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File: dc9d425fbd2db57⋯.png (118.98 KB, 1082x503, 1082:503, Police_State_USSA_Third_Wo….png)

af8277  No.354471

Just another reminder that America no longer has a free market economic system, and everything is being micromanaged by a bunch of communist government bureaucrats:


Who really wants this bullshit installed into their vehicles anyway!? I have not heard any consumer ask for this police state bullshit, not even one! Mandating this bullshit is NOT a sign of "free market capitalism" which made America great.

Meanwhile, check out what leftist knuckleheads want to enforce next, imagine waiting HOURS in lines just to charge up a vehicle (likely using fossil fuel energy on the grid btw)! This would make commuting across America next to impossible!!


They are ruining this country, every chance they get.

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