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File: ef1cec0e2a5cb08⋯.jpg (89.57 KB, 622x586, 311:293, feds_.jpg)

3bc0df  No.304729 [Last 50 Posts]

This thread is intended to discuss grooming so as to raise awareness on individuals about grooming.

Here is what I can tell you about grooming:

1- It likely happens on Telegram

2- Fed/Glowie militias are likely involved on Telegram

3- Groomers likely groom people through edgy "alt-right" and "nazi" Telegram channels

4- Groomers likely target naive edgy delusional teenagers and mentally vulnerable individuals

General alerts I can give you:

1- If you see anyone impersonating an ISIS member, ISIS sympathizer, Taliban member, Taliban sympathizer, or anything like that e.g Osama Bin Laden sympathizer in an "alt-right" group, that person is likely a fed and or glowie

2- If you see anyone pretending to sympathize and or endorse illegal activities, that person is a potential glowie and or fed.

3- Beware of people that endorse Ted Kaczinsky or Ted Kaczinsky's ideas, they may be feds and or glowies. Feds and glowies endorse Ted Kaczinsky likely for hideous reasons. Ted Kaczinsky has reasonable ideas, but some appear to be deranged and fruit of a deranged mind. For example, he appears to mention how "technology" is bad and apparently he made whole texts revolving that premise, but "technology" is likely just a metaphor to how humans use technology. If that was the case, then the problem would not be with "technology" anymore but with humans and the way they use technology.

Also, Ted Kaczisnky was apparently a proponent of a primitive life without technology. It would make sense to glowies and feds to spread Ted Kaczinsky ideas because they could work as a sort of "demoralization" against dissidents, because dissidents would suppose that the way to win the Satanic globalism would be by stop fighting the Satanic globalism and isolating oneself from society and living as a recluse in the forests without any technology, while the Satanic globalism is fully armed with advanced technology

Also, Ted Kaczinsky's image is associated with committing crimes

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3bc0df  No.304730

4- Beware of edgy "alt-right" and "nazi" groups

5 - Beware of rascals that are too pushy towards making you do larking things and escapades


1- People should raise awareness on people about grooming


1- How to raise awareness on people about grooming?

2- How can grooming be prevented?

Knowing that groomers likely target naive edgy delusional teenagers and mentally vulnerable individuals, I what if

1- You create an account on social media where feds and glowies groom people

2- Create a persona for your account and stick to it

3- Act as if your persona is a naive edgy delusional teenager and or mentally ill e.g schizophrenic/autistic

4- Wait feds and glowies come to your private box so to attempt to groom you

5- Pretend you want to do the groomers biddings in the groomers private boxes only till the point it is legal to do so, when you actually don't want to do the groomers biddings, just for the sake of wasting their time

That would reduce the chances of people actually being groomed to commit crimes

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2daaaf  No.304750

File: b495396ec775983⋯.jpg (89.35 KB, 736x586, 368:293, 526a6a7c53c50e7d70d7f72217….jpg)



Dude! You don't have to make everything so complicated!

Just Shave!

Grooming "Poblem" Solved.

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2daaaf  No.304751

File: 48310afc1e60eed⋯.jpg (81.93 KB, 850x400, 17:8, quote_never_lose_hope_be_p….jpg)

File: 5a635b1d0ba7032⋯.png (279.19 KB, 800x425, 32:17, Ted_3.png)

File: e9838deb4e935cd⋯.png (346.27 KB, 800x600, 4:3, Ted_1.png)

File: dbddfb5e2323f79⋯.png (609.9 KB, 800x733, 800:733, Ted_2.png)

File: fdc138bd36840c8⋯.jpg (81.81 KB, 850x400, 17:8, Ted_4.jpg)



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2daaaf  No.304752

File: 741a298418ba34a⋯.jpg (67.34 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, Ted_5.jpg)

File: add2e94ea194a99⋯.jpg (95.18 KB, 600x350, 12:7, Ted_6.jpg)



We Get It. OP, just like those running our country, IS an EXTREME Leftist.

Don't be afraid to ditch your "Smart"phones! If you don't, it is YOU who will get "Groomed".

