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837cb3  No.363810

Recent reports of wayward Chinese weather balloons traveling off course have created confusion among the public, but a closer look reveals that these "unidentified" balloons may be a part of a much larger plan.

The truth behind these mysterious balloons may be that they are actually a creation of the US military, designed to create a false sense of impending doom and thus create public support for World War Three.

Using the ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict as an example, the US military industrial complex had sought to manipulate public opinion and create conditions ripe for war. Today, it appears that these clusters of unidentifiable balloons are being used in an effort to do the same.

By creating an atmosphere of fear and uncertainty, the military hopes to pressure the public into supporting intervention and planning for the possibility of an all-out global conflict. Such a scenario could be devastating, and it is critical that the public is made aware of the designs of the military to generate unnecessary and potentially destructive false alarms.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

000000  No.363811

plausible and dasting af.

now change the word military to lobby.

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05eb82  No.363821


Unlike WWI and WWII I don't think the average American is, or will, fall for this manufactured war anymore. The biggest threats to our country are not Russia or China or Iran, but the cesspit of corruption and hostility to our freedoms within this country. There is no hell of a way I'd fight a war to save the hegemony of something like the US Federal Reserve System or World Economic Forum. If the totalitarians desire war with Russia and/or China let them risk it with their own corruption-hub cities as the prime nuclear targets. Everyone else can hunker down and wait out the fall-out and collapse.

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