a41d82 No.348352 [Last50 Posts]
>play n pull the juice faggots.
vidrel, as edit parameta.
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a41d82 No.348392
drop it glow schiz bro, I know you want a piece.
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a41d82 No.348393
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a41d82 No.348395
do mew right, but give me a good edit first, i know you have it in you.
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4180c9 No.348398
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50fe98 No.348399
do not order the antipasto appetizer plate. the olives are stuffed but it isn't blue cheese. unless it's korean joint. then it's the kimchi.5 years later it's polyps. 10 years later it's stage 4 ass cancer and or hydradenitis suppurativa.
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50fe98 No.348401
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4180c9 No.348403
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ea7ded No.348409
underrated post
Wish I hadn't.
> hydradenitis suppurativa
Hope I never.
MUCH Better Work, "schiz bro". Bravo!
We might keep (You) around after all!
> assumes anyone has a choice about that; least of all "Schlepptune" !
> inb4 "We"
We we wee little man…
Love the Creativity tho!
I think I'll let that be a lesson for me…
bumping for the sliding that occurs simultaneously, as everything is causally linked…
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c96202 No.348421
>Hope I never
Just one of the many manifestations on the known disease spectrum of Invasive Candidiasis for which there is strangely no diagnostic code in the ICD-10 2016 edition
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ea7ded No.348434
Yes, but you never post CURES for Candidiasis.
I mean, everybody knows refined sugars are bad, but say someone cuts all that shit out and still has problems — what are some solutions? (For regular folk who might not have as bad a problem as hydradenitis suppurativa.
Any supportive solution-based material that can be provided would be appreciated, as it is such a common problem; as you so often like to point out.
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09de5b No.348442
>i want! gimme!
You want spoon feed? You still have not figured out what is going on?
You suppose there is a cure. Invasive Candidiasis, as the post said, is on a SPECTRUM you insolent brain dead DOLT! THERE ARE MANY MANIFESTATIONS OF IT. Your garden variety vaginal yeast infection for example is usually a candida strain, but not always. Mycoses is FIELD OF STUDY. One you have OBVIOUSLY not undertaken.
A quick review of the legit literature on the surface web would reveal to you, if you LOOKED, cures are not discussed! What they speak about are FAVORABLE OUTCOMES you fucking irritating piece of SHIT! YOU WANT SPOON FEED? YOU WANT ONE ANSWER FOR A THOUSAND QUESTIONS SO YOU CAN MARKET SOME NEW NUTRITIONAL SUPPLEMENT ON YOUR WEBSITE AND MAKE $$$$??
You have failed- FAILED! to grasp the significance of the information I have presented either because you're a selfish "nutrition based practitioner" earning a living by peddling snake oil to people getting absolutely FUCKED!!! by the healthcare system OR you are a member of that system who spreads disinfo to protect that system from it's day of reckoning approaching at light speed.
No matter what the fuck you are, you killed a thread with one post and absolutely ruined what is left of my evening.
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ea7ded No.348461
You are a complete and total dick and I hope you die a horribly painful death surrounded by hospital staff who will do nothing for you because you're an asshole.
I've had it with your idiotic blackpilled posts that offer zero solutions and only whine about problems. You think you know more than others, and are better than others, but you're not; and the very proof of it is that stance.
I actually have more EXPERIENCE with this subject than you, and have probably done FAR more research on it than you, and I offered you the opportunity to present what you have learned — an opportunity which (((You))) squandered, in favor of pretententious arrogance and idiotic blackpilled negativity, with zero solutions offered.
I've been more than nice to you and offered you MANY chances to prove you had more value than a whining child, but you're quite literally a nigger, and,I will no longer waste my time with you.
Go back to /newspus/ and write another ALL CAPS MANIFESTO.
It is (((You))) who does not belong here.
I've been on the chans since 2004.
How far they have fallen!
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ea7ded No.348462
Also, (((You))) are full of ASSUMPTIONS (no wonder you're sick!), andI'm glad I ruined ((( You)))r evening with a simple post.
If it's that easy to do, then it is (((You))) who does not belong here. Go back to /qresesrch/.
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edd6cd No.348465
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
>and offered you MANY chances
o i m laffin. You invited me to talk about "cures" so you can expound the value of grapefruit seed extract as you have done before. You are the reason Sen. Dick Durbin is proposing legislation to regulate the supplements industry and in particular, the online supplements industry. Affected people being routinely underserved and offered a standard of care far below what lucid and honest medical practice requires start mega-dosing on anything purported to offer benefit
even if it harms them further. 4 or 5 grams a day of vitamin C, grapefruit seed extract or DMSO concoctions may adversely affect what little health such people have left.
>I actually have more experience with the subject than you and have probably done far more research on it than you
lol. No. No you don't and no have not.
>Yes, but you never post CURES for Candidiasis
That's because treatment options are not CURES. Invasive (keyword) Candidiasis is a metastatic or proliferative disease. Efficacy of any treatment option is dependent upon where in the body this pathogen has begun to colonize and how far it is able to proliferate in a host.
Killing candida strains in a petri dish is a far different proposition than trying to kill them in human tissue.
This condition, if it is even diagnosed, will require lifetime monitoring and possibly lifetime treatment. That's expensive and insurance companies are not in the business of losing money. Most of the people who will be affected by such a condition are not what you'd call "high value individuals". People like, say, such as yourself :)
Unless your name is Jennifer Doudna or Elon Musk the standard of care you receive will be far below what you were taught to expect from the American healthcare system. The GREATEST healthcare system in the world, as our elected officials will state ad nauseum.
"Rationing of care" is a stark new reality in American life and one that people are ill equiped to even comprehend.
The poor fucker in the picture with the hidradenitis suppurativa has a "condition". Most of the literature on the surface web will state "we don't know what causes it" OR attribute it to "poor hygiene".
Doing biopsy, histopathology and culture to confirm a fungal causative pathogen will most likely not even be done because that diagnosis will necessitate lifetime monitoring and treatment.
Poor fucker is probably a drug addict anyway and no single fuck will be given and they don't "throw good money after bad".
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28fd06 No.348469
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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ea7ded No.348471
So glad to haveTRIGGEREDyou so easily!
I get it; you don't like the word "Cures", and neither do I; so there is no need to quibble on that account.
My point still stands that having your stance of complete and total resignation, frustration and resentment over the way things are does nothing to address the fact that we ALWAYS live in a world where we are more or less affected by EVERYTHING, and it is our STANCE, our Preparedness, our Experience, that will make our relationships with all that is be more or less strident and disharmonius, or more or less in tune with the Harmony of Nature.
It is that more or less aspect where the REAL Work is, and where witch doctors of every kind come in offering fantasy "Cures" to those who want a quick fix to the fact that the way they are living puts them at particular odds with certain natural things that exist, like molds and yeasts that enjoy mucous membranes of mammals as places to propogate.
But YES! There ARE ways to make said propagations be less invasive and damaging to the entire organism. You don't have to FEED them, for example, with processed sugars of every kind, including those found in glutenous grains and flour nowadays, and you certainly don't have to encourage it to grow and spread its poisonous complications to other areas.
There ARE things you can do.
These yeasts and molds encourage bacteriological growth of specific kinds that prefer certain foods. You can starve them, like I said, discourage them with things they don't like too; but most of all one may Encourage the Growth of BENEFICIAL Bacteria to counteract the effects of the life-cycle of the "fruit" of the mycological hell and yeastly destruction withPROBIOTICS.
That you never even MENTION Balance With Nature says much about your Stance, which is FAR from Accepting of the Way It IS, and seems to be merely focused on telling everyone that they're not focused enough on the "Problem", (as you see it.)
Nope. I'm no Witch-Doctor trying to sell Potions, nor am I a Screaming Obsessor on Trying to Wake up the Sheep to my pet Obsession — Ï'm just here in hopes of tricking someone into accidently thinking for themself, and maybe learning something in the process — NOT somethingIwant them to learn, mind (You), but something they have made themselves ready to learn by their Stance.
So yes, I'll be trying to shake (You) off (You)r stance on occasion, but not to get (You) to take mine, or see the world in the way I do, or to try to sell you ANYTHING, Including Ideas.I Only Want (You) to Think For (You)rself.
If you're capable of doing that, then you should have no trouble responding to constructive criticism. It's also not Arrogance to point out the Arrogance of the Stance you have chosen to take, and reflect on how little Value that Stance Provides for ANYONE.
This was all simple cause & effect, btw.
