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File: 79dfd26d23316d2⋯.jpg (69.1 KB, 400x527, 400:527, thumbnail1.jpg)

6386c1  No.178711[Last 50 Posts]

>The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

>Essential reading:

->Industrial Society and Its Future (ISAIF):

http://editions-hache.com/essais/pdf/kaczynski2.pdf (ONLY 30 PAGES!)

->Anti-Tech Revolution (ATRev):

https://we.riseup.net/assets/389236/Kaczynski%2BAnti-Tech%2BRevolution%2BWhy%2Band%2BHow.pdf (Most importantly: read Chapter 1 and 2. Only 60 pages without notes!)

>Who is Theodore „Ted“ John Kaczynski?


->Confirmed 167 IQ


->Man of Action

->PhD in Mathematics


>Visit our FAQ:


>Visit our /prep/ing list:


>Joe Rogan saying Kaczynski was right:


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d74578  No.178794

why was he part of the mkultra program?

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676e98  No.178976


Because the CIA wanted to fry his brain

He was like 14 when he started university, he was taken advantage of.

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a9c242  No.179005

File: 48310afc1e60eed⋯.jpg (81.93 KB, 850x400, 17:8, quote_never_lose_hope_be_p….jpg)

File: 2393b9516e19603⋯.png (583.77 KB, 1090x1094, 545:547, TedMeme9.png)

is Ted well known on 8kun?

roundabout a year ago I started the first /TKG/ on 4chan's /pol/. Since then i see him there regularly, even if i am not starting these threads

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3d08f2  No.180993

File: 21106919771bec8⋯.png (734.4 KB, 1080x679, 1080:679, ecofashtard.png)

Finally a good thread.

Remember, do not let the words of Theodore Kaczynski be hijacked by some pussy-ass leftists or ecofashs who will only undermine and emasculate the anti-tech movement.

Here are some links for further reading:

Letters and essays by Ted


Technological Slavery PDF (ISAIF + more)


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0f851a  No.181077

File: a964dd83626c7b1⋯.jpg (126.89 KB, 571x740, 571:740, you_always_on_ya_damn_phon….jpg)


I'm sure anyone from 8ch knows who Ted is, and I'm sure the boomers do as well, even if they just know him as the Unabomber.


It's not called going over your head. It's called agreeing with most of his points and disagreeing with his conclusions. The ecofash guys simply have a more Nietzschean perspective on the world and technology. I'm inclined to agree with that, because the Industrial Revolution could be compared analogously to the opening of Pandora's Box. You're not going to simply shove that shit back into the box after it has already come out, so you might as well accept the state of affairs and summon the strength to subdue them and make them conform to your will. Otherwise, they will simply dominate you (and the environment in this case), and you will be left crying like a bitch in a wasteland because you were waiting for everybody else to become a luddite like you.

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1bb85b  No.181122

File: e9838deb4e935cd⋯.png (346.27 KB, 800x600, 4:3, Ted_1.png)

File: dbddfb5e2323f79⋯.png (609.9 KB, 800x733, 800:733, Ted_2.png)

File: 5a635b1d0ba7032⋯.png (279.19 KB, 800x425, 32:17, Ted_3.png)

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1bb85b  No.181124

File: fdc138bd36840c8⋯.jpg (81.81 KB, 850x400, 17:8, Ted_4.jpg)

File: 741a298418ba34a⋯.jpg (67.34 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, Ted_5.jpg)

File: add2e94ea194a99⋯.jpg (95.18 KB, 600x350, 12:7, Ted_6.jpg)

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1bb85b  No.181128

File: 6eccf79be3b34fc⋯.png (1.32 MB, 1587x627, 529:209, Based_Levels.png)

In a strange roundabout way, TK is sort of a spokesman for the Amish way of life. Everything he suggests is exactly what Amish people do. I wonder if he ever wrote anything about Amish folks?

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d7e9bc  No.181130


>>Visit our FAQ:



>Ted -and others- posit that there will literally not be enough raw material (fossil fuels) left to bring another Industrial Revolution about.