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1ba647  No.304825

File: b148cf999a48d39⋯.jpeg (21.98 KB, 474x355, 474:355, Linux_Beards.jpeg)


> Here is what I can tell you about grooming

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4e65e8  No.304833

File: 32aabd788ecf60a⋯.jpg (466.67 KB, 1983x1585, 1983:1585, Just_Here_for_the_Grooming.jpg)

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4b4be6  No.304834


so you're telling me that a DEMOCRAT IS IN THE WHITE HOUSE?

nothing gets past you, does it?

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4b4be6  No.304835


it's funny how I made you and 'Sketch' and PurpleFag go into hiding.

you never expected anyone would contact the two Amanda's, did you?

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4b4be6  No.304836


telltale improper grammar

your own unique identifier

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4b4be6  No.304837

by the way, I discovered a couple of your questionable porn videos

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4b4be6  No.304838


lol @ thinking Rusty Nutbucket Kaczynski was a 'profound genius'

if you read his garbage, it quickly becomes evident that he's more insane than Killcen, would have been a perfect candidate to fall for Ron Watkins bullshit Q fagshow

he's completely insane, to the point where he is actually stupid

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4b4be6  No.304839


you're basically all nipples, and no mounds, huh?

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4b4be6  No.304840


you're 31 or 32, according to your former friends who you began stalking..

so I guess it's fair to assume you're never going to sprout tits?

that's actually very cool.. tits suck

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4b4be6  No.304841


by the way, when was the last time somebody was completely honest with you, and told you that your lack of grammatical skills has created an ongoing scenario in which other people realize they'd have better luck trying to carry on a conversation with a spider monkey?

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4b4be6  No.304842

I'll give credit where it's due, and mention the fact that you HUNG IN THERE for a while…

you put on a brave face…. a lot of people would've simply run away…

then, after you felt you had showed your mettle, THATS when you ran and hid in /random/, hanging out with that Superman loser

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4e65e8  No.304843

File: 18195b5487cd649⋯.jpg (86.98 KB, 508x612, 127:153, Terrified_of_Getting_Groom….jpg)



Imagine being this Terrified of getting "Groomed".

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4b4be6  No.304844


imagine how many lifetimes it would take Sketch Pad to grow a beard…

it would take more than one, because he doesn't have the base root follicles

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4e65e8  No.304845

File: 60899afca2dcb09⋯.jpg (94.75 KB, 512x586, 256:293, Groom_Dat_Pussy.jpg)

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a84a8b  No.304846


the only thing I see in your attached photo are several well groomed, healthy, red blooded Americans, ex-military servicemen, who worked hard to reach their goals, and now protect America and it's citizenry… I'd enjoy hanging out with them and getting drunk…

YOU ?…… how's the SSI thing going? bathe lately?

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a84a8b  No.304847


I don't do pipes or bongs, and never a cigar leaf or even worse an artificial cigar 'wrap'…

I'm old-school slow-burning ZigZag….

this Moon Rock is (of course) SO resiny and oily that it's IMPOSSIBLE to manicure it into the appropriate texture for rolling…

andit goes without sayingthat it's SO STICKY, that your fingertips can't manicure it due to the last pieces being affixed so firmly, that a surgeon is required to remove them…

but … when rolled in a slow burning ZigZag…

it's like smoking a caramel candy

it's so greasy and slow

like caramel

a Doobie takes 2 days to finish

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a84a8b  No.304848

File: 564c5a48f7dcdd4⋯.jpg (1.36 MB, 2510x3346, 1255:1673, Picsart_22_06_02_12_52_24_….jpg)

we just took another 5 hits each off THIS…

a tiny Doobie we started smoking 2 days ago, and we've been stoned the entire time…

it burns so slow, that we can take 10 hits, and it's still the same length…

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a84a8b  No.304849


yeah…. It keeps hitting me :

"so OP thinks the photograph of alleged federal agents demonstrates something "negative" about them….

you seem to think the attached photograph bolsters your 'point', even thoughyou aren't even making a point

