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File: a0018485afabf68⋯.jpg (103.73 KB, 750x500, 3:2, clot_vaxx.jpg)

9379c2  No.350479 [Last 50 Posts]


Nobody at the Pentagon wants to take responsibility for forcing a poison shot on the troops: https://dossier.substack.com/p/biden-officials-scramble-to-escape

In other corners, rage against what the vax did to people is exploding, the NPC's are getting some reality coding upgrades and are beginning to rage. This is probably why new AI's are being spawned on a regular basis to enforce the official lie.

RELATED: >>>/pnd/349634 ; >>>/pnd/348581

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9379c2  No.350481


Dr Terry Adirim, the woman who signed the memo, is a devoted democrat political activist and, as a medical doctor, advocates for “gender-affirming prescriptions” for “transgender” children. At the time, she was the acting assistant secretary of defense for health affairs (under a Biden political appointment). Adirim’s memo attempted to justify mandating EUA shots as if they were FDA approved. (NOTE to the idiots here: the FDA never approved of a single American-made covid vaccine - they only approved the European version of the vaccine! The media lied and covered it all up, and that is the way corruption works in this God-forsaken country.)

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46a42c  No.350519



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46a42c  No.350523





The vial in your idiotic photograph is the type of vile flea markets use to display glitter or pebbles or other innocuous contents….


You truly are THE STUPIDEST, most gullible idiot on earth

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46a42c  No.350524

Lol @ speech to text typos



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46a42c  No.350525


Q : should you go ahead and check yourself into a nursing home?

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46a42c  No.350526


A: yes, because your daughter wants to fumigate her living room sofa

(Ever since you moved in, the entire living room smells like urine and vomit)

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46a42c  No.350529

Plus, if you were already at the nursing home when the stroke occurs, the nurses could steal your property that much faster

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46a42c  No.350531


Q : can you please ask your daughter if she would take photographs of you laying there in the nursing home bed, drooling on yourself?

Does she know how to find this website and upload the photographs for us?

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46a42c  No.350533


because everybody deserves for you to supply us with ONE SMILE

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46a42c  No.350534


If we print the picture, and have it professionally enlarged to a wall mural, YOU CAN SUPPLY US WITH MORE THAN JUST ONE SMILE

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9379c2  No.350547

bumping true news

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aadbaf  No.350560

Imagine a world in which you didn't drop out of high school, and you actually understood basic elementary level concepts

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aadbaf  No.350561


You wouldn't know true News unless it fucked you in the ass

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9379c2  No.350575

8/25/22 Part 1

Communist American Government Now Targeting Organic Farmers: https://archive.ph/yKRry

Communist French government is arming up 3,000 new “green police” to arrest and prosecute people for so-called “climate crimes” which could mean almost anything, including exhaling carbon dioxide: https://100percentfedup.com/great-reset-french-government-recruits-thousands-of-green-police-to-investigate-environmental-crimes-it-will-be-a-revolution/

The communist Canadian government is constructing a new “climate crimes” prosecution and interrogation facility to do much the same thing, only it gets worse: This facility contains interrogation rooms and weapons armories. The Ministry of Environment & Climate Change Canada is building a new facility in Winnipeg that will be home to a firearms armoury, interrogation rooms, biological labs, media relations offices, “controlled quiet rooms” (for torture and murder) and “intelligence” facilities: https://thecountersignal.com/exclusive-leak-trudeau-installing-weapons-armouries-interrogation-rooms-for-ministry-of-climate-change/

Corrupt evil despotic governments have recently declared war on Nitrogen - the key element in crop fertilizer - and they appear to be poised to start interrogating farmers who apply nitrogen to their crops. Soon you will hear news of “climate confessions” from farmers who are thrown in gulags for engaging in agricultural practices that might produce food: https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-08-24-canada-building-interrogation-rooms-with-weapons-armories-climate-crimes.html

▲ FLASHBACK: List of American food production facilities deliberately sabotaged for planned mass starvation, subjugation and social credit score ration roll outs: https://allnewspipeline.com/Alarming_Chart_Shows_Rapid.php

▲ FLASHBACK: Wars, Famine And Digitization To Pave Way For Great Reset: https://citizens.news/635731.html

Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Croo might have spilled the beans about the duration of Europe's energy crisis. He told reporters Monday, the next 5 to 10 winters will be difficult: https://www.zerohedge.com/commodities/belgian-pm-warns-next-5-10-winters-will-be-difficult-energy-crisis-worsens

