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f7b94a  No.303277

the music has been awesome…

some hotties in the MASSIVE crowd…

who cares if the world is going to end one of these days? these people made the decision to be happy and enjoy their lives…

no fighting

no disagreeing

no vulgar sexual innuendos

no blaming others

just tens of thousands of extremely happy campers

that's why you wouldn't last 30 seconds at arrive. you prefer whining and complaining about being a victim

it's that self creating prophecy…

you behave like a loser

and that's exactly what you became

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f7b94a  No.303278

by the way, if you don't love hardcore underground race music, you're obviously a fucking idiot

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f7b94a  No.303279

RAVE* music

but race music isn't bad

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dd858b  No.303299

“The decision of one man to launch a wholly unjustified and brutal invasion of Iraq. I mean of Ukraine.” - War Criminal George W. Bush Makes Mother Of All Gaffes: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/george-w-bush-decries-invasion-iraq-not-ukraine-freudian-slip-broke-internet

President Joe Biden is resisting demands from Kiev to supply long-range rocket launchers to the Ukrainian military, Politico reported, suggesting the White House is concerned the weapons could be used for strikes inside Russia: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/biden-reverses-course-plans-ship-long-range-rockets-ukraine

China Rampages Through American Stock Market After Debut Of Biden-Bush Comedy Duo: https://www.whatdoesitmean.com/index3923.htm

The remaining Ukrainian troops still holed up in Mariupol's besieged Azovstal steelworks have been ordered by Kyiv to stop fighting: https://www.lemonde.fr/en/international/article/2022/05/20/war-in-ukraine-kyiv-orders-azovstal-troops-to-stop-fighting_5984152_4.html

Russia's defense ministry has now revised the numbers of Ukrainian fighters to have emerged from the besieged Azovstal steel plant in Mariupol upward to more than 1,700 soldiers that have left the plant. A new Reuters headline has stressed that there's ongoing "silence from Kyiv" as the surrender is on a much larger than expected scale: https://www.irishtimes.com/news/world/europe/silence-from-kyiv-as-russia-claims-more-than-1-700-surrender-in-mariupol-1.4882768

Russia says 900 Ukrainian troops sent to prison colony from Mariupol: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/may/18/ukraine-mariupol-azovstal-soldiers-russia

Russell Bentley - War Update From Donetsk: https://mediaarchives.gsradio.net/rense/special/rense_051922_hr3.mp3

JIM STONE: $20 gas is coming and here is why: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o1cQqz0YUN4 Take a look at how those in charge of oil in the United States respond to questioning. They are shutting it all down. 100 percent of it. ALL OF IT. And they are doing it with a game of "pass the buck" which obviously makes them nervous but they are doing it anyway, and they are blaming Trump to boot!!!

▲ MY COMMENT: Deliberate destabilization of the Western World, the criminals who run our country want us to go third world and they are making it happen!! Anyone suggesting otherwise is as dumb as a fucking brick. CASE CLOSED.

FLASHBACK: In 2015, internationalist elites, governments, politicians and NGOs of the Western World "predicted", plotted and planned for a future global supply chain collapse around the year 2020 to 2030 in order to establish world government, global carbon taxation and complete government control over the economy: https://www.cargill.com/story/food-chain-reaction-simulation-ends-with-global-carbon-tax

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dd858b  No.303300

How The Ukraine Conflict Is Designed To Benefit Globalists: https://alt-market.us/order-out-of-chaos-how-the-ukraine-conflict-is-designed-to-benefit-globalists/

Ukraine Is A Proxy War That Will Lead To Wider World War: https://alt-market.us/stop-the-denial-ukraine-is-a-proxy-war-that-will-lead-to-wider-world-war/

Russia Halts Finland's Gas Supply Two Days After Applying To NATO: https://www.zerohedge.com/energy/russia-halts-finlands-gas-supply-two-days-after-applying-nato

Ruble Hits 7-Year High As Gas Buyers Bow To Putin's Payment Mandate: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/ruble-hits-7-year-high-gas-buyers-conform-putins-payment-mandate

Russian Oil Revenues Soar Despite Sanctions: https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/Russian-Oil-Revenues-Soar-Despite-Sanctions.html

G7 Countries Pledge Nearly $20,000,000,000 To Keep Ukraine's Wartime Economy Afloat: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/g7-countries-pledge-nearly-20bn-keep-ukraines-wartime-economy-afloat

A reader sent: Wow, they're hitting us on all fronts. Hiking gas prices and inflation. Tanking the stock market. (Where to go? Gold and silver don't go up as a flight to safety?) False flags (Buffalo). Monkeypox. Infant formula shortage. Food shortages. Fake war in Ukraine with $40 billion of our money. All planned… It should be no surprise that they're doing something evil with AOL as well. I've been with AOL since the 1990s, as have most of its users. Spam is suddenly getting through to regular email, and regular email is going through to spam. I tweeted AOL Support and it acts like it's me, but it's obviously AOL doing this… Many (most?) people don't regularly check their spam folder. They will miss out on important stuff–like paying bills. The controllers do not want us communicating!… Friends that I've written to for 20+ years suddenly have emails go to spam. I click "not spam" for them, but their next emails go to spam, too. My family has ordered from Amazon for many years, and Amazon responses about the orders are suddenly spam. AOL knows Amazon (the biggest sender of email in the world) is not spam. This has to be INTENTIONAL: http://www.jimstoneindia.com/.zu3.html

JIM STONE COMMENTS: Looks like my problems are going mainstream AND NO, THE "MINISTRY OF TRUTH" IS NOT DEAD. It is now in stealth mode. Welcome to the results.

▲ MY COMMENT: The reason gold/silver is not going up is because the market is 100% rigged by fraudulent paper ETFs. "Gold/Silver" ETFs are just more fiat, so they can create them at will backed by NOTHING what-so-ever. It's not real gold/silver, it's manipulated fiat in the stock market. That said the truth is finally coming out, people are aware of how fucked things are and the perpetrators who hijacked this country are crashing the entire economy and country with it like there is no tomorrow! Brace for impact, and remember who did this!