I'm not exactly sure wtf you're even talking about:

feds one minute, Ted Kaczynski the next minute, and the minute after that,you're pretending to be intelligentwith your absurd claim to "have special insight and experience spotting federal agents"

you're Sunday Nights half of a sandwich

forgotten in the fridge until thrown away this morning

you're nothing …

you've NEVER worked with a Special Field Agent.

you've NEVER spoken to one

never had a simple conversation

never assisted with information

never had them explain how they operate

you've never even MET ONE

your experience in the topic is non existent

your expertise is even less of a reality…

you've never had a job or contributed

that's why you only qualified for the

lowest bare minimum welfare benefits

if you had a job history, you would've qualified


but you've always been a user…


it's always been you who gets taken care of

by mommy…. by taxpayers….

you're a genius……… aren't you?

say it with me


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a84a8b  No.304850


one last external perspective you should hear:

-talks about delusional teens and 'mentally vulnerable individual's

-mentions believing in 'Satan' 3 times in one sentence

HINT: the reason you receive the SSI WELFARE is because you're a mentally vulnerable individual who doesn't have a fucking JOB

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9eb989  No.305122


Ashley, do you know which of the two Amandas I like best ?….

as in BESTIES 4EVER ?!!…

the hot one…..

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9eb989  No.305123


see, I think you and I got off on the wrong foot

I'm actually an EXTREMELY nice, affable fellow

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9eb989  No.305124

File: 608ff21814415a3⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1808x1808, 1:1, Picsart_22_06_02_23_54_33_….png)


but yeah….. the HOT Amanda is so badass…

I don't blame you for trying to fuck her

I'm sorry she shot you down, but that's life huh?

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9eb989  No.305125

File: 393ea326b1c9757⋯.png (276.51 KB, 735x735, 1:1, oh_I_see_you_meant_30_Nig_….png)


but she's a piece of ass, alright

you live in THE WORST fucking city in America

not joking … the most boring city in the USA

so it's rare to meet a hottie like Amanda

not the fat stupid Amanda

the hottie

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9eb989  No.305126

File: f5d35395c28108f⋯.mp4 (2.23 MB, 848x1256, 106:157, niggaskull_.mp4)

I'd LOVE to blow a few loads into that one

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9eb989  No.305127


next time you see her, tell her Neptune says "let's fuck"

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9eb989  No.305128

File: 2b08688e4b7f273⋯.png (350.16 KB, 960x716, 240:179, Picsart_22_06_03_02_56_46_….png)


no shit… tell her I said "come to Buckhead in Atlanta, and let's fuck all weekend long"

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9eb989  No.305129

File: 77500d5b648b4bd⋯.png (2.13 MB, 1396x1760, 349:440, Picsart_22_06_03_03_17_30_….png)

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4e65e8  No.305168

File: 3c8bcd9976e2348⋯.jpg (145.1 KB, 1024x629, 1024:629, PicsArt_06_03_08_07_59.jpg)

Out in bumfuxk nowhere, so haven't been on in awhile, but stealin' a stray signal because I want to talk more about grooming…

May not be able to maintain signal, but at least I have my priorities right!


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d0780c  No.305172


As I previously stated elsewhere:

How it actually works is declassified today due to previous leaks and court cases. Feds will set up online sting operations that are cloaked as some legitimate opposition, or sometimes outright extremist opposition, and they lure useful idiots and losers to join those groups. Then a couple of fed posers will join up and lure them into committing illegal activities. By the time they do stuff IRL, they are being heavily monitored and surveillanced. Then at the right time, BAM! The retards get their asses vanned and charged with felony crimes and end up in court, finally realizing and crying "but I was set up REEEEEEE!"

Sorry, but almost 90% of any online political/ideological group today, made up of losers who don't even know each other IRL, are at the very least infiltrated with feds trying to entrap people.

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d0780c  No.305173


What also must be understood is political bias within places like the FBI too. There is a larger amount of feds who tend to target conservatives or other right-leaning groups than there are feds who target liberals or left-leaning groups. Sure, psyop infiltrators are everywhere, but predominately the "right wingers" are much more commonly infiltrated and targeted for sting operations. This is due to political bias and conditioning within these agencies. This isn't the old days where the FBI would infiltrate rural communes full of hippies and potential outlaws anymore. Technology and politics have changed dramatically and so have their sting operation tactics.