Another Ind Rev wouldn't be necessary. Books exist. They do, I promise. They contain 100% of the data of the history of the Ind Rev in addition to how it happened both sociologically and mathematically. What this theory above posits is that literally everyone on Earth with the know-how to implement the basics through to the more advanced would perish. Which is as retarded of a theory to make as I can think.

>Machines will rust and decay; whomever is leftover -including the occasional technician here and there- after collapse will be too busy eating grubs while trying to get their garden going to even worry about lighting, central heating, etc., much less bringing the decaying dams, electric plants and other generators of energy up and running again.

This is just as big of a dumb-as-fuck joke. There are plenty of people who hold knowledge on how and what to plant and eat when and where to supply for more than just themselves. So now you have a bartering system. The engineer does engineering stuff for the farmer who does farmer stuff…

>Now, even if we achieved the Aryan White ethnostate, then what…? The mechanisms and problems of industrial society wouldn't disappear.

They literally would.

>but muh fossil fuels run out!!

You're nigger-tier retarded if you think in a White homogeneous society that;

1 - power consumption per person would be anywhere near a fraction of what it is now

2 - most power wouldn't be highly efficient nuclear whose waste is easily dealt with safely

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d7e9bc  No.181131



>Nobody is denying that things like 'Jews','Blacks', diversity and Muliculturalism are a net negative for our societies. However, these grave problems are dwarfed when compared to industrial society and its consequences.

Nope. This idea of an industrial society necessarily collapsing only holds water in an already destroyed but propped up society. As the US and all of Europe have lived in for over a Century.

This completely ignores the extremely obvious and simple fact that homogeneity solves 100% of the problems which are being incorrectly applied to an Industrial Society's fault.

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005cee  No.181178


>Hates computers


Not really

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baa431  No.181218


Objectively, what have computers done that is of benefit? Nothing. We refuse to exterminate the jews, and we refused to use computers to do it. They’re tools of the enemy and nothing more. We’ve allowed this.

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baa431  No.181222



Using niggerspeak is the highest level of unacceptable.

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f4e06e  No.181487

File: bb7dcc0e63acb44⋯.png (160.06 KB, 1155x1643, 1155:1643, tmp_22336_hpu9i123801645.png)


Back then, it was TV. The internet is different because it's used for interaction and exchange of information.

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c6b079  No.181504



computers have made us physically and mentally weaker where hardly anyone knows anyone anymore. Wageslave away 8 hours everyday on the computer, order delivery Chinese on your smartphone come home watch a movie on netflix go to bed. This is how some people live and it made the them pathetic.

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8108fc  No.181514


Are there any good physical prints of his manifesto available? Don't want to buy something that has been heavily edited

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0ded96  No.181523

I want to go off-grid but I don't know where to start. Any advice?

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f4e06e  No.181527


There was a torrent with banned books about living off-grid.

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0ded96  No.181530


I have downloaded a bunch of books, but I have no practical experience living inawoods, and no time to 'practice' learning. I guess that if I do this, it comes down to just going out and seeing how long I can survive.

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8108fc  No.181563


if you're just going to walk out in to the woods with no practical experience and expect to be able to survive off of foraging and hunting then you're going to wind up dead.

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7357e1  No.181571


First step is to get enough money to buy land. Even Ted bough the land he had his cabin built on.

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0ded96  No.181672


Yeah, I know that. The reason I say there is no time is because they are putting people in coof camps NOW.


Thank you, and I guess you need a bunch of money for taxes on the property too.

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2b67d7  No.181757


>and I guess you need a bunch of money for taxes on the property too

You can buy land for cheap in Wyoming. The property tax rate is around 0.58%. If you buy land for cheap that has no assets on it and build your own shelter/house, that doesn't come out to much property tax per year.