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dd858b  No.303301

Leaked Audio Exposes China's War Plans (Guest Jeff Nyquist joins guest host Mike Adams): https://banned.video/watch?id=628823fb991267142f80ac6d

▲ JIM STONE COMMENTS: RED ALERT: The most credible name in Chinese news (Jennifer Zheng) got proof via a smuggled recording, as I have said in the past, that China is going to a wartime economy. About a month ago I was talking a lot about how the lockdowns in China were being done so that the general population would not notice that the factories were being switched over to wartime production. Once again I say it and it gets confirmed a long time later. If Jennifer says China is now moving to a wartime economy, China is and that's all there is to it. She has all the connections in China that anyone could ever want: Likely playout: China will take Taiwan. If there is any resistance, China will take South Korea because of the American bases there. Japan won't do anything but be afraid of getting wiped out after what they did to the Chinese in World War 2. The Japanese have a long history of being horrible to the Chinese (marching with babies on bayonets for example) and now that China is much stronger all the Japanese are going to do is sit quietly hoping China does not get even. China did not forget, and now that China has a serious economy that could produce a serious war machine Japan will only be afraid. The U.S. will escalate this so as to the final outcome all bets are off but my guess is that Russia will also be involved and the US will lose even if it takes a nuclear war to enforce that loss: http://www.jimstoneindia.com/.zu2.html

WAR IS NEXT: We've reached the end of the global debt era: https://www.brighteon.com/c59b3cb6-5c82-479d-8f33-a9d435657ac5

EU Desires To Steal From Russian Oligarchs To Fund Ukraine: https://www.usnews.com/news/world/articles/2022-05-19/eu-exploring-using-oligarchs-frozen-assets-to-rebuild-ukraine-von-der-leyen

‘Fuck the war!’ Putin backlash begins as thousands stage revolt at St Petersburg concert: https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/1614126/Russia-invasion-Ukraine-Putin-propaganda-censorship-anti-war-protest-vn

$$$: General Mark Milley told cadets graduating from US Military Academy West Point Saturday to be prepared for increasing risk of global conflict and a host of new weapons technologies in their careers: https://www.foxnews.com/politics/gen-milley-west-point-commencement-2022-increasing-risk-war

The US plans to keep 100,000 troops in Eastern Europe for the foreseeable future, potentially even increasing the number if it perceives a threat from Russia to NATO or its two new prospective members, Sweden and Finland, several officials told CNN on Friday: https://www.rt.com/news/555897-us-keeping-troops-europe-russia/

Hybrid War is being fought predominantly in the economic/financial battleground – and the pain dial for the collective West will only go up: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/escobar-russia-rewrites-art-hybrid-war

Russia bans 963 American politicians, actors and journalists: https://www.rt.com/russia/555882-moscow-reveals-americans-blacklist/

After Borodianka and Mariupol, Poland's President vows to cut business relations with Russia: https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-polytics/3489559-polands-president-its-impossible-to-return-to-business-as-usual-with-russia-after-borodianka-and-mariupol.html

The results of Russia's "liberation" of Mariupol: the city is on verge of environmental disaster: https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3487629-poisoned-sea-of-azov-area.html

Russian forces are conducting operations to cut off Ukrainian ground lines of communication (GLOCs) between Severodonetsk and Lysychansk across the Severskyi Donetsk River. The information space in Mariupol will likely become increasingly restricted in the coming weeks as Russian forces shift focus from completing the capture of the Azovstal Steel Plant to consolidating occupational control of the city. Russian troops are likely reinforcing their grouping around Kharkiv City to prevent further Ukrainian advances toward the international border: https://www.understandingwar.org/backgrounder/russian-offensive-campaign-assessment-may-21

Video Leaked: Russian Troops Destroy Ukrainian Position At Close Range: https://southfront.org/in-video-ukrainians-caught-by-surprise-russian-troops-destroy-ukrainian-position-at-close-range/

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dd858b  No.303302

As Canadian govt hands over billions to Ukrainian govt, Canadians are being told to eat a small meal only once a day: https://www.theglobeandmail.com/investing/personal-finance/household-finances/article-canadians-social-assistance-inflation-poverty/

China stockpiling grains in preparation for global famine: https://www.brighteon.com/05712eec-e295-4e73-ba8c-9309f0f540b4

Ukraine reports two-thirds decrease in grain exports while global wheat prices skyrocket: https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-05-22-ukraine-reports-two-thirds-decrease-grain-exports.html

Biden Forces Ruin On America After Throwing Economy Into Russian Bear Trap: https://www.whatdoesitmean.com/index3925.htm

Mária Schmidt: Europe is now completely 'American'ized, and it is having disastrous consequences: https://rmx.news/commentary/maria-schmidt-europe-is-now-completely-americanized-and-it-is-having-disastrous-consequences/

▲ MY COMMENT: Europe actually faces the same fate America has: systemic corruption, incompetence and criminal negligence, greed, debt insolvency and the rise of totalitarianism. We have bad leadership and bad government, and this has caused a whole lot of unnecessary poverty, pain, suffering and death. This is now happening all over the Western World too. We are living in the middle of falling Empires, the EU and US. As for "going forward, not backward" this is a load of bullshit meant to confuse people. We have "moved forward" and this was the result of doing such. What we need to do is STOP and think of a way out of this disaster.

Massive State Economic Intervention Has Led To The Collapse Of The Western World: https://www.infowars.com/posts/massive-state-economic-intervention-has-led-to-this-point/

Kazakhstan Cuts Iron Supplies To Russian Steelworks: https://oilprice.com/Metals/Commodities/Kazakhstan-Cuts-Iron-Supplies-To-Russian-Steelworks.html

Monkeypox outbreak currently springing up may be related to the US’s biological research in Ukraine: https://www.infowars.com/posts/bombshell-report-monkeypox-appears-to-be-lab-strain-with-unknown-characteristics-says-ecdc-source/

Hundreds of Azovstal fighters in Ukraine surrender to Russian forces as Putin shakes up military leadership: https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-05-21-hundreds-of-azovstal-fighters-in-ukraine-surrender-to-russian-forces.html

Russian forces intensify their attacks near the city of Severodonetsk, said to be a key target for the success of Moscow’s offensive in capturing the Donbas region. Russia’s defence ministry says its forces pounded Ukrainian military targets with air strikes and artillery in Mykolaiv and Donbas regions, hitting command centres, troops, and ammunition depots: https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/5/21/russia-ukraine-live-news-moscow-intensifies-push-for-donbas

The Armed Forces of Ukraine have repulsed 11 enemy attacks in the Joint Forces Operation (JFO) area over the past day: https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3489705-ukraine-army-repels-11-enemy-attacks-in-jfo-area.html

Ukrainian defenders destroyed nine enemy troops, one tank, two infantry fighting vehicles, one armored personnel carrier, one mortar system, one anti-tank missile system and two artillery tractors: https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3489687-ukrainian-military-repulse-enemy-attack-in-eastern-ukraine.html

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dd858b  No.303304


#1: I don't come here much anymore, just to bump real news back to the top to piss off the glowies and stop their news sliding.