(You) could have avoided this entire exchange [and (You)r little feefee tantrum] had (You) just coughed up a tiny fragment of what (You) know that could actually be of BENEFIT to anons. If only (You) had provided even a modicum of effort toward anything that could benefit anybody in any way!
Instead… All (You)r Effort Created THIS.
(You) Create (You)r Own Reality.
We All Do.
Now Judge For (You)rself whose posts are more likely to encourage thinking for oneself, and might actually lead to beneficial action in somebody's life? What are (You) truly CONTRIBUTING?
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6e75fc No.348472
Did you just assume my stance? Why… why yes you did!
I am well aware of probiotics and dietary modifications.
>that could actually be of benefit to ANONS
In my travels in this vapid wasteland of apathy, ignorance and complacency lovingly referred to as "a series of tubes" I have found but one treatment option, brought strangely to the fore by of all people, a one Alex Jones.
Colloidal silver is known to be efficacious.
All other treatment options are under lock and key behind the pharmacy counter where the system can pick and choose who lives and who dies. The "liver toxicity" of available medications is overstated and the doctors hands are tied with respect to prescribing theraputic doses. You don't hunt elephant with a bb gun but that is exactly what is happening because muh liver toxicity and legal liability to protect BIG PHARMA.
Alex is getting his nuts clipped over Sandy Rook and the FDA has been spanking his ass about the colloidal silver.
You are a feisty one.
I'll give you that.
Learning to prepare colloidal silver for human consumption is fairly easy chemistry that any anon so affected should be able to do, with applicable caveats with respect to dosages and duration of therapy.
This information is readily available.
Prescribing to any anon is not something I will do.
Most people so affected will have no clue they are so affected.
The real bitch is that the medical establishment is incentivized to give them no clue and move them directly to palliative care.
Do not pass go, do not collect $200 and do not make the diagnosis.
These people will be symptomatically treated until some good doctor pronounces stage 4 cancer and it's bye bye time.
It is criminal and it's hidden in broad daylight.
Luckily covid came along and made them all heroes :(
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5c0147 No.348485
There are some very good reasons Trump pulled us out of the World Health Organization. The above quoted post lays undeniably bare but one of those reasons. You can slide and crapflood all you'd like, to your little heart's content even. But it's not going away. You can't just sweep something so blatant and glaring under the rug. If this anon can find it and see it, so have many others. The fuckery is going to end. One way or… the other.
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584df5 No.348503
I wonder what Dr. Chiller up there would have to say about the missing ICD-10 codes?
I'll tell you what he'd have to say: NOTHING.
The scope and focus of his work and practice has nothing to do with the WHO and it's ridiculous excuse for medical coding.
He knows the rules. You don't say or do anything that would reflect poorly on "the profession".
Off the record, if you knew him like that, you might hear more than you'd ever want to believe was true.
People are keen to see the government has gone off the beam.
They dare not imagine that the medical profession is even more off the beam than the government. They'd get distressed. They'd lose a little sleep at night. They'd start to question. They told you "cancer" runs in families and that's why your mother, father and all your siblings were dead before your 40th birthday. And yet your 90 year old neighbor still cuts the lawn with a push mower, smokes a pack of Kools a day, drinks beer almost daily and does shots of Jack on the weekends.
You should question everything. You have the means now to do so without so much as getting out of your chair. What you will find is not pleasant. Silence equals death. If you can stand silent while your friends neighbors and countrymen are getting blown to smithereens in a medical minefield then you are a traitor to America and complicit in human rights violations and ongoing crimes against humanity.
If America does not boldly proclaim and defend Liberty and Justice, then Liberty and Justice will, not maybe, will perish from the face of the earth.
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a41d82 No.348510
stop derailing schiz, post post, post.
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a5a503 No.348513
He's not derailing anything. A little bird told me so.
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a41d82 No.348514
so we win the seed or attention?
how does one,
from this?
also i've a fetish for fucking birds, particularly of the relatively smaller sort.
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6def2b No.348515
Everyone has a fetish :)
Just make sure you get all the vaccines and booster shots.
Your health is the most important thing.
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a41d82 No.348516
Just so everyone knows, ive got a penis. a nice one, better than most ive seen in natures whoring of souls. Be mad bitches.
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a41d82 No.348517
As big as politically possible so as not to violate our favorite clans admonishing and possible banning the msg of love, would and could you garner me a whisper? Love note not is on par. notfully.
sidenote: does anyone do donuts anymore?
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a41d82 No.348518
you good ole boys ever gone huntin?
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633bd3 No.348582
Thank You for this post. I grok why you didn't make a reply like this earlier also; so as to not come off like some miracle-elixir-peddling Alex Jones type; but I'd say the info was useful and beneficial for certain people, and like you said, the process for making colloidal silver is pretty easy, even though there is a lot of room for people to get sloppy and end up with inferior product that may even cause more harm than good. My grandpa used to make the stuff when I took care of him for the last three years of his life, more than thirty years ago now… He swore by it, so did my grandma, and I tried it for awhile, but I was in my late twenties and healthy, and I just stopped. I remember everybody in the family used to tease my grandparents about turning blue with Argyria, but if one uses their brain, keeps shit clean, uses quality products, and understand electrolysis, they should be fine. Your post has enthused me to make my own generator, as I think I could benefit from the use of colloidal silver now that I'm getting up in age, and I've noticed a much greater sensitivity to sugars, especially in how they interact with my mucous membranes. No matter how healthy we eat we are exposed to this shit in our environment all the time. I'm VERY sensitive to molds also. I can smell 'em everywhere, all around! Anyway, I'm babbling.
I apologize for being such an asshole yesterday. I was in more pain even than normal, and I tend to take it out on everyone all around; especially if I just got up. My body is literally falling apart, and it fucking HURTS!
> You are a feisty one.
You too.
But yeah, there ARE other health problems that can be pretty severe that have NOTHING to do with Candida! I happen to have a genetic disorder that EVERY damn "specialist" "doctor" likes to use as their catch-all excuse they blame for EVERYTHING (especially when they don't do their jobs right); so I'm a little raw on that fucking stance. You are preaching to the choir about the medical establishment. The "health care industry" is all industry and has very little to do with health. It's about keeping you coming back for more abuse! They like to pretend, however, that they are there to "help"; and some of them actually believe that still. Anyway, I digress. Choir-preaching again. I stopped taking the medical establishment seriously more than a quarter century ago, when they told me I had six weeks to live. They've given me a few other bullshit timelines along the years too, and I find my health improves the less contact I have with them. Unfortunately, I have mechanical issues that have to be addressed, and it seems that body mechanics are rather important to quality of life, so I am judiciously utilizing their services again when I absolutely must; but Trust Them I Do NOT.
No, I don't think colloidal silver is gonna cure all that's ailin' me; but I'm gonna give it a try. I did some research this morning after reading your post and found a number of pretty good descriptions on how to make a good colloidal silver generator, and I'll use ideas from a few of them, but I liked this link best (I liked his attitude and writing-style too!):
Anyway, thanks for the beneficial post with usable information that was less black-pilled than your normal fare.
I get so much blackpilled bullshit from the medical community about how there is nothing they can do for me, how the data looks like I shouldn't be here; but if they can't see anything a "specialist" can make money off of some procedure, or the administration of some expensive drug, then it's, "Please go away and stop reminding us what utter failures we are!"
ENJOY This Day!
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ea7ded No.348636
> Just so everyone knows, ive got a penis. a nice one, better than most ive seen
We already have a "Neptune".
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56d343 No.348651
Nice link. If you suspect you are dealing with an invasive fungal infection, for example: disseminated candidiasis, you'll need to confirm it yourself. The medical establishment has a long track record of failing to accurately diagnose these conditions accurately. Accidentally on purpose. Learning as much as you can about the subject matter before you begin any treatment options is ESSENTIAL to maintain your current state of being alive.
Colloidal silver represents a fairly safe option because as far as I know it doesn't elicit an "efflux response" from a candida colony.
Candida likes to form balls in the body as do other fungi.
"Fungal balls" are, in the literature, associated with lung and kidney infection, but they can occur anywhere.
The hidradenitis suppurativa image shows a little solid cyst like formation directly situated at the opening of the anus.
Highly suspect.
Should be biopsied- but it won't because reasons.