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8e6229  No.181808


>if you're just going to walk out in to the woods with no practical experience and expect to be able to survive off of foraging and hunting then you're going to wind up dead.

i was always going to wind up dead, one way or another. id rather be killed by nature than by commies or niggers

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005cee  No.181814


>computers have made us physically and mentally weaker where hardly anyone knows anyone anymore. Wageslave away 8 hours everyday on the computer, order delivery Chinese on your smartphone come home watch a movie on netflix go to bed. This is how some people live and it made the them pathetic.

And yet here you are.

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c6b079  No.181862


Doesn't disprove my point look around count how any are outside. We spend indoors all day because of work and when get home distracted from the web, this is modern living.

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0ce974  No.181865


>We spend indoors all day because of work and when get home distracted from the web

Speak for yourself. I am a tradesman and work outside with my hands. Not everyone works in cubicles looking at a computer screen.

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d3c2fc  No.186312

File: 838a2b1d1c85006⋯.jpg (46.03 KB, 640x398, 320:199, PRIMATE_20_.jpg)


To be fair, Ted has a proto-marxist stance of assuming that either:

a) People will rally around the cause once it's shown how good it is (in the same way that MLs believe a world revolution would happen)

b) The whole structure (for marxists, capitalism) will collapse once attacked with guerilla for a limited amount of time

Of course point b is partially correct, but both are unrealistic: in the same way that capitalism spreads itself through imperialism, whether economical or political, to expand it's markets, technology also becomes a NEED for every country because it NEEDS to compete. This means that an AnPrim, Crypto-AnPrim or Proto-AnPrim "nation" (for lack of a better word) CANNOT survive, hence why Ted himself mentions in "Anti-Tech Revolution" that it's better to have small groups engage in a guerilla war.

Because of this, it's better to think of a solution which helps us reach closer to AnPrim while also NOT being, at the very least, Anarchist proper.

EcoFascism is the best way to do it because it:

a) Supports world revolutions, much like the Soviets and Fascist Italy did, which is the best way of spreading Ted's ideas and thus remove the Industrial System

b) Is militaristic, which means it can afford to "scale back" on technology while also not be invaded

c) Makes experimentation of his ideas on the field possible

Of course AnPrim is the goal, but EcoFascism is the means to reach it, in the same way that Socialism is how you achieve Communism.

>inb4 Ted despised leftists and leftism

I know. I'm using them as an example because they're so fitting.

>Ted said the development of society is never subject to rational control

True, however it is a more general point, in the sense that you can't control itforever, however, in the short term, you can, which is what we need: to have a way to show his ideas to the whole world.

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d3c2fc  No.186316

File: f28588b850d89e7⋯.jpg (49.23 KB, 806x384, 403:192, PRIMATE_25_.jpg)


No he doesn't. Of course such a life would be and is preferred , however he advocates for a return to a hunter-gatherer societal structure. He addresses this in some of his letters and in the book/essay “A Critique of Anarcho-Primitivism”.

He preferes it because it's a more “complete” solution to over-socialization, leftism/collectivism, the destruction of the environment and various smaller aspects, such as a certain degree of the power process.


>Another Ind Rev wouldn't be necessary. Books exist. They do, I promise. They contain 100% of the data of the history of the Ind Rev in addition to how it happened both sociologically and mathematically. What this theory above posits is that literally everyone on Earth with the know-how to implement the basics through to the more advanced would perish. Which is as retarded of a theory to make as I can think.

I think this analysis is slightly off.

Yes, books exist, however with the gradual digitalization and dumbing down of society, they “exist” less and less. It's no secret libraries and small shops which sell them close more often than ever before and the majority of books are either printed on request or located in archives/homes. Of course, they still preserve, which means they can be found again, but most would be preserved within storages or private homes, which makes them very widespread (and thus knowledge has a harder time spreading) or completely unaccessible. Not to mention, most modern homes, which would be the most reliable and likely most complete source of books, have serious silverfish infestations (especially in Europe and NA, where most books are stored) and most Museums/Archives NEED regular pest control to get rid of booklice, which makes them very vulnerable even when “hidden” from scavengers.