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4e65e8  No.305175

File: 4742dd5c331eb16⋯.jpg (184.04 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, PicsArt_06_03_09_11_50.jpg)



Somehow I manage to live my life without fear of being talked into a school shooting by the FBI.

Some are not so lucky.

Some live their lives in fear.

Some even fear being "groomed".

There is not a zero percent chance that I could get set up by an Intel Agency; but there IS a ZERO Percent chance that I could get "Groomed" into some violent act against innocents.

It just can't happen, so it is not something I fear; unlike, evidently, OP.

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d0780c  No.305176


Ted Kaczinsky was correct about A LOT of his warnings and predictions, the problem is people like Kaczinsky were very wrong about how they responded to these threats against humanity and they end up being subjugated and imprisoned by the very system they are against. I think he was very clever, and sincere. But once he decided to break federal law he became a target for life, it's as simple as that. It doesn't matter if he hid in the woods of rural Montana when the feds were determined to imprison him or outright kill him. The minute he sent the first package he ended his ability to live a free man. No matter how correct and sincere his damning predictions for the future of humanity were.

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4e65e8  No.305177

File: 7967290e0a93ab4⋯.jpg (69.95 KB, 470x548, 235:274, PicsArt_06_03_09_36_18.jpg)


His methodology for effecting change was flawed, not to mention his assessment of family trust levels.

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d0780c  No.305178


When you know how they operate it is very easy to detect who glows and who does not. 99% of the battle is the knowledge of how they operate stings and "grooming" (if you call it that). 1% of the battle is keeping a cool head and never doing anything irrational no matter how angry you may be. Keep speaking truth and the truth will set you free.

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4e65e8  No.305179

File: 5140ffa4a1a093e⋯.jpg (64.91 KB, 470x548, 235:274, PicsArt_06_03_09_31_26.jpg)


Wise words.

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d0780c  No.305180


Having a family and long-term trusted friendships (IRL) is the best way to manage and maintain your life style and freedoms (as well inhering wealth). This is why they HATE the so-called "nuclear family" and desire to break up family and friendships via political division and subversion. If you don't have a family or long-term friends you can trust you are going to be easy pickings and prey.

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4e65e8  No.305181

File: 3abaa02861f793f⋯.jpg (71.82 KB, 470x548, 235:274, PicsArt_06_03_09_26_53.jpg)

File: d625980912d1a47⋯.jpg (89.76 KB, 600x815, 120:163, PicsArt_06_03_09_34_04.jpg)

File: aebc9107eb89092⋯.jpg (66.89 KB, 470x548, 235:274, PicsArt_06_03_09_29_06.jpg)


Never doing anything irrational…

Also not a zero percent chance of that.

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d0780c  No.305182

The only reason I am not a dead bankrupted alcoholic is because I HAVE A FAMILY who cares about me. I inherited wealth from my wife's side and I have kin who trusted me in my homesteading endeavors, enough to financially co-operate and help out. So many people today no longer have that option or those bonds, and so many are being subverted and thrown under the bus to the wolves today. Online predators feed on that shit and they smell it miles and miles away. That's why it is crucial today to be vigilant and know how your enemies operate.

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3bc0df  No.305335

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6f683e  No.305344

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Mr. Zelenskyy… Perhaps Putin is being dishonest for fear of the truth…



Mr. Zelenskyy… If a stranger came to you and said "destroy your religion and kill God…"

Mr. Zelenskyy… If a stranger came to you and said "sell me your mother as a sex slave for 30 peaces…"

Mr. Zelenskyy… If a stranger came to you and said "kill your sons and drink the blood…"

Mr. Zelenskyy… That stranger would be 'western' and mostly corrupt 'Americans…'


ukraine… you get what you fucking deserve…





you jus a dumb nigguh


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5a7b19  No.305349

File: fdc8cbe0776faee⋯.jpg (88.38 KB, 508x612, 127:153, PicsArt_06_04_08_29_52.jpg)


Shut up and accept the grooming.

