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File: 0b3b886a8fa05e3⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1080x1080, 1:1, Picsart_22_12_31_13_54_18_….png)

c874f3  No.358817

Let's count down all of the wonderful things that happened this year

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c874f3  No.358818

File: 77f34aa637e1efb⋯.png (741.2 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 1_TRUMP_IS_FINISHED_12_31_….png)


Right now Trump is pulling at less than 12% of Republicans, which means a pile of dog shit has a better chance of being elected than he does…

Plus, he only announced his candidacy thinking it would prevent the Department of Justice from Prosecuting him, but he's dead wrong

this year, Fulton County Georgia and the southern district of New York are both going to prosecute and convict scumbag illiterate monkey boy Donald Trump, and you're going to be so Furious when it happens

But there's nothing you can do about it.. you're going to take it like the bitch that you are…

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c874f3  No.358819

File: 986f5a33e3ec3fe⋯.png (749.52 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 2_MAGA_IS_DEAD_12_31_2022.png)


Dozens and dozens of January 6th morons sentenced to prison, and anybody who voted for Trump is now considered a domestic terrorist, uneducated trailer park trash who think they can use threats of violence to get their way.. sore losers, but what would you expect from uneducated inbred trailer park trash? Dignity?

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7a77ab  No.358820

File: 24ce9fbba046533⋯.png (744.15 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 3_NO_RED_WAVE_12_31_2022.png)


Not only was there no red wave, but quite the opposite in fact!

Kari Lake lost like the stupid worthless prostitute she truly is, the consummate loser.

Every single one of Trump's picks lost like a bitch

Herschel Walker's campaign begged Trump NOT to come campaign for him in Georgia, because Herschel wanted to win

That didn't work out very good for him, did it?

But at least your team still has George Santos, right?

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7a77ab  No.358821

File: 15b2d51d1fd067f⋯.png (707.17 KB, 590x590, 1:1, 4_ELVIS_MOVIE_12_31_2022.png)


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7a77ab  No.358822

File: 3afbe8cd80b7351⋯.png (749.23 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 5_NO_MORE_KILLCEN_12_31_20….png)


We had all grown extremely tired of your continual attention seeking conspiracy overcompensation technique.. I correctly predicted you would die in October.. and thanks to Jim watkins, that's exactly what happened to you in here

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7a77ab  No.358823

File: a7766f7a5a2d045⋯.png (739.8 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 6_8KUN_S_DEAD_12_31_2022.png)


I told you I was going to single-handedly destroyed this website, and take a look around you.. how's your chatting experience going lately?

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7a77ab  No.358824

File: 584f2f5ccfe8ac3⋯.png (763.12 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 7_MY_CA_H_12_31_2022.png)


I made more money this year then I have the past several years, and I barely had to lift a finger

Feels good man

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7a77ab  No.358825

File: af14e58e62d2d43⋯.png (757.85 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 8_I_GOT_TONS_OF_PUSSY_12_3….png)


i quite literally had the head of my fat wide cock crammed all the way down the back of my wife's throat for a collective total of 97 days this year, if you added all of the deepthroat sessions together, it adds up to exactly 97 days worth of me fucking my wife down the back of her throat this year

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7a77ab  No.358826

File: 040ed08c6530ac0⋯.png (764.28 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 9_SCIENCE_PROVES_THERE_IS_….png)


In early April 2022, a team of scientists from Oslo Norway conclusively proved there is no such thing as God

Your pagan sticks and stones mythological religion has been debunked once and for all

They also proved that Jesus never actually existed, and you've literally been making a fool out of yourself ever since you were a stupid gullible scared little child and allowed adults to molest your brain with their false religion

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7a77ab  No.358827

File: 7f36a394e2bb9b1⋯.png (761.32 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 10_JERRY_CAN_T_AFFORD_12_3….png)


That's right! Jerry can't afford the $5 per month, because you can't buy a Proto path subscription with an EBT card…

It appears that the Maharishi will be reciting his word circles to Nancy and his daughters, because on his disability welfare benefits, he simply cannot afford to post like a big boy anymore

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7a77ab  No.358828

That's right, kids! It's been a wonderful year! America has put the inbred MAGAFAGS into a corner, and now they are all being watched by federal law enforcement

Here in atlanta, the Fulton County District Attorney has just wrapped up the grand jury investigation into Trump's patently illegal phone call to the Georgia Secretary of State, trying to steal the election…

Georgia cannot wait to put Donald Trump in a prison cell

Even Trump's own children have Cut and Run..

Trump's former close allies are now openly insulting the caveman, no longer worried about losing his meager 12% of Republican voters

The southern district of New York has found the Trump organization guilty of massive tax fraud

Things are quickly falling apart for the illiterate ape man

This was an excellent year!

