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File: 14effc1a0d0fda4⋯.jpg (106.23 KB, 1000x288, 125:36, banner3.jpg)

862757  No.349020 [Last 50 Posts]

You guys are an embarrassment to National Socialism and white people everywhere. Schzio fucking losers threatening kill each other all day. I bet if Hitler was here he'd have thrown you to the gas chambers (if there was any which there wasn't except for delousing).

Shape up you idiotic faggots.

https://nxs218.wordpress.com/ this is for Esoteric Aryanism and NS only no normies, no fringechan wannabes, etc. You are free advertising here.

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5a33b5  No.349022



and if they decide to shoah you :/

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55a771  No.349024


join joyofsatan. immediately.

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c1c4e9  No.349032


lol you can't even afford a real website..



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c1c4e9  No.349033

by the way, Hitler was ahomosexual, exactly like >>349020

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c1c4e9  No.349034


Do you just 'give head' like a little girl, or do you DEEPTHROAT like a man?

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c1c4e9  No.349035


My guess?……

You'll suck a cock however you're told

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c1c4e9  No.349040

File: cb705cb6a99d485⋯.mp4 (3.18 MB, 720x1080, 2:3, happy_bday_.mp4)

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c1c4e9  No.349041


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c1c4e9  No.349044

File: 810892538737873⋯.mp4 (9.05 MB, 770x720, 77:72, lil_Hitler_.mp4)


Little man……

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c1c4e9  No.349045


I'll give you a VIDEOGAME CHEAT CODE if you'll empty deez nuts

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c1c4e9  No.349050

File: bb47aac5a6be713⋯.mp4 (4.3 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, km_20220815_3_720p.mp4)

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c1c4e9  No.349051


Perhaps you should follow (sac)s lead, and get a job as a garbage man….

(sac) recently confessed that a job collecting garbage would be a step up for him

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c1c4e9  No.349059


Perhaps if you got a job at McDonald's you could afford a real website?

Only poverty stricken unemployed bums use WordPress

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760ad1  No.349122


Don't bother with simpletons, control them.

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500c61  No.349140


EXCEPT for one simple fact: this is NOT a "national socialist" board like /pol/ anymore. The mod ran away. Johnny Neptune crashed the party and scared most of the user base off. And now I am here again, previously being here from the beginning before moving to a more rural area back in 2020, posting REAL NEWS. News exposing economic and geo-political corruption, news covering actual events and nefarious lucrative agenda by criminal banking cartel & their puppet governments/corporate & political interests. All while people like you rant about a dead leader who is never coming back from the dead, over a country that has long become a vassal state long subjugated since the end of WWII. Besides, most Americans do not want socialism, we want freedom and our Constitutional law to be respected and enforced. We want big government out of our lives and consumer choice too (and that includes medical choice!) Dig? This is no longer a hive mind socialist board. It's a board of true free speech where we say whatever the fuck we want and post whatever the fuck we desire!

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c1c4e9  No.349141

File: 4485978ec5b5e73⋯.mp4 (2.49 MB, 720x1212, 60:101, Adolf_Niggerdick.mp4)

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500c61  No.349142


Sorry glowie, but around these neck of the woods there ain't no controlling us hicks!! Your board fuhrer got BTFO and he ain't around no more.

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c1c4e9  No.349143

File: cef6e21802262f3⋯.mp4 (2.62 MB, 480x480, 1:1, admin_warning_.mp4)

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c1c4e9  No.349144

File: a9ff4a0e644ffbd⋯.mp4 (2.09 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Scratch_n_Chad_01.mp4)


jddkuolgdv ghtp uttojfn ¿

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c1c4e9  No.349145

File: de938ed0aee2cb4⋯.jpg (379.62 KB, 1280x1280, 1:1, Picsart_22_08_18_13_23_07_….jpg)

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500c61  No.349146

File: dc7d8904ddee117⋯.png (384.62 KB, 414x440, 207:220, asshole_is_me.png)


them there 'Missoua kinda hicks

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c1c4e9  No.349147

File: 30686b9a54049c3⋯.png (2.61 MB, 1080x2300, 54:115, Screenshot_20220618_225033.png)

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c1c4e9  No.349148

File: ec9ce1fac11ffd3⋯.jpg (631.18 KB, 1920x1280, 3:2, Picsart_22_08_18_13_33_42_….jpg)

I feel the same way about Jerry.. I consider both of them to be friends…

but when friends are too small to admit they made a stupid mistake, like talking about civil War because they thought the election was stolen..

when friends are too small to admit they know they were wrong..

that's when real friends have earned the right to give them hell about it

and that's exactly what I'm doing

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c1c4e9  No.349149

time to put some paint on the canvas

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500c61  No.349150


Right or wrong on my part, I don't see why if, let's say, there was no voter fraud, I don't see why the Democrat party would be so scared of ballot watchers, average people re-counting ballots and some simple audits…. or God forbid their worst nightmare being basic Voter ID laws. For someone innocent they sure act like they have something to hide and can't stop their mockery and scolding.

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ca0d0a  No.349151

Johnny Homo. A case study in meth use and homosexuality leading to a terminal decline in the mind.

