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File: 95a0fff0defccb3⋯.png (385.27 KB, 1080x2157, 360:719, BackgroundEraser_20220804_….png)

66464c  No.348868 [Last 50 Posts]

He's probably the least informed person I've ever seen in my entire life, which says a lot.

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66464c  No.348869

His daily existence consists of nothing more than trying to be perceived as being 'informed'


He's uninformed on everything, and always gets it wrong every single time

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66464c  No.348870

yesterday, Killcen said THE ENTIRE WORLD IS GOING TO STARVE TO DEATH IN 2023 !!!

because HE IS STUPID

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66464c  No.348871

…. he's SO stupid, that he didn't stop to realize how quickly he would be proved wrong with his idiotic claim that everybody was going to starve to death next year….

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66464c  No.348872



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66464c  No.348873


Chicken shit pussies, caught red-handed, yet too afraid to admit when they're busted

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66464c  No.348874

KILLCEN : the opposite of a man

JERRY : the exact opposite of a man

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66464c  No.348875

lol @ Jerry and killcen pretending that they are "badasses" who will participate in their imaginary "civil war" hahahahaha


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66464c  No.348876

ANY schoolchild could easily beat the fuck out of Jerry or Killcen..

a little kid would EASILY take their guns from their weak, frail hands, and use the butts of the weapons to crack their skulls open

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66464c  No.348877



patriots hahahahaha

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ee3e3f  No.348878

Poor Johnny Homo. Passing the time till AIDS takes his life.

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66464c  No.348881

File: ffcf035d8f578dd⋯.jpg (114.99 KB, 985x720, 197:144, Picsart_22_08_17_16_03_52_….jpg)



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66464c  No.348882

File: 05b601abeea1981⋯.jpg (116.85 KB, 996x720, 83:60, Picsart_22_08_17_16_04_59_….jpg)


Imagine if you actually had a talent

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66464c  No.348883

File: 80c39cea6fa3a9f⋯.jpg (169.58 KB, 975x720, 65:48, Picsart_22_08_17_16_06_39_….jpg)



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66464c  No.348884


I'd imagine your parents must be super proud that they raised a welfare recipient

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66464c  No.348885



And that way you can stop fabricating rationalizations trying to pretend that it's normal to be a welfare recipient NIGGER MOOCH

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66464c  No.348886



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66464c  No.348887





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66464c  No.348888






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66464c  No.348889


Just tell me which field of talent you want to excel in, AND I'LL TEACH YOU HOW TO HAVE TALENT

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ee3e3f  No.348890

Johnny Homo is a mess. A simple message gets his AIDS flaring up. AIDS is a terrible disease, just look at Johnny. Don't be like Johnny Homo. Stay away from the gay, and you'll stay away from AIDS.

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66464c  No.348891



The opposite of your existence

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66464c  No.348892



(which is exactly why you have to mooch on other people for your survival)

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66464c  No.348893



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66464c  No.348894


Poor little unemployed welfare mooch

Born without a drop of talent

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66464c  No.348895


exactly HOW LONG do you intend on being a burden?

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ee3e3f  No.348896

Poor Johnny Homo is having a breakdown. AIDS and meth have deprived him of his immune system, and he's now shouting at invisible enemies. Sad. Many such cases.

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66464c  No.348897


The culmination of your existence some of the grand crescendo of your success = WELFARE RECIPIENT

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66464c  No.348898


After they send you for the psychiatric evaluation, you're not going to be released until you are deemed stable

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66464c  No.348900


In other words,5 years

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66464c  No.348902


by the way, your mother was a prostitute

100% true

Not just a scumbag

Not just a drug addict

Not just a terrible mother…..


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ee3e3f  No.348903

A bad case of TDS mixed in with the fact that you can't trial the Kyle, REALLY did a number on what remained of his mind. Perhaps he'll smoke some more meth and beat his current beard in an attempt to fix things. Shame it never works. Ladies, stay away from gay men like Johnny Homo, as they might fag-fuck you.

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66464c  No.348905


How's your SSI WELFARE thing working out, BUM?

