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4ac80e No.389352 [View All]

IMF Sounds Alarm Over US National Debt Insolvency

The astronomical rise in the US national debt poses significant risks to the global economy and threatens to continue fueling high inflation, according to a new warning from the International Monetary Fund.

In its latest Fiscal Monitor, the Washington-based institution said that it expects the U.S. to record a fiscal deficit of 7.1% in 2025 – more than triple the level in other economies.

"Loose fiscal policy in the United States exerts upward pressure on global interest rates and the dollar," Vitor Gaspar, director of the IMF’s fiscal affairs department, told reporters. "It pushes up funding costs in the rest of the world, thereby exacerbating existing fragilities and risks."

Under current policies, public debt in the US is projected to nearly double by 2040. If this trend continues, the Congressional Budget Office anticipates the national debt will grow to an astonishing $54 trillion in the next decade.

Should that debt materialize, it could risk America's economic stability in the world. America would become a third world country with out-of-control price inflation.

The US is one of four countries that needs to critically address fundamental imbalances between spending and revenue.

The US national debt topped $34 trillion in January after a burst of spending by the Biden regime and Congress and is well on its way to surpassing $35 trillion.

The massive amount of spending is igniting price inflation and is undermining financial stability worldwide by increasing global funding costs.


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4ac80e No.389372


>This quantitative easing (QE) stimulated the economy

OK, you are officially a brainwashed fool. Endless debt creation does not stimulate real economies it only produces more waste and fraud and contributes to price inflation. Nothing more nothing less. There has been no "recovery" since 2008 bailouts, just more waste and fraud and price inflation. Anyone telling you otherwise is a useful idiot or a lying deceitful glow nigger who has a job pushing propaganda.

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e8c804 No.389375



Is that how this shit works?

Well then let’s just create a decentralized ledger with little imaginary “tokens” representing contracts/receipts on the ledger and then give them a derivative valuation determined by market participants moving the tokens back & forth on trading exchanges hosted by third-party brokers who couldn’t give less of a shit about you or the way you perceive the world.

And once liquidity dries up, we can let the whole inflated token economy crash and when the crying market participants run to cash out, then those previously mentioned brokers can tell ‘em to go fuck themselves cause there isn’t any centralized reserve insuring their deposits.

If you want to find a Solution

Then you must fully comprehend the Problem

Guess what?

Despite the manipulation, corruption, deceit, and generally retarded populous…

USA still has one of the strongest dollars in the world.

Best economies on the planet.



Sure as FUCK ain’t no “perfect Union” …

But it’s the best we got !!!!

You wanna make it better?


Know everything you can about the games you choose to play and embody the solution.

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4ac80e No.389376


America used to have a real economy, it was during the days where we had a large industrial base, massive amount of domestic manufacturing, massive amount of family-run agricultural production, a huge skilled trade base with a robust middle class.

Let's be clear, that is not America today. Today we rely on debt, massive endless amount of debt. Any ordinary country that has gone into the same amount of debt we have has collapsed. That's because those countries have not been privileged with a global reserve currency. The US Dollar, since 1944, has been gifted the global reserve currency status. That is going away very soon with the BRICS and OPEC+ nations now abandoning the US Dollar in trade and refusing to buy more US Treasury bonds. The whole 'economic' system we have today is literally propped up on insolvent debt, it's a house of cards waiting to collapse once enough countries decide to stop using US Dollars for trade. You do know that right? If you do not, you have not been paying attention to world affairs. We have become very used to the fact other nations have helped prop up our economy by accepting our reserve currency for 60+ years, but that is coming to an end. Less and less nations and people around the world trust America today. They notice the weaponization of the US dollar, endless wars, rampant corruption, open border crisis, the targeting of political dissent in the courts, the political division, the reckless spending and waste, etc. We are living in a house of cards.

If we wish to "make things better" we need to reform the whole economic system and replace our political leadership to be frank. We need to bring back industry and manufacturing. We need to become more energy independent, and by doing so we need to use our own resources. We need to remove the bureaucracy to do that. We need to cut wasteful federal spending and stop going to war all the time, and focus on fixing the problems here at home. If we do not do all that, America is done for. A house of cards.