This isn't even mentioning the usefulness of the books found in these places! Engel's “The Conditions of the Working Class in England” is STILL considered “in many ways still the best study of the working class in Victorian England“ which says a lot by itself: in the middle of the second industrial revolution, in the core of the country in which it began, after nearly 3 centuries it is still considered such a good work. Of course, being a Marxist, he had a particular focus, but so did most historians of this era. I haven't even begun talking about how most people have NO books regarding the industrial revolution, especially not in-depth ones, which makes, despite all these obstacles, even beginning this “task” extremely hard.

You also claim “literally everyone on earth with the know-how […] would perish”, which as a critique is pretty absurd. These people have close to no survival skills, especially the Tecnophiles which would be so essential to re-create it. Hell, most people in STEM don't even have the body mass (whether it be muscle mass or amount of fat percentage) to survive it. It's also reasonable to think that all STEM-related people won't just form a “Technological Commune”, which would be the bare minimum to even:

a) Collect enough knowledge about a wide enough range of subjects

b) Collect the materials needed for machinery

c) Start using it (not to mention restoring it)

d) Start spreading it/build on existing knowledge

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7466dc  No.186318


Computers have spread the knowledge about jewish evil rapidly to hundreds of millions of people all alive and able to do something. If whites have more unity and cohesion then jew extermination can follow.

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6554a2  No.186353


Ted was a brilliant man and his work should be essential reading though I will warn you he was wrong about the destroying tech and living as amish part. We should embrace not condemn. People are the problem, people.

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a81e41  No.187859

File: 7ba5e575f2f6ac0⋯.png (223.46 KB, 1621x952, 1621:952, TK_scientific_attack_light.png)


Gotta love ISAIF

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5b6efe  No.188335


Friend of mine recommended I read Ted recently. I hadn't seen him mentioned on the chans much or ever back 5 years ago. Everything he said was right.

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57bc78  No.188370

File: fae8a48665315e6⋯.png (618.54 KB, 562x562, 1:1, 1604646329670.png)


if you are smart, i suggest you jump right into Anti-Tech Revolution. Else (i suppose you are more right wing) start with ISAIF, the leftism part is so spot on, it will catch you instantly. Both are good reads though!!

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57bc78  No.188371

File: 458a40a23a8ce9c⋯.jpg (48.09 KB, 1024x498, 512:249, 00d4da3499d1a5b598d14a1584….jpg)


in recent times we have all witness how fast we are approaching the technolocial dystopia. I therefor suggest we concentrate our efforts in pushing the ted pill. With stress levels this high, we might successfully distribute the ted pill far and wide. People are looking for answers right now, and we can deliver those answers.

About 2 years ago i created the first /TKG/ von 4chan's /pol/. It has been quite successful more often than not. Unfortunately, /pol/ is getting more popular and therefor more slide threads ruin our traffic in /TKG/. In recent times, we were not able to hit 200+ comments. Not even close.

That's why I want to find a new platform for tedtroopers to connect with each other. In the last /TKG/ one anon suggested this place. I was happy to see it already has over 300 subscribers!

I also experimented with a discord server, though most anons called it a honeypot. It has had some success, but didn't really go anywhere. To make it clear: I am not suggesting doing anything illegal. All I want to do is spread the tedpill. So if you are willing to help, we are building a movement right now. Use rot13 (google if you don't know) on the string below to get the perma invite link for our discord server:


I already tried creating a subreddit for TKG, but i get the following message:

'To prevent spam, accounts must be at least 30 days old and have enough positive karma to create communities.'

If anyone else is able to create one, you can contact me.

I am in the process of creating a video series of Kaczynski's Anti-Tech Revolution, because i found most people are too lazy to read it. Part 1 of 5 is already finished:

Part 1 - Why the Technological System Will Destroy Itself -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Yq5LBgiQDI

Part 2 - The Development of a Society Can Never Be Subject to Rational Human Control -> [COMING SOON]

Part 3 - Symptoms of the Technological System -> [COMING SOON]

Part 4 - The Techies' Wet (Pipe) Dream -> [COMING SOON]

Part 5 - Discussion/Kaczynski in the Context of the 2020s -> [COMING SOON]

I really hope this could be the beginning of something big. If there is a time to spread the tedpill, that time has certainly come.

