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File: f73cfbab0350ea2⋯.jpg (37.43 KB, 640x360, 16:9, 4UUKKGgVbEU_640x360.jpg)

8fb86c  No.360420 [Last 50 Posts]

Real World Leaders Avoid Davos, WEF


Pound sand, despots.

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92d1f5  No.360435


do you remember back when you could STILL achieve an erection?

pound hand

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92d1f5  No.360436


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92d1f5  No.360437


you always lie and claim you CURED YOUR DIABETES



then, like TENS OF MILLIONS….


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92d1f5  No.360438

pound pud

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92d1f5  No.360439

oh…. that's right… I forgot


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966097  No.360440


MY COMMENT: Milk thistle, curcumin, lemon juice. Case closed.

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966097  No.360441


I'm pounding /pnd/ right now, with the TURTH.

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92d1f5  No.360442

because although you CLAIM to have controlled your diabetes….



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92d1f5  No.360443


like alien autopsies

and spike proteins

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966097  No.360444


*TRUTH, I must have drank too much last night again.

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92d1f5  No.360445


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92d1f5  No.360446



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966097  No.360447


mRNA clot shots are killing millions, over 7,000 Americans are dying EVERY DAY from them.

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92d1f5  No.360448

okay….. enough of that

let's be the REAL US AGAIN


long time no see….

what's up dude?

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92d1f5  No.360449


sssshhhh…… no more "in character"

I want to SAY HELLO

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92d1f5  No.360450

however you been?

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92d1f5  No.360451



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92d1f5  No.360452

this place is so weird now

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966097  No.360453


I just realized I can post here anonymously again a couple days ago, without that stupid registration code, so that's why I'm back for now.

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92d1f5  No.360454

yeah I don't want to "go into character" yet

I haven't even made coffee yet

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966097  No.360455


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92d1f5  No.360456


lol I gave Jim the numbers to a disposable card, let him take 10 CENTS off it, then threw the card in the garbage, with ZERO MONEY ON IT

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966097  No.360457


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92d1f5  No.360458


it's good to see you

I missed you. … crazy weirdo

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92d1f5  No.360459


yeah, I simply let the fat bitch have ONE DIME


and he'll never see another penny

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92d1f5  No.360460

hold on… making coffee brb

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966097  No.360461

I have another hour or so, then I need to get offline and get some more stuff done and go places.

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966097  No.360462


Put some ground Chaga mushroom in the coffee.

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92d1f5  No.360463


lol of course

why not some liquid rabbit feces too

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92d1f5  No.360464

tell Jerry to grow up and come back

I'm ready to stop punishing him

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966097  No.360465


I have seen Jerry only twice off board, but I have no clue where else he goes, seldomly he'll visit Endchan.

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966097  No.360466

When this site got locked up, I went back to Endchan, and btw, I was an Endchan news poster before I came over to 8kun.

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966097  No.360467

I recently told Jerry to enjoy the aftermath weather right after the harsh blizzard hit the West, it hit us pretty hard but I was well prepared in advance and it was nothing for us, other people died from it, those who never prepared in advance. Knocked out lots of electricity in rural Missouri. Luckily around my area everyone knew the drill in advance: have wood ready or freeze!!

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92d1f5  No.360468



note to self :

don't ever try endchan

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92d1f5  No.360469

Jerry's coast got hit A LOT


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966097  No.360470


I told Jerry to GET PREPARED for the next geo-engineered weather-war terror event, because there WILL BE more! Out here they're trying to kill us seven days a week each and every way you can imagine!!!

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92d1f5  No.360471

so….. let me make sure I understand…..

The weather? You mean Once Upon a time, we were safe and things were good.. and then the monsters started taking over, forcing their terrifying will upon us.. but the monster needs to remain hidden and Secret, so it prevents us from finding out about it?

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92d1f5  No.360472

File: d8aa61825cb8ad6⋯.mp4 (4.25 MB, 640x360, 16:9, pizza.mp4)

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966097  No.360473


He is LUCKY his power did not go out, and I told him next time he gets the chance he better get prepared: think "low tech" and "no tech" prepping! 12V deep cycles/inverters/solar trickle chargers = low tech, extra blankets/boots/shoes/socks/long underwear/clothing/wood burning stove = no tech.

