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File: f8722c9592e4b1e⋯.png (1.17 MB, 1392x1076, 348:269, f8722c9592e4b1e6230cce328d….png)

da86b3  No.363271

Agent tr00n will never be a woman

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90af4c  No.363275

File: a40813e42cbe0b9⋯.jpg (29.32 KB, 512x512, 1:1, 9oo00higI48zBBPjFtDk_1_4zg….jpg)


Q: do you devote time to obsessing and inexplicably fixating on ALL irrelevant random hideous transvestite males, OR JUST HIM ?

is he special to you?……..

or will ANY nasty crossdressing male share equal time in your busy schedule?

I'm just curious why this guy makes you more wet than most dragqueens….

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90af4c  No.363276

File: cd18c239ed26bcc⋯.jpg (202.38 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, Picsart_23_02_10_22_59_26_….jpg)

Re: PSYOPS lol hahaha

"psy" ops…..

you misspelled PSYCHOTIC, lunatic

as in : How's The Schizophrenia Going2?

RuPaul says "May The Best Queen Win!"

and it looks like you've found the one you enjoy spending the most time thinking about….

fantasizing about him being a telepathic psychic secret agent….

Apparently, as far as you're concerned, He's Even HOTTER THAN RUPAUL

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90af4c  No.363277

File: a4bd977edbfe5a5⋯.jpg (199.28 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, Picsart_23_02_10_23_18_56_….jpg)


You Could Spend Endless Days Fixating OnANYQueen….

Obviously, This Lucky Guy Consumes The Majority Of Your Thoughts Lately…

That's Sweet, But Explain it to RuPaul !!

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90af4c  No.363278

File: aeaf6ec3ac46ed5⋯.jpg (230.63 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, Picsart_23_02_10_23_31_36_….jpg)


Tomorrow is FRIDAY……

yet another busy weekend for adult males worldwide….

not just in North America, but Across The Globe, The Weekend equals SEX…

getting laid…. actually physically insering their penis into another human being, in person, with a real living human…

or at least they're busy working on accomplishing it… it's Friday EVERYWHERE, and it's always been completely natural for men to be chasing skirts… it's healthy….

it's how you were created…

It's how we were all created….

it's called SEX…. INTERCOURSE

it's calledFRIDAY NIGHT

and here youll be…..

Literally unable to stop thinking about this one guy.. you just can't get him out of your mind

That's adorable!!!

The fantasizing toddler on

another Friday night

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90af4c  No.363279

File: 785aa2da37ea292⋯.jpg (177.76 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, Picsart_23_02_10_23_13_12_….jpg)


And since you'll be spending your entire weekend fantasizing about other men, you might as well throw in the old Garden variety grab bag delusional fantasies, like "telepathic secret agents who are co-conspirators in a maniacal farfetched global plot to overthrow the world through an irrelevant fat ugly boring Bland cross-dressing homosexual in Canada that you can't stop thinking about"……..

I mean WHYNOT, right ?….

Since you've already made this much of a fool out of yourself, why stop with half measures, right?….

Why not take it all the way, and throw the old trendy psychotic tin foil schizophrenic dissociated delusional unrealistic secret agent telepathic Global Intrigue espionage garbage into the mix?

Fantasizing requires much less effort than actually going out there and experiencing life face to face, right?

yeah. NOTH

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90af4c  No.363280

File: ff4a148e943c6f3⋯.jpg (228.11 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, Picsart_23_02_11_00_01_44_….jpg)

But when it comes to

playing make believe

fantasizing about psychological

mastermind transvestite evil

James Bond 007 Drag Queen

Maniacal Insidius Plots…..

It's important the protagonist is somehow attractive and magnetic to you, or the whole story falls apart at the seams

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90af4c  No.363281


This is a completely normal fixation, with nothing creepy or weird about it whatsoever, right?

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90af4c  No.363283

File: 0ed834f62ffeac6⋯.jpg (120.16 KB, 1024x682, 512:341, istockphoto_597639502_1024….jpg)

I mean seriously…….

whoHASN'Tsacrificed normal healthy relationships in order to fixate on bland fat transvestites, right?…

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90af4c  No.363284

File: c3b300ccf735920⋯.jpg (451.19 KB, 1078x631, 1078:631, Screenshot_20230211_001408.jpg)


whoWOULDN'Tprefer to obsess online over a FAT UGLY DRAG QUEEN than to have a beautiful real-life girlfriend….



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