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a7bafe No.377900

We Are Witnessing The Death Of America And The Collapse Of A Once-great Nation

RELATED: >>>/pnd/377638 ; >>>/pnd/376871

Last week I noted that the US is becoming an emerging market. By quick way of review:

1) Many of the most important institutions in the US now exhibit a level of corruption that is normal for banana republics. We now see these institutions doing everything from interfering in elections to arresting political opponents and more. The individuals who do this are not punished, if anything they given book deals and TV slots.

2) The US no longer has a clear rule of law. Those with the correct political leanings and connections can avoid jail time for serious crimes, even treason. Meanwhile, those on the other side of the political spectrum are given lengthy sentences for minor transgressions.

3) The US economy is no longer a manufacturing or industrial leader. Decades of outsourcing have gutted the middle class resulting in the kind of wealth disparities you usually see in emerging markets. American children dream of becoming influencers or social media personalities instead of business owners or innovators.

It’s enough to make you sick.

Indeed, the “US is an emerging market” theme was on full display last week when our Secretary of the Treasury, Janet Yellen, arguably the most important financial figure in our country, and the person in charge of managing the US dollar/financial ponzi scheme, groveled in front of China’s Vice Premiere He Lifeng during her visit to China.

Ms. Yellen bowed repeatedly to the Vice Premiere, groveling much as an emerging market financial official would kowtow to his or her counterpart from a more developed, superior nation upon which the former’s nation relied for aid, support and assistance.

Again, this is the thing of emerging markets. And the fact that the person who manages our finances and currency is this incompetent, embarrassing illustrates clearly just how far the US has fallen.

The only good thing that will come from this is that if you know how to invest in emerging market regimes, you can stand to make a fortune in the coming years just like the traitors who sold this country out are doing now.


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7dc80a No.377920

bumping everlasting real news

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7badb4 No.377953

bumpin' real life news, niggaz

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8294a9 No.377956



Recently, US Treasury Minister Yellen visited my country and negotiated with my country on a series of economic issues. According to the Observer.com report on July 10, Liao Yan, deputy director of the Central Finance Office of my country and deputy minister of the Ministry of Finance, answered the reporter from Yelun's visit to China.

Liao Yan said that during the visit of Yellen, China and the United States have launched a long frank talks. China reiterated to the United States' position in Sino -US economic and trade relations, conveyed the concerns of China, and discussed global challenges and macroeconomic issues. Subsequent China and the United States will continue to communicate

Relevant reports show that there are 5 points of concern to the United States, which are to stop suppressing Chinese enterprises, relaxing export controls to China, suspended tariffs on China, treating investment in the two countries, and canceling the ban on products related to Xinjiang.

It is not difficult to think that the United States will not take these 5 points of my country to the heart, and it will still take all the useful methods to initiate and suppress my country. If the United States does not come up with sincerity, Sino -US relations will not be substantially improved.

In fact, the current economic environment in the United States is not good. The reason why the United States sent Yellen to China to start a visit to my country this time because the United States wanted to get help in my country in some aspects.

As we all know, the most headache in the United States is the issue of US debt. Although the US Democratic Party and the Republican Party reached an agreement to increase the upper limit of debt at the last moment of the breach of contract, a new problem is in front of the Bayeng government. Who will buy these new US debt?

You know, the United States' debt in early June this year was $ 3.14 billion. When visiting Yelun's visit to China, the scale of debt in the United States has exceeded $ 32 trillion, which means that the United States issued another $ 600 billion in national debt in just two weeks.

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8294a9 No.377957




According to the information released by the US Treasury, the United States will issue about $ 850 billion in Treasury bonds in the next four months. By 2024, the US newly issued government bonds will exceed 1.1 trillion US dollars. In this way, the United States must be looking for US debt buyers.

What makes Yellen feel a headache is that a large number of countries are selling US debt. My country used to be the "largest overseas holding country" of U.S. Treasury bonds, but in the past 10 years, my country has been reducing holdings of US debt.

Japan has become the "largest overseas holding country of US debt", and my country has retired second. In the past year, in addition to the increase of 20.5 billion US dollars in March 2023.

