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3542c0  No.346619

Many Godlike Books Are Waiting For You To Obtain, To Discover




This world are lack of creative creators !

Knowledge, wisdom, information are the greatest tool to teach, help, educate others.

I have a special talent and ability that can write any book for any purpose to help the people.

But from my personal experience of this society, the corruption level are too high.

So I can only write, publish new book if I see real demand/desire from any entity.

Here are the list of book I can write:

– Become your own doctor and never be sick again (Personal Health).

– Unlock human unlimited power to become world champion (Health, Sport).

– How to become your own boss and never worry about job, money (Job, Education).

– Living with common sense and harmony with nature (Health, Earth Planet).

– The truth meaning of money and how to control master money in real life (Finance).

– How you can live to 1000 years if not immortal (Secret Human Body, Health).

– The secret of the matrix system and how to defeat it (Life, Universe).

– Understanding every jobs and the society system you are living in (Life).

– The secret purpose of religions and Gods, Deities (Education, Knowledge).

Well, above are just some small examples out of endless books I can create that will greatly benefit humanity and society.

My feeling are terrible and not well since lack of connection from this society so I can only write the book and publish to the world if there is real demand from any people/entities/beings/groups.

If any of you want to obtain any books for whatever reason, please contact with me as soon as possible (not free though).

Because this offer is only last for the next 20 days (will off in August 20th 2022).

I can also craft any new unique information, write any book for any purpose/objective by just open the secret Universal channel on my mind.

Feel free to talk, contact me at any time.

The contact communication methods can be found in my website, social media channel.

Best Regard,

Mid Mess Fair




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69a958  No.346620

Are you going to the library today?

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69a958  No.346621

Your bond will be set by a judge on Monday morning, and since it's two charges, the bond will likely be $7,500

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69a958  No.346622

Basically, you'll need TEN SSI CHECKS to get out

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69a958  No.346623

I wouldn't do the library technique today

word to the wise

They know you've been going there

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69a958  No.346630

It's going to be hilarious when you get shipped back to that psych ward

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2a7264  No.346789


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