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/pnd/ - Politics, News, Debate

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File: 6624251f7e08583⋯.jpeg (3.41 MB, 5636x1050, 2818:525, 6624251f7e0858352a17b5467….jpeg)

File: d1d702717c8e105⋯.jpeg (8.54 MB, 1600x8415, 320:1683, d1d702717c8e105da9951aff1….jpeg)

22428a  No.36035[Last 50 Posts]

This thread will be dedicated to aggregating published information regarding this globalist economic and political warfare agent who is engineering the destruction of all nations to implement a single world government.

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22428a  No.36044

File: 5d205f8d0cef96c⋯.jpeg (1.44 MB, 800x3161, 800:3161, 5d205f8d0cef96c5db0db87bc….jpeg)

File: e4c874b088e5119⋯.png (2.15 MB, 1685x2185, 337:437, e4c874b088e5119145bb1047fc….png)

>information this regarding

information regarding this

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22428a  No.36054

File: 47712f02222afa2⋯.mp4 (15.1 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Murders & Lawlessness Spik….mp4)

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49eb2a  No.36058

File: 57ac259ed2ca7df⋯.mp4 (12.34 MB, 640x360, 16:9, AG Barr Counter Soros.mp4)

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be6247  No.36061

File: ce742a5a6c59630⋯.mp4 (1.09 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Soros-Antifa.mp4)

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be6247  No.36062

File: 0710695f1adccb1⋯.mp4 (2.4 MB, 640x360, 16:9, WSJ - Soros $500M for geno….mp4)

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a9f730  No.36097

File: 52bb149aac306e8⋯.mp4 (4.27 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Hillary-Soros-Puppet.mp4)

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124c44  No.36103

File: 1576e90e17c4172⋯.jpg (129.48 KB, 993x934, 993:934, Alex Soros on his father's….jpg)

So much of this stuff tries to paint Soros' agenda as a "globalist" one, or even more absurdly, a Nazi one. Soros is advancing a jewish racial agenda, nothing more. He fears that a homogeneous White society would result in him and his co-racialists being put in the ovens "again".

He's also nothing more than a frontman for the Rothschilds.

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124c44  No.36106

File: fac189b6d7f9452⋯.png (498.79 KB, 697x867, 41:51, Barr anti-semitism.png)


Out of all the retarded positions Trumpniggers take, turning that Waco/Ruby Ridge kike into a hero is the worst.

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88854a  No.36242

File: 583e35ae3065d42⋯.png (776.15 KB, 800x2200, 4:11, Israel to tell African mig….png)

File: e16c12735459a69⋯.jpeg (514.05 KB, 852x2200, 213:550, SOROS-EMAIL.jpeg)

File: f67da7d65b56b2b⋯.webm (4.18 MB, 360x240, 3:2, Nigel Farage backs Prime ….webm)


He tried to poz Israel with niggers and Israel gave the niggers the boot. This Globalist shit appears to be emanating from neoliberal city of London faggots. It looks like they are running a 5th column shadow government.


I'm illustrating that our country is under attack by this clown. As is the UK, Syria, Russia, China, and Israel.

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cdf857  No.36252

This thread is super trumpnigger shilly. Very Hazony-esque.

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124c44  No.36297


>and Israel

Just stop, Moshe. If someone with Soros' riches really wanted to take you kikes, he could draw attention to your involvement in 9/11, exposed the Holocaust hoax (especially if he was really a secret Nazi), etc., and cause a global pogrom. Instead, Soros funds toothless anti-zionist groups that pose no real threat to Israel.

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d8f5c2  No.36356


> shilly

What has been shilled? Be specific.


I'm not a jew imbecile. Revealing 9/11 would implicate the corporate controlled media, which fiercely shills the Soros globohomo agenda and is the source of their power. Inflicting 40K niggers on any country is an attack, plain and simple.

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124c44  No.36361


>corporate controlled media

Just go back to infowars. The media is owned by jews and Israel did 9/11.

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980f7f  No.36439


>The media is owned by jews and Israel did 9/11.

Yeah, I'm aware they were involved. Here are two posts I made about this.



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417c9a  No.36460

File: 91ada11791bb91e⋯.jpg (27.3 KB, 490x346, 245:173, castreau is owned by soros.jpg)

File: f8dbeb35ce1f58e⋯.png (753.29 KB, 732x2435, 732:2435, soros kuschner slate 2017-….png)

File: fecf3e56f77a022⋯.png (371.24 KB, 525x569, 525:569, soros uses womyn.png)

File: e36a62bca36ad61⋯.png (340 KB, 586x461, 586:461, soros you cunt.png)

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05c638  No.37565

File: c81dd837db043c2⋯.jpg (71.43 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault.jpg)


Rand is no Ron. Rand was one of the RINOs to sign a letter to the DHS demanding more illegal invaders.

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19e091  No.56937

File: 5853d650db455fb⋯.png (1.39 MB, 3615x1050, 241:70, Soros-Decrim.png)

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e36d71  No.56988

File: 5790a158195b863⋯.png (41.56 KB, 1302x555, 434:185, Josef Schwartz - soros fam….png)

György Schwartz

schwartz = black (German)

So he's really just a pure niggerjew that helped the NSDAP collect his tribe mates in Hungary that were sent to israhell while he was a kid, and greatly benefited from stealing all their gold when they were gone.

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8f11d8  No.57365


The last thing George Soros wants is a world government. He makes his money from fluctuating currency exchange rates. He donates money to organizations that result in more dissent and division within a populace, A populace in conflict causes insecurity which causes markets to fluctuate more on the basis of emotion rather than stock value. A fluctuating market causes greater fluctuation in comparative currency value. Soros makes his billions from chaos. A single currency world government puts him out of business.

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000000  No.57380


Leftists and globalists will hang too.

