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12b783  No.355039

#ZOG who are #AntiWhite and #AntiChrist, the Judas Tribe are not our allies but more like our task masters. We act as their piggy bank and enforcers.

Say it.

That is what you have Anglos!

This is general in all English Speaking Nations.

#Israel our greatest ally? Not a chance! That is #ADL and #AIPAC Propaganda! https://www.bitchute.com/video/tYvB42iTzWbr/

Why do you have to be loyal to Israel?

Why do you have to defend them?

What moral responsibility do you have to them?

You have none and you don't have to but you are forced by Traitors to pay for the tribes ride.

It is Treason by any other name. Lobbying is bribery.

ADL was established to 'get justice' for a pedophile murderer Leo Frank. Israel is not our moral or economic issue; the Jews are not a blessing but are in fact a curse.

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f6288d  No.355052


Here's the way I feel about all of this: anyone who supports socialism or communism, or any form of big governmental totalitarianism, needs to be shipped off to an isolated island to be forced to live with one another. Period. I don't care if it's Jews or blacks or white mutts or the dirty Mexis or Chinks or Ruskies, hell, you can be a commie red neck. You don't like freedom? You don't like individual liberty? You don't like free market first world capitalism? THEN GET THE FUCK OUT OF OUR COUNTRY!!!! Hopefully someday Americans and/or Europeans will come to their senses and just start kicking out all these subversive jackbooted jackasses, en mass. Not kill them, just force them to live on a desolate island to make their own shitty dysfunctional society together. I am sick of the tyrants and their useful idiot bootlickers.

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7889e7  No.355070


After today they'd all be best off to run for their bunkers already.

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