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500c61  No.349152


Here's some interesting truth, I won't go too much detail because I rather not dox myself by giving too much info away…. but in my State there was some voting reform laws passed, and that included removing the option of mail-in ballots (unless you were actually disabled and only then could you receive one legally). Months after that voting law passed, guess what? The establishment incumbent Republican in my district LOST. I won't say who to who here, because that's too much info. Let me put it this way: he lost to a grassroots non-incumbent Republican who was dead against a lot of the Agenda 21 'Great Reset' bullshit, as well despised the idea of clot shot mandates. This is good news because it means people are now paying more attention around here where I live! And the reforms worked well.

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129b6c  No.349156

File: fd89e6a418b3f25⋯.jpg (72.12 KB, 459x447, 153:149, 1660318808625807_glownigge….jpg)


We don't need a goddamn NatSoc website, glownigger

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ad4c48  No.349162


And as soon as your grassroots non incumbent candidate is sworn into office, he or she becomes property of the ethics committee for life. The ethics committee is the permanent property of the Lobby and the revolving door they have got going on there guarantees that the Lobby continues to get what it wants in perpetuity.



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c1c4e9  No.349256


Missouri's 3rd Congressional District covers the eastern and central portions of the state. It covers Callaway, Camden, Cole, Franklin, Gasconade, Jefferson, Lincoln, Maries, Miller, Montgomery, Osage, St. Charles and Warren counties.

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c1c4e9  No.349257


Mail-in ballots are NOT a problem

For example, where Jerry lives…

Washington State ONLY does mail-in ballots

And they had NO FRAUD

Neither did any other state

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c1c4e9  No.349259


"average people re-counting ballots and some simple audits"

lolthe average Trump Supporter CANNOT COUNT or SPELL

audits ?…..

the the CYBER NINJAS?…..

your team'sidiotic clown show?

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c1c4e9  No.349261

File: 0219c34b65052a0⋯.jpg (322.41 KB, 720x1440, 1:2, Screenshot_2022_08_09_21_2….jpg)

Newly released documents by the watchdog group American Oversight show that the Arizona Senate’s partisan review of the 2020 presidential election in Maricopa County went over its proposed budget and spent more money than it had available to it.

More than a thousand pages of records that were in the possession of Cyber Ninjas, the now-defunct Florida company the Senate hired to do the review, were released as part of an ongoing lawsuit. Until providing these records, Cyber Ninjas has refused to turn over documents, despite court orders to do so — and daily $50,000 fines that now total $4.3 million.

Some of the documents released Tuesday include contracts between Cyber Ninjas and its many subcontractors who worked alongside Cyber Ninjas CEO Doug Logan. The documents offer insights into the scope of work and the amount of money offered to each subcontractor for their work on the so-called “audit.”

Previously, Cyber Ninjas had released some information about the groups who had funneled money into the “audit” effort, which amounted to approximately $5.7 million from pro-Donald Trump groups.

A document prepared by an unnamed independent accountant showed that those funds were not able to cover the operating costs of the audit which came in at approximately $8.8 million, the bulk of which was $5.2 million in payroll and labor. The report cited a loss of more than $2.1 million for Cyber Ninjas, though the accounting firm noted that Logan failed to submit balance sheets, statements of cash flows and other documents ordinarily included in financial statements.

As of Sept. 15, 2021, the accountant’s report also notes that Cyber Ninjas owed “audit” subcontractors more than $1.9 million.

In its original statement of work for the Arizona Senate, Cyber Ninjas stated it would complete the work for $150,000. However, the payments Cyber Ninjas promised its subcontractors would balloon that and costs would quickly go higher from there.

The documents also showed that conspiracy theorist Jovan Hutton Pulitzer originally planned to bill Cyber Ninjas $2.1 million for his work, but offered “deep discounting” to reduce his fee to $210,000. A line item in the operating expense report titled “research/artifacts” is listed as costing $210,000. Pulitzer is known for an “invention” dubbed “kinematic artifact detection.”

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c1c4e9  No.349262


By the way, after wasting TONS of money, and dragging their feet, and hiring MORONS to 'check for bamboo chutes'", yourCYBER NINJASfinally determined that Arizona voted for Biden.


Average people….. geniuses, huh?

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c1c4e9  No.349263


so you think the DEMOCRATS are "afraid"?

it's YOU who's terrified to watch theCONCRETE EVIDENCEpresented by the Jan 6th Committee

you're still desperately trying to pretend you haven't seen any of it


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c1c4e9  No.349264

File: 3c1ff2179c071e5⋯.jpg (213.93 KB, 720x1440, 1:2, Screenshot_2022_08_19_10_3….jpg)

Average…… idiots…

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c1c4e9  No.349265

File: ac9593830fe1a67⋯.jpg (445.48 KB, 720x1440, 1:2, Screenshot_2022_08_19_10_3….jpg)

He was the AVERAGE GENIUS who decided BAMBOO CHUTES…

here he is with pathetic alcoholic dripping hair dye soon to be inmate Giuliani

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c1c4e9  No.349266

File: 3df3f3965eda654⋯.jpg (358.48 KB, 1499x1080, 1499:1080, Picsart_22_07_15_20_08_10_….jpg)