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9aa545  No.57391

File: 7183d29319bc966⋯.jpg (44.59 KB, 599x471, 599:471, 1438807153473.jpg)


>So he's really just a pure niggerjew that helped the NSDAP collect his tribe mates in Hungary that were sent to israhell while he was a kid, and greatly benefited from stealing all their gold when they were gone.

That isn't even true. His father paid a Hungarian traitor with a kikess for a wife to claim he was his gentile godson so he wouldn't be interned, and during that time, he accompanied him to seize property of jews that had fled.

The whole "Nazi collaborator" thing is kosher mythology in an attempt to dejudaize Soros (whose entire agenda is rooted in his jewishness) and instead pretend that it's actually the Nazis who want to push multiculturalism.

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e36d71  No.57574


kill yourself and all your kike jones memes

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ceccbe  No.57892

some anon must have saved those soros leaks from the open society foundation from a couple of years ago, right?

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4814b5  No.58458


>Soros was a Nazi, goy, and only kikes don't like Alex Jonestein

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63cb3a  No.60923

File: b40530de7588653⋯.png (321.42 KB, 800x1050, 16:21, Soros-Cash-Source.png)

File: 73c1dcf35e0e563⋯.png (706.01 KB, 2528x1050, 1264:525, Soros-Drug-Kingpin.png)

File: f375261085c6f3d⋯.png (545.26 KB, 2162x1050, 1081:525, Soros-Opium.png)

File: 23d15b0961029a9⋯.png (240.69 KB, 800x1050, 16:21, Soros-Remove-Assets.png)

File: fbad5ec79a1f69f⋯.png (1.42 MB, 4985x1050, 997:210, Soros-Stalin.png)

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ba0782  No.65813

File: f59bebec42baa50⋯.png (1.04 MB, 2927x1050, 2927:1050, Soros_Money_Matters.png)

File: 51179b246977fdd⋯.png (1.41 MB, 3611x1050, 3611:1050, Soros_British_Hate_Trump.png)

File: 6aca966e3cae12e⋯.png (3.56 MB, 10528x1050, 752:75, Soros_British_Coup.png)

File: 56985138fade88a⋯.png (759.24 KB, 2218x1050, 1109:525, Soros_Acts_of_War.png)

File: 5cb282d8eab31bd⋯.png (254.14 KB, 800x1050, 16:21, Soros_Obama_Treason.png)

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1681bf  No.65821

File: b3995bcd237dadf⋯.jpg (134.91 KB, 900x500, 9:5, samefags.jpg)

is soros and adelson a team or do they work separately?

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8abc2a  No.65890


His timeline of political activity indicates he has directly countered several Crown / Rothschild golem policy initiatives and schemes.

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3b4fe4  No.67560

File: 7f3bcff5c2d1d6f⋯.png (885.7 KB, 1824x1260, 152:105, Soros_Central_Bank_Secret_….png)

File: c4be9bb7e40d064⋯.png (821.74 KB, 1824x1260, 152:105, Soros_Corrupt_Fed_Economic….png)

File: e5046e94f58156c⋯.png (2.7 MB, 4563x1260, 507:140, Soros_Coup_Desperate_Measu….png)

File: 6db88afd9e23983⋯.png (1.94 MB, 4593x1260, 1531:420, Soros_War_Party.png)

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c41934  No.67566

File: a41fbaa97052a71⋯.png (13.63 MB, 5472x7272, 76:101, Soros_British_Insurrection….png)

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240387  No.67664

File: e7d18205dd29a7e⋯.jpg (251.26 KB, 1024x1021, 1024:1021, 1577078410552.jpg)


Money is a means to an end goal. It's a tool and is used in a manner to bring about a world government, communism in the USA and destruction of cohesive societies. These fuckers are nation wreckers. You're a smooth brain if you think Soros' actions are only to procure more fiat shekels. Or you're a kike trying to play defense.

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ae6d19  No.70831

File: 4f118d22e0b68f2⋯.pdf (2.89 MB, 2019_eir_special_report_co….pdf)

File: 3985b0afab16492⋯.png (517.15 KB, 912x1260, 76:105, Soros_Devalue_German_Mark_….png)

File: 1c27a6643de18a7⋯.png (1.86 MB, 4560x1260, 76:21, Soros_Drugging_of_American….png)

File: 9485e68b57f5d01⋯.png (825.96 KB, 1824x1260, 152:105, Soros_Poland_Government_Cr….png)



money is the ultimate instrument of social control

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ae6d19  No.70836

File: 8d890377b0eeb33⋯.jpg (14.83 MB, 7296x10080, 76:105, Soros_Climate_PSYOP.jpg)


>Sacklers who are responsible for countless American deaths are knights of the British empire.

It's almost like everyone who we have been told is our enemy is not our enemy and everyone who is our enemy we have been told is our friend.

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74a53c  No.70846


One needs the other, which applies to the entire democratic political system, postwar order, and all of the agents within.

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000000  No.71049


>George Soros

>British Agent


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115cd6  No.71065


jews are immortal, nothing can stop them

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be5705  No.71170

File: d199a39a5e21e8c⋯.mp4 (4.14 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Poway.mp4)

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6cf001  No.73520

File: 535c31eff377d55⋯.png (1.79 MB, 3648x1260, 304:105, Soros_Spreading_Web.png)

File: e9391ee99a60099⋯.png (871.19 KB, 1824x1260, 152:105, Soros_IMF_Economic_Warfare….png)

File: f268c21db936224⋯.png (882.41 KB, 1824x1260, 152:105, Soros_Congressional_Probe.png)

File: 8431ddcf0575371⋯.png (1.76 MB, 4560x1260, 76:21, Soros_Italy.png)

File: 288be06a93a337f⋯.png (2.58 MB, 4102x1260, 293:90, Soros_Bush_Barrick_Gold.png)

Hhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmm… The British Agent Soros who flooded Europe with Muslims personally manages the Queen's assets.