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66464c  No.348908


If I'm not mistaken, today you earned $24 in welfare benefits…

Or is it $23?

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ee3e3f  No.348909

Meth is a hell of a drug apparently, but so is AZT. Johnny Homo is on some serious meds in an attempt to control his AIDS. It doesn't work though, and his current mental state is the result.

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66464c  No.348910


(You can't even afford an internet bill)

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66464c  No.348911


I know, I know.. you're going to tell me you make more than $24 a day in your welfare benefits


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7d4cf1  No.348912

8/17/22 Part 1

More economic sabotage hits the US as fresh water mains burst in Detroit metropolitan area, 130,000+ without fresh water: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11115097/More-130K-Detroit-residents-without-fresh-water-MONTH-main-break.html

WATER WARS are about to erupt in America as dwindling supplies lead to legal clashes among Western States: https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-08-16-water-wars-about-to-erupt-in-america.html

Sri Lanka is ground zero for the UN’s war on fertilizer, communist despots want to starve the entire planet: https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-08-16-sri-lanka-ground-zero-un-war-fertilizer.html

German government tells German citizens to freeze to death peacefully during the winter or be labeled terrorists: https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-08-16-germany-citizens-dont-enjoy-freezing-winter-extremists.html

The US Army is expected to fall nearly 40,000 troops short of its recruiting goals over the next two years. Only 23 percent of American youth are qualified to serve without waiver - noting obesity, drug addiction, medical, and behavioral health are the top disqualifiers for service. In the past the US Army targeted a specific demographic of people based on their values, and these recruits were patriots and loved America. Today the US Army happily encourages mandated vaccines, backs transgender subversion of the youth and speaks out in opposition to the Supreme Court of the United States — all of which is very unpatriotic. We now have a Department of Defense that has taken various political positions that are very much opposed to the heart of America and traditional military protocol. Much of America is missing the fact that the US Army is intentionally kicking people out in a precarious way that it knows is unnecessary because the data shows that it’s unnecessary. Military leadership needs to take action for the good of the America people and put an end to this sad state of affairs: https://www.theepochtimes.com/woke-military-policies-to-blame-for-recruitment-crisis-servicemembers-say_4664277.html

FLASHBACK! West Point graduates sign letter challenging corrupt leadership of US military academy: https://justthenews.com/government/security/west-point-graduates-sign-letter-challenging-leadership-military-academy

▲ MY COMMENT: Easy problem to fix as talked about before but they won't listen and they'll continue to have problems until they get rid of their rabid leftist "woke" propaganda, remove the clot shot mandates and stop the endless wars. Until then no one in their right mind is joining that kind of subverted corrupted military or putting their lives at risk to maintain it. Trust the corrupt run out of luck!

Ukraine has the right to use weapons provided by Western partners to protect its territorial integrity including in Crimea, according to the leaders of Germany and Sweden at a joint press conference in Stockholm on August 16. “The unity shown by European countries in response to this war has been important and impressive. We very quickly decided on sanctions against Russia, unprecedented in their scope and size,” said Andersson. “Both our countries and other European nations made historic decisions, such as electing to send military support to Ukraine and bolstering our own defenses,” added Sweden’s top politician: https://www.kyivpost.com/russias-war/ukraine-has-the-right-to-use-weapons-to-retake-crimea-leaders-of-germany-sweden.html

Russian President Putin addressing the Tenth Moscow Conference on International Security: “Western globalist elites are provoking chaos by rekindling old and inciting new conflicts, implementing a policy of so-called containment, while in fact undermining any alternative, sovereign paths of development. Thus, they are desperately trying to preserve the hegemony and power that are slipping out of their grasp, trying to keep countries and peoples in the grip of a neo-colonial order. Any means are used. The United States and its vassals rudely interfere in the internal affairs of sovereign states by organizing provocations, coup d'état and civil wars. Threats, blackmail and pressure are resorted to in a bid to force independent states to submit to their will.” https://sputniknews.com/20220816/putin-collective-west-purposely-destroying-european-security-system-nato-moving-east-1099639271.html

Putin accuses the US of trying to prolong war in Ukraine, claims he is trying to prevent govt-genocide of people of Donbass: https://www.rt.com/russia/560918-putin-ukraine-us-conflict/

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ee3e3f  No.348913

Perhaps he'll get on some opioids in an attempt to ease the pain of being Johnny Homo, but it's all in vain, like a "sex change", he can't stop smoking meth and flipping out.

