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868f59  No.362672

The USA Have Received Divine Opportunity To Meet, Receive Help From The Savior In Person

Source, More Info: https://ascensionjoy.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=71

I the Savior have never put that offer like that on the table before.

A divine opportunity to meet, talk, speak, receive help from the legendary Savior in America USA soil land in real physical in-person way.

I don’t care whether you are US official or US military or just a casual US patriot person.

The offer have limited time till Feb 13th 2023 (13-02-2023).

I was asking for only $20,000 USD for travel expense (must gone through several nations).

Or if you want, you can directly book the ticket and hotels/resorts for me and only need to leave me few thousands USD for daily using (but not recommended).

I want the secret society changing information be reveal in secret private manner.

I want the surprise for the entire world.

This is the never seen before and divine opportunity to Make America Great Again because by hosting me the Savior, all kind of advantage those Gold holders are currently have will gone.

I am not only holding the divine new global financial system but also have a great plan for the real modern America revolution/evolution with the appear of a new fresh political party.

But since it is very to copy and can be using any all entities, thus I just cannot share freely online.

This is the first and also the last chance for the United States of Americas to control their own destiny before the final world financial doomdays.

I have never visited or touched down the USA soil before.

And I don’t have any plan in the future too.

If not because of various personal factors, there is absolutely no reason for me to visit the US.

I hope this message is clear.

Feel free to send it to all real US leaders, patriots as soon as possible before the deadline is coming very soon.

Best Regard,

The Savior Messiah Buddha

Source, More Info: https://ascensionjoy.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=71

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