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File: 8327638d2f573ae⋯.jpg (49.32 KB, 501x501, 1:1, 8327638d2f573ae4bd4d791833….jpg)

adb43b  No.4529[Last 50 Posts]

Want to know how you give the glowies the power to shut down your movement? Go commit a mass shooting! Post a manifesto! Go do some extremely retarded larp thinking that it will get the government to pass gun legislation with the utter delusion that most people in america would actually rise up to defend their gun rights. You're absolutely retarded if you think accelerationism is the answer. 99 percent of people are completely willing to give up their guns, and the glowies don't want you to know this.

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352be4  No.4545

Brenton Tarrant was a Jew puppet. Same goes for Breivik.

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83cadc  No.4549


Is that pic you posted a self-portrait, OP?

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352be4  No.4558


It's good to see OP pissed off at least one kike.

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e433d7  No.4560

I don't think Hitler became the Fuhrer by shooting up synagogues and killing random no-name jews on the streets.

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c9ed4f  No.4562

File: b9f4499d595c3f4⋯.png (63.4 KB, 375x444, 125:148, F41D48EB-9AF6-4ABD-B8EB-98….png)


>not how he came to power

Uh that’s exactly how he came to power idiot, his brown shirts literally beat the living fuck out of anyone they could. Coming to power happened because of the desperation and misery in germany. The second the economy collapses an extremist group will take power. Obviously the one with all the guns will win that one

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e433d7  No.4567


>Uh that’s exactly how he came to power idiot

do you know the meaning of "Exactly"? dumb fucking retarded nigger autistic motherfucking negro go slit a random hooknose's throat if u think that's how you save the country

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58168b  No.4574

File: 8290168f5bfb00f⋯.jpg (478.21 KB, 925x848, 925:848, Accelerationist.jpg)

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248c72  No.4594

File: 1d95fb075bbf9e2⋯.png (17.57 KB, 1024x847, 1024:847, Swamp.png)


>that's how you save the country

Nobody wants to save your nigger infested jewish kleptocracy, kike. The faster you and yours go down the better. You can shove Trump up your bunghole.

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122e0e  No.4599


The FBI nigger ignores this post but replies to the other one with a funny anti trump meme.


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c05e94  No.4602

File: 9f79c3e7d32025f⋯.png (841.39 KB, 1333x1874, 1333:1874, terrorism.png)


Can anyone refute pic related?

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0a2e9f  No.4606


What's to refute? Most terrorists are plants so that the people are victims and that the people will then be OK with their rights, privacy and quality of life diminishing. We're damned it we do, damned if we don't. Do nothing and the agenda continues on as normal and our lands, people, history is erased. Do something and we're baby killing monsters or deranged mental cases and they clamp down the law and restrictions on the average Joe.

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d01fe0  No.4610


>Accelerationism is fucking retareded

but it serves the purpose of jews

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dc9ad8  No.4635


Ireland has a gay indian for a PM, their terror campaign to throw out the Brits only works against Brits apparently. And people getting gropped by muslims at the airport is the regime flexing on us, not a sign that terrorism works. On the subject of insulting muslims, there is no percentage in it. The goal of the regime is to degrade islam, and I don't profit from that. My problem is the muslims being brought here, not the fact that they don't like gays.

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8c206b  No.4646

It's amazing how right ASHES AND ECHOES was. None of you will ever do anything. The jew will win. Anyone that does anything effective will be called a jew puppet, and only a few failures will follow their lead.

None of you think anything more than voting for a puppet and posting ineffective memes should ever be done, and thus loss after loss will occur until all european DNA is genocided and nobody will ever rise up to fight back. Cowards, LARPers, and moralizing faggots is all /pol/ is, was, and will ever be.

Don't worry, everything will be fine. Just make CNN say breathing through the nose is an antisemitic hate symbol, that'll totally own them!!!!

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a4f3f9  No.4660


Accelerationism is the answer. Violence is the best solution.

Ignoring all laws and murdering all jews and other enemies IS the best way to deal with them. There can be no shutdowns and no arrests made if there is no one left alive to shut us down or to make the arrests.

Be violent. Incite violence among subhumans (shitskins and others). Make everyone targe the jews and leftists to be killed.

Violence always works. Violent mobs murdering their enemies nonstop always works.

To live is to kill. To kill is to win.

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e02dff  No.4833

Our movement is taking action, not LARPing.

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df1c11  No.4873

Reminder that part of the psyop is to make the word "accelerationism" mean "feds or entrapped retards shooting up meaningless targets"

The term has a whole history that this is intended to erase.

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acb1d0  No.4880


What we should be doing is our own long march through the institutions. Imagine if it was our guys training the lawyers, the journalists, the IT developers. The Jews knew this, and they wrested control of the Ivy League colleges from the WASPs.

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287fd5  No.4914


Thats exactly what was mentioned in the image, with Mexicans as with Muslims. Sure, the government can promise economic reward for replacing its natives but if theres just a few heroic soldiers to make the greatest of sacrifices, they will still be afraid to invade if the possible consequence is death, no matter how small the likelyhood actually is. Now imagine dozens of these heroes doing the same thing making the slim chance a real possibility. The government literally couldn't pay invaders enough to come over, and they would instead be lashing out on its natives directly for their rebellion, causing the entire population to become instantly conscripted into fighting for their people.

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36c3a2  No.4921


>literally not what ‘accelerationism’ means

>kike tries to redefine the word YET AGAIN to keep whites from fighting back

Sage. Report.

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3a4d45  No.4932


What the fuck is the point of having a gun if you bought it from some (((officially sanctioned))) retailer who's GUARANTEED to keep records of purchases? Only way the gubmint won't have your guns is if you buy it from some nigger in a back alley.

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3a4d45  No.4936


Only a very specific kind of person is consistently likely to commit an attack, they have to be the right combination of low IQ, depressed, self-aggrandizing and aggressive. They're rare, but they can be categorized/recognized by the right eye. Glowinthedarks probably already seek out these people and feed them ideas.

Fact is that western society gives less shits about its people now than any other time in the last 75 years, so naturally these spergs who were already predisposed to socially reactive violence are going to act out more. There's no way you can stop them, at best you can get to them before some other movement does.

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bcd991  No.4951


well regulated meant well equiped and organised in 1776 you triple nigger

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b390eb  No.4952

You're saying accelerationism is retarded. But it killed 8chan, and brought it back without all the clutter and filth, OG. I have to say I think it works.

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266be5  No.4966


Hell, it still means that now, especially in the wording of the amendment.

>shall not be infringed

The regulation they referred to obviously meant good maintenance because the other interpretation is nullified by the fact that the founders didnt want gun rights infringed in the slightest. I think even if the founders were here they would support suppressors, bump stocks, full auto, high capacity mags and hell, even recreational nukes. The whole point of the second amendment was to prevent another tyrannical dictatorship from taking over. So yes, that means that civilians should have military grade weapons, because if they dont then how are they going to revolt against the government?

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53463e  No.4975

File: 2a9bd1d848a8e79⋯.jpg (84.14 KB, 884x921, 884:921, 1576038910040.jpg)

Only if you go after the (((real source))) of the problems - AKA the ZOG higher ups. Breivik was a faggot schizo but he scared the (((people))) in power by going after something they loved. Same with the Lubcke murder in germany, which was covered up in record time by kikes.

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acb1d0  No.4984



Whites are being slaughtered left and right in SA, but there is still no resistance, still no armed secessionist uprising. We must do what the Jews did, and march through the institutions.

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c53103  No.4997

File: 307fd157bdea1b7⋯.png (911.72 KB, 1110x1080, 37:36, oh well tee hee.png)




Yeah you.

You sure spent a lot of time on here the past two days.

You like it here or something?

It's okay if you do.

I'm not going to delete your posts.

I'm not going to ban you.


(well, unless you do something stupid and illegal)

If the other Anons in here had any intelligence, they would intelligently debate with you - with facts - instead of sperging like retarded emotional faggots.

Honestly, if you really want to troll a board, I would go to


IGUARANTEE 100%that you will have more fun in there, where everyone is a Maga-Tard Q-Faggot Brainlet.

As a matter of fact, I implore you to tell your friends in /leftypol/ to go over there and do the same.

Some of them are in here right now by the way...

Just let me know so I can watch. Okay?


- - - - -

Everyone has an 'Opinion' and thinks that they are 'Right'.

It comes down to Why someone has that opinion - the Facts that they present to form that opinion - and also the Experiences they have that Mold their opinion.

- - - - -

I've read about half your posts so far from the past 2 days.

You are not unintelligent.

I respect that.

You have a great day.

Tomorrow, go outside and enjoy the sunshine.

I will.

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ec5081  No.5132

File: d3c8e336d1657f7⋯.jpg (113.89 KB, 576x656, 36:41, 20191127_195920.jpg)


>muh mossad

>muh Jews

>muh dick

Why are you so scared to admit that Tarrant wasn't a false flag?

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eb65f7  No.5144

File: 935e255da0596ff⋯.jpg (80.85 KB, 597x590, 597:590, Zog.jpg)


Hail Stephan Ernst.

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82be23  No.5174


True. Those who commit violence like this always end up being a deadweight to the rest of whatever movement they think their action supports. In the current situation accelerationism will works especially bad because accelerationism needs the support of the general population to work. But in the west people are relatively content, many don't even think there is a problem to begin with. They are asleep and will not do anything anyway. The repression accelerationism is playing for on the hand still happens, so in the end you accelerate, don't profit but will inevitably have burned all your bridges through provoking censorship, disintegrating communication structures you would need to make further plans. And as a side effect you're having thousands of people disarmed who had done nothing wrong.

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467b5c  No.5175

File: ef09cc3d4b05143⋯.jpg (121.88 KB, 570x806, 285:403, fast.jpg)


ID: adb43b (1)

>utter delusion that most people in america would actually rise up to defend their gun rights

Wouldn't need "most people", just a tiny percentage.

>99 percent of people are completely willing to give up their guns, and the glowies don't want you to know this.

Gun sales since the Obama era shows you to be a perfidious jew.

You're just promoting the 'learned helplessness' narrative, OP. "No one will stand up or fight back, they'll just give up.".

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467b5c  No.5177


Not saying mass shooters aren't retarded, or trying to promote them, just pointing out that OP is being tricky.

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36c3a2  No.5189


Paid shill allowed to post here.

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14a96a  No.5239


>I've read about half your posts so far from the past 2 days.

Oh, I'm just getting started, son. But, you should use your capcode for greater impact.

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d83627  No.5246

File: 1d04afbcdc9be76⋯.jpg (113.71 KB, 750x1000, 3:4, poster,840x830,f8f8f8-pad,….jpg)


tl;dr but excellent tohru you got there

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e374b2  No.5635


>99 percent of people are completely willing to give up their guns

Funny, people in NZ returned or sold back 19k out of 1,5 millions of guns. OP is a faggot who can't literally stop sucking dicks and projecting his own cowardice.


>Jews want white armed insurrections

>Jews want bad goys killing Jews

>Jews want whites reading about white genocide and great replacement

>Jews want white ethnostates

You are completely braindead.

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352be4  No.5821


None of those terrorist groups he mentioned have really achieved their goals. The Basque are still under Spanish control. Ulster is still under British control. In order to have a successful revolution popular support is required, and behaving like a bloodcrazed loony has a tendency to kill your popular support. If the people you want to support you are also bloodcrazed loonies then you're in the clear, see Islamic State, but if they're not then you've screwed yourself. This is why the NSDAP was so adamant about not engaging in terrorist attacks against Jews. They knew it would make them look like the bad guys.

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352be4  No.5822


[citation needed]

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cd97da  No.5828


>This is why the NSDAP was so adamant about not engaging in terrorist attacks against Jews

NSDAP did shit on daily basis that would make all schizos and shills screech about false flags and glowniggers so hard it would be physically audible across the screen. You also somehow seem to forget there was basically mid to high intensity civil conflict going on. They killed and got killed, daily. This comparison of yours doesn't really work here, quite the opposite - it is proving accelerationist point. Then there is whole sentiment of Adolf Hitler as stated in Mein Kampf, you can see the post here >>5749 in which he clearly defends the whole underlying idea too.

Finally, you seem to compare results with the effect. The post you are responding to is talking about the effect of the method and if it is effective way of doing things. As history proves, it is. The results are obviously tied to many other factors. It's like saying that hammer is not a good tool because even though you hammered all the nails, the house still crashed down. The fact you didn't bothered with anything else than nails is omitted.


>what is search engine and how can I use such magicks

My original source was:


But freshest one is here:


Which talks about 32k, which is still less than nothing.

1,5 millions of guns:


Finally, considering that the buyback ends in less than week now, it is safe to say it was worse than failure. Especially since there was a massive panic buying of guns before the law change, up to the point where many shops reported being sold out in empty shelves style. What they achieved is supposedly more guns among people and way more than 100k of now illegal guns among pissed off owners too.

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69e25d  No.5844


>Whites are being slaughtered left and right in SA, but there is still no resistance, still no armed secessionist uprising.

That is because the boers are descended from christian nutjobs. You cant win when your own people believe that this world is a temporal waystation before the real eternal life in heaven beginds.

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352be4  No.5850


>NSDAP slaughtered Jews

No they didn't. Give me some evidence that ISN'T obvious kike propaganda. For fuck's sake, they were planning to set them up in Palestine after the war.

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cd97da  No.6028


>>NSDAP slaughtered Jews

I never said that they "slaughtered" them, did I. I said they were engaging in high intensity civil war (started solely by these kikes by the way) and that killing was part of their daily bread. And since they were winners, it is obvious who was more successful. That was partly by being better at it, partly by having high quality people and partly by being clever about the targets. Read From the Kaiserhof to the Reich Chancellery by Goebbels himself, look at "people" like Rosa Luxemburg. Regarding Jews alone, they were targeting them quite often by various means anyway.

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0f23f7  No.6029

That's not accelerationism.

Accelerationism is the concept of passively if nothing else, allowing conditions to worsen to enable more people to see just why you're right.

What you described were autistic actions taken by some autists who never really did anything for the sake of whites.


And out of this thread I go.

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adb43b  No.6100

File: 30ed1f4cf5364b8⋯.jpg (226.76 KB, 915x776, 915:776, 1574805176339.jpg)

fuck accelerationists and fuck the glowniggers who support it

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58d83d  No.6102

File: b41fbba4b39d6b7⋯.gif (632.81 KB, 320x240, 4:3, glownigger.gif)


>Funny, people in NZ returned or sold back 19k out of 1,5 millions of guns. OP is a faggot who can't literally stop sucking dicks and projecting his own cowardice.