With much of Europe facing a cold winter thanks to the war in Ukraine, various leaders have been sounding the alarm over the 'sacrifices' people are going to have to make in order to maintain opposition to Vladimir Putin - who's betting on fracturing the EU due to Russia's immense leverage over energy: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/end-abundance-macron-warns-major-tipping-point-and-great-upheaval-difficult-winter

GO GREEN, GO BROKE! New test finds new electric Hummer costs over $100 to charge – more than it costs to fill up most gas tanks: https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-08-24-test-electric-charge-more-costly-gas-cars.html

▲ MY COMMENT: Little do the brainwashed plebs understand any rise in energy cost WILL increase the cost of electric vehicles! It's basic economics and basic science! If solar and wind energy costs more to produce and that's what you rely on, then electric vehicles will cost more to maintain and charge! The higher your energy municipality bills the more it will cost too! Socialists/Communists will claim they need more subsidy by taxing hard workers to reduce prices, but only making workers even more poor and more no longer able to afford commuting to work anymore! "Going Green" is indeed A DOWNWARD SPIRAL FRAUDULENT SCAM AND THE OLIGARCHY BEHIND IT KNOWS IT!!!! By the way I am saying this as someone who owns solar panels myself and has prepped for off-grid scenarios before!! I know exactly how solar inverters work. I know solar is good for rationing energy but believe me, it's not good for long-term use! Panels don't last forever. 12V batteries (even the deep cycles) don't last forever. Buying L-ion 12V batteries will cost you an arm and a leg so average folks won't buy them: they do last longer but a heavy price to pay!! Rationing solar power for off-grid activity will make it last a lot longer, but not if you have to use it day to day 24/7!! I've been asked if you can power up an electric vehicle using solar inverters (and theoretically YES) …BUT… that all depends what kind of solar inverters (and their peak wattage) you own and how many 12V batteries and panels you have. The wattage can't go over peak as they have fail-safe circuit breakers built-in, so you would have to prioritize exactly what is being powered in real time and the wattage in use. Average residential solar inverters have 5000W to 6000W peak.

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9379c2  No.350576


8/25/22 Part 2

UK Foreign Secretary Liz Truss has declared that she is ready and willing to kick off thermonuclear warfare should she take over as prime minister, stressing her hawkish bonafides as she seeks to replace Boris Johnson: https://libertarianinstitute.org/news/british-pm-hopeful-says-shes-ready-to-launch-nuclear-war/

US government orders US military to donate active-duty defense weapons to Ukraine, further setting up America to lose WWIII they are pushing toward: https://www.revolver.news/2022/08/reports-military-is-taking-equipment-from-us-soldiers-sending-it-to-ukraine/

Russians completely shut down Zaporizhzhia NPP power plant after several attacks. The consequence of the current incident was the disconnection of two operating power units of the nuclear power plant from the network. “Thus, the actions of the invaders led to the complete disconnection of the Zaporizhzhia NPP from the network, the first time in the history of the plant” Energoatom said: https://charter97.org/en/news/2022/8/25/512826/

During the night of August 25, the sounds of explosions were heard in Mykolaiv, Kryvyi Rih and Kyiv region. Before that, air raid alert was declared in several regions of Ukraine, reports Glavred: https://charter97.org/en/news/2022/8/25/512724/

Warriors of the Rear Admiral Mykhailo Bilynskyi 36th Separate Marine Brigade continue to destroy the vehicles of the occupiers with pinpoint attacks of self-propelled guns. The Navy of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reports: https://charter97.org/en/news/2022/8/25/512776/

Resistance fighters have reportedly blown up Russian headquarters located in Pyrazovske, Melitopol district, according to a report by Melitopol Mayor Ivan Fedorov on Thursday, August 25: https://euroweeklynews.com/2022/08/25/russian-headquarters-in-pryazovske-melitopol-district-blown-up-by-resistance-fighters/

The death toll from a Russian strike on a train station in central Ukraine rose to 25 overnight, the state rail operator said on Thursday, August 25. According to reports coming out of Russia on August 25, the Russian defence ministry has claimed it killed Ukrainian troops in the rail station missile strike in Dnipro: https://euroweeklynews.com/2022/08/25/ukrainian-passenger-train-bombed-by-russia-in-dnipro/

Russian father of assassinated daughter Darya speaks out against Western totalitarianism and the oligarchy controlling our nations: https://www.geopolitika.ru/article/svo-bitva-za-konec-istorii

