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e9c1a4  No.347791

WHY Electric Vehicles are a pipe dream for Americans.

It seems no one ever talks about this thorny issue regardless government is trying to force Americans to change their habits and lifestyle, so I will! There are several common sense reasons and problems with trying to force all Americans to drive Electric Vehicles (EVs) rather than modern gas and diesel powered vehicles. I'm going to break down these details so it's simple to understand: #1 EVs are expensive and not everyone can simply afford one, and they have already been proven even more expensive to maintain. One simple battery often costs twice as much as the EV itself when it needs to be replaced! Many American families will never be able to afford maintaining them. #2 EVs take a long time to charge. In America this will cause a HUGE problem and in many cases angry public uproar. We are talking about a VAST spread out country with tons of sprawling suburbs, small towns and not to mention very well spread out rural communities! FACT: EVs do not have the infrastructure to be charged all across America. FACT: Many Americans need to commute longer distances in order to live their lives, and EVs do not have the ability to travel longer distances. That means forcing consumers to drive EVs would leave a whole lot of Americans STRANDED and cause a lot of unnecessary problems on a daily basis. This will cause massive public consumer backlash. 3 The wars we have been stirring over the world, including with Russia and China, are causing massive blowback for us and our supply chain! If Taiwan is ever taken by China, or Ukraine is ever taken by Russia, you can expect those supply chain shortages to get MUCH MUCH WORSE. In this scenario America will be vastly cut off of essential electronic goods due to chip shortages and that includes the chips to manufacture EVs! Furthermore China has just ended the "Climate Agreement" with America over Pelosi's stunt (not to mention dumping US Treasury holdings). I doubt the mainstream media informed America about this so go look it up, it's true.

FACT: It concerns me very much that almost half this country lives in a total pipe dream today. It concerns me very much that average Americans, not even the government or mainstream 'economists' on TV, have a fucking clue how the real economy actually works! It concerns me how so many politicians are absolutely ridiculously selfishly delusional today, in such a secluded pampered fashion! I'm saying this right now as an American, America cannot and will not sustain a real economy with such foolishness, hubris and arrogance! AND NO, I am not going to bother buying and driving an EV when I live 50+ miles away from the nearest Costco and Sams Club!

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e9c1a4  No.347793

File: 9bef19a60627104⋯.jpeg (525.42 KB, 27927.jpeg)


>3 The wars we have been stirring over the world, including with Russia and China, are causing massive blowback for us and our supply chain! If Taiwan is ever taken by China, or Ukraine is ever taken by Russia, you can expect those supply chain shortages to get MUCH MUCH WORSE.

Without Taiwanese trade there will be no EVs being manufactured for Americans for at least 10 years. But sadly most Americans will maintain their pipe dream even if it ends up killing them.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

018f43  No.347797


You always running your mouth about being forced to take vaccinations and forced to drive electric vehicles and forced to give up your guns by the government..


Nobody's forcing you into jack shit

You can ride a donkey as far as we're concerned

Nobody gives a fuck what you do, and nobody has any plan they are forcing on you, because nobody realizes you exist

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

018f43  No.347798


hahahahaha !!!

you're free to drive whatever piece of shit you can afford, which obviously isn't much..

Nobody gives a fuck if you walk or have to ride a donkey

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0a97c9  No.347799


Politicians have already slated a future ban on gas/diesel powered engines in Europe and many politicians here desire to do the same and are openly talking about doing so, which is WHY I'm saying it won't work here and, most importantly, WHY it cannot work here. But you didn't read any it because you can't debate it. Nor do you read any news related topic I bring up. Because you don't care about reality or what your government/politicians are doing.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

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