#2: I have better things to do around my homestead than to watch loud obnoxious rave music on a computer.

#3: Go ahead and live life up as best you can, I do at times cranking the stereo up and drinking, but the world is crashing down hard anyway regardless if you pay attention or not, so save an extra bullet for yourself because the outcome is going to be anything but pleasant.

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988ed7  No.303307


based anon

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75b71f  No.303308


This seems like a very positive message. Don't be defeated before the crush of death actually comes anon.

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75b71f  No.303309

Just saying you won't have the strength when you need it if you are defeated now.

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d62d1d  No.303310



The 73 Year Old Man isn't Cool Enough to understand or enjoy the amazing and technologically advanced Rave Music, or the magnificent Subculture behind it.

The 73:Year old has PLENTY OF TIME to invest in pretending to have access to"top secret information" that he obtains from PUBLIC WEBSITES, meaning it's not "secret"and in fact, isn't even true, all of it being GARBAGE…

The 73 year old man has PLENTY OF TIME to abuse alcohol in his out of control addiction problem that has destroyed the quality of his life, and has also diminished "quality of life" for his daughter and her husband, who were generous enough to allow the 73 year old man to 'move in with them' to avoid homelessness, with the prearranged agreement that he would no longer continue the same psychotic conspiracy theory downward spiral that caused him to nearly become homeless in the first place.. (and of course, he reapid them by increasing his psychotic conspiracy theory downward spiral)

He's got so much free time, that he spends 1/4 of it unconscious on his daughter's kitchen floor, passed out from alcohol poisoning the night before… a very busy schedule, indeed..

The 73 year old man has NOTHING BUT TIME…

he's retired, and has a full 24 hours of free time in each and every day.

yet he pretends to be "so busy" that he can't schedule even a few minutes of examining the Rave Scene…

that's because HE'S TOO OLD TO BE COOL

not all 73 year olds are 'too old to be cool'…

just THIS 73 year old

because even back when he was young, he never understood the difference between quality entertainment and worthless garbage which is why he actually collected Slim Whitman's horrible 'music', when slim Whitman actually never made music, and is nothing more than a former washed up novelty, famous only because he was one of the worst performers in history, specializing in a bizarre and completely out of touch yodeling act.

this is the same reason he can't tell you what constitutes a quality television show or movie, and instead still thinks THE ROPERS was high quality entertainment, convinced that it's horrible ABC primetime 1980s canned laughter and predictable obvious unfunny 'humor' was advanced comedic writing..


none of the reasons he gave for being unable to watch a rave for a few minutes were valid…

just more lies from the habitual liar, more excuses from the habitual excuse maker. more distractions from the king of distraction techniques..

he's simply not cool enough to understand the rave scene or the music…

it's not dumb enough for him. there's no yodeling or canned laughter to tell him when he supposed to think something is funny..

what really bothers him about the rave scene is that he's aware THEY ARE ALL HAPPY


it gets under his skin to contemplate 100,000 people ALL IN ONE PLACE, AND THEY ARE ALL SMILING AND HAPPY…

it serves as a reminder that his paranoid delusions of the imminent end of the world are nothing more than his own narcissistic need to pretend that he has secret inside information, and his predictable desire to hide the fact that he's been completely wrong about the end of the world for 23 years straight, ever since he made a fool out of himself with the Y2K garbage…

yep… he ended his explanation of why he's too busy to take out 5 minutes and examine the rave culture with his classic lie :


he's so desperate to distract from the obvious fact thathe has been incorrectly predicting the imminent end of the world for 23 years, not man enough to simply admit that he's been wrong every time, and has such little respect for other people that he refuses to stop doubling down on his idiotic erroneous predictions, and refuses to stop shoving his worthless efforts down everybody's throats…

he's got plenty of time to waste his life pretending as if he's doing something important, but not enough time to stop and witness HOW HAPPY PEOPLE LIVE THEIR LIVES…

he's too busy trying to make everybody miserable

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d62d1d  No.303311


but it's not working..




and how can he possibly "save the world" by continually repeating the exact same thing everyday in an empty chat room, inhabited by the same two or three human beings?

obviously he wasn't very good at math before he dropped out of high school, because there are 8 billion people on planet Earth who he pretends to be "saving" with his fake news garbage, but only THREE of them have ever seen a single thing he spent so much time packaging, thinking he was the new age "Noah", who built an ark out of an empty chat room, with not even enough space to put the fourth animal below deck.

nope…. once again, he has been caught lying..

he's not too busy to be cool…

he never was cool…

he's always been an unhappy psychotic unstable delusional uninformed and uneducated pain in the ass, with the downward spiral beginning around the age of 17, when he first began to manifest the textbook symptoms of paranoid schizophrenia.

the voices he admits hearing in his head (the ones he calls demons, because not only does he think slim Whitman and The ropers are high quality entertainment, but he's also stupid enough to believe in Jesus and God and demons and angels) are nothing more than misfired neurosynaptic connections, electrochemical messages that get crossed up somehow, due to his chemical imbalance in his brain, and serve as proof positive that he does not live in a state of reality, hasn't experienced reality since the schizophrenia kicked in back in his late teens, and simply cannot be relied on for any validity or scrutiny exercised when he becomes fixated on the next idiotic completely false intentional disinformation churned out by similar schizophrenic and paranoid delusional uneducated idiots…

of course a miserable uninformed overlooked irrelevant life failure has no interest in observing young people enjoying themselves, having the time of their life, and exercising the human right (not an American right, but a global right) to happiness…