Azole therapy can cause these little neoplasms to swell to 3 or 4 times their normal size via the efflux response. If one of these exists in an organ or near a vital artery or vein the results can be fatal.
mRNA, monoclonal antibodies and viral vector have emerged in recent years as promising treatment options. Curiously, these technologies were not studied as antivirals prior to COVID-19.
Kind of a tell if anyone was actually paying attention.
Here's a little light reading to help you
ENJOY this day!
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a41d82 No.348700
> so as to not come off like some
>Highly suspect
This isnt reddit faggots, give me content not lactation.
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a41d82 No.348704
What are they saying to each other to cope with captivity gnawing against their natural instinct to fuck and/or kill everything in sight?
Surely a song..
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80417b No.348713
I must be old fashioned but I prefer sodium bicarbonate detox over colloidal silver. Don't get me wrong, I've tried both (as well as AJ's colloidal silver product years ago). I also do GHI (gastrointestinal cleanse formulas including some DIY ones with apple cider vinegar, curcumin and milk thistle). A lot of DIY detox recipes will taste nasty so you have to gulp them down with lots of water. But by far I like the old timers' solution of sodium bicarbonate mixed with a lot of water. It's cheaper too. Since I've previously been known as a heavy drinker with a history of onset diabetes (as well defeating onset diabetes!) that's my own personal choice. Not that I don't use other supplements as well eat relatively healthy too. Just food for thought. I'm no licensed doctor but I am my own personal doctor.
PS: ignore my angry confrontation with Johnny, not all of you are stupid on /pnd/ but there are commie trolls like him lurking here and FUCK THOSE LANGLEY SPOOKS!!!!
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a41d82 No.348716
>PS: ignore my angry confrontation with Johnny, not all of you are stupid on /pnd/ but there are commie trolls like him lurking here and FUCK THOSE LANGLEY SPOOKS!!!!
Fag. you swim with spooks deeper in your mom than your dad's balls b4 the hit was made. This is not a blog or free speech site, your terrier is on the losse agaiin, get.
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a41d82 No.348718
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80417b No.348721
Alright, I take that statement back then, you are stupid and I will rightfully treat you too as I do to other idiots here. As for /pnd/ yes it is my blog and my own fucking toilet and I am going to treat it EXACTLY that way. Don't like it? TOUGH SHIT!!!!
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539e2c No.348737
absolutely filtered.
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b7803d No.348740
Found this gem on pg. 30
58. Growth of Candida from respiratory secretions usually indicates colonization and rarely requires treatment with antifungal therapy (strong recommendation; moderate-quality evidence)
What could possibly be wrong with this little piece of voodoo?
I told you before the rabbit hole goes VERY deep and what you find you will not like.
Pulmonary fungal infection of any kind MUST be treated immediately.
I'd start with nebulized ampho-B.
Good luck getting your hands on it tho.
Good luck finding a doctor even willing to prescribe it.
Found another article where a terbinafine compassionate use request was reported to have cleared a pulmonary aspergillosis infection.
There are at least 17 different kinds of clearly defined and delineated candida infections described in this literature.
Why then are there not 17 clearly delineated codes in the ICD-10?
Because when you've been running a democide campaign for decades you don't document it.
Covid 19 is a smokescreen. A ruse.
They fully expect to be making use of all the nice ventilators Donald Trump gave them. It just won't be for a viral infection.
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d92056 No.348742
They don't talk about curing candida.
In the title it says "Management".
They manage candida.
>It's about keeping you coming back for more abuse!
You hit the nail on the head! $$$$.
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6d0ff4 No.348744
do it faggot. the new deadman switch will fuck you up before your plane ticket even can be bought.
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48fc1f No.348792
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Did someone say "pulmonary aspergillosis"?
Did the machine maked you cough a little? kekekekeke
Could you feeled it on the back of your tongue????????????
SporeTech™ never sleeps.
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48fc1f No.348793
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9e342f No.348796
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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6d4d0c No.348816
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
The effect is its own cause.
Naught Matters.
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52c57e No.348842
>Naught matters
We're not talking about "candida overgrowth".
Or "irritable bowel syndrome".
Everything is relevant.
Everything is germane until proven otherwise.
Sleep tight ;)
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4b415d No.348851
If BLM ever figures out what's going on in this thread, Joe and Kamala will be serving out the remainder of their term in a "secret undisclosed location" like Dick Cheney did when the Twin Towers went down.
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1951ec No.349025
You guys need to try this.
It's the bomb.
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6d4d0c No.349042
Yes, Organic, but how about all that Chitin? Polysacharides like chitin are being put in everything now, and passed off as "food". And if only it was just chitin! Or just bugs that they were forcing us to eat! The nefarious shit they're pretending is "food" for the masses needs a lot more than just seasoning to trick the mind into believing it will have value as nourishment for a living mammal.
> as if on cue, the neighbor's rooster started crowing. He could use some chitins. "I will not eat ze bugs."
> inb4 OP thinks his thread was hijacked
It was improved.
And it will be improved again.
If I feel up to it after taking care of the garden and chickens I'll make a video or two, maybe get some cricket concert action going for the parrots amongst ya…
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6d4d0c No.349043
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dced9b No.349052
>This isn't reddit faggots, give me content not lactation
Hello mister bioluminescent lifeform. We have content. Tons if it.
We just don't share it here because your glowing presence tends to make websites and documents 404. Working offline, removable storage and hard copy with the inkjet high speed printers is SOP. So if you can't find "content" with your own glowy intellect there is no reason for anyone here to hip you to the jazz Daddio.
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d0f6da No.349054
Fun fact: chitin is a constituent of the candida albicans and other similar pathogens. Consumption of it is feeding the infection, not the host. The devil is ALWAYS in the details.
Enjoy this day!
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f93068 No.349055
Remember back when Sputnik was launched?
The Red Scare
Remember when they started putting the "secret decoder ring" in the boxes of breakfast cereal? Remember when everyone was talking about "secret weapons" and "doomsday weapons" ?
Ha, yeah, good times.
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0112ee No.349056
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4d1e26 No.349161
Truth is being told in this thread.
Good thing we have WEF information management to squelch it.
covid-19 and the lockdowns were a smokescreen for some absolutely sinister shit that's been going on for decades.
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a41d82 No.349171
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bcbb50 No.349174
17 is a nice round number; 19 is not
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a41d82 No.349175
DnC'n the primes, kys.
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a41d82 No.349186
>there is no reason for anyone here to hip you to the jazz Daddio.
Just you daddio (smiley facy icon).
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69eaff No.349190
Millions have already been served.
Millions more will be served.
The blind stay blind and the guilty stay free.
God bless America.
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6d4d0c No.349193
Imagine the joy of collecting constant Monero from the CPUs of many hundreds of Qtards..
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db3a3f No.349194
mathfag detected.
inb4 Fibonacci sequence quantum computing time travelling chaos fags take over the thread.
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a41d82 No.349197
This fag gets it.
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a41d82 No.349199
>Imagine Rugs "Believer" (remix)
legit tune
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c7005c No.349208
Here ya go OP…
> If I feel up to it after taking care of the garden and chickens I'll make a video
Only had 10 minutes to kill before gf arrives.
She could be here any second.
Here is my offering…
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a41d82 No.349216
>She could be here any second.
tell the mf b to chill.
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a41d82 No.349217
we've got work to do.
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8cb10a No.349227
Put a chill down my spine.
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af9609 No.349247
"That is how we preach that people should think. In and out of medicine there are no clubs for people focusing on negative information. But there are Optimists Clubs. You can get laughed at for thinking it should be otherwise. You also can be isolated socially. People distance themselves from you and tell others to distance themselves from you. That is promoted as a public good. What it does is enable self-serving biases to steer analysis and perception.
It can damage your career and every other aspect of your life to understand that. When there is that much pressure to focus on the half of the glass that is full, ignorance is not happenstance. It is a goal. Unfortunately this comfortable way of thinking prevents us not only from solving some of our biggest problems, but prevents us even from recognizing what the problems are."
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d140a7 No.349249
Dr. Williams is not in the office today.
You'll be seen by Dr. O'Shaughnessy.
He's very good.
No worries.
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7bf6b4 No.349251
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Little grapefruit seed extract clear that rite up
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17e4cd No.349333
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
"Dolomite, it's real bad out there"
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c7005c No.349423
People's immune systems are becoming totally fucked and they are susceptible to all kinds of nefarious yeast and fungal infections nowadays…
Gee, I wonder what could be fucking up their immune systems?
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c7005c No.349486
After coming back to it for a few minutes, I made that video more presentable.