According to data released by the US Ministry of Finance, at present, the U.S. Treasury bonds held in my country have fallen to $ 868.9 billion. In addition to my country, 14 countries have sold US debt in April and May this year.

In addition, the Cayman Islands and Bermuda, known as the "tax avoidance paradise", are also selling US debt. In general, US debt has become more and more [unpopular?] in the majority of countries, which makes Yellen feel bad, because as of the end of this year, there will be at least trillion dollars in the United States.

It is worth mentioning that there was a small detail during the visit of Yellen, that is, she took the initiative to bow when he met with the deputy prime minister of the State Council [and ????? looks like jibberish.]

The New York Post quoted Blackman's words before the U.S. Bush administration, "U.S. officials should not bow, Yellen's move is regarded as a manifestation of 'American weakness', she looks like being called to the principal's office. This is completely and absolutely inappropriate behavior. But in any case, Yellen has bowed in front of the camera, and it is useless to feel dissatisfied with the US government and the media. It should be noted that Yellen's bow will not change anything. If the United States does not satisfy the 5 points of concern proposed in my country, we will not increase the hold of US debt according to the wishes of the United States.


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8294a9 No.377958


Looks like Yellen is in panic mode to get nations to keep buying US treasury bonds, but most nations are dumping the insolvent debt bond holdings. Everyone knows a ponzi scheme when they see it. Endless debt does not look very lucrative when it's obvious it will never be paid back in full.

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6432cc No.378340

anti-gatekeeper bumparoo

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e63dc0 No.378420

fuck all the gatekeepers 3

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f34959 No.379008

bumping basic news

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9428a5 No.379072

bumping actual news

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402e3c No.379141

I warned everyone to be prepared for many years. Those that listened and did were the smart ones.

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f34959 No.379180

bumping vital news

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6cc576 No.380510

bumping natural news

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f2cd6d No.380772

bumping traditional news

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f34959 No.381406

bumping verified news

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bfbc0e No.381597

bumping third world news

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b5cd18 No.381665

anti-slide 214214

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f2cd6d No.381751

If I had listened to pro-government gatekeepers years ago I'd likely be dead today. Thank God I never trusted them.

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cfcb16 No.382321



When – 1860, 1919, 1929, 1952, 1975, 2021?

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6cc576 No.382396

If I had listened to pro-government gatekeepers years ago I'd likely be dead today. Thank God I never trusted them.

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8294a9 No.382437

bumping sad news

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b5cd18 No.382617

real news anti-slide

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b5cd18 No.382691

bumping vital news

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9428a5 No.382901

If I had listened to pro-government gatekeepers years ago I'd likely be dead today. Thank God I never trusted them.

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6cc576 No.383034


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527669 No.383372

Too bad America is no longer a free country, no wonder the country is in such rapid decline.

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f2cd6d No.383558

anti-gatekeeper bumparoo

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f2cd6d No.383626

Too bad America is no longer a free country, no wonder the country is in such rapid decline.

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f2cd6d No.384007

bumping absolute news

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6cc576 No.384105

bumping common sense news

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a7bafe No.384119

It's clear our government is at war with the truth, and thus, the people.

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f34959 No.384196

bumping dependable news

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bfbc0e No.384606

If I had listened to pro-government gatekeepers years ago I'd likely be dead today. Thank God I never trusted them.

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1c128b No.384743

bumping blacklisted news

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a7bafe No.384982

If I had listened to pro-government gatekeepers years ago I'd likely be dead today. Thank God I never trusted them.

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e33c1b No.385056

anti-slide 882`17830289170-0-1

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32c979 No.385121

Glad I prepared for the collapse of the Western world.

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a7bafe No.385467

End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000079

All the corrupt Ukraine government cares about is remaining in power at the expense of everyone else including their own people. Take note of this. Take note of this because this is exactly the mentality our own government/political leadership has in this country. We are all expendable to them.


Ukraine is the new obsession for Washington DC’s war hawks. Ukraine is officially America's new endless war. The United States is heading down the same path that mired us in Middle Eastern conflicts for over two decades, all without clearly articulating the objective or how victory is achieved. The American people deserve answers before more of their money is sent to Ukraine. To that end, we are introducing the Define The Mission Act, legislation that would require President Biden to submit a comprehensive strategy to Congress regarding US involvement in Ukraine.