==DISCLAIMER : realizing he is quickly approaching a natural, yet excruciating and dehumanizing painful death, proving that is predictions of apocalypse were wrong, he is willing to add the added caveat "save a bullet for yourself"…. but nobody listens.. just another one of his empty psychotic NARCISSISTIC FAILED "WARNINGS", with no intrinsic value, based on nothing more than his own self-masturbatory narcissistic needs to pretend like he is smarter than other people…

nobody is saving a bullet for themselves, because nobody intentionally destroyed their life the way he did…

in fact, if he only knew how ridiculous he's going to look in the bed at the nursing home after the stroke, shitting into an adult diaper, unable to move, unable to speak, completely awake and alert, but unable to communicate, with drool running out of the left side of his mouth, his head tilted to the side…

the actual physical expression on his face will be one of embarrassing pathetic humility…

because nobody at that rave is "about to die in the oncoming apocalypse"…

that's just insane delusion…

put quite simply, he's a clueless idiot with the world's absolute worst 'psychic prediction' track record, and an even worse track record regarding differentiating between actual news and used toilet paper…

me?…. I'm 58 years old, and STILL fully integrated into the rave scene… I have never been "too old to be cool" or "too out of touch to realize Slim Whitman had zero talent, and The Ropers was SUCH A WORTHLESS SHOW, that ABC was unable to find any quality actors willing to be cast, and had to settle for the second rate b list losers like Norman Fell, because they were so desperate for a paycheck but that day willingly jumped at the opportunity to destroy any possibility of the future career by being typecast as "ONE OF THOSE LOSERS ON THE WHITE TRASH ABC SITCOM"

it's okay, psycho….

I'm sure there are plenty of happy smiling young beautiful people enjoying their lives somewhere in the dark recesses of your expired pinto bean collection…

but the ones at EDC last night are all going to be alive for decades, realizing the full potential of their lives, which is something you were never smart enough to accomplish.

this is the part where you realize you're probably going to drink twice as much disgusting vodka tonight as you did last night…

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ec40cb  No.303312



nobody ever reads your garbage posts.

nobody ever clicks on any of the links.

nobody cares.

nobody realizes you exist.

nobody cares if you get a vaccine or not.

nobody wants your stupid guns.

nobody will hang out with you in real life.

nobody's going to come visit you in the nursing home.

and all of the nursing assistance at the assisted living facility are lazy defiant black women, who will relish your demise

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ec40cb  No.303313



you punish other people because you are unhappy with the fact that you never achieved any of your life goals

you punish others because you are angry at yourself for dropping out of school and never amounting to anything more than a menial laborer at a horrible shitty steel mill job

you are a narcissistic egomaniacal delusional man who suffers from a debilitating psychiatric disorder

and you've never been right about anything


from your decision to drop out of high school all the way up until today, every decision you've made was self-defeatist, and everything you've ever believed in WAS AN OBVIOUS LIE.

only a moron would want to live the way you live

and other than FAT GIRL™, it's safe to say thatyou are the only moron in here

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ec40cb  No.303314

RE: too uncool to understand Rave Music or the PLUR Subculture -

at least now I understand why you ONLY HAD SEX WITH ONE WOMAN IN YOUR ENTIRE LIFE, and even that was limited at best.

she didn't want physical relations with you after the birth of your daughter

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138b8c  No.303315

can you imagine a woman who would actually say, "I think I would like a schizophrenic paranoid delusional psychiatric patient to impregnate me so I can give birth to another schizophrenic paranoid delusional nutcase"

I think sex with a nigger would be more appealing to a woman

at least the child would only be a nigger, and not a delusional psychotic schizophrenic pain in the ass

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dd858b  No.303316

JIM STONE COMMENTS: The smartest world war 3 strategy possible: Nuke Davos. 20 megatons at least to make sure if the blast effects don't get'em the earthquake will. A clean war is an efficient war, yes, everyone in Davos would be dead but if it saved the rest of the world that would be a really good deal. All the super roaches in one whack. Why destroy every nation with world war 3 when you could just get it over with in ONE isolated alpine blast? Think Klaus could get appreciably bunkered in a matter of seconds? Probably no.

▲ MY COMMENT: IF and - I mean a BIG IF - Putin decided to do this he would make himself a hero. However, I'm not sure Putin gives a crap what happens to the West, as long as they don't mess around with Russia. The bigger ironic problem is Russia actually stands to financially benefit with the Davos commies around, think about it, everything Davos & the WEF does undermines both America and Europe, which makes nations like China and Russia and other adversaries more powerful and influential. Why kill your enemy's saboteur?

Renowned geopolitical and financial cycle expert Charles Nenner says his analysis shows the world will start a huge war cycle by 2023. This type of war is similar to WWII but much bigger: https://usawatchdog.com/third-of-global-population-killed-in-next-war-cycle-charles-nenner/

Russia got it's hands on another nice NATO weapons stache: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eZE1jopMXLY

The first Russian soldier being tried for war crimes in Ukraine has pleaded guilty, acknowledging all the charges against him, according to AFP: https://www.euronews.com/2022/05/18/live-first-war-crimes-trial-since-moscow-s-invasion-of-ukraine-set-to-begin-in-kyiv

Mariupol defenders trapped in the Azovstal Steel Plant likely surrendered after Ukrainian officials negotiated evacuation measures with the Kremlin. Russian forces began evacuating wounded Ukrainian forces to Russian-occupied settlements in Donetsk Oblast on May 16 after the Russian Defense Ministry proposed the agreement earlier in the day. Ukrainian officials said that they will seek to return the Mariupol defenders to Ukraine in a prisoner exchange and continue to undertake appropriate measures to rescue all Ukrainian servicemen from Azovstal: https://www.understandingwar.org/backgrounder/russian-offensive-campaign-assessment-may-17

The Russian military has destroyed a number of M777 155 mm towed howitzers recently delivered to Kiev forces in a coordinated attack: https://southfront.org/in-video-russian-drone-artillery-destroy-ukraines-new-m777-howitzers/

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has said that he urged Ukraine not to negotiate with the Russians: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/russia-ukraine-peace-talks-not-happening-any-form-stances-harden

Turkey has issued its "list" of demands that must happen before it would accede to granting formal NATO membership to Scandinavian countries Finland and Sweden: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/turkey-swiftly-blocks-nato-accession-talks-sweden-finland-issues-list-demands

A quarter of Britons have resorted to skipping meals amid worsening inflationary pressures and food scarcity concerns, according to one survey. More than four in five people in the UK are worried about rising living costs and their ability to afford basics necessities over the next six months: https://www.cnbc.com/2022/05/17/skipping-meals-brits-are-being-warned-of-apocalyptic-food-price-rises.html