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92d1f5  No.360474




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966097  No.360475


The weather is geo-engineered by governments/military today, it's all been weaponized and this has been well known since the 90s. The secret is long out.

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92d1f5  No.360476

File: d8aa61825cb8ad6⋯.mp4 (4.25 MB, 640x360, 16:9, d8aa61825cb8ad6a8e3c72dbdd….mp4)

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966097  No.360477

File: e5670901f1d1b45⋯.jpg (152.52 KB, 750x500, 3:2, ww.jpg)

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92d1f5  No.360478


well, with your background in meteorology and CIA BACKGROUND, I guess you're an expert?

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966097  No.360479



And China admitted THEY DO IT TOO a few years ago.

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92d1f5  No.360480

It doesn't go anywhere. You can't have a conversation about conspiracies. I don't even think a conspiracy theorists can have a conversation with each other about it… because It's fundamentally non-discursive.

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92d1f5  No.360481


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966097  No.360482


CIA THIS: they just recently admitted your mind can, in fact, be "hacked" by the use of electromagnetic waves!!

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92d1f5  No.360483

It's not something you can have a discussion about. It is just an attempt to make this sort of course story about yourself match up with your world. And every conspiracy theory has this same course story, and that's why it's so powerful. It's the story The theorist holds onto, and then tries to match up the world in a messy kind of way

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92d1f5  No.360484

And the story is basically, Once Upon a Time we were happy and everything was good and we were in charge and we were safe…

And then the monsters took hold

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966097  No.360485

Seriously, a lot of people think our "leaders" are "aliens" but the truth is close to that theory…..

They are the fallen angels cast out from the Heavens, who defected from God to join Lucifer!!!!! They're right here, now, on this Earth today!!! 'They were here before, AND AFTER, the Great Flood' - Genesis chapter 6

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92d1f5  No.360486

But no one knew that the monsters had taken hold, and the monsters are not the vaguely threatening variety, they have to be gigantic demonic, sort of the most hyperbolic thing you can think of, go up another step so it's always children, Satan, mutilation and torture, pedophilia

And The Story Goes that everything seemed fine because the monsters made sure this was all kept secret, so the monsters controlled what you know

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92d1f5  No.360487

And only the heroes of the story knew the truth and then they arrived to save the world

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92d1f5  No.360488

And that's the benefit that you get from it, you get that world view of yourself where you are the horrifically embattled hero of the story and it doesn't go anywhere

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966097  No.360489


You could call them monsters, sure. In a way they are. They are demonic entities cast from the Heavens to wage war on what!? mRNA gene editing for what!? TO WAGE WAR ON OUR DNA, WHICH WAS MADE IN THE IMAGE OF GOD!!!!

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966097  No.360490


Jesus was the ONLY Hero on this Earth, but someday, when needed, He will return!!!

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966097  No.360491


I am only a messenger. I was placed here by God to do what I do best. Prepare and warn others!

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92d1f5  No.360492

File: d8aa61825cb8ad6⋯.mp4 (4.25 MB, 640x360, 16:9, d8aa61825cb8ad6a8e3c72dbdd….mp4)

"It doesn't go anywhere. You can't have a conversation about conspiracies. I don't even think a conspiracy theorists can have a conversation with each other about it… because It's fundamentally non-discursive."

"It's not something you can have a discussion about. It is just an attempt to make this sort of course story about yourself match up with your world. And every conspiracy theory has this same course story, and that's why it's so powerful. It's the story The theorist holds onto, and then tries to match up the world in a messy kind of way."

"But no one knew that the monsters had taken hold, and the monsters are not the vaguely threatening variety, they have to be gigantic demonic, sort of the most hyperbolic thing you can think of, go up another step so it's always children, Satan, mutilation and torture, pedophilia"

"And The Story Goes that everything seemed fine because the monsters made sure this was all kept secret, so the monsters controlled what you know"

"And only the heroes of the story knew the truth and then they arrived to save the world."

