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aecb4c  No.357998

a tremendous amount of trash

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f91429  No.357999

there used to be a LYING COWARD in here named Jerry

he lied about "having insider knowledge of a stolen election", when in fact the only thing he actually had was enough time on his hands to sit around watching Tucker Carlson

The only Insider information he had was cleaned between commercial breaks on Tucker Carlson

And he's a coward because he doesn't have enough balls to Simply admit he was wrong

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9449bb  No.358000

Jerry is a coward, who confessed that he was on welfare disability benefits, but then denied it in public because he's a coward

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4966e9  No.358001

He can't even afford a protopass

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403bc7  No.358002

the coward can't even say "I was wrong"

he's not a man

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