My Sister is SO inconsiderate..
I'm trying to watch a movie, but everything always has to be about HER…
It's not fair…
her name is Elenor, and she was born with a few medical issues:
spina bifida, where she was born with her spine outside of her body instead of inside…
she's also got cerebral palsy
and osteogenesis imperfecta, commonly known as brittle bone disease, the same thing that Hotwheels was born iwith…
she also has Gastroparesis, a condition that makes her unable to digest food, so the doctors had to completely bypass her entire digestive system and she is tube fed a very limited liquid diet..
oh, I almost forgot the ectrodactyly, which caused her lobster claw hands… and she has alopecia, where most of her hair is falling out
she's only 17, but earlier this year she was brutally raped by an orderly at the rehabilitation center.
and in August, she was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer..
ever since the rape she has been in her room, crying uncontrollably in her wheelchair…
look…. we've ALL problems, okay?
I can't hear the movie with her crying…