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429f50 No.389377


Well there ya go bud!

You’re gett’n closer!!!

Debt has been and will continue to be.

It is not simply the monetary system which has changed…


People became Lazy.



No one actually gives a shit how an economic system works. They just want some faces on a TV to blame for all their problems.

Nobody actually wants control.

They want the comforting “sense” of ‘security’ that comes when you relinquish your power and responsibility to someone else.

As the often quoted “V” for Vendetta stated…

“If you are looking for someone to blame;

You need only look in a Mirror.”

So guess what?

You being upset doesn’t change shit.

Your idealism is misplaced.

Welcome to the Real World.

The world of “Fuck You. Pay Me.”

Wanna individually help to change the global economic system?

Start by looking within and clearly identifying your own fallibility. Then look outwards and see the results of those fallible perceptions.

See the whole system being propped up every single day by the repetitive little decisions and actions of the average Joe; all based on a flawed perception.

Then, choose to not be apart of it.

Vote with your dollar.

Embody the solution by acting as the example.

In every single moment…. The Choice is Yours.

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429f50 No.389378


And you(and many others) keep acting like this is some unprecedented insane amount of debt…

Yet compared to the rest of the world it’s pretty par for the course. Nothing extra-ordinary.

Debt accounting for 60-70% of GDP is apparently some pretty normal shit….

Beyond the fiscal aspect would be the regulatory aspect; the barriers to entry placed at local, federal, and international level such as taxes, tariffs, and policies in general which limit or expand a persons right to engage in commerce within an economic system.

We have to the right to demand an address of grievances, to present information to appropriate local government bodies, to have our voices be heard!!!

But most can’t even provide a wholistic description of the problems…

Most sit idly by… pointing fingers and crying about it all as their dissatisfaction alone will fix the faults of society.

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4ac80e No.389393


I think you know and you'll agree America today is a consumer-driven economy. We no longer really produce much of anything, industry wise. We heavily rely on foreign countries to provide us with 90% of the manufactured products you see in stores today, and that is a fact. Worse is we are becoming much more dependent on foreign countries to supply us with food. That is also a sad fact today. Another fact is our corrupt government has shut down massive amounts of domestic energy production that has jeopardized our energy independence. "Green new deal" via fiat bureaucracy diktat. Another horrific example of modern America in self-inflicted decline.

Now consider another fact, we import all these essential commodities and goods into our country because WHY? Because all other nations, for the last 60+ years, have accepted the US Dollar as the world reserve currency for international trade. That's WHY. The US Dollar has enjoyed a global reserve currency status for international trade. Today there are many countries including China, Russia, India, UAE, Saudi Arabia… and many more following… that are starting to trade OUTSIDE the US Dollar and they are liquidating US Treasury holdings while buying up gold, silver and oil. Here is the problem: the US government depends on US Treasuries to monetize their debt! As more and more countries continue rejecting US Treasuries and dump them, you get more price inflation using Dollars! We now have $35 Trillion dollars of national debt, which increasingly is being rejected for global trade via US Treasury auction failures! If the US government cannot monetize the debt then we become insolvent, the whole country eventually goes bankrupt and we get massive hyperinflation and we collapse into the third world, simple as! And THAT is what is happening in slow motion today!


>Debt accounting for 60-70% of GDP is apparently some pretty normal shit

"GDP" statistics today includes financial debt because the very debt insolvent government rigs the statistics to their favor making the economy look strong when it is not at all. That is another great lie and scam, it's fraudulent. The US has 10x more debt than it could ever produce in wealth and it's only continuing to get worse. Therefore do not expect the price inflation crisis to go away, the value of our currency will continue to decline as prices rise for everything from energy, food, consumer goods, services and housing.

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4ac80e No.389399

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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429f50 No.389402


So you think the economy is gonna collapse?

Welcome to a super-exclusive club called “everybody who ever googled long enough to learn about the federal reserve”

But guess what?

We’re all still here.

Economy still churning.