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510de1  No.305352


>If that was the case, then the problem would not be with "technology" anymore but with humans and the way they use technology.

Sure. Ted Kaczinsky was simply warning people that technology is a double edged sword, it could be used for good but more likely it would end up being used for evil (technological dependence, surveillance and slavery), and he was right about that assumption. Albeit he became a terrorist who bombed innocent people so he became the very evil he was afraid of, but what he warned about was spot on if you pay attention to real news and events today.

>It would make sense to glowies and feds to spread Ted Kaczinsky ideas because they could work as a sort of "demoralization" against dissidents, because dissidents would suppose that the way to win the Satanic globalism would be by stop fighting the Satanic globalism and isolating oneself from society and living as a recluse in the forests without any technology, while the Satanic globalism is fully armed with advanced technology

I'm not against technology like Ted was myself but I still live rural and pretty tucked away. I figure I'll use whatever I am most comfortable with without having to go full tin-foil (older computers & laptops w/ older Windows and Linux operating systems: no mics or cams, Windows de-bloated and registry reverse engineered) plus VPN and Tor too. Flip phone without internet service. It's not like I'm much of a threat anyway and I figure I'll use what works best for me, isolate and de-compartmentalize internet activities to certain browsers and computers and that's enough to give any spook monitoring me a headache). But I can agree, use tech you are comfortable with, understand that technology is a double edged sword, everything electronic can be surveillance in some way or another (even from the electromagnetic spectrum if you were a hard target), yada yada. Just be aware there are sting operations out there and you need to be extra careful not to fall for one.

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6f683e  No.305364

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



When I take the children… I do so explicitly to assassinate the political leadership… WINK


"its rainin cats n dogs up in here" SCRATCH


A curse upon all those who-

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6f683e  No.305368

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Xi Jinping… Such display is extremely pleasing to the 'many eyes of heaven…'

Xi Jinping… To demonstrate balance beyond and above usury…

Xi Jinping… For an individual to willfully labor to 'pay his dues' reflects en equal to ones 'patience during hard time(s)…'

"Two rights shall make a blessed…" RING


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6f683e  No.305370

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



… You misunderstand thy blessing…

… 'Tis not by the permission of others that ye may sup with an ally…

… 'Tis for both Russia and Africa both to assert commerce betwixt each other…

… Is it not well and good beyond words to cooperate amongst each other?

… Is it not of 'higher powers' to 'focus the human potential' on the safety and means of conveyance?

… Such organization is truly the 'cure for revenge obligations…'

… Such… Is the 'higher path…'

… "That one may stumble upon a special place so beautiful that one forgets the walk along the winding road…" HAHAHAHAHA

… What for be the word 'attrition' if The untied bates is so powerful? That an American can use words to destroy entire worlds…

… Go forth into the darkness and know that there truly is no thing to feat with a little help from an ally… HAHAHAHAHA

… Now is the time for Africa and China and Russia to assert that the 'greater good' is truly a bit 'better than any bad…'

… Africa resisted the strange 'charms' of the demons within the UN… The demons who use possession to 'tell' and 'say' how a man should think and feel aside himself…

… Now is the time for Africa to 'say' for itself… To assert that Africa has a valid 'claim' and 'stake' in it's own future and culture and peoples and ways…


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6f683e  No.305372

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>Empire Earth

I shall continue to 'brandish' and 'flaunt…'













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b04994  No.317117

File: e658ee709aa8631⋯.jpg (206.47 KB, 1024x799, 1024:799, bank_run.jpg)

This link is intended to discuss grooming so as to raise awareness on individuals about certain types of grooming.


This link is also intended to discuss grooming so as to raise awareness on individuals about certain types of grooming.


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6559ca  No.317133

If talking about Uncle Ted makes someone a glowie, then 8kun is a glowie operation because they allow Uncle Ted discussions


So, no, i don't think 8kun is being run by glowies, as a matter of fact, anyone telling you current computer "technology" is good, is a globalist agent of a glowie himself.