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d6d14b  No.73714


>Le handshake

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2e4cb9  No.74203

File: bcd81767a983bbb⋯.png (298.78 KB, 681x8334, 227:2778, Are_George_Soros_Billions_….png)


Are George Soros' Billions Compromising U.S. Foreign Policy?

>And Soros gets results. Through strategic donations, Soros helped bring down the communist government in Poland, toppled Serbia's bloodstained strongman Slobodan Milosevic, and fueled the "Rose Revolution" in Georgia. Soros has also funded opposition parties in Azerbaijan, Belarus, Croatia, Georgia, and Macedonia, helping them into either power or prominence. All of these countries were once Russian allies.

>Of course, Soros doesn't work alone. His investments often ride a populist wave of discontent or are made alongside American or European governments and non-profits. No amount of money can singlehandedly bring down a popular foreign leader. But a weak leader can be pushed from power—and Soros likes to give the humpty-dumpty shove to the world's autocrats.

>His money has created a unique foreign-policy legacy, as Britain's New Statesman noted in 2003:

>In 1984, [Soros] founded his first Open Society Institute in Hungary and pumped millions of dollars into opposition movements and independent media. Ostensibly aimed at building up a ‘civil society,' these initiatives were designed to weaken the existing political structures and pave the way for eastern Europe's eventual colonization by global capital. Soros now claims, with characteristic immodesty, that he was responsible for the "Americanization" of eastern Europe.

>From 1991, his Open Society Institute channelled more than $100 million to the coffers of the anti-Milosevic opposition, funding political parties, publishing houses and ‘independent' media such as Radio B92, the plucky little student radio station of western mythology which was in reality bankrolled by one of the world's richest men…

>After the "Rose Revolution" in Georgia, a number of Soros employees found themselves in power. Consider the case of Alexander Lomaia, who went from running Soros' Open Society Georgia Foundation to being Minister of Education and Science and later Secretary of the Georgia's Security Council.





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2e4cb9  No.74283

File: 49b715f238fd630⋯.png (236.06 KB, 681x4594, 681:4594, Israels_Foreign_Ministry_R….png)


On Netanyahu’s Orders: Israel's Foreign Ministry Retracts Criticism of anti-Semitism in Hungary and Slams George Soros

>A day after Israel’s ambassador harshly called on the Hungarian PM to remove posters against the Jewish billionaire, the Foreign Ministry backtracks, says George Soros constantly undermines Israel’s governments

>At the behest of the Prime Minister’s Office, the Foreign Ministry on Sunday retracted a statement issued the previous day by the Israeli ambassador to Hungary, which had called on Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and his party to halt a poster campaign against Jewish-American financier George Soros on the grounds that it was fueling anti-Semitism.





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915f73  No.74286

Time is literally running out for europe as we speak.

Every single second is counted now.

What would our ancestors say?

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9deaf1  No.74411


>implying that Khazar would ever support White Christians over Azerbaijani roaches

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ece684  No.74471


remember the purple color revolution that he tried to pull on the us after trump got elected

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c64779  No.77531

File: 566f1b9f5f83918⋯.png (1007.81 KB, 1824x1260, 152:105, Soros_Colombia_Takeover.png)

File: 25fd9f9a8810f89⋯.png (1012.1 KB, 1840x1260, 92:63, Soros_Drug_Legalization.png)

File: d66f9cdd43ffa27⋯.png (785.63 KB, 1824x1260, 152:105, Soros_Drug_Subversion_NGOs.png)

File: 403940261401c00⋯.png (460.72 KB, 912x1260, 76:105, Soros_Golem_Made_in_Britai….png)

File: aafc0d7428d4c39⋯.png (819.84 KB, 1824x1260, 152:105, Soros_Puppet_Weld.png)


Pollard, USS Liberty, 9/11, Israel was created by the Rothschilds. Israel and the City of London are the Enemy. As is Saudi Arabia who are now trying to cripple our energy sector.


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63bfaf  No.77541


I think they are just realizing that Soros is a meme, his reputation is unsalvagable, they are cutting off loose ends.

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8b83b8  No.77669

File: df4bbb84ba53856⋯.png (907.39 KB, 1750x2280, 175:228, 1000_rabbis_forward_ad.png)

File: cf4de3b055b571c⋯.png (3.47 MB, 4080x5280, 17:22, ingrates.png)


>I think they are just realizing that Soros is a meme, his reputation is unsalvagable, they are cutting off loose ends.

I agree.

Israel was created by the Rothschilds as was Soros. Israel will say bad things about him to create the illusion they are in league with white Christians who they currently depend on for security. Israel will reveal their true colors when their rabbis have succeeded in orchestrating the colonization of our countries by pieces of shit from all over the world to the extent that political power has been removed from white Christians completely. There is a reason why there isn't a single Jew in the right wing of congress.

I find it remarkable that the same forces that are destroying other countries are now destroying our country from within at an accelerated pace and yet your average Joe hasn't figured it out because the only thoughts he is approved to have are those which emanate from the Tavistock/CIA narrative box in everyone's living room. Oh, and if you don't agree with being ethnically, politically, and culturally replaced in your homeland, criminal Freemasonic IOBB cult Jews from the ADL will rally retards and useful idiot puppets in congress to use every tool of technology and government to illegally spy on you and disarm you so you can't protect yourself from the hell on earth they are creating.

Just remember goy, you can die stealing oil for high finance Jews who hate you and die killing Muslims for Jews in Israel who spit in the faces of American Christian street preachers because they hate Christians or you can be an infantalized social justice warrior communist satanic homo with no family who does whatever the Rothschild golem Soros tells you to do via his NGOs and associates who control every channel of communication.

The thanks we get for "rescuing jews from hitler" is to have them destroy our countries and culture with immigrants.

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63bfaf  No.77706


Theres literally nothing we can do, we can only die in style, killing kikes.