Secondly, other countries never accepted the dollar as a reserve currency for all international trade… dollar was only used as a reserve currency for oil trade. BRICs dynamic will send back trillions of US dollars home and actually result in a deflationary dynamic.

What? Did you read that correctly?

Yup. Introducing more currency into an economy actually has a ‘deflationary’ effect. Then, as the appetite of the younger people increases, they rapidly find ways to spend their excess cash, they get greedy, and they even take on debt as they feel safe due to the lower interest rates. Then as debt increases, interest rates go up and, in general, policies get enacted which cause a sort of “fiscal tightening”. Cash dries up, credit becomes expensive, liquidity is removed from the markets, everyone cries about how everything is gonna collapse, a myriad of “news” articles come out which enforce the fear and gloom, everyone gets their underwear stolen, lose their house, forced to sell a car, etc… the average Joe finds themselves trapped… wages stagnant and employers even downsizing and forced to let people go. And after all that… they look to the markets and see all the overinflated large capitalization stocks crashing. Free fall. This is the end right? Has to be. Even hedgefunds are failing, retail getting wiped out, banks barely able to manage their balance sheet, etc…

Then… suddenly… interest rates start going down again, significantly down… cash enters the economy somehow and becomes more abundant… the markets become a gravy train and stocks are popping left and right, the “news” articles start changing their tone, regional alliances and trade partnerships start taking a friendly tone again as well. Business in general are making more profits and have access to larger pools of credit at lower cost, that house you were forced to sell when it dropped from 300k to 235k suddenly is back to 300k and even going higher so you buy back in higher at 310k and it continues up to 330k over next couple years.

But then… oh no… the cycle is beginning again… Cramer is on NBC talking about stuff that seems negative… that regional conflict is stirring up again… that President you didn’t want just got elected and he’s a complete idiot… etc…


This ain’t the Dust Bowl, not a World War demanding shift in industry, this ain’t your grandmas home cooking…

This is a highly automated and predetermined system of energy and perception management which encompasses every aspect, taking ALL variables into account. Unprecedented.

And yeah… idk if you or anyone else’s noticed but uh… yeah the whole Covid thing? Yeah… it kinda already shut down the WORLD economy and acted as cover to adjust underlying financial issues. That big collapse that you keep fear mongering about… already happened. We are actually at the END of that dynamic… the recession already happened.

So… now your staring as tech stocks and you may be wondering… “hey, why do big tech companies like Google, Microsoft, Nividia, Amazon etc… why does is their combined market valuation ~ 10 Trillion $ ??? Doesn’t that represent 20% of the combined capitalization of the ENTIRE STOCK MARKET?

Who put that money there? Why?

And then maybe you look over at crytpo… and that revolutionary golden age to be manifested by the magical crypto economy/ block-chain magic … well… it never happened… it’s just a bunch of pieces of shit robbing money from dumbasses…

Now.. imagine, just entertain the thought…

What if the entire crytpo Market were to crash… what if it turns out that everyone got duped and BTC isn’t actually worth anywhere near 30k …

How will the general populace “feel” when their crytpo broker tells them to go fuck themselves and explains how their deposits are not insured and there is no liquidity left to execute trades…

Welcome back to Stockholm!!!!

The name of this game is CONTROL

Currency is and has always been trash… worthless…

The economy is a broken thing sustained by a perpetual illusion… it cannot stand on its own two legs… and most people are highly predictable, conditioned little NPC’s who stare at squiggly lines as they go brrrrr and listen to some dumbass “professional” on the Tv … relying on the dumbass talking head and headlines to help him logically justify the illusion they see in front of them.

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429f50 No.389404


And you say that endlessly printing money doesn’t stimulate an economy? Correct… but you aren’t even describing reality; are you?

That’s not what happens at all… we don’t endlessly print money… we create a wholistic oscillation using ALL variables. Everything accounted for, from the tangible to the psychological, from the local to regional and international.

The “stimulation” is always occurring. Whether it’s fiscal tightening or relaxing etc… the ENTIRE ECONOMY is a perpetual ILLUSION. Money doesn’t matter… the important thing is DATA

DATA is Power.

