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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
62.66044, 143.66586

File: 34684755a7079e7⋯.png (7.87 MB, 2208x1242, 16:9, 859B1D7B_8125_4348_BCFD_EE….png)

6fffce  No.357831

Pol on 4chan has become completely overrun by glowies and almost every thread gets cut short or is completely shadowblocked. Im looking for the replacement of pol and i was wondering if any of you felt pnd on here was a good replacement\substitute.

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0a6e77  No.357836


Nobody here gives a shit what happens to 4chan.

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a8f122  No.357860


>become completely overrun

It's been like that for about 8 years now, and has gotten worse and worse since that time.

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44bbb8  No.357888

File: fcc61ab7031b175⋯.png (2.49 MB, 2070x1703, 2070:1703, nooneiscoming.png)

Tor chans are always peak, trade off is that they are slow as fuck, also try to keep an eye out of XMPP servers, and obviously get the band back together, these globohomos are cartoonishly incompetent slobs, think of bug man NPC, just cut them off, also get off everything trackable, get on linuix stop playing fucking valorant you zoomer cuck, im a zoomer and I know you faggots are eatting yourselves currently and I only wish you pushed yourselves further, learn to enjoy the challenge

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1b531c  No.357889


Stay Anonymous

Hate Jews

- SA -

- HJ -

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