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20c608  No.347707

In yet another cynical performative act aimed at those of lesser intellect, RhonDa Santis on Thursday suspended a Tampa-area elected state attorney who recently became the only prosecutor in Florida to sign a pledge that he would not prosecute people under the state’s newly enacted abortion law.

. The governor raised Warren’s objection to prosecuting people under Florida’s newly enacted 15-week abortion ban, which doesn’t provide exceptions for rape and incest, as well as Warren signaling he supported gender-affirming treatments for trans minors, which DeSantis has condemned.



theonelib donttiktokitself

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0be7fd  No.347708


Gawd you are stupid, even for a Canuck.

We'll let you know when your opinion matters.

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0be7fd  No.347709


Gawd you are stupid, even for a Canuck.

We'll let you know when your opinion matters.

Go suck some more Soros cock.

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20c608  No.347726


Gov dont got right to make me wear a mask

gov dont got right to make me get vaxxed

gov dont got right to take muh guns

gov do got right to tell a womyn what to do with her body

N'yuck, N'yuck


theleaf dontrakeitself

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307914  No.347743


It is indeed sad that both the left and right have to bicker over "my body my choice" issues, when they should team together and make abortion, vaccines, masks and the right to medical choice all completely voluntary and Constitutionally protected.

Since America is no longer smart enough to come to an agreement and compromise anymore, I guess you'll have to decide which State and jurisdiction is better for you to live in, that is, if you can afford to move anymore.

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5facae  No.347761

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

We're burning with the stars

We shine so bright

Like Jupiter and Mars

We own the night

Keep running with the fires

This time is ours

We're dancing through the clouds

We own the night

Something in the air makes me feel so good tonight

Release the energy and take it for a ride

Make it to a run speed, pushing it to the edge

I am supernova and tonight I wanna forget!

If it feels good do it

Wanna fall off and do it

Put your body into it

We own the night, night, night

We're burning with the stars

We shine so bright

Like Jupiter and Mars

We own the night

Keep running with the fires

This time is ours

We're destined through the clouds

We own the night

If it feels good do it

On the floor do it

Put your body into it

We own the night, night, night

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e05903  No.347763


The difference between Florida and States like New York…. in New York a woman can have an abortion successfully and legally…. in Florida you can catch the flu, or "covid", and make it out of a hospital alive. BUT you cannot do those both in both states.


Constitutional healthcare freedom amendment debate when?

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e05903  No.347764


Every adult in America should have the right to choose what kind of healthcare, treatment, surgery or medical procedure they desire with privacy protected by patient-doctor confidentiality (HIPAA laws). When you take that away from them it is a form of tyranny, it is medical tyranny. America is ripe with corruption and medical tyranny today. If it's not fixed then someone else - at some point in your lifetime - may decide whether you live or die, or whether a family member of yours gets treated for a disease correctly or not. Does America like playing with this kind of fire?

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5facae  No.347781

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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20c608  No.347913


>Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration or any sane human.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

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