Information is Currency.

Beyond that is experience, knowledge, and social circles combined with leverage.

The point of it all: CONTROL

Accomplished via a Balance but not equilibrium… a perpetual oscillation back & forth… everything interconnected and moving in tandem relativity.

Pressure and Release.

Pain and Pleasure.

Playing on your expectation…

Kinda sounds like some weird BDSM huh? LOL.

Yeah…. Pretty much…

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429f50 No.389405

Wars are not fought between governments.

They are fought in every moment within the minds of the populace. The REAL WAR is the one going on between your ears.

Perception Manifests Reality

The ALL is Mental

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4ac80e No.389406


>So you think the economy is gonna collapse?

Not all at once. But inevitably yes, the US is heading towards the third world. We already see it in most the major cities and it's rapidly expanding. So is the homelessness and poverty and waves of rampant crime. You can try to rationalize this all you want but that is the definition of a failed state.

>now your staring as tech stocks and you may be wondering… “hey, why do big tech companies like Google, Microsoft, Nividia, Amazon etc… why does is their combined market valuation ~ 10 Trillion

When all is said and done the stock market won't matter, like a crypto scam it's all basically IOUs unless you cash out and get your dollars. If the economy crashes it's over you lose everything you don't physically own. It's a massive subsidized ponzi scheme. Blackrock and Vanguard own most the companies on the stock market! But the fact is those dollars will continue to be devalued over time as they have been over the decades. The rich know this and they game the system this way, taking advantage from the fraud they con everyone else with.

>The name of this game is CONTROL

Oh sure it is. The impoverishment of the country while the rich only get richer. That is the definition of a third world failed state after all.

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4ac80e No.389407


>the ENTIRE ECONOMY is a perpetual ILLUSION

So you admit there is no real economy? All the more reason to be prepared for the worst as this system continues to fail the country as a whole.

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429f50 No.389408


Jeeezzzzz…. Please not another BlackRock Vanguard narrative…

They are holding companies. They hold assets. And guess what? They don’t even manage the assets they hold… they have AI for that… and Mother AI has backdoor access…

No singular individual or group has complete control… there is a system of communication which overshadows everything you think you know.

And yes, in regards to your second question, IT IS ALL AN ILLUSION !!!!

TA - DA !! Are you impressed yet!? It’s like magik.

Market Makers, Supplemental Liquidity Providers, credit pools and all your trades cashed out via back-end accounts and redistributed within predetermined parameters.

All while the “news” provides you with all the headlines you need to help logically justify what is occurring in front of you.

Like “Covid” …. Is there any isolated sample of “corona virus 19” ??? LOL 😂

Keep watching… this show hasn’t ended just yet.

Oh my… is this an election year? How fun. 2024-2025 should be interesting… perhaps even more impactful than 2019-2021…

Enjoy the Show 🤠


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429f50 No.389410


So… Yeah, BlackRock/ Vanguard has a degree of influence… but they rely on DATA and AI to make decisions…

Many “professionals” are actually just other NPC’s that grew an EGO 🤣😅😂

The people you think are in control are almost never the ones with REAL Control.

Phones calls, handshakes, back-end deals .. all with a hundred layers of separation in between..

The shifts and agreements happen in real-time but the public only interfaces with the lagged rollout…

So, what you are seeing is literally an illusion being propped up and based on tangible factors which have already occurred.

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4ac80e No.389411


Look, what I'm trying to say is very simple. We can have all the debt we wish to create from thin air. We can have all the information, all the data, a massive booming stock market, etc. Fine and dandy. However, at the end of the day humans need resources to live. Humans need physical essential goods to survive. We need food, we need energy, we need clothing, we need shelter, we need proper sanitation and access to clean water. All this stuff requires physical resources not just debt and debt alone. If at any point in time nations like China decide to pull the rug from under us by reducing trade we better have our own domestic industry to produce what we need and have relied on. If we do not, or cannot, we would become third world. Stocks at that point would not matter, the Fed could print all the debt they desire or rig whatever they wish, but without the essential resources and industry you have no real economy and if we ever got cut off international trade we'd be wholly and royally fucked.