Found the glownigger

You faggots are slipping, you let someone post in this thread before you did

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2a7e90  No.6103


When is season 2? I'm burning with anticipation.

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2a7e90  No.6104


I'm pretty sure this is kikey who is still seething that we call his kike boy Trump a jew puppet. We dont want you back kikey, and we know you were the ashes and echoes poster. We dont want you back. Go away turk.

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91b278  No.6105


His brown shirts clashed with Communists who were also militarized. They didn't shoot up places to gain support, primarily because they didn't need to.

I have no idea why the fuck faggots like you try to compare Tarrant's fucking retarded accelerationism plan with Hitler's rise to power considering Hitler's rise to power was delayed to the 1930s and if he actually got his way, he would be chancellor in the mid-20s, like he fucking wanted.

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cd97da  No.6127


Not an argument you retarded niggerfaggot. See >>5828

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adb43b  No.6132


spotted the glownigger

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cd97da  No.6135


>no arguments

>impotent name calling

Very organic indeed.

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aa0e1e  No.6653

File: a162e6fbd6c5fae⋯.png (1.64 MB, 1200x852, 100:71, 1576385414479.png)


Let it all Burn.

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7c693e  No.6663

Jewish false dichotomy/polarization:

>Go full retard and shoot up some irrelevant place so that we can further our Orwellian goals, confiscate people's guns, ban freedom of speech and eventually round up wrongthinkers

>Be completely passive and don't do absolutely anything to hurt the ZOG, even by legal, or hardly enforceable illegal means, everyone is a glownigger, including yourself

Reasonable position:

Accelerationism is a valid strategy, but you don't accelerate by doing acts of pointless violence, but by putting pressure on the system's weak points, making it waste resources, and furthering the controlled chaos to a greater extent than the one it can handle, making it collapse onto itself. Also by bleeding it by a thousand cuts.

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8b3272  No.6694

stupid thread. op didn't include arguments, just an assertion & the insinuation it's a kike trick.

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777362  No.6704


Thread creation is always monopolized by shills on imageboards, because ordinary users rarely create threads even if they commonly post.

That being said, a shitty thread can still be used for positive comments. Most important is to keep the atmosphere of a thread civil - a shill loves nothing more than to blend in by hurling insults at positions his employer wishes to suppress.

Also, OP is repeating the same tired shill idea that somehow, the government requires YOUR permission in order to do things that hurt you or fuck you up. They do whatever the fuck they want regardless of what you do, because they answer to no one.

Once a politician is in, there are no checks outside of written law on their behavior - and written law can be exploited. They are in, and from that point on they are on the team of all the other elites, looking to hold on to their power. They will not hesitate to fucking Epstein you. Your participation in the system is laughable to them.

Hence why they pay people to shill against anything that threatens their grip on power. They are the ones with the most to lose, after all. They can afford to spend some in the creation of such a buffer for themselves.

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7c693e  No.6738


>Thread creation is always monopolized by shills on imageboards

Yeah, look how hard did they slide this one

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36c3a2  No.6753


>jewish paid shills slid their own thread

No, dipshit.

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2d5e02  No.6780


>another set of immigrants will replace the killed illegals,

>you have to somehow cut off the money and logistics

Tor anon is right. ZOG has a whole system in place:

1. Recruit and transport huge numbers of niggers/ mudslimes each month

2. Distribute to hundreds of white cities, monthly

3. Give shitskins recurring monthly income & vouchers (from white savings accounts via inflation)

4. Implement legal protection for shitskins while cracking down on whites for the tiniest offenses

We have to shut down the whole system, not just pick off a nigger here and there

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e26727  No.6889


It's retarded to think that the government controls the media. If anything, it's the other way around. No one would go out and say that CNN is state media. The United States is a CNN state.

I never said they had the ability to kill everyone right now. I believe that they have the country on a trajectory towards their own continued power, and on a trajectory that will increase their control over power.

They don't need to rely on outside forces to continue this trajectory.

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e26727  No.6890


more accurately, even, a NYT state.

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4013dd  No.6897



If only this were how the world worked.

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88393e  No.6901


>civil war is about to start over gun rights

>accelerationism is retarded


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3b8783  No.7075


This, for every shitskin you kill, kikes will import 100's and the rest will breed 10's of them. Only by completely destroying the ZOG system can any chance for survival be secured. They are shilling for fake, self-destructive "accelerationism" so you don't engage in actual one.

If you want to accelerate, redpill muds on kikes, make lefties self-destruct, put pressure on the financial system, etc. You will achieve absolutely nothing with random acts of violence, other than being praised as "saint" by Mossad on chans.

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7f0175  No.7240


>99 percent of people are completely willing to give up their guns, and the glowies don't want you to know this

If that was true, then what are they waiting for exactly?

OP can't connect his two neurones.

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3345d3  No.7244


That's not right either. The Brownshirts did go around beating men up to get them to switch sides. I don't think I would switch to your side just cause you beat me up, but my opa was convinced enough to become a Brownshirt himself after getting beat up in a pub brawl. Then, presumably, he went around beating up other people to get them to join up. Prior to that my opa was a monarchist.

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c21271  No.7463


>[Economic collapse has] happened in the US before, at least 3 times.

>So, the US government will stay in charge as always.

>Man, you LARPers crack me up.

Keep laughing. The country was nowhere near as politically divided as it is now, and this will get far worse before it ever gets better.

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a31106  No.7488


Rome didn't fall in one day.

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919c8e  No.7703


This poster is correct and the 'VioLEnCE SOlvEs NoTHinG" posters are retarded. If your position isn't worth killing for, it's as inconsequential as your sportsball opinions.

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e374b2  No.8412


>Jews conquered Europe without violence.

It took them two world wars, you absolute mong.

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3e9296  No.8414

File: 41df4f4867e64f6⋯.jpg (292.14 KB, 1030x953, 1030:953, accelerationism.jpg)

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e374b2  No.8416


>shill makes his first strawman

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e374b2  No.8453


>everything since 380 A.D. was Jews doing.

>Jews pogrom'd and kick themselves 109 times out of various countries

>Hitler was Jewish toy

Pretty interesting way how to say you are completely retarded and illiterate.

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e374b2  No.8459


>those are literally all true

>trust me, I'm your best friend Avi Noseberg, I would never lie to you

Okay retard.

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3328ef  No.8773


The SA beat the shit out of Communist thugs primarily to send a message about their movement to the public, and a message to the communist groups in Germany to be afraid. Beating the shit out of everyone you can is a great way to become a hated minority party.

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7f5543  No.8970

File: f52792947b0e6b2⋯.jpg (323.52 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, rothschilds nazi history.jpg)

File: 9a5af316cfdbdcf⋯.jpg (56.21 KB, 850x400, 17:8, Churchill_Hitler_quote.jpg)


>hitler was bankrolled by the rothskikes and wallstreet

<wut is the reichsmark

I have a 1943 reichspfennig in my hand you faggot. It didn't exist according to your shilling.

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000000  No.8972


The existence of the Reichsmark does not refute the fact that he was indeed bankrolled by Wall Street.

Yet the Reichsmark does not exist today, while our legitimate homeland does.

I don't expect cattle who can't think in the long term to understand.

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36c3a2  No.8976


>ban evading paid jewish shill posts things only jews say

>expects anyone to listen


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000000  No.8982


>things are not true if they are said by people i don't like!!!!11

Ask yourself again why you are a slave.

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7f5543  No.8984

File: b9aceac04a98380⋯.jpg (17.67 KB, 315x241, 315:241, memri treacherous jew.JPG)


>muh wall street

Prove it. You can't because they made their own fucking labour-backed currency to avoid dealing with you filthy yids and your debt-based currency scam.



Sure thing Avi.

The Reichsmark and the memory of it lives on forever. You can take it from my cold, dead hands, filthy kike.

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7f5543  No.8988


p.s. cattle don't have perfected UCC financing statements you desertnigger.

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fbf02e  No.9030


There was never any accelerationist movement in SA either. If their were brave white men willing to throw their lives at the cause of defending whites than it would only embolden anyone who has an issue with the current course of the nation.

SA is a perfect example of why accelerationism works. If there were white individual terrorists shooting people in 90s then I'm almost positive there would currently be a white terrorist organization operating within SA as we speak.

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651beb  No.9031

Section A OP Criticizes Accelerationsim

>Want to know how you give the glowies the power to shut down your movement? Go commit a mass shooting! Post a manifesto! Go do some extremely retarded larp thinking that it will get the government to pass gun legislation with the utter delusion that most people in america would actually rise up to defend their gun rights. You're absolutely retarded if you think accelerationism is the answer. 99 percent of people are completely willing to give up their guns, and the glowies don't want you to know this.

Section B OP Completely Fails To Propose An Alternative


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795921  No.9045

File: 973300fee4c9a6d⋯.jpg (42.51 KB, 640x539, 640:539, 1b9.jpg)


>Go commit a mass shooting!

You even misspelled retarded..

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7f5543  No.9159

File: a0ae4656d43fd11⋯.jpg (137.75 KB, 640x539, 640:539, ABSOLUTELY HALALMO.jpg)


You might like the correct version. (House of Saud being kikes and all).

Hilarious how the torkike can't answer.

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e8832b  No.12578


Most people on here are the type that would commit a mass shooting. They always bang on about traditional and family values yet they will never have kids. They will be stuck on this website for the rest of their shitty lives. They are just as bad as the Jew.

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ffb7ba  No.12585


>Why are you so scared to admit that Tarrant wasn't a false flag?

probably because we have actual footage of the "victims" reciting their roles before the event?

I mean, that alone is a head scratcher I'd say!

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390d4b  No.12596


>we have actual footage of the "victims" reciting their roles before the event

Post it or take a long walk off a short pier, boomer.

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000000  No.12598


The best way to fuck with the spiritual semites is to advocate the end of (male) child mutilation. Niggers are harder to deal with but the best way is deportation to Africa.




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ffb7ba  No.12599


first lets lay some groundwork:


^^that's the video

removed from Bitchute! Lol

Would you say that adds some credibilty to the fact it's fucking real? I sure would!

Oh wait…

I happen to have a copy with an AIR GAP security system! YAY!

I'll go ahead and dig it up and post the link up here sometime today. Just for you, juden!

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390d4b  No.12607


Boomer faggot shockingly has no evidence to back his Veteran's Today derad. At least you retards moved on from CGI bullets, dropped magazines from rehearsals and Tarrant going to Israel because the Israeli interior minister said so.

Here's the thing, it doesn't matter if Tarrant was a false flag. You either acknowledge that properly directed violence works or you believe that the Jewish deep state will depart the West after a series of nationalist electoral victories, which become more and more difficult every year due to demographic shifts favoring urbanites and non-whites, election rigging and the normalization of the rule of law no longer applying to ideologies that pose an existential threat to the "liberal rules-based order" and the unlimited ownership of media and financial organizations by Jewish oligarchs.

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a115ca  No.12676

If you can't stop something

you can speed it up.

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ffb7ba  No.12681


> it doesn't matter if Tarrant was a false flag.

well it kinda does when that's the topic of conversation.

agree with your other points tho

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ffb7ba  No.12697



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ffb7ba  No.12698

File: 53845f0af2693bb⋯.webm (9.92 MB, 854x480, 427:240, SHOCKING-footage-from-ins….webm)



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ffb7ba  No.12702




>Boomer faggot shockingly has no evidence to back his Veteran's Today derad

those android phones sure are a security risk on those operations, aren't they? I mean, what fucking idiot builds a backdoor into a persons phone and doesn't realize that the backdoor is available to anyone who knows how to gain access?

Fucking spook morons!

can't wait til you fucks try to put robots on our streets to police us. What could possibly go wrong?

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ffb7ba  No.12707


almost forgot to ask

are they Capstone Events when taking place in foreign countries? by root of word I would think it transfers across geographic lines, but since you're the expert, perhaps you can shed some light on the topic?

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7b00f1  No.12712

File: 75e182944978758⋯.png (1.74 MB, 911x1879, 911:1879, 1577759191437.png)


>Accelerationism is fucking retareded


Have a You

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ffb7ba  No.12714


holy shit, those fucking feet!

they're so bad I don't even care that you're probably trying to slide the vid I posted, HOLY SHIT THOSE TOES!

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000000  No.12722



That's a video from the second mosque he hit, if I remember right. There's no reciting roles going on there.


It doesn't matter because false flag or not, it serves the common purpose of promoting militancy. The only reason to argue about whether it's a false flag is if you're so demoralized you can't conceive of anyone doing something without mossad involvement. When you look at the lunatic shit the left has done since Trump became Chabad's new frontman, you'll notice two things: They never disbelieve the events and they never condemn the attacker. Not even the attempted murder of multiple (R) congressmen got them to back down, because leftists are fully aware of what their "civil disobedience" has gotten them life sentences for their enemies, not them since the days of the Weather Underground.

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7b00f1  No.12725


Hi Anon, not an intentional slide. I haven't finished reading the thread yet. I guess I don't get why people misspell things, intentionally or otherwise.

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ffb7ba  No.12728


> you can't conceive of anyone doing something without mossad involvement.

Its my personal belief that hardly any mass casualty event in history has happened without Alphabet-agency involvement. I won't go deeply into it right now because it would take me hours to cover everything that has brought me to believe this, but it's not through demoralization that I reached this conclusion. In whole, it spans from observation of current events.

Short list of the "real" events in US history.

Charles Whitman / Dallas

Nyung Ho (something like that) Virgina Tech

The jew boy and his pal / Columbine

all of those I believe may have still had elements of .gov interference through pursuasion / steering.

As far as the video, it speaks for itself. Go ahead and try to post it on any cloudflare site, it won't post. Thank God for Russia,. huh?


>I don't get why people misspell things

with spellcheck and grammarly, it would seem a dying art, but misspellings are still very prevelant. I personally misspell a lot of things because I don't like my Java settings leaking charsets sometimes. You can still be anonymous online, at least to everyone aside from the NSA who really don't give a fuck about the likes of you and I.

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7b00f1  No.12742


> I don't like my Java settings leaking charsets


>Its my personal belief that hardly any mass casualty event in history has happened without Alphabet-agency involvement

I would agree with conspiracy but not necessarily Alphabet. Two that immediately spring to mind are Viscount Gray, who literally orchestrated the start of WW1, and John Wilkes Booth, the man who assassinated Lincoln.