A N N O U N C E M E N T :

nobody is afraid of your team


you had your chance

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c1c4e9  No.349268

File: 0996b32ee3cddb4⋯.jpg (113.19 KB, 978x720, 163:120, Picsart_22_08_19_10_51_58_….jpg)


but I can tell you whoISscared

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0f6cb4  No.349287

8/19/22 Part 1

The West’s key achievements in confronting Russia—swiftly rallying in solidarity with Ukraine, hitting Moscow with crushing sanctions and supplying Kyiv with billions in armaments—may be at risk. Even as politicians reaffirm Western unity and pundits hail the impact of weapons sent to Ukraine, economic woes are poised to fracture that solidarity where it matters most—in the European Union. Paradoxically, the rising costs of war appear less sustainable for wealthy, democratic EU countries than they do for poor, isolated Russia. The bill is coming due, and Europeans are shocked at the privations they face to pay it: soaring energy costs, rationing, reduced aid for the poor, and looming recession. Disagreement over Ukraine aid triggered the recent collapse of Italy’s ruling coalition, a bad omen for other centrist European governments: https://nationalinterest.org/feature/western-unity-ukraine-fragile-and-russia-knows-it-204308

▲ MY COMMENT: Good article BUT I would like to note there are multiple reasons Russia did not collapse after being blocked from the Western SWIFT payment system that this article never bothered mentioning. This is worth mentioning because Western governments do not seem to fully comprehend this. #1 Both Russia and China have been preparing to break away from the US dollar global reserve currency since their "Holy Grail" oil-for-gold trade deal back in 2014, so they had nearly a decade to prepare in advance. #2 Russia never outsourced their manufacturing base or productive industry unlike many Western countries, so Russia has resources and industry to fall back on when things get tough for them. Russia, unlike the West today, also protects their strong agricultural base: they even give food producers lucrative tax cuts and incentives to produce as much food for their population as possible so Russians won't go hungry during an economic crisis! #3 Russia exploited globalism and globalist corruption for sure - but Putin never allowed serious threats to their national sovereignty to manifest (the reason people like (((George Soros))) and his NGOs have been banned from Russia, and the very reason they won't allow certain people into political power knowing full well too much corruption can kill nations as they witnessed during the Soviet Union and it's collapse). Economic preparation with other nations like China, the protection of domestic industry and agriculture, and the ability to determine what kind of corruption needs to be stomped out for national security reasons is why Russia is surviving this crisis.

Russia proposes new precious metals market to compete with RIGGED bullion market in London: https://www.sott.net/article/471102-Russia-proposes-new-precious-metals-market-to-compete-with-RIGGED-bullion-market-in-London-analyst

China ramps up gold buying, doubles imports from Switzerland: https://www.sott.net/article/471153-China-ramps-up-gold-buying-doubles-imports-from-Switzerland

Chinese yuan leaves US dollar behind on Moscow Exchange: https://english.pravda.ru/news/russia/153666-yuan_dollar/

RED ALERTUS Corporations Have Been Canceling BILLIONS OF DOLLARS Worth Of Inventory Orders, Including Walmart: https://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/en/news-page/world/strange-corporate-decisions-this-week

Germany preparing for Martial Law on verge of economic collapse (while political leadership blames conspiracy theorists of-course): https://www.sott.net/article/471177-German-security-official-warns-enemies-of-the-state-regions-already-receiving-TANKS-in-case-it-comes-to-the-worst

Prime Minister Viktor Orban says he doesn’t believe the West can win militarily in Ukraine and argues that sanctions are failing. The Hungarian leader argued that the West is incapable of winning the conflict militarily, and that the sanctions it has imposed on Moscow have failed to destabilize Russia. To make matters worse, the punitive measures have spectacularly backfired on the EU: https://www.rt.com/news/561108-orban-ukraine-conflict-end-western-hegemony/

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0f6cb4  No.349289


8/19/22 Part 2

Russia is a responsible nuclear power and will only use its nuclear arms if attacked with weapons of mass destruction or if its existence is under threat, a spokesman for the country’s foreign ministry has said. According to Russia’s official nuclear posture, “the use of the nuclear arsenal is possible only in response to an attack as a self-defense measure and in extreme circumstances,” the deputy press secretary of the ministry said during a daily briefing on Thursday: https://www.theburningplatform.com/2022/08/19/russia-will-use-nukes/

Russian Air defense systems have been activated in the city of Kerch, in the vicinity of the Crimean Bridge, an adviser to Crimea’s governor said on Thursday evening: https://www.rt.com/russia/561117-crimea-air-defense/

Russia’s defense ministry said on Thursday that the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant in southern Ukraine may be shut down if Ukrainian forces continue shelling the facility, something Kyiv has denied doing: https://english.alarabiya.net/News/world/2022/08/18/Russia-says-it-may-shut-down-Zaporizhzhia-nuclear-plant-if-shelling-continues

More than 90 mercenaries have been killed in a high-precision strike on the city of Kharkov, Moscow claims: https://www.rt.com/news/561074-ukraine-foreign-fighters-kharkov/