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

dd858b  No.303317

Blinken Announces US Embassy Reopening In Ukraine's Capital: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/blinken-announces-reopening-us-embassy-ukraines-capital

A new Cold War with Russia does not bode as well as the previous one. It will not end victoriously with a “unipolar moment.” It might not end at all: https://nationalinterest.org/blog/paul-pillar/how-can-new-cold-war-russia-end-202443

Third World America: Washington gas stations run out of gas, add extra digit in anticipation of $10 dollar prices: https://thepostmillennial.com/breaking-washington-gas-stations-run-out-of-gas-add-extra-digit-in-anticipation-of-10-dollar-prices

American farmers around the country are warning of coming food shortages (all manufactured by corrupt government and special interests!): https://strangesounds.org/2022/05/video-us-farmers-sound-alarm-over-coming-food-shortage.html

Natural News founder and editor Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, has predicted a massive wave of food shortages in the very near future amid the still-collapsing global and domestic supply chain crisis that is getting worse thanks to spiking gas and diesel fuel prices brought on by Joe Biden's anti-fossil fuel policies: https://citizens.news/619666.html

World War III, extreme drought and global food supply shortage, among others, could potentially exterminate mankind: https://www.brighteon.com/be1d5e3a-9920-4508-869c-5a50d4040bc7

Countries around the world have been taking protectionist measures as fears of a global food inflation crisis rise. Countries move to ban or limit exports of food products, including wheat, oil, sugar: https://www.aa.com.tr/en/economy/food-protectionism-on-rise-amid-russia-ukraine-war/2591643

Russian gas flow to Europe via Ukraine drops 50% in last week: https://www.aa.com.tr/en/economy/russian-gas-flow-to-europe-via-ukraine-drops-50-in-last-week/2591330

How Europe is finding the money to host millions of Ukrainian refugees: https://www.euronews.com/next/2022/05/18/where-is-europe-finding-the-money-to-host-millions-of-ukrainian-refugees

Russia’s satellite Cosmos-2555, launched with an Angara rocket on April 29, has burned up in the atmosphere, as follows from a statement by the North American Aerospace Defense Command NORAD made on Wednesday: https://vpk.name/en/497243_russian-secret-satellite-burned-up-in-the-atmosphere.html

Russia on Wednesday said it was using a new generation of powerful laser weapons in Ukraine to burn up drones, deploying some of Moscow's secret weapons to counter a flood of Western arms supplied to its former Soviet neighbour: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/russia-touts-new-generation-of-blinding-laser-weapons/ar-AAXpI9P

There is a threat of complete extinction of the Sea of ​​Azov due to possible damage to the technical facility, which restrains the concentrated hydrogen sulfide solution, amid the Russian bombardment of the Azovstal steelworks: https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-emergencies/3486397-sea-of-azov-under-threat-of-complete-extinction-due-to-russian-bombardment.html

The Armed Forces of Ukraine liberated the village of Dementiyivka in Kharkiv direction. The Russian troops continue their offensive in the Eastern Operational Zone: https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3486498-ukraines-armed-forces-liberate-one-more-locality-in-kharkiv-direction.html

On May 11, 2022, Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister Iryna Vereshchuk announced upcoming negotiations on the exchange of severely wounded members of the Azov national battalion blocked in Mariupol for Russian prisoners of war. This decision caused widespread criticism from citizens of both Russia and other countries of the world that support the “denazification” of Ukraine. This is not surprising, since it is the Azov battalion that is the main unit that professes the ideology of Nazism and was actually created to destroy the Russian-speaking population of the Donbass republics: https://southfront.org/potential-exchange-of-azov-as-path-to-russias-defeat/

Why Scott Ritter Changed His Overall Assessment Of the Russia-Ukraine war: https://www.unz.com/mwhitney/scott-ritters-switcheroo-why-i-radically-changed-my-overall-assessment/

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dd858b  No.303318

Chicken wings for $34? Pent-up inflation driving food costs higher: https://www.ocregister.com/2022/05/18/chicken-wings-for-34-pent-up-inflation-driving-food-costs-higher/

▲ Flashback: Deliberate food destruction accelerates worldwide: https://www.naturalnews.com/hrr/mp3/HRR-2022-05-12-Situation-Update.mp3

/PND/ THREADS ON MANUFACTURED FOOD SHORTAGES: >>>/pnd/298841 ; >>>/pnd/298428 ; >>>/pnd/299775 ; >>>/pnd/294322 ; >>>/pnd/297664 ; >>>/pnd/295699

The UN is in “intense contact” with Russia, Ukraine and other nations in an effort to stave off a global food crisis. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has worsened food insecurity in poorer nations, and could lead to long-term famines if Ukraine’s grain exports are not restored to pre-war levels soon, Secretary-General António Guterres has warned: https://www.euronews.com/green/2022/05/19/ukraine-invasion-could-trigger-global-food-crisis-un-chief-warns

▲ MY COMMENT: They must address the CORRUPTION behind the shortages, there is a growing industry behind manufactured food shortages (not just the war like they stubbornly expect us to believe!): https://www.coreysdigs.com/global/new-controlled-food-system-is-now-in-place-and-they-will-stop-at-nothing-to-accelerate-their-control/

Soaring Fuel Prices Leave Owner-Operators With Tough Choices: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/soaring-fuel-prices-leave-owner-operators-tough-choices

▲ Flashback: Prepare For Imminent Diesel Shortage In Eastern Half Of US: https://www.zerohedge.com/commodities/major-trucking-firms-prepare-imminent-diesel-shortage-eastern-half-us-freightwaves-says

India’s Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC) is considering purchasing additional stakes in Russian oil and gas fields from Western firms that plan to leave the country, the Economic Times (ET) reported on Thursday, citing people familiar with the matter: https://www.rt.com/business/555733-india-western-assets-russia/

Erdogan To Sweden: Don't Expect Us To Approve NATO Bid Without First Returning Terrorists (looks like Erdogan is not to pleased with Western deliberate destabilization policy): https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/erdogan-sweden-dont-expect-us-approve-nato-bid-without-first-returning-terrorists

Russia Expels 85 More European Diplomats In Retaliatory Tit For Tat: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/russia-expels-85-more-european-diplomats-retaliatory-hostile-act

