Ever since 2016, things went downhill for you.. even though you pretended you had become a winner….
You guys used to to bounce the term FOUR MORE YEARS around, remember?
It hadn't even lasted 2 years, when your team lost like pathetic bitches in 2018
And even though you still like to say you had it stolen from you, of course you are well aware you losers didn't have what it took to win in 2020
So then your team self-destructed on January 6th, literally digging your own Graves
So why would you have been surprised back in November when you had your asses handed to you again?
You actually thought you had finally become a winner hahaha how did that work out for you?
And now you have drag queen Anthony Devaldo, better known as George Santos, part of your dream team
And then there's the other idiot who lost by 48 percentage points, even though he still insists he had his election Victory stolen from him.. you guys will try using the stolen election thing for the rest of your worthless empty lives….
And it appears he's going to be spending at least 20 years in prison, if not the rest appears he's going to be spending at least 20 years in prison, if not the rest of his life locked up for shooting at Democrats houses, and paying for men to shoot into the Victorious Democratic candidates houses…
All five of those guys are going to prison
Just admit it, it wasn't stolen. You're all just losers