Ukrainian anti-aircraft gunners destroyed five UAVs and one Ka-52 in the Donetsk and Zaporizhzhia directions: https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3553940-ukrainian-antiaircraft-gunners-down-five-uavs-one-ka52-in-past-four-days.html

The battles are ongoing in several directions on Donetsk axis. There are no changes in Volyn, Polissya, and Siversky directions. The village of Pavlivka, Sumy region, shelled with artillery. Russian invaders launched strikes from aircraft and helicopters near Yavirske, Staryi Saltiv, Lebyazhe, and Zalyman: https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3553572-battles-ongoing-in-avdiivka-bakhmut-directions.html

On August 17, Russian-led forces took control of the village of Vershina. The gains were confirmed by the Headquarters of Territorial Defence of the Donetsk People’s Republic: https://southfront.org/russian-troops-took-control-of-vershina-near-bakhmut/

The warring sides continue fighting in Ukraine. There is a slow advance of the Russian army on the eastern outskirts of the city of Soledar. Units of the 6th Cossack Regiment of the Luhansk People’s Militia are fighting in the areas near the Knauf plant, weakening the enemy’s defenses. They reportedly managed to take two fortified strongholds of the Armed Forces of Ukraine: https://southfront.org/blood-spilling-in-ukrainian-steppe/

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cc92f8  No.349306

File: a34f76ecb99d123⋯.jpg (74.09 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, 2.jpg)


> '''Mail-in ballots are NOT a problem

Hopelessly Uninformed.

==At Least Try to "Inform" (You)rself!

You may consider this to be a somewhat balanced viewpoint…


Or maybe this:


You seem like a Leddit Discussion kinda guy. At least you'd be having a "dicussion", rather than berating, belittling and angrily ranting non-stop about how your position is morally superior, while still being absolutely closed to any interpretations other than the ones that were contrived for you by those who control mobs like the ones you worship; Secular "RELIGIOUS" Ideologies that you have chosen to spread with all the vehemence and hatred at your disposal.

You Were Warned."We, the People" NEED to Trust the Process.


Maybe you prefer a different slant…


> Let me assure you, widespread voting by mail is undeniably a problem, despite having been largely ignored by the national news media. When they do touch upon it, it’s typically not to report on the facts, but rather to mock Americans’ fears surrounding it or to deflect with a focus on semantics.

> But while national news makes a conscious decision to bury incidents of mail ballot issues and fraud, local news stories have been emerging across the country that tell an entirely different story — the true story. Each lost ballot deprives an American voter of their civil right, and to deny that this is a problem is tantamount to the same reported instances of voter suppression that so easily makes headlines. 

In other words, it is a form of "Voter Suppression" to constantly suggest that nobody has a right to question the established narrative surrounding any aspects of an election; especially a hotly contested one. You have been charged on this crime morally already and have been judged GUILTY by a jury of your peers.

< Just Imagine How Johnny Feels, Suddenly Realizing That 8kun /pnd/tards Are His "PEERS"!


There used to be Essays and Websites devoted to the subject, easy to find, but the powers-that-be have scrubbed most of that. Still, one can learn much by seeing the thought-processes that went into establishing other, more reliable, quick, and rarely contested election systems like that of France.

France Long Ago Made An Informed Decision That Mass-Mail-In-Voting Was Ripe For Fraud of EVERY Kind; And They Instead Opted For a System That EVERYBODY Can Trust — and They DO.We Should Do That Too. I mean, if we actually give a fuck about Democracy, which I already KNOW that Johnny, and his ilk on the 'Woke' Left, DO NOT.

> Washington State ONLY does mail-in ballots

Hopelessly Uninformed, Completely Untrue, and Pretends that States With a Long History and Experience With Mass-Mail-In Voting Can Even Remotely Compare With COBBLED TOGETHER BULLSHIT AT THE LAST MINUTE, UNCONSTITUTIONALLY AND COMPLETELY ILLEGALLY, BY FIAT, SKIRTING STATE LEGISLATORS, PRETENDING AN "EMERGENCY"; TO, YES, "STEAL" AN ELECTION.'

> And they had NO FRAUD

Hopelessly Uninformed.

> Neither did any other state

Hopelessly Uninformed.

==WOW. The Levels of (You)r UNInformation!

I hope (((You)))'re actually getting paid for all this diarrhea hate-spam!'

Coz (((You))) been payin'ME!


Rent Free.


> We've Had Well-Monitored Drop-Boxes For Years In WA State, With Representatives From Both Parties Witness to ENTIRE Chain-of-Custody.

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2a2764  No.349309


but I can tell you whoISscared



fuck Ukraine… go invade Iraq


the IDIOT who said "Trump would be back in the White House by 4th of July 2021", then said "Trump would be back in the White House by January 1st 2022", then said "25 billion fake ballots stole the election", AND said "lemon and honey are a miracle antibiotic" (while having a raging bacterial cesspool growing in his sinuses for years) NOW SAYS "WWAAAAAHHHHH!!"

surprise !!!