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7b00f1  No.12744


Viscount Grey

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ffb7ba  No.12748


>I would agree with conspiracy but not necessarily Alphabet. Two that immediately spring to mind are Viscount Grey, who literally orchestrated the start of WW1, and John Wilkes Booth, the man who assassinated Lincoln.

I'd be interested in hearing more on this if you could be assed to give a fuck? If you make a new OP on the topic, I'll dig into it with you. Recently I've been very curious about periodicals/propaganda surrounding historical events.

If not, that's cool too. Sometimes the act of making a new thread (one worth making) is tiresome.

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7b00f1  No.12751


>If you make a new OP on the topic

I will do this. Give it a few days so that I can put substance to it, and brush up on Grey, rather than an nonsensical ramble. I'm sure Rhodes will appear in the Op too. Nice to make your acquaintance, Anon. Also, what did you think of the train car in the foot photo?

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abac5d  No.12754

File: 7f239b2e195e730⋯.mp4 (6.35 MB, 320x580, 16:29, death by 1000 cuts south a….mp4)


This is how it is done. Plus we will have to do much worse than this using chemical and biological weapons.

There is only one way to repel an invasion and the south african niggers do it really well. First, they didn't say anything to the Nigerians. They gave no warning. Then one day they began killing them by gutting their eyes out and otherwise massacring them...sort of the same shit that happens to White EVERY FUCKING DAY even thought they are not even aware they are at war with a foreign enemy invasion...

Ok, so no warning.

Then the very next day sort of a universal and random HIGHLY GRAPHIC bloodletting for maximum impact this should be done in front of the victims family. See in the video the woman who is recording cries out with every blow of the machete.

This is one of her family members maybe a son, a brother or a father...it is unknown. But the incident should take a really long time. The nigger in the video never delivers the death blow...nope for all we know this is hundreds of cuts later to a totally random and innocent person. Towards the end he begins to get more and more savage and then begins to break bones with each hack...now the victim is not just a puddle of blood but horribly deformed in a way that will never be 'fixed'. Finally the death blow is administered but not before the victim has groveled like a dog or a worm on the ground which is saturated with nigger blood mud. The widow/mother/daughter is left completely unharmed with the video evidence to walk free and share the incident with her friends, family police. In less than a weeks time all the Nigerian niggers have packed up and left the nation they were invading.

This is how it is done. This is THE ONLY WAY to repel an invasion.

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ffb7ba  No.12755

File: f0dcd039aab85ec⋯.jpeg (29.38 KB, 649x366, 649:366, finally.jpeg)


>what did you think of the train car

It really does a good job of amplifying the fuckery to such a level that normies will completely miss the premise, which I rather enjoy! It's a meme for memers, if you will.

right-o on the rest! I'm dying for some of the old back/forth advancing topics that were discussed on /pol/. The whole point to this place is to be able to really dissect topics, debate, disagree and come to a better understanding of otherwise off-table topics.

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abac5d  No.12760


And if you don't 'like this' or have an 'objection' more than likely you will die at the niggers and subhumans hands. Because all the shit we have seen thus far, like the random killings, that is just child's play, the niggers are just toying with us and 'warming us up'. Thus far the deaths have been quick and not prolonged.

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98d032  No.12774


What's your solution?

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abac5d  No.12795


OP is a kike pussy. He is totally worthless and will stay worthless for the remainder of his miserable life until he is slaughtered by the people he refused to fight against.

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e374b2  No.12808



>I have THE SHOCKING EVIDENCE of a false flag!!!

>it's the same tired completely regular video of sandmutts in shock

Ask your handlers for new shit, this is just boring. Can you also provide me a time mark with them "reciting their roles" you lying retard?

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ca9a14  No.12864


>Thus far the deaths have been quick

No they haven't. Take a look at the Black on White crime thread here on /pnd/. Many are brutal and torturous.

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ffb7ba  No.12881

FYI this


is what this


piece of absolute dogshit israeli UNTERMENSCH is talking about.

Thanks for the PPH fuckface. We'll be back to full swing in no time and soar past that due to the take-away you literal retards created by shutting down fullchan.

I will never reply to you so have fun with your desk job you fucking flunky faggot. Imagine how nice life could have been if you weren't such a literal skinny-fat faggot.

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622008  No.12897


Given that the Boers slaughtered niggers when they were religoius fanatics I'd say it has more to do with heritable factors, just like every other fucking behavior.

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622008  No.12898

If you want to actually accelerate go commit a mass shooting, and get away with it. That is the key, they will lose their shit so hard and push for so much insane legislation without any evidence that it might well touch off a civil war.

The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown.

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000000  No.12899






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4573a0  No.12903

File: ca2bb57688dbea1⋯.jpg (21.94 KB, 340x227, 340:227, Goodnight Walter.jpg)


>Same with the Lubcke murder in germany, which was covered up in record time by kikes.

They love passing around that droopy-faced glownigger loser from el paso and the manlet that got cucked by the door in germany, but yeah not a whisper about St. Ernst.

Maybe because he saw through the SEEJ larp and decided to do it right. No meme manifesto, no wannabe columbine edgelord shit. Just hello & goodnight.

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622008  No.12906


Haven't there been more than a dozen political assassinations of leftists in Germany this year? That kind of shit usually only happens in America

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a2384e  No.12915


But the African continent is niggerland. It's not Europe. I, personally, would literally die for Europe and would fight in a war to save it. But it doesn't look like it's the right time to fight right now, so I'll do the other thing and have a wife and children.

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abac5d  No.12956


Why would it be a mass shooting? Why not some other type of deadly killing? Guns are actually really limited in terms of the numbers you can kill. You guys are not very imaginative.

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000000  No.13912


This. Whites are too cucked to do fuck all. The average White man, racially conscious or not, is so altruistic that he could never harm a fly, even if said fly were to lay the eggs of its flesh-eating larvae under his skin. The men brave enough to fight back have been wiped from our genepool during WWII.

With that said, every White Nationalist post Rockwell was Mossad. Pierce was Mossad, Tarrant was Mossad, and so was Breivik. The Whites man's doomed. The Jews are the paper to our rock, so to speak. Essentially the Jews just want to make the last days of the White majority absolute misery, to torture us in the simplest terms for the last decades of the White Western world.

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f6c9f7  No.13939


Some aspects of the Tarrant video seem very fake, others seem more plausible, so I'm not sure what to think. But the mad drive to scrub the video from the internet and to hide Tarrant's identity makes me think it was all staged. It's also odd just how quickly and smoothly the shooting led to people being asked to turn in their guns and gun legislation getting changed.

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ffb7ba  No.13944


It was fake


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e8d733  No.13956

File: e90b30645b0d80b⋯.png (116.61 KB, 405x405, 1:1, e90b30645b0d80b453a949e265….png)

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6c021c  No.13963


>The Basque are still under Spanish control.

The Basque, by assassinating Luis Carrero Blanco, who was an "heir" of Franco, basically changed the future of the country, which democratized, and a leftist government was elected.

>Ulster is still under British control.

Except that Sinn Fein (that wasn't as cucked in the 90's) was put into power in Ulster. PIRA's prisoners were released. Also half of the police in Ulster have to come from the Catholic background as a part of the peace treaty. They didn't outright win, but they didn't lose either, and both groups have had a significant impact.


It's important to remember that killing civilians is not the way, PIRA took care not to kill normal people because it'd hurt their PR. Successful terrorist organization targets the system and its income, with money the primary casualty.

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bdb586  No.13966

Seems the OP is Muslim

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8b7ef0  No.13973


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18aed0  No.14060

File: fe9449e4a314898⋯.jpg (44.24 KB, 466x750, 233:375, Yasss!.jpg)


They also used violence. It's both.

We have to use their same Hegelian Dialectic. Each group disavows the other to remain PC, but are always working for the same goal. Bolshevism vs. Zionism

jews still win in the end.

EVERY movement requires violent street minions and terrorists doing the dirty work. Loud obnoxious Overton Window yanking activists that keep the enemy constantly on the defense. And what you suggest, the long slow play of infiltrating into stronger structures of Culture, Entertainment/Media, Academia, Government, Business, and Finance, etc.. Our own three branch government, when unified behind the scenes like the last corrupt admin, can be wielded like a Mafia when the public believes they are "battling" each other. Yet, somehow, the end goal, that enriches no one but those on the inside, is ALWAYS achieved no matter which branch "wins". And we're all to confused, and frightened by doom propaganda to recognize this tired shell game.

ALL fronts must be unified for the same goal, yet remain separate, and APPEAR to the uninitiated to be at odds with each other.




You're both drinking from the same bucket of piss.

It's time to flip the scripts on these parasites, and put the terror of the Gods back into their twisted, rotten souls.

They know exactly what's slumbering under this thin film of "fear" of social shaming.

And they are beyond terrified of the slowly stirring Beast.

Smile, lads.

Even when they land a telling blow.

It's opportunity to show your enemy some teeth.

This is why our weaponized Smug Smirk is so deadly.

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18aed0  No.14085

File: 8568b289a33731c⋯.png (249.73 KB, 525x475, 21:19, MyNinjas!.png)


You just explained all the purposes of Accelerationism in a negative light. You don't even fucking understand what you're criticizing, you fucking retarded cowards.

Shut the fuck up.

Nature is Fascist.

Life is Violent.

Anyone telling you different is trying to take everything from you, including your life, without resistance.

If you oblige, your genes were never meant to survive into the future, you slugs.

>They are asleep and will not do anything anyway.

This sentiment is so fucking stupid, and proves you either don't get Accelerationism, or you're a fucking shill.

Why are we all here?


And every time our enemies clamp down on our awakening with more tyrannical authority, another wave of sleeping Aryans wakes up, and gets in the game. Are you really going to sit here, ignoring the rapid social change of the last 3 years, and tell me people aren't getting antsy? Do you expect me to believe your bullshit pilpul?

To believe as you do, simply ignores reality, and is a delusion of your own cognitive dissonance.

You're all scared. I get it. But cowering from a machine that is now mostly rusted out, running low on fuel, spread across many fronts, and devoid of those who used to be masters of its operation, is fucking shameful.

Snap out of the debilitating fear (((they))) instilled in your from birth.


I don't understand how you can't yet appreciate the complete, and utter abject terror our opposition is in right now. The mistakes they are making to crush this little mob of autistic spergs is fucking entertaining as Hell. We are already committing Digital "Terrorism", and THIS accelerationism is working like a fucking charm. We have real world, current examples of our success, and you can still look us in the eyes, and claim, "NUH UH!!, REEEE!"

. Really think about it, and accept the strength and power we have right now. And we haven't even gotten started, or even organized for that matter.

Imagine if the irrational fear in the depths of the dark hearts of our enemies of what we MIGHT do suddenly became very real? Look at their reaction to the slight possibility that we and the niggers wake up, and come together against them. They're losing their shit right now!

It wouldn't take much to push these already paranoid schizophrenics into overplaying their hand (ACCELERATION), and pushing the rest of the lemmings into the light, and a forceful response against the slow, grinding oppression.

The Boiling Frog tactic works because people become complacent. The shit gets normalized over time, and accepted. Force them to turn up the heat, and they can no longer fool everyone in the pot. The spineless few who choose to remain, like you, choose death. For us all. Fuck you.

If you can't grasp this simple concept, you are an idiot, and a liability, and not welcome in these ranks. If you do get it, you're a coward, or a shill, and the same applies.

Choose your fate.

And do it quick.


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18aed0  No.14104

File: 7d0005cd3aa76df⋯.gif (10.91 KB, 216x255, 72:85, 6b3fa73d832f98b2b2932b853e….gif)


The only reaction your are compelling in me is striking anger. You demoralization campaign is so fucking misguided. You fucking parasites are causing more acceleration than we could ever dream. And all we have to do is…

…keep telling edgy jokes.

We're going to fuck you up, nigger.

Keep poking the fucking Bear, yid.

I love this phase. Watching you squirm in fear and anxiety makes me want to prolong this shit as long as possible.

And you just keep on making the same fucking mistakes.

Like the one you're making now.

You lost your edge, jews.


Welcome to the New Millennia.

It belongs to us.

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d999c0  No.14111



holy shit we really are, aren't we? We're the agents of information. Whatever the fuck we want this timeline to be, we can make it so!

Holy shit I'm having a full-blown revelation right now! This is awesome.

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18aed0  No.14122

File: f6784f4055b731d⋯.png (477.28 KB, 500x517, 500:517, DuFuq?.png)


Remember, lads.

We're very dangerous when we put our heads together. They know this.

And they are scared.


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1b53fe  No.14140


>Uh that’s exactly how he came to power idiot,

Not at all. You're lying.

He was even elected (GASP)!

He could get elected because he could speak to people, because he could redpill people, because he could create a political party.

As for when the Frei Korps actually fought, it was to repel a clear Communist/jewish takeover.

Go fuck yourself in a jail shower with your mass shooting saints.

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b7028e  No.14141


>big wall of blah

>cowards faggots!

Same old same old. Binary argument.

Nobody said violence isn't part of life.

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b7028e  No.14143

Aside from the fancy theory of violent/active accelerationism, nothing done by mass shooters has favored us at all.

>You're being gagged, depowered and soon jailed? Don't worry, it's part of The Plan.

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90b1aa  No.14175

File: 31b6f0f7b46e568⋯.png (23.83 KB, 1129x338, 1129:338, christchurch was a false f….PNG)

File: a85123a94e8030f⋯.png (132.66 KB, 1596x330, 266:55, Fuck Brenton Tarrant.PNG)

File: 8686d44a46232f7⋯.png (54.19 KB, 1590x220, 159:22, prop.PNG)

File: 03c61663fb953bc⋯.png (36.22 KB, 1592x229, 1592:229, Mrh.PNG)

File: 4fcfa9cc4e8c103⋯.png (58.68 KB, 896x532, 32:19, comment.png)

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3f0caa  No.14176



Though I don't like shittalking St. Tarrant I have to strongly agree with these posts.

Random isolated violence against low profile targets only makes preparations for a proper DotR much more difficult.

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3f0caa  No.14177


Also Tarrant's actions were essentially anti-accelerationist since it probably somewhat deterred muslim violence in White countries that are the best leverages for redpilling and beneficial accelerationism (waking up White people to the real threats).

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301d2f  No.14178


What kind of retarded nigger shill uses the word "depowered"?

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31e3fb  No.14183


you're a literal jew

kek, that sucks

look at you jewy jew

what does the jew do when nobody is able to be jewed by the jew due to the overjewing of the jew?


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31e3fb  No.14187


why don't you guys talk about Rambo or someone cool, like Mr. T?