Maybe I'll post a link to the 1080p version later. It's pretty much "WORTH IT"!
In the meantime, Here Ya Go, /pnd/…
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c7005c No.349509
The 1080p Version… (11.2MB)
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36e4b3 No.349510
>Gee, I wonder what could be fucking up their immune systems?
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c7005c No.349513
He looks like such a fun.gal too!
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a41d82 No.349524
let the bubble bathing begin.
Do not fear Anakin
edit that shit nigger.
she is.
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a41d82 No.349530
>over a thousand generations
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54415e No.349533
>immune systems
>susceptible to nefarious yeast and fungal infections
it may surprise you to know humans do not have innate immunity
to yeast and fungal infections.
if they did women would not get yeast infections.
people wouldn't get ringworm.
you can have a healthy immune system and you or anybody is susceptible to pathogenic fungi.
look it up.
i ain't lying.
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54415e No.349534
here. i looked it up for you.
Patients who are immunocompromised are more predisposed to systemic mycoses, but they can develop in otherwise healthy patients. Systemic mycoses can be split between two main varieties, endemic respiratory infections and opportunistic infections.
<this is true
Fungi that only result in systemic infection in immunocompromised or sick people include:
Candida species including non-albicans candida (causing candidiasis)
Aspergillus species (causing aspergillosis)
Cryptococcus (causing cryptococcosis)
Zygomycetes (causing zygomycosis).
<this one is not true.
<both came off the same page.
The clinical features of a systemic mycosis depend on the specific infection and which organs have been affected. Infections in people with normal immune function may result in very minor symptoms or none at all (this is called subclinical infection).
<this is true.
Invasive lung mycoses typically result in a progressive dry cough, shortness of breath, pain when taking a deep breath and fever.
<this is not true
<invasive lung mycoses may present with productive cough and no fever.
caveat emptor.
big time.
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a41d82 No.349536
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a41d82 No.349540
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c950df No.349541
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c950df No.349542
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a41d82 No.349543
i know Im not technically supposed to ask this, but I must violate in traditions of traditions of you, and penetrate to the depth of meaning you implied. This ride was trash, contrast me to an elephant kike hybrid nose 6 feet in my ass (yeah thru the dome-piece) to sustainably feed me and my hrossman for next big black boyfriend royale.
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a41d82 No.349544
butt, im on to you big boy.
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c950df No.349549
this is what it sounds like when Neptune hits the meth pipe.
i'm not saying you're Neptune, but it's not pretty when he goes off of his program.
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a41d82 No.349554
>the sound is abrasive
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a41d82 No.349571
fucking chad of this absolute shitshow.
only lad to follow the OP. On you to hoddle this mess.
Shut it down better yet b, game over. rerun set difficulty: ultra easy.
also, need a 2 weeker ban vacae to get my mind right.
numbers amirite?
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a41d82 No.349572
>349571 ment for Dr. B good, apologies, and thanx for some legit.
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a41d82 No.349575
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bd9cec No.349584
Theoretical physicist Dr. David J. Bohm at a 1971 symposium in London. Photo by Keystone / Getty Images.
Some scientists seek to clarify reality, others to mystify it. David Bohm seemed driven by both impulses. He is renowned for promoting a sensible (according to Einstein and other experts) interpretation of quantum mechanics.
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633bd3 No.349607
imagine giving credit for an image on a chan!
> fully accredited image attached
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d153d3 No.349613
Imagine being seduced by a harlot.
Now imagine being seduced by the mother of that harlot.
Imagine a drunk ass bitch with a filthy cup in her hand.
Imagine what she got under the altar.
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633bd3 No.349648
That's kinda the nature of the beast tho, ain't it!
Some see themselves as The Beast upon which SHE rides.
Some choose to BE HER in their stance, that He might Truly LIVE, and not be a mere corpse — shava instead of Shiva — withoutHER.
This was not a Stance Recommendation, btw! (You) Do You'!
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8e092b No.349654
bump for Shiva.
i was just riffing up there :)
nice pic btw.
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a41d82 No.349681
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a41d82 No.349683
srs q tho, why does'nt shiva have multiple bobs? considering the origin story and it's culture, she should have an utter that rains acidic curtles.
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265828 No.349849
>utter that rains acidic curtles
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a41d82 No.349996
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c8a1c0 No.349997
Hydrochloric teats of death and destruction.
I love it.
Some genetic scientist will probably make it happen.
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5373bc No.350052
> Feed edits anyone?
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81ad1e No.350108
"The first stage of the microbial pathogenicity is colonization. It is known as the correct establishment of the pathogen in the host tissues."
58. Growth of Candida from respiratory secretions usually indicates colonization and rarely requires treatment with antifungal therapy (strong recommendation; moderate-quality evidence)
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a41d82 No.350109
Imagine not being a long nosed rider, a midnight slider…
Imagine not making bodies hit the floor..
Imagine all the people.
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c103e5 No.350118
not imagine redrum
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a41d82 No.350122
>not imagine redrum
fine, but do better.
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417803 No.350196
You gotta keep one eye looking over your shoulder
You know it's going to get harder, and harder, and harder as you get older
And in the end you'll pack up and fly down south
Hide your head in the sand,
Just another sad old man
All alone and dying of cancer
And when you loose control, you'll reap the harvest you have sown
And as the fear grows, the bad blood slows and turns to stone
And it's too late to lose the weight you used to need to throw around
So have a good drown, as you go down, all alone
Dragged down by the stone (stone, stone, stone, stone, stone)
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bb25e1 No.350197
We have acquired all known cheat codes.
There is no escape.
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b9c26c No.350205
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d201e0 No.350207
<play on loop
"That is how we preach that people should think. In and out of medicine there are no clubs for people focusing on negative information. But there are Optimists Clubs. You can get laughed at for thinking it should be otherwise. You also can be isolated socially. People distance themselves from you and tell others to distance themselves from you. That is promoted as a public good. What it does is enable self-serving biases to steer analysis and perception.
It can damage your career and every other aspect of your life to understand that. When there is that much pressure to focus on the half of the glass that is full, ignorance is not happenstance. It is a goal.Unfortunately this comfortable way of thinking prevents us not only from solving some of our biggest problems, but prevents us even from recognizing what the problems are."
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a41d82 No.350260
You were caught in the cross fire
Of childhood and stardom
Blown on the steel breeze
Come on you target for faraway laughter
Come on you stranger
You legend, you martyr and shine.
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c05c2b No.350299
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dac42e No.350316
The problems are built into the system. The "fix" is in so far that the people who are supposed to know the truth don't.
The curriculum has been hijacked and the lies taught as a matter of routine.
If you were looking for a secret weapon, a magic bullet, a cash cow, you couldn't do better than mycoses. $$$
Fauci knows this better than anyone and remained absolutely silent about the truth while promoting the "greatest hoax ever perpetrated on an unsuspecting public" (Dr. Roger Hodkinson)
People say there's a special place in hell. There is a special place on earth for people who know the truth and have the courage to proclaim it. Fauci is not one of those people.
The magnitude of the covid lie will require a response with equal magnitude. When they can lock down the planet for a lie, a level of tyranny has been achieved that supercedes history.
When they can mandate injection of anything into a human body they have taken rape to a whole new level (rape being defined as forcible penetration against the will of the penetrated).
When they can potentially modify the human genome by mainstreaming technology traditionally used on a case by case basis,
either intentionally or as is more likely the case "unintentionally" a new criminality against humanity itself becomes plainly visible.
The politicians have capitulated to the lie and made mockery of the very rule of law and denigrated the very foundations of elected representative self government.
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dac42e No.350318
>The second reason is this: a society which should obey legislation emanating from a scientific academy, not because it understood itself the rational character of this legislation (in which case the existence of the academy would become useless), but because this legislation, emanating from the academy, was imposed in the name of a science which it venerated without comprehending ‐ such a society would be a society, not of men, but of brutes. It would be a second edition of those missions in Paraguay which submitted so long to the government of the Jesuits. It would surely and rapidly descend to the lowest stage of idiocy."
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0a3d32 No.350320
>When they can lock down the planet for a lie, a level of tyranny has been achieved that supercedes history.
