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File: 0cda3d1a5f92e94⋯.jpg (88.91 KB, 500x509, 500:509, tarp meme.jpg)

56a5a8  No.50501

Police in California say Obama enemy "committed suicide"


Department of Homeland Security (DHS) whistleblower Philip Haney was found dead in Amador County, Calif., on Friday, according to local authorities.

Haney, 66, "appeared to have suffered a single, self-inflicted gunshot wound," the Amador County Sheriff's Office said in a release. Sheriff and coroner Martin A. Ryan shared the initial details of the case.

"On February 21, 2020 at approximately 1012 hours, deputies and detectives responded to the area of Highway 124 and Highway 16 in Plymouth to the report of a male subject on the ground with a gunshot wound," the release read.

"Upon their arrival, they located and identified 66-year-old Philip Haney, who was deceased and appeared to have suffered a single, self-inflicted gunshot wound. A firearm was located next to Haney and his vehicle. This investigation is active and ongoing. No further details will be released at this time," the office added.

Fox News contributor Sara Carter tweeted about Haney's death on Saturday and asked people to pray for his family and for police, who are still searching for answers and investigating the incident.

"Somebody I deeply respected and considered a friend Phil Haney - a DHS whistleblower during the Obama Admin was apparently killed yesterday in Southern California," Carter wrote. "Pray for his family and pray they find the person who murdered him. Still trying to get confirmation on details."

Haney, a former DHS agent, was also the author of "See Something, Say Nothing: A Homeland Security Officer Exposes the Government's Submission to Jihad."

He was an outspoken critic of the Obama administration, specifically its handling of radical Jihadist elements and Islamic terrorism.

Haney, who retired in 2015, studied Arabic culture and language while working as a scientist in the Middle East before becoming a founding member of the Department of Homeland Security in 2002 as a Customs & Border Protection (CBP) agriculture officer.

After serving as an armed CBP officer, he was promoted to its Advanced Targeting Team. He specialized in Islamic theology and the strategy and tactics of the global Islamic movement.

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02e8f6  No.50508

File: 82bca444ac35f38⋯.jpg (419.97 KB, 1917x1161, 71:43, 3afcc3a6a78416b980890f0571….jpg)

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c7ee83  No.50619

File: 84162f17e3c618e⋯.jpg (153.56 KB, 843x1024, 843:1024, buttcloud.jpg)

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0ace53  No.50632

File: 3c740277485702e⋯.jpg (33.55 KB, 350x499, 350:499, 510ZJ31t-OL._SX348_BO1,204….jpg)

Why would Obongo kill him now, when he's out of office, and years after his book was published by the Zionist Organization of America award-winning World Net Daily?

And speaking of books, the shabbos goy faggot wrote the forward to pic related.

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c406e4  No.50701

I doubt leftists - even evil ones - would kill him at this timing.

I bet he had a change of heart about something and was about to betray his “friends”.

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c406e4  No.50702


“an etymologist and self-proclaimed nerd”

Ie, he may’ve been someone who could notice influences in the world via word patterns and drifts therein. Now, are there any fuckups in our lifetime that an adroit observer might pick out of the dreck with linguistic analysis?

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a651a9  No.50706


>picture not from article

And the picture is better than the ones from the article.

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6ac8be  No.51007


Skimming that article and his "assessment of Hamas" that it linked, it seems like his "whistleblowing" was about how ZOG actually wasn't doing ENOUGH for God's chosen children.

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4cc426  No.51026


Kill him before Trump hires him as an advisor and can tell him all the dirty tricks they used

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9bcdfc  No.51029


>still pushing the “trump is an outsider” narrative

You have a containment board.


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00a50c  No.51129

File: 05752e7d793899f⋯.gif (867.24 KB, 500x225, 20:9, elwood.gif)


>Amador County

Suggest someone with free time produce a map of such suspicious deaths, and adjust for population. "Most dangerous counties to be a whistleblower"

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000000  No.51374

In Chronological order. He had written a book proving his knowledge of the system.

He had a new book on the way.

He had warned a friend, a month prior, that his life was in danger, and it could be made to look like a suicide.

He was engaged to be married.

He was exploring rejoining the Intelligence Community.

He vanishes for several days.

He is shot in the chest.

People try to disqualify him for his study in entomology. After experience in Intelligence, he gave this analogy. To paraphrse:

"In both cases, you follow the trails and you find the nest."

He found the nest.

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432a1d  No.51377

this board still filled with freemason faggots?

Because that police department is fully of them

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000000  No.51400

gatewaypundit reported this first and their article made no mention of (((suicide))).

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70f954  No.51406

File: 8af8e10caaf2131⋯.jpg (68.15 KB, 1161x683, 1161:683, philip-haney.jpg)

who would kill a defenseless old white man?


>Haney told Sean Hannity in 2016 that he was ordered during the Obama administration to scrub the record of Muslims in the US with terrorist ties.

>The story of his death has still not been reported by the mainstream media.

>The Gateway Pundit was notified of this last night.

>Haney had been missing since Wednesday.

>Philip Haney said political correctness during the Obama years killed the investigation that might have stopped the San Bernardino Christmas terrorists.

