured servant when they were aged about 48 and 13 respectively. Such a societal institution of pederasty was not indigenous to Roman culture, although bisexuality was the norm in the upper echelons of Roman society by the early 2nd century and was widely socially accepted.[21]

It is known that Hadrian believed Antinous to be intelligent and wise,[15] and that they had a shared love of hunting, which was seen as a particularly manly pursuit in Roman culture.[22] Although none survive, it is known that Hadrian wrote both an autobiography and erotic poetry about his boy favourites; it is therefore likely that he wrote about Antinous.[6] Early sources are explicit that the relationship between Hadrian and Antinous was sexual.[23] During their relationship, there is no evidence that Antinous ever used his influence over Hadrian for personal or political gain.[24]

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c97f88  No.127176


> It's been debunked

That's such a cope comment, provide evidence or shut the fuck up faggot.

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581241  No.127205


>That's such a cope comment, provide evidence or shut the fuck up faggot.

Oh gawd, haven't you been keeping up with the times boomer? Nowadays you don't have to produce EVIDENCE. Evidence is a bourgeois trick for duping the naive members of the underclass, evidence is a elitist affectation, evidence is MANSPLAINING. He said it's debunked, and so it's DEBUNKED asshole. If Don Lemon says it's debunked it's DEBUNKED. It's simple as.

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8fa97e  No.129137

Agreed, and he even built that wall like he said he would.

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007667  No.130407



What are the sources of this?

We know that homosexuals have made it a mission to rewrite history. Let's compare those claims to the laws that were actually in place at that time.

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c313e5  No.131757


Underappreciated post

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