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b04994  No.317136

File: 741a298418ba34a⋯.jpg (67.34 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, Ted_5.jpg)


Was somebody talking about Ted?

Or did you need practice learning to crosspost, and you need more practice?



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6559ca  No.317139


>3- Beware of people that endorse Ted Kaczinsky or Ted Kaczinsky's ideas

read the OP, moron.

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f03404  No.317144

File: fdc138bd36840c8⋯.jpg (81.81 KB, 850x400, 17:8, Ted_4.jpg)

File: dbddfb5e2323f79⋯.png (609.9 KB, 800x733, 800:733, Ted_2.png)

File: e9838deb4e935cd⋯.png (346.27 KB, 800x600, 4:3, Ted_1.png)

File: 5a635b1d0ba7032⋯.png (279.19 KB, 800x425, 32:17, Ted_3.png)

File: add2e94ea194a99⋯.jpg (95.18 KB, 600x350, 12:7, Ted_6.jpg)


Imagine reading the OP

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1d61e3  No.320768



Thats a deep thought really

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b9ec40  No.320965



Meh, it’s abuse.

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40cae4  No.321013



The enemy be walking closer to the plank!

be ye encouraged.


This be a Spiritual war.

The more ye pray, the more they HAVE TO be exposed!

Truly darkness into the light.

PRAY. PRAY. PRAY shipmates ye.

Operators busy.

WWG1WGA. Be ye Encouraged & Trust The Plan. The Back-Channel. The Ship.. Ye have it All.

As ye Were. Arrrrr!!!

Ps: The Plank Is Ready….

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f8d2e7  No.321248




It's as notable as it gets.

Boss let us know, as they were stealing it that he had people on it.

2000 Mules will be out next week and it will all make sense.

"Is there a benefit (think public optics) to allowing your enemy to open the FRONT DOOR?

'War-like' Posture Activated?

Thank you for playing.


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b51b54  No.321320

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fe87a7  No.321725


Look at the Monster cans 666

Marathon (not a sprint).

any codes with the numbers on the machine?

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fc2eb9  No.321875


where is the specific LAW stating the governance of the Nuremberg Code as an official US Statutory law under HHS? Section and number pls? That link is not user friendly for extensive navagation.

Anon can locate NO LAW with the words Nuremberg under 45 CFR (§§ 46.201 - 46.XXX) or anywhere else in US Code.


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8dec30  No.321951


yu wunt perm hirt with kebord and maus huh snukems?

Because Physical wounds Heal!


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15c6f3  No.321958


>we won


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89a8f0  No.322388

Eighteen Arrested on Federal Gun and Drug Charges as Part of a United States Marshals Service Led, Multi-Agency Operation


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17754e  No.322590


>Let's give women rights they said

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8c92c2  No.322614

Hey Satanic cult, by by your own warped dialectic inversion logic of how 'truths' are established: "SiNcE yOu DiD nOt DiSpRoVe tRuMp's dEtAiLeD sTaTeMeNt, yOu hAvE aDmiTtEd iT iS tRue!


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3f68e3  No.323433

God bless and protect Our chilldren.

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4c5c31  No.323611

What's this?

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1a951e  No.324199


>Nuke D'Cee

what a great name for a linebacker. should wear number 58.

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e4dd33  No.324434

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99e1c7  No.324438


… yeah yeah sun tzu blah blah. It's a screen. Wanna go for a trek through the bracken fern?

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c1b3d0  No.325019

Is Q+ seriously expecting us to vote in another rigged election? Seriously?

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686f65  No.325327



dahell going on over here?

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55dde8  No.326676


The 'Star Spangled Banner' like you've never heard it before

Famed poem calls America 'heav'n rescued land'

Bob Unruh By Bob Unruh

Published July 2, 2021 at 8:02pm


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a89154  No.326881

the wussy commie chrissy getting psucki slapped as he tries framing Americans as conservative

mormon blockers are really kicking in 0 transitioning

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234667  No.326939


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c486ae  No.327079


Interesting Walkway, under the Runway >>305176

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e7fef1  No.327465


full circle..man its been a long time…

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e3ac54  No.327482

Bill C-11 | Imminent Threat to Canadian Freedom of Speech


This is a call to action. Protect our Internet freedom. Stop Bill C-11.