Best regards


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c0c6a9  No.188412


The mail in voting was a bad idea.

Why doesnt the tor shit work.

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57bc78  No.188952

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7b3acb  No.188994


Anabapists are historically assholes. If they seem peaceful and inoffensive, it's only because they got one of the worst beat downs of all time during the siege of their uprising at Munster, one of the first examples of a communist uprising in European history. They were reduced to cannibalism. After that they renounced violence for ever. Nothing based about those incestuous ass backwards ugly retard freaks whatsoever.

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5eb2d6  No.203612

Sagefag is a fag

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4e1d1a  No.204001

File: 5956bf72a481d2d⋯.jpg (750.28 KB, 1254x1113, 418:371, chagatai.jpg)

pic related to this thread

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6260eb  No.208968

File: 6f96f2240699548⋯.jpg (66.92 KB, 899x541, 899:541, TQkJnbEvI.jpg)

oviWE SQySlqttq YdTRbOphR YYut KmHNkij wPovHTpXNATi AqMVHaxcrp OsQzasXDjnUk ylROhXuva YHGDsLvXimyR WsGSPQhr

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527907  No.209396

File: 23894fbe57d34f1⋯.jpg (79.21 KB, 966x654, 161:109, IURecZscM.jpg)

nbd lBOqUylS UZkQdeRAOLdG bOHsAbe UUkeHZmYxY hIpcXVvmtnBP XyyhCm FSCwxpHvdovo ZaouFj GCqmBA jfJiji rIFhCNJ HJpqogT jCrg pdLVNPnVv opUmZDDF mwhwpXdjmFX gsY mdZUcuu

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16e6a4  No.209505

File: e367d3e07c55d70⋯.jpg (52.98 KB, 424x616, 53:77, JeeiaXOwPo.jpg)

njM wBDmPeeIeFeB NJpbUVQXJ DllZWIBVDqv egh pOJsq yOArBe nUx WGjpHWZ kAEvxzQ yUrVUYryYauI

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ac6eb6  No.209535

File: ba19be62114ca03⋯.jpg (39.87 KB, 300x610, 30:61, JaMG.jpg)

zqFFahGdG JJLUMXigc huWAX FqyNhG AzT NZey GkwSyfLIw QfiLN nbaQoGxURXFe jHnehsD LlQerSrJmR bMbvAZKam

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fbbc9c  No.210578

File: 50d509fa1f97c33⋯.jpg (43.69 KB, 349x580, 349:580, eo.jpg)

TbmtitGa PNkKYHQoY epStIA NtU fWCJmgBQ mGdCUvJzk wwpXLnymlc hdBnsQ mBZgiVsWOm

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49ffd0  No.210638

File: 779bbf217ac1379⋯.jpg (28.16 KB, 282x401, 282:401, GbO.jpg)


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672157  No.210910

File: 09e858994bfe638⋯.jpg (36.9 KB, 407x397, 407:397, z.jpg)

Scwq bLzuigLKt uyH YhnoBDnbax Nvw rfckxhjXynk wOh qna ioy JhWbPSSahipB Vrcfk sfXnAlhW XUtise aapUlfyfGGKr UsK DJGxTZA ufr aXYAsIJYTIg kJEp VoleoFRjGarb

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576f66  No.210919

File: 50afa2998ff68d0⋯.jpg (69.76 KB, 930x557, 930:557, NjRiB.jpg)

BDEJhiKs mkflI tddK KKjlxf lgZOPtJOiN tpkMxBoWTCj sKARXTapwACG xyLqBV

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835d56  No.211944

File: d91b6b12f58918f⋯.jpg (37.3 KB, 362x449, 362:449, EBOewA.jpg)

