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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

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2ea31b  No.318043

I'm the white trash Ashtray, old and overlooked, forgotten on the back shelf of a Goodwill thrift store, all alone with nobody to talk to…

So I beg people to watch my videos, and it makes me feel as if I have friends somehow…

But I'm an old washed up poverty stricken ashtray, and nobody cares whether I live or die.

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2ea31b  No.318045

I'm completely worthless white trash

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5fffbe  No.318055

better than being around black trash in tha hood nigga…. any day

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9689ee  No.318070


Not really.. that's just rationalization on your part

It's actually lower than being a nigger because there's no excuse

Never amounted to a goddamn thing

But always yapping running your mouth about superiority

And the other 50% of the time you're yapping about how angry you are that you aren't in control

You can't have it both ways

Winners don't complain about being losers

By the time you're complaining about no longer being in control of the world, you're already realizing you were never in control of anything

Your parents were white trash

Your grandparents were white trash

Your great-grandparents were human garbage white trash

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9689ee  No.318071


Blue collar lower class peasant stock menial labor white trash

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9689ee  No.318072

And tooting your own horn has zero value whatsoever


Because nobody else will toot for them

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9689ee  No.318073

If you were worth a shit, you would have a long line of the beautiful women who backed you up

Even a moderately mediocre loser can get a woman to back him up and testify to his superiority

So if you claim to be above average, you should have at least two or three hot women claiming you are superior

But I don't see any women tooting your horn

I just see a lonely old fool

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9689ee  No.318074

I'm afraid 'claiming you are superior' simply doesn't cut it…

You're going to have to demonstrate some form of superiority, or get the fuck off my stage

There are plenty of people ready to audition

So show me something Superior


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