The WEF agents running the federal government have reintroduced last year’s disastrous broadcasting bill (then known as C-10), re-branded as Bill C-11, or the “Online Streaming Act.”

Bill C-11 gives the CRTC the power to pick which content gets moved to the top of the search menu and which content gets pushed down where it will never be discovered. This is the power to manipulate the information we find when we search on line. That makes it a powerful tool to brainwash, deceive and manipulate us.

Here is Bill C-11 as presented by the federal government at its first reading in parliament Feb 2, 2022. Canadian defenders of our constitution and Charter of Rights and Freedoms describe Bill C-11 as “a significant and dangerous first step towards government control of the internet.”

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6d9f03  No.327647



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da9819  No.328075

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2753f3  No.328377

It's the Cannanites…

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fe2fab  No.328519


Are you?

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485b3e  No.328821




So now this entire site is basically like the /nobody/ threads on 4/x/

That's sad.

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938184  No.329373

Is it me or do these guys resemble some of those back of the uhaul dudes?

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58f672  No.330512


>Calm before the storm

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508950  No.330605


>Where is the cat?

Using Flex Tape to shut that bitch up.

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886736  No.330771


And this is bad for republicans………………..how?

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89e13c  No.330874


Tomorrow the Supreme Court is cutting the money out from under the EPA, in West Virginia vs the EPA

The decision could end our taxpayer money being spent on the fake global warming agenda in the USA

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4df00e  No.331662


Uh, sir …

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fde96e  No.331828


why didnt you provide one instead of whining?

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e3f6a7  No.332230


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409f0c  No.332265


Tony Blair?

Turns into a gargoyle when the taps are turned off

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b0296f  No.332370


feel free

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1471e6  No.332413

Potus looks fantastic, young and healthy. Florida is doing him well and he's in good hands.

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1127f2  No.332422


I met Rosa Parks in 1991, she freely told my elementary school auditorium that she was put up to her stunt.

She did this again and again and then her handlers had to retract it.

Life experience.

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8fe242  No.332439


One thing God does so well is expose the wicked nice bones tripsclown baker

Place has been comped since Q posted go search 90% of the breads since and look at all the notable shit left behind.

Your ego makes youGlow fucktard"I'm the boss baker and I can filter you" lame pos enjoy your future asshat

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37bf09  No.332474

$1 billion has been lost in cryptocurrency scams since 2021, FTC warns


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f442bf  No.333086


>” symptomatology”

What a fag!

Why can’t he just say “symptoms”?

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450c4f  No.333444


Highest ranking anon in costco.

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576beb  No.333746

I like being good.

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fb7f74  No.334394

Jun 27 2019 15:23:57 (EST)

Be ready.


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0d5473  No.334612


Being that you're your own responsibility …

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9db8c5  No.334821

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bb05ea  No.334921


Q would know if the trip was 'hijacked'.

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b4a041  No.334958

cornyn red flaggin headquartered out of perki khaki bois sciffies

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693ec8  No.335196

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1a50ac  No.335408


>From where to where?

Away from this village and rather far away because I have trouble in the wide area in all surrounding villages.

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33d5cf  No.335642


No need to glorify the grandma killer that openly flouts the law (gay marriage in SF)

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e2f2f8  No.336028



I thought it was done by watering a special kind of tree.

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f838c8  No.336531

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b74cc8  No.336865

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25751a  No.337120



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c55c1a  No.337302


Wendy Rogers, [03.07.22 06:54]

“There is an opportunity to learn lessons from the events of January 6,” he said. “Investigations should be considered as to funding and travel of what appears to be professional agitators.”


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a058d2  No.338239


Bend over private. Drop and give me….errrr….nevermind you'd like that too much. You like taking orders from other men? FAGGOT

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8b8d94  No.338275


The only man who ever kept a promise.