Why do you keep talking about some b-movie actor that was in a 10 minute film about shooting muzzies in fucking New Zealand? That place has a literal tranny for a president, nobody gives a fuck about movies being produced from there.

Why are you so stuck on this one movie?

Are you ignoring the multiple posts ITT that show it was a complete hoax?

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18aed0  No.14232

File: a445ae09addb20b⋯.gif (1.77 MB, 480x265, 96:53, RWCS.gif)


No one did say that. You're right. Nice Red Herring. That's not the fucking argument, you tricky kike.

What you did say is to avoid violence all costs because our enemies might use it to talk shit on us.

Boo fucking Hoo, you fucking spineless coward.

Keep coping.

Keep making excuses.


You are helping to define who is dedicated, and who is already dead.

R.I.P., faggot.

You're already extinct, worm.



Again, none of you fucking cowards even understands what this tactic is meant to generate. You are mush minded, and weak willed. A liability.

Acceleration is meant to make our enemies so tyrannical (ACHIEVED) that their overbearing, overtly overzealous reactions, wake the sleeping masses, lost in the slow boil, and get them off the fucking bench, and in the fight.

You're own lame arguments back this up!

>No one will ever do anything because they're too comfortable.


So we force our enemies to make them uncomfortable. Very easy to grasp this simple concept, you fucking niggers.

This shit is coming down no matter what you faggots "feel". If you leave it to the long play schedule of our enemies, our demographics dwindle, are replaced by the brainwashed generations coming up, and they will have free reign to snap their final trap down any time they please.

Force their hand now, and we level the field, and we all get a fair chance to come out on top in the chaos. It's the only gamble that gives us an option! You obviously don't realize how bad things already are, or you do, and want to keep us here.

We above all have the best chance at Phoenix scenario, because we are not anchored to a fragile system of hidden control built up over the past 200 years, and now teetering on collapse without a safety net, you fucking brainlet.

I'm done with morons like you.

You are not prepared for what is already here.

You do not survive. You don't have the Heart, nor the Mind for this shit.

Dehumanize yourself, and face to bloodshed, lads.


>If you kill your enemies, they win.



>Thug Culture Entertainment spilling into IRL and our streets.

>Shitskin Caravan

>shall I go on? Because I can. All night with these examples, you fucking mong.

Accelerationism seems to work just fine for our enemies, you retarded nigger.

Now what?



You glow, jew.


Well, that settles it then. My mistake.

...you fucking moron.




...we are coming for you.

Sleep well, jew.

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168eec  No.14245


Yous in that picture. Spastic. Little girl loosing it. Great summary of the stupidity revealed by the brainlets drooling on the boots of mass shooters.

Luckily idiots like you stay at the bottom, never to lead people nor give orders.

>wake the sleeping masses

Revolution never comes from the masses. Try again.

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18aed0  No.14263

File: 19f5f363c98b511⋯.jpg (16.71 KB, 255x184, 255:184, 4aaa031f70dea5ee8200cddd5e….jpg)


>no argument

I'm shocked.

Nothing ever comes out of spineless, loud mouthed faggots like you who offer nothing but 'reasons' why nothing will EVER work, yet never have a single alternative solution but to wait and get our shit pushed in.

For what? You fucking faggots never say.

What exactly are you waiting for, faggot?

Stop projecting your paralyzing fear onto your Superiors who know better.

Explain your strategy to the class, and how it's far more preferable to forcing the hand of our enemies to make even more mistakes than we've already induced, waking more to our cause every single fucking day? As has already been proven?

You make retarded arguments that have already been proven WRONG!

Why are't you saving the White Race already, big brain? What are you waiting for?

You've reached a point of requiring a level of ignorance of the facts we all can see, for your version of reality to be entertained.

You are retarded, or a shill.

At this stage in a thread, and the current political sphere, shill is Occam's Razor's choice.

Our enemies have never been weaker than now.

You are not wanted, nor needed.

Fuck off, faggot.

We're going to find you, and kill you in your sleep for your sedition.

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acec7c  No.14279

File: 6ca0eafb20496ed⋯.jpg (757.52 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, Jellyfish.jpg)



when the Tarrant event first went down I managed to see the vid once on 8pol. thought it was real. remembered it later. still wanted to believe. got skeptical though.


fucking fake.

sorta like sandy hoax, boston marathon, pulse nightclub, etc.

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abac5d  No.14293

File: 470681361ef58eb⋯.jpg (1.36 MB, 1333x1874, 1333:1874, 8kun comment terrorism the….jpg)

You fucktards still aren't getting it, are you?

You kill people like this >>12754 so that there will be LESS BLOOD OVERALL later. This is the only way to get your fucking enemies moving OUT OF OUR NATION. This seems brutal, it seems wrong but you motherfuckers would allow a 'slow bleed' instead that kills millions.

Fucking hell…today is the day that I have to admit that the dumb fuck niggers are smarter and more reasonable than you guys. Go back and read the OP with the thoughts on terrorism AGAIN. Here you fucking faggots…I will repost it again as my image.

Do you retards really want to drag this out in a revolutionary war or do you want to stop the fucking bloodletting NOW via targeted killing of the innocent? You have to know that the people you would target would be totally innocent, in fact, you should rub it in.

The niggers and other subhuman trash all have us tied up in knots with THEIR TERRORISM…yes, some of it is 'soft terrorism' but it is something that we live with and a threat of ruin that we live with every fucking day all the time, there is not a seconds rest from these fucking parasites. Is there a time in your life when you are not looking over your shoulder for the PHYSICAL THREAT or wondering if your words, NORMAL FUCKING WORDS, are going to be construed by the 'soft terrorists' who will then come and destroy your life?

All we ever needed are people who are willing to kick this shit off, not get caught…who the ever living fuck would 'turn themselves in', retards…I suppose.

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abac5d  No.14305


Was this supposed to 'change my mind somehow' or make me feel differently about what actually has to be done to survive?

The goddamn kike lies about everything ALL THE TIME. Basically if they say something you must assume the exact opposite to be the truth.

1. There was original sin.


2. Your body is a trampoline fuck hole for degeneracy.


4. Niggers are 'just like us'


3. You should never defend your nation like Tarrant.


I mean, we could go on and on and on…everything they say is a lie…all of it.

There is no Truth in them which is the only thing that could really be said about them.

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c96fb5  No.14316

File: f76a2e8b73b2aad⋯.png (1.32 MB, 1235x754, 95:58, a9bb1621cf46a508167a41f560….png)

abac5d: Evening, officer.

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abac5d  No.14319


Go back to taking up the ass you fucking jew bitch.

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4fda84  No.14328

File: fcc920378d029ba⋯.png (129.83 KB, 470x418, 235:209, clinched_flexed.png)


now what do we uh have uh here uh???

I spy a little fuckery

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4fda84  No.14330

File: def67a81ca2a5b8⋯.png (132.38 KB, 590x476, 295:238, no_exit_wound.png)

just a bit

must be easy to pull a 170-200lb dead weight corpse off the ground, huh?

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4fda84  No.14331

File: 88f04e0f6af64dc⋯.png (150.33 KB, 461x541, 461:541, 20_pound_corpse.png)


something aint right here

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4fda84  No.14333

File: d381d05db827057⋯.png (242.79 KB, 450x693, 50:77, lol3.png)

Oh hay!

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4fda84  No.14335

File: 38fa4d53b6e4274⋯.png (262 KB, 427x687, 427:687, lol2.1.png)


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4fda84  No.14336

File: c18f72b466b6fd8⋯.png (125.44 KB, 472x502, 236:251, priorities.png)

gotta have ya priorities in order amirite?

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c96fb5  No.14337

File: 86754a73c811924⋯.jpg (3.01 MB, 2850x7114, 1425:3557, 1569582083894.jpg)

File: bbd1d8d909fe720⋯.png (70.52 KB, 273x480, 91:160, vlcsnap-2020-01-03-02h12m4….png)


That Smith-Mundt repeal really made finding work easy for you am I right friend?



*updates instagram before taking my son out of a massacre scene and giving a police statement*

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4fda84  No.14338

File: 0695e93aae97848⋯.png (142.83 KB, 607x413, 607:413, checkin_the_score.png)

well, it was a pretty good footy game that day!

can't blame a guy for taking time out of his getting shot and stuff to check the scorez

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3e0570  No.14341


I have that tape of the PMC's (mercenaries) in the UK changing from their camo terrorist uniforms to police uniforms when they thought they where hidden behind the ambulance.

I'll dig it up in a bit.

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3e0570  No.14342


this ones my favorite right here because at first you're like, "Man, I don't know. Maybe it was just a small exit hold or something?" then you take another look and realize the guys arm is all clenched up as he's helping the other guy lift him up off the pool of blood for the camera.

they didn't send their best that day! Lol

I wonder why they were so sloppy on this on?

I wonder why they rushed it so quick?


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c96fb5  No.14346

File: 6890204252b7303⋯.jpg (176.67 KB, 1118x701, 1118:701, 60229e437116725bdeaeb8199a….jpg)

File: 58e4ce83b470727⋯.webm (2.71 MB, 640x360, 16:9, snipers.webm)

File: f94c8ce5eca09e6⋯.jpeg (115.1 KB, 610x1024, 305:512, EIkM58RU8AATKi-.jpeg)


Good stuff. OP made a fair enough point; perhaps we should repurpose this thread for general Mockingbird info.

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c96fb5  No.14354

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

And remember: don't give shills and shillbots (You)s.

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27fd7a  No.14364

>CTRL-F "white dialectic"

>no results

WTF /pnd/as. It's as if you learned nothing.

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abac5d  No.14367


Not your 'friend' you fucking cucknigger.

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c96fb5  No.14371


You sure have a mouth on you.

Be honest, how many times have you done pic related?

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c96fb5  No.14372

File: 5071f7f2fcbdaa8⋯.png (142.61 KB, 677x770, 677:770, How to Glow in the Dark.png)

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abac5d  No.14375



So the only people left on /pwnd/ are FEDFAGGOTS/MOSSAD?

Pleasant. I can't say that I am too surprised since when I first checked the H8coon site (before /pwnd/ came into existence is was PURE degeneracy). You guys fit right in, nothing but subhuman trash that can't do anything but exactly what you are 'muh told to do'.

Die in a house fire, already, will you?

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18b501  No.14376


>muh long march through the institutions

They bribed, blackmailed, and assassinated their way to the top. Wanting to copy the jews is such an idiotic move, their strength is not the same as ours. Europeans excel in warfare, jews excel in subterfuge, choosing the battleground that you know your enemy is better than you on is moronic.

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abac5d  No.14379


All government is jewish. It is a jewish institution. Based in corruption. This is why they 'rise to the top like a floating pos' becasue no matter what type of 'government' it is, that whole system if their toilet bowl.

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18b501  No.14382


>all government is bad, anarchy so great guys

Do your parents know you're on this site?

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abac5d  No.14385


Go educate yourself, will you? It is embarrassing that this is the extent of your knowledge and education.


I will even give you this freebie.

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18b501  No.14386


I'm not going to listen to some retarded anarchist that claims all government is jewish because the claim is demonstrably false. The current dominant governments being jewish does not mean that all governments are jewish, its merely a result of them winning WW2.

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c96fb5  No.14388

File: c44a79cc36b931e⋯.jpg (168.69 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, the secret government.jpg)


Protip: creating (You)s for them establishes a conversational coherency on which to train their neural nets.

Perhaps I should let the BO know about this.

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4934c6  No.14396


If you haven't already, read Confessions of an Economic HItman

Makes these guys look like snow whites dwarves in comparision

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8195ff  No.14397

File: 00316ec675047d3⋯.jpg (60.79 KB, 600x399, 200:133, 1522637183617.jpg)

There's nothing morally wrong with accelerationism it's just inefficient. You can cause more damage by attacking infrastructure or local people in power. You might even be cheered on, no one will care if state senators or power stations are dabbed upon.

How about pharmaceutical company executives? You and any cause associated with you would become overnight heroes.

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c96fb5  No.14398

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


It's on the todo. If you're familiar with Ronald Bernard / the Bank of Joy, their YouTube channel actually contains a nice short animation with Perkins' voiceover which would be ideal in conveying the ideas across to laymen - embed related.


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abac5d  No.14403

You are such a faggot >>14386. Name a government that wasn't run and infiltrated by the global cabal. Don't hurt yourself 'thinking' there faggot.

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18b501  No.14405


Easy, NSDAP.

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abac5d  No.14411


WRONG!! Hitler had jews in his military and government.

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8195ff  No.14413



Germany, Finland, Hungary, Italy, Japan, Argentina, Libya, Syria, North Korea, Iran, Apartheid South Africa, Rhodesia

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18b501  No.14416


They didn't control it you fucking retard.

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abac5d  No.14418


You people are a joke…a fucking joke. And not a single one of you know your own or other peoples history. It would be funny but you really do deserve to die at the bolsheviks hands…you are too stupid to be allowed to live.

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76b399  No.14425

File: b1445f2962c960b⋯.jpg (99.7 KB, 800x527, 800:527, 0_fda52_a5dc800c_XL.jpg)


Whats your solution then retard? Theres no context where any sort of political movement will win in the context of the modern world. That leaves revolution which requires some sort of depression or something to put a fire under the regular joes ass or just letting the system collapse in on itself.

Hitler won in the beta test for what we live in now, there were still many institutions left in the Weimar which supported his cause. Most modern developed countries do not have this and the few that do remain are actively being eroded (see: military and court system). Most literature which supports accelerationism does not suggest that its followers should go out and carry out such activities. James Mason himself has said these mass shooters are a symptom of this systemic disease, not a cause.

Using Siege as the main example here, in Siege you are advised to live as if you were occupied (because you are). Stop supporting the system, don't get caught up in cringe movements which are built to be full of glow niggers, just drop out and stop giving a shit. The rot will work twice as well as we would.

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8195ff  No.14433

File: c3e293079a4b75f⋯.jpg (257.42 KB, 1240x877, 1240:877, think different.jpg)


Dab on people in institutions and "centers of gravity" as Von Clausewitz puts it. Identify where power actually lies (giant corporations, "thinktanks", those boring acronym institutions where retired politicians and soldiers pontificate, actual government institutions and their personnel) instead of doing a based but ultimately not goal furthering mass shooting at a church or whatever.

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18b501  No.14434


Honestly best case at this point is that we go to war with Iran, China and Russia actually defend them, and then people resist here at the same time WW3 is going on. A reverse November Revolution.

