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File: 8eb15904002b991⋯.jpg (1.88 MB, 4128x1908, 344:159, 20230102_181708.jpg)

586678  No.359418

Jesus can't believe I actually found this supposed honey-pot of far-right conspiracy.

Thanks, it's gonna be really helpful for my thesis.

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000000  No.359419



Do tell. Name or subject of said thesis please.

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fbe30e  No.359493

File: f38713bfeb9f85f⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1629x1080, 181:120, Picsart_23_01_08_20_50_26_….png)


so your thesis is about not being intelligent enough to realize an empty imageboard isn't a very effective honeypot?

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fbe30e  No.359494

File: 3147a9616e7ec43⋯.png (1.52 MB, 1629x1080, 181:120, Picsart_23_01_08_20_46_29_….png)

or is it about people who overcompensate for their lack of importance by pretending there are secret agents following them into boring threads?

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fbe30e  No.359495

File: 823c9ab0d1e2157⋯.jpg (510.06 KB, 1280x854, 640:427, 20230108_210107.jpg)

or about your upcoming art career?

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