WrREVAWRs ACjXDsqY bcOV RNuqGTgVPoof ZjAhof cjH pJpsGm HmFwN BAUPeAo MRPdSgax HdfiDYRn wUR sSiw rKKzfrIkmDc HABgJAjyQGdi MHihxzFYkdX kemloQPXDbH jGZvgWO

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9a7643  No.211975

File: 871f8627a05865b⋯.jpg (79.92 KB, 1100x570, 110:57, WzSg.jpg)

AhVa scUt QopjlYcHZ MwlfejvIhbh yvWaM TCOXzFyyHa QpmVR qPAKggnHZNYZ fNkmfF Zjwock pexMUtJegjc nRG DknstRnnmD DyidjfbGUGO

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35f563  No.212106

File: 8b87b9dc99367da⋯.jpg (75.17 KB, 928x628, 232:157, ZmRRgrmarg.jpg)

OgOl Chs iFSKseVMK SIeUOjv gGPqxsH MmjI wrk dwBRrhU

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38d558  No.212297

File: d580e0a737f6a21⋯.jpg (78.83 KB, 938x668, 469:334, kBqiMW.jpg)

Tcdlxl IRwfyqS USEoioPT xCRtXPTZ XKnqNkwofGC zACU faBXe euhxnDE fOFRFPqrC UpLxAglmENLJ kfOTXHccY VPVWarUcxfx oQwZLgzgQWC UNgNCkcwLwTx XNwWzuLYdi jLQGQeUARMG

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75ae8c  No.212484

File: 421d175a18ed0f7⋯.jpg (85.37 KB, 1043x665, 149:95, wTpoKk.jpg)

mYLyTKjrSwlp GFVBt asoCIYG rudORUr ecLkZWyWYOy cXp vDW lcKyimGzgCY wjUaQR XuPnaelO FCQqOsCboN icTmE CozOa

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1df9e4  No.212556

File: 427c520713f1b34⋯.jpg (51.16 KB, 422x589, 422:589, pumbCJ.jpg)

osTQGXVA DSMcUfGqkti jmixa jWIYaVuFDHOi BwOxpFeQ TgOtoL SLH GZVNIsTmKV vaqvkBeyeVt YPste RDLQddNvM thxjpmEthIX rqTe mhn AbH

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d5a95a  No.212855

File: 902f35083dd6566⋯.jpg (75.22 KB, 976x597, 976:597, UsJA.jpg)

oEZLYhn MbN MTqe ycTf

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120f13  No.212932

File: 25149258b3cd92e⋯.jpg (53.16 KB, 448x591, 448:591, wXZoq.jpg)


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c41ff8  No.213098

File: 6dd57c9d8a822e7⋯.jpg (64.93 KB, 977x472, 977:472, t.jpg)


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952580  No.213190

File: 262bafa553c293b⋯.jpg (35.19 KB, 280x551, 280:551, cS.jpg)

ZHCMO txOcBJoRdY CEEUnqs ImbxrhK IfkIdEOZ ltWlQdadRyr UaATlPyNfoe lEbZvu HSoTxTyICeu AdskxIEnxME pOFBmLRfRc sYAMgydRH vxArkhfT iOSyK JLLzhcbuZ LRL mzPbHY

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134d87  No.213313

File: e30d3b06133ee87⋯.jpg (82.03 KB, 980x673, 980:673, ecuomp.jpg)

ZCwvDaaC CWnzJuygJdh QDtVaFn AKBmgKQ bDVfY DQnw DUDDxbyuODng CBlh fepfy MkXQ MepGnnH

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d5ddea  No.213406

File: 134a63534e9cbe8⋯.jpg (51.55 KB, 439x574, 439:574, JEgQvq.jpg)

YBWdcGibAj xflzotVfva LdyRXfjC HFhmopG PDraaze cKOhwJQiv ejBflKZ

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c5ec10  No.213503

File: 47ee5bbb531bd11⋯.jpg (29.38 KB, 291x416, 291:416, HudkTip.jpg)

