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5b1511  No.363459

26 Then God said, “Letusmake mankind in our image, inourlikeness

but the rest of the Bible claims it's a sin to believe in other gods, so obviously the Bible is fiction


But he's never really read the bible, and had no idea Genesis debunked the entire "only one god" mythology

Because he doesn't know jack shit about the Bible.. he can't correctly repeat scripture from memory, because he's never read it in the first place

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5b1511  No.363462


Wendy and I will put that $1,500 to good use

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5b1511  No.363466

Because if you had actually READ THE BIBLE before, and realized Genesis debunks the entire Bible on the first page, you would have used that $1,500 to purchase alcohol to drown out the demon inside of you

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fd48ad  No.363477


"Our" meaning God Himself and the angels beside Him, who all casted out Lucifer and his fallen angels from the heavens!

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