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0af112  No.51412

File: c29394bbc8b1593⋯.png (555.87 KB, 638x476, 319:238, Andrew Kikebart with Bibi.png)


Why do you have echoes around "suicide" but not (((Gateway Pundit)))? Jim Hoft is in the background of the picture of Andrew Kikebart with Bibi.

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000000  No.51650


Because it is suspect.

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fa62fc  No.51652


anyone else feeling sleepy?

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deaec1  No.51658

File: a28e81c3a7e81c4⋯.jpg (305.16 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, YES I MAD.jpg)



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00a50c  No.51723

File: 19e54b3e1bb482a⋯.png (321.81 KB, 323x478, 323:478, marshal mathers lol.png)


The various clones of Andrew nod sloppily in agreement with this post

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6b72e2  No.51729


/pnd/ is unfortunately 4chan embassy the way /tv/ was before 8chan died. Unfortunately no matter how much you tell them to fuck off or at least learn they'll reply with


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23d5fa  No.51892


>and years after his book was published by the Zionist Organization of America award-winning World Net Daily?

He was planning to publish another one fairly soon.

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a31495  No.51910

Deep state whacked him. I remember this story right after bho took office

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772ee0  No.51921


The "deep state" is jewry, which he was quite clearly dedicated to.




You clearly aren't from here. I'm not going to tell you what you should call "bho", but it's the kind of thing you'd be banned for at your home.


Any proof of that, or is it just the mythology being built up now to turn him into a kosher martyr?

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4f3616  No.52020


This is sort of a wild conspiracy floating around at the moment but take from this what you will… Philip Haney (who leaked Obama's plans to scrub a Muslim crime/terror database from official law enforcement records) recently was being considered a future DHS nominee pick who would replace another official currently nominated by Trump. Knowing this, the establishment neo-cons/commies in our government were terrified of someone like Philip Haney being considered a pick for future nomination for high position in the DHS. Thus Haney was recently rubbed out in CA. Another reason doing so was Haney had a lot of experience and was a major thorn for those in the government who are corrupted. Supposedly, (according to Steve King of the 4th Congressional District of Iowa who was a friend of Philip Haney) Haney stashed away classified documents as an insurance policy over the whole scandal during the Obama era. Who knows if the feds were able to seize those documents after he was killed, don't know, but it is all very suspicious none-the-less.


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028f11  No.52036



I don't think the DHS or FBI would have wanted someone like Haney back in action. Considering he was rumored to be the next DHS pick (from within) I think it sent off flares within corrupt circles knowing Haney is a brave man that wouldn't put up with their shit for very long. Thus, they had him "suicided", just like they do to all the others that pose real threats. Remember the fact that US/Israel is behind most Muslim terror funding around the globe, for purposes of deliberate destabilization / regime chance and false flag ops to push nefarious agendas and this all makes sense. Haney wasn't in on this, he was up to it and therefore a huge liability.

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9624fb  No.52051

File: ba6b3fc2d2ff09d⋯.jpg (27.35 KB, 474x343, 474:343, Haney.jpg)



His book was published by WND Books and Michelle Bachmann wrote the foreword. The idea that he would be a threat to the neo-cohens is laughable, almost as much as pretending Trump is secretly working against them, as Sheldon Adelson pledges to spend at least $100 million on his re-election.


>Remember the fact that US/Israel is behind most Muslim terror funding around the globe

But that isn't the kind of Muslim terror Haney kvetched about.

>Former DHS Office Warns of Iran & Hezbollah's Plan to Destroy America & Israel


And here's an interesting one where he provides a new, kosher origin story for Al Qaeda's name where "the base" doesn't refer to the database of mujahideen militants, but the "base" of supporters for the terror group.


This one is behind a paywall, but the title speaks for itself

>Former DHS Official Exposes Antisemitism of Linda Sarsour & Ilhan Omar


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edf8c4  No.52653

File: 213c3d6e4321a64⋯.jpg (5.69 KB, 300x100, 3:1, newggers.jpg)


you misspelled 4chon, but i'll let it slide this one time

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000000  No.53129


>Philip Haney (who leaked Obama's plans to scrub a Muslim crime/terror database from official law enforcement records) recently was being considered a future DHS nominee


>Remember the fact that US/Israel is behind most Muslim terror funding around the globe, for purposes of deliberate destabilization / regime chance and false flag ops to push nefarious agendas

Interesting points. Him leaking this information exposed (((islamic))) connections to our (((government))). Definitely sounds like it was a kosher assassination.

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5a2563  No.53147

File: 31e223e2ad9ce5a⋯.png (157.07 KB, 1231x1214, 1231:1214, Screenshot_2020-02-25 Thos….png)


One of the principal tactics of q-niggers is doing the kike parentheses around everyone and anything that ISN'T jewish.

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000000  No.53629


Yes (((brother))) distract the goyim from the kosher assassination.

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56057c  No.76826

File: 3cb52381b3ed3e7⋯.png (31.48 KB, 785x1000, 157:200, jew.png)

noooo not the obongerino

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077e91  No.76828

as I said guys. The deep state is immortal, nothing can touch them at this point. They are pretty much gods of this planet at this point.

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