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76b399  No.14438


What does "dab on them" mean? What is the plan here? You going to take over a bunch of jewish run corporations? Outjew the jew at his game?

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8acaeb  No.14470


He's talking about targeted assassinations of the bankers and jews and so on, that control all of our government, he fails to realize that if that were remotely possible you would find it was already done, while society stands so do they.

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abac5d  No.14472

Dab means leave, or in this case to leave them alone to their own devices. I, personally, can't think of anything better than a FINAL SEPERATION between jew and goy. BDS all corporations, jews and jew businesses.

Sure, it won't happen overnight. But gradually and as you become aware of them, simply stop patronizing them. They will sink like a stone because the entire planet feeds parasitically on White/Europeans. They will be left with nothing but parasites and gibs me dat niggers.

Take Nike for example. If Nike was left 100% to niggers, how would they make a profit? Niggers don't buy stuff they steal it. Without Whites, who would be the market for bug people? Chinese bug corporations would collapse in less than a year.

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18aed0  No.14484

File: 938ebc1bb95e675⋯.png (11.73 KB, 255x142, 255:142, 43b24197342d48d07af38d5c5d….png)


So, your premise is that he's dead, but faking it?

What if he was only injured the whole time, and you are projecting?

You put a LOT of effort into those infographs, just to fill in all the gaping holes in your mass assumption campaign, obvious glownigger.

I'm looking. I'm not seeing what you're trying to paint here.

The fuckery that went down with this site makes perfect sense now.

You don't win this shit, you fucking traitors.

We're still coming for you.

Sleep tight!

Even if it was MOSSAD, doesn't matter.

We are all changed by this.

You fucked up.

The Fire Rises.

You are extinct.

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abac5d  No.14486


Honestly, this.

I pointed out to them that it doesn't matter if it was a false flag. It was still the right thing to do to defend your nation against foreign parasites. A little bit of innocent blood now is better than millions later.

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8195ff  No.14507

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Not only is it possible, it is easy. They walk around on the street. They attend public conferences. You can check their schedules months in advance. The reason it hasn't happened is because the government has been pumping out COINTELPRO since the 1960's and pitting "interest groups" against each other instead of against their shared antagonizer. People are so hyped up against killing random jews on the street and and random nigs they don't see who actually wields power, or even understand what real power is.

The most vulnerable part of ZOG control is propaganda and financial control. For financial the soft targets are:

>IRS Agents


>Corporate Executives(especially asset management and pharmaceuticals, there are single people who control over a trillion dollars)

>Media Financiers (production company heads, executive level studio and news personnel)

For propaganda it is:

>Media Executives

>Journalists (especially ones backed by NGO's)

>NGO Executive Staff and their entire staff in most cases ("organizers", etc)

For actual institutions of the government and their direct peripheries (think tanks, lobbying groups) the soft targets are:

>retired politicians involved in think tanks and policy decisions

>any lobbyist for anything mentioned in the propaganda or financial section

>lobbyist for foreign governments especially Israel, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, India, Mexico (etc)

This is a small and non-inclusive list. It's easy. People are intentionally pumped on DER HONOR FER FER REICH AND DER RACE and directly attack something that will yield an emotional response. Instead you should aim for an institutional and financial response. The reason any negotiation happened with the IRA is they, in short succession, killed a well connected member of the Royal Family and bombed financial institutions. They were COINTELPRO'd into cucking by MI6 throwing their weight behind Gerry Adams, but the point remains that after 800 years a few bombs and spraydowns with armalites got them a large concession.

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8acaeb  No.14531


if this were true why do any rothschilds remain alive today? Hitler had spies and allies in every single western country, he could have easily crippled any resistance by assassinating every rothschild and banker and other officials on their side, why didn't he?

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5e1664  No.14533


I speak out against multiculturalism, immigration etc in my university classes.

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951338  No.14535

>>14507 political power is also nessasary the IR A had mostly mass support already so they only need to do few retalatory stoppage of lifings to achieve it, making people more terrorfied of you than the system is also wholly nessasary for any re voultion. It's simple they don't have to support you they just don't want to go against you

"White man! With us, or out of our way!" - George Lincolin Rockwell

"Political power grows from the barrel of a gun" - Chairman Meow

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8195ff  No.14540


>why didn't he

Too sensitive to metaphysical and spiritual conflicts. His level of attunement to this dulled his ability act in a "dishonorable way." Reinhardt Heydrich was doing just that and was targeted for assassination because of it. The Third Reich's strategy was plagued by unrealistic expectations about the behavior of their own forces, especially in a strategic sense. They foolishly expected reciprocity in regards to the way they fought. For some reason they thought they could fight an existential conflict and not fight with every fiber of their being in any way they could.

To answer your overall question cloaked in that one, the reason it doesn't happen daily is because an intentional blackout of information regarding this class of people, and intentional conflict is sown between and inside parties capable of doing this. (Between different types of fascists, between different types of commies, between us and libertarians, etc)


Political power is necessary, and the IRA's punishment of "grasses" helped cement them as the underground "rule of law" in Northern Ireland. There were real consequences to disobeying them. "All politics are local" is a good slogan. But from a symbolic point of view, and from a tactical one, destroying and destabilizing the true power structures will inspire that local resistance. Destroy the enemy's ability to pay their "guns" and they have no power. Centralizing wealth has given enormous power to the wealthy, but it has shrunk their network. In 1920 there were tens of thousands of exceedingly wealthy people, so many factions, so many non-mutual interests. Now the boards of these corporations are all shared. There's maybe 250 people sitting on the boards of 10 corporations each that control 90% of the USA's economy. Maybe 1000 total "important" lobbyists.

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d999c0  No.14544


anon, im sorry but thats not Robert Bowers

that's Marky Marks stuntman.

Robert Bowers is the only hero of our day.

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b9f526  No.14547

File: 0e7e45da80fbe97⋯.png (708.08 KB, 816x1056, 17:22, Robert_Bowers_Political_Pr….png)

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b9f526  No.14548

File: 498bb9586ea0809⋯.png (435.66 KB, 816x1056, 17:22, 2018-11-02.png)

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8195ff  No.14549



You can attach multiple images to one post newfag

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b9f526  No.14551

File: dc1a0c6a509e788⋯.mp4 (10.84 MB, 854x480, 427:240, Bishop Richard Williamson ….mp4)




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ab13a3  No.14553


not saying I agree, Bobo, but I understand!

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89de51  No.14699












>It's not CGI fake bu-bu-but it's STILL FAAAAKE!!!!

Try harder (ain't that hard to explain all those pictures you posted).

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4573a0  No.14700

File: d4d9947ef8253dd⋯.jpg (41.92 KB, 599x823, 599:823, c453b83b320c1f57e6113e9187….jpg)

It doesn't really matter if you think accelerationism is retarded, or if you think accelerationism is out last and only hop, because we are accelerating whether or not we fucking like it.

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4573a0  No.14701

File: e5fb960dc6e3007⋯.png (173.7 KB, 222x345, 74:115, politicians.png)


And they hated him, for he spoke the truth.

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34b4b6  No.14716


Your logic is broken.

If it is a false flag, then by definition it is not the thing to do.

Also, how killing a few innocents now will spare millions in the future.

These people are nobodies, their deaths are inconsequential on the overall balance of power and demographics in the country.

Plus considering all the fishy elements about the event or the manifesto, arguing it wasn't a false flag today only boils to being depressed and that's like craving porn but swapped for some random Monday violence.

If we had been dealing with a real nutcase with no strings attached, there would not be any of this strangeness to it.

So ignore the noise, that is, the people on one side who say it's a hoax, and those on the other side who use intimidation and accusations of cowardice, both groups faithfully ignore the issues about this event and around it.

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34b4b6  No.14723


Too nice and chivalrous. As baffling as it sounds, they didn't fully understand their enemy.

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4573a0  No.14725

File: 5d5ae4dd662f5d4⋯.jpg (24.57 KB, 209x203, 209:203, 1437860941163.jpg)


It's the single greatest irony in this joke of a world: Hitler was far too kind to his enemies.

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5e1664  No.14738

File: 3107aa121d1d997⋯.jpg (207.05 KB, 540x901, 540:901, Everyone 2.jpg)

Interesting how so many people seem to be thinking the European race is really in jeopardy. I don't mean to be snarky, legitimately, but my observation since the late 2016s/early 2017s has been the opposite. That not only a strong future for European people is in the cards, but that nothing can stop it at this point.

They've had 70 years to demonize Hitler, guys, and they've failed.

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abac5d  No.14796


Porn is the largest media there is…we know they are all degenerate fucking jews. You could kill two birds and really do something beneficial for millions by killing these faggots.

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18b501  No.14833


>If it is a false flag, then by definition it is not the thing to do.

Not following, the only way that you can argue that its not the thing to do is if these aren't false flags. If they are false flags then it doesn't matter if someone does one or not because if one is needed for purposes of pushing an agenda they'll just fake it.

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18b501  No.14835


The thing this picture is missing is that they're flooding our countries with Africans. The wikileak dump on Soros's funding to NGOs show what we already know, that they are intentionally targeting white villages and sending Somalians and the like to them. This is a concerted effort and even if you completely ignore birth rates mere current population size of Africa is enough to flood us. In other words while the only whites left will be racially aware they won't be living in the countryside because the countryside will be ripped apart to build more section 8 housing, they'll be living in liitle Detroits. Sage for double post.

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e63b54  No.14851


It is not a nation if it has foreigners in it living cheek by jowl. Besides the real problem with having subhumans around is that it demonstrably lowers the quality of life by many magnitudes of order. Their literal presence is what causes things to go tits up. They destroy everything they touch. This is why you have to kill them or become them genetically which means that there will never be a future for your offspring at all. Melanin is directly tied to violence and terrorism. The more of them they import the further your ability to live without terrorism, rape and murder in your day to day lives will be.

T. Ex-Californian. I know of what I speak. Pretty soon, if left UN-massacred you will not be able to go out in public without wondering if someone is going to ‘accidentally’ murder your wife or kids with a stray bullet.

One of my favorite recent stories about Cali is from my dad who was driving down a major stree in Cali when the niggers in the car in front of him started to fire at the spicniggers behind him in traffic. He had to duck down behind his engine near the gas pedal to keep from being killed by a stray bullet…of course that is no real help from the bullet behind the car…maybe he thought the spicniggers would shoot straighter than the regular niggers. Who knows…my point is that THIS type of behavior is the only behavior they will ever know because they are nothing more than animals dressed up in human suits…to stupid for any sort of cooperation or coordination. And their mongrels are not any better.

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18aed0  No.14968

File: 10b2391dffe2d30⋯.png (239.01 KB, 500x560, 25:28, shocked.png)


>stunning retort

Truly epic. I'm BTFO'd I guess?

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a6264c  No.14972


>99 percent of people are completely willing to give up their guns

I don't like accelerationism either but that is what GOVERNMENTS tend to do.

By the way, did you really have a face to face talk with 99% of America's gun owners? I don't recall you ever talking to me about it. Who the hell are you to say what 99% of gun owners in America will do? I think it is pretty clear most gun owners are PISSED in Virginia right now and have already been taking action to protect their rights. And the movement is only growing outside of Virginia as well. Who the hell are you to tell us that you speak for us!?

More typical defeatist mental gymnastics I guess.

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18b501  No.15015


>Its bad if you kill your enemy because I think that some of our enemies are staging fake attacks of some of our enemies being killed

I'm not in favor of these attacks because they're low value targets but this line of argumentation is astoundingly retarded.

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cf1a29  No.15374


>you must give them the power to shut down your movement

Why is it always the same falsehood you feds push?

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d915bf  No.15562


You really are a complete moron, unbelievable. You proceed with strawman arguments of the lowest order. It's the same false claim since day one, the one that consists of making everything to stupidly binary that you somehow find that we (those disagreeing with retards like you and saying it's a false flag) have defined migrants as a non-problem, non-enemies of some kind that would not need to be dealt with in due time (understand: displaced one way or another). Please refrain from doing politics because you're not very clever.


Prove it's a falsehood or shut up kike.

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d915bf  No.15563


That's as retarded as saying that claiming 9/11 is a false flag is a falsehood.

For some reason you brainlets can't picture (((them))) doing things in the name of White people when it suits Zionist interests.

Yesterday they needed Muslim terrorism.

Today they need White/domestic terrorism.

Rub some neurons.

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2d6f48  No.15598

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>To live is to kill. To kill is to win.

Do you have 300 yet, anon?

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ffb7ba  No.15668



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49cdd4  No.15679


You mean you DON'T want to accelerate the jewish agenda? Get a load of this moralcuck.

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ffb7ba  No.15683



does it feel gross having to respond to these?

Do you feel things like we do? I'd be really embarrassed if I had to keep pretending something was real while everyone's looking at me like I'm a complete fucking idiot. I just don't know if you things feel emotions or not?

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43f25e  No.15805


>Why hasn't Tarrant shot at the obvious large man in a red suit who moved towards the fence, most likely the same blatant man who walked by in front of Tarrant's car when he turned into the small alley, next to the mosque?

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951338  No.15823


The same reason the Columbine Kids spared random people,

In the alley he was lock and loading and past that he had closer targets or maybe he really didn't notice him. In a firefight you get big tunnel vision, hindsight is 2020.A video doesn't capture the adreline pumping and random thoughts why not to shoot running through your mind, sure in hind sight it may seem stupid but you had five seconds to deicide that it's done

I love how cowardly you are tho, you wouldn't do anything since you're a woman so you invent reasons why Saints like Tarrant and co are "deep fakes" or what ever bullshit you spin.

Grow a pair your people are dying, the Jew isn't just going to "hand back" your lands. You have to take it back

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024fda  No.16053

can this stupid ancient ass thread die already, accelerationism has already won

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2d6f48  No.16172

File: ed3a2efa20d10b3⋯.jpg (194.02 KB, 1440x978, 240:163, missionaccomplished.jpg)


Congrats, /pol/ack! You have stopped judaism. The ADL and Isreal are no more.

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951338  No.16190


Yeah there were alot more people on the other side of the street that he didn't shoot that you could see near the end. And looking at the video again that dude isn't thaaat obvious tbh

And him deiciding not to shoot someone isn't proof that person is a policia and the whole thing is staged? Having the muzzies running scared or triggering a racewar helps us since it either helps us get rid of one of the problem or wakes up a mass that will never wake up on their own.

How do you plan to take back power? The mass movement? kek!

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007fec  No.16211


yeah must have been hard on old tarrant, running around all day making a movie.