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f864e5  No.350697



Alexander Dugin is one of Putin's top advisors and Russia political strategists and is the man who has sold nationalists in the west the idea that Russia is somehow no longer controlled by jews or has a lingering shadow form of the USSR. The perestroika deception. Ironic since you can get arrested for reading Hitler or Evola there, countless Russian National Socialists have been arrested also. Alexander Dugin also openly praises Stalin, Aleister Crowley, Kabbalah and Freemasonry, and is meanwhile subverting western nationalists in to hating western civilization (which is easy because we're so corrupt.) But he essentially wants us to break free from our chains, only to be under his chains. (The chicom neo-soviet world order chains) which I personally believe is the next stage of the One World Government, as the bolscheviks and jews subverted the west and have deceived many on Russia not being controlled by jews. That this neo-soviet chicom world order Which is btw in full support of zionism: https://endchan.net/pol/res/87921.html

▲ MY COMMENT: Very true the Western world is corrupted today and therefore easily subverted. While we wish to break away the chains from the Empire of Lies it is best to be aware of other wolves in sheep clothing! There have been plenty of others pointing out nefarious international connections between Western and Eastern governments!

Europe is now facing a looming recession, enduring record-high inflation and continuing energy shortage. This outlook is even likely to worsen before any significant improvement well into 2023. “Crisis is the new normal” says Alexandre Bompard, the chief executive of retailer Carrefour. “What we have been used to in the last decades – low inflation, international trade – it’s over” he told investors: https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-08-25-europes-economy-plummets-as-ukraine-war-continues.html

Photos Expose Manufactured Food Shortages Of Meat And Dairy Sections In Montana Walmarts: https://montanadailygazette.com/2022/08/24/breaking-great-falls-walmart-the-defrosting-cult-continues-seriously-store-up-food-now-photos-included/

121 year old Portland steel casting company closes laying off workers: https://www.oregonlive.com/business/2022/08/portland-foundry-columbia-steel-to-close-after-121-years-lay-off-workers.html

Why BRICS Nations Will Win World War III While The West Collapses Into Ruin: https://www.brighteon.com/c0fc0e0e-83dc-430c-9292-fe74fe3b69ff

Russia and India don’t need the US dollar in trade, having turned to national currencies to conduct mutual settlements, BRICS International Forum President Purnima Anand told reporters on Thursday. “We have implemented the mechanism of mutual settlements in rubles and rupees, and there is no need for our countries to use the dollar in mutual settlements. And today a similar mechanism of mutual settlements in rubles and yuan is being developed by China” she said: https://www.rt.com/business/561513-russia-india-dont-need-dollar/

On August 24, the Ukrainian media accused the Russian military of another alleged attack on civilians in Ukraine. Russian Iskander missiles hit a train in the Dnepropetrovsk region. On August 25, the Russian Ministry of Defence revealed the target of the attack in the daily briefing. It turned out that Russian Iskander missiles hit a military train with military equipment and reservists on their way to the Donbass front lines. As a result, 200 servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were killed and 10 pieces of military equipment were destroyed: https://southfront.org/zelenskys-lie-revealed-200-ukrainian-servicemen-killed-by-russian-missiles-in-dnepropetrovsk-region/

On August 25, 2022, the air-defense missile units of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed four Russian unmanned aerial vehicles: https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3558515-ukraines-air-force-destroys-four-russian-uavs.html

Russian troops continue to concentrate their efforts for assault and offensive operations in the Avdiivka and Bakhmut directions: https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3558373-enemy-concentrating-efforts-for-offensive-in-avdiivka-bakhmut-directions.html

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7a8810  No.352153

anti-slide justified

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8c658c  No.352169

File: 3a0dda9a2f39633⋯.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 370.77 KB, 900x600, 3:2, Candy.jpeg)

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d5e95b  No.352173

File: 3a0dda9a2f39633⋯.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 370.77 KB, 900x600, 3:2, Candy.jpeg)


Those delicate little tendrils look just like the ones in the OP.

Coincidence? I think not.

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216aea  No.352291


t t t t t t t t tendrils!!!!

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38a606  No.352350


I see you're still showing the embarrassing photographs of the flea market display tubes?

Scientists do not use those tubes for biohazard material


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38a606  No.352351


It's really not surprising that a country bumpkin idiot who dropped out of high school in 1965 is stupid enough to think scientists would handle dangerous biohazardous materials in sheet free market display tubes

THINKING isn't your specialty. Is it. Dumbass

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38a606  No.352352


I'm afraid you're out of your league, grandma

You're surrounded by young men who went to college

But you're a stupid old fool

You're so stupid, You don't realize how stupid you look to the educated

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38a606  No.352353


You're so fucking stupid, you actually think they would handle BIOHAZARDOUS MATERIALS in one of those cheap 10Cent FLEA MARKET DISPLAY TUBES ?


