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0af986  No.359774

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fd247d  No.359775

Let's just get this over with as quickly as possible, okay fuckface?

I'm in bed with pneumonia, so I don't have a lot of time to waste on you today



Thank you for participating

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fd247d  No.359776

None of your stupid distraction techniques mean anything

Nobody gives a fuck about your predictable political opinions or perspectives

Nobody gives a fuck about you whatsoever

The only thing that matters is PUSSY

And because you can't get any pussy, you're just a little boy in the eyes of the world

So run along and play another video game little sissy boy

The men don't have time for your childish distractions

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fd247d  No.359777

You want to "matter"???

Prove that you matter to awoman

Or continue being a child

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fd247d  No.359778

If your opinions mattered, there would be a woman fucking you

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fd247d  No.359779


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fd247d  No.359780

If there's not even ONE woman who considers you to be a better choice than the average nigger under a bridge….

Then apparently, you simply don't measure up

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fd247d  No.359781

microdick sissy and his irrelevant fixations

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fd247d  No.359782

If women would rather fuck a stupid nigger than you, obviously you don't matter

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fd247d  No.359783

You look like a hairball that a cat vomited up into a pile of goat diarrhea

And you're obviously incapable of figuring out how to support yourself in life

So nobody has any use for you

You serve no purpose

And your mental illness doesn't make anybody feel sorry for you

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fd247d  No.359784

Today, you could have figured out a way to make something happen in your life, to complete a deal, to close a deal…

Within an hour or two, you could have secured $1,000 easy

You could be staying in a luxury hotel suite tonight

You could be wearing the finest clothes

You could be eating in a five Michelin restaurant

But instead you smell like feces

And you're wasting your life fixating on psychotic idiotic garbage that nobody cares about

You're a piece of shit


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fd247d  No.359785

The other day I made ONE phone call

I put somebody in touch with somebody else

They gave me $1,800 cash that night

I literally made $1,800 cash with one phone call


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fd247d  No.359786

Every time you sit down, the chair smells like shit when you leave

You literally leave a trail of feces Aroma wherever you go

Not just feces

But stale sour sebum


It's disgusting

you're a ball of phlegm

You're a LOOGIE

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fd247d  No.359787

Nobody has any reason to pretend they respect you

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fd247d  No.359788

You're a nuisance. You are a loiterer and a worthless mooch

You contribute nothing

You're a petri dish

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fd247d  No.359789

You're a piece of shit dude

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fd247d  No.359790

You and Ashley Schneider are equally as pathetic

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fd247d  No.359791


"MALE", but NOT a man

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fd247d  No.359792

And I've never seen a more worthless human being than Ashley Schneider..

You're not worse than her

You are her equal

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fd247d  No.359793

I've been planning a little surprise for you

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fd247d  No.359794

I'm going to blow your mind very soon

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fd247d  No.359795

You have made incriminating statements online

And I'm going to teach you a valuable lesson about making stupid statements online

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fd247d  No.359796

Trust me.. it's coming soon

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fd247d  No.359797

I'm going to make you regret not leaving Boston when you still had an opportunity

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fd247d  No.359798

Because I'm going to teach you a valuable lesson, bitch

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fd247d  No.359799

I've been toying with you, so you would think you're safe

Giving you a false sense of security

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fd247d  No.359800

But it's coming very soon

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fd247d  No.359801

And when it happens, I want you to imagine my smiling face

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fd247d  No.359802

Because I'm having you arrested bitch

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fd247d  No.359803

And you won't be able to leave Boston when I'm done. You won't be able to enjoy Boston from a jail cell, but you won't be able to leave Boston either

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fd247d  No.359804

Because I'm going to teach you a lesson, stinky

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fd247d  No.359805

My best advice is get your ass out of Boston as fast as possible, because I'm going to make another phone call, and you won't be able to leave Boston when I'm done

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fd247d  No.359806

I'm going to jam you up with the criminal justice system, bitch

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fd247d  No.359807

You'll have plenty of time to think about the addresses of elite people in your jail cell


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fd247d  No.359808

I sincerely hope you think I'm joking

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fd247d  No.359809

Because the best victims are those who have convinced themselves they cannot be victimized

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fd247d  No.359810

I'm putting your ass in jail

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fd247d  No.359811

You're in for quite a surprise

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fd247d  No.359812

You are just as irrelevant as Ashley Schneider

You might consider asking her to help you

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fd247d  No.359813

I had Ashley Schneider arrested twice so far

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fd247d  No.359814

And now it's your turn

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