True, only they couldn't. Maybe they tried to but it failed and everyone knows they're lying assholes now. Fauci is resigning and the CDC is crying a river trying to grasp for non-existent reputation. This is especially true in the US where covid restrictions were up to individual States and jurisdictions. My State never had a lockdown, mask or clot shot mandate. But if I drove into Illinois then yes, I would witness stores being closed down and people who were out in public were wearing masks more often. Similar to the St. Louis area back in 2020, the closer you got to the city the more sheep there were mindlessly obeying their orders. Unless you live in a rotten shithole like Chicago, LA or NYC all these covid mandates are pretty much ignored and/or abolished now. Very few are clinging to the fear porn cult anymore, nor should they. What we do have to fear is corruption in the "healthcare" system, that still exists and is not going away anytime soon.
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ee40a2 No.350422
>and is not going away anytime soon
read this entire thread again very carefully brother.
*chambers a round*
step to it right.
or don't step to it at all.
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b1e006 No.350429
Dang! Gotta say I agree!
No need to get resignational about it!
> "Do not go gentle into that good night."
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0138c1 No.350432
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493122 No.350569
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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0cddd4 No.350774
proper bump bumping a proper bump
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049205 No.350778
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722c10 No.350781
brofist .bak atcha
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3c4fa0 No.350786
based? based on what?
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049205 No.350787
on the basis of his comment… bitch
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6baac2 No.350791
*it squirms
*it is very afraid
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b1e006 No.350795
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45dc94 No.350798
I think I will take this for later. Posterity and all that.
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1e86d3 No.350801
This is interesting. I understand why China demanded that all soy be tested for fungus and then refused to accept the soy when it was not tested.
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481a25 No.350803
Forgive me for being a dumbass not in the know but where the heck are you getting your info from? Any links? Is this another Fauci-NIH gain-of-function bioweapon scandal or something!?
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481a25 No.350804
I tried colloidal silver before, and yes it's supposed to be good for the immune system and health in general. I rarely get sick so I must be doing something right even though I no longer take it. From what I've heard you have to take an awful lot before it discolors your skin, chugging the stuff like water. Highly do not recommend excessive use. Just take dosages professions will caution. Especially be cautious when making your own and dose it right. Too much of anything can be bad.
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268417 No.350831
Honestly it was mentioned in passing as part of a news article in a prepper video I was watching. It struck me as super odd since China is jumping through all manner of hoops and has been for 6 months to get forage for their pork #1 consumer of pork globally. Anyway South American soy is a cheap source of fodder for them. But recently (in the past three months) they refused all shipments that were not thoroughly tested for fungus. I sat up straight because they are [smdh] in no way equipped to deny any sort of fodder…but they had concern enough about this to starve their own people to death (at least the low value ones). It was only a matter of time before the constant spraying caused something unfortunate to be born on Earth that could not be charmed away. Part of me thinks that there never was a COVID but rather a massive contamination of the food supply. The mRNA supposedly (but they are dumbasses) worked to boost the immune system of the general population. Watch video…put everything together (I hold a lot of pieces that I have not mentioned). Watch what he says at the very beginning about what they were 'treating'.
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a44211 No.351509
Bombshell delivered. There's more.
….. wait for it…….
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a41d82 No.351530
>….. wait for it…….
> (I hold a lot of pieces that I have not mentioned)
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8f7273 No.351534
translation: it knows what is coming and it's deathly afraid.
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d14caa No.351535
As it rightfully should be! It is LAWLESS. It is contemptuous. It is pompous, grandiose and full of it's own hubris.
It is also lethal and not to be taken lightly.
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b1e006 No.351547
Please stop talking about my penis.
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15ba92 No.351550
Nobody in this thread is talking about your penis.
Talking about penis is a (((YOU))) problem not a we problem.
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9d6207 No.351569
>But in a lawsuit against California’s Medical Board, Physicians for Informed Consent called this an attempt to “unconstitutionally target dissenting physicians, including by attempting to intimidate by investigation, censor and sanction physicians who publicly disagree with the government’s ever-evolving, erratic, and contradictory public health Covid-19 edicts.”
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ea7ded No.351570
Yeah, your sense of humor seems a tad uptight for a psuedonymous image-board sometimes. Lighten up a bit!
Besides, all those things have been said about my penis at one time or another…
> It is LAWLESS. It is contemptuous. It is pompous, grandiose and full of it's own hubris. It is also lethal and not to be taken lightly.
For your own edification, and for everyone's benefit whenever you post links in the future, you can pretty much count on being able to chop off all the shit after, and including, the question mark On ANY Link. (Well, most all of 'em… Try it out!)
So this hellish mess: https://dailycaller.com/2022/08/30/california-covid-speech-code/?dicbo=v2-84be22cc7c7c04d3da0d7ccd548dae37&sfspot_im_redirect_source=pitc&utm_source=spotim&utm_medium=spotim_recirculation&spot_im_redirect_source=pitc
Becomes simply: https://dailycaller.com/2022/08/30/california-covid-speech-code/
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8cf139 No.351572
If your penis is lethal you got big problems. I thought about trimming the url but didn't want to have to test the link. I'll keep it in mind tho.
This story is probably why Ozzy and Sharon moved back to England.
Ozzy has been here since Rodney King ffs.
My sense of humor died when I found the ICD10 and it's suspiciously missing codes. Believe me when I tell you they are and have been running a democide campaign in this country for decades.
There's just no humor to be found in it.
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a41d82 No.351582
>It is LAWLESS. It is contemptuous. It is pompous, grandiose and full of it's own hubris. It is also lethal and not to be taken lightly.
>If your penis is lethal you got big problems
>There's just no humor to be found in it.
Am I currently privy to the fabled bong bash?
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9b2e0f No.351606
You are currently privy to the government making itself final boss of your doctor and decider of your healthcare decisions.
They already own the goddamn internet so it really should come as no surprise.
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e003f7 No.351610
Well then it's a good thing the normans have the FBI raid @ Mar a Lago to distract them from this disturbing new development.
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1b1b03 No.351613
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10df6d No.351617
If you could see the gigantic essays I have regularly entered into my permanent medical record that slam the medical industry, you would die laughing! Do they listen or care? No.
Those who are still there, who have not, or do not, quit en masse, especially if the CA Law ( https://dailycaller.com/2022/08/30/california-covid-speech-code/ ) goes nationwide, deserve no respect.
They have zero respect for the REAL Specialists about their Own bodies, the ones REALLY in-the-know… So no, I do not respect their limited knowledge applied to Consensus Ideologies that have turned both Medicine & Science into nothing more than RELIGIOUS IDEOLOGY.
They're Witch-Doctors. They always have been. Nothing more.
Pretend that their opinions matter at your own peril.
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b170c7 No.351621
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b1e006 No.351626
Never even heard of nitter.net.
Another Commie Hugbox?
Yay. Just what the internet needs.
The ENTIRE Internet is pozzed af, and the Narrative is ALWAYS Controlled.
Only (((their))) hugbox thought processes are even allowed a voice.
I hate ALL Social Media, but I hate those who try to Control Every Narrative even more. For example, I'm not retarded enough to download the TruthSocial app, but I think it's retarded that retarded people are not allowed to access yet another retarded social media app on the Gookle PreyStore, like TruthSocial, because the ideas people might want to share there are considered verboten by the Globalist Elite Masters most everyone seems more than willing to let rule every aspect of their lives, from womb to tomb, and control their every narrative.
The dumphone just gave (((them))) another more powerful way for (((them))) to Centralize their Absolute Control over EVERYONE, Worldwide — and until enough people wisen up enough to set down their dumphones and stop being controlled by AI Algorithms, we're ALL pretty much FUCKED.
My children weren't born with a dumbphone in their hand. Your children, (if they let you have any, or you even want to, being so soyed-down), they'll be getting microchips implanted at the moment of birth, even before, once they perfect the tech — the tech they use to ENSLAVE You — the tech You won't set down, even though you KNOW what's coming, for ALL of Humanity if You Don't.
YOU Owe EVERYONE Alive Now, and Everyone Lucky Enough to Actually Be Alive in the Future, a YUUUGE APOLOGY!==
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a41d82 No.351635
>If you could see the GIGANTIC essays I have regularly entered into my permanent medical record
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da7f1c No.351639
Why do you think those living in the future are lucky? Slaves are not lucky.
Nitter is just a way to view Twitter without having advertisement track you. You can use it to view any comment or twitter feed without it either reflecting in your own 'Twitter social credit' or without any advertisers (BlackRock) tracking what you are doing (theoretically).
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a41d82 No.351641
>Nitter is just a way to view Twitter without having advertisement track you
get the fuck of my thread faggot. get the fuck off this board, site, and internet itself you fucking lessling.