This guys here: >>14338

now that's the part I would have wanted! Just typing away on my cell phone while gettin payed!

Why are you guys talking about this shit like it's real when not a single person ITT believes you? Are you chat-bots? beep boop beep! you are not my robot overlord!

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ec9b74  No.16414


It still wouldn't matter if it was a movie. The result will still be the same, Tarrant or no Tarrant. There is no way that the sandniggers are going to 'incorporate' into European cultures. There hasn't been a multicultural society in the history of the world that hasn't resulted in genocide of one or more of the peoples.

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fbf338  No.19606

and of course the exceptional anti-terrorist drill in christchurch at that very same time, how convenient!

hey look in australia police force are given superior firepower to fight… to fight what exactly? law abiding citizens who are dispossessed of their own large semiauto weapons?

so to sum up, less guns for whites and more guns for the (((police)))–but that's fine hey dont worry!! strange shooter who stayed in israel for months is on our side and his prophecy will save us by making us weaker–that is just bolshevism 101 you know right???

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fbf338  No.19607

>>16414 it matters if you cant tell people what happened because laws and censorship force you to shut up and it matters since the only way to remove turd people is to be able to apply adequate violence but cant do that because youre a white and therefore a guilty racist criminal somehow, with no guns, against your well armed gov . . . so yeah i think it does matter a lot?

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5b35da  No.19880

File: 252424e5bd7b55f⋯.jpg (126.04 KB, 600x465, 40:31, 000000-war-crimes-holes-in….jpg)

File: 89e1a24e5a30a20⋯.jpeg (46.67 KB, 382x382, 1:1, yuden-behind-it.jpeg)

File: 4bbc81ddb5a3556⋯.png (138.42 KB, 500x485, 100:97, shut-it-down.png)

File: a0691497c3aae9e⋯.jpg (160.56 KB, 1080x1076, 270:269, Screenshot_20190411-235049….jpg)

File: c946412ca6be0e8⋯.jpg (68.35 KB, 1080x729, 40:27, 00000-ugly-jew-bitch.jpg)

They hate us because we're beautiful!

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3c727e  No.19926



Think of it. Think of what you would need to achieve in order to force the Jews' hand.

By sheer logic, this is not going to work because the only way you could generate accelerationism through violence would require that you actually do more than what they have shown able and ready to do.

Jews have shown how far they are ready to go with their own accelerations: 9/11, fake WMDs and two world wars for example. They had tens of millions of goyim exterminated and countless cities destroyed to further their plans. That is how far they are ready to go to obtain what they want.

So you think that a little suspicious fucker who kills random black/white/yellow plebeians is going to matter more and force their hand? How does that even begin to compare?

There are only two ways you can precipitate their fall: 1) your gain in knowledge; 2) their loss in money.


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361835  No.20026

The right is a paper tiger. Every excuse you make is just a rationalization for your fears.

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361835  No.20027

People who truly believe their entire race is being killed wouldn't even have to debate about what is to be done and what the appropriate response to a genocide should be.

You're all really just weak humiliated feminized white bois angry that women and brown men have a little more share of the pie than before.

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361835  No.20029

Barista antifa goons are flying to the MidEast/Africa/Greece and other places of conflict to join left-wing guerrilla armies.

Nobody on the right is going to South Africa/France/Greece/Ukraine/Syria.

This fact is completely inexcusable and there is no way in hell that you can live it down.

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7125e6  No.20032



Call it escalation. Targeted market disruption in volatile areas, especially energy and oil sectors would be some nice accelerationism. Sociological accelerationism can, at best, spread social illnesses we have to our enemies.

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951338  No.20035


Tarrant's work accelerated the censorship and gun laws in New Zealand not to mention got the mudskin's scared prompting attacks which prompts more attacks from Whites.

Once the ball is rolling there is no stopping it's end goal of a race war which would be a big hit to the system.

Not to mention one less Mosque is always good.

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f703b6  No.20075


>Tarrant's work validated the (already planned) censorship and gun laws in New Zealand

Laws were already baked.

>not to mention got the mudskin's scared prompting attacks which prompts more attacks from Whites.

>Claiming whites react, which is a lie

>Ignoring that muslims have already been practicing terrorism in our countries at a high rate before (((Tarrant)))

>Ignoring that the top leaders of muslim terrorism are on (((strings)))

>Ignoring that banned websites and speech was useful to share truths

>Ignoring the dubious aspects of this attack (because it's just easier to repeat on and on the same stupid point instead)

>Ignoring that acceleration is a metaphysical principle bound to happen anyway but the output is still affected by how humans act and that's why Jews are ready to do everything necessary to come out on top

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951338  No.20125

Whites are dead and gone by 2050, we have little time. We can't wait for the Jew to "wake people up" because he won't.

And yes increased attacks against Muslims triggers increased attacks against whites. Which forces people to choose between death or fighting back instead of lounging in the slow boil.

No mass movement will ever have any effect on politics. What part of the Jew controling the state did you not understand they won't let you vote them out of power.

There are litterally two options terror and revoultion or DEATH

Tarrant has done more than any mass movement since Rockwell.

You sit on your ass preaching death and saying we should roll over because the Jew will wake people up. People have been saying that for sixty years, we are already to far gone for there to be no permant effects and people are getting even more suicidal.

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951338  No.20132

Man that sounds too glowie


If anyone wants to delete my post

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8165b5  No.20160


Glowniggers would never tell the truth like you did. There is no political solution.

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aa7323  No.20240

>>20125 (bot post for sure but it will be useful to clarify or refute certain claims )

>We can't wait for the Jew to "wake people up" because he won't.

On what planet does the Jew wake goyim up?

Jews are exactly doing the contrary, cutting all possible channels of truth spreading and maintaining us in torpor through mass media and school indoctrination.

Only we can wake up other Whites to the Jewish Question, relying chiefly on internet for that before pushing truth IRL. Our main databases are on internet today.

>And yes increased attacks against Muslims triggers increased attacks against whites.

Needs to be clarified. None of this is due to mass shootings.

Not only there has been only one domestic attack against Muslims so there's no point talking about generalities, but what has actually brought a few Muslims to become violent in White countries is the combination of these three conditions:

1. mass Arabic/Muslim immigration and Muslim culture implantation

2. aggressive anti-Muslim wars in the Middle East and Africa creating resentment

3. funding of extremist proxy armies (Al-Qaeda, ISIS, Daesh, etc.) by the USA, Israel, Saudi Arabia, etc.

>No mass movement will ever have any effect on politics.

Revolutions are the fruits of an organized minority.

>What part of the Jew controling the state did you not understand they won't let you vote them out of power.

Generic question (sounds like a bot).

Obvious point is obvious.

Let's point out that to remove the Jew you must explain what the Jew is, what he does and how. How many manifestos have done that thus far?

>There are litterally two options terror and revoultion or DEATH

This is obvious too, again. Democracy will not save us.

>Tarrant has done more than any mass movement since Rockwell.

There. Thus far the post was rather general in tone.

But now we see that all this garbage was to legitimize (((Tarrant))).

>You sit on your ass preaching death and saying we should roll over because the Jew will wake people up.

Same retarded claim as in the opening of its post.

Again, it needs to be repeated that this is a bot's post.

>People have been saying that for sixty years, we are already to far gone for there to be no permant effects and people are getting even more suicidal.

Somehow people have been saying for sixty years that the Jew will wake us up about the Jew's plans.

It turns out that the best wake up pill is IRL experience combined to doctrinal information, knowing that only a few poeple will be able to open their eyes. Too many NPCs, old or young, can't see anything and will not see anything. Sometimes all it takes is a meme on your fb wall or on a forum mixed to a particular displeasing experience you had in dealing with Latinos, Muslims, Blacks or even East Asians.

Not identifying White traitors, Jews and their colored allies of power is made on purpose by their agents who do not want to understand who has been organizing your destruction on a daily basis for decades.

Refocusing your hatred against random migrants is a way for them to control the narrative and make you waste your efforts. They desperately need controlled oppositions and fake revolutionaries.

The Christchurch shooting in New Zealand was a false flag to serve Jewish interests, both to act as a red herring and to shut down our means of revolution.

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e23dab  No.20283

>>20160 pure kike post to support glow post


>no movement works

>nothing going on in Virginia >>7912

>sleep well goy

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8165b5  No.20301


>The Christchurch shooting in New Zealand was a false flag to serve Jewish interests, both to act as a red herring and to shut down our means of revolution.

Well then it didn't work. I would happily use biological and chemical weapons against people to protect my own. Or knives. Or just superior strategy and then absconding with the weapons we are not 'allowed' to have. No one in the fucking world wants to be disarmed by these faggots. Most people are on the verge of learning to fight back and soon we will fight back to preserve OUR NATION. Unlike you fucking kike traitors.

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000000  No.20395


Part 1

>can anyone refute pic ?

Yes, easily.

In the case of a war, there is a concept in the military theory known as the tooth to tail ratio.

During the Iraq War 1 the US had a tooth to tail ration of around 1:30 , meaning for every 1 active duty soldier you would have 29 support people, people such as medics, radio people, vehicle repairsman, scouts, translators, etc. etc. etc.

The same applies to terrorism. For example, when you see events like the shooting in the theater in France, you have to realize, it wasn't just 30 guys who themselves found a gun and went to shoot. There is an entire network supporting these people.

When a muslim commits a crime, he has an entire community, an entire parallel society to rely on.

The IRA as an example, was actually an entire apparatus of political propaganda doing outreach to a community, and having that community's support. The armed terrorists were a very small branch of an otherwise large apparatus, and most importantly, THEY HAD PUBLIC SUPPORT, at least some of the public.

Successful lone wolf terrorists are quite rare. Yes, Breivik and Tarrant did achieve impressive kill ratios, but it didn't achieve anything useful for pro-Whites. WHY ?

BECAUSE THERE WAS NO SUPPORT MECHANISM !!! and there was no chance there would be anything useful about it no matter what.

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000000  No.20396


Part 2

Think about it this way. Dylan Roof killed blacks in a church, did that help White people in the US ? No, it didn't.

Now imagine a different scenario. White people in the US are much more unified, similar to muslims. And they have the White equivalent of the ADL or whatever, but only for White people.

So, first, a bunch of pro-White newspapers publish articles promoting White unity and anger against the anti-White establishment.

Funds are created to support White guys through college.

Lobbies are created to push pro-White legislation.

So you already have :

1) public support

2) newspaper and other outreach

3) money from millionaires and regular people for pro-White charities

4) a lobby pushing pro-White ideas and its candidates

Then, the lobby says : "White people are being oppressed in the US ! If these injustices won't stop someone will go crazy and go Postal, that is to be expected !"

And then suddenly some White terrorist blows up CNN or some other leftist stronghold.

The media would cover his ass : "We don't support terrorism, but his frustration was understandable. How many more White men have to go crazy before we wake up from madness and injustices against Whites stop ?"

People would hide the guy from the police and whenever anyone spoke to his neighbors, people would go "don't know officer, no idea officer"

And then, thanks to the fact that the media has primed people to believe they are opressed,

thanks to the unity of White people and the popularity of the White cause,

thanks to the funding of millionaires and parallel societies,

people like that guy can get away and repeat such acts until the opposition sits down for negotiation

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000000  No.20397


Part 3

You have a 3 way process :

1) Create community unity and support and outrage against enemies

2) Have money and hideouts

3) Make demands and if they are not met, hint someone might go crazy

That's what muslims do. They have the entire apparatus behind them.

That's what Antifa does. They have a ton of sympathetic media and donors, and they have the media brainwash people so that people actually think that White Republicans are "Nazis" and support the attacks against said "Nazis", at least enough of the public does.

Pro-Whites have nothing close to that. No White ADL, no mainstream White news media, no big money pro-White donors, no parallel society and no unity amongs themselves, with White people snitching and virtue signalling against fellow Whites non-stop.

I do not support terrorism. I think it's smarter to slowly redpill the public and create unity among White people through propaganda. Check John Mark on Youtube..

However, even if you did want to do terrorism for some stupid reason, which I don't endorse at all and I think is retarded beyond belief, the only way to ever make it work would be to first :

1) create support for the cause among Whites, if not even 10% of right-wing Whites in the US are not redpilled on race and JQ, any terrorist shit is bound to fail and make things worse

2) have institutions that would act as cover for your bullshit. For example, VICE media is the PR branch of Antifa, and others. ADL has big donors, etc. etc.

3) create an organized branch and START MAKING DEMANDS. Say : "if my demands are not met, X will happen"

That is the only way terrorism could ever have a chance to work.

If you think a random White guy shooting black people in a church is going to achieve anything, you are retarded beyond belief and honestly the world would probably be better if you never went on the internet again.

Comparing ORGANIZED terror groups like the IRA, Al-Qaeda and others to a lone wolf shooter hitting sympathetic targets (black church goers in the case of Dylan Roof) is the most glow-faggot thing imaginable.

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000000  No.20398


Part 4

So, in summary :

1) There are better ways for winning than terrorism for pro-Whites

2) It is stupid to compare Whites to Lebanese as an example, the situations are different. Hezbollah has massive public support for their Intifada and money and military experts from Iran, pro-Whites don't

3) I don't support terrorism, but even if you were a terrorist, the only way it would work is if YOU HAD BUILT INSTITUTIONS AND SUPPORT FOR THE PUBLIC FIRST

I don't believe in terrorism. I believe in spreading the redpill to the target audience (Republican Whites) and creating unity through organizations and outside of them.


>But how are we going to redpill Republicans and what are we supposed to do ?

Check John Mark on Youtube.

Accelerationism is counter-productive, it is a meme pushed by glow in the dark people and low-IQ wignats. Period.

Focus on building public support first. Once that is done, terrorism won't even be needed. Although at some point a civil war might happen, but that's another story.

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860a8f  No.20402


>mass murder bad


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361835  No.20458


>(Republican Whites)

Kill yourself

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36c3a2  No.20462


Reminder that in the history of human civilization there has never been a single post from tor of any actual value. It’s all paid jewish shills.


>oy vey you have no support


>oy vey killing nonwhites is not helpful


>oy vey act slowly (and never physically act at all) because you have all the time in the world


>oy vey check out my e-celebrity

>also words mean what I say they do, not what they actually do


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e9ca15  No.20463


>That's what muslims do.

>That's what Antifa does.

>They have a ton of sympathetic media and donors…

OK, but the minute groups of white people start doing the same as Antifa the media will slander them and call them terrorists and the government will treat them as terrorists.

Did you not forget who controls the government and the media?

