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The existence of black people is inexcusable

File: 0c55a7767cbd487⋯.png (820.06 KB, 990x880, 9:8, Screen Shot 2020-02-17 at ….png)

90153a  No.46880

Notice how BBC slips in the little "built by slaves" in the headline. Just right out of the gate, overt editorializing in the headline. The actual story is that this black woman is an outspoken anti-white bigot employed by the state, but hey, slavery was bad and justifies her anger! Disregard the Wikipedia article about slavery in contemporary Africa.

The message from UVA is clear: White people deserve to be kicked out of places. White people DESERVE PUNISHMENT.


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40e718  No.46882

If niggers could build anything they would have built their own communities instead of form ghettos around white communities to leach off of. Then we would only have half the problems we have today.

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34dd2f  No.46883

Keep pushing us kikes… keep pushing. The BBC is quite insufferable, but the equally terrible guardian was complaining today about one of Boris' advisors daring to claim that blacks are less intelligent than whites on average. What a shocking statement!

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99f1e3  No.46897

File: 886ade8d63812f8⋯.jpg (223.79 KB, 590x600, 59:60, nig_image34.jpg)

This is good, it will redpill people and remove whites from brainwashing camp. It is not good that whites tolerate this and do nothing, but at some point they must before being slaughtered on an industrial scale. The more clear the actual stance and intent of these subhumans are the better.

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c6ba41  No.46961

"Built by slaves" also implies the Marxist labor theory of value, that is that only labor has value, and that capital and entrepreneurial ability do not. These niggers could not build a mud hut in Africa, which is why they were made into slaves in the first place. They were too bad even for other blacks. It was only under the whip hand of the white man that they could achieve anything of note.

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10d0db  No.46977


>These niggers could not build a mud hut in Africa, which is why they were made into slaves in the first place. They were too bad even for other blacks. It was only under the whip hand of the white man that they could achieve anything of note.

No kike, that's not the case. Niggers were brought to america because of kike slave ship and kikes bought them and set them free. Essentially dividing the society.

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90153a  No.46991

File: 1d434e93e079c4c⋯.png (270.98 KB, 1192x1000, 149:125, Screen Shot 2020-02-17 at ….png)

And here's someone defending it. It's little details that stick out to me, like Black and Brown being capitalized and white being lower-case. Of course, blacks can't be racist, because the left has redefined racism in the last ~15 years so that it is solely a white (lowercase w) thing. It's funny that there is so much literature and history available on how the left achieves authoritarianism, and yet we just keep sliding into it, time and time again. Oh well, history isn't static and things explode constantly.

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a6c871  No.46994


>that is that only labor has value, and that capital and entrepreneurial ability do not

You're all mixed up. Capital seeks specifically slave labor to collect the arbitrage on it. They have a symbiotic relationship, not an adversarial one. Please don't post any more of your mixed up jewish nonsense, fucking rent seeking faggot.

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9e5d2a  No.47006

The University of Virginia was built by Thomas Jefferson.

Slaves ghettos and slums.

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278e65  No.47014


ok boomer


ok boomer

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278e65  No.47015


Look at this fucking wildebeest. A clear example of the missing link if ever there was one.

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4076aa  No.47028


She's an interesting low IQ black, I would wager a white liberal owns the account though…..

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af9297  No.54071


Sage anon is right.

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b04245  No.81711


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5b0f78  No.81723


Okay, and? What are you going to do to stop this? Nothing. Ever. Do we need a thread on this?

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a0238b  No.81823


Shut up already, that retarded cartoon you keep posting is essentially a white woman, she doesnt look remotely asian/nigger/hapa whatever.

You are completely unremarkable

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0c75d2  No.82374

File: a51dd2911c8e97e⋯.jpg (39.78 KB, 500x375, 4:3, cleon_peterson_joshua_line….jpg)



The negress tells them their presence is permitted, not welcomed. And they cheer with neurotic enthusiasm! Play acting the the future perfect world. ( Cleon Peterson painting is more forthright about the vision )

University training! Humans are trainable aren't they? Habits outlasts memory of how they came to be. They are trained to embrace defeat, to retreat them they are given the order. Never to take a stand to hold the hill. Demoralized.


The school President School Jim Ryan sobs:

> "I can't say here what I can say which is why I'm writing a longer essay about it." he sobs.

Demonic mediocrity. That university is rotten top to bottom. It won't ferment anything soil where white children will grow.

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3270b4  No.103056

File: 90088304a7e4c57⋯.png (197.79 KB, 413x640, 413:640, cuckservative.png)

Canadians taking it as read that public discussion about racial strangers with globalist citizenship papers is impolite, is because of the kike Diefenbaker (((Lackner))). Not even Laura Secord would be so prudishly polite as to put up with this level of demographic defilement.

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62a60a  No.108645



It was the British who backed the Jewish Democrats. It was exclusively Jewish British Freemasonic of B'nai B'rith cult leader Judah P. Benjamin and 33 degree Scottish Rite of Freemasonry cult leader Albert Pike who created the KKK to terrorize blacks.

The British enslaved blacks, whites, and the Chinese.

Jews were the primary slave holders.

Christian White American Republicans fought a Civil war to end slavery in the US.

Eat my shit Crown propaganda outlet.

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941874  No.108682

File: 0cc12756f59e5f3⋯.jpeg (289.75 KB, 1300x940, 65:47, 9EAA9B13_4A2C_4A63_8F93_E….jpeg)


I can’t believe you noticed that and disregarded the fact that slaves were no more capable of building anything other than the tin shanties they occupy when left to their own devices. It is totally laughable to even suggest that the work of master craftsmen could have been done by niggers. Even with all the help in the world, materials, funding, tools, they can’t even copy the most BASIC of our inventions, let alone do the work of master builders.

It is so far beyond insulting that I really don’t have words.


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c65934  No.108739


Very few people in the UK like the BBC. They're universally despised these days and I personally would rather eat my own shit than ever pay for a TV loicence

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