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38a606  No.352354


Perhaps dropping out of school WASNT such a good idea after all?

You never did anything with your life

You were just a menial laborer

You amounted to nothing

And now you sleep on your daughter's sofa, after begging her to help you


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38a606  No.352355


Common low class white trash


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38a606  No.352356


Q: Did you drop out of school before you took chemistry?

( We already know the answer)




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38a606  No.352357


There was no need for you to drop out of high school….

It's not like you made a bunch of money by dropping out of high school….

You ended up with a grunt monkey job

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38a606  No.352358


You were a menial blue collar laborer in a shitty mill

You spent all of your money on alcohol and expired cans of food

You drank all of your money away

Then you had to mooch off your daughter

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38a606  No.352359


How did it benefit you to drop out of high school?

You ended up broke white trash

You ended up becoming a literate white trash with no money

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38a606  No.352360

You ended up unable to spell one syllable words

living on your daughter sofa

Broke….. forgotten….irrelevant… illiterate….. uneducated…. stupid white trash


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38a606  No.352361

Why don't you go ahead and finish the job?

drink yourself beyond alcohol poisoning tonight

Drink yourself into a casket, white trash idiot

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38a606  No.352362





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38a606  No.352363

Not to mention the fact t that


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38a606  No.352364

You and Jerry are BOTH COWARDS

terrified to admit when you are wrong

Little sissies

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38a606  No.352365


Which is exactly why you refuse to admit when you're wrong

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38a606  No.352366




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38a606  No.352367

You're the last person on Earth to give medical advice or suggest there's a scientific conspiracy….


You can't even spell one syllable words correctly

One syllable words are too complicated for you

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38a606  No.352368

Perhaps you should stick with something you're actually good at….

Like being white trash

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38a606  No.352369


You're such a stupid piece of trailer park trash that you actually thought Donald Trump was a genius businessman

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38a606  No.352370


You're so fucking stupid you actually voted for trump

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38a606  No.352371


Only human garbage voted for trump

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38a606  No.352372

You're lower than any nigger

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38a606  No.352373

You're more stupid than any Mexican

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38a606  No.352374

You are literally worthless

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38a606  No.352375

Why don't you go bother your daughter? Leave us alone

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38a606  No.352376









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38a606  No.352377




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38a606  No.352378


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38a606  No.352379


I'm not even joking when I say you are one of the stupidest people I've ever seen in my life

I've met some real idiots before

I'm talking about some real scumbag stupid idiots in prison

You're much stupider than they are

Is you are much much stupider

You're literally one of the stupidest people I've ever seen in my life

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38a606  No.352380

Now we all understand why you struggle every day, Is hoping people will perceive you as being intelligent

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7c7160  No.352384


fungus from the contaminated food supply?

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7c7160  No.352385

slide show of the fungal infection:


<This ppt of endocarditis consists of definition, classification, etiology, clinical presentation, risk factors, diagnosis, pathophysiology, pharmacotherapy, management of endocarditis

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7c7160  No.352386

File: 68d54b505253dd9⋯.jpg (55.26 KB, 792x492, 66:41, 2022_09_05_163609.jpg)

You guys were right about the fungal infection: candida

I still think this is why China refused that entire shipment of animal fodder from Argentina (unless it was tested for fungus). I told everyone I know to GROW YOUR OWN FOOD. Of course that means organic.

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0313f1  No.352564



I say it again to combat the mountains of disinformation out there on the surface web.

Pathogenic fungi will, not maybe, will be able to colonize and cause disease in anyone. You can have the healthiest immune system known to man. Human is not equipped with immune response to candida albicans et. al.

No innate immunity. T-cells do not recognize this invader.

Macrophages could care less.

Vitamins will not help and may hurt.


This one loves B complex vitamins.

If human had innate immune response women would not get yeast infection. People would not get ringworm or tinea capitis.

These infections can proliferate in deep tissue for years with mild or even no symptoms. Then one day unexpectedly you get a sentinel event. Sudden paralysis, unexplained pain usually attributed to "neuropathy", pseudo aneurysm and internal bleed, organ failure and the list goes on.

Be advised.

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25772f  No.352568


It's a racket. A game.

A list and B list.

A rusty racket.

Caveat emptor.

Choose your healthcare wisely.

Infectious death traps are a thing.

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340a1f  No.352569




it's good to do that.

might save your life.

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6d7405  No.352660

Post mortem bump for tendrils.

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