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7a77ab  No.358829

File: 7584736fa3f2876⋯.png (760.58 KB, 600x600, 1:1, BONUS_TRUMP_S_STUPID_TRADI….png)


As if things could possibly get any worse for him, he managed to somehow dig his hole even deeper and lose any last Shred of credibility, even among his uneducated white trash voter base

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7a77ab  No.358830

File: 23fea0a32e22595⋯.png (758.89 KB, 600x600, 1:1, EXTRA_BONUS_TRUMP_S_TAXES_….png)


HE'S never had a billion dollars

he doesn't pay taxes, and the most he ever had was $236 million

he LOST $4 Billion of the banks money

But he's never had a billion dollars in his entire life. It's all a lie

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7a77ab  No.358831

File: e7a824505f540f4⋯.jpg (421.53 KB, 904x670, 452:335, Screenshot_20221231_143404.jpg)


painted prostitute Kari LakeLOSTto Hobbs, an opponent who never even campaigned once…


and now, Kari owes over $600,000 in Hobbs Attorneys fees and court costs

What did you expect when you filed frivolous litigation?

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7a77ab  No.358832

File: 7db5a41842fd60f⋯.jpg (404.66 KB, 1080x715, 216:143, Screenshot_20221231_143819.jpg)

DC Bar rules Giuliani violated legal ethics: He should be disbarred



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7a77ab  No.358833

File: 96215ff12db697e⋯.jpg (38.91 KB, 728x485, 728:485, YBLTD6655BKJJCXHHJDHYA4VOY.jpg)


Nov 9 - A U.S. appeals court on Wednesday said Wisconsin can pursue attorney misconduct sanctions against Donald Trump ally Sidney Powell despite her objection that a panel of judges had no authority to hear the state's case.

The Chicago-based 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in a brief order rejected Powell's bid to quickly dismiss Wisconsin's appeal of a lower court order denying sanctions. The state sought to punish attorney Powell over a lawsuit she filed on behalf of a Wisconsin voter alleging Democrat Joe Biden won a fraudulent presidential election in 2020.

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7a77ab  No.358834

File: f7f29174597bb7f⋯.jpg (62.78 KB, 960x540, 16:9, 0x0.jpg)

'QAnon Shaman' Jacob Chansley sentenced to 41 months in prison


get used to it….

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7a77ab  No.358836

File: b3e35c5990a4621⋯.jpg (348.53 KB, 1300x975, 4:3, 60900ac734af8d001859a834.jpg)

964 Jan 6 Terrorists Have Been Arrested so far, andHALF OF THEM HAVE ALREADY PLEADED GUILTY

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7a77ab  No.358837

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Back in june, I remember Jerry saying I was trembling with fear, terrified because I knew Herschel Walker was going to steamroll Georgia….

But then again Jerry also said that Trump won the election

Things haven't been going your way lately, ever since 2018, 2020, and November

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7a77ab  No.358838

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


And I thought Q was "guaranteed to win"

He threw in his towel early, after only collecting $1,400 in campaign contributions

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7a77ab  No.358839

File: a9e102542f68835⋯.jpg (230.93 KB, 512x512, 1:1, NW1_nuclear_war_one_movie_….jpg)

File: dae33f6f42f9722⋯.jpg (242.14 KB, 512x512, 1:1, NW1_nuclear_war_one_movie_….jpg)

File: 2eb9ddefe89cc80⋯.jpg (220.32 KB, 512x512, 1:1, NW1_nuclear_war_one_movie_….jpg)


Take a wild guess which team wins and which team loses this long overdue Line in the Sand

hint: it's not your team that wins

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7a77ab  No.358840

File: e4eea78bc707177⋯.jpg (220.71 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, Picsart_22_12_25_12_50_10_….jpg)

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7a77ab  No.358841

File: b56d2ae98db71e9⋯.jpg (174.31 KB, 1083x1080, 361:360, Picsart_22_12_23_18_03_44_….jpg)

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a56be4  No.358843


Kill yourself you Jewish fucking faggot this board was fucking dead on its ass at the turn of the decade. It died with 8chan you fucking moron what you're doing here is literally talking to your self as the dickless hermaphrodite you are. Just put a gun to your head and squeeze that Trigger really really hard. And if one of you nigger goons has the balls post pics of the gore. I would love one last fap over your fucking corpse kike

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a56be4  No.358844


Hahahahaha that faggot was on your team. Eat shit and hang yourself kike

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a56be4  No.358845


Whoa a corrupt wop we all hate is punished. Again why won't you just die? Your own mother and father would shit on your grace lad

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7a77ab  No.358848


>thinks I'm on a "team"

I'm guessing you're theONLYman your age that you know in real life who won't be kissing a woman at midnight?

b r i l l i a n t p l a n

I guess you've grown accustomed to it after all these years

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7a77ab  No.358849


by the way, that Wop WAS NOT RETIRED…. not at all….

you literally don't even fact check, huh?