As of October 1st 2023, All American Banks Are Now Tax Exempt


75,000 Healthcare Workers Go On Strike – Largest Healthcare Strike In US History


The Importance of Physical Media: CD, DVD, Blu-Ray & Books


WATCH! Press Have No Response When Matt Gaetz Lists Brutal Facts


Israeli Police Arrest Five Radical Jews For Spitting On Christians


India Moves To Expel Canadian Diplomats Over Policy Rift With Cocaine Addict Trudeau


Putin Says A New Multipolar World Will Benefit Humanity, End Debt Slavery


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f34959 No.385828

End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000099

Hamas Claims 13 Hostages Killed In Air Strikes On Gaza, Israel Denies


Hamas has taken more than 150 people hostage, including both civilians and security forces.

Israeli Infantry, Tank Units Begin Localized Raids Into Gaza To Locate Hostages


Air Sirens Ringing In Israel Yet No Rockets Hitting, Israelis Wonder Why


If You See Loco Nuts Running Around With Knives, Shoot 'Em!


US Cities On High Alert Amid Hamas 'Day of Rage' Threats


Americans must remain vigilant and prepared to defend ourselves and our families if need be.

Fake News Is Spreading About Qatar Cutting Off Gas Supply, It Might Not Be True After All



Iran FM Meets Nasrallah, Threatens To Open Hezbollah War With Israel If Brutality Against Gaza Doesn't Cease


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8294a9 No.385929

End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000109

FALSE FLAG CONFIRMED! Israel Ordered Military to Stand Down During Hamas Assault


Jewish Pro-Life Foundation leader Cecily Routman, citing government sources, claimed Netanyahu ordered the stand down to allow Hamas to launch its attack in order to justify Israeli retaliation against Gaza meant to ultimately wipe the Palestinian enclave off the map. “Israel as the most sophisticated intelligence in the world. There is no way the government didn’t know that that was going to happen,” Routman told conservative activist Lauren Witzke in an interview released Saturday.

70% Chance Israel-Hamas War Spreads Beyond Gaza, Threatening Oil


MY COMMENT: Check the last 10 updates of End Times News, it was 100% accurate when the conclusion was determined the Hamas attack was a staged false flag to stir up a major war in the Middle East to undermine the BRICS trade union and OPEC+ which were all in the process of rejecting the US Dollar as a world reserve currency! Get it now!? Got to hand it to Jim Willie and his inside sources.

Impending Economic Collapse, Mossad-Hamas False Flag Taking America Into World War & Sabotaging BRICS & OPEC+


Russian President Putin Interviewed By Chinese Media, His Full Take On Current Events


Majority of Americans Do Not Support Their Political Leadership


Everything Biden says he wants to accomplish by running again — stabilizing the Middle East, uniting Europe, deterring Putin — was already done when he came into office, thanks to President Trump. Biden’s policies and weakness ruined it all.


Major Banks Close Over 3,000 Branches Nationwide


Retired Managing Director of Wealth Management formerly working in Swiss Private Banking, Clive Thompson, said at some point, the global economy will enter a crisis. He believes banks will be closed, then there will be an announcement about the rollout of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs). Americans who desire freedom better be prepared to reject this totalitarianism, moving to alternative trade and bartering options.

Mexican Sinaloa Cartel’s Message To Members: Stop Making Fentanyl or Die


The deadly combination of fentanyl in their drugs is killing more people than they can get hooked, meaning loss of profit.

Only 2% Of Americans Have Received New COVID Clot Shot, Propagandists Defeated


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bd2002 No.386989


1997 was cool

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8294a9 No.387133

5rLLDS)(23;[ao pp2qw2


3e21 c3

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a7bafe No.387274

Preparing for the collapse of America was a very smart idea!

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b5cd18 No.387515


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6bc484 No.387719


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f34959 No.389340

anti-slide 516341

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f2cd6d No.392272


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4d0231 No.392594


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