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000000  No.77889


Expose them. Expose what they are doing. Talk to people about it. Their entire scheme relies on secrecy. They are a tiny group who will be rendered powerless once exposed.

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24144c  No.94528

File: 01f47521bbafcc2⋯.png (526.39 KB, 912x1260, 76:105, Soros_Drug_Kingpin.png)

File: a60b7139f258705⋯.png (1.52 MB, 2736x1260, 76:35, Soros_Makes_Ibero_America_….png)

File: 67e6cd476e153dd⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1824x1260, 152:105, Soros_Makes_Italy_Poor.png)

File: ae58d06c0119b7e⋯.png (1.81 MB, 3648x1260, 304:105, Soros_Makes_Italy_Poor_2.png)

File: 7601e43ad766c76⋯.png (1 MB, 1824x1260, 152:105, Soros_New_Republic_Propaga….png)

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ceccbe  No.94839

Do any of you faggots have the open society foundation leaks that made their way to /pol/ two summers ago? There were spreadsheets with all operations and their budgets by countries and included a list of EU politicians that were on the payroll.

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3d2539  No.94860

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820b8b  No.94867

File: 6bed9092f36a50c⋯.png (1.43 MB, 3072x1840, 192:115, Soros_Judaism_Nietzche.png)

File: a369a043983ca62⋯.jpg (278.18 KB, 952x604, 238:151, 1586459815418.jpg)

File: 6593fda48e96a2f⋯.png (316.75 KB, 738x636, 123:106, 1586459847962.png)

File: dda6dba5df61cf1⋯.png (282.98 KB, 1185x981, 395:327, Soros_is_a_Frontman.png)

File: 1f76e1ad225c4be⋯.png (253.3 KB, 847x412, 847:412, serb_on_soros.png)

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7e3b1a  No.94930

File: 4b60d55d17f6fbc⋯.jpg (329.03 KB, 878x882, 439:441, feeny_soros_huff_911_censo….jpg)

File: 8377ef44ad24553⋯.png (254.5 KB, 548x537, 548:537, floor_7_george_soros_censo….png)

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24144c  No.95397

File: 4c5510bc55465d5⋯.png (2.03 MB, 5472x1260, 152:35, Soros_British_Golem_Austra….png)

File: e6bc6d76e4bde8c⋯.png (952.84 KB, 1824x1260, 152:105, Soros_British_Pro_Drug_Pal….png)

File: b542166dc634449⋯.png (974.59 KB, 2286x1260, 127:70, Soros_Dope_Inc_Puppets.png)

File: 9bd11b1db26fb99⋯.png (1.17 MB, 2279x1260, 2279:1260, Soros_Drug_Policy_Subversi….png)

File: 8ff803ed46e4485⋯.png (2.76 MB, 4880x1260, 244:63, Soros_Queens_Golem_Wages_N….png)


It can be downloaded as a torrent. However our 17 corrupt so called "intelligence" agency leaders perpetuated the narrative that all of it is Russian propaganda.

>House of Windsor Knight Sir. George Bush's entrenched intel henchmen attack the president relentlessly

>Crown spy Christopher Steele spies on the president makes up a folder of nonsense and lies - blames lies on Russia

>Papadopoulos goes to Londonistan and gets spied on by Crown intelligence assets Alexander Downer, Joseph Mifsud, and Stefan Halper

>Crown intelligence asset Soros orchestrates Russian hoax

>Crown media outlets vilify president

>Crown intelligence asset Soros orchestrates impeachment of president

>Crown intelligence asset Fiona Hill testifies against president in phony impeachment

<the problem is Russia


The Atlantic is a Rothschild owned propaganda outlet. Soros, an agent of British intelligence, was seeded with Rothschild funds.

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2968a0  No.102596


good thread, thanks OP

can you put everything you have on soros in a .zip archive or big pdf?

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1d26ce  No.104967

File: 8d032de387dfad0⋯.png (919.96 KB, 1824x1260, 152:105, Soros_ADL_British_Intellig….png)

File: 48e6010a1446066⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1824x1260, 152:105, Soros_Banking_Cartel_Queen….png)

File: 960648fe3799fa0⋯.png (567.7 KB, 960x1260, 16:21, Soros_Economic_Warfare_Ind….png)

File: 44141a609195a5c⋯.png (532.65 KB, 960x1260, 16:21, Soros_Kvetches_to_Loot.png)

File: bdfcaf5c1adf31b⋯.png (946.2 KB, 1840x1260, 92:63, Soros_Rothschilds_Puppet_P….png)



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4f932d  No.111296


Why are the first two pages of this fucking board nothing but stickies?

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81b68e  No.111324


To prevent faggots like you from filling it with garbage.

Just a guess.

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8c2bf4  No.111327


Because the staff are incompetent, malevolent or more likely both.

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74a6df  No.111392

File: 59ab08392c09d67⋯.png (2.5 MB, 5104x1290, 2552:645, Soros_destroys_Mexico.png)



No quantity of kvetching, shitposting, slide threads, cointelpro posting, fedposting, incitement to violence, or demoralization posts will stop the exposure.



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403b58  No.111555

File: cc0faef240baead⋯.pdf (494.48 KB, 160916_BLM_Amended_Complai….pdf)

File: 1a7fbe3ad24cc67⋯.png (8.62 MB, 11220x7920, 17:12, Soros_Finances_BLM.png)

London School of Economics trained Rothschilds golem George Soros finances Black Lives Matter to attack cops, foment racial hatred, and destroy America.

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3f859b  No.111699

Views on antisemitism and Israel

When asked about what he thought about Israel, in The New Yorker, Soros replied: "I don't deny the Jews to a right to a national existence – but I don't want anything to do with it."[210] According to hacked emails released in 2016, Soros's Open Society Foundation has a self-described objective of "challenging Israel's racist and anti-democratic policies" in international forums, in part by questioning Israel's reputation as a democracy.[211] He has funded NGOs which have been actively critical of Israeli policies[212][213][214] including groups that campaign for the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement against Israel.[212]


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02c13c  No.111710


wtf I'm globalist now

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b9eda2  No.111768

Two sides, one coin. That's how they get you.