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aa0f98 No.351642
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a41d82 No.351643
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a41d82 No.351644
As OP I just want to use the time I've been blessed with to thank israel and their commitments to the united states of america and it's people. deus it up.
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a41d82 No.351648
also, still run your (((((((((((((((((site)))))))))))))))))), talk to me, are you better off alone?
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a41d82 No.351652
harder, to courts and forensics, that's my type of anal. Can we finally?
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a41d82 No.351653
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b1e006 No.351654
> Why do you think those living in the future are lucky? Slaves are not lucky.
They only have to be Slaves if we let it happen Now, and do not put a Stop to it NOW. At least don't support the Slave System with your time and energy! It does not belong to (((them))) unless (((You))) GIVE it to (((them))).
Recognize that you too can be FREE.
But it will cost EVERYTHING.
I guess if Freedom isn't worth that much to ya…
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b1e006 No.351655
> nitter…..
Oh. Thx for answering the question.
So it's like what invidious was to jewtube, but for twatter.
Speaking of, here's a much better alternative to invidious…
Also, while I'm feeling Informative, share files up to 10 GB for free, no registration, end-to-end-encrypted, links automatically expire, blah blah… Check it out…
It's a website, not an app, Killcen.
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a41d82 No.351661
chk bumping for red text and caps.
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a41d82 No.351662
>share files up to 10 GB for free, no registration, end-to-end-encrypted, links automatically expire, blah blah… Check it out…
b, just, stop.
(no image applicable)
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10df6d No.351664
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
We can smell your ALL-CAPS 'TUDE from Outer Space.
Just Go Back Already.
(You) Know Where.
gives away all his buttons. how new.
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10df6d No.351666
Also, if you were to try your hand at reading an actual book you might find all sorts of capitalization and punctuation situations that might broaden your comprehension, possibly even transcending your habitual need to resort to infantile, somewhat anal, and definitely full-on halfchan-BBC-worshiping-tier retardery. In that spirit...
You may learn something. The link'll work for almost a whole day still...
See here:
Yup. That was me.
And I assume this >>351660 was (((You))).
Halfchan-tier retardery, like I said.
Also, a fixation on (((Jews))). (((You))) know (((WHO))) has a Constant Fixation on (((Jews)))???
Take a wild guess... Protip: It's ( ( ( Y o u ) ) )
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b1e006 No.351667
Satan's right, you know!
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38a9ab No.351671
Why do you carry on with that bot like that?
>Also, a fixation on (((Jews))). (((You))) know (((WHO))) has a Constant Fixation on (((Jews)))???
All racism is born of proximity or out of criminal conduct.
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10df6d No.351690
> Why do you carry on with that bot like that?
Good question, and I don't have a good answer. Sometimes I'm just in a mood…
> All racism is born of proximity or out of criminal conduct.
True. I was raised around many races, and never had any problems, but I never witnessed American blacks until I was 19.
Niggers taught me racism. They are racist af; although Jews are even more so.
Jews are the most racist group of people on this planet.And yes, it is all about not mixing their supposedly "pure" blood with that of the "goyim", who they consider their Livestock; mere Cattle. Jews present as Eternal "Victims" who do nothing but VICTIMIZE "OTHERS". Pretty much ALL their conduct is "criminal", which is why they always find, throughout history, that those they see as their "livestock" want no "proximity" to them.
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4dd15e No.351693
Do not forget crypto kikes!
Pic very much related.
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bd9f69 No.351694
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6065ee No.351697
Yeah, it's pretty much EVERYONE who takes on the "better than thou" stance, whether they can see they're taking that stance or not.
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f84451 No.351726
Ok but Whites are actually naturally superior. We are what the kikes dream they could be if they weren't, you know, demons and psychopaths.
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bf73d5 No.351817
<What's going on in this thread?
<I hope someone will screenshot it :)))
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41391b No.352162
"He speaks no lies
He fights his cause
He judges not the scavengers
That persecute humanity
Fate does call
And the sickness falls
Lights of life dim down
Fear like an alien comes to view
But with words like the mountains
I'll die like a soldier in your arms
My will enduring till the pain is gone
Then he looked into his lover's eyes and he cried
In the name of love
Still my bleeding heart
For the love of God
Still my bleeding heart"
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51a22b No.352659
Bumping factual news for posterity.
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000000 No.353199
My Spidey sense's been a tingling for days!
A little bird told me someone didn't like this thread and tried to crash the site :(
Well it's on the map :) And there's more :))))
If it doesn't show up here, it'll show up somewhere else :DDD
"Fear them not for there is nothing hidden that shall not be made known"
–J to the muthafuckin' C
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000000 No.353205
> "Body too Long."
lol. Not the first time I've been told that!)
So, I guess this is
(Part 1 of 2)…
I feel it is incumbent upon me to post in this thread today to inform the "community" that I actually tried something recommended in this thread and it has changed my life so dramatically that it would be irresponsible of me not to mention my experience to as many people as will pay attention. It is almost a Crime that NOBODY in the Medical "Community" ever even mentioned this as a possible alleviation for some of my symptoms which seemed to baffle them. No, not "almost". It IS a Crime. Fucking illiterate witch-doctors who never stray from established dogma, and keep pushing the same reliance on a system that was made to keep people sick, keep 'em coming back for more abuse, keep the "Industry" going… So few in that "Industry" have any curiosity left whatsoever. They're not really allowed to think outside-the-box anyway. Everybody must tow the line and respect the authority of those who supposedly "know better", from the Faucis of the world on down to us miserable plebs who don't know any better and cannot think for ourselves, amirite?
What am I babbling on about?
Well, I have spent almost two decades on the chans, and have managed to find a few gems and currents within the oceans of piss and diarrhea that have proved interesting, but none more life-altering as this one.I'm referring to the use of Colloidal Silver.No, it's not a cure-all. No, the Health Scare Industry can't make any money off it, so I'm sure it's mostly AGAINST the use of something that might actually work, and might lessen a patient's dependency upon them.
I've just gotta say, anon, that simple suggestion, (which it felt like I had to fucking pry out of an anon in this thread) literally changed my life. No, it was not instantaneous, and is still working its magic — after all, it took years to get here, but it's healing me in so many ways I had no choice but to mention it here and thank said anon for bringing it up.
(Continued Next Post…)
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000000 No.353206
(Part 2 of 2)
We all have genetic peculiarities that cause us to react differently to different things, but I cannot imagine someone Not Benefitting from the use of Colloidal Silver. I have personally had lymph nodes in my neck and head swollen up and in pain for almost twenty years, and my sinuses almost always stuffed up, and my upper lungs always on the verge of bronchitis. My head has been hot and it hurts like hell, having all the lymph nodes swollen up on the side of my head, below the ear, in the neck, jaw and all under my tongue. I could barely even talk sometimes. For YEARS. Swallowing was almost impossible. I had to be Extremely cognizant of what I ate because I might not be able to swallow it, and many foods would just go up into my sinuses (remember genetics? Yeah, that happened.) Anyway, long story short, the Medical Community has been utterly WORTHLESS for me, (for Decades!); but less than a month of snorting Colloidal Silver up my nostrils once or twice a day and swishing a little around in my mouth too for five minutes or so,I'm getting YUUUGE Relief!I can swallow again. The pain in my lymph nodes is almost gone. I can breathe through my sinuses, clearly and it feels great. My skin is glowingly healthy too — YUUUGE Difference. I normally would barely be able to breathe after a couple weeks of our air quality here being this bad from smoke — (as in, we can't see a quarter mile in this fucking smoke from Northern California and the Seattle area. It really sucks.) But I can Breathe! And it is largely thanks to my use of Colloidal Silver. So thanks for the Suggestion, anon!
As for the Jesus stuff, I've never been against the guy. But he wouldn't have been a Christian, and the bullshit that has been done in his name is the stuff of nightmares. It is the stance of Blind Belief that got us into this mess to begin with — those who leave all the thinking up to "Specialists". It is that Stance that I just plain do not like, and I think I've made that more than clear on occasion. But folks will find meaning where they will, and I'm all about people finding a sense-of-meaning wherever they go, and whatever they do. It's when they start Forcing their Ideology on everyone "Else" that we're gonna have a problem. Secular Religions, like 'Woke'ism, or the Climate Alarmist Religion are no different. They seek to control the behavior of "Others", by force, if necessary — and they want to Control EVERYTHING; including your mind. Centalized Control by "Specialists". Yeah, I'm against that; as I see the Center as EVERYWHERE — just like Jesus taught — but Organized Religitards Crucified his ass for having the gall to suggest that "The Kingdom of God is WITHIN You!"