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy signed decrees on the extension of martial law and the term of general mobilisation which are now expecting approval by the Supreme Council of Ukraine: https://www.euronews.com/2022/05/19/ukraine-president-volodymyr-zelenskyy-extends-martial-law

An additional 771 Ukrainian combatants have surrendered to Russian personnel at the Azovstal steel plant in Mariupol over the past 24 hours, the Russian Defense Ministry reported on Thursday morning: https://www.rt.com/russia/555743-azovstal-prisoners-icrc-registration/

As a result of the Russian attacks, there is no electricity or water supply in the entire territory of Luhansk region. There is almost no mobile communication, and gas is available only partially in three localities: https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3487010-without-electricity-water-mobile-communication-almost-50000-people-stay-in-luhansk-region.html

Russian occupation authorities announced plans to destroy the Azovstal Steel Plant and turn Mariupol into a resort city, depriving Russia of some of the most important economic benefits it hoped to reap by taking the city in the first place. Head of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DNR) Denis Pushilin stated that DNR authorities are planning to level Azovstal after completing its capture. Azovstal was a major element of Mariupol’s economy before the war because of its unique function as a full-cycle metallurgical complex, the 10,000 jobs associated with production at the plant, the billions of dollars of foreign exchange earnings and taxes it generated, and its production output of 7,000 tons of steel, 6 million tons of iron, and 4.5 million tons of rolled metal, according to the Mariupol City Council: https://www.understandingwar.org/backgrounder/russian-offensive-campaign-assessment-may-18

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dd858b  No.303319

“The decision of one man to launch a wholly unjustified and brutal invasion of Iraq. I mean of Ukraine.” - War Criminal George W. Bush Makes Mother Of All Gaffes: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/george-w-bush-decries-invasion-iraq-not-ukraine-freudian-slip-broke-internet

President Joe Biden is resisting demands from Kiev to supply long-range rocket launchers to the Ukrainian military, Politico reported, suggesting the White House is concerned the weapons could be used for strikes inside Russia: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/biden-reverses-course-plans-ship-long-range-rockets-ukraine

China Rampages Through American Stock Market After Debut Of Biden-Bush Comedy Duo: https://www.whatdoesitmean.com/index3923.htm

The remaining Ukrainian troops still holed up in Mariupol's besieged Azovstal steelworks have been ordered by Kyiv to stop fighting: https://www.lemonde.fr/en/international/article/2022/05/20/war-in-ukraine-kyiv-orders-azovstal-troops-to-stop-fighting_5984152_4.html

Russia's defense ministry has now revised the numbers of Ukrainian fighters to have emerged from the besieged Azovstal steel plant in Mariupol upward to more than 1,700 soldiers that have left the plant. A new Reuters headline has stressed that there's ongoing "silence from Kyiv" as the surrender is on a much larger than expected scale: https://www.irishtimes.com/news/world/europe/silence-from-kyiv-as-russia-claims-more-than-1-700-surrender-in-mariupol-1.4882768

Russia says 900 Ukrainian troops sent to prison colony from Mariupol: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/may/18/ukraine-mariupol-azovstal-soldiers-russia

Russell Bentley - War Update From Donetsk: https://mediaarchives.gsradio.net/rense/special/rense_051922_hr3.mp3

JIM STONE: $20 gas is coming and here is why: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o1cQqz0YUN4 Take a look at how those in charge of oil in the United States respond to questioning. They are shutting it all down. 100 percent of it. ALL OF IT. And they are doing it with a game of "pass the buck" which obviously makes them nervous but they are doing it anyway, and they are blaming Trump to boot!!!

▲ MY COMMENT: Deliberate destabilization of the Western World, the criminals who run our country want us to go third world and they are making it happen!! Anyone suggesting otherwise is as dumb as a fucking brick. CASE CLOSED.

FLASHBACK: In 2015, internationalist elites, governments, politicians and NGOs of the Western World "predicted", plotted and planned for a future global supply chain collapse around the year 2020 to 2030 in order to establish world government, global carbon taxation and complete government control over the economy: https://www.cargill.com/story/food-chain-reaction-simulation-ends-with-global-carbon-tax

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dd858b  No.303320

How The Ukraine Conflict Is Designed To Benefit Globalists: https://alt-market.us/order-out-of-chaos-how-the-ukraine-conflict-is-designed-to-benefit-globalists/

Ukraine Is A Proxy War That Will Lead To Wider World War: https://alt-market.us/stop-the-denial-ukraine-is-a-proxy-war-that-will-lead-to-wider-world-war/

Russia Halts Finland's Gas Supply Two Days After Applying To NATO: https://www.zerohedge.com/energy/russia-halts-finlands-gas-supply-two-days-after-applying-nato

Ruble Hits 7-Year High As Gas Buyers Bow To Putin's Payment Mandate: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/ruble-hits-7-year-high-gas-buyers-conform-putins-payment-mandate

Russian Oil Revenues Soar Despite Sanctions: https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/Russian-Oil-Revenues-Soar-Despite-Sanctions.html

G7 Countries Pledge Nearly $20,000,000,000 To Keep Ukraine's Wartime Economy Afloat: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/g7-countries-pledge-nearly-20bn-keep-ukraines-wartime-economy-afloat

A reader sent: Wow, they're hitting us on all fronts. Hiking gas prices and inflation. Tanking the stock market. (Where to go? Gold and silver don't go up as a flight to safety?) False flags (Buffalo). Monkeypox. Infant formula shortage. Food shortages. Fake war in Ukraine with $40 billion of our money. All planned… It should be no surprise that they're doing something evil with AOL as well. I've been with AOL since the 1990s, as have most of its users. Spam is suddenly getting through to regular email, and regular email is going through to spam. I tweeted AOL Support and it acts like it's me, but it's obviously AOL doing this… Many (most?) people don't regularly check their spam folder. They will miss out on important stuff–like paying bills. The controllers do not want us communicating!… Friends that I've written to for 20+ years suddenly have emails go to spam. I click "not spam" for them, but their next emails go to spam, too. My family has ordered from Amazon for many years, and Amazon responses about the orders are suddenly spam. AOL knows Amazon (the biggest sender of email in the world) is not spam. This has to be INTENTIONAL: http://www.jimstoneindia.com/.zu3.html

JIM STONE COMMENTS: Looks like my problems are going mainstream AND NO, THE "MINISTRY OF TRUTH" IS NOT DEAD. It is now in stealth mode. Welcome to the results.

