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File: 7551dc72d272abe⋯.jpg (111.52 KB,610x1024,305:512,1728843983311.jpg)

46e3e7 No.394563

Mark Alexandria Milley: The retired faggot general of the jewish governed Pentagon fears that his actions of treason is going to finally bite him in the ass when President Trump wins the election on November 5, 2024.

…to the tranny faggot Mark Alexandria Milley, i hope you get sent to Guantanamo Bay Cuba for the rest of you pathetic repulsive life! I will personally request a live cam of your prison cell so the world can watch you slowly die day by day. America will celebrate the day you finally die in your prison cell in Guantanamo Bay.

Fuck you Marky Alexandria Milley, you traitorous bitch!


Pentagon's Secret Service Trawls Social Media For Mean Tweets About Generals


The Faggoty Leftwing Pentagon's Secret Service Trawls Social Media For Mean Tweets About Their Tranny Fag Generals.

A document shows the "Protective Services Battalion" (PSB) uses sophisticated surveillance tools that can pinpoint anyone’s location.

U.S. Army Protective Services Battalion —

Army Procurement Document:


When the Chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mark Alexandria Milley (the tranny jew fag) entered into his scheduled retirement last year, one of the perks includes a personal security detail to protect him from threats — including “embarrassment,” and that means calling Marky Alexandria Milley a tranny faggot jew bitch.

The U.S. Army Protective Services Battalion, the Pentagon’s faggoty little-known Secret Service equivalent, is tasked with safeguarding top military fags. The unit protects current as well as former high-ranking military officers from “assassination, kidnapping, injury or embarrassment,” according to Army records.

Protective Services’s mandate has expanded to include monitoring social media for “direct, indirect, and veiled” threats and identifying “negative sentiment” regarding its wards, according to an Army procurement document dated September 1, 2022, and reviewed by The Intercept. The expansion of the Protective Services Battalion’s purview has not been previously reported.

The country’s national security machinery has become increasingly focused on social media — particularly as it relates to disinformation. Various national security agencies have spent recent years standing up offices all over the federal government to counter the purported threat.

“There may be legally valid reasons to intrude on someone’s privacy by searching for, collecting, and analyzing publicly available information, particularly when it pertains to serious crimes and terrorist threats,” Ilia Siatitsa, program director at Privacy International, told The Intercept. “However, expressing ‘positive or negative sentiment towards a senior high-risk individual’ cannot be deemed sufficient grounds for government agencies to conduct surveillance operations, even going as far as ‘pinpointing exact locations’ of individuals. The ability to express opinions, criticize, make assumptions, or form value judgments — especially regarding public officials — is a quintessential part of democratic society.”

Protective details have in the past generated controversy over questions about their cost and necessity. During the Trump administration, Education Secretary Betsy DeVos’s around-the-clock security detail racked up over $24 million in costs. Trump’s Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt ran up over $3.5 million in bills for his protective detail — costs that were determined unjustified by the EPA’s inspector general. The watchdog also found that the EPA had not bothered to “assess the potential dangers posed by any of these threats” to Pruitt. 


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d3faa0 No.394577


lol @ you not having any money

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d3faa0 No.394578


You don't have any money, you can't achieve an erection, and you never had the balls to serve one minute in the military, because you are a low class poverty-stricken blue collar white trash lip dick coward.

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46e3e7 No.394582

File: 646a821323905a1⋯.jpg (114.54 KB,500x704,125:176,646a821323905a1afd4ca7dd70….jpg)



only cock-sucking faggots serve in the Jewnited States Military, you fucking subhuman nigger… go commit suicide and do this white north american continent a favor.


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9e47ff No.394584

File: f1b7784516d7381⋯.png (340.5 KB,565x555,113:111,WAR_IS_A_RACKET.png)

File: 74ae2ff63f40c90⋯.mp4 (2.03 MB,480x360,4:3,heavy_metal_rooster.mp4)


Deep state plans to assassinate Trump, blame it all on Iran (false flag) to then bring the US to world war in the Middle East, to which Russia and China get involved. Great Reset with BRICS+ = New planned Bretton Woods global economic change after WWIII (west loses)!





Deep state plans to assassinate Trump, blame it all on Iran (false flag) to then bring the US to world war in the Middle East, to which Russia and China get involved. Great Reset with BRICS+ = New planned Bretton Woods global economic change after WWIII (west loses)!


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e0318b No.394585

Thanks for the information regarding this faggot jew bitch Mark Milley, a total pussy who should be court martialed as well as the people who assigned him this gay ass “counter-embarrass” team.

What a fucking loser lmao. That man has tasted other men’s cum.

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70af44 No.394624

File: 93cc96802255f75⋯.jpg (288.2 KB,1080x2055,72:137,1729035950186.jpg)


i agree…

The traitorous faggot Mark Alexandria Milley strikes again!



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70af44 No.394625

File: 308a30a355eab6f⋯.jpg (25.13 KB,473x320,473:320,1729036261530.jpg)


pack your bags, Mark Alexandria fagboy, and take your nigger heathen Protective Services Battalion with you when you leave… maybe the Taliban will welcome you with open arms? you can learn some Bacha Bazi from your faggot Haqqani boyfriend once you move to Afghanistan!


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8b3d0f No.394630

Wake up faggot


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