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66464c  No.348914


It's only $24…..


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7d4cf1  No.348915


8/17/22 Part 2

Russia's Defense Ministry on Tuesday confirmed a rare act of what appears to be a Ukrainian sabotage operation in Crimea. This after video emerged online showing a series of explosions after a fire engulfed a munitions depot there: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/new-arms-depot-blast-crimea-act-sabotage-kremlin-admits

Explosions at key Russian positions in occupied Crimea on Tuesday were "likely part of a coherent Ukrainian counteroffensive to regain control of the west bank of the Dnipro River," according to the US think-tank the Institute for the Study of War (ISW). Meanwhile, British defence intelligence said that "Russian commanders will highly likely be increasingly concerned with the apparent deterioration in security across Crimea, which functions as a rear base area for the occupation". Detonations at an ammunition depot near Dzhankoi were continuing on Wednesday following the previous day's explosions and fires that Russia acknowledged were an act of sabotage: https://www.euronews.com/2022/08/17/ukraine-war-likely-kyiv-counterattack-in-crimea-kerch-bridge-threat-zaporizhzhia-condition

Russian military set up checkpoints to the Kerch bridge after the explosions in Crimea: https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2022/08/17/7363694/

French Mercenaries Under Fire On Ukrainian Front Lines: https://s1.cdnstatic.space/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/french_Ukraine.mp4

The Armed Forces of Ukraine shelled the town of Popasnaya which came under control of the Donetsk People’s Republic. The target of the attack were the headquarters of the Wagner PMC: https://southfront.org/hunt-for-prigozhin-ukrainian-forces-destroyed-headquarters-of-wagner-group-in-popasnaya-photos-video/

On Tuesday, the Russian army launched a missile attack on a military airfield in Zhytomyr region. As a result of the hit, reports state that a runway and several units of automotive equipment were damaged: https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2022/08/16/7363562/

On Wednesday, August 17, Ukraine’s Ministry of Defence published updated figures of combat losses inflicted on Russian forces since the beginning of the war, including the destruction of more Russian APCs. In the updated Russian combat losses, Ukraine’s MoD announced that a further 10 Russian Armoured Personnel Carriers (APCs) had been destroyed by Ukrainian forces on Tuesday, August 16. This takes the number of Russian tanks lost in Ukraine to 4,162: https://euroweeklynews.com/2022/08/17/russian-apcs-destroyed-ukraine-combat-losses-4/

The Russian military will receive state-of-the-art Sarmat intercontinental ballistic missiles, which, according to the manufacturer, can pierce through any existing air defense: https://www.rt.com/russia/560948-russian-military-uninterceptable-intercontinental-missile/

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66464c  No.348916



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ee3e3f  No.348917

It would take a massive dose of opioids to calm him down, and such an amount would be quite the chore to find. Johnny Homo is out of luck.

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66464c  No.348918


How does it feel to be the stupidest adult you've ever met?

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7d4cf1  No.348919

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ee3e3f  No.348920

Such a pattern of drug and anal abuse leads to characters like Johnny Homo. What will his gravestone read?

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7d4cf1  No.348921


Major Brands Quietly Slipping Bugs Into Food Products

Major companies are quietly adding insects to their food products, implementing a goal established by the World Economic Forum that seeks to have humans eat bugs as one of its purported keys to a "sustainable" planet. The end objective is to weaken consumers and make us more dependent on their medical monopolies as they pick and choose who to cull.

On Sunday, carnivore diet guru Dr. Shawn Baker tweeted a photo of a bag of cheddar cheese puffs, only instead of being made of corn meal these snack foods were chock-full of insect protein.

The snack item from Canadian brand Actually Foods states the puffs are “powered by crickets” to the tune of 10 grams of protein per serving.