▲ MY COMMENT: The reason gold/silver is not going up is because the market is 100% rigged by fraudulent paper ETFs. "Gold/Silver" ETFs are just more fiat, so they can create them at will backed by NOTHING what-so-ever. It's not real gold/silver, it's manipulated fiat in the stock market. That said the truth is finally coming out, people are aware of how fucked things are and the perpetrators who hijacked this country are crashing the entire economy and country with it like there is no tomorrow! Brace for impact, and remember who did this!

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dd858b  No.303321

Leaked Audio Exposes China's War Plans (Guest Jeff Nyquist joins guest host Mike Adams): https://banned.video/watch?id=628823fb991267142f80ac6d

▲ JIM STONE COMMENTS: RED ALERT: The most credible name in Chinese news (Jennifer Zheng) got proof via a smuggled recording, as I have said in the past, that China is going to a wartime economy. About a month ago I was talking a lot about how the lockdowns in China were being done so that the general population would not notice that the factories were being switched over to wartime production. Once again I say it and it gets confirmed a long time later. If Jennifer says China is now moving to a wartime economy, China is and that's all there is to it. She has all the connections in China that anyone could ever want: Likely playout: China will take Taiwan. If there is any resistance, China will take South Korea because of the American bases there. Japan won't do anything but be afraid of getting wiped out after what they did to the Chinese in World War 2. The Japanese have a long history of being horrible to the Chinese (marching with babies on bayonets for example) and now that China is much stronger all the Japanese are going to do is sit quietly hoping China does not get even. China did not forget, and now that China has a serious economy that could produce a serious war machine Japan will only be afraid. The U.S. will escalate this so as to the final outcome all bets are off but my guess is that Russia will also be involved and the US will lose even if it takes a nuclear war to enforce that loss: http://www.jimstoneindia.com/.zu2.html

WAR IS NEXT: We've reached the end of the global debt era: https://www.brighteon.com/c59b3cb6-5c82-479d-8f33-a9d435657ac5

EU Desires To Steal From Russian Oligarchs To Fund Ukraine: https://www.usnews.com/news/world/articles/2022-05-19/eu-exploring-using-oligarchs-frozen-assets-to-rebuild-ukraine-von-der-leyen

‘Fuck the war!’ Putin backlash begins as thousands stage revolt at St Petersburg concert: https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/1614126/Russia-invasion-Ukraine-Putin-propaganda-censorship-anti-war-protest-vn

$$$: General Mark Milley told cadets graduating from US Military Academy West Point Saturday to be prepared for increasing risk of global conflict and a host of new weapons technologies in their careers: https://www.foxnews.com/politics/gen-milley-west-point-commencement-2022-increasing-risk-war

The US plans to keep 100,000 troops in Eastern Europe for the foreseeable future, potentially even increasing the number if it perceives a threat from Russia to NATO or its two new prospective members, Sweden and Finland, several officials told CNN on Friday: https://www.rt.com/news/555897-us-keeping-troops-europe-russia/

Hybrid War is being fought predominantly in the economic/financial battleground – and the pain dial for the collective West will only go up: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/escobar-russia-rewrites-art-hybrid-war

Russia bans 963 American politicians, actors and journalists: https://www.rt.com/russia/555882-moscow-reveals-americans-blacklist/

After Borodianka and Mariupol, Poland's President vows to cut business relations with Russia: https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-polytics/3489559-polands-president-its-impossible-to-return-to-business-as-usual-with-russia-after-borodianka-and-mariupol.html

The results of Russia's "liberation" of Mariupol: the city is on verge of environmental disaster: https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3487629-poisoned-sea-of-azov-area.html

Russian forces are conducting operations to cut off Ukrainian ground lines of communication (GLOCs) between Severodonetsk and Lysychansk across the Severskyi Donetsk River. The information space in Mariupol will likely become increasingly restricted in the coming weeks as Russian forces shift focus from completing the capture of the Azovstal Steel Plant to consolidating occupational control of the city. Russian troops are likely reinforcing their grouping around Kharkiv City to prevent further Ukrainian advances toward the international border: https://www.understandingwar.org/backgrounder/russian-offensive-campaign-assessment-may-21

Video Leaked: Russian Troops Destroy Ukrainian Position At Close Range: https://southfront.org/in-video-ukrainians-caught-by-surprise-russian-troops-destroy-ukrainian-position-at-close-range/

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

dd858b  No.303322

As Canadian govt hands over billions to Ukrainian govt, Canadians are being told to eat a small meal only once a day: https://www.theglobeandmail.com/investing/personal-finance/household-finances/article-canadians-social-assistance-inflation-poverty/

China stockpiling grains in preparation for global famine: https://www.brighteon.com/05712eec-e295-4e73-ba8c-9309f0f540b4

Ukraine reports two-thirds decrease in grain exports while global wheat prices skyrocket: https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-05-22-ukraine-reports-two-thirds-decrease-grain-exports.html

Biden Forces Ruin On America After Throwing Economy Into Russian Bear Trap: https://www.whatdoesitmean.com/index3925.htm

Mária Schmidt: Europe is now completely 'American'ized, and it is having disastrous consequences: https://rmx.news/commentary/maria-schmidt-europe-is-now-completely-americanized-and-it-is-having-disastrous-consequences/

▲ MY COMMENT: Europe actually faces the same fate America has: systemic corruption, incompetence and criminal negligence, greed, debt insolvency and the rise of totalitarianism. We have bad leadership and bad government, and this has caused a whole lot of unnecessary poverty, pain, suffering and death. This is now happening all over the Western World too. We are living in the middle of falling Empires, the EU and US. As for "going forward, not backward" this is a load of bullshit meant to confuse people. We have "moved forward" and this was the result of doing such. What we need to do is STOP and think of a way out of this disaster.

