So, is that what this board has become? Just one nutjob's dumping ground for the explosive-diarrhea-of-craziness that flows through his mind 24/7?
Is this board and the rest of the site basically abandoned, and just a tag-along for the Q bullshit?
I remember there used to be such great discussion here. It only takes a minimum of moderation. Why is nobody doing it?
Why is it now 8kun? How gay is that?
WTF is with the .top domain? Is that all you could get? I guess it keeps it off the radar of most, but still.
Why even host the site at this point? It can't just be for Q Research. Anybody still holding on to that lump of nothing has got to be just plain retarded.
There's no way anybody's making money off this, and while hosting costs for such a low traffic site wouldn't break the bank, it's still running at a net loss.
The obvious answer is that it's a honeypot. But a honeypot for what? Spammers and retards? You can't have a honeypot if nobody bothers to use it. So it's clearly not that, either.
Is it just delusional people hanging on to what was?