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File: 8c39dbd3ecaa4dc⋯.png (629.23 KB,995x1360,199:272,316256.png)

a80bb0 No.391255

Russia To Export Coal To India via Iran, Traded In National Currencies

Hello sanction loving communists. What are you going to do about this?

Russia has announced plans to export coal to India using Iran’s railways. This announcement was made during the BRICS transport ministers’ meeting at the 27th St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF).

Russia will use the International North-South Corridor (INSTC) to send coal to India. Igor Levitin, Russia’s presidential aide, stated that the first coal shipments will travel through Iran and Bandar Abbas before reaching India.

Mehrdad Bazrpash, Iran’s Minister of Roads and Urban Development, emphasized the importance of the INSTC in enhancing transportation and transit among BRICS countries. During a video conference, he noted that this corridor could significantly boost synergy in the region.

In a meeting with Iran’s Ambassador to Russia, Kazem Jalali, Levitin reiterated that the first coal wagons would transit through Iran and Bandar Abbas en route to India. Both sides discussed cooperation, particularly the Rasht-Astara Railway construction project. This project is crucial for improving transportation links between Iran and Russia.

In a separate meeting, Oleg Belozyorov, president of Russian Railways, discussed expanding bilateral cooperation with Iran’s ambassador. They focused on implementing the INSTC and enhancing railway cooperation to boost freight transport between the two nations.

In 2023, Russia transported 600,000 tons of freight through Iran. This volume is expected to rise to 4 million tons per year in 2024, according to Russia’s deputy minister of transport. This significant increase underscores the importance of the INSTC for regional trade and cooperation.

Biden will have concerns about Russia, Iran, the environment, and the fact that an ally effectively told the USSA to go to hell.

That's Great! India signed a long-term agreement to operate the strategic Chabahar port with Iran as it seeks to expand trade in Central Asia.

— Sehrish Kazmi (@semi_Kazmi) June 10, 2024


Meanwhile, as the election nears, Bolshevik Biden is blocking oil drilling and mining in Alaska, further undermining America's own economy.


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350af3 No.391257


filtered, blocked & reported for CP

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350af3 No.391258

File: 35ea8f02d66136a⋯.png (367.43 KB,1080x2400,9:20,Screenshot_20240613_234143….png)

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c5dcae No.391260


CP? Where? All I see is news.

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e18a19 No.391283

>Nothing can be done, if West sanctions India it will hurt USD even more. BRICS is partly (or even mostly) rising due to the West's arrogance and sheer stupidity.

I agree. America has a massive potential to still be a powerhouse of production and innovation while being energy independent, the problem is our politicians and government has squandered and strangulated that potential through regulation and suicidal "green" policies. The BRICS nations will nod their heads in supposed ‘agreement’ for PR and the stupid gullible Western leaders take it as some hollow ‘victory’, but look what those other nations do behind our backs, the complete opposite and it is only helping their countries further advance and industrialize. While the American government is shutting down domestic power plants nations like China, Russia and India are busy building new ones every year and their middle classes keep growing due to cheaper energy, cheaper production and cheaper transportation. We once honored that as capitalism ironically.

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4591e4 No.392985


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b37970 No.392998


when will russia ally all the slavic countries again?

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4368b0 No.393167

Good nation working like a good state

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