"And that's the benefit that you get from it, you get that world view of yourself where you are the continually horrifically embattled hero of the story and"

"It doesn't go anywhere. You can't have a conversation about conspiracies. I don't even think a conspiracy theorists can have a conversation with each other about it… because It's fundamentally non-discursive."

"It's not something you can have a discussion about. It is just an attempt to make this sort of course story about yourself match up with your world. And every conspiracy theory has this same course story, and that's why it's so powerful. It's the story The theorist holds onto, and then tries to match up the world in a messy kind of way."

"But no one knew that the monsters had taken hold, and the monsters are not the vaguely threatening variety, they have to be gigantic demonic, sort of the most hyperbolic thing you can think of, go up another step so it's always children, Satan, mutilation and torture, pedophilia"

"And The Story Goes that everything seemed fine because the monsters made sure this was all kept secret, so the monsters controlled what you know"

"And only the heroes of the story knew the truth and then they arrived to save the world."

"And that's the benefit that you get from it, you get that world view of yourself where you are the continually horrifically embattled hero of the story and"

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92d1f5  No.360493

File: d8aa61825cb8ad6⋯.mp4 (4.25 MB, 640x360, 16:9, d8aa61825cb8ad6a8e3c72dbdd….mp4)



"It doesn't go anywhere. You can't have a conversation about conspiracies. I don't even think a conspiracy theorists can have a conversation with each other about it… because It's fundamentally non-discursive."

"It's not something you can have a discussion about. It is just an attempt to make this sort of course story about yourself match up with your world. And every conspiracy theory has this same course story, and that's why it's so powerful. It's the story The theorist holds onto, and then tries to match up the world in a messy kind of way."

"But no one knew that the monsters had taken hold, and the monsters are not the vaguely threatening variety, they have to be gigantic demonic, sort of the most hyperbolic thing you can think of, go up another step so it's always children, Satan, mutilation and torture, pedophilia"

"And The Story Goes that everything seemed fine because the monsters made sure this was all kept secret, so the monsters controlled what you know"

"And only the heroes of the story knew the truth and then they arrived to save the world."

"And that's the benefit that you get from it, you get that world view of yourself where you are the continually horrifically embattled hero of the story and"

"It doesn't go anywhere. You can't have a conversation about conspiracies. I don't even think a conspiracy theorists can have a conversation with each other about it… because It's fundamentally non-discursive."

"It's not something you can have a discussion about. It is just an attempt to make this sort of course story about yourself match up with your world. And every conspiracy theory has this same course story, and that's why it's so powerful. It's the story The theorist holds onto, and then tries to match up the world in a messy kind of way."

"But no one knew that the monsters had taken hold, and the monsters are not the vaguely threatening variety, they have to be gigantic demonic, sort of the most hyperbolic thing you can think of, go up another step so it's always children, Satan, mutilation and torture, pedophilia"

"And The Story Goes that everything seemed fine because the monsters made sure this was all kept secret, so the monsters controlled what you know"

"And only the heroes of the story knew the truth and then they arrived to save the world."

"And that's the benefit that you get from it, you get that world view of yourself where you are the continually horrifically embattled hero of the story and"

"It doesn't go anywhere. You can't have a conversation about conspiracies. I don't even think a conspiracy theorists can have a conversation with each other about it… because It's fundamentally non-discursive."

"It's not something you can have a discussion about. It is just an attempt to make this sort of course story about yourself match up with your world. And every conspiracy theory has this same course story, and that's why it's so powerful. It's the story The theorist holds onto, and then tries to match up the world in a messy kind of way."

"But no one knew that the monsters had taken hold, and the monsters are not the vaguely threatening variety, they have to be gigantic demonic, sort of the most hyperbolic thing you can think of, go up another step so it's always children, Satan, mutilation and torture, pedophilia"

"And The Story Goes that everything seemed fine because the monsters made sure this was all kept secret, so the monsters controlled what you know"

"And only the heroes of the story knew the truth and then they arrived to save the world."