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fce384  No.111978


>saging a pin

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d80ccd  No.112337

File: 6807f3aab8a40a6⋯.jpg (24.45 KB, 251x332, 251:332, They_Call_me_Mister_Tu_Sha….jpg)


> 40K niggers

Salamanders deep striking into police stations

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f5d9d9  No.112552

File: b0bccffbf22e79b⋯.png (317.38 KB, 791x420, 113:60, _all_the_same_.png)

File: effd07a45c9ca88⋯.png (6.26 KB, 264x232, 33:29, QRSTU_HAS_SPOKEN.png)


>Soros, an agent of British intelligence

You sound like Larouche. I've no problem blaming MI5 for much, but his organization's avoidance of EVERY GENUINE PROBLEM was a real problem.

In the real world, niggers are a problem. In the real world, Weinstein, Epstein, and catholic and Israeli control of politicians is a problem. And a billion other things. But to larouchies, it's all the queen of england. It's fucking nutso

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6daa32  No.113515


So, where does this fine gentleman live?

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9d653b  No.113516


we wuz muhreens

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5bc941  No.117649


Lurk for two years before posting, faggot

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97e1f0  No.117650


> Soros earned his money

Not a single dime within the possession of the banking kikes was earned by (((them))). Everything (((they))) have was stolen via trickery, fraud, coercion, extortion, murder and racketeering. (((Soros))) didn't earn anything but a death sentence, all his shekels were stolen via his association with (((criminal financial cartels))).

> The people on /pnd/ don't accept the (((lies))) they're being given, therefore they are mentally ill.

Ah, just like in (((communist))) Russia; where anybody who disliked living in crushing poverty was considered mentally ill. "Muh communism is great, so anybody who disagrees must be crazy!"

> Adults should recognize when they are suffering from mental illness.

When was the last time you engaged in some introspection, fren?

> I don't believe in organized crime, cuz' conspiracy theories are crazy, and organized crime depends on conspiracy between participants; therefore, organized crime does not exist.

Really? You're unwilling to weigh evidence and think for yourself? Do you think (((Jeffrey Epstein)) killed himself? Is it "mental illness" to suspect otherwise? Is any amount of evidence sufficient to convince you that conspiracies have been conducted throughout history?


Fren, do you even read the posts on this board? Very few of the participants here are Trump(((?))) supporters.


> Faggot needs to lurk moar.

Yes, this.

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c7d63c  No.117845

File: dfa0802aacf46ff⋯.png (886.94 KB, 1840x1260, 92:63, Soros_Austerity_Pimp.png)

File: d1c51ba65b214c7⋯.png (890.33 KB, 1840x1260, 92:63, Soros_Economic_Vampire.png)

File: 8a13ae76e7c7483⋯.png (790.13 KB, 1840x1260, 92:63, Soros_British_Drug_Kingpin.png)

File: d306c498d4ff53b⋯.png (664.65 KB, 1941x1636, 1941:1636, teaching_morons_to_argue.png)


>everyone who posts messages I dislike is mentally ill, a "nazi," uneducated, poor, fat, dumb, a Trump lover, and a QAnon gimmick

How does it feel to have unlimited financial resources and to have a thought criminal you describe that way single-highhandedly diffuse your mass shooter "boog" den and simultaneously expose you to every law enforcement officer in the world?

How does it feel to have a white Christian American patriot put his boot square in your delicate pretentious pampered subversive ass using nothing but an internet connection and a highlighter with zero financing, political connections, or support infrastructure?

No wonder your ADL assets are kvetching to shut down our right to free speech. Can you imagine the unapproved thoughts people might start having if your Marxist Jew owned an operated channels of mass communication social engineering that inflame people with racial tension were forced to allow people to engage in free speech that REDUCES racial violence via dissenting political messages?

Better call the Tavistock group therapists who convince toddlers to change their gender who are currently waging psychological warfare against America to declare me "mentally ill" and lock me up in Tower of London gulag for my wrongthink against the communist Monarchy and the Marxist private equity oligarchy in league with it.

>Trump kvetching

Which republican president would you and Sir. Henry Kissinger prefer to resurrect from your previous stock of controlled opposition cadre to revive the good old days?

Sir. Ronald Regan who destroyed America with illegal immigration and privatization looting at the behest of the British Chamber of Commerce or former CIA director Sir. George Bush who destroyed the black community with cocaine, whose father's firm Brown Brothers Harriman financed Hitler?


These references, at least the older ones, are generally written from a pro-democrat anti-republican perspective.

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c24385  No.119010

I got a thread up on faggotry in Brighton. There is gold in that hill fer ye to mine.

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d90126  No.119185


Tucker Carlson is pretty based. He might be one one of the few reporters left that actually tries to report things that are real.

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50380c  No.119954


Then why does he not cover 9/11 truth?

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59b19e  No.119986


>defending a literal paid jewish mouthpiece

Get out.

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6f9395  No.119997


Because that was an inside job that occurred during the Bush presidency.

Fox would lose a ton of viewers if it was released that a Republican president had inside knowledge on this.

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50380c  No.120119


>George Soros is a rich person, but is no more responsible for funding left wing or pro-Jewish institutions than any other type of institution, charities and NGOs. Even if he DID choose to fund only Jewish institutions, this is legal and there is nothing wrong with this. It's freedom of choice: he has earned his money and can do as he pleases with it.

Thanks for your input, Aleksander. Now go back to your daddy for a pat on the head.

