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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

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82ca53  No.307292

I need help with an issue regarding race mixing. A know black man actively taking white woman as an act of revenge to all white men.

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248c33  No.307524

happy to help-

its a free country and anybody can date anybody else they want. its none of your business so you should go ahead and fuck right off.

get off the internet, stop fucking around with your screen, go do something productive that will improve you personally and your own life.

try and develop enough appeal and interest that you might actually attract a guy or girl of your own choice and interest.

go out with them, have a good time, live your best life.

forget about all this faggot shit on the internet. its making you more retarded then tiktok.


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899f13  No.307526



since you can't get any pussy, and have zero experience with women, you fail to realize it's A WOMANS CHOICE, YOU DOUCHEBUCKET…

look at yourself in a mirror

see that reflection?…

THATS why she'd rather fuck a nigger

you pathetic fucking sack of shit

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899f13  No.307527


if he was capable of doing that, he would've already done it….

nope…. he's forever going to be mooching and blaming the world for his own fear-based self imposed failures…

the eternal victim

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ff36fc  No.307691


And why would I care about female race traitors?

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