"And that's the benefit that you get from it, you get that world view of yourself where you are the continually horrifically embattled hero of the story and"

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92d1f5  No.360494


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92d1f5  No.360495

,your conspiracy stories are about YOU

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966097  No.360496


The .mp4 won't play on my browser but I'll repeat….

I am only a messenger. I was placed here by God to do what I do best. Prepare and warn others! I'm not a "theorist" at all. I am not special in any way. I simply am warning that hard times are arriving, many will not survive, we must prepare for them if we wish to come out on the other side of this global reset. There WILL be a reset. It's either freedom (God) or tyranny (Satan) that will prevail!!! Which will the human race be ruled under!?

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92d1f5  No.360497

You're not telling us about conspiracies

You're telling is ABOUT YOU

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92d1f5  No.360498





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92d1f5  No.360499


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966097  No.360500


My whole life today is dedicated to prepping my family to survive the outcome with the ability to remain free from tyranny. That's all I exist for, and to warn other Americans.

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92d1f5  No.360501

it's a shame you prevented yourself from seeing her explain your psychology

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92d1f5  No.360502



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92d1f5  No.360503


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966097  No.360504


I am no hero, but the doctor who was recently arrested for SAVING THE LIVES OF CHILDREN by giving them saline instead of the mRNA clot shot death jab….. he's a hero of God!!!!

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92d1f5  No.360505

"It doesn't go anywhere. You can't have a conversation about conspiracies. I don't even think a conspiracy theorists can have a conversation with each other about it… because It's fundamentally non-discursive."

"It's not something you can have a discussion about. It is just an attempt to make this sort of course story about yourself match up with your world. And every conspiracy theory has this same course story, and that's why it's so powerful. It's the story The theorist holds onto, and then tries to match up the world in a messy kind of way."

"And the story is basically, Once Upon a Time we were happy and everything was good and we were in charge and we were safe…"

"And then the monsters took hold."

"But no one knew that the monsters had taken hold, and the monsters are not the vaguely threatening variety, they have to be gigantic demonic, sort of the most hyperbolic thing you can think of, go up another step so it's always children, Satan, mutilation and torture, pedophilia"

"And The Story Goes that everything seemed fine because the monsters made sure this was all kept secret, so the monsters controlled what you know"

"And only the heroes of the story knew the truth and then they arrived to save the world."

"And that's the benefit that you get from it, you get that world view of yourself where you are the continually horrifically embattled hero of the story and"

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966097  No.360506


Go to the catalog to find that news report, I posted all about it. Such a sad outcome for that hero, BUT he did save lives and the parents support him too!!!

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92d1f5  No.360507

File: adacd3681c0f41b⋯.jpg (661.4 KB, 1080x2177, 1080:2177, Screenshot_20230121_072842….jpg)


"It doesn't go anywhere. You can't have a conversation about conspiracies. I don't even think a conspiracy theorists can have a conversation with each other about it… because It's fundamentally non-discursive."

"It's not something you can have a discussion about. It is just an attempt to make this sort of course story about yourself match up with your world. And every conspiracy theory has this same course story, and that's why it's so powerful. It's the story The theorist holds onto, and then tries to match up the world in a messy kind of way."

"And the story is basically, Once Upon a Time we were happy and everything was good and we were in charge and we were safe…"

"And then the monsters took hold."

"But no one knew that the monsters had taken hold, and the monsters are not the vaguely threatening variety, they have to be gigantic demonic, sort of the most hyperbolic thing you can think of, go up another step so it's always children, Satan, mutilation and torture, pedophilia"

"And The Story Goes that everything seemed fine because the monsters made sure this was all kept secret, so the monsters controlled what you know"

"And only the heroes of the story knew the truth and then they arrived to save the world."

"And that's the benefit that you get from it, you get that world view of yourself where you are the continually horrifically embattled hero of the story and"



hibt: I have NEVER read any of your conspiracy posts

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92d1f5  No.360508


I'veneverread ANY of your garbage

I'm not even VAGUELY interested

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92d1f5  No.360509

but I still love you

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966097  No.360510


She's blabbing on about what she thinks about people she doesn't know or will never listen to. So goes 90% of the dumb down masses. So……?