The ingredients label on the back of the bag indicates “organic cricket flour” was used in the puffs’ production, and an allergy warning on the back of the bag also cautions, “People who are allergic to shellfish may also be allergic to crickets.”

Further investigation into Actually Foods’ parent company Entomo Farms shows it’s on a mission “to make cricket-based foods the first choice for individuals interested in high-quality, sustainable protein,” and they actually produce whole roasted crickets in a variety of flavors, in addition to cricket protein powder.

While the prospect of a sustainable future seems like a noble endeavor, the notion falls in line with the globalist World Economic Forum’s goal seeking to one day rid humans of nutrient-dense meat proteins and shift them onto insect and plant-based diets.

MY COMMENT: Support your local farmers markets, make contacts and exchange info (business cards would do), buy from your local farmers around the area, consider buying quarter or half cow from a trusted source (half cow lasts one couple 2 years, longer if rationed). Cost of half cow is around 1.5K + small meat processing fee from the local processing plant. You'll need a box freezer to store most of it and your regular freezer to store the rest. Or you could go with two box freezers and have more freezer space to spare, either way.

Also, always look at the back of the ingredients of food when you do go shopping! Anything that is slipping bug protein into the food should be documented for boycotts, start making a corporate blacklist for brands. Note the brands that are doing this, make notes and better yet, start telling people about it or putting up warning signs at the stores of the brands that include bug ingredients. The good news is we can still support companies that DO MAKE REAL FOOD, as well local farmer markets. The bad news is these communist WEF companies will still stay around even if bankrupted since they'll just get bailed out over and over by communist governments!

By the way, another good reason to be raising meat rabbits and chicken these days too, although feed is going up in price it still can save you money having your own fresh meat and eggs.


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66464c  No.348922




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66464c  No.348923



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ee3e3f  No.348924

Will he even be able to afford a gravestone? Perhaps he can try to con some shop owner out of money. Then again, his meth mind will let him down again and again. Kind of sad. Kinda.

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66464c  No.348925



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ee3e3f  No.348926

It IS a source of entertainment during these trying times. Meth-heads like Johnny Homo are amusing in limited doses, which are the complete opposite of his doses of meth, which are large.

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66464c  No.348927



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66464c  No.348928



YOU : "PLEASE help me please?"

HER : "I hate you, dad"

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ee3e3f  No.348929

If you wonder what his meth budget is, that's classified info, as it's part of a black budget program, along with his poppers and AZT. Johnny Homo is VERY dedicated to insanity at any cost.

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66464c  No.348930

Next week, I'm going to dig through my cloud storage and find the old screenshots of Jerry admitting he's on welfare benefits

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ee3e3f  No.348931

In the terminal stages of being an AIDS-infected homo, Johnny Homo demonstrates random insults against his invisible enemies. Give that homo some LSD and watch him fly!

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66464c  No.348932

IRONIC : both 'patriots' are UNEMPLOYED MOOCHES

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66464c  No.348933


You don't even have the balls to apologize to your poor daughter


And then when you hit rock bottom, YOU LITERALLY BEGGED HER TO LET YOU MOVE IN WITH HER

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ee3e3f  No.348934

His meth supply must be holding up so far, but how long can his heart hold out? Scientists are studying him, though they laugh at his life when they have drinks after the work day is done.

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66464c  No.348935


She must love having an uneducated, stupid as shit paranoid schizophrenic alcoholic MOOCH living on her sofa and destroying her marriage

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ee3e3f  No.348936

Doctors aren't supposed to talk about their work, but do you blame them when it's Johnny Homo? Of course not. Nobody does. A whiskey sour and a side of Johnny Homo stories makes you feel good about your own life.

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66464c  No.348937

you're stupid white trash

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ee3e3f  No.348938

Doctors are attempting to insert you insults into his mind for him to use against his invisible enemies, but he doesn't seem to make use of it. Perhaps his brain is too far gone.

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66464c  No.348939



Mike Pence says he "wants to participate in the Jan 6th hearings AND PROVE TRUMP LOST BY A LANDSLIDE"

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ee3e3f  No.348940

They're going to double his dose of AZT. I doubt it will help, but it might be good for a laught.

