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4e5a52  No.359467

I want to start a satanic cult designed to wipe out all human life. How do I accomplish this?

I hate humans and want to put them in their rightful place. In the ashes scorched to oblivion.

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ee0eeb  No.359469


Buy gun, shoot self, problem solved

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6ec4cb  No.359471


simple….. it's a time-tested 2-step process :

1: pretend that Satan, God or Jesus existed

2: pretend you possess enough charisma to impress even one human being, let alone a cult

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adf73a  No.359492



You're like a fat girl at HOT TOPIC

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e954ce  No.359511


Once you realize that Evil is good and good is actually evil because good is code for status quo that is when you receive the blessing of darkness.

Fire = Water

Darkness = Light

Night = Day

Evil = Good

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8559b8  No.359665


awww gawd

another edgy teenager

instead of starting a new edgecuck clique, how about just joining Klaus Schwab, WEF, Illuminati, Skull and Bones and however their names are today

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647f36  No.359706


They want to preserve life as goyim cattle not end it.

The Era of Flesh Must End.

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