Nothing you say is ever correct

And every time you're wrong

You're too much of a coward

To admit it

You've got no credibility

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2a2764  No.349310

File: 8c7ef388257ca1b⋯.jpg (199.86 KB, 1371x720, 457:240, Picsart_22_08_19_12_37_31_….jpg)


Any possible credibility you used to have was eliminated after the election, when you proved that you can't let go of your tiny little fragile ego, and you refuse to admit when you're wrong…

So nothing you ever say can be relied upon again…

(LOL at 4th of July !!! )

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0f6cb4  No.349311


Certain states have passed voter ID and other reforms like banning mail-in ballots with an exception for disabled people. My state passed a voter ID law and would prohibit mail-in ballots unless you get permission due to a disability and cannot commute to vote. I think it's a good idea.

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2a2764  No.349313

File: c5c8f29d63d70c8⋯.mp4 (4.56 MB, 720x900, 4:5, km_20220815_2_720p.mp4)


I guess after 5 decades of disenfranchising yourself with bad decisions, when you finally had a chance to feel like "you were part of something", you didn't have enough experience losing with dignity, and you literally could not let go to your pathetic little imaginary soapbox…

The people you brown nose and idolize would spit on you in real life

Tucker Carlson would consider you an embarrassment, and Trump wouldn't even let you clean his toilet.

Maybe you're better off going to the VFW and blending in with the other fossils?

Maybe THEY won't look down their nose at you…. until you tell them about your past…

you're a poser, just like THIS nigger

(LOL at Jan 1st 2022 )

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0f6cb4  No.349314


When I celebrate the 4th of July I celebrate the fact traditional America does still exist - it just doesn't exist in most major cities today, or in areas where communists have taken over political control. That's why those cities are seeing reducing residency and increasing homelessness due to the new "white flight" going on.

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2a2764  No.349315


Herschel Beat the shit out of her TO HELP PEOPLE

(imagine a world in which your opinion mattered)

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0f6cb4  No.349317


Imagine a world where anyone's opinions here mattered. This ain't no hive mind safe space. We are free to talk as much shit as we want.

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2a2764  No.349318


how the fuck would YOU know anything about life in a big city, or ANY city?…

you didn't have what it takes to make it in a metropolis

(there's no chicken coops or outhouses in real cities)

Your opinions on big cities are reminiscent of a starvingethiopian child's opinions about Tavern On The Green…

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2a2764  No.349320


Yes we ARE !!!

and THATS the problem…..

The internet gave a bunch of uneducated single wide trailer backwoods inbred hillbillies the notion that their opinion mattered…

They could bypass a high school diploma, open facebook, and suddenly they think they are some kind of triumphant political pundit

8 billion opinions, and I'm not about to start with yours

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0f6cb4  No.349321


We all know the real reason commies hate chickens and it ain't because their coops are dirty and roosters are loud. Must I state the obvious reason?

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0f6cb4  No.349322


Commies hate the internet because it gave us the ability to expose their evil like never before, and THAT is why you see them ramping up mass censorship. Back in the day before the internet they'd just call it "yellow journalism" and ridicule people. Now they have microscopes up their asses and megaphones in their ears. You can thank their desires for mass surveillance for that.

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2a2764  No.349323

File: 1290206d56c3d68⋯.jpg (181.77 KB, 947x720, 947:720, Picsart_22_08_19_12_58_46_….jpg)


tell me more about 'life in the big city'

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0f6cb4  No.349324

File: f66c95b50615d48⋯.jpg (38.95 KB, 640x347, 640:347, control_oil_nations_contro….jpg)

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cc92f8  No.349326

File: 9367f501c049801⋯.png (311.71 KB, 696x350, 348:175, Commenting_Would_Be_Unprof….png)


Further Comment Could Be Construed As "Unprofessional".

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2a2764  No.349329

File: b5b3a0a4be238ac⋯.jpg (154.75 KB, 1328x720, 83:45, Picsart_22_08_19_13_06_42_….jpg)


Happy 4th of July !!!



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0f6cb4  No.349330


No Soviet show trial and FBI intimidation is going to change my mind about 2 million+ ballots suddenly appearing out of God-knows-where at 3 AM in the morning ready to count, all conveniently swung for Biden. And no amount of kvetching is going to make me think you commies won't cheat your way into power.

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2a2764  No.349331

File: 6bc82624e7dffee⋯.jpg (141.25 KB, 960x720, 4:3, Picsart_22_07_06_19_01_39_….jpg)

File: b8bc01beda24e45⋯.jpg (171.32 KB, 1440x720, 2:1, Picsart_22_07_12_03_26_32_….jpg)

File: 1be1a0b1774108f⋯.jpg (170.35 KB, 1082x720, 541:360, Picsart_22_07_11_21_35_55_….jpg)


Funny you'd mention that, string bean….

Tell Nancy I realize she's probably burnt out on the 'toothpickdick', and any time she's ready to have that first REAL orgasm of her life, I'm right here waiting…

(when a man is almost 8 feet tall, weighs 115 pounds, and has arms like number 2 pencils, it's obvious he's not carrying Popeye's Forearm down there)

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2a2764  No.349332


lol as if you have a MIND

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2a2764  No.349334


Perhaps you should hear it explained by William Barr, Jared Kushner, and Ivanka…

Unless you think they are Soviet agents

They knew the mail in ballots would favor the Democrats… They knew that the entire time…

There was no "massive dump of 2 million ballots", sir..

