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657dbb  No.347757

$$$ New York City's Murdercare System $$$

Erin Maria Olzewski, the whistleblower nurse who made headlines last year documenting “fraud, negligence, and greed” that “led to unnecessary deaths” during the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic, sat down with LifeSiteNews during the Health & Freedom Conference to share her experience and reflections.

Olzewski (pronounced OL-CHEZ-SKEE), whose findings were first brought to light in a viral June video titled “Perspectives on the Pandemic: The (Undercover) Epicenter Nurse,” received a strong appreciative reception from the sold-out, 4,000-person event held at Rhema Bible College.

A native of Wisconsin, yet a current resident of the Tampa, Florida area, Olzewski, explained how she volunteered to temporarily work as a travel nurse in New York City telling LifeSite’s Rebekah Roberts, “we weren’t seeing a large influx of [COVID-19] patients” in Florida.

And, “lucky me,” she said with a smile and a touch of sarcasm:

“I did get assigned to Elmhurst Hospital [in Queens] which ended up being ‘the epicenter of the epicenter’” for reported COVID-19 fatalities.

“The very first day [at Elmhurst] I was shocked. It was something I’ve never seen before,” she said.

“Patients were alone in the rooms on ventilators [with] no family allowed in [to advocate for them]. People were just dying from gross negligence, medical malpractice, [and] mismanagement.”

“For me, that was really difficult to swallow. Everything made sense to me at that moment of why there were so many deaths in New York,” she said.

Following a good cry back in her hotel room, she eventually contacted an attorney in New York, secured a “pair of spyglasses” and began to document what she saw in the hospital.

“I recorded them murdering patients. I recorded just the complete and absolute disregard for human life,” she said.

She contrasted the treatments that they had provided in Florida to what was happening in New York.

“In Florida we treated our patients with hydroxychloroquine, zinc… sent them home and they were fine.”

In New York, “they were banning alternative treatments like hydroxychloroquine. The only thing they could do was to put people on ventilators.”


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657dbb  No.347765



Every adult in America should have the right to choose what kind of healthcare, treatment, surgery or medical procedure they desire with privacy protected by patient-doctor confidentiality (HIPAA laws). When you take that away from them it is a form of tyranny, it is medical tyranny. America is ripe with corruption and medical tyranny today. If it's not fixed then someone else - at some point in your lifetime - may decide whether you live or die, or whether a family member of yours gets treated for a disease correctly or not. Does America like playing with this kind of fire?

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72c01a  No.347772

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dee0e6  No.347790


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bf319c  No.347800

Constant reminder commies want you dead.

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fa291b  No.347834


>may decide

*will decide

ftfy. (and it's been going on like that for decades)

https://www.patient-safety.com < —- every page like your life depended on it. because it does.

the covid hoax is the latest chapter, the newest tool in the arsenal of tyranny. the medical profession itself has been gripped by tyranny.

"There is utterly unfounded public hysteria driven by the media and politicians. It's outrageous. This (COVID-19) is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on an unsuspecting public. There is absolutely nothing that can be done to contain this virus. Other than protecting older, more vulnerable people. It should be thought of as nothing more than a bad flu season."

–Dr. Roger Hodkinson is the former Chairman of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons committee in Ottawa, Canada

until we see a substantial cadre of courageous medical professionals and scientists willing to stand up and render second opinion and call bullshit on bullshit we'll continue to witness the medical establishment polishing the outside of it's cup and image and hiding the bad actors in their midst.

"Doctors do not have the courage to stand up for their patients because they have lost their independence; they are simply civil servants; they have sold their souls for a fat salary, short working hours and membership of a wonderful pension scheme. They are so beholden to their employers that they dare not even stand up to bullying, they dare not even speak out when they see things happening which they know, in their hearts, are wrong. Their spirits have curdled. Medicine today has become rigid, like other forms of science, and original thinking is as unacceptable today as it was in the days when Semmelweiss was vilified."

–Dr. Vernon Coleman in his 2014 book "Anyone Who Tells You Vaccines Are Safe And Effective Is Lying. Here's The Proof"

the state granteth license to practice. the state can take it away.

membership in this club and the "wonderful pension scheme" and all the perks and financial advantages along the way is dependent upon conformity to the "official" narratives. to stand up and call bullshit on bullshit could cost anyone of them their livelihoods if not their lives.


chilling effects.

as easily as they'll penalize the truckers and their supporters in ottawa, they'll just as easily penalize any doctor or scientist who dares to disrupt the medical profession with a ridiculous notion called "the truth".

caveat emptor. choose your healthcare provider wisely.

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