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92d1f5  No.360511

AGAIN: she is AN EXTREMELY smart woman

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92d1f5  No.360512




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966097  No.360513


Well that's the problem, many people are WILLINGLY ignorant about what is actually going on and being done to them, and most will die as a result of that.

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92d1f5  No.360514


…..andthatsexactly why


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92d1f5  No.360515


WILLINGLY IGNORANT = refuses to learn about virology

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966097  No.360516


She won't question why egg prices go up. I know why they are up. If I told her why they were up, she'd dismiss me, immediately…. What else can I do?

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92d1f5  No.360517

when I was young, I realized my conspiracy theories WERE ABOUT ME WANTING TO SEEM SMART


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92d1f5  No.360518


what else can you do?

THATS your problem

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92d1f5  No.360519


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92d1f5  No.360520

I behaved LIKE YOU

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966097  No.360521

File: 401f92c4eebbd6a⋯.png (446.12 KB, 1050x1358, 75:97, vaxxed11.png)

File: 893b6e89125bd4b⋯.jpg (80.17 KB, 414x500, 207:250, vaxx_soccer.jpg)

File: b9f97c763d79e92⋯.png (344.53 KB, 516x600, 43:50, 4a0731e66bede270d02298fdc2….png)


The covid was nothing worse than an average flu. The real threat was the clot shot, which IS the bioweapon!!!

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92d1f5  No.360522


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92d1f5  No.360523


you used to say it was BIOWARFARE

your story always changes

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92d1f5  No.360524

"And only the heroes of the story knew the truth and then they arrived to save the world."

"And that's the benefit that you get from it, you get that world view of yourself where you are the continually horrifically embattled hero of the story"


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966097  No.360525


It is bio-warfare!

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92d1f5  No.360526


didn't even know TONGA IS A VOLCANO


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92d1f5  No.360527


it's biowarfare

less powerful than the common cold


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92d1f5  No.360528

"And only the heroes of the story knew the truth and then they arrived to save the world."

what's killcens benefit?

"And that's the benefit that you get from it, you get that world view of yourself where you are the continually horrifically embattled hero of the story and"

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92d1f5  No.360529


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966097  No.360530


The benefit I get from telling the truth, and prepping, may be a bit selfish at times, but it's o benefit those who are like-minded, myself and my family.


Russia tested one of their nukes on that island. You could clearly see it. This was a message to our 'leaders': DO NOT FUCK WITH US!!!

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92d1f5  No.360531




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92d1f5  No.360532

"And only the heroes of the story knew the truth and then they arrived to save the world."

"And that's the benefit that you get from it, you get that world view of yourself where you are the continually horrifically embattled hero of the story and"

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92d1f5  No.360533


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966097  No.360534


A Nuremberg 2.0 would be of great benefit to the world, but I won't be leading that effort….. perhaps someday other nations or peoples might ?

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92d1f5  No.360535

"It doesn't go anywhere. You can't have a conversation about conspiracies. I don't even think a conspiracy theorists can have a conversation with each other about it… because It's fundamentally non-discursive."

"It's not something you can have a discussion about. It is just an attempt to make this sort of course story about yourself match up with your world. And every conspiracy theory has this same course story, and that's why it's so powerful. It's the story The theorist holds onto, and then tries to match up the world in a messy kind of way."

"And the story is basically, Once Upon a Time we were happy and everything was good and we were in charge and we were safe…"

"And then the monsters took hold."

"But no one knew that the monsters had taken hold, and the monsters are not the vaguely threatening variety, they have to be gigantic demonic, sort of the most hyperbolic thing you can think of, go up another step so it's always children, Satan, mutilation and torture, pedophilia"

"And The Story Goes that everything seemed fine because the monsters made sure this was all kept secret, so the monsters controlled what you know"

"And only the heroes of the story knew the truth and then they arrived to save the world."