In that spirit I'm going to go tackle the day. There is much to do, and I wish that my lymph node issues were the worst health problems I've had, but they aren't. There are mechanical issues that have associated bone-on-bone painful agony at all times, and no amount of Colloidal Silver will fix that! But I'm not going to curl up in a ball and die moaning either! I will live as fulfilling a life as I can. Speaking of…
I can't afford to spend more time here right now, so…
ENJOY This Day!
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000000 No.353208
They readily admit missing 50 percent.
So how did Rush Limbaugh announce out of the blue that he had stage 4 cancer? The same stages of metastasis used to describe cancer are also used to describe other "proliferative disease" such as invasive mycotic infection. For all practical purposes the words cancer and candida are synonymous. Did they miss a diagnosis for Rush when he was at stage 2? (Happens all the time) I mean if they are readily admitting missing 50 percent it would indicate 50 percent of patient charts may be incorrect. The gold standard here is biopsy, histopathology, cytopathology and culture.
These have been called "the safest, most accurate and most cost effective diagnostic tests in all of medicine".
Yet these tests are routinely not performed when they should be. Clamouring for for more sophisticated reagent based testing seems like apologetics and when your business (or political) model depends on a percentage of people becoming catastrophically ill is highly suspect. An ounce of data is worth a pound of opinion. Opinion is cost effective and some doctors will be absolutely offended if you point this out. Rationed care is a stark new reality in medicine and one that most people don't begin to comprehend. The practice of medicine is not at all what it appears to be to patients and the following link and site will open the eyes of the sleepy, lulled babes walking daily through the minefield of modern healthcare.
I have a list of citations that will support any challenges to my post. If you're gonna troll me? Don't.
Those too heavenly minded to be of any earthly good have brought tyranny to my front doorstep.
They will live to regret it.
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000000 No.353210
And, from COMPLETELY Out-of-the-Blue…
(and not even REMOTELY "on-topic" [or ''is it?], but…)
Y'all gonna need ya some BOOKS!
In Folder "temp-5" https://files.catbox.moe/2oxija.zip
You're Welcome.
⫖⫸➤ tree -htemp-5
[204.4M] [TOTAL] (Unzipped)temp-5https://files.catbox.moe/2oxija.zip
├── [82.3M] China
│ ├── [ 18M] Cadres and Corruption The Organizational Involution of the Chinese Communist Party (Xiaobo Lu).pdf
│ ├── [1.5M] Chinas Elite Politics Governance and Democratization (Series on Contemporary China) (Bo Zhiyue).pdf
│ ├── [1.1M] Cultural Nationalism in Contemporary China The Search for National Identity Under Reform (Routledgecurzon Studies on China in… (Yingjie Guo).pdf
│ ├── [593K] Empire of Lies The Truth about China in the Twenty-First Century (Sorman, Guy).epub
│ ├── [2.9M] Ethnic Identity and National Conflict in China (Arabinda Acharya, Rohan Gunaratna, Wang Pengxin).pdf
│ ├── [2.1M] Factions and Finance in China Elite Conflict and Inflation (Victor C. Shih).pdf
│ ├── [3.1M] Has China Won The Chinese Challenge to American Primacy (Kishore Mahbubani).epub
│ ├── [8.8M] Haunted by Chaos China’s Grand Strategy from Mao Zedong to Xi Jinping (Sulmaan Wasif Khan).pdf
│ ├── [1.3M] Looking North, Looking South China, Taiwan and South Pacific (Series on Contemporary China) (Anne-Marie Brady).pdf
│ ├── [8.5M] Making the Foreign Serve China Managing Foreigners in the People’s Republic (Anne-Marie Brady).pdf
│ ├── [3.5M] Marketing Dictatorship - Propaganda and Thought Work in Contemporary China (Brady, Anne-Marie).pdf
│ ├── [6.0M] Propaganda and mass persuasion a historical encyclopedia, 1500 to the present (Nicholas J. Cull, David Culbert, David Welch).pdf
│ ├── [1.8M] Red-Handed How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win (Peter Schweizer).epub
│ ├── [3.2M] The Future of United States, China, and Taiwan Relations (Cheng-yi Lin, Denny Roy, Stephen D. Krasner).pdf
│ ├── [3.9M] The Good Communist Elite Training and State Building in Todays China (Frank N. Pieke).pdf
│ ├── [335K] The Perfect Dictatorship China in the 21st Century (Stein Ringen).epub
│ ├── [ 12M] The Truth about China Propaganda, Patriotism and the Search for Answers (Bill Birtles).epub
│ ├── [346K] Ways that are dark The truth about China (Ralph Townsend).epub
│ └── [2.9M] Why the West Rules - For Now The Patterns of History, and What They Reveal About the Future (Ian Morris).epub
├── [74.7M] MISC
│ ├── [ 30M] Breaking History A White House Memoir (Jared Kushner).epub
│ ├── [2.9M] Elon Musk How the Billionaire CEO of SpaceX and Tesla is Shaping our Future (Ashlee Vance [Vance, Ashlee]).epub
│ ├── [682K] Hillbilly Elegy (J. D. Vance).epub
│ └── [ 41M] Modern Warriors Real Stories from Real Heroes (Pete Hegseth).epub
└── [47.4M] The-Great-Reset
├── [ 26M] Apocalypse Never Why Environmental Alarmism Hurts Us All (Michael Shellenberger).epub
├── [1.3M] Battle for the American Mind Uprooting a Century of Miseducation (Pete Hegseth David Goodwin).epub
├── [2.7M] Collapse - How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed (Jared Diamond).pdf
├── [1.5M] COVID-19 and the Global Predators We Are the Prey (Peter Roger Breggin, Ginger Breggin).epub
├── [4.1M] COVID-19 The Great Reset (Klaus Schwab, Thierry Malleret).epub
├── [1.2M] Defeating Big Government Socialism Saving Americas Future (Newt Gingrich).epub
├── [1.6M] Nation of Victims Identity Politics, the Death of Merit, and the Path Back to Excellence (Vivek Ramaswamy).epub
├── [1.5M] The Foundations (Alexander Dugin [Dugin, Alexander]).epub
├── [285K] The Fourth Political Theory (Alexander Dugin, Alain Soral).epub
├── [502K] The Great Awakening vs the Great Reset (Dugin, Alexander).epub
├── [284K] The Great Reset And the War for the World (Alex Jones).epub
├── [382K] The Great Reset Joe Biden and the Rise of Twenty-First-Century Fascism (Glenn Beck).epub
├── [2.4M] The Psychology of Totalitarianism (Mattias Desmet).epub
├── [2.2M] The Truth About COVID-19 Exposing The Great Reset, Lockdowns, Vaccine Passports, and the New Normal (Joseph Mercola Ronnie Cummins).epub
└── [1.1M] Woke, Inc. Inside Corporate Americas Social Justice Scam (Ramaswamy, Vivek).epub
3 directories, 38 files
All ZIPped up in a 196.5M ZIP for your downloading pleasure at: https://files.catbox.moe/2oxija.zip
(If'n ya can't find nothin' interestin' in there, I dunno what to tell ya! Some of 'em were just published.)
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000000 No.353212
And while I'm droppin' shit...
A few weeks ago I was bored and went in this thread ( >>316153 ) to see how the "Antichrist" Quatrains were coming along, and I saw this post ( >>351708 ), and used it as an excuse to learn how to use some new tools I hadn't tried before. So I created a Video featuring that post ( >>351708 ), using `GIMP`, `Kdenlive`, and `Glaxnimate`. I didn't get a chance to make it back in there until after it became impossible to post anything except Text over Tor, but I thought I'd leave a link to it here for EVERYBODY Now, in case this place goes tits up, which looks likely at this point (it's always been on the verge though...)
Anyway, think of this as a Farewell Gift to Moarfaeces, the Sallified Marshmallow Antichrist... (I hear he's plannin' on going out with a bang!)
Antichrist_Jerome-Powell.mp4 https://files.catbox.moe/5ii3az.mp4
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000000 No.353213
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5373bc No.353309
Imagine thinking this place is safer than the catbox!
(((You))) Are Somehow Under the Mistaken Impression That (((You)))r Anti-Catbox Opinion Actually Matters!
It Doesn't.
Here ya go, ya lazy fag.