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7a77ab  No.358850

and that "retired would who you pretend to hate"CREATED THE ENTIRE "STOLEN ELECTION" BULLSHIT

that's right, failurechild

remember thinking you had actually "won"?

and how stupid you felt when you realized YOU LOST?

you can thank Rudy……

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7a77ab  No.358851

File: a0b294ddf4cc1ad⋯.jpg (518.69 KB, 1706x2480, 853:1240, Picsart_22_12_31_18_15_57_….jpg)

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7a77ab  No.358852

File: c0f4730cbe36e80⋯.jpg (176.45 KB, 1096x1080, 137:135, Picsart_22_12_31_19_20_04_….jpg)

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7a77ab  No.358853

my wife is laying here on the sofa with me….

I'm sitting up, rolling a joint, and ridiculing an adult male for 365 more days without becoming charismatic or magnetic… my wife's working on a glass of wine, with her feet stretched out over my lap….

365 days………

and this isn't the first year

you've been working very hard for years

at not being eligible


you've "still got it"

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7a77ab  No.358854


( if I'm not mistaken, the natural sequential process dictates that little boys must first stop believing in fairy tales like "antifa members attacking the capital"… and THEN their testicles will descend and their voice will get deeper…

So I'm guessing your testicles are nowhere near ready to descend yet?

Be careful about the boogeyman under your bed tonight

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7a77ab  No.358855

Speaking of which, there are adults who would like to celebrate midnight with their special loved one, so maybe you might be up a little bit past your bedtime already, Soldier.. go brush your teeth and get your butt in bed.. and no video games before beddy bye time tonight

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7a77ab  No.358856


Are you going to make the exact same New Year's resolution you make every year?

To continue being sedentary and isolated, determined to end 2023 all alone and once again?

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7a77ab  No.358857

File: 261ac7086354b48⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1416x1080, 59:45, Picsart_22_11_20_06_20_56_….png)




peeping Tom

What the fuck do you think

you're looking at?

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7a77ab  No.358858

File: 17dd46534ea8da0⋯.jpg (379.71 KB, 1499x1080, 1499:1080, 17dd46534ea8da097e867794d2….jpg)

File: c0ac073b4205653⋯.jpg (182.75 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, 2021_11_03_14_19_53.jpg)

File: 7d2e92e73d71a27⋯.png (1.24 MB, 1645x1080, 329:216, 7d2e92e73d71a2706d69ec7cda….png)

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7a77ab  No.358859

File: 6178b8c528080c0⋯.png (1.53 MB, 1762x1080, 881:540, Picsart_22_11_20_03_39_27_….png)




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7a77ab  No.358860

File: 064066b1f2fba6b⋯.jpg (319.46 KB, 2065x1080, 413:216, PicsArt_03_23_11_04_32.jpg)

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7a77ab  No.358861

File: 3ad4edc553b5390⋯.jpg (343 KB, 1486x1080, 743:540, PicsArt_02_03_09_04_12.jpg)

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7a77ab  No.358862

File: 5f28012ddb9685f⋯.png (1.69 MB, 1440x1080, 4:3, Picsart_22_11_20_03_13_02_….png)

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7a77ab  No.358863

File: d82bf7e73741c7a⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1153x1080, 1153:1080, Picsart_22_11_20_02_34_30_….png)

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7a77ab  No.358864

File: f41ace3038d15da⋯.jpg (653.29 KB, 1024x1536, 2:3, wonder_1665335025612.jpg)

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7a77ab  No.358865

File: b3282fbca4bd80b⋯.png (1.86 MB, 1080x1213, 1080:1213, Picsart_22_11_20_04_54_18_….png)

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7a77ab  No.358866

File: 580f4128f059916⋯.jpg (206.87 KB, 2177x1080, 2177:1080, Picsart_22_12_31_21_23_19_….jpg)





she's pretty, Romeo

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7a77ab  No.358867

File: ee9f65f3def7953⋯.jpg (333.98 KB, 1657x1080, 1657:1080, Picsart_22_12_31_21_17_47_….jpg)





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7a77ab  No.358868

File: e7cdfaae972a920⋯.png (449.07 KB, 1536x1536, 1:1, Picsart_22_12_31_21_34_11_….png)

here's hoping that in 2023, you find a LONELYBOY WEBSITE with a speech synthesis engine that can correctly pronounce your name when it says "I love you"

Happy New Year, Tough Guy

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7a77ab  No.358869

File: 3f7c19c305505be⋯.jpg (635.05 KB, 1080x1309, 1080:1309, Picsart_22_12_31_21_48_13_….jpg)



LOL you're an inferior FACTORY REJECT

……The Little Engine That Couldn't……

at least you've still got


dysfunctional dweeb

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7a77ab  No.358870



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7a77ab  No.358871

File: cd7fe3975a7cc0e⋯.jpg (189.22 KB, 1553x1080, 1553:1080, Picsart_22_12_31_21_51_43_….jpg)



oh…… I almost forgot


Or I'll hang your pee sheets your bedroom window for the other kids to see

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