"And that's the benefit that you get from it, you get that world view of yourself where you are the continually horrifically embattled hero of the story"

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92d1f5  No.360536


so….. something inside you NEEDS TO FEEL LIKE A HERO?

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966097  No.360537


The "story" or "reality" is not about one individual person. God let's us all have free will. So it's not about single centralized anything of that sort. It's about where humans DECIDE to go and do…. and whatever that is leads to other "reality" or "story"….. a series of consequence.

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966097  No.360538



If I did not prep, there would be a consequence. If I did prep, there is still a consequence. One can be negative in some ways but positive in other ways, or vice versa. BUT THAT IS NOT THE WHOLE "STORY" OR "REALITY"…… THE WHOLE "STORY" OR "REALITY" MAKES UP A VAST ARRAY OF INDIVIDUAL DECISIONS AND CONSEQUENCES!!! And no, it's not controllable by one individual, but can be manipulated by individuals, as free will that God handed us.

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92d1f5  No.360539


so….. something inside you NEEDS TO FEEL KNOWLEDGEABLE?

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966097  No.360540

Your free will is obsessing about Elvis and cats, mine is obsessing with current events and prepping. That doesn't mean either of us are kooks, although we may be portrayed as kooks.

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92d1f5  No.360541

so….. something inside you NEEDS TO FEEL IMPORTANT AND SMART?

why?…. why do you have that need?

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92d1f5  No.360542

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Why is it so important that people perceive you as being knowledgeable and informed?

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966097  No.360543


I'm not all that smart. I just have a gift of detecting threats and can spot corruption when I see it, because of my personal morals and ethics.

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92d1f5  No.360544

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Like I said, I finally realized that I was a conspiracy theorist because I had an ego problem where I wanted to be perceived as the person who knew more than other people knew

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92d1f5  No.360545

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


And once I came to that realization, I was incredibly embarrassed about my past Behavior

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966097  No.360546


I want to warn others. That's all. Some react like a deer in the headlights is all. Others, like Jerry, suddenly realize those threats and take notice, they seek to avoid negative consequences.

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92d1f5  No.360547

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Once I stopped behaving like a conspiracy theorist, I became a much happier person

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966097  No.360548


I feel happy when there is a violent storm and I have shelter and supplies. I don't know why, maybe I am a kook.

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92d1f5  No.360549



You're trying to be deceptive again

nope it'sSAVE others

you pretend like you're SAVING THEM

AGAIN: continually horrifically embattled hero of the story

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92d1f5  No.360550


You feel good because you think it validates your erroneous belief that other people look to you as being more knowledgeable than them and you were the savior

And if they didn't listen to you, you actually relish having stockpiled supplies and laugh about them facing natural weather damage to their property

Cuz that's the insecure little child inside of you convincing himself that he was finally important

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966097  No.360551


Others must take action to SAVE THEMSELVES!!! I've even had this talk before to the "Q" nuts out there!!! Nothing is going to save you unless you wake up and take action to save yourself!!!

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92d1f5  No.360552

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

In this song, she actually agrees with your side of the argument

This is a song by Elon musk's ex-girlfriend named Grimes

And in the lyrics, she's saying that conspiracy theories are based on the truth and she's trying to warn people, not to be a hero but just to warn people

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92d1f5  No.360553


You should seriously watch that video where Grimes is agreeing with you

She's talking about how everybody looks at her like she's crazy but her conspiracy theories are actually based on truth. Seems like you would like that song

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92d1f5  No.360554

In the lyrics, Grimes is singing about how it's the end of the world, we're all about to die, and she's just giving you a warning, not trying to be a hero

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92d1f5  No.360555



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92d1f5  No.360556


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966097  No.360557


People are as important to themselves as they treat themselves.


I'd have to rip it and turn it over to an offline channel to listen to it. However, I will do that later when I have some time, I'll keep the link for later. Today I'm going to be very busy.

