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File: 7da15b492044b6b⋯.png (949.66 KB, 1895x1563, 1895:1563, this_is_my_life.png)

15a931  No.359229

This is what I do with my time. Because I'm a winner!

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75dcb0  No.359233

File: 999139c4b148ea1⋯.webm (5.05 MB, 972x720, 27:20, rav_touitou_subtitles.webm)


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40c0d4  No.359262


Exactly when are you going to finally start getting some pussy?

It's not like you're 7 years old anymore

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40c0d4  No.359263

File: 9f880b39c156dbe⋯.gif (805.62 KB, 3200x1800, 16:9, 9f880b39c156dbe8d7433168db….gif)

If you think we don't realize you don't get any pussy, then you are self delusional

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40c0d4  No.359264

File: 9f880b39c156dbe⋯.gif (805.62 KB, 3200x1800, 16:9, 9f880b39c156dbe8d7433168db….gif)

You're the big life expert badass, aren't you?


You're a little boy

According to the 4 billion women on planet earth, you're just a little boy

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40c0d4  No.359265

File: 9f880b39c156dbe⋯.gif (805.62 KB, 3200x1800, 16:9, 9f880b39c156dbe8d7433168db….gif)


since no woman is having sex with you


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40c0d4  No.359266

File: 9f880b39c156dbe⋯.gif (805.62 KB, 3200x1800, 16:9, 9f880b39c156dbe8d7433168db….gif)

At least you wouldn't have to be a virgin anymore.. that is, unless you've already sucked some cock

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40c0d4  No.359267

File: 9f880b39c156dbe⋯.gif (805.62 KB, 3200x1800, 16:9, 9f880b39c156dbe8d7433168db….gif)

But you never get any pussy


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c4307d  No.359323

File: 9f880b39c156dbe⋯.gif (805.62 KB, 3200x1800, 16:9, 9f880b39c156dbe8d7433168db….gif)


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c4307d  No.359324


what kind of liser actually uses the term IM A WINNER??

Even if you're trying to insult somebody, what kind of loser would even think of using the term "IM A WINNER"?

I'll tell you what kind of loser would use that terminology :

a soft sedentary inexperienced effeminate self entitled bitch

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c4307d  No.359325

If you paid a seven-year-old kid to develop a childish insult :

They would end it with the words

"because I'm a winner!"

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c4307d  No.359326

File: 5573ef485c29e51⋯.jpg (545.58 KB, 3200x1800, 16:9, Picsart_23_01_03_22_13_56_….jpg)

fuck you, videogame girlyboy

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c4307d  No.359327

File: 5435666106ceabf⋯.jpg (141.23 KB, 960x720, 4:3, Picsart_22_11_27_03_51_32_….jpg)


HINT: perhaps you should start doing the same thing with your time?

After all, I'm the one fucking girls in the ass while you sit there trying to convince yourself of some imaginary superiority while you masturbate yourself to sleep every night

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c4307d  No.359328


Self entitled lonely little video game girly boy

He's such a winner, that no woman will climb into bed with him

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c4307d  No.359329



If you've got a penis, there's no use for it

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c4307d  No.359330



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