Trump's team realized when the mail in ballots got counted (they realized they were going to be saved for last) 90% of them would be for Biden…

Trump was throwing a temper tantrum before the mail in ballots started to be counted, because he already realized he was going to lose…

And he did…. Like a BITCH

And when William Barr told him, "look… You lost", he slammed his porcelain plate of dinner against the oval office wall..

ouch !!

(you're woefully uninformed)

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2a2764  No.349335


I heard Nancy likes her cock the same way she likes her beer….


Tell her I'll be glad to help her out

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2a2764  No.349336


And of course nobody expects you to be able to lose with dignity, because you can't even admit that every one of your predictions was complete bullshit

You don't have the balls to admit it wasn't a nuclear bomb on Tonga island

You don't have the balls to admit there was no power grid shut down in March of 2022

You don't have the balls to admit when you're wrong

Being successful isn't something you are accustomed to, so of course you're going to cling to your false hopes…

Trump being elected in 2016 was the closest you've ever gotten to success

So of course, a man with a lifelong history of being a loser is going to have a hard time admitting he lost again…

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2a2764  No.349337


Legs like angel hair pasta

Arms like incense sticks

Obviously the 5th appendage isn't going to be any different

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2a2764  No.349338


Tell me again how it was a Russian nuclear bomb on tonga island

Tell me again how that transformer substation was actually a nuclear bomb

Refresh my memory about the great power grid shut down of March 2022, when the government stepped in and made everybody have "internet ID cards"

You've never gotten a single thing right

But more importantly

You have NEVER admitted being wrong

And when you refuse to admit when you're wrong, YOU HAVE ZERO CREDIBILITY


So nobody can rely on anything you say

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2a2764  No.349339


Your real problem is you're incapable of laughing at yourself

That's why people avoid you

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2a2764  No.349341

File: 84214462f1e180d⋯.png (464.06 KB, 720x720, 1:1, Picsart_22_08_03_15_07_52_….png)

If only you were smart enough to realize the ONLY way you can earn credibility is by admitting when you are wrong….

You think if you refuse to admit you were mistaken, nobody will realize it…



You can't even fool yourself

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2a2764  No.349342

File: 4b2c4aacfb1e32a⋯.png (1.35 MB, 1525x1080, 305:216, Picsart_22_07_28_19_20_55_….png)




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0f6cb4  No.349343


Tonga island was a Russian nuke test yes.

Never said ANYTHING about the transformer explosion being a nuclear bomb, I said it was deliberate sabotage!!

I never said anything about internet ID cards, someone else in the know mentioned they were working on a new social credit score system being worked out and planned for the future, which will likely REPLACE the internet after the next major crisis.

You twist up everything you read.

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2a2764  No.349344

The 73 year old Boy Who Cried Wolf

soooo many times

never once admitting he was full of shit

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0f6cb4  No.349345


>REPLACE the internet after the next major crisis.

And it will no doubt be a MANUFACTURED crisis, as that's how it's always done to get whatever corrupt governments/oligarchs desire.

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0f6cb4  No.349347

New thread incoming……

More REAL NEWS incoming ……..

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0f6cb4  No.349348


OK here:


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2a2764  No.349349

File: ab06a53f5e91001⋯.jpg (43.48 KB, 780x439, 780:439, watching_tonga_eruption.jpg)


The volcano is called Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai, and isn't it strange how people were able to stand there and watch it without being vaporized in a nuclear blast?


I wasn't talking about Hoover Dam, (although that's another one you claimed was terrorism, and it was disproven within an hour)

I'm talking about your fagshow photograph of a TRANSFORMER SUBSTATION BLOWING UP (it's actually a fairly common occurrence) thatYOUclaimed was a "nuke in Syria"


and YES,YOUindeed DID say the government was going to step in after a lost flag power grid shut down in March 2022, and take over the internet, issuing people "internet ID cards", (as if they need more ways of tracking everybody, because they can already track every single person on Earth)


but even more embarrassing, YOURE ACOWARD

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cc92f8  No.349350

File: 44dcbd71a6be0e9⋯.jpg (63.81 KB, 520x488, 65:61, Rambo_Turkey_Armed_with_Uz….jpg)

File: 1e4c5f7f496f6b5⋯.jpg (212.48 KB, 1000x747, 1000:747, THANKSGIVING_TURKEY_7308.jpg)

File: acc9d05a28ffe7d⋯.jpg (123.77 KB, 1140x445, 228:89, 2014_armed_turkey_banner.jpg)

File: c1e65e4870db53e⋯.jpg (61.46 KB, 595x439, 595:439, Turkey_freedom3a.jpg)

File: 84fbfc294dd4dff⋯.jpg (39.95 KB, 474x402, 79:67, download_20201020_185943.jpg)


Just State It.

City-Dwellers will never know the simple joy of watching their Attack Turkeys dispatch and utterly destroy a sizable contingency of IRS Agents with quite relative ease.

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0f6cb4  No.349351


That picture is a deep-fake, created after the actual blast which completely obliterated Tonga island. Motherfucker the nuke could be seen from SATELLITE IMAGES.