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92d1f5  No.360558

she's got a unique face

hot as FUCK

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92d1f5  No.360559


bullshit… it's a YOUTUBE VIDEO

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966097  No.360560


Skeeter Davis sang a song like that too, and


I'd rather have Skeeter Davis when she was younger.

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92d1f5  No.360561


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92d1f5  No.360562


I'd rather have Grimes feces around the head of my fuckstick

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966097  No.360563


A youtube video on a site with HTML5 and javascript blockades…. over a hardened browser with no audio to prevent side channel attacks…. so yah, I'll rip it from Google's server directly.

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a79b6e  No.360564


literally laughing at her, as I slowly pulled my dick out of her asshole, and watched her shit slide around the head of my dick as I pull out

and she'd fart my cocksnot

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a79b6e  No.360565

she's a hottie

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a79b6e  No.360566

File: f55497fb5379670⋯.jpg (243.69 KB, 978x543, 326:181, Screenshot_20230121_081211.jpg)

she's NOT your typical beauty

she's kinda ugly


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966097  No.360567

I hate to say it but I got to get stuff done today, and I best start while it's early. There is a lot I need to take care of. I have to replace some copper piping with some new PEX piping today. It's really a winter issue and best to prevent pipes from freezing down in the basement/bunker. Especially when some of the copper pipes are right over an inverter rack.

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a79b6e  No.360568

File: f4453c68fc28126⋯.jpg (719.14 KB, 1080x1300, 54:65, Screenshot_20230121_081137.jpg)

As you are well aware, sometimes ugly chicks are hot as fuck

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a79b6e  No.360569


Speaking of copper piping

What part of the house?

Because I can come hacksaw It Off when you're asleep later tonight and sell it at a Missouri scrap yard and put some meth into a meth pipe by sunrise

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a79b6e  No.360570


imagine bruising the head of your dick against her anal cervix

(a turd)

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966097  No.360571


She'd look cuter without the rainbow hairstyle, but I'll watch the video and catch up later.

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a79b6e  No.360572

File: d7e65ad7c4603a6⋯.jpg (725.67 KB, 1080x2177, 1080:2177, Screenshot_20230121_081425….jpg)

imagine tapping against her turds

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a79b6e  No.360573


I think you're going to relate to it because in the video, she and the other chick are portraying the roles of evil and good

And the lyrics talk about

" why are you looking at me? "

Because the world looks at the heroes like they are crazy when they try to warn us what's coming

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a79b6e  No.360574

File: e5e0bb48d871f97⋯.jpg (258.49 KB, 1080x720, 3:2, Screenshot_20230121_081706.jpg)

Just like Titanic hitting the iceberg, imagine the end of your dick bending against one of her turds

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a79b6e  No.360575

File: 44921180d30a35c⋯.jpg (422.31 KB, 1080x916, 270:229, Screenshot_20230121_081914.jpg)

dude …

imagine raping her


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a79b6e  No.360576

File: a4eec87662b7e71⋯.jpg (828.61 KB, 1052x1357, 1052:1357, Screenshot_20230121_081903.jpg)

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a79b6e  No.360577

File: 52deec2da0e84cd⋯.jpg (737.85 KB, 1080x1921, 1080:1921, Screenshot_20230121_082101.jpg)


but you keep raping her

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a79b6e  No.360578



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a79b6e  No.360579


I never knew Killcen was a pervert

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a79b6e  No.360580

Here we were having a nice discursive conversation about the end of the world, and suddenly and all he can think of is raping his granddaughter

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a79b6e  No.360581

ive got to admit…

that was pretty weird

I had no idea you fantasized about raping your granddaughter

I'm not old enough to have grandchildren, so I wouldn't even begin to be able to understand what's going on in your head right now

But whatever is wrong with you, I hope you seek therapy soon

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a79b6e  No.360582

Because what kind of man talks about fucking his own granddaughter in the ass?

Seek Help quickly

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a79b6e  No.360585

File: 3d20093de1adbed⋯.jpg (667.33 KB, 1080x2177, 1080:2177, Screenshot_20230121_083041….jpg)

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a79b6e  No.360586

(not to mention : Grimes isn't even his granddaughter)

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