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a09b2e No.353355
it's catbox.moe and the moe is the most important part. there is deep lore here hidden in plain sight, like everything else these illuminati bitches do.
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10df6d No.353865
Illuminati, eh?
Please do enlighten us…
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1cdfc9 No.353883
Here ya go Spoon Fed.
Consider yourself enlightened.
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10df6d No.353930
Yeah, I've already seen that exchange.
And it had nothing to do with .moe
That (You) see "Illuminati" everywhere is rapidly becoming my assumption, since (You) repeatedly skirt the issue and babble
> muh Illuminati
every time (((You)))'re asked for clarification on (((You)))r accusations.
The Stance (((You))) Take is Recognizable.
Why would (((You))) try to dissuade anons from using a perfectly valid site [from what I can tell, and (((You))) have offered no facts to support (((You)))r assertions of the "Illuminati"/.moe connection, so, what is one left to conclude?]??
> inb4 I'm just stupid and (((You))) are All-Knowing
Yeah, I get that about (((You))).
As far as I know .moe is more weabo than "Illuminati".
Prove Me Wrong.
Accusations Are NOT Proof.
(((You))) were asked for PROOF.
All (((You))) gave were more Accusations.
(((You)))'d Make a Good Leftist, and (((You)))r Stance Reminds Me of That of Junie Niptug.
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123641 No.353956
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ace9ba No.353966
maybe this is the botnet that crashed the site…. maybe….
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b89989 No.354845
"Heroes work here"
Covid made them all heroes.
>Feed my lambs
Eat your propaganda. It's lethal.
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fb7979 No.354861
Propaganda is yummy!
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7f1332 No.355303
> Feed Edits
Yes, they have been "editing our food", and everything is much much worse than most people think. The powers-that-ought-not-be have been at this a long long time.
> when Killcen & Alex Jones were right…
I spent quite awhile looking for this link:
The Increasing Prevalence in Intersex Variation from Toxicological Dysregulation in Fetal Reproductive Tissue Differentiation and Development by Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals
> PDF related
I hope youENJOYit…
They're literally "Turning the Frogs Gay".
The "Soy Boy" phenomena is REAL.
Take care what kind of environment you provide for biological entities to develop in.
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d41311 No.355311
>biological entities
(pic related)
"Koot Hoomi, had said that, "They – the Jesuits sacrifice the inner principle, the Spiritual brain of the ego, to feed and develop the better the physical brain of the personal evanescent man, sacrificing the whole humanity to offer it as a holocaust to their Society – the insatiable monster feeding on the brain and marrow of humanity, and developing an incurable cancer on every spot of healthy flesh it touches." (The Mahatma Letters to A.P. Sinnett, Letter no. 33)
Beware the Hospitaller.
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633bd3 No.356468
Still cannot see the correlations that lead to catbox = evil , but OK…
ENJOY Some REAL Books…
And Another Tranche of BOOKS…
REAL Enjoyable!
> inb4 catbox is still scary for some inarticulatable reason
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8a28a5 No.356666
thx anon, there's some good ones in there.
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8a28a5 No.356667
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cb6d0e No.356668
> drop it glow schiz bro, I know you want a piece.
he gone. this time for good.
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b6f3db No.356669
Probably True.
EVERYBODY seems to be.
Why I haven't left yet seems somewhat incomprehensible, but suffering is just kinda what I do.
'Tis a pity that colloidal silver doesn't work on websites.
This place could use a healthy dose.
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2209eb No.357462
>'Tis a pity that colloidal silver doesn't work on websites.
It's working for me!
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c7005c No.360682
Chlorine Dioxide and Fenbendazole can be useful tools in one's medicine cabinet also. It is quite easy to make your own Chlorine Dioxide quite cheaply and safely
> and no, it's NOT Bleach, Johnny!''
and you can get 99.99% pure Fenbendazole for humans without a prescription, even on Amazon.
But yes,Our Entire Society Needs a Parasite Cleanse.
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81354a No.360683
Funny thing with Shwab is he openly said he thinks nations should have the right to make their own decisions how to govern themselves, which I can agree with. But then he turns around and starts telling people how they should live and be governed. Even what we should be allowed to eat, to how everything should be under centralized control….. So which is it? On one hand he praised national sovereignty, then he makes statements opposing freedom and sovereignty. What does that say about him being a leader of anything?
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000000 No.360686
>So which is it?
read young padawan. read and read some more. do not judge by appearances and keep your powder dry.
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38f7bd No.361677
>Chlorine Dioxide and Fenbendazole can be useful tools in one's medicine cabinet also. It is quite easy to make your own Chlorine Dioxide quite cheaply and safely
Mind if I ask what method you use to make ClO₂? Any recommended protocols? Care to share your personal experience? Is that the same stuff people call MMS? Recommended links?
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000000 No.362304
This guy should have gotten the COVID-19 anal swab.
Jesus H. Chrysanthemum on a treadmill—
What in the actual fffffffffffffuck is that shit?
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0447d1 No.363921
> Mind if I ask what method you use to make ClO₂? Any recommended protocols? Care to share your personal experience? Is that the same stuff people call MMS? Recommended links?
Needing to be spoonfed this hard could lead to the conclusion that this may not be for you. The internet does still exist! To be nice, however, I'll post some Jim Humble. Look him up. You'll find most everything you need from his books.
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0447d1 No.363922
When I get on my other computer I'll see if I can drop a few more PDFs (some books are slightly too large to post here, so I may have to drop a link to a ZIP.) There's several ways to make it, and I'll see about dropping some video links regarding that. Some methods are easier than others.
Anyway, ya fuckin' autists… You might benefit!
ClO₂ Destroys Glyphosate — 400 Cases of AUTISM Reversed With CHLORINE DIOXIDE
More Info Here: >>>/freedomzine/38879
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38f7bd No.364018
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000000 No.364034
That's "Mister" N*gger to you.
Show a little respect for the scholarship cracka.
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f014da No.365198
> thx nigger
You're Welcome.
< vidrel for (You)
Here's some links related to MMS, how to make and use it, and what the protocols are, to get you started…
Make sure you have both these books:
The Master Mineral Solution of the 3rd Millennium
MMS Health Recovery Guidebook
— Jim Humble
He has more books.
The easy way to make it:
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f5e89e No.365283
Reject Big Pharma.
Stop the Parasites.
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6ae157 No.365323
> Funny thing with Shwab
Funny that funny people actually listen to 'him' and want to implement 'his' plans for the world.
Look at 'him'!
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42d924 No.366000
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42d924 No.366146
Trips Triangulated.
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94ab86 No.366536
Odysee embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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000000 No.366882
Odysee embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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000000 No.367846
Odysee embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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000000 No.368328
Odysee embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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000000 No.368455
Odysee embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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000000 No.368584
in ur base killing ur doodz. zero fucks given.
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000000 No.368833
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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000000 No.369664
Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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000000 No.369725
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212a19 No.370917
anti-sliding legit threads
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f75732 No.371969
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000000 No.373901
mRNA was not touted as an antiviral prior to the COVID-19 smokescreen.
It was being studied as a treatment for cancer and "other proliferative diseases".
Your girl Candida fits the description of "other proliferative disease" to the T.
The incumbency in the USA knows all of this and more but they have become so corrupted, so rotted to the core that they are no longer able to tell the truth. About anything.
The institutions we have relied on to uphold truth, justice and the American way are no longer able to fulfill that function.
There is no longer any "DUTY TO WARN". Integrity is lethal.
see also: Dr Van Koinis pediatrician Evergreen Park Illinois.
Silence equals death and this guy is loving it like a Big Mac and a chocolate shake.
The people are walking through minefields with respect to their healthcare.
Healthcare is incumbency. (ding)
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000000 No.375735
bumparoni with extra sauce
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01d182 No.377145
Funny how all these "proliferative diseases" thrive on sugars, actually require them, so much so that the targeting mechanism for most of these cancer targeting drugs actually target the sugar-munching aspect that these "proliferative diseases" engage in.
What's my point?
Minimizing sugar intake (in a balanced way) can only benefit one's immune system, or inner detoxification system, or whatever you want to call it — highly recommend.
Or you could take more and more poisons within, then take the medical establishment's "cure" for the ailments those poisons caused, which is to take even more deadly poisons!
Waking up to reality isn't necessarily fun, and a lot of responsibility is involved, but consider the alternatives.
Most folks do not even see the danger that their lifestyle poses until it is too late.
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