That said, I think there will come a time civil war is absolutely necessary but we are not the ones who are starting it. We should be prepared for it though if all else fails. There has to be a line in the sand, for me its my property, immediate family and guns. I'm well ready for the day I must brutally defend what matters most to me.

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b8e39e  No.20524


>OK, but the minute groups of white people start doing the same as Antifa the media will slander them and call them terrorists and the government will treat them as terrorists.

So kill the people in government then.

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9de0a3  No.20633


First post kike post. Or just a schizo boomer who hopped over from the Q board lol. Oh well schizo boomer containment thread I guess.

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d4c2a1  No.21162

Correct op

Mass shootings are tools of the Jew

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b8e39e  No.21178


>Mass shootings are tools of the Jew

Mass shootings are tools of the winner…

It is going to take a lot more than just mass shootings to win.

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717c23  No.21184


At least Brevik wrote something, Brenton is a cia-nigger who couldn't form his own ideology and just dick rode off on already established ideologies and then chimped out onto a Q and A. I had better fun reading Elliot Rodfag's manifesto

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717c23  No.21185


>Mass shootings are tools of the winner…

Yeah, If we want to fail, get locked up and have the media shit out more garbage

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951338  No.21201


So you play by the image the media gives you now?

Pathetic what makes you different from a slave?

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b8e39e  No.21222

File: 604d7b489dda8e9⋯.jpg (125.94 KB, 500x909, 500:909, crapsidermy 1.jpg)


He is a total slave. Everything it would take to WIN is beyond his ability and imagination.

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35437a  No.21272

File: 987cd1ac3ebe0ba⋯.png (1.42 MB, 1024x664, 128:83, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9f5fb13a8bcf78b⋯.png (234.59 KB, 332x499, 332:499, ClipboardImage.png)

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File: 65a623755599b09⋯.png (3.65 MB, 1658x2560, 829:1280, ClipboardImage.png)

Accelerationism is Nick Land's idea. It was originally a communist philosophy. Land's theory was pretty intelligent, and might actually explain what the Left is doing to destroy Western nations today:


It's possible the basic idea could be adapted to our own goals, but no one is doing that here. The version of "accelerationism" people talk about on mongolian basket weaving forums is what I would expect a nigger in central Africa to come up with. People fighting for the survival of the white race these days aren't the sharpest tools in the shed.

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777362  No.21353


>Mass shootings are tools of the winner…

No they're not. Mass shootings as understood today have totally nothing to do with a civil war, a coup, etc.

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777362  No.21354


>Everything it would take to WIN is beyond his ability and imagination.

The same can be said of supporters of mass shooters who, conveniently, always ignore/miss the real targets and so often make a mess of themselves that their purpose is limited to one offs.

Mass shooters =/= lone wolves.

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777362  No.21355


>accelerationism as a political tool is a (((marxist))) process

Imagine my surprise.

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87d389  No.21360

Multinational corporations and interests want mass immigration and a dumbed down population so that if any nationalist groups pop up they can knock them down through dishonest means and not have a response from the greater population.

Technology continues to improve and its use refined to the hands of (((the elites))).

All these corporations care about is money. And all money is created by a corrupt group of (((elites))). So they get to pull the strings and control them.

The human mind has been hacked. Psychological warfare, advertising, marketing, control of the flow of information and targeted rhetoric is enough to disable most. Even if you are super intelligent, if you don't have a strong set of objective morals you'll just work for these groups because you want what they can give you.

The devil approached Jesus in the desert with an offer that practically any human alive would accept. That's the point of the parable. That he resisted what we cannot.

It is a fallen world. What kind of utopia do you really expect? Have you ever seen any war or revolution or group that didn't eventually get infiltrated and perverted?

The reason glowies go after people who make strong arguments that convince people to turn away from this global system of greed and self destruction is not because 99% are or aren't willing to give up their guns…but because 99% of people can have their minds changed with the right sales pitch.

You just have to understand how the human mind works. And what moral person wants to manipulate people like that, and what immoral person doesn't?

On the bright side, (((those))) in power have no spiritual strength and are completely driven by materialistic desires. This means they will always use a cheaper source of material, cut corners, and lie about the safety of their products. People who continue to consume them will continue to get sick and weak and fail. You don't really have to fight them… you really just have to fight your own desires and not take the ticket.

The key is isolation. Be in the world, not of the world. We have to live. We have to be human. We have material needs and limitations… but we also have a way out of that.

You need a way to identify people who understand this. Even if someone appears to be 'on your side', if they are full of envy, or wrath or whatever sin… they aren't your ally. And never will be.

99% of people are useless eaters. They have a role in a system that is insane and whose only real purpose is to maintain the global hierarchy. Should that hierarchy be secured without the need for all these games and pretend then those people will be the first to be sacrificed.

But if you think you're going to have a movement born of truth that sweeps the world and wins over the hearts of all people then you don't understand people at all. You can reveal the truth and adhere to it, or not. You can show self control and correct your target of worship.

When the soviet union fell, all those people that spent their lives working for and building up that system were completely abandoned without a second thought.

That will happen again when the bubble collapses as the pin of truth emerges. Truth doesn't need to be defended for it to remain true. Lies can cover it for a thousand generations and eventually it will return, untarnished.

I don't see the point in expecting mankind is going to suddenly become angelic. Understand this and learn to redirect the forces of evil. You can't defeat them. It isn't yours to defeat. They are here as a test for all of us. It is the fire that burns away the impurities. History may not repeat itself but it certainly rhymes.

The real danger is when you delude yourself. "If I commit a mass shooting, I'll convince people of x y z". You'll scare people, and scared people make poor and unpredictable decisions. That doesn't really benefit anyone who needs to live anywhere near those people.

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3c90d9  No.21375

I've said this since forever. Nobody paid attention. The real purge must be silent, not a blaze of glory. By men with no name wanting no names.The rest is just a pony show. Blow up a building or shoot up a subhuman gathering its not gonna achieve much, numbers being a thing and all that. Also notice how many of these so called have nothing to lose shooters didnt crush a truck into rothschilds mansion to start a massacre. Low value targets only totally replacable that only make things worse for the rest of us. It's the hard truth but none of these people so far have being legit, if anyone was he wouldnt get caught or known in the first place, or if he did, the damage would be of some significance.

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a40714  No.21412

Yes, fellow goyim, do nothing instead. You'll win if you post memes and vote for trump!

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002065  No.22070


Convenient mass shooting, sometimes targeting enemies Israel itself cannot tolerate, conveniently pointing fingers at everyone but the Jews. The Breiviks and Tarrants are either nutcases or had strings attached to them.

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ee72b3  No.22072


>You'll win if you post memes and vote for trump!

No we won't dumbass! That won't do shit and you know it!

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18b501  No.22081


> the one that consists of making everything to stupidly binary that you somehow find that we (those disagreeing with retards like you and saying it's a false flag) have defined migrants as a non-problem, non-enemies of some kind that would not need to be dealt with in due time (understand: displaced one way or another). Please refrain from doing politics because you're not very clever.

Nope, never did that.

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f3a990  No.22112


Kill yourself, schizonigger.

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c239d3  No.22387


Did. Read the posts retard.

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09be66  No.22421


I want you to load a shotgun, put it in your mouth, and pull the trigger. Make sure the safety is off. You're too stupid to live in this world.

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f109c9  No.22592

Acting like edgy retards on /pol/ ain't going to save the white race or win us our victory over America and ADL. I don't know why /polacks/ never came up with the idea of usurping higher positions of power while keeping in secret your true hidden goal to establish a white ethno-state. Hell I wouldn't mind pretending to be Jewish if it meant I could subvert the kikes and turn everything they worked for agaisnt themselves.

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452268  No.26075


What’s funny is that you’re obviously paid to post here and you’re spamming every thread.

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62d31f  No.26631


Every state and military force has implemented its own form of accelerationism, for whatever its goals were, and they all did so with excessive force. And the aliens do so with their agenda upon us. Accelerationism is one of the few solutions.

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07837d  No.26652

File: af25b410a432bff⋯.jpg (322.3 KB, 1400x1904, 25:34, Forward.jpg)


Before ascertaining whether acceleration is beneficial, one must first measure the current vector. Where are we now, and where are we headed?

It is also necessary to acknowledge that acceleration along one axis may cause acceleration along other axes. Exempli gratia, accelerating the violence will also accelerate the guilt and repression.

Accelerating the repression is good, because repression will foment discontent and build unity. But guilt is undesirable, as it demoralizes our forces and weakens unity.

White guys running around shooting people, even (((politicians))), will not accelerate us in the correct direction.

Memetic warfare - calling out their shit - seems to work. The more we can piss-off the nutters (trannies, faggots, kikes, niggers, spics, furries, commies, etc.), the more they will respond irrationally. This is how we accelerate in the correct direction.

It's OK to be white.

Islam is right about women.

There are only two genders.

Open borders for Israel.

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cf912f  No.53778

accelerationism is what Mitterrand did to Chirac

Give full power and authority to the adversary, wait until he made mistake

at this point, believing there's ally of white men in DC is retarded and self-destructive

Boy scouts bankruptcy should be prominent example

Every single institution is subverted and directly work against white interest

white men tried to vote out of this mess and reform the system since day one

it doesn't work and totally failed because there's no white men's ally in DC

Elect the Jew and force to make them mistakes, burn it down institution and government

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c52d02  No.53831


No "we" aren't baby killing monsters. That's what your enemies call you. That doesn't make it true.

There are baby killing monsters out there. They're called abortion clinics.

There are baby killing monsters out there. There are people who think like you do – who accept the upside down world and have no balls.

We're not damned if we do and damned if we don't you defeatist nigger.

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c52d02  No.53833


The Germans were 'barbarians' who consistently fought Rome.

Never works huh?

The Americans are terrorists who fought against the British rule of the colonies.

Never works?

The problem is that you can't recognize the magnitude of victory.

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c52d02  No.53834


Yes. It's simply allowing the system to collapse quicker. If the people are littering everywhere it means not going out of your way to pick up a thing of garbage, and even throwing some down yourself.

It doesn't mean shooting up a shopping mall


you faggot.

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c52d02  No.53842


Sounds like you just went through a brainwashing session before you got sent here to subvert, moshe.

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c52d02  No.53850


A car accident is about to happen.

You cannot stop the car before a collision.

But you might be able to speed it up and get through before it hits.

Timing is everything. A military army gets somewhere too late is just as bad as if it gets there too soon.

The overlords need things to fall into place at the right time just as much as any military army. That's why they need to control ALL the media. It's so everything unfurls at the right time… otherwise the spell is broken.

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79f5b6  No.53913


>you cannot stop

FALSE PREMISE. Demoralization propaganda.

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5b2930  No.53920

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I know that the "implicit dick" has been hated upon since UTR (or earlier), but his team of "aristocratic homo intellectuals" presents accelerationism in pragmatic, slightly novel way.

Yeah, any "alt-right" youtuber that hasn't been banned is a serious red-flag, but I think its worth a watch.

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b38ab1  No.55630

Yeah, it's a real big fuckin shock that the kike/fed mods here tolerate and promote obvious fedposting. /s

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8acaeb  No.63222


Not really most people here avoid killing politicians, not sure why but political assassinations are rare, at least on the national or state levels, locally it could be more common, but it would usually make national news unless they really didn't want us to know about it, but even then it's not commonly bandied about in any place for discussion that we have.

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77bc84  No.63225

File: 82504b2d8813a86⋯.jpg (46.89 KB, 364x522, 182:261, Gretchinmob.jpg)


Excuse me sir, the collapsing civilization is the only way to save the white race. If you haven't become a tranny or a communist or a communist tranny you haven't done enough to accelerate the collapse of civilization. These types of people are no better than 56% goblins.

Oh and make sure to vote Bernie 2020.

Now excuse me I'm going to go prep the bull for my wife.

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06cc73  No.63702


lol none of that is accelerationism. Accelerationism would be destroying infrastructure.

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0514ba  No.63963


How about Goldman Sachs board members? Everyone, even NPC normies, hates bankers, and the jews would be using every channel to call it antisemitic, while even normies would be thinking 'hang on, what's antisemitic about dabbing on a banker? could those alt right troll tinfoil conspiracy theories be…true…'

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d264fc  No.64113

The concept of accelerationism does not involve making Whites a minority faster. It involves either increasing anti-White oppression to that of South Africa through irl effortposting or causing an economic crash to reduce the Western living standard to that of the third-world—or both—all while Whites are the majority, or at the very least, have the numbers to fight back.

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c6fbed  No.64264

File: e239afd14d80355⋯.png (454.48 KB, 894x721, 894:721, fbi-informant-tactics.png)

File: 038532471e92700⋯.png (143 KB, 660x509, 660:509, 1503484060257.png)

I leave these pics here for future generations of anons.

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79f5b6  No.64306


>never do anything


>the ZOG will magically destroy itself

>oy vey anyone who does anything is a fed

>also anyone who says no one will do anything is a fed

>despite me saying not to do anything

Just get out.

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36ff09  No.64337

File: 2ea100456d5c505⋯.jpg (161.95 KB, 578x712, 289:356, accelerationism.jpg)


Not doing anything would be an improvement over accelerating the downfall of the world. Doing something is only worthwhile if it creates a future that is improvement over the past.

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79f5b6  No.64341


Physically resisting the ZOG is the opposite of accelerationism. Learn what words mean before you use them.

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000000  No.64362

The real reason it was shut down was because 8ch was investigating the pizzagate. They were looking for an excuse, they've been for a long time. They don't want a dedicated community collecting data and forming a case against them and their pederasty. I haven't seen any related threads on this revised board so this might as well be a data harvesting operation for all you know. Mass shooting can't be blamed on 8chan, it was just an excuse to shut down the board and to prevent truth seeking and other movements from gaining momentum.

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2e1053  No.64369


This. If people didn’t understand this when the Patriot Act was passed, I don’t know if they ever will.

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d0f087  No.65822

File: f60557a214571f5⋯.png (459.25 KB, 513x598, 513:598, blued_Bilderberg.png)



Accelerationnists = Messianic Jews

They want to drown goys in a bloodbath so that the Massiakh they're waiting for (who already came in the person of Jesus Christ) comes

Look up Shabbetai Zevi and Jacob Frank, and their ties to the Rothschilds and Freemasons

You'll understand why our elites are Moloch-worshipping pedophiles

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c5b5e1  No.65835


True. Once upon a time the Klan had 20 million members and was a respected institution. Now its a universally despised joke of an organisation filled with feds and retards. What caused the tremendous publish backlash against the KKK? Why when they started bombing black churches of course. And who encouraged retarded Klan boys to bomb innocent little black ladies at church? The kikes and various other groups who wanted to destroy the KKK.