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4ac80e No.389415


>They don’t even manage the assets they hold… they have AI for that… and Mother AI has backdoor access

Even managing AI requires a lot of resources, such as for the massive energy consumption. So that is why I say it is absolutely dire for America to stop just thinking about debt and start thinking about becoming energy independent, start thinking about having a strong industrial base here at home, we need to bring back American self-sufficiency and to do that bring back industry and manufacturing and mining and refinery and a strong agricultural workforce, etc. Debt alone will not save this nation.

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429f50 No.389416


… both Debt and Cash are created out of thin air. Both are an illusion.

So what really determines an economy?

Well… like you said: tangible factors.

So… let’s imagine

Me: USA with global Sentient satellite grid, a DARPA based internet that the entire planet uses, and maybe a couple TR-6 Telos

You: some other country.

Who wins the battle of resources?

Will there even be a battle?

Now… maaaayyybe Russia has some technically advanced stuff as well… maybe China…

I honestly don’t know… but based on what I do know… resources are not the issue. We have an abundance of raw metals, oil, and even alternative energy systems not fully known to the public.

What if it’s not just Earth existing within this economic framework of control?

What if the whole of the universe operates relative to a larger more encompassing system of communication?

Now.. we can speculate endlessly about the end of the world and economic collapse, nuclear war etc… but… what if the people in control are actually just a small handful… what if every government leader, cartel leader, mafia, Illuminati, Zionist, etc…

What if every person and group you thought to be in complete control… was actually subject to something else.. and maybe they don’t even realize it…

Imagine if EVERYTHING could be determined in advance… a sort of fate or destiny… and what if most people had obvious intentions and predictable nature… what someone/somthing knew more about you than you know about yourself… what you will do when you wake tomorrow.. who you will talk to… what you two will talk about…

Maybe changing your predestined path in life requires a complete shift at the foundation/ the core of your very being. A willful overhaul of your individual perception resulting in a new set of decisions and actions…

And what if most people didn’t want that sort of freedom? What if the majority prefers comfort over the responsibility that comes with control?

Well then… there would only be a small % of people with true personal/mental freedom.. and they would just be a small anomaly within a greater construct…

I think the individual human being is VERY powerful. More powerful than we realize.

But most do not want this power nor the responsibility that comes with it.

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4ac80e No.389417


I don't think anyone has 100% control (nor should they), not even the most powerful wealthy interest groups. Control over human beings is what is an illusion. The ironic fact is when, let's say, a few greedy powerful special interest groups and lobbyists work to undermine an entire national economy so they can rig the system to benefit off a massive ponzi scheme that impoverishes the nation. You think these assholes will be able to 100% control the outcome of 350,000,000+ people who end up desperate, starving and angry? Really? That's not exactly what previous human history describes, much to the contrary.

What I do know is America today is not being run by intelligent people. These people are arrogant, they have a lot of hubris and live in their own sheltered world, surrounded by well guarded gated communities. Their think tanks are often influenced by their own narratives and wishful propaganda. That does not make it reality. You cannot just threaten to crush every country into the ground and steal their resources, that's exactly what has led to the formation of BRICS and the SCO being formed in multi-polar rebellion to US imperialism. You also cannot gain public support for more war if you blatantly ignore the needs and woes of your own citizens. Notice how we have a military recruitment crisis today? Maybe that should be teaching them a lesson about current public sentiment?

As I said before, when it comes down to hard economics 101 every successful civilized nation relies on commodities and resources, a strong independent supply chain. I would hope our leaders start realizing this fact because without America fixing our own problems here at home and using our resources to recover we will not have a successful civilized nation anymore.

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91d3f8 No.389432


You have a decent knowledge-base; your response is logical. But again, you’ve defaulted to giving the credit of control to a bunch of greedy, self-centered, lazy despotic idiots w/ inherited wealth.

Again, this is about Control.

If you know a persons intent then you can predict their behavior. So… does being a despotic, self-serving, greedy little shit make a person powerful? Or does it simply make them predictable and easily controlled?

