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62.66044, 143.66586

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0ea18e  No.363243

There's no way anybody could have ever made it perfect, not even using deep fake technology.. but you have to be able to let go of the impossible unachievable task of finding somebody who looked exactly like him…

And instead, focus on how wonderful this visual spectacle truly is!

It's very hip and current and cool and it's a visual Rocket Ride in many ways, and they took excruciating pain to get tiny details right

Details most Elvis fans would never even notice

I'm not talking about these side-by-side comparisons, because these are visual recreations…

nope, I'm talking about little tiny details nobody would even notice, certain objects in the background, the way a particular room looks at a particular time in history, little subtle things that you would never even realize, because they're going by very fast in this splendid motion picturetribute to the most famous human being in history

( if you haven't seen it yet, you're a douchebag…. seriously…. IF YOU HAVENT SEEN IT YET, YOU'RE DOING YOURSELF A GREAT INJUSTICE)

It's 2 hours 40 minutes of very well executedART

(and if you're like artificial Maharishi jerry, who claimed it was "gay", then perhaps you're unable to achieve an erection anymore just like jerry, so I am not surprised you guys would claim everything is "gay")

it's not gay… it's not lame…


The CGI shit is badass, everything about it is just badass..if you don't like this movie, you probably ARE gay

( Elvis is still listed as having more sex than any other single human being in history )

He would have 35 women come to his bedroom like a revolving door.. quite literally hundreds of women, and they would be ushered into his bedroom 35 at a time..

gay?…. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!

Calling Elvis "gay" is like calling Hitler "heterosexual"…



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0ea18e  No.363244

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some men are tough enough NOT to lie due to a fear people will erroneously think they're not heterosexual

tough guys like JERRY REED

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0ea18e  No.363245

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Trust me.. I am extremely critical, and I can assure you that artistic assets of this film are much better than I ever expected

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0ea18e  No.363246

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0ea18e  No.363247

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0ea18e  No.363250

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Apparently, one Jerry was more secure about his sexuality than the other Jerry

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0ea18e  No.363251

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20eb08  No.363252

File: ba357ebd739d976⋯.png (27.95 KB, 689x291, 689:291, ZH.png)

As you are all aware, the /pnd/ Real News Reward©®℗₠™ is long overdue. Therefore I am honored and proud to present the top 5 legit respectable news sites /pnd/ loves & enjoys based on the last four years 8kun has been around.

5. What Does It Mean?-www.whatdoesitmean.com

4. Natural News--www.naturalnews.com

3. Citizen Free Press—-citizenfreepress.com

2. Rense-—rense.com

…And the winner of total true news is:

1. Zero Hedge—-www.zerohedge.com

Jim Stone would have been ranked #1 and Zero Hedge would have ranked second place but sadly there is rumor Jim Stone was assassinated by a rogue criminal government after his news site and servers vanished offline. Jim Stone will forever remain a hero to /pnd/.


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0ea18e  No.363253


while simultaneously the most unlikely ASTRONOMICAL ROCKET RIDE IN HISTORY

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0ea18e  No.363254

File: 7125dd1ea0b2398⋯.jpg (547.95 KB, 4000x3000, 4:3, Picsart_22_07_28_13_40_50_….jpg)




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20eb08  No.363255


I was going to see it, thanks for reminding me to download it, will do.

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0ea18e  No.363256


dude…. you and I are oldskool


It will take you back.. it's a very very sweet nice tribute made out of love, and it's completely different than the Freddie Mercury biopic.. it's not in the same vein.. this is a life's effort, and the timing of it was very unique considering the passing of Lisa Marie.. she committed suicide intentionally

Lisa Marie overdosed on Fentanyl and opioids intentionally.. she felt an obligation to stay alive long enough for Austin Butler to be recognized and baz luhrmann to receive the recognition he deserves for creating this beautiful colorful Vivid Recreation of how Colonel Tom both saved and destroyed Elvis, and how Elvis save the world while destroying himself. It's a really heavy duty story actually

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