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66464c  No.348941


Q: which one was the HIGHLIGHT of your life?

-the shitty grunt work mill job

-mooching off your daughter

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66464c  No.348942


I can't believe you would have such little respect for your own daughter, that after destroying her childhood with your narcissistic selfish greed and alcoholism, THAT YOU WOULD HAVE THE NERVE TO BEG HER TO LET YOU SLEEP ON HER SOFA

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66464c  No.348943


Q : is there a correlation between you dropping out of school and never amounting to anything in your entire life?

(the gruntwork mill job was NOT an accomplishment)

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66464c  No.348944


Q : would you even be able to recognize somebody with class if you met them?

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66464c  No.348945


(the mill job was the equivalent of BECOMING A HUMAN WHEELBARROW)

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66464c  No.348946




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66464c  No.348947


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66464c  No.348948

KILLCEN : The Man who cannot differentiate between LOSE and LOOSE

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66464c  No.348950

KILLCEN : The Man who cannot differentiate between THEIR and THERE

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66464c  No.348951

KILLCEN : The Man who cannot differentiate between YOUR and YOU'RE

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66464c  No.348952

KILLCEN : The ILLITERATE high School dropout

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66464c  No.348953

KILLCEN : The Man who made a weird veiled threats against the FBI earlier this week

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66464c  No.348954

KILLCEN : The Man who is destroying his daughter's marriage by sleeping on her sofa, after destroying her entire childhood

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66464c  No.348955

KILLCEN : The Man who gives medical advice, but never graduated high school

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66464c  No.348956



I've decided to extend my punishment

Instead of just 365 days….


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66464c  No.348957




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66464c  No.348958

Unless you think you're man enough to stop me

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66464c  No.348959

Maybe you and Jerry could join forces and try to stop me

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66464c  No.348960

You're a fucking coward

Nothing more

Nothing less

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66464c  No.348961

You and Jerry are both two of the biggest cowards I've ever seen in my life

It's rare to cross paths with such a sniveling coward

but TWO of them ?

What a privilege

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a46f5e  No.348980


No Johnny, I am simply not going to waste my precious time in retirement reading hate-filled insults from image board losers. I'll come here to post some real news and bump some legit news threads, and maybe give the middle finger to glowies like yourself and then I'm off doing more important things with my time.

Now check this comment's timestamp, and carefully watch all the bumps play out in tune.

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66464c  No.349046


nope….. I was correct….

you're stupid

AND a coward

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5e46ee  No.349288

/killcen/ is what I call stupid/smart.

He has a good practical intelligence in being able to survive in a post modern apocalypse.

But he is a nut in search of a bolt in our present situation.

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1a7f7e  No.349292

8/19/22 Part 1

The West’s key achievements in confronting Russia—swiftly rallying in solidarity with Ukraine, hitting Moscow with crushing sanctions and supplying Kyiv with billions in armaments—may be at risk. Even as politicians reaffirm Western unity and pundits hail the impact of weapons sent to Ukraine, economic woes are poised to fracture that solidarity where it matters most—in the European Union. Paradoxically, the rising costs of war appear less sustainable for wealthy, democratic EU countries than they do for poor, isolated Russia. The bill is coming due, and Europeans are shocked at the privations they face to pay it: soaring energy costs, rationing, reduced aid for the poor, and looming recession. Disagreement over Ukraine aid triggered the recent collapse of Italy’s ruling coalition, a bad omen for other centrist European governments: https://nationalinterest.org/feature/western-unity-ukraine-fragile-and-russia-knows-it-204308

