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0cb3f7  No.359693

FOIA Documents prove COVID-19 'Vaccines' were treated as 'Medical Counter-measures' to a Bio-Weapon attack. Entire COVID Operation Run by US National Security Council with NO M.pdf


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339904  No.359694


Imagine if you actually had aJOB

You could actually pay for your own Wi-Fi

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339904  No.359695


Imagine how proud your mother would be if you want to McDonald's then got hired today

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339904  No.359696



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339904  No.359697


I just realized that even Ashley Schneider is Elite compared to you, because at least she begs for money

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339904  No.359698


You are inferior to Ashley Schneider because you simply expect your mother to continue wiping your ass for you

At least Ashley has the determination required to beg for money like a nigger

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339904  No.359699



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339904  No.359700


When was the last time you took a bath?

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339904  No.359701


It's hilarious watching somebody who never completed High School pretending to be intelligent, in a chat room frequented by college graduates

You're one of the stupidest people who's ever stumbled into a chat room before

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339904  No.359702


How are the welfare benefits working out for you?

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339904  No.359703

How to tell when a man never completed high school and has no education whatsoever :

Simple. He creates this thread

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