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0b95b3  No.65915

File: 216d1047977c072⋯.png (874.42 KB, 1000x791, 1000:791, how_are_you_feeling_today.png)

File: 07629fda83cfff2⋯.jpg (42.53 KB, 700x731, 700:731, lmao.jpg)

File: 9d0ce2fa31e196a⋯.jpg (18.4 KB, 263x340, 263:340, 20638349_1891936627735157_….jpg)

Accelerationism is about actively exposing the truths that of the bullshit around us, not shooting up a federal agency. Those that think and claim that are either shills or retards. Violence is an effect, not the cause. The more people wake up the higher the least possible the containment becomes. Truth is like the coof virus. How many people can get convinced about the real problems by shooting up a mosque? None. You are braindead, OP.

Pictures unrelated

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0b95b3  No.65939

File: a2120cb1fe1d287⋯.png (235.54 KB, 500x744, 125:186, pack_your_bags_were_going_….png)

File: e1abdcf10c7927e⋯.jpg (140.62 KB, 1280x987, 1280:987, f0c2c27392c88b16316d45bc2b….jpg)


One more thing I wanted to say:

Terrorism in itself is not retarded inb4 someone says I'm a peace fag, but it is IMPORTANT TO HAVE A GROUND FOR CLAIM, because shouting "die niggers" while massacring in a synagogue is not flawless reasoning for bluepilled normalfags to join a movement. The example in his pic related is great:


So in short accelerationism is not against the passive information warfare that is going on, in fact it is what truly accelerates the downfall. The acts on the street are messaging for the opponents that we are alive and well and positive feedback for those that are on the fence about non-violent activism like sharing opinions social media. If everybody knows there really are kikes behind everything it is hard for them to calm the masses.

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0b95b3  No.65946

File: ad97279d7ad5d46⋯.png (277.56 KB, 587x472, 587:472, ad97279d7ad5d466b0c50afc08….png)


There is no use of a hammer [actions] if you have no nails [reasons] to hammer into things [heads].

I'll go further. You claimed general civilians all over the place were fighting. How would they appear if german propaganda leaflets weren't there to expose the truth of the economic collapse and the jewish background of the german socialist/jewish revolution after ww1 (1918)? How would people riot if the german newspapapers wouldn't publish the fact of international jewish boycott on german goods?

There has to be propaganda behind a movement otherwise people get the (((mainstream))) view.

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0b95b3  No.66060


His argument is completely valid. Guys like Tarrant only caused more cucked laws and another unnecessary idol circulating the right wing media which further validates the concerns of normalfaggots for more ruthless laws that give up our liberty for false security.

You are the only schizo here ID jumping and calling everyone idiots for not jumping the gun tomorrow morning.

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000000  No.67396

lmao are people still worshiping (((tarrant)))?

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c7ad23  No.67459


No, because glowies aren't people.

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d90b93  No.67967



The titles of these books, really.

- Spatial Justice and Diaspora

- Decolonizing sexualities

>this definition of accelerationism

Is just not the one we refer to though. Obviously many things accelerate. Here the topic is what can hasten the downfall of the Global Kike System so Whites can be alive, strong, healthy and free.

In my humble opinion, massive redpilling does. It forces the enemy to find ways to block the Awakening, faster and faster, up to the point of stuttering and making mistakes.

It also requires ditching Coonservatism. We need a reaction, a Revolution, not some stupid weak position that would have us try to protect whatever miserable pieces of scrap we're left with or even were already left with fifty years ago.

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869a74  No.67978


<99 percent of people are completely willing to give up their guns, and the glowies don't want you to know this.

Why would the CIA hide that?

Only people that are willing to give up their 2nd amendment rights are college students. There's even some Democrats that enjoy their gun rights, so 99% is horseshit.

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0651b0  No.68631

File: 260756a66b6e9f2⋯.png (19.48 KB, 360x425, 72:85, 260756a66b6e9f22f123202bf7….png)


>>>4529 (OP)

>Is that pic you posted a self-portrait, OP?

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0651b0  No.68633

File: 92221c855d6b7c6⋯.jpg (60.68 KB, 640x835, 128:167, POINTING_NIGGA.jpg)


>Only if you go after the (((real source))) of the problems - AKA the ZOG higher ups. Breivik was a faggot schizo but he scared the (((people))) in power by going after something they loved. Same with the Lubcke murder in germany, which was covered up in record time by kikes.

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0651b0  No.68637


>Accelerationism is the answer. Violence is the best solution.

>Ignoring all laws and murdering all jews and other enemies IS the best way to deal with them. There can be no shutdowns and no arrests made if there is no one left alive to shut us down or to make the arrests.

>Be violent. Incite violence among subhumans (shitskins and others). Make everyone targe the jews and leftists to be killed.

>Violence always works. Violent mobs murdering their enemies nonstop always works.

>To live is to kill. To kill is to win.

You need to work on your English, Moishe.

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a4cc4b  No.73319



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ab3f26  No.73335


proves that they are immortal and gods of this planet. They are the orbiters of destiny and creators of consciousness. There is literally nothing that can stop them, not even time itself.

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4057d1  No.73832


Thats what he did though. He lead an armed uprising, and was put into prison where he wrote Mein Kampf.

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4e728c  No.75797




Hitler was made chancellor by the president and former political rival Paul von Hindenburg and later given emergency powers.

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2fa211  No.76138

File: 8f886097a5e5009⋯.jpg (55.33 KB, 840x462, 20:11, rainbow.jpg)

Can we also add that accepting homosexuality, thinking china is NS, Islam is based and that lying that cultural marxism isn't real aren't also going to save the white race. White nationalists have become nothing more dumb cucks who are obsessed with blaming Jews on everything, defending their weird feitshes by calling it white identity and think they are going to save the Huwhite race by being retarded spergs by larping on the internet and as deadly revolutionaries how many white nationalists are actually white just exactly.

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cfee9c  No.76169

File: 01491029810b983⋯.jpg (97.06 KB, 429x410, 429:410, 01491029810b9838166911781d….jpg)


>dumb cucks who are obsessed with blaming Jews on everything

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4edfe4  No.76175

File: 048a1540e5a01be⋯.jpg (25.09 KB, 229x320, 229:320, GlowInTheDark.jpg)


>If you criticize me you're Jewish!!

You glowniggers are too easy and too predictable.

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000000  No.76466


underrated post.

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b38ab1  No.86139


the fag mods on fedchan here banned me fro calling them fed niggers for promoting this shit too

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7e41fb  No.110468

Want a show? Next Tuesday in Johannesburg.

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3bdbaf  No.110480

File: 32141de78013eca⋯.gif (2.92 KB, 452x523, 452:523, 1590325296302.gif)


>Do nothing goyim! That's how you win!

>By appeasing kikes and following the rules (which are bent in their favor and even those are broken if it benefits the kikes to your detriment) you win!

>If you kill your enemies, they win!

Yeah no.

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cac72c  No.110495


So how do you save a country wise guy? Tell me come on you imbecile

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25c238  No.122175



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37266a  No.122215


>bumps a six month old thread to say things only jewish shills have ever said

Kill yourself.

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2038fa  No.122251


>two digit IQ cant into logic

Brenton Tarrantino makes the best movies and your screeching doesnt change this. Youre attacking acceleration with a strawman because you are too stupid to understand it.

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25c238  No.122410

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ffb1d9  No.122448


Acceleration is based if its about crippling the system. If you think you're going to beat ZOG diplomatically you're a retard. Mass shootings are all mossad ops.

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0401bf  No.122554


ok, moshe

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da7a61  No.122645

Why should I care about them shutting down a movement that hasn't even got off the ground?

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2a8aae  No.122695


Accelerationism never works because you cant kill denial. just look at the trump sycophants that still come here.



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2a8aae  No.122698


>crippling the system.

yea becoming africa is so fucking based

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1dfe92  No.122726

File: 3b522bacbc55713⋯.jpeg (69 KB, 512x1024, 1:2, B921F63C_196A_4035_9CD1_0….jpeg)

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1dfe92  No.122727

File: 027dd0b8ef2a677⋯.jpeg (230.57 KB, 898x966, 449:483, 956F7A07_A10E_4FDA_B9DF_E….jpeg)

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c9b15f  No.122734

File: 0d0e3e491b80d4b⋯.jpg (315.51 KB, 1774x1074, 887:537, 878567.jpg)






He literally wiped out one of the only Palestinian activist groups in his country which was a major thorn on the side of zionists.

He wiped out nothing but young white children who could have grown up to be completely different people. Fuck Breivik

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4746ea  No.122864



All agreed.

I'm laughing at the people thinking British Telecommie was an adequate enforcer of 14/88 considering that his ops stands totally against what the author of 14/88 (Wodensson) wrote. And trust me, he didn't chew his words, condoned Might is Right — which is far from being satire… lemmings, contraceptives conservatives and leftists think it is so because it SHOCKS them — and spoke of the need of a revolution of the mind first and foremost. He never played games to avoid naming the Jew either.



Come on. The whole thing stinks to high heavens and has way too many red flags attached to it to be legitimate.

The guy was at the very least a complete nutcase, a certain wacko, capable of befriending Muslims in the Middle East and Asia but incapable of retaining the smallest fragment of compassion for the 51 nameless slimes he killed in NZ.


Was used to pull on the leftist golem's leash. The red anti-zionist rabbit hole goes deep. It's more than just one group of far-left activists. Big business and lots of money were involved there.

Communists are fine but nothing shall threaten Israel, even their own golems who are used to destroy white nations from within.

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d31dca  No.123711

> "Want to know how you give the glowies the power to shut down your movement? Go commit a mass shooting! "

Typical jew. Equates accelerationism with mass murder.

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4794b2  No.123718


Killing lefties is not murder.

It's godly.

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d31dca  No.123722

"oy vey, brenton terrant was one of us!"

Any time something happens, communists come on boards like this to claim it was really them.

Why? Because it's a *cheap* way to demoralize people.

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5ec5b2  No.123741

If it was that easy ZOG would have manufactured enough false flags by now to take all the guns.

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0476db  No.123752


>freedom of speech

Americans sometimes miss the plot. A lot of them get it, but the vast majority — say, somewhere between 95-99% completely fuckin missed it.

Let me ask you something: From where do you get the Freedom of Speech?

I bet almost every single one of you said “The Constitution, of course.”

Wrong, dumbass! Its not from there at all, that’s just a piece of fucking paper. Paper has no power, its just mushed up bits of tree. The only good you can do with it is kindling. Paper means nothing.

“Oh, but the ideas were more powerful than blah blah”

Nope. Ideas aren’t powerful either. That’s more bullshit.

You can write whatever the fuck you want on piece of paper — doesn’t make it true, doesn’t give it power. Hopefully a few of the quicker ones have picked up where I’m going with this.

You got your Freedom of Speech from the red hot and fouled business end of a Long Land Pattern Brown Bess musket. The paper and the ideas behind it didn’t mean shit until someone put primer to pan and mentally prepared themselves to kill.

The only power paper — or ideas — have, is to convince people to pick up the real, genuine object of power: lethal force, and the willingness to use it.

If this wasn’t true, then you’d be able to open or conceal carry without a license in every state in the US. You’d be able to own a full on belt-fed machinegun — just like the Constitution promises. Well in most places you can’t, because paper doesn’t mean a damn thing without the gun behind it.

More then that, America just put up with a lock down of precisely the kind the fabled Constitution forbids.

Paper means nothing. Physical violence is, always has been, always will be everything.

The "supreme law of the land" isn't the Constitution, its "Fuck you, I'm coming to take it and I'll kill you if you try and stop me."

That's why I give no sympathy to the police or anyone in government. Fuck 'em.

There isn't a single law that isn't backed up by a gun to your head, and the police are the ones who will be holding that gun. They aren't your friends, they aren't there to protect you, they aren't there to serve you. They are there to use violence to enforce the rules the elites have made, that's it.

That's why freedom isn't in the Constitution, freedom isn't something that can be written down or *ever guaranteed*.

Freedom isn't "shall not be infringed", it's "No, *fuck you*, come and take it or die trying." Anything else is submission to the King.

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be131f  No.123855


I think this is mercenary army, "ur a spaz" guy.

While I agree with proper power dynamics to ensure one's sovereignty does not go infringed, you can't call intelligent action or planning or contract, cooperation, and the moral ethical sense irrelevant.

1215.org ; the guy has effectively brought what you said into legal practice and won. Common Law and all.

Get real. You're wrapped up in your own gimmick.

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46a70e  No.124031


The point of ff is that you must not use them too often either other the whole thing crashes too soon.

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800d49  No.125620

I've been trying to warn you retards that accelerationism will only hamper our efforts and further delegitimize us in the eyes of the public, yet none of you listen.


Spoken like a true pussy. Remind us, how many bodies do you have on your count, "cleanser"? Or are you another provocateur?

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d1a911  No.125690

so, people here are as dumb as the jews make them out to be.

>hurr durr accelerationism goes brrr brrr brrr

Read some actual accelerationism literature you fucking niggers, you've all fallen for the mainstream media idea of accelerationism and accepeted it. You all fell for a meme. It's fucking pathetic. read the U/ACC primer and stop trusting dumb youtube videos to get your information you dumbasses.

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d1a911  No.125694


It was not originally a communist philosophy. Even tho you probably are the only person here that has read anything related to actual accelerationism, thinking that it was originally a communist thing is accepting the dumb mainstream media take of accelerationism. It does not relate to the retarded notion of "muh capital goes fast" or anything related to the acceleration of the contradictions. https://xenogothic.com/2019/03/04/a-u-acc-primer/ The u/acc primer clears that up. Accelerationism relates more to theory of time/ontology, it can't be adopted, it can only be seen and talked about. Any other take, such as the one exposed in #ACCELERATE (the L/ACC -lef accelerationism- take) is doomed to fail, as it has already been exposed by many economic critics. It's a fucking theory, not a program to develop.

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d1a911  No.125698


It's called escalation, not acceleration, you dumb nigger.

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192728  No.125950


If escalation progresses so as each step becoming bigger and frequent, it is acceleration. This is what we observe today. If anything, it's a natural course of action in a cycle of things crashing down.

Just ride.

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f1ef02  No.126031


> natural course of action in a cycle of things crashing down.

nothing has ever died from contradicctions you fucking nigger. go and read instead of just following memes and expecting thing to happen.

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4cd4fa  No.131819

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