And if, hypothetically, you had the power to make those people disappear… would you? Is that even the solution? … perhaps in certain cases… but wouldn’t that just create a power-vacuum that could be filled by an unpredictable variable? And wouldn’t that conflict with the general control of it all?

So, perhaps even many of these “world leaders”, banking magnates, and whatever other agencies that get grouped together as being the ambiguous “deep-state”… maybe they don’t have as much control as many assume.

The Control I speak of is not possessed by fools who believe that money equates to power…

The Control I speak probably sounds like fiction to the majority of people on this planet.

And I do not expect nor want you or anyone else to believe my claims or take anything I’ve said at face-value.

Consider all that I have said as being nothing more or less than a perspective for you weigh using your own mindful discernment… you decide the value of it relative to your current perception..

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a07de3 No.389445

Does there seem to be a pattern?

The timing of it all…

Corona & Ukraine/Russia all converging alongside a presidential election?

What about the rapid shift in regional alliances around the world such as BRICs and other economic and political alliances?

The whole terrain of the tangible battlefield was flipped upside down and put back together again… all with such perfect timing..

And other peculiar things…. The introduction of blockchain into public sphere… it’s rise and.. fall?

Updating underlying inter banking network (SWIFT) with new blockchain-based ISO Protocol?

Various executive orders by Trump administration 2019-2021 regarding Treasury/ FedReserv/ BlackRock….

The whole system has been reforming itself this whole time right under everyone’s nose…

Like finally updating the Operating System of a computer.

Also, I would like to point out that high interest rates or the potential of requiring to bail-out some banks etc… these things are not aimed to benefit the rich at the expense of the little guy… it appears to be that, but in reality it’s simply protective measures to keep the market functioning and healthy.

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dbb3ca No.389446


And also, yes… you are correct in stating that the tangibles are ultimately the things that actually matter.

The REAL supply, demand, inflation, deflation…

But the timing of how those tangible factors impact the public sphere is predetermined and highly controlled.

Consider that inflation & deflation of various commodities or currency itself is actually purposeful


What is the REAL value of Bitcoin?

What is the REAL value of RealEstate?

What is the REAL value of the Stock Market?

Looking closer you should see that real value and the market value are two completely different things…

Look how common-place it is for companies on public exchange to valued at 10-100x their actual book value or P/E or even trading at a fraction of their true value..

Look at how RealEstate can be artificially propped up for a year despite an economy of people who are clearly struggling to pay down debt, lack of demand from buyers due to high interest rates, and the beginning of an overly supply of housing…

The derivative valuation of commodities and entire sectors of world economy can be artificially inflated and deflated at will.

Every variables affects every other variable and thus timing becomes important. Creating a sort of “counter” for every oscillation.

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4ac80e No.389447



Perhaps there are some good forces working to reform the economic system, but that is mere speculation. I tend to point out what I notice as face, like the decades of industrial outsourcing, the massive debt, the regional banking crisis that is being swept under the rug, plus all the bad policies that are really undermining the West as a whole. Is it deliberate to take down those who are corrupted? I can't really say, I don't know for sure. What I do know is we are facing a massive financial crisis and looming hot wars that normally are easily preventable through diplomacy. I can only hope for the best but it would be naive not to be prepared for the worst at this point.

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a33e42 No.389448


I agree with you there.

I am only an observer.

Im not the controller/ architect/ in the shadows.

Where the world ultimately goes, I am not fully sure.

I managed to momentarily peek through the window and see the inner-workings… but that’s doesn’t mean I fully comprehend all of what I saw.

I’d watch for 40-44k to hit on DJIA

Watch COIN/ crytpo index

I also think there is another catalyst forming with the healthcare/biotech sector as well.

Also the correction in the RealEstate market I mentioned (although should vary depending on region).

This upcoming US presidential cycle will also likely act as a cover for the underlying economic shifts which will occur.

I do think there is always a tangible A and B

But between A and B appears to be an illusion being procedurally generated to conceal the true underlying market of exchanges and decisions made…

I think society is mostly a reflection of its participants. Thus, the security and prosperity of a nation ultimately relies on a well-educated populace.