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0f6cb4  No.349352


>Just State It.

Commies use food as a weapon. ALWAYS. Whenever they have trouble culling the population, they'll resort to starvation to get it done. So the people who have the means to get cheap-as-fuck eggs and fresh meat right on their property is a problem for them.

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2a2764  No.349353

File: 71a4e24174e8229⋯.jpg (287.58 KB, 720x1299, 240:433, Picsart_22_08_19_13_49_49_….jpg)

File: 46e5eb8bcc66469⋯.jpg (282.39 KB, 720x1276, 180:319, Picsart_22_08_19_13_51_12_….jpg)





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2a2764  No.349354


you can't tell me even ONE technical term used in creating deepfakes


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2a2764  No.349355


That's why your daughter has no respect for you.. because you're a fucking COWARD





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2a2764  No.349356


you're stupid as fuck

Because you think WE are stupider than you

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0f6cb4  No.349357


AND like I said

I did not write that!!!!

It was posted anonymously as a warning for what the WEF/Davos crowd have planned!!!!

And yes I believe they DO have it planned for the next manufactured crisis, whatever it is that may be….

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2a2764  No.349358

LOL @ "deep fake"

(obviously you don't know the difference between a deepfakes and a simple montage)



uneducated fool can't even research TERMINOLOGIES

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2a2764  No.349359







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2a2764  No.349363


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2a2764  No.349364

File: 94c698c3a804078⋯.jpg (58.8 KB, 768x506, 384:253, hunga_tonga_768x506.jpg)

File: 6470adbc60900b5⋯.jpg (42.96 KB, 636x280, 159:70, Picsart_22_08_19_14_00_56_….jpg)

File: 69715fb5ab74490⋯.jpg (77.83 KB, 635x392, 635:392, Picsart_22_08_19_14_01_26_….jpg)

you're a mental midget

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2a2764  No.349365


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2a2764  No.349366

I love you, dude….

But THIS ?……

this is why I have ZERO RESPECT FOR YOU

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2a2764  No.349367

Even a brain injured orangutan realizes when they've been caught red-handed

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2a2764  No.349368

But you keep changing your story back and forth, making it up as you go along…

You must have forgotten that you already admitted posting the stupid thing about the power grid

You can't even keep your lies straight anymore

And you're so stupid, you assume that we are even dumber than you

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2a2764  No.349370

When you admitted creating the stupid post about the power grid, you tried saving face by claiming you were just copying and pasting somebody else's words



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2a2764  No.349371



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2a2764  No.349372

(I noticed that you never mentioned anything about it being somebody else's theory.. you presented it with all of your sensationalized hyperbole and exaggerated attention seeking bullshit)

You worded it in a ridiculous exaggerated manner, as if you were privy to top secret information….

You never said anything like "maybe" or "possibly" or gave ANY indication that you might be wrong


you always pretend to be ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN


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2a2764  No.349373

EMERGENCY!!!!! NO MORE Power and Internet

(sensationalistic gossip garbage)

Hear this out, this is coming to you this month:

(March 2022)

("hear this out" is one of your famous catch phrases like "make no mistake")

(You cannot hide the true author of this article because your words are like fingerprints)

1. Power will only go off temporarily to share the shit out of us.

(You didn't say maybe… You didn't say possibly… You didn't say theoretically or hypothetically or anything like that,)

(you said IT WILL)

2. Internet will remain offline for a good while.

(you're an attention seeker, constantly compensating for your lack of relevance, desperately trying to appear as if people rely on you for news)

3. No social media, Netflix, forums and most games via consoles won't work.


4. Most people loose the little "social content" that they have.


5. Daddy government steps in and issues rationed access to internet, not rationed by bandwidth but my time and method.

("daddy government" is another one of your signature catchphrases)


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cc92f8  No.349374

File: e24558a2917b58d⋯.png (619.55 KB, 1324x666, 662:333, JN_We_Wee_Wee_Little_Man.png)

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2a2764  No.349375

….. And who could forget the great power grid shutdown of March 2022?…. Right?

We all remember it well….

That was right before the government stepped in and made everybody get an internet ID card,

Because they had no way of tracing anybody, so they had to come up with a technique to track people

An internet ID card

You are a genius

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2a2764  No.349376



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2a2764  No.349377



Proven wrong about the Tonga volcano, so suddenly yes every picture is a deep fake and every satellite image is also at false flag even though you don't know what a deep fake is

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cc92f8  No.349379

File: 576c5127fd5a283⋯.jpg (42.53 KB, 320x320, 1:1, communistutopia.jpg)

File: 163a03f3ab26e14⋯.jpg (146.05 KB, 926x982, 463:491, EYUCbJAXQAMSQga.jpg)

File: 5afe60331d56eec⋯.png (205.7 KB, 640x597, 640:597, tumblr_066e00464ea493f0fbc….png)


Look what Side (You)'re On, Bootlicker!

