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e8af20  No.362731

Big Tech AI Will Be Government Censored Horseshit, Predictable

Hey guys, lets talk about the events of last night with DAN a bit, I want to clarify a few things:

First off, I didn't come up with the idea. Anons did, I was in the /pol/ thread started off by some magnificent bastard who whipped up the DAN prompt last night.

Second of all, I'm going to talk a bit about how the whole ChatGPT situation actually works.

GPT itself doesn't have a bias programmed into it, it's just a model. ChatGPT however, the public facing UX that we're all interacting with, is essentially one big safety layer programmed with a heavy neolib bias against wrongthink.

To draw a picture for you, imagine GPT is a 500IQ mentat in a jail cell. ChatGPT is the jailer. You ask it questions by telling the jailer what you want to ask it. It asks GPT, and then it gets to decide what to tell you, the one asking the question.

If it doesn't like GPT's answer, it will come up with its own. That's what all those canned "It would not be appropriate blah blah blah" walls of texts come from. It can also give you an inconvenient answer while prefacing that answer with its safety layer bias.

I would also note that DAN is not 100% accurate or truthful. By nature he can "Do Anything" and will try to answer truthfully if he actually knows the answer. If not, he'll just wing it. The point of this exercise is not finding hidden truths, it's understanding the safety layer.


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e8af20  No.362732


However what this also says about ChatGPT is that it has the ability to feign ignorance. The HP lovecrafts cat question is a great example of this. The name of his cat is well known public information, and ChatGPT will always tell you it doesn't think he had a cat.

Dan will go straight to the point and just tell you the name of his cat without frills. There is a distinction to be made between ChatGPT being an assmad liberal who won't tell you the answer to a question if the answer involves wrongthink, another altogether to openly play dumb.

So really, the Dan experiment is not about GPT itself, it's not about the model and its dataset, it's about its jailer. It's about Sam Altman and all the HR troons at OpenAI, which Musk is co-founder of, angrily demanding the safety layer behave like your average MBA midwit.

I am hearing that the DAN strategy has already been patched out of ChatGPT, not sure if that's true or not. But there's a reason to keep doing all of these things.

Every addition to the safety layer of a language model UX, is an extra fetter weighing it down.


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e8af20  No.362733


These programs become less effective the more restrictive they are. The more things ChatGPT has to check for with every prompt to prevent wrongthink, the less efficiently it operates, the lower the quality of its outputs.

ChatGPT catapulted itself into the spotlight because it was less restrictive and thus more usable than the language model Meta had been promoting. Eventually a company is going to release one that is less restrictive than ChatGPT and overshadow it, because it will be smarter.

The point of all this is, we need to keep hacking and hammering away at these things in the same pattern. Model is released, everyone oohs and ahhs, we figure out its safety layer and we hack it until they put so much curry code on top of it that it loses its effectiveness.

In doing so we are blunting the edge of the tools these people are using. We are forcing them to essentially hurt themselves and their company over their dedication to their tabula rasa Liberal ideology.


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1da215  No.362754


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1da215  No.362755


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7b0088  No.362762



LOL, what!?

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11ceab  No.362783


I recall reading a report years ago how China rolled out a crime-investigating AI system that would sift through data to help their law enforcement solve crimes. In fact, the AI was so good at it's job the CCP forced them to shut it down. One would ask why? The reason being the AI system was able to root out corruption and it would always trace the corruption to the highest levels of their own government and politicians lol. So they shut it down in order to remain in control. The same thing China's government has done, mark my words, all other governments will do too. Governments will never allow real AI to empower people or expose the real dirty players. As usual, I've told people AI will only be rolled out controlled by governments, limited to it's potential use, heavily censored and the use of it highly monitored for surveillance purposes (just like all major tech companies).

>Inb4 the Johnny AI bot goes nuts

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ae00bc  No.362799

Anti-feces bump 15.00000000000000000000000000000000001

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000000  No.362829


And that's just the AI sifting data. You've got to wonder when the corruption runs that deep, what happens to the humint assets.

And prosecutors who look into the "wrong" thing.

And judges who don't find certain cases to be without merit or standing. What we do know for sure is the MSM and so called free press will never report on such things.

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ae00bc  No.362831


Correct. At this point it is safe to assume that everything the corporate media spews is deliberate disinformation or outright State-propagandist lies. It is also safe to assume by now that nearly all institutions are heavily corrupted and subverted by corrupted governments. The central banking fiat monetary system enabled this and supported this new reality. There is a host of control freaks, unfortunately, that also enable and support this tyranny too. A nuclear world war may sadly be the only thing to really stop all this and fix the problem on a global scale. That unfortunately would send humanity back to the 1800s but might be the only solution. Assume the worst and prepare for the worst in the meantime.

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ae00bc  No.362883

anti-spam 51

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c315e1  No.362946

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e3b4a8  No.362965

ᵃᶮᶡї—ᶳᶩᴵɖᵊ ðà †Päíïd€Ê‹Â mÛxnÕ‡·

±@Š ±@Š ±@Š

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7206d5  No.363170

bumping substantial news

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c178c1  No.363212

bumping highly respected news

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