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47293a  No.120582

File: 71e1999f79f73c4⋯.png (114.12 KB, 675x558, 75:62, Screenshot_2020_06_08_at_7….png)

File: cf863077fa8fe05⋯.png (113.95 KB, 646x558, 323:279, Screenshot_2020_06_08_at_7….png)

File: e242491248a210d⋯.png (87.88 KB, 642x512, 321:256, Screenshot_2020_06_08_at_7….png)

Soro's newsletter.3 days ago.

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2e06b9  No.121354


>pls don't investigate me for the other things

>by gero sorrieos

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7a1916  No.124002


>George Soros Hates Communism! The right has it all wrong…


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0fc40e  No.124082

File: b07b09df023cc79⋯.jpg (462.23 KB, 1451x1609, 1451:1609, ows.jpg)


Communism is an artificial ideology that was created by jews as a way to divide and conquer. It doesn't exist anymore and never will exist again because these manufactured ideologies don't really speak to people at a fundamental level and can only exist when they're artificially pushed on them.

Furthermore, jews like George Soros have long realized that racial and sexual identity is more effective than class warfare as a way to divide and conquer.

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138f7d  No.124084

File: 4d77aa44251390e⋯.png (313.85 KB, 500x695, 100:139, 43_my_ass.png)


Fucking pence

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f0076e  No.124085


I thought I knew all about Soros but this backing of insane anti social DAs is new to me. Funny how every social evil right now is being financed by this evil fuck face.

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f0076e  No.124087

File: c091c94021b1f55⋯.jpg (24.09 KB, 480x360, 4:3, external_content_duckduckg….jpg)


That is such a hot rail that anyone that touches that will be destroyed utterly. Only a few peripheral freaks that have nothing to lose will do that and even they seem to be afraid to go all the way. "It's the Saudi money", "it's those shape shifting space lizards", "it's an inside job". Only Chris Bollyn has consistently pointed the finger at the true culprits and has mapped out the entire conspiracy in the greatest of detail.

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138f7d  No.124106

File: 35b764385c54d68⋯.jpg (65.32 KB, 761x603, 761:603, Israeli_Urban_Moving_Syste….jpg)

File: 06286f939394a37⋯.png (801.66 KB, 1995x520, 399:104, BNL_911.png)

File: 3803ed60995d644⋯.mp4 (5.84 MB, 320x240, 4:3, 911_solved_by_TV_presenter….mp4)

File: e2c8e6fb6546880⋯.jpg (744.68 KB, 816x2880, 17:60, 911_lucky_larry.jpg)


>such a hot rail

BS. It's a light rail. 5VDC. Doesn't hurt even if you lick it. Haven't tried it on my bell end, but pretty sure it wouldn't hurt.

But for MSM cuntfucks faux news, yes it can't be touched of course. The retarded flag murricans would have a conniption fit. They'd explode in a fit of "muh bin ladin saddam nukes". Fox news is an unfunny joke. Its viewers are a joke. Different joke to MSNBC, is all.

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04fb45  No.124120

File: 11290621256e501⋯.png (281.45 KB, 600x359, 600:359, fromthemist.png)



Isnotreal is a rubbish bin.

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f0076e  No.124194


YOu got some detailed stuff on how (((British Military Intelligence))) created the OSS in the Rockefeller Center during WWII as a subversive force to enslave the US to the Rothschild's will?

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fbdb53  No.129096

File: 3238f37af5c6953⋯.jpg (163.01 KB, 739x910, 739:910, George_Soros.jpg)

Assuming that you will read this:

I have heard that you have been attempting to pull off the mass arrests of the illuminati since 1950, and still nothing yet.

Why don't you just arrest Soros and some others, take them to Gitmo and begin military tribunals?

It has been 70 years, but really longer because there was a try in the 1940's, and even George Washington said "There is no doubt but that the illuminati has come to America".

Why don't you just start?

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59b19e  No.129127


Who is ‘you’ in this scenario?

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dc12b3  No.129535

File: 42ca8bc6fc6f985⋯.png (290.21 KB, 584x558, 292:279, Thanks_to_George_Soros.png)


He is an old man, Anon, and he without a doubt has a couple of people to move his wealth onto. If he were to slip and hit his head against the pavement, his wealth and his ideals would move onto his five children. Two of them are already prolific Democrat donors that funnel a fair amount of money to left-leaning groups. Would probably make sense to pay more attention to them instead of looking to the face of a withered old man that wants all your focus only on him.

So that when he dies, which he most likely expects soon, his heirs will remain hidden as people celebrate his death failing to realise what is going on. I mean, why else do you think he makes all these foundations instead of just leading all of this himself? It is so that they could further his goals while at the same time operating largely independently. If he were to get sick, the machine could still continue to work.

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25325b  No.130257


Can we have a sticky with Georgie's current location?

Down to about 20m is satisfactory. Asking for a friend.

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8e6c96  No.130321

File: 872c6006ac12abe⋯.gif (166.06 KB, 559x361, 559:361, external_content_duckduckg….gif)


I doubt if he has that much money. He's definitely a powerful figure but he's like Maurice Strong; he's a chosen fixer, a hit man for the really big guys, the biggest guys. Same with JP Morgan; during his life he swung his weight around like he was one of the biggest of the big shots in the world. Everyone was surprised when he died and only left $10 million dollars .

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8e6c96  No.130322

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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34ba27  No.130332


Funny enough, he died in 2015, right before everything went sideways. I've often wondered if there was nobody else talented enough to keep their system running smoothly.

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a0f837  No.130343


as another guy wrote if "globalitsts" wanted the jewish state to suffer it would've suffered. it's all a show, to make normies think that the "right" jews are on their side therefore join the fight in middle east.

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a0f837  No.130346


to continue my post, remember that jewish american who was teaching "refugees" to lie to europeans so they can receive a refugee status, well the same jew said that she would never do this to her jewish state just because if there's another presecution of jews,she has somewhere to hide.