▲ MY COMMENT: Good article BUT I would like to note there are multiple reasons Russia did not collapse after being blocked from the Western SWIFT payment system that this article never bothered mentioning. This is worth mentioning because Western governments do not seem to fully comprehend this. #1 Both Russia and China have been preparing to break away from the US dollar global reserve currency since their "Holy Grail" oil-for-gold trade deal back in 2014, so they had nearly a decade to prepare in advance. #2 Russia never outsourced their manufacturing base or productive industry unlike many Western countries, so Russia has resources and industry to fall back on when things get tough for them. Russia, unlike the West today, also protects their strong agricultural base: they even give food producers lucrative tax cuts and incentives to produce as much food for their population as possible so Russians won't go hungry during an economic crisis! #3 Russia exploited globalism and globalist corruption for sure - but Putin never allowed serious threats to their national sovereignty to manifest (the reason people like (((George Soros))) and his NGOs have been banned from Russia, and the very reason they won't allow certain people into political power knowing full well too much corruption can kill nations as they witnessed during the Soviet Union and it's collapse). Economic preparation with other nations like China, the protection of domestic industry and agriculture, and the ability to determine what kind of corruption needs to be stomped out for national security reasons is why Russia is surviving this crisis.

Russia proposes new precious metals market to compete with RIGGED bullion market in London: https://www.sott.net/article/471102-Russia-proposes-new-precious-metals-market-to-compete-with-RIGGED-bullion-market-in-London-analyst

China ramps up gold buying, doubles imports from Switzerland: https://www.sott.net/article/471153-China-ramps-up-gold-buying-doubles-imports-from-Switzerland

Chinese yuan leaves US dollar behind on Moscow Exchange: https://english.pravda.ru/news/russia/153666-yuan_dollar/

RED ALERTUS Corporations Have Been Canceling BILLIONS OF DOLLARS Worth Of Inventory Orders, Including Walmart: https://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/en/news-page/world/strange-corporate-decisions-this-week

Germany preparing for Martial Law on verge of economic collapse (while political leadership blames conspiracy theorists of-course): https://www.sott.net/article/471177-German-security-official-warns-enemies-of-the-state-regions-already-receiving-TANKS-in-case-it-comes-to-the-worst

Prime Minister Viktor Orban says he doesn’t believe the West can win militarily in Ukraine and argues that sanctions are failing. The Hungarian leader argued that the West is incapable of winning the conflict militarily, and that the sanctions it has imposed on Moscow have failed to destabilize Russia. To make matters worse, the punitive measures have spectacularly backfired on the EU: https://www.rt.com/news/561108-orban-ukraine-conflict-end-western-hegemony/

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1a7f7e  No.349293


8/19/22 Part 2

Russia is a responsible nuclear power and will only use its nuclear arms if attacked with weapons of mass destruction or if its existence is under threat, a spokesman for the country’s foreign ministry has said. According to Russia’s official nuclear posture, “the use of the nuclear arsenal is possible only in response to an attack as a self-defense measure and in extreme circumstances,” the deputy press secretary of the ministry said during a daily briefing on Thursday: https://www.theburningplatform.com/2022/08/19/russia-will-use-nukes/

Russian Air defense systems have been activated in the city of Kerch, in the vicinity of the Crimean Bridge, an adviser to Crimea’s governor said on Thursday evening: https://www.rt.com/russia/561117-crimea-air-defense/

Russia’s defense ministry said on Thursday that the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant in southern Ukraine may be shut down if Ukrainian forces continue shelling the facility, something Kyiv has denied doing: https://english.alarabiya.net/News/world/2022/08/18/Russia-says-it-may-shut-down-Zaporizhzhia-nuclear-plant-if-shelling-continues

More than 90 mercenaries have been killed in a high-precision strike on the city of Kharkov, Moscow claims: https://www.rt.com/news/561074-ukraine-foreign-fighters-kharkov/

Ukrainian anti-aircraft gunners destroyed five UAVs and one Ka-52 in the Donetsk and Zaporizhzhia directions: https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3553940-ukrainian-antiaircraft-gunners-down-five-uavs-one-ka52-in-past-four-days.html

The battles are ongoing in several directions on Donetsk axis. There are no changes in Volyn, Polissya, and Siversky directions. The village of Pavlivka, Sumy region, shelled with artillery. Russian invaders launched strikes from aircraft and helicopters near Yavirske, Staryi Saltiv, Lebyazhe, and Zalyman: https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3553572-battles-ongoing-in-avdiivka-bakhmut-directions.html

On August 17, Russian-led forces took control of the village of Vershina. The gains were confirmed by the Headquarters of Territorial Defence of the Donetsk People’s Republic: https://southfront.org/russian-troops-took-control-of-vershina-near-bakhmut/

The warring sides continue fighting in Ukraine. There is a slow advance of the Russian army on the eastern outskirts of the city of Soledar. Units of the 6th Cossack Regiment of the Luhansk People’s Militia are fighting in the areas near the Knauf plant, weakening the enemy’s defenses. They reportedly managed to take two fortified strongholds of the Armed Forces of Ukraine: https://southfront.org/blood-spilling-in-ukrainian-steppe/

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9da9d5  No.349299


well said.

