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b28f6c  No.362660

A New Political Party With Fresh Ideology Will Begin The Great Reset In America USA

Source, More Info: https://ascensionjoy.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=70

The old system will end.

The new one will emerge.

I can see it begin and kick of in the America USA.

A brand new politicial party with fresh idelogy will appear to defeat the old one (both Democrat and Republican).

The leader of that new political party will be either Donald Trump or Blake Shelton or any other unknown person.

If you ask what is fresh ideology, then my answer is: it is secret.

But I can reveal some features like income tax will be removed, security tax will be replace if needed but will 100% volunteer.

A new world currency system will also include in this one.

The current US Dollar will lost most of their value if not completely disappear in near future (less than 5 years if not instantly).

I don’t want to reveal anything online but prefer in private secret matter.

That is the reason I have given a proposal and opportunity for the US military/government and patriots to meet me in person in the United States land to discuss more about the solution.

Again I need to repeat that I am completely broke and do not have any money left to go travelling.

And I am not going to reveal everything online because some evil beings will take advantage of it.

So now it is total up to the American people.

If they think $20,000 (Twenty thousands US dollar) are too much for a in person meeting with a huge potential winning strategy, then I have no words left.

My deadline is till Feb 13th 2023 (13-02-2023) only.

The reason only $20,000 grands is because I have not yet shown, publish and put my ebooks on the mainstream market.

Once I decide to put, publish these ebooks on the market, then I am not going to meet or talk anything about politics and human management in general.

Best Regard,

The Messiah

Source, More Info: https://ascensionjoy.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=70

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