Massive State Economic Intervention Has Led To The Collapse Of The Western World: https://www.infowars.com/posts/massive-state-economic-intervention-has-led-to-this-point/

Kazakhstan Cuts Iron Supplies To Russian Steelworks: https://oilprice.com/Metals/Commodities/Kazakhstan-Cuts-Iron-Supplies-To-Russian-Steelworks.html

Monkeypox outbreak currently springing up may be related to the US’s biological research in Ukraine: https://www.infowars.com/posts/bombshell-report-monkeypox-appears-to-be-lab-strain-with-unknown-characteristics-says-ecdc-source/

Hundreds of Azovstal fighters in Ukraine surrender to Russian forces as Putin shakes up military leadership: https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-05-21-hundreds-of-azovstal-fighters-in-ukraine-surrender-to-russian-forces.html

Russian forces intensify their attacks near the city of Severodonetsk, said to be a key target for the success of Moscow’s offensive in capturing the Donbas region. Russia’s defence ministry says its forces pounded Ukrainian military targets with air strikes and artillery in Mykolaiv and Donbas regions, hitting command centres, troops, and ammunition depots: https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/5/21/russia-ukraine-live-news-moscow-intensifies-push-for-donbas

The Armed Forces of Ukraine have repulsed 11 enemy attacks in the Joint Forces Operation (JFO) area over the past day: https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3489705-ukraine-army-repels-11-enemy-attacks-in-jfo-area.html

Ukrainian defenders destroyed nine enemy troops, one tank, two infantry fighting vehicles, one armored personnel carrier, one mortar system, one anti-tank missile system and two artillery tractors: https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3489687-ukrainian-military-repulse-enemy-attack-in-eastern-ukraine.html

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f688b1  No.303328

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





Upon bearing witness to such words…

I had to kill a banker…

Daniel Enriquez is just the beginning of mine rage…


I shall not tolerate ANY fundamental aggression against China…

I shall not tolerate ANY future(s) that do not contain China…

I shall not tolerate ANY time(s) where in China is a 'slave state…'

I shall not tolerate ANY space(s) of for which China is 'subjected' or 'dominated…'


Bankers… Bankers…

Thou hath stolen away from mine grasp the intellectuals…

However… The intellectuals are not 'gifted' in the realm of confrontation…

Can the mathematician survive a knife fight?

Can a corporate strategist survive a confrontation with 5 or more gunmen?

Can a financier from Harvard physically best an 'elite combat veteran…'











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f688b1  No.303329

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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dd858b  No.303330


The British Ministry of Defense has released a new map of hostilities in Ukraine as of Monday, May 23: https://twitter.com/DefenceHQ/status/1528692426092724224

Putin's Blockade Of Ukraine Ports A "Declaration Of War", UN Warns: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/zelensky-davos-speech-urges-all-foreign-countries-abandon-russia-amid-maximum-sanctions

Russia’s Counsellor to the United Nations in Geneva has resigned, criticizing war: https://news.yahoo.com/russian-diplomat-un-geneva-resigns-124319850.html

Starbucks just announced it will exit Russia after 15 years, closing 130 licensed cafes: https://www.cnbc.com/2022/05/23/starbucks-will-exit-russia-after-15-years-closing-130-licensed-cafes.html

White House Mulls Tapping Emergency Diesel Stockpile To Address East Coast Crisis: https://www.zerohedge.com/commodities/white-house-mulls-over-tapping-emergency-diesel-stockpile-address-east-coast-crisis

Gas Price Hits $7.29 in Los Angeles: http://www.informationliberation.com/?id=63106

UK gas prices surge on supply shortage: https://www.rt.com/business/555975-uk-gas-prices-surge-norway/

Winners from rigged economic system revealed: https://www.rt.com/news/555942-wealth-inequality-covid-oxfam/

As Russia-Ukraine war rages, governments covertly releasing their mRNA covid clot shot genocide mass murder data: https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-05-22-70k-died-within-28-days-of-covid-vaccination.html

World War III will include releasing biological weapons against populations by mass murdering demonic despotic scumbag governments: https://allnewspipeline.com/Monkeypox_Weaponized_In_Deep_State_Labs.php

A Russian artillery strike has destroyed a battery of US-supplied 155mm towed M777 howitzers used by the Ukrainian military, the Russian Defense Ministry claimed on Monday: https://www.rt.com/russia/555935-army-destroys-american-howitzers/

Russian forces made only minimal gains in eastern Ukraine on May 22. New reporting confirmed that Russian troops previously recaptured Rubizhne in northern Kharkiv Oblast, on May 19. Russian forces are likely committing additional reinforcements to hold their positions on the west bank of the Siverskyi Donets River in northern Kharkiv—rather than withdrawing across the river to use it as a defensive position—to prevent any further Ukrainian advances to the north or the east that could threaten Russian lines of communication to the Izyum axis: https://www.understandingwar.org/backgrounder/russian-offensive-campaign-assessment-may-22

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dd858b  No.303331


Too late. China is already a subjugated slave state. You can thank their own corrupt government for that too. Their government is a little bit worse than our own, believe it or not.

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f688b1  No.303340

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



"It thinks it thot…"

The only nation upon the earth that possess mine 'box' and is committed to mine 'instruction…'


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f688b1  No.303343

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



The 'vessel' resists me… Regardless…


Bankers… Bankers…

Thou hath stolen away from mine grasp the intellectuals…

However… The intellectuals are not 'gifted' in the realm of confrontation…

Can the mathematician survive a knife fight?

Can a corporate strategist survive a confrontation with 5 or more gunmen?

Can a financier from Harvard physically best an 'elite combat veteran…'


I shall not tolerate ANY fundamental aggression against China…

I shall not tolerate ANY future(s) that do not contain China…

I shall not tolerate ANY time(s) where in China is a 'slave state…'

I shall not tolerate ANY space(s) of for which China is 'subjected' or 'dominated…'


Upon bearing witness to such words…

I had to kill a banker…

Daniel Enriquez is just the beginning of mine rage…


Only the righteous can see… Hear…

"Only the cripple can run…"

"Only the blind shall see…"

"Only the mute can scream…"

"Only the dead can live…"

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3cf46c  No.303344

File: 8d990f44e55e5d2⋯.jpg (656.76 KB, 2085x2512, 2085:2512, pnd.jpg)

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f688b1  No.303346

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Worship me…

Give me strength and power upon the earth…

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f688b1  No.303347

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Craft effigies of our image…

Go forth into the forums of man and tell them of the Gods…

Gather the nonbelievers and honor me…

Make ritual, song, and poetry…

Craft the lore of mine faith and bring to me good familiars…

Thy worship of us shall be greatly rewarded little one…

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f688b1  No.303349

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Spread the image and bring them to me…

They shall serve…

Go forth and fabricate mine religion…

Go forth and resurrect me o' slave…

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75b71f  No.303394


China is literally worthless antichrist anon.

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