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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

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612efd  No.347375

Ms Pelosi, the most senior US politician in 25 years to visit the island China claims as its own, of "playing with fire".

Madame Pelosi was overheard saying that this would take some of the heat off Russia, and that ChyyyNa was our real enemy, just like her secret pal, Tucker says.

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331a39  No.347377

I don't believe Nancy is ugly like that one in the pic. She's a beauty queen!!!

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976de4  No.347379


I enjoy how you come here and post lies and honestly believe in your tiny little austistic heart that anyone is actually going to believe you.

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612efd  No.347427


It's all true, lad!

Nancy & Tucker is besties!

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86628f  No.347640

the chinky dinky rice farmers got cucked by an old hag lmao

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