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4cefd1  No.349319

File: a34f76ecb99d123⋯.jpg (74.09 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, 2.jpg)


















Wasted Quads.


















































(You) Seem ''Obsessed & Deranged.


> '''Mail-in ballots are NOT a problem

Hopelessly Uninformed.

At Least Try to "Inform" (You)rself!

You may consider this to be a somewhat balanced viewpoint...


Or maybe this:


You seem like a Leddit Discussion kinda guy. At least you'd be having a "dicussion", rather than berating, belittling and angrily ranting non-stop about how your position is morally superior, while still being absolutely closed to any interpretations other than the ones that were contrived for you by those who control mobs like the ones you worship; Secular "RELIGIOUS" Ideologies that you have chosen to spread with all the vehemence and hatred at your disposal.

You Were Warned."We, the People" NEED to Trust the Process.


Maybe you prefer a different slant...


> Let me assure you, widespread voting by mail is undeniably a problem, despite having been largely ignored by the national news media. When they do touch upon it, it’s typically not to report on the facts, but rather to mock Americans’ fears surrounding it or to deflect with a focus on semantics.

> But while national news makes a conscious decision to bury incidents of mail ballot issues and fraud, local news stories have been emerging across the country that tell an entirely different story — the true story. Each lost ballot deprives an American voter of their civil right, and to deny that this is a problem is tantamount to the same reported instances of voter suppression that so easily makes headlines. 

In other words, it is a form of "Voter Suppression" to constantly suggest that nobody has a right to question the established narrative surrounding any aspects of an election; especially a hotly contested one. You have been charged on this crime morally already and have been judged GUILTY by a jury of your peers.

< Just Imagine How Johnny Feels, Suddenly Realizing That 8kun /pnd/tards Are His "PEERS"!


There used to be Essays and Websites devoted to the subject, easy to find, but the powers-that-be have scrubbed most of that. Still, one can learn much by seeing the thought-processes that went into establishing other, more reliable, quick, and rarely contested election systems like that of France.

France Long Ago Made An Informed Decision That Mass-Mail-In-Voting Was Ripe For Fraud of EVERY Kind; And They Instead Opted For a System That EVERYBODY Can Trust — and They DO.We Should Do That Too. I mean, if we actually give a fuck about Democracy, which I already KNOW that Johnny, and his ilk on the 'Woke' Left, DO NOT.

> Washington State ONLY does mail-in ballots

Hopelessly Uninformed, Completely Untrue, and Pretends that States With a Long History and Experience With Mass-Mail-In Voting Can Even Remotely Compare With COBBLED TOGETHER BULLSHIT AT THE LAST MINUTE, UNCONSTITUTIONALLY AND COMPLETELY ILLEGALLY, BY FIAT, SKIRTING STATE LEGISLATORS, PRETENDING AN "EMERGENCY"; TO, YES, "STEAL" AN ELECTION.

> And they had NO FRAUD

Hopelessly Uninformed.

> Neither did any other state

Hopelessly Uninformed.

==WOW. The Levels of (You)r UNInformation!

I hope (((You)))'re actually getting paid for all this diarrhea hate-spam!'

Coz (((You))) been payin'ME!


Rent Free.


> We've Had Well-Monitored Drop-Boxes For Years In WA State, With Representatives From Both Parties Witness to ENTIRE Chain-of-Custody.

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4cefd1  No.349325

File: 9367f501c049801⋯.png (311.71 KB, 696x350, 348:175, Commenting_Would_Be_Unprof….png)


Further Comment Would Be "Unprofessional".

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