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2c0671  No.338967

Al Arabiya English


Watch: A video shows the moment a large cylinder plunged from a crane on a moored vessel, causing a violent explosion of yellow gas in Jordan's #Aqaba port, killing at least 10 people and injuring over 200.



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1976ff  No.339975

But here you are…>>304840

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b8d7f3  No.340496








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a0c467  No.340651




Pretty accurate. They're closing ranks on Wall Street and the Federal Reserve to stop the full on assault of APES.



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c207e3  No.340704


I have been trying to gently urge anons to prep, be more self sufficient and learn a new skill each day, for two + years now. I hope some of you found my tips and recipes helpful as I’m disengaging more from the board. GL everyone.


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4edaec  No.340984


>rambled on …

>they're making her wear that same shitty brown suit all the time


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9fea47  No.341034

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43e7b0  No.341273


Good list. Anon has seen most of them. Oliver Stone's "JFK" should be on it. "Three Days of the Condor" as well.

Isn't funny how Pedowood has come up with nearly ever possible "government gone bad" plot except the ACTUAL one: a long ongoing coup d'etat beginning with the assassination of a beloved young president with the chief conspirators slowly but steadily amassing and consolidating power over 60 years. With that overthrow of the World's mightest country just part of a greater plan to for a new, one totalitarian government of economic elite?

That would make a great plot and is seen, somewhat, in the the "Avengers: The Winter Soldier" with the "S.H.I.E.L.D." and "Hydra" entities and the overall background tension between globalism and individualism with the bad guys within the globalist hierarchy and their true intentions being revealed.

When I first watched this movie I got the distinct feeling that there were deeper messages relating to the real world. There was some dialog that I'd be interested in hearing/reading again.


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cbf666  No.341352


Cloudflare Service Issues

Identified - The issue has been identified and a fix is being implemented.

Jun 21, 06:57 UTC

Investigating - Cloudflare is investigating wide-spread issues with our services and/or network.

Users may experience errors or timeouts reaching Cloudflare’s network or services.

We will update this status page to clarify the scope of impact as we continue the investigation.

The next update should be expected within 15 minutes.

Jun 21, 06:43 UTC


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a23625  No.341734


you are responding to that stupid scientology shill-bot. i know because that first pic is re: scientology secret compound in the desert

i never understood this bot's obsession w/ scientology and l.ron hubbard


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302ec5  No.341904


137% of statistics are wrong.


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676f61  No.342391


only had to get 2 anthrax shots, but not the rest of the series

scouts are hard to find, when they don't want to be found



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1a8b7d  No.342440




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8ddb0e  No.342653


>It's Gary the Gay Jew

Nope, I'm not Garry!


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f762a6  No.342767


can you please include the actual tweet in the text, so it can be easily copied and will be retained as a record in qresear.ch?



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52c5c7  No.343949


Robert De Niro: Biden “is doing a very good job. It’s a tough one … He’s doing the best he can, and we’ve got to get through a tough period, period.”

What a tool


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2917f2  No.344412

Go away Tranimae


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82a1bb  No.344497


Your Ad hominem's are pathetic. I expect better.


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141921  No.345009


What is the purpose of this bot post every bread?

I pondered this and could only come up with one answer..

It is to flood qresear.ch search results.



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202c03  No.345073

I just thought of something. If the Jews can rig the 2020 presidential election, what's stopping the Jews from rigging the Republican nomination process? It's looking like the Jews have chosen DeSantis to be their Republican puppet.


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e41abb  No.345944

Anon detects that the NBA 'heads' are viciously racist towards black people by targeting predominantly black players, AND PREDOMINANTL BLACK 'TRUSTING/STAR FOLLOWING' FANS (the real targets), treating them as stupid hollow empty shells of skin NEEDING such 'current thing' narratives pushed by the fake news all the time.




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dabf41  No.345996


>The important question is HOW EXACTLY ARE YOU DIFFERENT FROM AN AI?

Depends on the mental acuity of the person being compared to the AI. We have seen from the Covid crisis that a frighteningly large percentage of the population is nearly brain dead.


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000000  No.353195


Still here for the grooming…

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