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59145d  No.361667

Sign the petition against Germanophobie of the Swiss National Front !


Introduction of a new penal norm

Defence of the German and European People

Online petition against germanophobie :


Public insults against Germans

One who publicly maintained under an ideological cover in relation to the historical events known as Genocide, Holocaust and Shoah the claim that the Germans killed the Jews;

Whoever publicly propagates the idea of the immanent and timeless guilt of the German people in the aforementioned events;

Shall be punished by deprivation of liberty for a maximum of three years or by a pecuniary penalty.


What is the purpose of this petition?

Its purpose is to make the population aware of the permanent accusations made against the Germans, who are said to be a murderous people.

This petition - if successful - would be followed by a federal popular initiative which would aim to make public insults against Germans reprehensible in the same terms.

Is this antisemitic?

No. It is pro-German. And pro-Swiss because three-quarters of the population are German-speaking.

I am not German or German-speaking. Not even Swiss. Can I sign?

Yes, you can.

Who are the circles behind this initiative?

This petition is on the initiative of the Swiss and European National Front for the Defence of Race and Culture (FNSEDRC), a French-speaking nationalist movement created in 2019 by the Genevan Alexandre Bender.

It is supported by various nationalist movements in the French-speaking world.


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000000  No.361670

ww2 was a bad chapter. most people in America still don't know the inside scoop in history.

we have umpimped ze auto. we like german people.

their cars are very good and their beers are even better!


!his should be relevant to everyone's interests god dammit!

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0ae5c5  No.361692


It seems like you would be more interested in signing a petition demanding that women stop laughing in your face

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0ae5c5  No.361693


Since you've never seen a vagina in real life, apparently you're not sexually attracted to females

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0ae5c5  No.361694



Just stop living a lie and walk down the hallway to your mother's bedroom and tell her the truth…

( she's known you were gay for years, even before your tiny little testicles descended )

Mothers have a way of knowing when their sons are actually little girls

So she's known the truth all along

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0ae5c5  No.361695



They don't have a wife

They don't have a girlfriend

They've never had a girlfriend

And they pretend to be intimidating neo-nazis in empty chat rooms

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0ae5c5  No.361696


It's really simple…

If a man is thirsty and wants water, he will find water and drink it

If a man is hungry and wants food, he will find food and eat it

And if a man is heterosexual and wants pussy, he's going to find some pussy, no matter what it takes…

It's obvious you're simply not sexually attracted to women

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0ae5c5  No.361697


dude…… You're effeminate as shit

it's creepy

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