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a0f837  No.130347


and to further add to the post, the jews could've not done this without traitors, and obviously your average jew isn't involved.

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f1192d  No.130565

File: 8cc4aa4a42d199d⋯.jpg (161.07 KB, 750x757, 750:757, welfare.jpg)

File: 813512f50feb64a⋯.jpg (76.98 KB, 502x354, 251:177, drugs.jpg)


The average jew is usually involved in its own petty schemes. It's an entire race of immoral scum.

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59b19e  No.130567

File: 83d061f7ffb93b8⋯.png (1.85 MB, 1330x3610, 7:19, there_are_no_good_jews.png)


>your average jew isn't involved.

They literally are, though. EVERY. SINGLE. JEW. is complicit in EVERY. SINGLE. SCHEME.

"Hey, Jim. Mod here. Could you maybe not permanently ban every single IP address my VPN is using? Thanks." he said, speaking to the wind.

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8e6c96  No.130692


>Funny enough, he died in 2015, right before everything went sideways.

He set the stage for all this. Like Edward VII set the stage for WWI. They did their jobs, mission accomplished. Now Soros is detonating the booby traps that Strong devised.

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0943f9  No.131247

File: 36040ebae168632⋯.png (199.16 KB, 1698x799, 1698:799, 8kunisownedbyjews.PNG)

I was reading some comments and Soros isn't the only Jewish billionaire trying to subvert humanity. Some people claim this guy is even more powerful than Soros.

Jacques Attali, He's similar to the Frankfurt School Jews, check it out. He's behind Macron and others. If it wasn't for gullible white retards these billionaire Jews wouldn't be able to use their money to influence elections. In the last election if you voted for Hillary or trump you're a gullible retard, the obv choice was Bernie.

This Jacques character wrote a book about using music to subvert the goy, what's interesting is that Frankfurter Adorno also wrote a book about music influencing the masses.

Speaking of jews using music to subvert, this is the guy that's the head of YT music.


Pic: Also, wtf is up with that retarded slogan. I swear that's the most Jewish thing I've ever seen. That's so retarded on so many levels that i'm requesting it needs to be removed.

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59b19e  No.131262


>the opposite of what jews want is what jews want

>anything that opposes jewish plans is retarded


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12fc5e  No.131378

File: 58b0738ebfad860⋯.jpg (158.06 KB, 993x765, 331:255, kys.jpg)


Why are you so full of hate, bigot?

Did mommy not give your hormone replacement therapy this week?

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8e6c96  No.132093

I don't see how this fuck face jew can get away with paying people to create havoc in the USA and get away with it. some rug rider in the Hindu Kush blows a smelly falafel fart and the president sends the USMC after him on stealth helicopters equipped with Hellfire missiles. This ugly ancient jew causes billions of dollars of economic damage to the USA and nothing happens to him.

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192b31  No.132108


>I don't see how this fuck face jew can get away with paying people to create havoc in the USA

he can get away with it because he is paying to the right people..

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2f7933  No.132355

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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7d2be8  No.132358

File: 51919f2ac0574f9⋯.jpg (53.14 KB, 398x531, 398:531, decisions_decisions.JPG)


On one hand he's a jew

On the other hand he's a jew who devoured other jews…

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124f06  No.132447


That's how they do it: the more one devours others the stronger that one gets. Imagine a zombie but it eats other zombies, and each other zombie it eats it gets bigger, stronger, faster, more cunning…

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7d2be8  No.132745

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

As the equivalent officer of the Crown that Soros is today, J P Morgan laid the groundwork for the creation of the Federal Reserve, so I think it's well worth studying his roll in the crises that struck American finance in the late 1800's, just as we also examined Maurice Strong. By studying these two antecedents we can see what Soros is doing in a more profound light.

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151e45  No.133287


this. none of this stuff really matters if we don't even know where the guy is

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7be15c  No.133394

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Soros is alleged to have a hand in electing Gardner. Gardner is still being investigated for suborning perjury. The perjurer, tisaby, has been indicted on 6 counts of perjury and one of evidence tampering. MO is similar to other soros actions, hire ex intelligence agent to fabricate evidence and then attack republican with it. Pattern of criminal behavior emerges. RICO when?

"Since Gardner witnessed Tisaby’s actions, her culpability in allowing his alleged perjury to proceed is damning. As an officer of the court, she is sworn to uphold the law, and Carmody’s investigation makes a convincing case that Gardner engaged in egregious prosecutorial misconduct by failing to correct the court and police record after inaccuracies and outright lies had been entered into testimony.

It all started in January 2018, when Gardner interviewed Greitens’ ex-lover, and she was later re-interviewed with both Gardner and Tisaby present. Gardner took notes and shared them with Tisaby, the indictment says. They exchanged more than 100 text messages. Yet Tisaby testified under oath that Gardner had given him no information. The notes Gardner had taken were never turned over to Greitens’ lawyers during discovery. One of Gardner’s staffers told a judge that Tisaby had taken no notes of his own even though a video shows him taking notes while interviewing the ex-lover — with Gardner sitting at his side, the indictment says."



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7be15c  No.133398


theblaze alleges soros supported her but I don't know the soros sock organizations. is actblue one of them?

if report fails, force report.


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7d2be8  No.133528

File: 7295e03bcbef380⋯.gif (325.71 KB, 1100x450, 22:9, 729.gif)


>>beautician Katrina Sneed


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7d2be8  No.133536

File: 2886abe330fe7dc⋯.jpg (134.67 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, 5d4d7e32b8a52_image.jpg)

>>nose ring

>>nasty clavicle tats


The governor deserved to be kicked out of office simply for even dating a skank ho like this. Used to be governors were people from good society.

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7be15c  No.133561



don't lose focus of the fact that this is a soros supported prosecutor.

a soros supported prosecutor who is now saying she will charge two homeowners for defending thier lives and property.

A soros supported prosecutor with an ongoing criminal investigation centering on her run by a special prosecutor.