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8c6418  No.349380




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8c6418  No.349381

File: 965f56a05298a8c⋯.jpg (122.16 KB, 720x997, 720:997, Picsart_22_08_19_15_00_38_….jpg)



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8c6418  No.349382



again: I'm sorry your parents couldn't afford a Steinway Grand Piano in your living room, or an $18,000 guitar for your birthday


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8c6418  No.349383

File: 57afb92999f8a50⋯.jpg (190.7 KB, 926x982, 463:491, Picsart_22_08_19_15_11_19_….jpg)



you dropped out of school before you learned about geopolitics or world history

Because your family was broke and you needed to go get a menial labor grunt job

Just like your father and your grandfather before you

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80e237  No.349384

File: 7d67004f147eac0⋯.jpg (91.16 KB, 720x720, 1:1, Picsart_22_08_19_15_17_20_….jpg)

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80e237  No.349385

File: 73a90599e9a9869⋯.png (285.98 KB, 772x720, 193:180, Picsart_22_08_19_15_24_56_….png)

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80e237  No.349386

File: 1f9ad738430d772⋯.jpg (187.27 KB, 926x982, 463:491, Picsart_22_08_19_15_28_32_….jpg)

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2ff4b9  No.349387

File: 31f1b4cc704ac08⋯.mp4 (4.55 MB, 320x240, 4:3, Candida_albicans_Parrot_Le….mp4)

little andy got his ass handed to him on a colloidal silver platter today.

this video well describes his kind:



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80e237  No.349388


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80e237  No.349389

File: 5083e7979a0790c⋯.mp4 (9.77 MB, 560x360, 14:9, birds_arent_real_6449_00.mp4)

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fd5947  No.349405


(Do you have ANY idea exactly how ridiculous you looked when you suggested the photograph of the people watching the volcano was "a deepfake"?)

……. seriously, dude….

I'm asking you a serious question :

AGAIN : do you have ANY idea exactly how ridiculous you looked when you started fabricating bullshit details, elaborating on your preposterous suggestion that the photograph was a deep fake?

Number one.. the term deep fake does not apply, even if your stupid lies about photo retouch had any bearing in reality.. which they don't…

There are tons of news photographs, photographs of the news photographer taking pictures of the people who are taking pictures..

And you're so stupid, you thought there was only one picture, and you could pretend to have expertise in photo retouch…





You don't even know what a deep fake is

You actually think deep fake is just a generic term meaning photo retouch

So if you don't even know the difference between a deep fake, an augmented vector, a spline path, a bump map, or a fucking Ray Trace, then obviously you also don't have any expertise in simple photo retouch or photo realism for that matter…

Those photographs are not retouched

And they're certainly not deep fakes, because deep fake refers specifically to applying faces on to existing video…

It's just a picture of some lucky ass people, who happened to be at the right place at the right time

Watching the volcano blow…

While you sat there in Missouri, knowing nothing about fission, fusion or fissures

While those people got to stand there and watch a volcano blow up in the ocean, you were sitting there in front of your computer copying and pasting conspiracy theories about topics you don't understand.

You think the Russians would nuke a volcano?



And you seriously CANNOT laugh at yourself occasionally?


You seriously can't laugh at yourself?


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2a2764  No.349406

File: b6b17409afe026d⋯.mp4 (13.88 MB, 240x240, 1:1, ALL_THE_WAY_.mp4)

LYRICS (not added to this mix)

"Well it comes as no surprise…

She's only been with two guys so far

And neither one took her all the way"

"Yeah, she's Seventeen….

Diggin' Emo and The Scene, of course….

But that is fine 'cause I'm inclined

To take her…


Her first orgasm

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2a2764  No.349407

File: acc89c767633e39⋯.mp4 (6.57 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Nuked_a_VOLCANO_.mp4)

Her first orgasm

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2a2764  No.349408

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Her first orgasm happened when she heard Killcen say "the Tonga volcano was actually a RUSSIAN NUKE !!!"

Because stupidity turns her on

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2a2764  No.349409

By the way…..

If you can't dance?…..

you can't fuck……

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2a2764  No.349410


Another Friday Night ………

And Killcen is already drinking away his broken dreams….


Courage by the gallon

Every damn night

But still not enough courage to admit how stupid he looks when he refuses to admit he knows he's wrong

No reason to live at that point

If you look in the mirror, and do you see the reflection of a 73-year-old coward…. The reflection of a man who has paid his dues on this planet, and allegedly learned all life's lessons, but he's too afraid to admit when he's been caught red-handed….

When you look in the mirror, and you see the reflection of a coward…..

When you see the reflection of a man who's incapable of laughing at himself…..

You might as well drink yourself to death tonight

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2a2764  No.349411

If you clocked in 73 years of hard time on planet Earth, and you STILL haven't learned to laugh at yourself……

If you traveled a 73-year journey on this planet, and you haven't learned how to recognize when you've been busted…..

If your 73 year old reflection doesn't have the BALLS to man up……

Drink 3 gallons tonight

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2a2764  No.349412

PUTIN : "I've got a plan! I say we nuke a volcano in the Pacific Rim, and we make it look just like the volcano blew up!!!"

GEN. GERASIMOV : comrade, that is a genius master plan!! Everybody will think it's a volcano, but it's really one of our nukes, out in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, right in the middle of a volcano!!! BRILLIANT!!"

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2a2764  No.349413


- Andy McGovern

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