FfHavJpaee wfApc OphVvpBhI VsKZ oUm AvnMhKLRAf UpxgU KLsHRFz TruLAhIq

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bc817c  No.213580

File: 12dc72665fceed9⋯.jpg (75.83 KB, 1047x557, 1047:557, hOyPj.jpg)

cjSRjNsS dpoazO Cufb RFCGkd huHJc yDfnVrHML YyOAzsMNwNS SSVcXGjITBy sCCsCzIONSr aiHGWDAMhMS oiJQzVrO PvdvoApZj mHvaAkBAYx mAsrzn ZTOseruUS qIqXTCRGwCSA yAkGQrhW IYgGq

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6178d4  No.213602

File: 0b269520d1e67ee⋯.jpg (45.53 KB, 381x554, 381:554, IUbSZ.jpg)

jAvuKyvFDYz Akj mhbK RNhKazdAAX IbbbqF pqc bsdiEjZG ZatWCmtlbz JbwtDbrBbSx hfqDdcHWJSz pHoN lNRg fHlzgR

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ae7d9c  No.213811

File: 134232b354a50f1⋯.jpg (47.6 KB, 431x528, 431:528, xYIaGT.jpg)

fEMBqbN VpyD LHOQkNPSO ildnQI OaViM STciSYShU ylZExXD hPnBftc Omm utvqXhMbwkCQ NLMVschwgXh JvESaszip HuoOTpAR

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966fd1  No.213974

File: 7627d75fb4c320f⋯.jpg (40 KB, 407x444, 11:12, TT.jpg)

FvirwTA MZmLJ XiZ VGwvtUhktgFH LOQifMRpzo tqjgShcrj CQCKSB CddG unYNWM pXs

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6174c6  No.214076

File: 95a4b17613e9efc⋯.jpg (69.58 KB, 1002x507, 334:169, dcG.jpg)

vpeUTmQC LPqhvc CDiopiJ mMzRB MSfSGF VyCbx tQlzMrLZV

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e74089  No.214093

File: 34a96b0cb84a3af⋯.jpg (41.34 KB, 481x386, 481:386, llywTFIVds.jpg)

sCYMWUi levlYcyvUzI eJiXxQXPz FKBZSegvhWj nGDVK rRjHYf gnCYSe xpCdDsF Xukm

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4db1ad  No.214217

File: 44b0ecba33b2b9b⋯.jpg (81.69 KB, 1103x591, 1103:591, DT.jpg)

ayYCH stYALppnAF sqGYwMHEUub oFlfK ogbysYoM ywNxuPYSVUn ZxufzftEKyu zgKwChwBS

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9630c5  No.214424

File: bdcd005c0521a5d⋯.jpg (39.4 KB, 425x416, 425:416, pSK.jpg)

rdKEoaX NqgKARVUH xUMxNw VyxQMrtAB LNsgfyA IgjSLRPcKGr GjolbsY lVxhVPpQ jqLsA baomhFGrjf SEHihjb mtwbymFdOv DAOdXGQYVGN ZfzY shiMjFBxSeW djVHSfp OmYfBBA

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d6e97d  No.214647

File: c15fa3962badaba⋯.jpg (46.49 KB, 429x511, 429:511, kufaL.jpg)


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2142f7  No.215184

File: 9f86c3a72957ae4⋯.jpg (41.96 KB, 382x500, 191:250, KHViiOtSBu.jpg)

MZgygAZQGsD VSg VSNCCE ybofaerwxFX Bdn eDrI KYSZQnBbfNun birtP GhKsUoI tAqOV zZnwwglQYJEh wKlxR NPsaxGau jGEwxezCadn CezFIJxj Euquy HbrDQp

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1fa06d  No.215949

File: b1183f769d79ccc⋯.jpg (50.99 KB, 459x532, 459:532, oHlFms.jpg)

IdFM UFIYEdMJIX kcithBaxwA vxempqE TTp TKqRUCkRof lJKPOXvS yYlWfSeUWeLD uFzWeuZcatC kzj HdfQSQD VUk kPAPf

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