Some people can’t be Told.

They must be Shown.

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9d71ab No.389482

File: 664799dd1be98d8⋯.jpeg (93.81 KB,1024x660,256:165,F0752B8C_41E9_4567_9715_3….jpeg)

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71baaf No.389496

anti-slide 1anti-slide 34

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71baaf No.389526

I've been keeping my ears open on a few reliable economists, none of them working directly with the government or government-run media, and there is a growing consensus that at some point in the near future America will see a US Treasury Bond Crash/ Debt Default. The IMF and all the big banks in America are fully aware of this and so is the US Government. They are just dropping small hints for now- bread crumbs- to acclimate the public to the idea we are indeed debt insolvent.

What the big banks and Fed are doing behind the scenes are driving up the gold price. So are countries like India, Russia and China. So what is it they are doing?….. They are all buying up and hoarding GOLD AND to lesser-extent SILVER….. this is what is sending the gold prices up recently! Bear with me. By 2025 you might be seeing $3,000 or even higher price of gold! That will simply be when they start to talk about a debt default! At the time the Federal Reserve and big banks decide to pull the rug from the US Treasury Bond market and default on US national debt, they will massively increase the price of Gold and thus, silver will also go way up. Thus, the Big Banks and Fed cover their losses! At that point the Gold price could be up to $10,000 per ounce.

Now, what is being debated is what comes next? Do they have a plan to enslave citizens with CBDCs tied to vaxx passports and social credit scores? Will certain nations reject that and start backing their currency with silver or gold or other commodity? No one knows but the push for CBDCs is very real! There is no doubt some governments would love to have unfettered control over our lives and financial transactions which would be an ultimate totalitarian power grab. So be prepared in advance if you wish to resist such a power grab.

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71baaf No.389527


And to those who heed this, just remember this is the BIGGEST WEALTH TRANSFER you are about the see for the next 200 years. You will never witness another wealth transfer like this in your lifetime, ever again! If you are not prepared for this you will simply become another sad statistic in the books of history!

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4c7ef0 No.389539

BANKS WILL SEIZE YOUR MONEY! As Scripted Banking Collapse NEARS, Experts Warn Your Money Isn't Safe


We are now living in a POST-ETHICS Society


The CONTROLLED DEMOLITION of the US financial system will cascade OUT OF CONTROL


HAPPENING NOW! 25 Ways the US Is Being Destroyed From Within


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b66e5a No.389569

anti-slide 33029.01789:019LKSTE11

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ac1ef0 No.389582

To all the faggot feds:

You ain’t shit and you don’t get to dictate shit

I’m the captain now.

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dc2797 No.389584


Guess what?

You’re fuck’n retarded.

Learn how to stay your lane dip-shit.

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dc2797 No.389585



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b66e5a No.389587


Nope fuck off.

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7ff263 No.389619



Regulators Told to Prepare to Handle FAILED CLEARING HOUSES


People on Pensions rely on those Pension Funds to get cash out of stocks to pay their pension. And that right there, is the big rub. Pensions hold stocks. When they need to sell some to put out Pension checks, they sell, their stock goes to the clearing house, the buyer sends cash to the clearing house and . . . . theoretically . . . the clearing house sends the cash to the Pension Fund.

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7ff263 No.389620


You are witnessing the greatest orchestrated THEFT your generation will ever see and becoming victims of. You are simply not being informed of it because your (((corrupt government))) is on the take and so are all their (((special interests))) they are working for.

By the time people like you realize it, it will be too late for you to do anything about it. Remember you were warned.

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bf3f75 No.389627

File: 69d9fac70541c6d⋯.jpeg (140.84 KB,1024x1024,1:1,316E353C_40F2_4CC2_84EE_9….jpeg)



Still here bitch.

Cry about it.

Copy/paste more nonsensical fear-porn about the economy.

You scared, dumb little bitch.

I own you.

I own this argument.


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7abadd No.389628

File: 02afd6e4d97e45a⋯.jpeg (182.04 KB,1024x1024,1:1,3103394F_B617_4095_B3E0_6….jpeg)


Light yourself on fire if you’re so upset.