A soros supporter facing disbarment. focus.

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7d2be8  No.133616

File: c6ad681c6c016bc⋯.jpg (27.96 KB, 321x310, 321:310, frontal_cortex.JPG)


FFS look at the dimensions of her frontal cortex. This is not a great legal mind. This isn't even an astute or cunning schemer. Keeping up with the plot of a soap opera is at the limit of her intellect

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806ab5  No.133750


When is everyone going to realize that we are in a spiritual war, like for our very souls?

Floyd knew the man that killed him, and that corrupt possibly fake illuminati deep state satanic globalist cop dude killed the innocent floyd because corona meme is getting old, and the bad guys want to start a race war so that they can make a civil war and then have china attack when we're not paying attention.

right now we're in:

cold civil war

global cold war

psychological cold war

spiritual cold war

with who?

evil itself

black lives matter are the same exact people as antifa, and they're all funded by george soros, the clintons, the obamas, the united nations, the bidens, and every other illuminati bad guy. all satanic globalist communists.

they want division

please read and watch all of this. Extremely important:





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5a3d79  No.133791

File: 0583833bcc38d06⋯.png (37.16 KB, 478x659, 478:659, Derek_Chauvin_The_Hero_of_….png)


Derek Chauvin didn't kill anyone. He made a lawful arrest where a worthless nigger with a criminal record a mile long proceeded to resist arrest and have a heart attack while overdosing from a dozen different drugs. Fuck you and kill yourself, nigger whore. Derek Chauvin for president 2020 he's the hero the world needs.

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7d2be8  No.133806


The trial is going to be interesting to say the least.

One of two things will happen;

1. The Dems will nigger rig it and it will be a travesty

2. The letter of the law will be followed and Chauvin will walk free. Chimpout Cat 199834

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bc8b80  No.133835

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Antifa Chant ‘George Soros Wheres Our Money?’

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149d87  No.133921

File: ca33f3913bbfd4b⋯.jpg (112.99 KB, 1024x686, 512:343, Web_F080918FF11_1024x686.jpg)

The focus on George Soros as a strawman by the right has been engineered by Arthur J. Finklestein, Soros is just a frontman, there are way more people behind the curtain.



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09d4f6  No.134428

How many American jobs have been outsourced to Israel compared to the massive amount to China?

The Anti-Soros movement is back by billionaire corporations who care about $$$ more than America and most of those jobs went to China.

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41e739  No.134443


Sounds like what happened with Trump: he's a puppet of the real powers that be.

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275aec  No.135494


like hitler

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c69f69  No.135584

Are the images ever going to work?

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59b19e  No.135704


Are you having the same problem? Like, site/board-wide and not in this thread or a link out of it? THANK FUCKING GOD. Finally someone can help me troubleshoot. Do you have any Microsoft IP addresses blocked on your local network? If not, I can finally put it to rest that it's either Jim being fucking retarded and refusing to fix the site, or it's my ISP itself purposely interfering with the site loading.

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b3bf0c  No.136766


>Cucker Tarlson

Just another meat puppet

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536c75  No.136990


I heard rumors of the existence of a White Man who wasn't just a mouth running bitch on the internet, but get this, he was actually helping to awaken our Race more successfully than Tucker Carlson.

It is a wonderful experience to finally meet you. I would love to hear how you are outperforming the Man that you are running your nigger mouth about while hiding on the internet. This is wonderful. I am all in on working to replicate your success my NIGGER. Please do share your approach, the White Race is ready to follow your lead MY WHITE NIGGER KANG BROTHA

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256e18  No.137009

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1ef767  No.137162

He is evil.

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192b31  No.137182


>The trial is going to be interesting

true, he didn't do anything illegal, so they'll have to rape the law completely, and they will, too bad for him

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a3b7b6  No.137287


If it was a random slave or an enemy of the regime they would, for sure. But I don't think they're going to throw an alpha slave under the bus just to appease the nigger cattle.

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dfd384  No.137858

The key aspects to understanding the crimes of George Soros is by analyzing the patterns behind the various mass arrests of the so- called 'right wing' activists and their subsequent extradition to the United States. These individuals are charged with crimes that are usually classified as "incitement to riot" and "domestic terrorism". Soros exploits the concept of "domestic terrorism "with the purpose to prosecute his political opponents. His goal is to "silence any opposition" and to "eliminate the political opposition of the political and social elite".

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7be15c  No.138553



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07c21d  No.138587


I personally think they are trumping up charges on evil white cop killing good dindu so they cant possibly be convicted just for the sake of reliving the LA riots after the Rodney King bullshit.

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f5aa8e  No.138846

File: 034dd37befee163⋯.png (490.21 KB, 475x792, 475:792, 4ff.png)


I don't really believe in souls or an afterlife but I sure hope they exist so that (((these fiends))) and their golems can recieve their just punishment in whatever underworld might exist. Till then, pic related…

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bfc1f7  No.139270

Trump is worse than Soros. This is why Soros has been relatively quiet.

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bfc1f7  No.139271

Soros' past hijincks are just a distraction from Trump's pure evil.

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5375ab  No.139853

G.S is immortal and nothing can take him down. He basically has more power than Trump at this point.

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d4140a  No.139919

Soros just gave 220 million dollars to BLM. Expect this shit to blow up like never before and never go away.


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192b31  No.139931


>Soros just gave 220 million dollars to BLM

probaly not his own money, and even if it was, he's most likely trying to make more money with this 'investment'

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d4140a  No.139936


That old cunt is so old, he could die any moment. Some people donate their money to charity. Soros just wants to plant another seed of white genocide, even if he doesn't get to see the results.

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dc7d7e  No.139958


*) Occupy the U.S. just to buy political power.

*) Helped create instigators for ideologies that promote propaganda and create them to justify aggressive foreign policy,

Based Ally Soros. What a friend.

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