You’re already a flaming faggot soooo…..

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7fc106 No.389636

I've been keeping my ears open on a few reliable economists, none of them working directly with the government or government-run media, and there is a growing consensus that at some point in the near future America will see a US Treasury Bond Crash/ Debt Default. The IMF and all the big banks in America are fully aware of this and so is the US Government. They are just dropping small hints for now- bread crumbs- to acclimate the public to the idea we are indeed debt insolvent.

What the big banks and Fed are doing behind the scenes are driving up the gold price. So are countries like India, Russia and China. So what is it they are doing?….. They are all buying up and hoarding GOLD AND to lesser-extent SILVER….. this is what is sending the gold prices up recently! Bear with me. By 2025 you might be seeing $3,000 or even higher price of gold! That will simply be when they start to talk about a debt default! At the time the Federal Reserve and big banks decide to pull the rug from the US Treasury Bond market and default on US national debt, they will massively increase the price of Gold and thus, silver will also go way up. Thus, the Big Banks and Fed cover their losses! At that point the Gold price could be up to $10,000 per ounce.

Now, what is being debated is what comes next? Do they have a plan to enslave citizens with CBDCs tied to vaxx passports and social credit scores? Will certain nations reject that and start backing their currency with silver or gold or other commodity? No one knows but the push for CBDCs is very real! There is no doubt some governments would love to have unfettered control over our lives and financial transactions which would be an ultimate totalitarian power grab. So be prepared in advance if you wish to resist such a power grab.

This is the BIGGEST WEALTH TRANSFER anyone today will ever live to see, it is happening right now, whether you are aware of it or not, whether you accept it or not, or prepared or not, facts do not change. It is up to YOU to save yourself no one else is coming to save you.

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7fc106 No.389637


I refuse to participate in dumb ideas. Like I among many others have warned we are in the late stages of a failing debt-insolvent economic crisis. US Treasury bonds are increasingly being rejected for global trade. Regional banks are closing their doors, one after another. Central banks are hoarding gold and that is why the price is going up. Millions more Americans are at risk of bankruptcy if even one family crisis or emergency enters their lives, currently living paycheck to paycheck. Governments have begun to panic and that is why the push for global war is accelerating (that will be their scapegoat when the whole insolvent economic system starts to fail). You have been warned.

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7fc106 No.389638

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9deedc No.389668


Scrolling down from here be like:

“Well that escalated quickly”

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24e182 No.389669


Except … you are WRONG.

Just another fear-controlled little faggot sheep on the farm.

They want to perpetually fleece and milk you retard.

Do farmers randomly slaughter their whole flock and leave themselves with nothing for next year?


But they do put up fences to keep the sheep corralled…. In this case, perceptional fences/barriers based on FEAR.

You fell for it faggot.

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32356c No.389677

File: 5657e63046786c9⋯.jpg (175.69 KB,1920x1080,16:9,gUPidfg_asset_mezzanine_16….jpg)

Schizophrenia is contagious

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d3fd04 No.389693

File: 735db5af806de7f⋯.gif (2.81 MB,480x480,1:1,89396192_4290_44CE_AA9F_A2….gif)

>Make message board

>Feds swarm with controversial spam

>USS ShillStorm ready to dock

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4db091 No.389779


The current system is corrupted to the core and is designed to benefit the corrupt and will fleece everyone else who goes along with it. Do as you wish though, it's not like we have real justice in this country anyway, just beware the risks.

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6b42e3 No.389829

anti-slide 6Smjks0-0-00—02

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4c7ef0 No.390014

anti-slide 4455`829BOI*MMW8

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7ff263 No.390051


Schizophrenia is believing you can create infinite debt backed by nothing of value, infusing the economy with endless IOUs, and not expect it to create out-of-control price inflation for the limited amount of resources and commodities available.

More debt in the currency supply the more you devalue the currency, the further the currency devaluation, the further prices of limited goods/resources increase for consumers.

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36de0b No.390063

anti-slide 4210:0`18

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b66e5a No.392976


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